
Features and composite elements of the handle, how to remove it, disassemble and fix on the interior door. Instructions for disassembling door handle interroom doors

To help hostess

The attentive and responsible owner will take care of the repair and replacement of extensive household items. Door handle - the functional element of the fittings, with which various problems occur due to frequent use: the mechanism can also click. Often, the places of fasteners weaken, as a result of which the handle is cleared, and it becomes uncomfortable to use it. To find out which element was worn and broke, it is necessary to access the product inside. Thus, to replace outdated parts or all the product on a new one, you need to dismantle fastening from the door leaf. To do this, consider in advance the question of how to disassemble the door handle. After reading the best way, you can reduce the costs of time and effort.

Depending on how this element of fittings includes, the technology of its removal and dismissal will have differences. How to remove the handle from the door, it is easy to learn using a phased parsing scheme. Main types of designs: stationary, pressure, swivel or knob. To remove the stationary handle from the door is the easiest way, since it is in no way connected with the lock mechanism. Accordingly, when removable, the pressure and swivel disassemble.

When you may disassembly

  • Breaking. The harder the design of the product, the higher the probability of emergency breakdown. Also worth paying attention to the price: too cheap accessories for the door is unlikely to last long. In addition, if the door is often used, the fastening can be disretened faster. Therefore, when the product is selected, its intensity of use should be taken into account. Where the handle does not use so often, you can choose cheap options. If the knob will have to be repeatedly subjected to workload during the day (for example, for the door to the bathroom), it is necessary to choose a product with high strength indicators.
  • Planned room repair. In the formation of a new design of the room, the old products "do not fit" into a new picture of the design.
  • Wasteness of the surfaces of decorative elements. Typically, the first internal details come out, especially castle parts and locking tongues. But sometimes the inner part serves for a long time without breakdowns, and outer surface Acquires a lighted and cutting look. In this case, it is worth the replacement.

Stationary handle

Stationary door handles differ from similar products simplicity. They are not associated with the lock mechanism and are fixed with the help of self-tapping screws or screws. Remove and replace them are not difficult. It is necessary only to unscrew the fixing elements and release the product.

It happens another option. If the screws are not visible, you need to rotate one part of the product to the side, keeping another part in place. This is typical for stationary fastenings of round shape. They are usually fixed using the main axis.

Pressure handle

Pressure design has an internal mechanism connecting it with a shut-off fault tongue. As a rule, these are products "g"-like form. When naked on it, the tongue disappears in the doorway of the canvas, and the door opens freely. The deeper the tongue enters the hole of the doorway, the more you need to produce pressure. Accordingly, the construction is more convenient such a design at which deep pressing is not required. The mount is made immediately from two sides of the door. General procedure for removing the product of the pressure type:

  • Remove the main part. On the bottom handle, there is usually a bolt or a screw that needs to be unscrewed.
  • It is necessary to remove the decorative lining, which hides underly the screws of the main part of the structure. The cover in most cases is attached with thread.
  • Unscrew the screws, pull the part on yourself, holding the mount on the other side of the door cloth.
  • Removal Design on both sides, you can get a castle release.


The design feature of the "Knob" is that the castle is embedded in its center. At the same time, it can externally resemble the usual swivel or pressure option. This type of product is most prone to frequent breakdowns, so the owner is relevant to how to disassemble a round door handle. The disassembly of this design can be more complex than other types of door fittings.

Before disassembled it, you should look at carefully and find where the pin is located. Usually it is located on the side of the room and helps to fix the handle on the door. To find it may have to be tinted, as it can hide under a decorative lining. A special key with a focus is immediately applied to the kit.

  • Using a screwdriver or other subject, clamp the pin.
  • Remove one handle and unscrew the screws.
  • Remove the second handle.
  • We unscrew the bolts and release the lock.

Disagree In the question, how to mount the Knob, will not work. You need to do all the same manipulations in the reverse order.

