
Transfer plastic windows to the winter mode correctly. How to adjust plastic windows yourself

All about roses

In our time, there are quite widespread, metal-plastic windows, without exaggeration, have a direct impact on the weather in the house. In the conditions of constantly growing prices for energy and, accordingly, the cost of utility payments (in particular heating) is very important that the products are not only correctly selected and installed. We also need timely and high-quality adjustment of windows for the winter. Otherwise, in the cold period, the precious heat will go through the resulting looseness outside, heating the street.

In the warm season, the quality of ventilation in residential premises is coming to the fore. This will also easily achieve your plastic windows that have been properly adjusted.

In this article we will submit instructions for the preparation of windows to winter and summer periods. In addition, we will give advice to eliminate small faults, such as saving and friction of sash, which is also part of the preparation for the corresponding temperature seasons.

Preparation for adjustment

As a rule, preparation for the adjustment of the metal-plastic window in each case is reduced to the selection of a suitable tool and identifying problem places requiring the regulator intervention. Consider each of the steps in more detail.

Selection of tools

To adjust the window fittings, the ordinary key hexagon "Four" is most often required. Sometimes a key-star may need, a special assembly key with a recess in the form of an oval (for oval shut-off range). Rare species Fittings can be adjusted by conventional screwdriver or passage.

Determining in need of adjusting places

Places in need of adjustment are usually determined by the following way:

  1. First find out whether the adjustment of the clamping window is required (sash). To do this, set the position of the shut-off track located on the edge of the sash next to the window handle. The position of the TsAPF with the form of a circular section is determined by drawing or points deposited on them (hereinafter risks). "Watching" up the risks of the TsAPF mean that the sash is in the middle position. So most often they are set by default Masters-installer. Tsazfa with risky in the direction of the room suggest that the sash is configured in the winter position, the opposite position of the risk will mean orientation for the summer. Data knowledge will be found to find out whether the window adjustment is required in your case.

  1. In addition, check the sash to the sagging. Usually this is subject to the long-established windows. The sagging most often causes the friction of the frame of the frame during opening-closing. The friction is usually accompanied by a characteristic sound, and it is determined by rumor.

Adjusting plastic windows for the winter is not limited to a change in the position of the assistant, as it is customary. The density of the clamping of the frame to the frame is additionally changed using the adjusting elements on the loop. However, not all model of fittings have similar elements.

Instructions for adjusting do it yourself

Eliminate sagging (friction)

If during the inspection of the window, the sash savings were detected, it must be eliminated. Do it as follows:

  1. Open the window sash 90 degrees relative to the frame.
  2. Find a screw located on the adjustment mechanism at the top loop.
  3. Insert the key to the screw hole (usually hexagon) and produce rotation until the desired result is obtained.

The rotation of the screw clockwise will raise the opposite corner of the sash (bottom far from the loop), against the clock - to lower it.

With a lack of experience in this paper, check the result after each turnover of the screw. It is necessary to achieve complete disappearance of friction.

In rare cases, these actions may not give effect. Then it is necessary to return the screw at the top loop in the original position, find the adjusting screw on the bottom of the sash (under the plastic loop overlay) and make a slight raising all the sash also with the key.

Adjust the clamp of the sash

As mentioned earlier, the main method of adjusting the clamping of the window sash is to change the position of the PSF (Eccentrics) on the vertical edge of the sash opposite to the location of the loop.

Since the eccentrics can be of a different type - round with riche or oval, we consider separately how to perform adjustment work in each case.

If the Round Tagga with the available risks act as follows:

  1. To change the degree of clamping from the summer on the winter position with the help of the key rotate the axle to 180 degrees so that the risk turning towards the street began to "look" in the direction of the room.
  2. When translating the sash from the winter to the summer position, the axle is scrolled by 180 degrees so that as a result of the risk "watched" in the direction of the street.

  1. From the middle position (when the risk is directed up or down), it is enough to scroll the eccentric to 90 degrees in the desired side, as described above.

