
The main types of fittings for plastic windows. Choose the best accessories for plastic windows.


Plastic windows PVC - expensive products, so the consumer wants to serve for a long time, and problems did not arise in the process of their operation. You can achieve this correctly by choosing the components of the windows, from which its operational characteristics and reliability directly depend. We'll figure it out how to choose accessories for PVC windows.


Window fittings - a collective name, which includes a whole class of mechanisms that provide opening / closing the window, the degree of clamping of the sash to the profile, its position in space, etc. The low-quality components quickly fail, so it is impossible to save on them. A cheap fake under the products of famous brands is one of the most frequent window problems.

Accessories are completed according to the modular principle. The kit includes the required elements:

  • Loop groups.
  • Constipation.
  • Elements turning the sash.

If necessary, the kit can be expanded by installing additional parts providing protection against hacking or children, convenience of opening / closing, etc. It is better to choose steel products that are maximum strength and reliability.

By the method of opening the sash, several types of accessories are distinguished:

  • Rotary mechanisms with vertical suspension. They got the most common as the easiest and affordable option.
  • Swivel medium-living fittings. From the previous type, it is distinguished by the presence of a horizontal suspension, with which the rotation of a 180 degree sash is provided without the risk of sagging. The advantages of these mechanisms can be attributed good protective features, the ability to install on the windows of any configuration, including round and ellipsed.
  • Swivel-folding. Another popular type in the Russian market. Depending on the position of the handle, the sash swollen or leans to ventilating.
  • Sliding mechanisms. The windows use not often. Sliding systems Found their use in balcony glazing.

A separate group can be attributed to the locking mechanisms for Framug. Choose components by type is the easiest way. It all depends on the desired method of opening the sash.

Additional elements

The main elements are responsible for opening / closing the sash and their correct position. Expand functionality and facilitate operation allows installation of additional elements. Despite the fact that it is not necessary to establish them, it is more expedient to make a choice in favor of expanding the standard set, especially if it is important to provide additional protection against hacking or safety of young children. Additional components include:

  • Rotate limiters. Their destination is fixing the open sash in the extreme position. By setting together with the brake limiter, it is possible to ensure the stability of the design during boosting to 150 degrees.
  • Blocker turning Does not allow spontaneous swollen window and limits the angle of rotation. It is recommended to install in apartments where there are small children, as well as in houses located in the area with frequent strong winds.
  • Plastic lining - One of the elements on which you can safely save. Their appointment is to close the visible parts of the mechanisms, giving the window individual design. In the sets offered by reliable manufacturers, the number of caps corresponds to the number of mechanisms included in the set. If the selection of decorative elements is too wide, it is worth thinking about the quality of fittings.
  • Child castle. This item is not included in the standard set. It is worth buying it if there are small children in the house. Accidentally opening the window, the child can fall out of it. The lock reliably fixes the sash, it is impossible to open it without a key. Manufacturers offer different variants locks. The easiest included in the handle design. More complex functional mechanisms are mounted on the sash.
  • Microlift. On the functionality of the window, the part of the influence does not have, but it reduces the load on the remaining mechanisms, thereby extending their service life.

Recently, automatic accessories began to use popularity, the operation of which controls the electric drive. Automatic mechanisms can be programmed to ventilate. In the case of unauthorized autopsy, a signal will be filed.


The domestic market provides products from different manufacturers. In the ranking best firms Include:

  • Maco. Austrian brand "Mako" is of great popularity. The product range includes swivel, swivel-folding, anti-burglar fittings. All mechanisms have hidden installation. Maco is the best choice In terms of price-quality ratio.
  • Winkhaus. One of the oldest manufacturers of accessories for plastic windows. It offers reliable mechanisms that are characterized by simplicity and convenience of adjustment with special lifting rollers.
  • Roto. Under this brand, the products of the German company are known. Different with durability, reliability, quality. All mechanisms manufacturer gives a 10-year warranty. From fakes, ROTO accessories can be distinguished on a flat locking tongue.
  • Siegenia-Aubi. Another German brand, whose range includes sets for aluminum, plastic, wooden Ram.. A distinctive feature Accessories is the ease of adjustment of the sash in all positions.
  • G-U. The company carries out the production of fittings of all kinds, many additional mechanisms, anti-burglar lines. Products are distinguished by reliability, durability, ease of adjustment.

