
When can you transplant flowers. Is it possible in winter? When is it better to transplant indoor flowers

Onions, beets, carrots

See lunar calendar for transplant indoor plants for 2019. We tell you when it is better to transplant indoor flowers by lunar calendar with expert recommendations.

Choose favorable days for transplanting by months to grow a healthy and beautiful plant.

New moon

It is a critical moment for all living things. It is advised not to manipulate plants. At urgent need you can deal with urgent matters (for example, fighting diseases or pests).

Waxing Crescent

It was established long ago that in this phase, the flow of juices to the stem from the root system is significantly increased. The more the illumination of the lunar disk increases, the more noticeably the juices rise to the tops of the shoots.

With the growing moon, small mechanical damage to the root is easier to tolerate. This is the best time for planting a plant that grows upward and bears fruit from the top of the earth - "tops" (vegetables, fruits, berries), as well as flowering, medicinal and decorative leafy species and lawn grasses.

Full moon

With it, the stems, leaves and fruits are saturated with their juice as much as possible. The moon transfers all its power and the peak level of life comes. You can not transplant and prune, but it is better to collect the fruits (on this day, the highest value of nutrients).

Waning moon

In this phase, the juices are directed in the opposite direction to the roots. The moon gradually rests, and reduces the activity of plants. It is optimal to carry out preventive actions - pruning, grafting, harvesting and medicinal herbs, mowing and plant transplantation.

At the same time, it is advised to plant flowering, decorative leafy species and "roots" (potatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, garlic).

Moon phases

How do zodiac signs affect plant transplant success?

The sign of the zodiac has a great influence on the success of the transplant. If the plant was transplanted with the growing moon, but in a barren sign, then it will develop weaker in comparison with a transplanted flower in a fertile sign in a waning phase.

  • Infertile: Virgo, Capricorn. Fertile signs: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - they are all female. It is they who are the most good time for planting or transplanting plants.

Some astrologers share differently: sterile - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Aquarius, neutral - Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius and Capricorn and fertile - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Individual features of indoor plants

Before you start replanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar, many flower growers recommend taking them into account. individual characteristics... According to astrologers, zodiac signs affect growth and development in different ways. different types home flowers.

  1. It is better to transplant decorative deciduous species during some zodiac signs: with a growing moon - Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces, and with a waning moon - Cancer.
    Of the decorative deciduous species, the following are primarily distinguished: asparagus, dieffenbachia, dracaena, monstera, peperomia, ficus and chlorophytum.
  2. Bulbous and tuberous plant species are best transplanted with a growing moon in Capricorn, and a waning one in Scorpio. Plants: amaryllis, tuberous begonia, vorslea, hippeastrum, gloxinia, oxalis, clivia, lily, cyclamen and eucharis.
  3. Ampel and curly domestic species (liana, hoya) are recommended to be transplanted with a growing moon in Gemini, and waning in Virgo and Sagittarius.

Auspicious days for transplanting indoor plants in 2019

Unsuccessful or successful days for transplanting houseplants are determined based on the phase of the moon and its zodiacal sign.

  • The most favorable period for transplanting indoor flowers is the growing moon phase in the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Highly important role for the successful growth and development of indoor plants, observance plays general rules transplants and recommendations for a specific instance.

You need to know for sure that home flower it is possible or necessary to transplant, and also to do it correctly.

Ideal transplant rules

  1. The plant needs a transplant (slower development, reduced decorative effect, small pot size).
  2. The flower is transplanted according to individual recommendations (suitable pot size, drainage, preparation for transplanting, correctly selected soil mixture) and without damaging the root system.
  3. Moon phase and zodiac sign.

In order for the flower to grow and develop as well as possible in the future, ideally all these factors should coincide. Now it becomes clearer why the transplantation of indoor plants according to the lunar calendar has great importance for their future fate, but not determining.

Read more here:


It is possible to transplant indoor plants in January only in an emergency (root rot, etc.). Most species are dormant. It is wise to prepare, potting soil for future transplants.