Adjusting plastic windows with an oval form pin is made in the following rules below:

More vividly deal with the rules of adjustment will help the video below.

So, as you can see, the preparation of windows to the summer or winter season is not at all time consuming and quite by the forces even a simple town center. Remember that this type of work should be done twice a year, and do not forget that tightly locked doors and windows can have a negative impact on the freshness of air in the room in case of course there is no additional ventilation. This is especially true for residential premises.

Plastic windows are saved from street noise, provide a comfortable air temperature of an apartment, a private house. However, after installation, they require. Setting the locking mechanisms is needed every off-season - only then the windows will perform the task supplied before them. Today's article will tell how to translate the windows in the winter mode, for which it is necessary when such actions are performed. Along the way it is worth understanding the features of the locking mechanisms, the device, some nuances of functioning. We will help us with photo and video instructions, explaining the algorithm in detail the actions performed.

Immediately make a reservation that with the lack of knowledge and experience, our edition recommends contacting the professionals of his case. For example, adjustment, maintenance and repair of windows in Moscow can be ordered from the company's expert window ( The company's specialists will advise on all possible issues and will offer the most profitable solutions to problems. Well, for those who still want to independently do this issue - a small reference.

Modern plastic windows are adjustable by the strength of the clamps in three modes:

  • summer - The window sash presses weakly. This provides air circulation in the room, implementing. Sealing rubber wear minimal;
  • winter mode on the plastic windows Provides a dense clamp. Air circulation is absent, which ensures the preservation of heat into the dwelling. Load on the maximum sealing gum;
  • standard - The average position of the eccentrics (PACF). More often, the installers leave shut-off mechanisms in this position. The only difference is that the professional professionals are relevant to their reputation show the owner, how to translate double-glazed windows in a winter or summer mode, and negligent (koi, unfortunately, most) do not bother themselves with explanations. Standard mode is intended for offseason.

For which plastic windows are switched

Enough 2-3 years not to switch the "Winter-Summer" mode on plastic windows to after, even with the right adjustments, began to think from under the windowsill or balcony doors. Consider problems arising from incorrect settings.

The first is a disturbance of the microclimate of the room. Excessive contributes to the occurrence of condensate on frames, double-glazed windows and walls, which leads to the appearance of mold. "Summer" settings in the winter lead to heat loss, there is a need. The result is increased gas accounts or.

Important! The use of the winter position of plastic windows in the warm season will lead to rapid wear of seals. The result is the uselessness of any subsequent adjustments. Exit - replacement of sealing gum standing non-sash.

Switching plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantages of window adjustment may occur only with incorrect actions. homemade Masters. If everything is done correctly, the switching of the modes will only benefit. We will figure it out in what cases it is justified.

Timely switching will extend the service life of the windows, even if for some time these actions were not produced. Drafts in winter or dust hit in summer due to the rendering of accessories for winter mode. Let be long, but for a year or two will be delayed. Schedule loops is eliminated in the same way. Replacing accessories is an extreme measure.

Good to know! Incorrectly displayed modes can cause the window to join or the door separately in the ventilation position or together with the opening.

Determination of the possibility of changing seasonal plastic windows

Not all models of plastic windows have the ability to change modes. To understand whether it is present on your glass packages, you need to look at the shut-off valves. Eccentric, located in the middle, maybe oval form or in the center it will have a hole under the asterisk or hexagon. This indicates the presence of a winter regime on plastic windows. The photos presented below will help the reader to deal with this question.

The algorithm of actions when adjusting windows with different pinches is identical, but their position may differ. Let's try to deal in detail with the types of eccentrics.

Forms of escentrics and nuances of translation modes

The oval pin after installation is more often located diagonally - this is a standard position, mean between winter and summer. Horizontal position speaks of winter, and vertical - about summer mode.

