
Reliable paint for outdoor brickwork and how to choose it correctly. Brick wall color

Billets for winter from tomatoes

Painting brick wall It can be carried out in two cases: when there is a need to change the appearance and after time expiration to return to the former beauty. If you choose the right color, you can emphasize architectural features Buildings are true if it comes to the facade. However, quite often the brick wall becomes part of the interior, in this case it is also necessary to carefully approach the choice of paint and follow the technology of work.

Why brick wall staining

Such finishes carries a cosmetic effect and protects the wall from external influences. In order to achieve good resultPreparation need to pay special attention. As a result, you can get a glossy or matte surface, which may have to be inclusted, which will expand the space if the application is carried out indoors. More resistant to mechanical stress is a matte surface, it has increased abrasion resistance.

Selecting paint

Paint for painting a brick wall can be silicon-organic. It allows you to form a reliable layer that skips water vapors. The composition is resistant to mechanical damage, temperature drops and seasonal changes. However, pay for such a mixture.

Latex products are also different vapor permeability. It has high decorative qualities and is characterized by harmlessness. Latex formulations have one minus, which is expressed in low wear resistance. If you are painting a brick wall, the photo of such works is pre-recommended to consider. In the end, you can understand which composition is better to choose.

Among other on the market building materials Paints are presented on the basis of lime, they look quite attach, pass steam and air, and also differ in environmental friendliness. However, they have a significant minus, which is expressed in small detachals, spoiling the overall picture. Coloring can be carried out by the following species of colors:

  • polymer;
  • silicate;
  • cement.

Alternative solutions

Acrylic material on such works can be used water based. Among its ingredients there are no harmful substances, and the coating is obtained saturated and is distinguished by a high degree of wear resistance. It is quite common today acrylic paint with the addition of silicone. The surface will eventually acquire increased operational characteristics.

Together with the paint it is recommended to purchase a primer that is applied. With it, it is possible to remove dust from the surface, increase the adhesion with the materials and exclude the occurrence of divorces. The primer allows you to ensure uniform staining. A hydrophobizer can be used as an additional protection of the walls of moisture. It increases the thermal insulation qualities of the walls, forms a breathable and moisture-repellent film.

The painting of the brick wall should not be carried out immediately after the completion of the masonry. It is necessary to postpone work for a year or more. This time will be enough to dry out the walls. The paint will radiate if this recommendation is neglected. Working outside the premises should be carried out in a warm time when the temperature is equal to or less +25 ° C.

It should not be started if the window is strong, because the air flows will attract dust particles to the surface of the facade, which will spoil its appearance. You can get rid of defects only when re-staining, which will entail additional costs of funds and time.

For reference

Painting provides for the need to liberate the room from furniture items. If they are impossible to carry them out of the rooms, you need to shift all items to the center of the room and cover with old sheets or polyethylene. Calcarcasts and plinths are dismantled in this case, otherwise they need to be protected by a painting ribbon. On the floors you need to wock a film or paper.

Preparation of instruments and materials

Before you put painting a brick wall, it is important to prepare some tools, among them:

  • brush with a metal pile;
  • detergents;
  • primer;
  • scraper;
  • solution for grouting seams;
  • paint pallet;
  • roller;
  • paint;
  • brush or paintopult;
  • individual protection means.

Preparation for staining

If you prepare the surface before painting, then create the perfect foundation for the final coating. The brick wall should be cleaned with a brush. Painting of the brick wall on the balcony is carried out according to the same principle that provides for the removal of an old coating. To do this, the chlorine lime powder is prepared, which must be diluted in water. The ratio is as follows: 1 to 3.

As soon as the surface was processed, it should be abundantly pouring water. The base should be cleaned from the masonry solution and peeling brick particles. Wire brush and the solution will allow the clutch to remove salt sediments. If this stage is neglected, then the surface will spoil the surface soon. They will affect the decorative quality of the finishes and cause the peeling of the material.

The preparation of a brick wall under painting provides for the need to apply antiseptic composition. To do this, apply chlorine-containing means by the type "Whiteness". Their application is carried out on the wall, which after you need to leave for 20 minutes. Then the composition is removed from the surface with a rigid brush or scraper.

Painting of brick walls inside the building at the next stage provides for surface treatment with soap solution. Up to complete drying should be shown a certain time. If at least some moisture remains, it will be the cause of peeling and bloating of the paint layer, on which cracks will appear during operation.