Spring is the best time for transplanting, pruning and most houseplants. And March and April are a "hot" season for every florist, gardener and gardener.

In March, the number of sunlight, and vital processes are accelerated. Therefore, they resume, and become more frequent, and also begin to distill bulbous species.


April - favorable month for reproduction and transplantation of flowers at home. They grow actively and more and more need feeding, especially fast-growing and flowering species.

Sowing seeds, prophylaxis and pruning are carried out. Forcing of bulbous species continues.


Many houseplants continue to be replanted in May, with some already starting to bloom. May - optimal time for transplantation of euphorbia species (- then it will bloom in December). Most often, they work with early flowering species that have already faded in the spring.


In the summer, they rarely do transplants at home, since this is not very favorable time... In June, you can do the transshipment of plants that have faded in spring or those that have stopped growing in spring.


In July, indoor flowers can be transplanted only if urgently needed.


In August, house plants are transplanted in an emergency. It is better to pay more attention to increasing air humidity, watering and protecting from the scorching sun.


Starting in September, plants that have a dormant period in winter should not be replanted, since fresh soil will activate their growth. If you cannot postpone the transplant to March-April, then do the transshipment in order to minimize the disturbance of the flower.

Violets can be transplanted from late August to late September. And then in about 30-40 days they will bloom.

In September-October, orchids are transplanted if necessary.


In October, you can only handle some healthy domestic flowers: amarrilis, asparagus, dracaena, tradescantia, chlorophytum.

It is especially important for transplanted plants to maintain optimum air humidity at the beginning of the heating season.

From the end of October, most species of indoor plants go into a dormant state.


In November, the transplant is carried out only in an emergency. Strongly advised not to touch bulbous species, they accumulate nutrients during this period.

Many flowers need extra.


In December, most houseplants are already in " hibernation". Transplants are carried out in exceptional cases by the transshipment method. If you wish, you can do transshipment or succulents.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

In addition, we wrote down favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers in 2019 in a convenient table.

Also in the table are marked the days when plants cannot be transplanted at home - these are New Moon and Full Moon.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants for 2019 in the table

  • FOLK PRIME... The most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants are the first three to five days after the New Moon.

In order not to miss a good day for a transplant, use a special calendar that will remind you of an important matter.

We hope that now you can easily transplant home flowers on auspicious days according to the lunar calendar.

  • Save your calendar indoor florist in the bookmarks, and then the plant transplant will go smoothly.


We wish you flowers will always cheer you up!

Houseplants and house flowers are the decoration of any home.

But it takes a lot of effort to create your own small botanical garden. For flowers to please the eye, it is necessary not only to create a comfortable environment, but also to plant and transplant plants correctly. The timing of the transplant plays an important role.

In this article, we will look at how the lunar calendar helps you choose a good day.

Transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar 2017

Even in antiquity, the huge impact of the satellite of our planet on all processes taking place on Earth was noted. Of course, such an aspect as crop production was no exception. The moon, revolving around the Earth, simultaneously moves around the sun. This is the same lunar cycle. Moving around the circumference of the Earth, the Moon takes a certain position relative to the sun. In other words, there are certain lunar phases.

It has been observed that the position of the moon has an effect on both the intensity of growth and the flowering of a particular plant. Based on observations of the lunar movement, the so-called lunar calendar was created. The lunar cycle lasts one month. Allocate the following types lunar phases: new moon, then a waxing moon, then a full moon and, finally, a waning moon.

Since the lunar calendar does not coincide with the solar calendar we are used to, every year the same lunar phase takes place in different days months. This, of course, creates certain difficulties in determining what position the moon is in now. As a basis, we can use an old omen that was used by our grandparents. If it turns out to make the letter P from a similar-looking month's horn, then this is a growing moon. If the month looks more like the letter C, it is a waning or aging lunar phase.

However, for such observations, of course, we must count on cloudless, clear weather. If we are unlucky with observations of the Earth's satellite due to clouds, there are enough resources on the Internet to accurately determine the current lunar phase.