If the eccentric of the shut-off reinforcement is round (under the hexagon), then the position is the following. Put forward in the direction of the street - winter, located in the center - the standard, drowning towards the apartment -Leto.

The third option is a rounded hexagon pin, which does not move when turning. In this case, it is a risk that indicates the correct position. To make it easier to understand, we offer to view the pictures, how to translate the windows in the winter mode.

How to translate windows in winter mode: preparation of double-glazed windows

Before, you should produce preparatory work. The first thing to be done is to remove the lubricant from the knife shut-off knots so that along with it when adjusting does not fall inside the dirt and dust. After all the works produced, the mechanism is again lubricated.

Very important! Rubber frame seal before cold should be processed. You can do this with a lubricant (based on silicone or glycerin), but it is better to use a silicone spray that is sold in all economic and automotive stores.

How and when plastic windows are translated to winter mode

Specialists recommend translating shut-off mechanisms from summer for the winter only in extreme cases when drafts are becoming sensitive. However, this is suitable only for the warm climatic zones of Russia. The optimal will be switching at the beginning of the heating season.

Specifying the need for adjustment can and drunk a glass or a small appearance on it from the inside of ice.

Helpful information! Before switching the windows to the winter mode, you should carefully examine the rubber seal. Perhaps adjustment of the fittings of the sash is correct, and the seal cracked or broke. In this case, it is necessary to replace it. For one winter you can buy cheap seals, but they do not pass more than the season.

Other plastic window frame adjustment parameters

Recommending how to translate the windows to the winter mode with a hexagon, a screwdriver or pliers, you can move to the rest. After all, with time, the frame may be a story, and one side will lay down the tight other, which is unacceptable. This creates a load on the window fittings and contributes to the appearance of drafts.

Adjusting the sash vertically and horizontal is carried out from the bottom loop. Remove the protective pad out of plastic and find a screw with a hole under the hexagon located on top. When turning the screw clockwise, the frame will start raising. Turning counterclockwise, lowered the glass pack. In order to push the frame from the frame or, on the contrary, set closer, we use the screw located on the side at the bottom of the loop.

Important! If all the adjustments are made correctly, and the problems of drafts did not disappear, this indicates the wear of seals, the factory marriage of the frame or improper installation of the flaps. We check the sealing gum, and if they are normal, we appeal to the claim to the installer. That is why it is important to perform the settings in the first year of operation - the possibility of warranty repair remains, and sometimes replacements.


Adjustment of plastic windows on the "Winter-Summer" principle is a fairly simple procedure. You can make it with your own hands without the help of specialists. What will save your money and keep warm and comfort in the house round year. And also will extend the life of your windows.

Such adjustment of plastic windows is carried out by method: to attenuate or enhance the degree of pressed sash, by changing the position of the PSA.

Winter and summer have different degrees.

There is such a concept "Winter-Summer" on plastic windows.

This means that the adjustment on plastic windows in winter and in summer should be different different. Consider these types of window adjustment in more detail.

Example of adjusting windows on video

adjusting plastic windows

Due to the possibility of adjusting the plastic windows in the "Winter-Summer" mode, you can increase the air flow in the warm season and decrease in cold.

To adjust the plastic windows "Winter-Summer" is quite simple.

The entire process is associated with the use of a cylinder with a shifted center, pressing the shutter to the window frame - an eccentric (pin).

adjusting plastic windows

It is rotated using the necessary screwdriver, and in some windows - manually, slightly pulling away a little over.

The manufacturer is provided, the so-called, "average" position of the eccentric roller,

adjusting plastic windows

which is also called "Autumn-Spring". In this case, pressing the window sash is sufficient, but not excessive.

Window adjustment before the winter season

With a decrease in temperature, especially in the transition heating period, to achieve the minimum heat loss, use the "Maximum Clim" window.

"Winter" The position of the eccentric loads the sealer as possible. For this reason, it is undesirable for newly installed new ones. In addition, receiving minimal blowing, the room loses the additional possibility of airing, because In winter, it is rarely used, and sometimes missing at all.