The rating of manufacturers can be expanded, but the products of these firms enjoy the greatest demand in Russia due to quality and reliability. Selecting accessories for plastic PVC windows of any of these manufacturers will provide durability and ease of operation of the window. When choosing components, you cannot save. The best accessories for plastic windows are high-quality and reliable mechanisms that can withstand numerous opening / closing cycles.

The installation of plastic windows implies the use of certain accessories created specifically for this species of metal-plastic products. Most often, the windows manufacturers are manufactured and accessories for them, so if you purchase window products of a certain company, it is logical and fastener to buy exactly this brand.

The accessories must comply with a number of requirements, have high quality and aesthetic characteristics: only in this case it will last for a long time and no complaints. In the article, consider the question of choosing high-quality fittings for plastic windows. And besides, we will give a small review of manufacturers deserving the greatest customer attention. It is also worth understanding with the help of fittings.


Accessories for windows of plastic - Pretty complex structures consisting of large number Elements. In some parts of the fittings, the number component elements It comes to hundreds.

Fasteners and other elements are essential for the normal functioning of plastic windows. After all, sometimes several times a day have to open and close the flaps, put in the ventilation regime: accessories must be without complaints and exits all these manipulations.

All accessories are created according to the modular principle, and includes the following main elements:

  • loop groups: upper and lower;
  • constipation on a mechanical basis;
  • rotary mechanism.

Very important for the normal functioning of the fittings is the material from which it is made. Experts recommend choosing steel and aluminum as the most durable options.


We learn which varieties of accessories mechanisms for plastic windows are available on the market, and which they have features.

  • Swivel with vertical suspension

This is the most commonly used type of mechanism. He is the easiest. Accessories of this type occurs in every second plastic window of our country.


This type of fastening makes it possible to turn the window to turn 180 degrees. And in this position, the sash can be as much as possible: no hazardous provisions. But even if the provisis is formed, everything can be returned to the initial position of simple adjustment.

This option has additional protection against hacking, so it is especially relevant on the first floors and in office space. In addition, this type of mechanism is suitable for window openings of any size and shape, including such unusual forms as an ellipse and round.

Blocker turning

  • Plastic lining

It is more decorative than the functional element. Plastic lining perform aesthetic function, and serve to give the window of wholeness, completeness and strict elegance.

Plastic lining

Be careful: if the seller advises you to buy more overlays, then most likely fittings have flaws that will have to mask. But what happens the rubber seal for plastic windows, and for which it is used and how exactly indicated

  • Mechanism for fixing shitting

Such a flaw, as the savings of the window sash, is often found, and he does not mean that the product was acquired by poor-quality. Usually, the sacking is the result of the impact of the gravity of the sash.

Mechanism for fixing shitting

The mechanism for correcting this shortage helps to reduce the load on the sash when it is in the open position. Moreover, the pressure from the loops is removed, too, which increases and their durability. This element of the fittings should be in stock.: When buying, foster attention at this moment.

  • Cut scissors

This element provides usability. plastic window. Scissors reliably fix the sash in a certain position, synchronizing this position with the movements of the handle.

Cut scissors

ATTENTION: If the folding scissors are included in the bundle of the window, it is forbidden to pull the handle and change its position when the sash is aitioned or fully open. Similar negligence often leads to the failure of the entire window fittings, the purchase of which and the installation will then fall into a bunch of hassle and extra costs.

  • Children's castle

This element is useful to those families in which small chalwins will grow up. The lock will not allow children to open the sash, and fall out through the window outside. It should be noted that inconvenience when using the lock does not deliver, as it is built into the handle, and practically invisible.