Round handle with socket

The way its removal is distinguished by the fact that it is usually necessary to disconnect the elements by manually. The part that is located closer to the door canvase should be held, and turn the upper part. Thus, the upper element will be removed from the thread.

The second step is removed the outlet, unscrew the screws and remove the axis. Dismantling should be done carefully to avoid damage to the decorative elements.

Disassembly and parsing of the door fittings will not be great difficulties, if carefully and thoughtfully familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of its internal device.

The handle is definitely an important functional element of any door. Modern manufacturers supply to the market mostly high-quality fittings. However, changing door handles to new sometimes, unfortunately, after all, it is necessary. Some apartment owners prefer to entrust this procedure to hired masters. But since, in principle, the answer to the question of how to disassemble interior door, Neshes, if desired, you can save and cope with this procedure yourself.

In what cases need replacement

In this article, we are in detail and consider how to disassemble the door handle of the interior door. The photo of this operation reader, of course, will also be provided.

The actual replacement of the handle of the interior door may be needed in the following cases:

  1. When breakdown. This is one of the most frequent reasons The need to dismantle. Mechanism door knob Over time, either due to intense exploitation, or as a result of coarse handling of the blade wear. Some details are out of order, and accessories stops performing their basic functions.
  2. If necessary, installing a new model.Technologies are developing in our time very quickly. And therefore, door handles of an increasingly perfect design periodically appear on the market.
  3. Repair in the house. It can also cause the need to dismantle the door handles. After all, when repairing the interior of residential premises is often changing in the most radical way. As a result, the design of old handles can make a disharmony in the design.
  4. The emergence of scuffs on the handle itself. The decorative coating of the main part of such fittings due to intensive use over time begins to wear. Flashing handles of interroom doors so that they do not spoil the overall impression of the design of the premises, of course, should also be replaced with new ones.

What may be required

Before you begin to dismantle the door handle, you should, of course, prepare all the necessary tools. To disassemble this element homemade Master Read:

  • screwdriver;
  • shilo, nail or any other sharp and thin metal object.

Actually, on the very place of work, of course, it is necessary to ensure good lighting. Some design elements of the door handles are small. With a small amount of light, they can simply get lost.

Varieties of door fittings

How to disassemble the handle of the interior door, we will consider in all details in the article below. To begin with, let's see what, in fact, today there are a variety of similar fittings on the market. After all, the way to dismantle the handle depends, of course, first of all from the characteristics of its design. Modern doors can be supplied to the market with accessories of this group:

  • stationary;
  • swivel;
  • pressure.

Also, interior doors are often equipped with special nobov handles closing including the key.

Stationary models

A feature of the design of this accessory is that in most cases it is not connected with the latch and lock. A stationary handle is used only to close and swing the door. This type of accessories is attached directly to the canvas, most often with screws.

How to disassemble the interior door inpatient handle

To remove the accessories from the canvas this variety, the home master will need only a screwdriver. Disassemble the stationary P-shaped handle as follows:

  • unscrew the screw on the main part;
  • clean the handles.

A similar simple technique can serve as an excellent answer, including the question of how to disassemble the round door handle of the interior door rod. When removing such accessories, as well as the usual (in the form of a bracket), the screws most often have to be unscrewed only on one side.

In some cases, a stationary handle can be complemented by a mechanical latch. This option of accessories is dismantled as follows:

  • screwdriver carefully unscrew the fastening screws;
  • removed;
  • from the metal jumper removed with a hat with a hat;
  • a handle is removed on one side;
  • on the other hand, the tetrahedral jumper is removed.

How to disassemble the interroom door handle: dismantling scheme of swivel fittings

Stationary designs on the doors are used very often. But many modern interroom models can be equipped and convenient to use by rotary handles. Accessories of this species consists of the following elements:

  • natchadshniki rotating around its axis;
  • fale latch or valves.

The angle of rotation of the knobs in such handles is limited only by the magnitude of the latch stroke. The main advantage of the fittings of this species is considered compactness.