On the other hand, the "winter" position of the Tsazf increases the load on the seal. And this in turn does not hurt a new window, when he has lost a few elasticity.

Adjusting the window with a "maximum clamp", for extremely undesirable, because The sealing material retains the deformation and at the starting position may not return. And this is fraught with rapid wear.

Therefore, the longer the position of the eccentric is used, the greater the probability of the emergence of the seal.

To ensure maximum clips it is necessary:

  • pinch a little delayed
  • rotational movements to move right so
  • (So \u200b\u200bthat the gap between the eccentric roller and the edge of the shaft fitting is minimal).
  • If there is a notch on the roller, then with the right position - it will be directed to the seal.

Adjusting windows to the summer season

The end of the heating period usually falls on sufficiently warm weather, so the load on the seal is weakened using the "summer" mode.

In this case, the impact on the seal is minimal. Therefore, this position of the eccentric is welcomed for any windows.

The adjustment of the pin for this principle somewhat increases the circulation of air indoors. However, the question of the need for such a transition is suggested. The windows in the summer are very often ventilated.
To provide minimal clamping, adjust the window to summer season It should be done like this:

  • eccentric should be a little delayed
  • rotational movements to move left so
  • so that the gap between the pin and the edge of the shadow fittings turned out to be maximal.
  • If there is notches on the roller, with the right position - it will be directed to the window handle.

What gives adjustment of the plastic window "Winter-Summer".

Thus, to save and extend the service life of the plastic window can adjust the "Winter-Summer". However, the degree of clamp must be increased gradually, from year to year. Only such a principle will allow not to disturb the tightness and avoid drafts. In addition, all the manipulations of the adjustment of plastic windows are so simple that they do not require special qualifications, large strengths, or a call to a specialist. Therefore, to adjust the window on the "Winter-Summer" principle with their own hands, both man and a woman.

Despite the fact that the window packages from metal plastic, unlike old wooden, are considered one of the most durable and wear-resistant, annually, on the eve of frosts they need to be adjusted and replacing the so-called gaskets. As you can independently adjust the windows to winter, in winter, do not listen to the winding of the wind through the slot, tell me in this review.

Different modes are needed for one simple reason - with a change of time of the year there is a periodic drop or an increase in temperature. The ability to close the windows more tight (or, on the contrary, less tight) increases the influx of fresh air into the room in summer period and reduces heat outflow to the winter.

Important! By independently adjusting the windows for the winter, you can easily save 3-7 thousand rubles on the challenge of specialists.

If the window is constantly operated in "Winter" mode, this will lead to a rapid wear of the seal due to the constantly high pressure pressure on it. If you leave the summer mode during the cold period, then there will be drafts and significant heat losses. As a rule, when installing the window is set in neutral mode (spring / autumn), and when changing the season (2 times a year), it is recommended to carry out the corresponding settings.

Testing tightness

In fact, initially, when mounting the double-glazed windows, the installers sets the so-called neutral locking mode of the sash. This happens so that the owner of the apartment himself in the course of operation decided, you need or not to reconfigure the modes. For all standards, the windows adjustment should be carried out with each change of season, i.e. Optimally - twice a year.

You need to simply understand the adjustment algorithm and purchase several tools that will cost at times cheaper by a paid setting of windows. In our publication, we will analyze all the stages of work and possible difficulties that may arise at this work.

Before making a decision to reconfigure the window, they must be checked for tightness. It is important to understand how critical is conceived and in what places to determine another important moment - Will there be a replacement of rubber seals or not.

For your information! Rubber gaskets must be changed every three years. It will be better to do this in the warm season, since with the onset of cold weather, the insulation will be more difficult to mount - the rubber will begin to harden from the cold. That is why in winter the cost of such work increases on average twice. If in the warm time of the year, the adjustment and replacement of the sealing rubber will cost 500 rubles per frame, with the onset of cold weather, the rates are already 1000 rubles for the same volume.