Children's castle

These are the basic elements of the fittings that are currently used most often. However, it will noted that the progress and development of science in place are not worth: develop, including window technologies. Therefore, it is likely that after a while, new elements will be invented that give even greater comfort when operating windows. For example, in Europe there are already developed windows on an electric drive, which makes all the accessories automated. Using the console, you can open / close the window, put on the ventilation.

Special mechanisms have already been created that can notify their master about an attempt to unauthorized burglary of the window.


We give a small review of the best firms for the production of fittings for plastic windows today.

  • Roto

This German company produces high reliability and strength products. Furnitura Roto will serve for a long time and no complaints. To date, this is the only manufacturer who is able to give a ten-year warranty on its products. The distinguishing mark of products of this brand is a special flat device of the shut-off language.

From the manufacturer Roto.

  • Maco.

This brand is from Austria. The manufacturer offers, mostly the most popular types of mechanisms: swivel and swivel-folding. Accessories from Mako is always hidden that it does not spoil the aesthetic properties of the window.

From manufacturer Maco.

Everything else, this company offers devices protecting windows from hacking: with five and even more degree protection. For those who want to learn more about Maco's accessories for plastic windows, it's worth moving on

  • Aubi.

As it is clear from the name, this company is German. The accessories here can be purchased not only from the widespread aluminum, but also plastic and even a tree. The fact that the mechanisms of this manufacturer can be adjusted not only in height, but also varied to the right and left. The sash, respectively, can also be fixed in any of the designated positions.

From the manufacturer Aubi.

  • Winkhaus.

Also a German manufacturer, and how all representatives of this nationality are distinguished by a thoughtful and neat approach to detail. Therefore, the accessories of this brand is known for logical quality and thoughtfulness. The company can boast that the mechanisms of adjustment of their products are characterized by simplicity and convenience due to the special structure of the lifting rollers.

But what is the anti-burglar accessories for plastic windows, and how to choose it correctly, indicated

Several important nuances that will allow you to choose the best window fittings.

Pay attention to the warranty period of the product. it the most important nuance - It is he who clearly demonstrates the reliability and quality of the mechanism. The best German stamps can guarantee on their products and 10 years.

Check if the fasteners are sealed: it depends on this, there will be windows to skip cold air from the street or not.

Good accessories should provide a high level of sound insulation.

Aesthetic properties are also important. From external view Fittings depends, including the overall impression of the windows. Self the best mechanisms - Hidden: they are not visible at all.

Fittings should provide protection and unauthorized penetration through the window. Special relevance this fact Acquires if the apartment is on the first floor.

Perhaps you can also be interested in information about what exists, and what to choose best.

Care and operation

So that the fittings mechanisms serve for a long time without fail and not requiring replacement, we advise you to familiarize yourself with several simple recommendations.

If you turned the handle to its extraordinary position, you should not try to turn it further - you can deal with the entire mechanism. Often, such persistence leads to the jamming of the handle, or even to its full breakdown.

If there is no engineering education, or at least ideas about the functioning of such complex systems, it is better not to try to independently disassemble the mechanism. At best, you just can not collect it back correctly, and in the worst - we will unsubscribe.

It is impossible to turn the handle if at this moment the sash is in a half-open or open position.

To clear the mechanism, it is impossible to use abrasive means.

In this video, you will tell you know about the window fittings:

We looked at the features of the accessories for plastic windows. How do you see a variety modern models Allows you to choose the most suitable option For any windows. With the help of our recommendations, you can provide plastic windows in your apartment reliable and durable mechanisms.

When choosing and buying windows from PVC, the modern consumer is first of all draws attention to the functional features and operational qualities - this is the level of heat and sound insulation, appearance. But the quality of the fittings for the plastic windows of the buyer is interested in the least, and how the practice is called, is very in vain.

Professionals engaged in plastic window systems are confident that 50% of how the window will work, completely depends on the fittings. It is from the fittings that depends whether the window design of hermetic will be reliable and protected from hacking. It is known that the components account for about 15% of the price of the entire window, which means you need to know what better accessories for plastic windows, how to choose a reliable manufacturer and how not to buy what the manager is trying so hard.

What do you understand under accessories for window systems from PVC?