What is the reason for the influence of the moon on the transplantation and growth of plants? When viewed globally, not only the ebb and flow of the world's oceans depend on the Moon, but also the movement of all fluids on earth. And plants, like any living organism, contain water. In the first lunar phase, that is, two weeks after the new moon, the water level gradually rises. In all plants during this period, what is called ascending sap flow occurs, that is, the movement of fluid from the roots of the plant to the foliage. Of course, during this period, the plant is gaining strength, rapid growth occurs. This growth peaks at the full moon.

Let's take a closer look at each lunar phase.

  • The new moon lasts about a day and a half. The moon is almost invisible. The forces of gravity of the Moon and the Sun add together, due to which the concentration of plant juices is located in the root part and at the base of the plant trunk. Since all juices are concentrated in the roots, it is during this period that you can do whatever you want with the leaves and stems of the plant. But transplanting should be avoided, as the roots can be damaged.
  • Waxing Crescent. During this period, the roots are less vulnerable and less responsive to replanting. The sap of the plant begins to move from the root system up the stem, due to which the development of the above-ground part of the plant begins. During this period, water and food are needed. You can transplant the plant, as it is subject to rapid development and will quickly move away from all traumatic procedures.

The full moon lasts from one day to one and a half days. The moon looks like a disk. The concentration of all the forces and energy of the plant is in the terrestrial part. But the roots are tested due to the lack of energy in them. During this period, the plant needs abundant watering. Reduced root viability.

And finally, the last phase of the moon is waning. By decreasing the attraction of the moon, the increasing force of the earth's gravity creates high humidity soil. Energy and juices move from the leaves to the roots. The rest period begins. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: January 2017

Winter is the most difficult season. Dry air, high temperatures, drafts and lack of light are the health hazards of the plant in winter. To avoid them, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Moisturizing. It is necessary to spray with water both the leaves of the plant and the space around the flower. For example, if your flower is on a windowsill, spray water on the surface of the windowsill around the pot. Thus, you will not only increase the humidity of the air, but also reduce the risk of the appearance of specific types of pests.
  2. Draft. Airing the room is necessary for both human health and the plant. But just like a person, a plant cannot be near the window while it is open. Move the pot to another place, and after airing, return it back.
  3. Lighting. There is very little sunlight during the winter months. If you do not have special fluorescent lamps, place the pot close to the window. In frosts, a special transparent film is stretched between the window and the plant. In a poorly heated room, remove the pot overnight and put it back in the morning.
  • Good days from 1 to 11, as well as at the end of the month from 28 to 31 January.
  • From 13 to 27 January are considered unsuitable days for transplanting, only watering and feeding. On January 12, it is better to leave the plant completely alone.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: February 2017

  • Auspicious days from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 28 February.
  • Unfavorable days 11 and 25.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: March 2017

Spring is coming, which means that you can safely take on a plant transplant. This is due to the increase in daylight hours. You should slightly increase the watering and continue to fight with dry air in the room until the heating is completely turned off. For constant air humidification, you can buy a special device. Also, do not forget to use different feedings.

  • The second half of March is absolutely suitable for all manipulations with the plant.
  • On March 12, it is necessary to exclude any actions that will lead to stress.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: April 2017

This month of spring is great for replanting. Good days are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 April, as well as from 26 to 28 April. Eliminate contact with plants on April 11th.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: May 2017

Every month it gets warmer and warmer, daytime hours increase, which means that there are more days for care. Flowers transplanted in early May, namely from 1 to 10, as well as 25, 26, 29 and 30 May, will perfectly take root.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: June 2017

So spring is over and summer has come. But this does not mean that in the summer months it is contraindicated to change the habitat of the plant. It is necessary to do this more carefully, since in summer the time of flowering begins, and any careless action can harm.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: July 2017

July is the hottest month. The plant needs to provide constant watering and moisture. It is better not to choose this particular time for the transplant. But if you cannot do without changing the soil, then you should prepare very carefully and seek help from the lunar schedule. Auspicious days are from 1 to 5 July and from 24 to 27 July. It is worth completely abandoning the transplant process from July 10 to 22.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: August 2017

The third summer month is less hot than July. The temperature is declining, more precipitation falls, the humidity in the air increases, and accordingly, the number of days for transplanting also increases. Plants will take root perfectly in the period from 1 to 6 July and from 22 to 29 July. But it is worth giving up the idea of ​​a transplant from 7 to 21 July.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: September 2017

To increase the resistance of the roots to cold, the soil should be renewed in September. And, although the transplanted plant will take root perfectly, it is worth taking a closer look at the choice of the day.