How to correctly check the windows for tightness:

  • after you tightly closed the windows, swipe along the frame and sash connectivity places;
  • as soon as a catchy draft can be detected using a conventional candle;
  • the sealer adjustment density can be checked with a sheet. To do this, the window must be opened, insert a sheet into the gap, between the sash and the frame and close it tightly. If the sheet calmly managed to pull out, then the window needs additional adjustment.

Types of adjustment mechanisms

The adjustment mechanisms are very different, it all depends on the manufacturer, as well as the price of the window.

Consider the most common of them:

  • round pin. In this case, you need to focus on the risks or points that are indicated on the pin. If the risk is directed inside the room, it is winter mode, if on the street, - summer, if up, then this is a neutral mode;
  • tsazfa oval. In this case, a slightly different decoding: summer - up, horizontal - winter, diagonally - neutral position;
  • turnkey eccentrics. Displacement into the room - "winter" mode, outward - "summer", strictly in the middle - "neutral".

Tools for adjusting windows from PVC

To adjust the window mechanism, you must acquire the following tools:

  • hexagon key;
  • a set of nozzles for a screwdriver (by type "asterisks");
  • cruciform screwdriver and conventional flat;
  • pliers.

Important! It is better to use automotive oil or a special aerosol as a lubricant.

In ordinary, PVC windows there are five adjusting points, which are important to know. With the help of these tags and mechanisms, you can raise or lower the sash, align their corners, adjust the horizontal.

Adjusting accessories

Before proceeding with the basic settings, it is necessary to inspect all the elements of the fittings and, if necessary, correct the problems.

To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to move at an angle of 90 degrees the upper platform of the handle itself. Under it there are bolts, which should be squeezed by a cross screwdriver.

How to repair the jammed handle that does not turn to the right position

Such a malfunction is more significant and can have several reasons.

  1. Perhaps the mechanism needs cleaning and lubricant. In this case, the problem by solving the problem can be disassembling the handle and the cleaning of all its mechanisms with a special brush. After cleaning, it is necessary to smear the mechanism.
  2. If the handle does not turn entirely to the position, it is either turning, but with great difficulty, try simply slightly weaken the clamp on the sash itself. Here you need to adjust the eccentrics that are located on the ends of the sash in the immediate vicinity with the handles. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the bolts located on the loop from the opposite side.

Adjusting the handle that blocked

When blocking a window handle does not make sense to replace. You can not even dismantle it completely. The occurrence of a malfunction is associated with the incorrect operation of the blocking mechanism: it does not give the sash to change its state when it is open. You need to turn the lock lever to give a handle a unimpeded move.

There are two ways to eliminate this malfunction depending on the type of window design of the window and fittings. In one embodiment, the lock lever can be in the form of a tongue located at an angle to the seal and screwed to the end of the sash when the window is open. In another embodiment, the lever can be in the form of a clamp that enters the seal and serves as a gasket.

A window hand broke

When the handle breakdown, the only way out will be replaced. In the same principle, we have already spoken about, we open access to the bolts, turning the pad on the handle by 90%. The handle is removed by easy step-down and pulling. After purchasing accessories, the whole process is carried out in reverse order.

Adjustment depending on the brand

Double-glazed manufacturers complete their products different species accessories and the adjustment of everyone can have some distinctive features.

Consider the features of adjusting windows of different brands:

  • "MAS". The advantages of the double-glazed windows of this company are that the setting and adjustment can be made by conventional priests or a wrench;
  • "TORX". One of the most reliable accessories and designs. The shock fittings of this company is simple in adjustment. It is enough to have a hex key or a slotted screwdriver at hand;
  • "Roto". But the fittings and the mechanisms of this company can not be adjusted without a special key. Shut-off mechanisms of this company have round heads.

How to switch modes

In order to configure the window and the translation of clamping mechanisms in the winter mode, it is enough to pay attention to the eccentrics on the frame from the handle side. Their position can be edited using a hexagon key. When the pin is configured separately.