Window fittings are a set of components that support the frame, make it possible to open or close the window. Also, with the help of fittings, a more dense fit of the frame to the profile is ensured.

In general, accessories are various handles, sealing elements, locks, constipation and much more. People are far from everything that is associated with window solutions, also calculate the fittings for ventilation, mosquito nets, and sometimes window sills. Naturally, these parts fittings are not. However, when purchasing windows, they also need to pay attention.

Types of accessories for plastic windows

Depending on how the window sash opens, there are several types of fittings. Thus, swivel systems can be distinguished, as well as swivel-folding - such solutions are most often used with windows and balcony doors, which can be opened with the usual swollen method or by folding. There are still parallel-sliding fittings - it is used only on sliding window-door structures.

Some are confident that there is separate window fittings for windows of wood, plastic or aluminum. In fact, it is not so to share the components thus not quite right.

PVC handles

There are a lot of variants of these details. They differ in colors and materials. However, the first thing these components are divided into functionality.

Standard window handle is the most common and affordable item. There are no additional features in such components. Such a handle can be opened window Rama Only with a swollen or swivel-folding method.

These are the simplest components for plastic windows from the cleaner, which is fixed on a plastic frame through a decorative lining, under which the mounting elements are hidden - self-tapping screws, as well as from the handle.

These parts can be manufactured from different materials and colors. The most accessible are plastic handles. Then there are aluminum. The most expensive products that are offered with elite windows - from brass, copper or wood.

There are also special anti-burglar knobs. In appearance, they do not differ from ordinary, but structurally, they are made in such a way that they do not allow attackers to perform an opening of the window from the side of the street. With the help of a special mechanism, any hack attempts are blocked.

Removable handles are acquired in cases where there are small children in the family. Many cases are known when children fall out of the windows. These components for plastic windows will help to avoid these tragic situations. These solutions are also relevant if the window does not open very often. This item is characterized by a simple design. Initially, a special socket is fixed, and the handle is already inserted into it. The socket is on the frame constantly, but the handle should only be used when you need to open the window.

Window handles with a lock is also a relevant solution for families with children. In order to open the frame completely, it is first necessary to remove the locking of the handle - for this there is on the case to fold the sash, the key is not needed - here the handle simply turns and then it should be pulled out a little behind it, as in any window.

Handles with cracks safety buttons are also anti-burglar accessories for plastic windows. To open the window equipped with such a system, you must first click on the button. These solutions seem comfortable, because there is no key that you can lose. But on the other hand, it is unsafe - the child can easily click on an interesting button for it.

The curved handle is perfect for those windows that will be opened only out. From ordinary it differs only by a higher level of comfort. In the process of opening the window, the edge of the handle will not be bored

Still highlight a balcony hook - this item is installed on the door block from the side of the balcony, and an ordinary handle is installed inside.

Window seals

These details are also details of fittings and they perform very important functions in the design. It depends on whether the window will close hermetically and whether heat in the room will be heat. These products differ in materials.

Poropolone seals apply only with wooden windows. The foam in itself is very fragile, and also perfectly absorbs moisture. That is why in the conditions of our climate, such a sealant will last less than a year. Materials produce material of various thickness - from 2-3 mm to several centimeters.

Polyethylene seals, like foam rubber, are used primarily with wooden windows. They are made in the form of self-adhesive products or without adhesive layer. These seals are slightly better than porolone - they do not absorb moisture, and also much better retain the form. Such products will serve significantly longer.

Brush sealing products are a special foundation that is planted on the profile, as well as from the brush. Most often most manufacturers use fabric materials as a basis. So that the fabric is rigid and durable, it is covered with a polypropylene layer. Brush is a villus. In order to increase moisture resistance, they are covered with silicone. Such details differ in colors - black, white, gray and other colors are widely represented.

Polyvinyl chloride seals are made of plastics. The quality of such a product is very low. IN summer period time material becomes soft. In winter, on the contrary, it becomes very fragile. These products are no longer different.