You should plan a transfer from September 1 to 5, as well as from September 20 to 27. From 6 to 19 September unfavorable days.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: October 2017

In October, the plants go to sleep. It is necessary to gradually reduce watering. Plant transplantation is not recommended starting from October. But, if you cannot do without a transplant, choose one of the favorable days from 1 to 4 October, as well as from 18 to 30 October. The transplant will not be successful from 5 to 17 October.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar: November 2017

This month, like October, is not the best time for a transplant. But a successful outcome is ensured if the soil change takes place from November 1 to 3 and from November 18 to 30. Unfavorable days from 5 to 17 November.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar December 2017

The plant is very difficult to transplant in winter. Any trauma to the leaves, stem or roots can turn into tragedies for the plant. But, if a transplant is extremely necessary, it is worth choosing December 1, 2, as well as the period from December 18 to December 31. Unfavorable days from 3 to 17 December.

Home flowers: transplant according to the lunar calendar 2017

Although the transfer is not the fastest, and, most importantly, pleasant occupation, this should be done regularly. Then your plant will always delight you not only with healthy and strong leaves, but also with bright flowers.

Usually transplanted for several reasons. First, to supply the roots with the necessary oxygen. Secondly, not only the ground part of the plant grows over time, but also the rhizomes. Therefore, to ensure the healthy growth of a flower, it must be transplanted into a larger pot as needed.

It is impossible to say the exact time when indoor flowers should be transplanted. It depends on many factors. For example, if the flower is young, it grows quite quickly, therefore, after a year it must be transplanted. Since during the year he has the formation and growth of the root system, so a larger pot will be needed.

If the plants are already old, frequent transplanting, on the contrary, can harm the flower. Don't bother them for no apparent reason.

The optimal period for transplanting is spring, namely the first two months. During the spring period, the flower will get used to and adapt to the soil, and in the summer it will strengthen its root system and grow. Do not transplant indoor flowers in winter. Due to cold weather and lack of sufficient sunlight, metabolic processes slow down, and the flower may not tolerate stress. In addition, if the plant blooms, it is absolutely impossible to transplant it. Although there are exceptions to the rules, for example, the orchid or, as it is also called, the phalaenopsis.

Orchid transplant according to the lunar calendar 2017

Phalaenopsis or orchid is one of the most beautiful and popular houseplants. Many designers use it as one of their interior decorations. And it’s not easy. Thanks to a large number varieties and colors, an orchid can be not only an ordinary decoration, but also one of the attributes of the interior. In addition, the flowering period at proper care, reaches 10 months. The orchid can be safely called the pride of the gardener. Orchid interesting character... She is not demanding in everyday life. It is not necessary to put it on the windowsill. If the room is bright and well ventilated, the plant pot can be identified in the center of the room. The only thing that the orchid does not like is direct sunlight. Better diffused light.

And you need to transplant an orchid with enviable regularity. As the roots grow quickly, there is a depletion of tree bark or woody soil.

The orchid must be transplanted in the following cases: aerial roots begin to form, yellow spots appear on the leaves and the orchid does not bloom for 3 months.

Unlike other flowers, the orchid can be replanted when it is in bloom. The transplant will not affect the further color of the plant. But first you need to cut off all flower stalks by about 2 cm.

Select the spring month for transplanting. But if it is imperative to do this in winter or in any other month, be sure to check the lunar calendar and choose one of the favorable days.