The masonry should be inspected for the presence of cracks and chips. If defects were noticed, it is possible to close them using silicone sealant on a water basis, as well as a sand-cement solution. After drying the plaster, its surplus should be sweesened by sandpaper. If there are fat spots on the surface, they need to be covered with primer.

The surface should be left until the moment of drying, it will take about 7 days. The laying is covered with primer in two layers, you can use one of the listed tools for this:

  • brush;
  • roller;
  • kraspopult.

If you use the acrylic or latex primer, it will increase adhesive qualities and provide the ability to create a reliable basis, and it will be possible to reduce the consumption of paint.

Methods of work

When the brick wall cleaning in front of the painting was carried out, and the primer dried, it can be stained.

  1. All door and window openings are closed with a dense cardboard before starting the process, it will eliminate the need to launder the paint drops that will certainly fly away. All parts and surfaces that should not be painted must be protected. This is especially important if you plan to use the sprayer.
  2. For painting work It is recommended to use the brush, the working surface of which has a width, varying from 80 to 100 mm. This indicator is optimal for applying the composition in the horizontal direction. Great and roller with an average pile. It will not leave divorces and inclination. If you want to speed up the work, you should use the paintopult, it will ensure a uniform distribution of the composition.
  3. Painting of the brick wall begins with the top corner. When using a roller or brush, it is necessary to ensure that a uniform pressing is tool, this will avoid the formation of overpressure of the mixture or proper. The paint must be intermedible regularly, it will not give the precipitate to form.
  4. As soon as the first layer is driving, you can start the second. If information about the valid period between the layers is not listed in the instructions for the paint, then it is necessary to wait 3 hours. Depending on how porous brick, it may be necessary to apply a coating in two or three layers. If there is a desire, the seams should be painted with darker or light shades. In the first variant, it will be possible to emphasize the brick geometry.

Designer solutions when painting a brick wall

Considering the options for painting a brick wall, you can pick up the most acceptable technology. For example, if such an interior design, you decided to apply to the hallway or another room having insufficient lighting, you can cover the wall with a transparent varnish. In this case, the material will save its color, and the gloss will make the room lighter. If there is no problem with lighting, then preference should be given a matte finish, it will protect the surface from dust and will remain invisible for view. Another option for making a brick wall implies different methods Shaws. They can be made oblique so that the effect of the shadow is more noticeable, or even in this case it will be possible to achieve a high degree of decorativeness.

Pretty popular today Loft style when designing rooms. If you also decided to use it, then the brick wall can be given the effect of antiquity. To do this, use any suitable tool with an acute working surface and a hammer. In different places from the brick, tear the pieces, and after the paint of different shades of red. At the last stage, the surface is covered with matte paint.

In order to smooth the aggressiveness, you can use bright or bright shades curtains. The same applies to the bathrooms where such a style today can be found most often. It should not use it for small rooms, but for those who are on the upper floors of private houses, it is perfect.


If surface brick masonry It has a brown or red, but this option does not suit you, just buy a jar of paint. It will be enough to choose to choose the technology of the formation of the base. There are many ways to design a surface, and you can achieve that effect you need - only make an effort.

Brick, thanks to the neat forms, in itself possesses an aesthetic appearance, no wonder there are various kinds wall panels, Wallpapers and other materials imitating it. But still there are cases when the existing brick wall needs a "alteration". But not buying for this facade siding under the brick or if things are in the interior - wallpapers. There will be more wisely if the decor will use a special paint for bricks.

And which paint is painting such walls, as it is done and why they need to be painted at all, we will tell you today in this article.

Paint for bricks - is it necessary, why paint brick walls?

In some cases, without staining of brick walls, it's just not to do. The main reasons to motivate it do - either the unsightly appearance of the wall or that requires the rest of the surrounding design.


The darkened or on the contrary, faded from time to time, under the influence of the external environment, the outer brick walls cannot but upset. Especially if the neighboring houses are beautiful and neat. Staining the outer walls is the fastest and most reasonable way to return the house beautiful, and may also be a prime appearance.

It also happens that salted sediments are speckled on the walls, which, like Belmo, is also a good stimulus to do walls. To get rid of times and forever from salts, you need to know the reason for their occurrence. In this situation, it lies in excessive dampness of the walls, constantly falling water penetrates into a brick, and when evaporated, it turns out with a salt in the brick structure.

There is another basal reason - the usual human desire to add something new to life. Such an update always brings positive notes.