This is most popular, managers will confirm, it is enough to visit any accessories store for plastic windows and doors. Among the advantages of rubber-based products are high strength and heat resistance. In addition, rubber seals are very elastic and flexible - due to this, any deformations are completely excluded.

There are several types of rubber seals. Silicone products are the best in its class. They are made of environmentally friendly material, no moisture or impact of aggressive media are not afraid of moisture. Offered in white or gray color. Thermoelastoplastic products are significantly inferior to Silicon. Ethylene propylene products are characterized by a long service life.

Window loops

This accessories differ in the type of installation. All types of loops are applicable for any types of window structures.

So, the invoice or standard loop is suitable for both wooden and metal and PVC windows. The product is two metal cards. There are detachable and proper loops, swivel or swivel with the ability to fold the design for the plastic window. Often after mounting the loop closes with a decorative lining.

An injected loop is screwed directly to the frame with special threaded pins. At the same time, it can be up to 6 pins on one loop. The more of them, the more reliably there will be a design. Earlier, such were used exclusively with wooden window structures. Today they are manufactured for window products from PVC.

Apply for the designs of any types. But the loops for wooden and plastic windows differ radically. Among the advantages of these products are not only their hidden installation. These solutions have a long service life and allow you to open a frame for a larger angle. In addition, with these loops, an attacker makes it difficult to access the room through the window. And one more advantage - in these loops does not penetrate the draft.

Antzyzlome loop is 100% security. Includes special plates with hack protection, which eliminates the possibility of penetration if the window is closed.

Castles are most often supplied with the handle. There are dispute and multiple locks. By the closing method, the multistage lock can be blithering or without a brigade.

This is a small constipation, in appearance resembling fungus. This is one of the parts of the shut-off mechanism. Under the action of the stop mechanism, the troughs can be rotated and clinging other details. They contribute to a more dense closure of the sash.


Those who have never professionally engaged in plastic windows, does not know what happens accessories for plastic windows other than standard known elements. But in the kit there are many more different details.

The bar allows the sash to make a more tight to the profile. Often, the plank can also provide additional protection against hacking. Most manufacturers often use only two planks for each window, however, the more such details, the better.

For those who do not know what better accessories for plastic windows, there are responses that are responsible for protection against hacking, as well as swivel-folding. In addition to the main tasks, the plank is also a point of support for a swivel-folding sash.

Corner switches

These elements lead the locking mechanism through the angle. Structurally is a set of plates from elastic varieties of steel, which work together. These parts may also be in opposition.


These elements are used for swivel designs. They are designed to fix the sash in the open position. In addition, the scissors facilitate the work of the locking mechanism.


This component of the window fittings are designed to open, closing, as well as folding the window sash. The mechanism is driven by the knob to rotate, which leads to a special lever. Already from this lever, the entire locking system is driven. There are basic constipation, as well as additional and medium.

Middle constipation can be found at the bottom of the window profile and in the side of the location of the loops. The main function is the pressed frame to the profile. The part can be connected to the swivel-folding constipation, scissors and other mechanisms.

Supplemental constipation is called locks, and the main constipation come in various designs. So, they distinguish swivel-folding constipation, swivel or shill.

Best window fittings manufacturers

Inexperienced in the choice of plastic windows people often ask the same question in various forums and in social networks - What is better accessories for plastic windows? Managers consultants praise what they sell, but very often buyers face frankly substantial components. Let's try to figure out what kind of products are considered to be the best and what manufacturers can be trusted.

If you need high-quality accessories for plastic windows, reviews can report quality. For example, judging by the analysis of opinions, it is not recommended to buy a window with domestic or Turkish, or Chinese fittings.

Roto - Products with real German quality

Products of this manufacturer meet all the necessary standards, and also have a high level of reliability and durability. In addition, Roto is the only on the market who guarantees the quality of window components for 10 years. From existing analogues, products are characterized by a flat tongue of the locking mechanism.

This accessure has some advantages - in the closing process, it is practically no effort to make, and the effort on the parts of the locking mechanism is distributed over the entire surface.

All items are made of qualitative materials and differ simply a huge service life without the need for adjustments.