Of course, many homemade masters would like to learn how to disassemble the handle of the interior door and such a variety. Dismantling of the swivel fittings is made according to the following method:

  • decorative linings are removed from the canvas;
  • in the side technological hole, a sharp end of sewn or nail is introduced;
  • pinned pin;
  • the knob itself is removed itself with a cap.

At the final stage, the home master must be pushing a latch and eliminate the decorative flange.

Purpose fittings

Handles of this variety have a g-shaped form. Tools are equipped with pressure fittings mainly office interroom doors. But sometimes they are complemented by the canvas and household models (most often plastic). When you click on such a handle, the fault lever begins to move, with the result that the door and opens.

How to disassemble

Disassembling the pressure handle starts with the removal of the lining located next to the lever. To remove this item, follows:

  • press the swivel retainer lock;
  • pull over the axis and handle.

For convenience at this stage it is worth using a sewer or nail. After the pad will be removed, you need:

  • unscrew the locking parts knobs;
  • extract a tetrahedral rod;
  • remove the second lining;
  • extract the remaining parts of the handle.

Handles Nobiness

The fittings of this type, in fact, belongs to the class of turning. However, in the design of such handles, among other things, there is additionally a fixing button.


Next, let's see how to disassemble the door handle of the interior door with a latch and lock. To dismantle such an accessory, in addition to the screwdriver, the home master is also needed also a special key emphasis. The latter usually comes with the handle itself. Disassemble the notes as follows:

  • the screwdriver is approaching and removing the lining;
  • on the opened stopper is pressed with a shell or nail;
  • remove knobs;
  • from the side of the handle, two screws unscrew;
  • remove the freed parts of the structure.

At the final stage, unscrew screws that hold the latch. Next you just need to remove the last of the canvas.

Instead of imprisonment

Thus, we figured out how to disassemble the interior door handle with the lock, the usual rotary, pressure or stationary. All these varieties of fittings are dismantled, as you can see, quite easily. However, to perform a disassembly procedure, of course, it should be maximally correctly. In particular, careful home master must be when using a screwdriver or sewn. Fucking, these sharp tools can very easily damage decorative coating The door canvase itself. And this, in turn, of course, extremely negatively affects the appearance and the entire premises in general.

Almost all interior doors are equipped with accessories in the form of a handle with both locks and without them. Due to the fact that their use is occurring regularly, accessories quickly wear out and is subject to mechanical damage, which can occur. Before calling the wizard and make a replacement, you should disassemble the handle of the interior door and try to eliminate the fault with your own hands. Depending on the type of handles of interior doors, this process may differ, but there should be no special difficulties.

Types of door handles

To understand how to remove the handle of the interior door, first of all, it should be declared as it type. From this data will depend on the set of the necessary tool and the process itself, how to disassemble it. All handles for interior doors can be divided into 3 types:

  1. Pressure - the mechanism is arranged in such a way that when pressed on the handle, the tongue hides inside the canvas and thereby allows you to open the door.
  2. Rotary - the device of this type of accessories is similar to a push view, but instead of pressing the knob, its turn is performed.
  3. Stationary - this type of fittings does not have internal mechanisms and serves more decorative element, installed on interior doors of those rooms that are not closed.

The overall mechanics for extracting accessories from the canvas, as a rule, coincides, since the routing process is not much different. But due to the difference in the device of the internal mechanism, it is possible to disassemble the handles in different ways.

How to disassemble a push handle

The pressure mechanism belongs to the most difficult, and its dismantling may require a little longer than the analogues. It is caused by the fact that the whole design is fixed due to a single axial rod and additionally tightened with a tetrahedron. In the photo it can be seen in which location takes place. To remove the door handle of the interior door with such a mechanism, you need to statenly perform the following actions:

  1. The whole process of removing the plugs around the handle begins. Depending on the species, they can be fixed with self-tapping screw or simply tightly bent. In any of the cases with a screwdriver, the plate is easily removed.
  2. With the help of a tetrahedron, you need to weaken the mounting of the rod, which fits the mechanism tightly.
  3. Accessories on one side is unscrewed from the axis and is removed.
  4. The second part of the door handle is removed along with the retaining rod.
  5. If a lock is provided in the door accessory, this mechanism is also extracted from the web.