What else gives the painting of the walls? (a few more reasons why it is worth painting the walls)

In addition to positive changes, high-quality paint for brick walls is also a protective function. With its help, you can protect the structure of the brick from the destructive impact of moisture, the sun and other environmental influences. This will help prevent the formation of salt spots, bundle and cracking the bricks in the future.

Properly selected paint is capable of preventing heat loss in winter, and in the summer protect the walls from excessive heating by the Sun.


In this situation, the reason for staining of brick walls is purely decorative. When you need to adjust their design under the rest of the stylistic background or if you just wanted a change in the decor.

In our country today are very popular such styles like Loft, Provence, Country, and because for them everyone is characterized by one general feature - Old, shabby, faded surfaces, including bricks. Therefore, on the walls in such interiors, paint for bricks for ancient is especially valued. Get such a decorative effect of special paint appliances. After such work, it seems that the wall stood without repair for more than a dozen years.

What kind of paint for bricks for external and internal works?

It would seem paint and paint, bought and painted, but do not hurry to escape to the nearest store of the paint! The fact is that there is no gift there is a lot of her species. For the interior and the exterior you should not use one and the tight, as they differ from each other in composition and technical properties.

What paint paint brick wall outside?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what qualities it should possess. After all, many would like to just paint the walls and forget about them for the next 10. This is quite realistic with modern paints, if you choose the option that meets the following requirements:

  1. The paint should be well absorbed into the brick, it will not let her sweat and radiate over time under the negative impact of the external environment.
  2. Paint for bricks for external work should have a good water resistance, while not to miss moisture in large quantities, It will protect the brick from the spacing on the surface of the salts and will not let him be fed.
  3. Parry permeability - "breathable" paints will serve longer in constant form. IN summer period Under the influence of the Sun, such paints do not succumb and how the result is not cracking.
  4. High-quality paint should not quickly fade, otherwise the wall will be repainted every 1-2 years.

The term of preservation of painted brick walls is unchanged and depends on what color paint you choose. The more rich and darker color, the faster they lose their tone under the influence of the Sun. The situation is somewhat corrected by glossy paints, since they reflect part of the rays. With white tones, everything is much easier - there is nothing to fade.

Paint for bricks for outdoor photos

Of all today existing species Paint, for external work, the paint on acrylic-silicone basis is best suited, it meets the above requirements and has increased resistance to the external environment.

It is not rarely used for the design of brick walls and water-based paints, their main advantage is high-quality vapor permeability, they also do not smell, fire-resistant and quickly dry.

Because of the low cost, people seeking to save money often paint brick walls acrylic paint.

What kind of paint for bricks for internal work?

The main parameter in this situation is chemical purity, chemistry in our homes, without that, why still exacerbate the situation. It is also recommended for staining brick walls in the interior to apply "breathable" paints - in this situation we care about a favorable microclimate indoor. In addition, if the walls will not absorb and give moisture, condensate may form on them. Perfect option Of all, these are water-based paints, besides, they can be easily adjusted using a kolator to the desired tone, which is important when interior design.

Paint for bricks for internal works

How to paint a brick wall - what you need to know?

The most important stage in this paper is ready for the painting of the wall.

The brick itself has good adhesion, but it should be understood that his condition is not always suitable for painting on the street.

What you need to do before work:

The brick canvas should be well cleaned from dust, dirt, cement, salt spots and other extraneous formations.

To clean the dust, it is recommended to use ordinary water, there is no guarantee that the substances contained in detergent, not commemorate with stains on the painted surface.

Brick should be dry, so after washing it is necessary to wait for good summer sunny weather. It is pure and dry base that has good adhesion.

For reinsurance, it is still worth the wall to handle the primer, it will close the surface and will exclude the likelihood of poor quality color.

You can apply paint on a brick in two ways:

  1. Solid layer
  2. Surface

In the first case, the most ordinary roller or brush and brick is taken together with the seams are painted with a solid web.

In the second case, the work is significantly complicated - after all, it is necessary to paint only the plane of each brick, without getting paint in the seam. Work time-consuming, slow and still need accuracy. Accelerate the process can a small passrolone roller. It does not create panels of paint and does not have a pile, so that the seams will not grumble. But after work, the result will be quite original.

Paint for brick photo

Thus, using different paint for bricks, you can transform like an appearance own houseand its interior. A properly selected and color will create their high-quality and fresh background.

Facade species Polats are designed for external work. They all have their own distinctive features, Advantages and disadvantages. Brick work with special compositions intended to increase material strength.