The main thing is to understand which position of risks or fasteners relates to which regime. More often configuration can be made by a hex key.

Adjustment of the clamping mechanism: due to cracks or seasonal

Sometimes the reasons for strangling, or "warning" frames can be the wear of seals. These are special gum that are fixed around the perimeter. window Rama and sash. It is very important to follow the state of the seal. Very important proper adjustment modes. Since in the winter time the rubber is compressed, passing cold air. That is why in winter it is necessary to strengthen the clamp, so that the cold wind does not bloom through the sealing connection.

Tip! Winter adjustment in the summer period may disable seals, as the gasket will experience excessive pressure. Ultimately, it can lead to a breakdown of the sash.

Other ways to adjust

If, after changing the clamping mode, the wind of the wind is still blowing, the reason may be a violation of its position relative to the frame. Usually, the sagging or skews occur on the long-established glass packages. Often it can be seen visually or by characteristic sound.

From the tools you will need a hex key and, possibly, a flat screwdriver. It is first necessary to remove the lining closing loops - it is convenient to do this when the sash is open to the "ventilation" mode.

Most glass designs have the following adjustment types.

  1. Vertically. Pay attention to the position of the upper screw of the bottom loop. To raise the sash, turn it clockwise, for lowering - counterclockwise.
  2. Horizontally. Here, pay attention to the lower end screw on the bottom loop. Rotate clockwise attracts the frame to the hinges, respectively, in the upper or lower part.
  3. Adjusting the fitting of the lower angle. For this setting corresponds to the lower screw of the bottom loop. It is not on all the designs of double-glazed windows! Do not confuse it with the side lower screw adjustment horizontally!
  4. Adjusting the adjustment of the upper angle. You need to access the eccentric in the upper scissors. For this, the sash must be simultaneously open in two positions: swivel and folding. First you need to open the window to the side, then turn the handle up and tilt the frame. The maximum clamp is set when the label (risk) is drawn towards the sash, the minimum is the opposite.
  5. Adjusting the response planks. These details can break through the operation. You need to see them visually and, if necessary, omit or raise.

Errors at adjustment

Before spending any manipulations with the horse, it is necessary to check if problems and stuffing, otherwise you can take all the mechanisms. Also need to be done after the work, checking the tightness.

As you can see, the setting of the seasonal position of the window does not represent any difficulties. With the task, anyone will cope without preparation. The main thing is to know what to configure and how.

In addition, the departure of glass packages is of great importance. Neat opening and closing. Regular washing. All mechanisms need to be regularly lubricated with machine oil, and seals wiped with special silicone lubricant.

If you have any questions, see this video:

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Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: Methods for switching, faults and their elimination

The topic of this article is the winter-summer mode in plastic windows. We will deal with the reader in the fact that you need this feature of window fittings, which problems may occur when using it and how to eliminate these problems. So, on the road.

What it is

Summer and winter regime on plastic windows differ in force clamping force and, accordingly, the maximum gap between the opening flap and the frame:

  • In winter mode, the sash pressed to the frame is denser;
  • In the summer gap a couple of millimeters more.

The clamping force is changing the simplest and most obvious way - turning the eccentric rollers responsible for fixing the sash in the closed position.

Why it is necessary

Remember physics? There is such a term - thermal expansion. They describe the behavior of almost any material when heated: the linear dimensions of the subject made from it are changed to the large side.

Window profiles are no exception.

When cooled, respectively, the dimensions of the object are reduced. For those materials that are used in the manufacture modern windowsThe thermal expansion coefficient takes the following values:

A little, right? However, when heated, let's say, by 60 degrees, modest five to six hundred millimeters on the meter will turn into 3 - 3.6 mm.

Thermal expansion is simple and visual.

In terms of the standard thickness of the metal-plastic profile (60 mm), the expansion during heating from the winter -30 to summer +30 degrees will be about two tenth millimeters.