If you fulfill all actions consistently and carefully, then remove and disassemble the pressure handle with your own hands it will be easy.

What you need to remove swivel knobs

Rotary handles or nobody (KNOD), as in the photo, remove consistently, observing a number of uncomplicated rules. The whole process is as follows:

  • First of all, decorative plates are removed from both sides. For this, they are enough to make something flat.
  • After the protective element is removed, the deaf side is unscrewed from the canvas and axial rod. To do this, with the help of the key, you need to constantly hold the nob, so that it does not let go of the mechanism.
  • After performing these actions, it is possible to easily remove all the fittings, thereby freeing the mechanism.
  • In the last stage, the mechanism is removed.

After all the details of the door handle and the lock are extracted, you can start troubleshooting and repairing accessories.

In which cases you need to remove stationary handles

Stationary handles are less likely to be breakdown, as a rule, they are most durable due to the lack of moving parts. Usually the repair of the door handles of interior doors of the stationary species is not required, and they are subject to replacement after removal. The whole process is built as follows:

  • with a screwdriver, screws are unscrewed;
  • the head is unscrewed from the retaining rod on one side;
  • pull out the parallel side along with the rod.

If the design does not have a central rod, the process is greatly simplified, and it is only required to unscrew the screws. For all work there will be a screwdriver with a cross section depending on the size of the screws of the self-press.

How to repair the handle of the interroom door

Depending on the complexity of the breakdown in some cases, it is possible to repair the handles on their own. To repair, the handle first needs to be removed from the canvas. Depending on which item that stopped functioning, the entire design with the lock is subject to dismantling, or its separate parts. After the fittings managed to remove, if necessary, you need to disassemble the mechanism to eliminate problems in it. Sometimes it is not required, and enough will only slightly fix the attachments and lubricate all the rotary elements. How to repair the handle of the interior door with the mechanical part with your own hands, you can see more detail on the video.

If you fail to adjust the interior door handle and bring it into a working condition, it will be best to purchase similar accessories. The canvas and the box are already appropriately processed under the mechanisms of a particular type, and the installation of a new element will not be difficult.

Door handles have a variety of forms, but are divided into several main species:

  • Stationary. Such handles are not connected to the lock, often equipped with a latch, and exist as an independent accessory door. They only serve for the convenience of using it. Such handles are attached to the surface of the door leaf with screws and have a diverse design. Their most popular form is the P-shaped, which has the form of a bracket fixed vertically.
  • Pressure. Their internal device is more complicated. The presence of a latch knob in the mechanism requires its inserts into the canvas entrance door and performing the appropriate hole in the box. When you click on the handle, the latch tongue is moved to the spring and the door immediately opens. In the free position of the handle, the latch is extended, and the door sash can be slammed. Pressure handles provide a dense connection of the web and the door box, and as a result - high sound insulation of the room.
  • Rotary, or knobs-naroes. Usually they have a spherical shape and a keyhole located in the center of the case. To open the front door, the handle must be rotated along its axis. The swivel handle itself can be opened with the key, on the other hand it is the locking button.

Disassembling stationary knob

After determining the type of stationary handle, the interior door can be processed to its dismantling.

When fixing a stationary handle with screws, you need to unscrew them with a screwdriver, then remove it and inspect to search for damage or replacement. To change the handles, you need to pay attention to the fact that the new door on the door can be identical previously installed. This is due to the fact that in places of attachment of the old handle on the interior door canvas there are holes that will be difficult to disguise if their location does not match the fastening drills of the new overlay.