Accessories "Mako" for plastic windows is produced in Austria. Products of this brand also has a maximum level of quality and is considered to be the best on the market. The company is known for producing hidden mechanisms for rotary-folding and rotary window structures. In addition, the company's products significantly improve the appearance of the window design. In the company's catalogs there are elements that can be used for outdoor opening.

In assortment - anti-burglar fittings "Mako" for plastic windows. It reliably protects from hacking and penetrating with additional axles that improve locking. Options with six security elements are available.


It is also a German manufacturer who supplies high-quality window accessories, made on high-precision equipment according to the most modern technologies.

GU fittings for plastic windows are multifunctional solutions for swivel-folding sliding, folding, lifting, sliding and any other types of windows. The manufacturer on the entire product line provides a factory guarantee up to 10 years. This is a reliable choice for any windows with real German quality. All accessories differ simplicity in operation and installation.


The rating of accessories for plastic windows shows that German brands are in the first place. When managers are trying to sell the window with domestic fittings and promise high quality, you should not believe them - literally after six months, this window will need to be adjusted. Do not trust consultants. Now it is clear what better fittings for plastic windows and an ordinary buyer no one else will be deceived.

Buyers when ordering a plastic window pay attention to its functional and operational features - heat-insulating and sound insulation qualities, external data. The quality of the same window fittings buyers are extremely rare.

Window accessories for the plastic window ensures the tightness of the window design and reliable protection from hacking. The share of fittings accounts for about 15% of the value of the design itself.Therefore, the choice of such elements should be approached seriously.

Modern window fittings are a complex set of mechanisms and elements. As a collection, the design should be wear-resistant, durable and reliable (allowed to be made exclusively from plastic decorative elementsAll other details must be made of high strength).

What is the fittings and what is its basic elements?

Perimetrally called all the accessories, which is installed in modern plastic windows.

Depending on the type of opening, various sets of product are offered.

Perimetral fittings in the fittings in the perimeter of the sash. It can be mounted in the nest of the window frame.

Window pin(Fixture of fittings) When closing windows in several places around the perimeter pressed the leaf to the window frame.

Important elements of fittings are:

Constipation - movable devices with mounted locking pin.

Loops - connecting elements that provide closing and opening windows - they connect the sfolder with the frame.

Pens and levers - elements that also serve to close and open the window frame.

Protective elements. These include: the folding block, the opening limiter, the shutter turning block. Also great importance It also has a slit ventilator - it is able to hold the sash and allows for a 5 mm wide slot.

About the triple glass for plastic windows read.

To learn how to improve sound insulation in the apartment, click on the link.

A variety of kitchen solenitsa is so great that the choice of cenchers turns into a real torture. It is also important as its functionality: after all, he must fit into the overall interior of the kitchen.

Window fittings differs in the direction of opening, the method of opening and applied to sash, which have a different mass.

For ways to open access, the accessories are divided into:

  • rotary with horizontal placement of loops;
  • swivel with vertical placement of loops;
  • swivel-folding.

Anti-burglar fittings

This is an element of security that makes it difficult to penetrate the thieves in the apartment through the windows. Such accessories is equipped with special mushroom-shaped pin.

Tsarfs are cling to anti-burglar strips and prevent spin and lifting the sash.

The base kit of anti-burglar accessories includes three steel pin.

Accessories for metal-plastic windows: an overview of the proposals in the market

Below we imagine brief characteristics The most famous and common accessories of the domestic market.

Roto - Germany

Furnitures for plastic windows Roto reliable and durable. German company at the moment the only one who gives a ten-year warranty Quality on their products. It differs from the analogues on the market also flat locking tongue.

The advantages of the Roto product:

  • when locking the window, a lot of effort is required due to the reduction of the friction of the shut-off language;
  • effort for shut-off parts is distributed over the entire touch surface.

Maco - Austria

The company produces hidden fittings for a swivel and turning opening. Accessories for plastic windows Maco allows you to improve the appearance of the window. It can also be used for outdoor opening.

The assortment presents the counter-burglar accessories, which provides greater protection against hacking when using additional ages. They perform two functions: locking and protection against hacking.