Violet transplant lunar calendar 2017

Home violet is a decoration of any home. It takes up little space, but is not inferior in beauty to other flowering house plants.

The violet is a completely undemanding flower. She is not demanding of light, does not need constant enrichment organic matter, adapts well to room temperature. But in order for the violet to please with its beautiful flowers, it needs a competent transplant.

There are several factors by which you can determine the need for a transplant: this white bloom on the ground and a clod of earth tightly entwined with roots. These signs indicate that there is a lack of air permeability of the soil and the presence of excess mineral substances in it. These troubles can lead to poor growth of the violet and the death of the plant.

The violet, unlike the orchid, cannot be transplanted during the flowering period. Flowering plant indicates the fact that he is comfortable in this polka dot. Therefore, in order not to harm, wait until the violet blooms.

A flowering violet can be transplanted only if it needs to be urgently saved. To do this, moisten the earth ball and use special method, which is called transshipment.

Violets can be transplanted in any month. Although in winter, due to the lack of sunlight, the plant may have a problem with adaptation. Best of all, the violet, like other houseplant, takes root in the spring. To choose the most favorable day, you should refer to the lunar calendar.

Let's sum up

Of course, if necessary, the houseplant can be transplanted in any month and in any season. But if there is no emergency, such as the death of a plant, it is better to wait for spring and transplant flowers according to the lunar calendar. After transplanting any indoor plant, it should be provided with complete comfort, namely the absence of drafts, access to sunlight and high humidity air.


Each person strives to make his home as cozy and comfortable as possible. AND The best way to achieve this - to decorate the apartment with indoor plants in pots and vases. In order for them to continue to grow and please the eye of their owner, you need not only to organize watering and fertilization on time, but also to know favorable days for transplanting indoor plants. Experts recommend paying attention to the lunar phases.

Influence of the phases of the moon

It is believed that the location of the moon and the power of its light has a direct effect on all life on Earth: humans, plants, and even the structure of the atmosphere. Professional astrologers are involved in drawing up a lunar map of plant transplantation, who, using graphs and observations, calculate during what period a plant can die and not take root, and when it grows faster than before.

Flowers can be transplanted only on favorable days, when the lunar energy will allow them to adapt to a new place, get rid of diseases and bloom faster. In addition, there are forbidden and undesirable periods in which it is better to refuse any actions with plants, except for daily care.

Zodiac signs

It is believed that favorable days for transplanting indoor flowers are the period of the growing moon, the time of the full moon and new moon is undesirable. It is equally important to take into account the connection of the signs of the zodiac, in which the moon is located today - on the day of transplantation.

The most fruitful constellations are:

Mostly suitable are signs of earth and air, less suitable are fiery ones (ram and sagittarius).

There are four main phases of the moon: new moon, rising, full and waning. Each of them has a special energy and has one or another effect on the growth and development of a living organism.

The shortest interval is the new moon, it lasts about three days. The behavior of plants during this period is contradictory: they grow poorly and show signs of life sluggishly, but they will also react negatively to excessive care. These days it is recommended to limit yourself simple watering and loosening the soil, top dressing and others chemical elements it is better to exclude for now. You can also deal with the removal of weeds, insects, pests; remove dead shoots and rotten leaves.

It is forbidden to transplant plants, collect leaves and shoots for breeding new breeds and carry out any actions with the root system on the new moon. This phase is very short, so you should wait until its complete end, moreover, the growing moon following it represents the most favorable period.

In May, the grown plant can be safely transferred to the street. Bright sun and fresh air will improve its condition much faster than chemical fertilizers and feeding. In addition, natural soil has more micronutrients than purchased soil. On the street, not strong shoots can get more vital energy and become stronger and stronger. It is recommended to prepare the soil in advance so that the seedlings are as comfortable as possible.

In December, increased attention should be paid to the roots, as the flowers continue to bloom and delight the eyes of their owners. And here root systems or may be deficient in nutrient minerals. The soil must be regularly loosened and fertilized.