If door handles have one common rod, you need to make sure before disassembling the door handle: On the one hand, you need to hold one handle, and on the other hand, the canvas should be rotated counterclockwise. If the attempt succeeds, it means that the handle is rod. With a positive result, it must be unscrewed on the one hand, on the other hand, take out the entire design and select the identical removed new handle.

Handle with a mechanical latch to remove easy. Using a screwdriver, you need to unscrew the fastening screws of the decorative lining, and then remove it. After that, you need to determine which attachment has a handle. Usually it is connected to a four-sided rod with a key that is done through their coinciding holes. Therefore, removing the key, you can easily remove one handle, and the second door to the opposite side along with the rod.

Disassembling round handle with socket

Before disassembling a round door handle with a socket, it is necessary to inspect it well. If in the side of the handle there are no fasteners under a screwdriver or key, you need to separate its elements manually. To do this, it is necessary to hold the handle from the door canvase, and its other part is to rotate, removing from the screw thread.

After that, you need to remove the outlet, unscrew the screws and remove the axis of the handle. If necessary, you can repair or pull the lock and the latch. The decorative parts of the handle must be removed without excessively zeal, so as not to damage the parts of its mechanism.

Disassembling round knob-nob

The knob knob disassembled with a flat or cross screwdriver and a special key with a focus, usually it turns on to the knob.

Initially, you need to pry with a flat screwdriver, and then remove the handle lining. After the stopper becomes visible, you need to press it a sharp and thin object and pull the handle on yourself. From the remote handle, you need to unscrew two screws. Then, after removing the parts of the handle from the front door, you need to unscrew the screws holding screws. It should also be removed from the door.

It happens that the round handle requires no replacement, but reinstalling in reverse order with a turn. To make such an operation, you need to insert a latch to the door to the door facing the beveled side of her tongue in the direction closed door And fix it with two screws. After that, in the desired side of the door, you need to insert a part of the handle with the key for the key. On the other hand, install the clamping part and fix two screws. It is necessary to make sure in the easy turn of the handle and return to its original position.

After that, it is necessary to install a decorative bar, and in the clamping part round knob - The remaining item. The rod of the square section with the plate should be smoothly set in the handle, so its retainer must be rotated until the slot is coincided with the position of the rod.

At the end stage, the handle needs to wear, and when it will reach the stopper, it needs to be "drown" by pressing the presser part of the axis across. After that, the removable part of the round handle must be pulled until it stops to the clamping structure. The decorative bar must be combined into the groove and fully put on. After that, you need to check the work and fixation of the handle. To do this, from the side of the patch of the lock and the latch mechanism, you need to turn the handle until you stop.

Disassembling push handle

In the pressure handle mechanism, the entire design is fastened with axial rod and tightened with an additionally tetrahedral.

  • Start the disassembly process should be removed around the knob of the plugs with a screwdriver.
  • Then it is necessary to weaken the tetrahedron fixing mechanism mounting the rod.
  • After that, you should unscrew and remove the accessories from the axis on the one hand.
  • Then you need to take out another part of the handle together with the locking rod. If there is a lock in the fittings, its mechanism should also be removed from the door web.

The handle is a necessary door fittings element designed for convenient door opening. The practicality of the door design largely depends on the external aesthetic species, constructive features and the functionality of this accessory. With constant use of the door, the handle, regardless of the material and type, often comes to unsuitability: wear out, breaks. Therefore, with any problems, it must be repaired or change to another. In order not to call the wizard, this procedure can be done yourself.

Brief instructions About how to disassemble a door handle, read the reader with this simple process.

By the installation method distinguish 2 types of handles:

  • overhead;
  • curling.

Overhead fittings are installed on the door leaf using a plank, for a mortise design, it is necessary to have a hole in the door.

By destination there are:

  1. input;
  2. interroom.

By functionality, door products are divided into 2 types:

  • movable;
  • stationary.

Movable handles are released in 2 versions:

  1. swivels (knot and buttons);
  2. pressure.

The pavement of the door handle depends on its type and structural features.