Depending on the number of locking elements, fittings has 6 degrees of protection.

Aubi - Germany

This company offers customers high-quality and reliable accessories for PVC windows, aluminum and wood.

The most important distinguishing feature of the company's fittings is the use of roller rolling with adjustment in three directions. It means that the device can be adjusted not only to the left or right, but also to put forward up.

For such a mechanism, additional gaskets are not required.

One of the leading developments of the company was the lifting device of the sash. Patented and fixing spikes that are fixed in the accessory cutting accessories before fastening with self-draws.

Siegenia - Germany

Siegenia exists on the market since 1914, its products are distributed in different countries World. This is a universal product that can be installed on a variety of designs - from wooden windows to PVC windows.

It is also possible to establish accessories on left-sided and right-hand windows. The company's assortment presents accessories for non-standard designs.

Winkhaus - Germany

Founded more than a hundred years ago (in 1854). Today, the products of a well-known company are distributed in 40 countries of the world. The main difference of the company's fittings is the simplicity of adjustment. It is achieved thanks to the special design of the rollers, which are located on the items of the product.

It is possible to order obliquely sliding structures of various types of opening.

Accessories can be used for a variety of designs that differ in size and configuration.

Presented products are distinguished by excellent quality. The buyer remains to make your choice.

Accessories for PVC windows are complex elements that contain numerous details. Thanks to them, it is opened and closing the window, its dense adjacent to the frame. Of course, all components for PVC windows must have high quality, as in everyday life to open and close the window is quite often.

What accessories exists

High-quality PVC windows accessories are a guarantee of its long and high-quality service. Each of the existing elements perform their function.

Rotator limiter

The main task of this element is to fix the window in the open state. Its installation can be carried out in combination with an additional brake.

Turn limiter on plastic windows


Thanks to her, the sash is not able to swing when there will be a strong wind on the street. The latches can be an overhead, mortise type, and still mechanical and magnetic. But what looks like a latch for a balcony door PVC Larua Merlin, you can see

List on plastic windows

Decorative lining

These elements of the fittings are visible and allow you to give the window design the original appearance. When the manufacturer involves a wide selection of lining, but the assortment of fittings is poor, this indicates a low quality product, as well as the availability of defects that it is worth masking. Learn more about how accessories looks like for plastic windows and doors in detail, you can see

Decorative lining

Detail to raise the seashest

Thanks to him, it is possible to reduce the overall load on the window, which the sash gives weight. At the same time, it is completely unimportant whether the window is open. In addition, the viewed type of fittings removes pressure from the loops when the window structure is in a closed position. But, it will help to understand this video.

Detail to raise the seashest on plastic windows

Cut scissors

They serve for a comfortable application of the window. The folding scissors contribute to the lightweight mounting of the rotating window designs in the open position, which corresponds to the window handle. If there are scissors on your window, then the position of the handle is shown at an open or closed sash should not occur. Otherwise, all fittings will cease to function. But how is the adaptation of the accessories in winter mode plastic windows will help to understand this

Cut scissors

Children's castle

Thanks to him, limited access of kids to the window work is established. Its installation leads to the window handle or on the sash. Thus, if the child becomes open the window, then it will not completely open or simply establish the "ventilation" mode. But how to adjust plastic yourself balcony doorAnd how to do it with your own hands. Specified

Children's castle

Blocker turning

This element does not give the window to open wider than it is possible. Block functions similar to the baby castle. Although he is his variety.

Blocker turning

Multiple Castle

Its design assumes the presence of one or more constipation. May be bli or irregular. Latch, hooks and pins should be attributed to the shut-off accessure.

Multiple Castle

Window handle

The standard design of this element involves the presence of a clip with the fastening, decorative lining and the knob itself. To perform a window handle can use such material as plastic, aluminum, brass or wood. This accessure is produced in a wide variety of colors. There are also handles with anti-burglar function.

Window handle

Their design assumes the presence of a special mechanism, at the expense of which the window opening is blocked with external influence. The handles can be removable, with a lock or a rip-safety button. But how effective and good, can be seen in the article by reference.