Criterias of choice

Brick walls, to give them a more aesthetic species, in most cases, do not paint. Coatings are processed to protect against external negative impacts, due to which the brick becomes more resistant to high humidity and temperature differences. To the coloring compositions intended for painting bricks, general requirements are provided.

When choosing, such important criteria should be guided:

  • resistance to the effects of ultraviolet rays, otherwise there is a threat to fading, cracking and peeling the outer layer;
  • high water resistance indicators allowing to protect the coating from high humidity, rain and snow;
  • optimal vapor permeability contributing to the "breathing" of such a porous material as a brick, and producing full-fledged moisture exchange, normalizing humidity in a residential room;
  • a long service life of the paintwork and its resistance to any influences of the lump, which is possible only with high-quality components and proper technology manufacturing.

There are other requirements that help stop the choice on the appropriate option:

  • it is desirable to select a material that has an average drying rate, which gives the possibility of correcting defects, which is impossible when using quick-drying composition;
  • the maximum adhesiveness will give the surface strength and will allow to do without the use of the primer mixture;
  • in order to save it, it is necessary to purchase not too thick paint - in addition to high-quality coverage, you can achieve a smaller consumption per square meter.

With all the useful qualities of the material should not be hoped for its low cost. It is from important operational and technical properties that the real price of the facade compositions depends.

Water-based painting coatings

Water-emulsion paintsIncluded in the group of water-dispersion materials, created on a water basis, which, during evaporation, forms a color layer of coloring pigment. Despite the opinion that the composition is easily washed away, this material has the ability to maintain its original view when exposed to atmospheric precipitation. Such colors in their consistency represent an emulsion. In addition to the coloring pigment and water, they contain additives introduced to improve technical qualifications - plasticizers and antifreeze.

To reduce the formation of foam, the defoamers are used, and antiseptics are added to prevent the appearance of mold and fungus.

The facade paint differs from the analogues with its frost resistance and the sunshine, it has an increased waterproof and repels pollution.

Water-level paints have the following advantages:

  • easy to use;
  • relatively low flow per square meter;
  • increased vapor permeability;

  • high fire resistance;
  • long service life - up to 5 years;
  • lack of smell due to the natural composition that does not contain toxic substances.

Products have one significant disadvantage - the effect of water on a fresh, unexigible surface can cause heights.

The composition is applied with a brush or roller, with large volumes of work it is recommended to use the paintopult.Spraying provides even stripping and high-quality processing of areas with complex accessibility. This reduces the consumption of the material and the speed of the workflow increases. Water soluble compositions are suitable for silicate, gypsum, simple bricks, as well as for furnaces and pipes of furnace heating.

Acrylic latex formulations

Acrylic blends are successfully used for the facade with brickwork. These are water-based materials, which, as emulsifiers, include particles of natural or artificial rubber. In essence, latex is the definition of the painting substance itself and, at the same time, its useful propertywhich allows you to create a solid protective film on such a material like a brick.

Pluses of latex coating are obvious:

  • paint has high vapor permeability and moisture resistance;
  • when used, the appearance of bubbles is excluded;
  • processed surfaces will quickly dry, resistant to aggressive impacts of alkalis;
  • the mechanical wear resistance and durability of the base increases;
  • using different proportions, you can achieve the effect of a matte or brilliant coating.

Salt divorces are a dangerous destructive process to which brick may be subject to, but, using latex acrylic mixtures, you can solve this problem, since the protective layer prevents items.

In addition, the paint is not afraid of temperature drops, ultraviolet, is characterized by optimal elasticity and high adhesion. The material is considered safe, since it does not contain organic solvents. However, the minuses of such a coating still exist. Acrylic compositions with latex can not protect the facade from the reproduction of microbes. In addition, at high temperatures, the material may be ignited, which leads to cracking of brick walls.

Alkyd facade materials

The coloring material is obtained by mixing alkyd resins, pigments and solvents. Before staining, the composition should be divorced by kerosene or oil. Additional substances in the form of heat-polymer, antifungal and pixotropic components improve paint performance.

The advantages of alkyd compositions is:

  • the formation of a dense protective layer on the brick;
  • quick dryer, unlike oil paints;
  • water-repellent properties and high wear resistance;
  • resistance to chemical detergents.

However, it is impossible to work with this material with caution - it cannot be attributed to harmless substances, besides, it has an unpleasant sharp odor. Other disasters - low refractory, insufficient adhesiveness, scanty color gamut. This is not the most popular type of paint for painting brick walls.