Construction features

Stationary handles are produced without latch and locks. Elements of mounting to the door block are screws or screws. Such fixed structures are decorative, serve exclusively for the movement of the door. They can be 1-third or 2-sided different shapes connected by the axial element. They are installed on interroom or plastic balcony door blocks, rarely - on the input.

Pressure products are 2 rod levers, which are connected by a rod passing through the door block. In such a device, when you turn the faleva, it enters the inside of the door and locks it. With the help of elements are mounted outdoor and.

The main advantage of the model is its reliability. The failure rate of pressure mechanisms is much lower than others.

Rotary mechanism Most often performed in the form of a ball or a button with a diameter of 50-60 mm with a locked lock in the center of the round handle. The locking well may have a 2-sided output or 1-sided with a latch. The door opens with a simple turn. In such fittings there can also be a door opening block. Therefore, they are often used in the door structures of the bathrooms and interior blocks, and also called knobs.

They differ in compactness, simplicity of installation, low cost, but have such disadvantages, as a small strength and short-life due to the jamming of spare parts inside the mechanism.

Rotary and pressure products are distinguished by the form and method of opening the latch.

Composite elements of the mechanism

Rotary and push doors for interior doors have such spare parts and details:

  • latch;
  • planck or socket;
  • decorative flange;
  • fasteners;
  • special key for pressing and removing the mechanism.

A set of door accessories with a keyhole comes with keys.

Required tools

In order to remove the handle of the interior door, you need to prepare such tools:

  1. drill;
  2. feather drill;
  3. milling cutter;
  4. flat screwdriver or screwdriver;
  5. roulette;
  6. marker;
  7. chisel;
  8. a hammer.

How to remove

Disassembly of the door fittings is not problems in the presence of required tools and minimum theoretical knowledge on the device of the mechanism. You can remove the door handle yourself without causing a wizard. To do this, you need to act according to the instructions:

  • Cut and fix the door in a fixed state.
  • Patty the decorative flange knife and pull it a bit. Under it are the fasteners that need to be unscrewed.
  • On the decorative flange of the pressure device is a spring-loaded locking pin. Put it with a screwdriver. In the rotary models, the pin is located inside the housing. In order to get to it, insert the key or sewn through the technological flange hole. If the pin is not forgiven, rotate the flange until the moment of contact with it.
  • Click on the pin, simultaneously delay door device.
  • Unscrew the fastening screws.
  • Separate the inner part of the door item from outer, remove the handle and decorative flange.
  • If you need to remove the latch and replace it or repaired, unscrew the screws that lock it from the side of the door block, remove the bar, then the mechanism.

When installing accessories, it is not worth disassembled it on parts. It is attached to the door design in the reverse order. If the handle or latch is subject to repair or replacement, they produce further disassembly.

How to disassemble a door handle

The replacement of the door handle is carried out in order to carry out its repair due to breakdowns, wear, if there are failures, scratches, to improve external view, as well as with the complete replacement of the door block.

Before starting work, establish the type of mechanism, its features, because Some models with simple device disassemble easily, and some have more complex elements, such as latches with retainers. Performing such works is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the replacement of each type of door fittings separately.


To disassemble a round door handle or knob, it is necessary to follow such recommendations:

  1. Picker with a decorative flange or lining with a simple swivel block without a key.
  2. Shell, nail or special tap on the opened stopper.
  3. At the same time, carefully pull the handle and remove it.
  4. From the side of the removed part, unscrew the bolts from the fastener plate and disconnect it from the door canvase.
  5. Out off the cylindrical mechanism, latch.
  6. Remove the screws, disconnect the tongue.

If you do not need to change, it is rearranged. This happens as follows:

  • Insert the latch so that the beveled part of the tongue look towards the door closure.
  • Screw 2 screws.
  • Part of accessories with a drum for a key Insert the door design on the other side.
  • Attach the clamping part and secure 2 screws.
  • The handle should be rotated without jamming and freely return to normal.
  • Correct it. To do this, you must carefully hold one side and align the second.
  • Attach the decorative lining.
  • Insert the remaining part of the handle.