Due to these elements, a dense fit of the rates to the profile is achieved and heat is saved. Sealers can be the most different species.

Sealers on plastic windows

Most often they will be distinguished by material on such types:

  • brush - contain polypropylene layer on the profile;
  • rubber x are distinguished by elasticity, flexibility and a wide colors;
  • silicone;
  • chloroprene;
  • plastic.

Window loops

More often today for PVC designs you choose exactly the loop type. They can be inconphigible and detachable type, swivel and anti-bomb. Also today you can buy screw loops. Their installation is conducted on threaded pins.

Window loops

But the installation of hidden blizzards is carried out so that they are not visible. Hidden products are distinguished by a long service life, and also allow you to open a leaf of 180 degrees.

Tsamp and planks

These are small constipation, which are part of the shut-off mechanism. Thanks to them, the adhesiveness of parts is achieved when it is rotated. In addition, it is possible to achieve a dense adjacent and climbing frame and sash.

Pins and Planks on plastic windows

Angular switch

His task comes down to achieve the movement of the locking mechanism through the angle. For its manufacture, use curly steel.

Corner switch on plastic windows


Publishes on plastic windows


They are needed for sliding window structures. Presented in the form of a certain "road", at the expense of which the smooth movement of the flaps is achieved. The design of them involves the presence of wheels with fastening. For the manufacture of wheels can use metal, plastic, rubber or nylon. The most convenient applications remain rubber wheels. Their work occurs in silent mode.

Rollers on plastic windows


If we talk about the classic elements, they have the type of paddle on the floor or handle, at the expense of which it is possible to prevent damage. They can be metal or plastic.

Ventilation valves

These are special ventilators, thanks to which it is possible to evacuate the stagnant air in the room. A trim valve for PVC windows does not make condensate.

Ventilation valves

mosquito net

A classic option remains a frame design. Its fastening can occur hard or mounted in the opening using special hooks. If the dimensions of the grid are large, loops are provided for its installation. There is also an option of a mosquito net with a sticky ribbon. It will be enough for the whole season. But what happens Maco's accessories for plastic windows, and how the adjustment occurs, you can see

mosquito net

Window sills

This element of PVC design plays an important role in creating an attractive appearance of the window design. In addition, the windowsills perform the heat-insulating functions. For their manufacture, wood, plastic, chipboard, MDF, stone can use.

Window sills

If we consider aluminum structures, then this is the most a budget option. But only inside the house, their installation is practically not conducted. But how is the installation of the window sill on plastic windows, you can see


Their installation is considered to be mandatory, as they give the finished type of window to the window. This should include platbands that are overhead planks. They are located between the profile of the structure and the wall. For the manufacture of platbands, materials similar to slopes will use.

Low tide

This is a special device that is mounted outside. Its task is to ensure that the integrity of the waterproofing of the window is not broken. The installation is carried out directly under the window outside. Honey, steel, plastic, aluminum and ceramics remain the most common materials.


When the installation of existing accessories on PVC window was performed, it is necessary using tools to adjust them. This process occurs according to the standard scheme:

  1. From the required accessories parts remove decorative caps.
  2. Tighten or weaken the adjusting screws until the problem is completely eliminated.

If the process of installing the window sash was incorrect in the upper and lower part, the regulation is carried out using the screws of the upper and lower loops. At the same time, the upper bolt is delayed, and the bottom is tempered. The control of the horizontal of the sash is carried out gradually. You need to make a couple of revolutions of two screws, and then check whether they are right.

But how to adjust the plastic balcony door on the clash, you can see

On video adjustment of window accessories:

When the sash to the frame is easy to fit, the regulation of its position must be performed by screws that focus on the bottom of the loops. To adjust the adjacent windows to the frame, it is worth loosen or tighten the trough.

Accessories for PVC windows are important mechanisms, without which the design will not be able to fully work. It is only high-quality products worth choosing, because it is possible to guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the window and its long service life.

And if you change the doors after glass, then there is a way to reduce the task, you will help you with this.