This, it would seem that a small difference may well mean the presence or absence of a cold draft along the perimeter of the sash - a draft, which will lead not only to quite understandable discomfort, but also to unreasonably large heat loss. For which, for a minute, you pay.

Let me, will say a surprised reader, but what about the elastic rubber? Doesn't it compensate for a small change in sash size?

Of course, compensates. However, rubber has a property to lose elasticity over time. A constantly siled rubber profile for several years will acquire the shape and size of the gap between the frame and sash.

Since the size of the gap changes after seasonal vibrations of street temperature, after a couple of years in winter, it will begin through the window. Just because the profile expanded in the summer heat will cease to completely overlap the gap. However, it is worth increasing the clearance between profiles for the warm season - and the problem will be completely removed.

How to regulate

When installing the accessories, its clamping rollers are usually in a neutral position.

How to translate plastic windows in winter mode with cold ones? You just need to turn all rollers 90 degrees - so that the larger from the radii of the oval roller is directed towards the sash.

The label on the roller in winter mode is directed towards the house, in the summer - towards the street.

How to do it? The instruction depends on the type of fittings. Two options are possible:

  1. Roller can be turned with your own hands without the tool. To do this, it is enough to pull it along the axis in the direction of the sash and deploy to the right position;
  2. The roller turns with some effort using a hex key.

A set of hexagons suitable for adjusting windows can be found in any cycle or automata.

How to translate the windows in the winter mode if the hexagon is not at hand?

  • A flat screwdriver inserting it into the roller groove;

The groove under the screwdriver is not all sets of fittings.

  • Pasterns. Under their sponges, it is necessary to put a close-up tissue or thin rubber (for example, a piece of an old bike camera), so as not to hush the surface of the roller.

How to translate plastic windows in summer mode with the onset of heat? In the same way, only for the summer, the roller turns the long radius in the direction from sash.

A special case

How to translate windows in the summer mode if their sash is equipped with a central lock, without clamping rollers?

The fastener clamping force can be changed by adjusting the castle's response. To do this, it is supplied with a pair of adjusting screws with heads under the hexagon, located on top and bottom of the mobile strip.

Alas, the benefits of such an adjustment will be quite questionable. Profile deformation over time will inevitably lead to the appearance of slots at the top and bottom of the sash. The window without clamping rollers will never close absolutely hermetically.

Problems and solutions

What problems may occur when switching seasonal windows mode?

  • Roller does not turn.

Perhaps you are trying to turn the roller without pulling it out of the groove of the retainer. Try to raise the roller and turn it 90 degrees.

If the problem is not in this - lubricate the WD-40 roller. The price of a small (100 ml) of the aerosol can of this lubricant is about 150 rubles. Thanks to the part of the WD-40 kerosene, the lubricant is capable of penetrating any thread in a few minutes and allow it to expand it from the spot.

  • In the winter position, the window continues to drive.

It seems that the window seal served his own.

You can purchase a new seal in any company selling plastic windows and maintained by their service. To replace it, it is necessary:

  1. Pull out the old seal from the grooves of the sash and frame;

  1. Cut it in the corners with a stationery knife. In the corners, the sealant is welded to the profile;
  2. Insert the new seal around the perimeter and frame and press it into the groove to stop with your hands or a switched steel spatula.

At the replacement of the sealer there is one subtlety. Not always the absolute tightness of windows is useful: it often leads to the fact that the room completely ceases to ventilate. To ensure the inflow of air, the frame is often supplied with supply valves, but there is a simpler solution.

If you cut a pair of pieces of seal (bottom on the frame and at the top on the sash), you will provide a permanent limited influx of fresh air without any additional costs.


As you can see, the seasonal adjustment of the windows is extremely simple, does not require expensive tools and some special skills. You can learn more about her by reviewing the video in this article. As always, I will be grateful for your comments. Successes, Camrads!

November 5, 2016.

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