The accuracy of installation and operation is checked both by the position of the retainer itself and the drum device with the key.


The stationary product has a simple design, attached to the door with screws. Therefore, it is rarely breaking, and it is removed only in the case when it is necessary to change it to a more functional model.

To unscrew the accessories for the interior door, it is necessary to carry out such actions:

  1. Inspect the door mechanism for the presence of axial rod. To do this, hold one hand to the handle, the other - turn it.
  2. If the mechanism is located on the rod, remove one supporting side, the second is detected independently.
  3. If the rod is not detected in the handle, unscrew the screws holding the knob using a flat screwdriver.
  4. Remove it, carefully pulling over.

When the mechanism is unscrewed, it is necessary to gently hold the hand to the hand, so that after removing the connecting screws, the part of the product did not fall out of the connector and was not damaged.

For interroom doors

In the pressure device, the process of his disassembly causes difficulties. This is due to the fact that accessories are attached on the axial rod and tightened with a 4-year-old.

To repair the handle of the interior door, the disassembly of the pressure mechanism is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Clean the screws that hold the lining, remove the plugs.
  2. Then you need to weaken the fixation of the rod and separate the 4-face square.
  3. Remove the lining on the other side, the remaining part of the mechanism and the axial rod. After removing the parts, you need to pull the handle on yourself.

Pressure is ready to replace or repair.

How to fix the handle

Often the repair handle is carried out in such cases:

  • the mechanism is not returned to its original position;
  • the handle is hijacked, heavily turns;
  • does not move the tongue when turning, pressing the device;
  • the handle falls out, while the base is not damaged.

Often the cause of these problems is wear, abrasion of parts for permanent operation. Therefore, it is periodically necessary to lubricate the mechanism spare parts and a keyhole, clean from dust and dirt. With lubricant, the door product scrolls so that the viscous fluid is evenly distributed over the items.

If the handle is obsessed, it is necessary to correct and pull the fasteners.

Sometimes it is required to repair fittings in a metal Chinese door. Chinese-made products from the silumin come into malfunction, break down, and mount the lock in such a door is not easy. It's easier to replace the mechanism. The principle of operation is similar to replacing the element in interroom doors.

In intercompensary

In the door handle for interior doors, the repair is most often produced when the handle is disappeared. The base remains attached.

The reason is the use of poor-quality accessories, as a result of which the retaining ring could break out or disappear.

For repair work, the following steps are performed:

  1. Discontinue the base from the door.
  2. Inspect the lock ring. If it moves, it is necessary to adjust its position and install. If the ring bursts or breakdown, it is changed with further mounting of the handle.

The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes.

Repair of the door handle of the interior door is carried out if the accessories do not return to the normal position after opening the doors.

The cause of the malfunction is a breakdown or spiral displacement.

To replace the spirals carry out such work:

  • remove the device;
  • discontinue the damaged part, replace it;
  • top to fix the locking ring;
  • machine mechanism.

If the spring burst, it can be made with your own hands from a small piece of steel wire. Preach it, warm on fire to bright red and lower in cold water.

Removal and repair of the castle

Repair of locks of interroom doors is difficult to perform. Causes of faults are different.

When operating cheap poor-quality door fittings from the silumin, a breakdown of a 4-graded pin is possible. Solving the problem - buying a steel mechanism from proven manufacturers and its full replacement.

A common lock fault - incorrect tongue operation. This is possible with a short pint. The square can move in the direction of the latch, press it, reducing the functioning.

Repair work Castles are carried out in this way:

  1. A long pin is bought, the length is measured.
  2. With the help of a grinder, it is shortened to the size of the size.
  3. Then you need to disassemble the lock of the interroom door.
  4. Square is changing, door fittings are installed.

When installing the handle, the base should cover all the holes that remain from the previous mechanism.

The lock with the handle can replace or repair even a novice master who knows how to use prickly tools.