Silicate paints for outdoor work

For such a mineral surface, like a brick, a facade silicate material is suitable. Durability and reliability of such a coating are due to the composition containing chromium oxides, lead, azure, talc, whiten and liquid glass.

The advantages of silicate paints:

  • antifungal effect;
  • long-term operation;
  • immunity to household chemicals;
  • simplicity of application;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays, moisture and critical temperatures;
  • affordable price.

Brick facades well transfer aggressive impact external factors. But rains, frost, wind and bright sunlight Create your destructive action.

Brickwork can be subject to mechanical damage, invasion of fungi and mold, sometimes due to improper technology of production and laying bricks on the surface of the masonry, white spots are formed - zip.

For update external viewThe gifts of decorativeness and additional protection are used facade paints on bricks.

The color of the facades due to a large amount of work is a time-consuming and non-drying process. Durable coloring directly depends on basicproperties of paint for facades.

Among them:

  • waterproof - The ability to delay moisture on the surface without giving it to penetrate the injection of the material. If the coating passes water inward, with a decrease in the temperature, the formed ice crystals destroy the surface of the material. The surface cracks, and the paint will suck.
  • sunshine resistance - Property Save the brightness of color when exposed to ultraviolet. Facades from the south side are more susceptible to excess solar radiation and with time they can change the color - burn out.
  • parp permeability - the possibility of exchanging moisture between the material of the wall and environmental. With low vapor permeability, the wall surface will be constantly wet, fungi and mold will appear.
  • resistance to wear - The ability to maintain protective and decorative properties for a long time. The average durability of coloring is about 5 years, compositions based on acrylic and alkyd resins can be operated for more than 10 years without changing their properties.
  • elasticity - An important characteristic is necessary to compensate for temperature changes when changing seasons to avoid cracking of the coating.
  • heat resistance - Resistance to low temperatures, is sometimes achieved by the use of special additives.
  • stability to alkali - Clay for the manufacture of bricks and cement-sand solutions for masonry have an alkaline reaction, which is unfavorable for painting composition. Alkali corps paint, it can start bubble and lagging behind the wall.
  • decorative properties - the possibility of tinting and creating various surfaces of surfaces - matte, semi-wax or glossy. These qualities are necessary to give the building of the elegant species, focusing architectural parts and elements.

When conducting painting works important factors are technological characteristics:

  • drying speed - the ability to quickly dry on the stained surface, which is important for outdoor work, because The atmospheric precipitate has not yet hardened the surface, depends on the ambient temperature.
  • degree of adhesion - Clutch with the surface of the material is important when staining without priming. The more adhesion, the stronger the paint will stick, which will affect its durability.
  • consumption per sq.m. - We are necessary for preliminary calculation The need for paint, and also allows you to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of one kind of paint before other.
  • shelterness - Ability to paint the previous or basic surface color.


Facade colors on the binder substance are divided into:

  1. Acrylic. Produced on the basis of acrylic resins, most suitable option For painting of brick facades at a ratio of price - quality. Form a strong moisture-resistant and vapor-permeable film that protects the brick from external influences on the surface. Does not allow to appear sole divorces. In addition, due to the high stability of acrylic paints to alkalis, it is possible to paint the walls in a month.
  2. Water-emulsion. They are a mixture of painting pigments and water, which evaporates when drying. The basis is usually lime. Such dyes are inexpensive, have high frost resistance and waterproofability, solar radiation resistance. Not toxic and not combustible.
  3. Mineral. Produced on the basis of inorganic binders, they have environmental cleanliness. Manufacturers produce lime, cement, silicate, oil paints.
  4. Epoxy. Different in quality and characteristics. Form high strength films, have good adhesive properties. But the painted surface needs additional protection, for example, varnish, due to instability to atmospheric precipitation.
  5. Silicone. High-quality paints, absolutely not let moisture, possess good vapor permeability. It is nice even on a smooth surface with weak adhesion. Long retain color.

What to choose for painting a brick facade

Outdoor walls often finish facing brick. Such a brick does not need additional coverage. But there are cases when you need to paint brickwork from silicate brick.

For example, I want to update old wall Or emphasize the masonry element. Silicate brick consists of quartz sand and lime, so you need to choose a painting composition with high stability to alkali. According to the properties, it looks like ceramic, i.e. Clay, but less water vehicles. Therefore, when choosing a composition of paint, the focus is on moisture resistance.