Plants that begin to grow less actively by winter should not be transplanted. It is better to leave them to develop on their own, not forgetting to water and spray the leaves every day. Cultures that are not whimsical to temperature changes and survive the winter normally can not be moved.

Scientists have long noticed that the lunar phases, which have a special energy, have one or another effect on all living things, including flowers and indoor plants. Therefore, before carrying out certain gardening operations, you should familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar and choose suitable days for this. Otherwise, you can achieve not lush flowering crops, but withered shoots and rotten leaves.

Many growers know that there are the most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants. Flowers in the house not only create coziness, but also help to reduce the general background of human exposure to ultraviolet radiation from electrical appliances.
Horticulturalists know that not only lighting and proper watering are important for normal growth, but planting timing is also important.

How to transplant indoor plants

When transplanting indoor plants, certain rules must be followed. For example, a pot, small at first glance, is not always small for a plant. On the contrary, the flower can be comfortable.

How to determine when it is time to transplant a plant? Before checking the need for replanting, water the plant well and give the soil time to absorb water. Then gently lift it out of the pot along with the soil. If the roots are tightly wrapped around the ground in the shape of the pot and the soil is practically invisible, then it's time to replant. If there is still a lot of land, and the roots are inside, then the flower feels comfortable and you can safely return it back to the pot.

It is best to start planting flowers in the spring or early summer, when the representative of the home flora is in an active growth phase. In autumn and even more so in winter, due to the short daylight hours, the growth is most often insignificant.

Before boarding, you need to make sure that you have everything you need at hand:

  • land (suitable for this species);
  • a pot slightly larger than the size of the previous pot (if you choose a pot that is much larger in size, then for a sufficiently long time the growth of the plant will fully concentrate on increasing the root system, which will lead to a slowdown in the growth of the stem, flowers and leaves);
  • fragments of broken bricks, pots or purchased expanded clay for flowers.

If planting pots are used for transplanting, in which there used to be other flowers, then it is strongly recommended to process them before settling new ones. Before disturbing the plant, it is poured abundantly with water and waited for about an hour until it saturates the soil, then the flower is pulled out along with the earth (if the vessel is too tight, you can hold it against the wall with a knife, only very carefully so as not to damage the roots).

A little filler (clay fragments or expanded clay), a little earth are poured onto the bottom of the new pot, after which the voids along the edges of the vessel are filled and sprinkled a little on top.
The soil near the stem must be compacted with your hands so that the plant does not squirm and grow vertically. Water liberally and leave in the shade for a few days.
After about a week, the flower can be transferred to its original place.

What days are favorable for transplanting indoor plants

When can indoor flowers be transplanted? Favorable days for planting indoor plants can be determined using the lunar calendar. This is a reliable and proven way to determine the landing day after which growth will be most active.

The lunar calendar for the transplantation of indoor plants is compiled every year and is used by gardeners around the world. Many flowers (bulbous) have specific preferences for the seasons.

Days in 2017 when planting flowers is most favorable:

  • January: 1-11, 28-31;
  • February: 1-10, 26-28;
  • March: 1-11, 28-31;
  • April: 1-10, 26-30;
  • May: 1-10, 25-31;
  • June: 1-8, 24-30;
  • July: 1-8, 23-31;
  • August: 1-6, 21-31;
  • September: 1-5, 20-30;
  • October: 1-4, 19-31;
  • November: 1-3, 18-30;
  • December: 1, 2, 18-31.

Days when planting flowers is least favorable:

  • January: 13-27;
  • February: 12-25;
  • March: 13-27;
  • April: 12-25;
  • May: 12-24;
  • June: 10-23;
  • July: 10-22;
  • August: 8-20;
  • September: 7-19;
  • October: 6-18;
  • November: 5-17;
  • December: 4-17.

Transplanting indoor plants according to the lunar calendar is prohibited:

  • January: 12;
  • February: 11, 26;
  • March: 12;
  • April: 11;
  • May: 11;
  • June: 9;
  • July: 9;
  • August: 7.21;
  • September: 6;
  • October: 5;
  • November: 4;
  • December: 3.