The most commonly used acrylic paints with, in addition to high moisture resistance, good vapor permeability, resistance to wear and affordable price. Silicate brick has a light surface, so possible use almost any color in color. You should only not forget that when repairing a painted surface, it is often impossible to change the color of the coating, because more dark color will be shifted through light paint.

1m2 consumption forecast

  • for acrylic paints, this figure is 150 g / sq.m,
  • water-level paints have consumption 250-300 g / sq.m,
  • mineral - about 200g / sq.m.

It should take into account the absorbency of brickwork, Number of layers of applying and coloring method. The smallest consumption is achieved when painting the paintopult.

Delivered paints are diluted with water or special solvent. In liquid form - are ready for use.

To determine the total consumption for the color of the facade, the wall area is multiplied by the amount of consumption on sq.m

Technology Painting

Bring to the color of the facade is necessary a year after the production of masonry. During this time, the materials will disappear, dried, the alkalinity of the masonry solution will decrease. An exception is acrylic paint, which can be applied to the brickwork in a month.

The color of the facade includes preparatory work, painting and protection against garbage in the freshly stained surface and wetting.

Preparation of the foundation is very important! If it is done wrong facade paint Quickly lose durability and decorative properties.

Outdoor work should be carried out in a warm period of the year, prepare a ladder, stairs or scaffolding, tools for applying primer and painting composition - brushes, rollers or springs.

Preparatory work and cleaning

  1. It is necessary to first examine the wall for the presence of heights and contaminants. Wash the wall. In the presence of fat stains You need to use detergents.
  2. Repair the defects of the roof and drainage.
  3. Before Remove the old paint using the solvent.
  4. Chips and cracks close sealant or cement mortar. Subsequent work is carried out only after drying the solution.
  5. Treat the surface with herbicides To destroy the dispute moss, fungi and mold.
  6. Apply a primer in 2-3 layers. Brick is not the most comfortable and well-perceived material, so it is desirable to progress the surface to increase the adhesion of paint with the surface.
  7. In the presence of a grinding machine, the surface is glued.
  8. Push the contours of windows, doors and other elements around the perimeter by paint tape to avoid paints from entering them.

Coloring facade

  1. Mix the paint in the container thoroughly, if necessary, add a keler according to color decision facade.
  2. Start better from the top corner. Apply the first layer of paint vertically, producing the movement of the Vangest.
  3. Re-staining to produce after drying the first layer. Roller or brush moving horizontally.
  4. If necessary, apply the third layer of paint, creating a flat scratched surface.

The final works are the protection of a freshly painted facade from pollution and wetting. You can apply the film for these purposes.

Care for painted facades.

For the painted facade for a long time pleased with the eye, it is necessary to care for him. Approximately once every six months it is recommended to wash off the dirt from the surfaces and carry out the repair of damage arising during operation. You can just tint defects with the desired color.

Wall painting is the most unpretentious way to finish the facade. It allows you to improve both decorative and operational qualities of brickwork. In addition, it is easy to make it yourself. The main thing - right choice painting composition and execution of color technology.

To buy a good frost-resistant paint will have to face the problem of choice. There are a lot of manufacturers in the paint market. The range is huge, everyone ...

The primer should be chosen taking into account the choice of paint, but in any case, it should deeply penetrate into the base and create a solid water repellent film. Apply the primer with a thick layer - and be sure to dry it completely.

7. Smooth color or special effects

It is better to paint a brick wall with a brush - it's easier to feel contact with the surface and put smooth smears. The direction of staining is horizontal, according to the pattern of masonry. For acrylic paint Polyester fiber brushes (but high quality!), Alkyd and oil paints require natural hair brushes. The universal size and shape of the tool for staining walls is a flat brush with a width of 75 to 100 millimeters. For the study of the corners, tassels will be used twice already, with a sliced \u200b\u200bedge.

The roller is better if you want to achieve the effect of the primer layer: the brick absorbs immediately a lot of paint, so it will have to work over a smooth coating for a long time. But a carelessly overall layer will work easily and quickly!

If you put the paint with a sponge, it turns out the effect of the old faded masonry. In this way, you can choose a wall, make a layer of paint translucent (as in the case of a roller). A sponge can be applied bronze or silver glare, add the stains of a contrast color to the wall or paint images by stencil.

Another common (but more time-consuming) method of staining: cover with a brush every brick paint of one tone and use the contrast color composition for seams.