The effects of lunar activity have nothing to do with magic. Depending on how close the Moon is to the Earth, the speed of movement of fluids in all organisms changes. That is why knowing about the days when the moon is in the most favorable position for planting flowers is so necessary.

The moon has a great influence on our planet and this has long been proven by scientists. The moon, depending on the phase, has a different effect, both on the human body and well-being, and on the growth and life of plants. It has long been known that all fluids on the plane are under her control.

During the growing moon, tides occur, the water level in the seas and oceans rises. At this time, indoor plants experience an ascending sap flow, energy flows and intensive growth occurs.

At the full moon, this process reaches its completion. By the time of the new moon, these processes stop, and the energy in the plants rushes from the top to the roots. During this period, it is not recommended to replant plants, as they become very sensitive, and even the smallest damage can lead to their death.

By transplanting plants, focusing on the lunar calendar 2018, you can achieve better result and more intensive growth and flowering.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar January 2018

Since ancient times, people have noticed the influence of the moon on the life and development of plants on our planet. In order to properly grow indoor flowers, it is important to know which lunar day it is possible to transplant plants without much risk.

  • Auspicious days - January 18-27.
  • Unfavorable days - January 4-13.
  • Neutral days are all other days.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar february 2018

It is important to remember that plants, in addition to water, also need air. The plant should not be constantly in moist soil. Do not neglect such a thing as seasonal care. In winter, plants should be watered less often, reduced or eliminated feeding and kept at a lower temperature than during flowering.

  • Auspicious days - February 17-24.
  • Unfavorable days - February 1-12.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar March 2018

It is important to observe certain safety measures when growing indoor plants. By following the lunar calendar 2018, you will be able to avoid unsuccessful transplant days. Thereby, improve the growth of your flowers.

  • Auspicious days - March 18-26.
  • Unfavorable days - March 3-11.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar April 2018

For each type of plant, it is worth choosing a pot of a certain volume. Carefully study the characteristics of the plant that you decide to purchase. Some indoor flowers are first planted in small pots and only as they grow are transplanted into pots that they need in volume. Other indoor plants require large pots to be planted initially. If you choose the wrong pot, then the development of plants can stop at early stage development.

  • Auspicious days - April 17-25.
  • Unfavorable days - April 1-13.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar May 2018

Plants use solar energy to convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar. They take the necessary minerals for this process from the earth. In the ground for indoor flowers, these minerals are not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize the plants.

Fertilize indoor plants only during their active growth. It is important to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package. The feeding periods vary depending on the type of plant. An excess of fertilizer can cause irreparable harm to a houseplant.

  • Auspicious days - May 16-24.
  • Unfavorable days - May 1-10.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar June 2018

On favorable days, you can safely transplant plants. Plant sap on these days from the roots rushes to the top. Root damage is unlikely with careful handling of the flower.

On unfavorable days, touching the plant and replanting is not recommended. The sap of the plant flows from the top to the roots. The roots these days are very sensitive and their damage is possible, which can lead to the death of the flower.

  • Auspicious days - June 14-22.
  • Unfavorable days - June 1-9.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar July 2018

Although neutral days are not unfavorable, on such days the strength and energy of the plant begins to leave it. On neutral days, it's best to leave him alone.

If the transplant is made on favorable days, then the result of plant growth will not keep you waiting long.

  • Auspicious days - July 14-21.
  • Unfavorable days - July 1-9.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar August 2018

Choose the type of indoor plant carefully, depending on the room where you plan to grow it. Sun-loving indoor flower will not grow and bloom properly in a room with little sunlight. Like a flower that loves shade, it cannot survive in a well-lit room. Also, group your plants so they look better and grow faster.

  • Auspicious days - August 12-20.
  • Unfavorable days - August 1-7.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar September 2018

In order to grow a healthy and flowering plant, many indoor plant lovers follow the lunar calendar. By choosing favorable days for the care, feeding and transplanting of plants, you will improve their growth, flowering and save you from danger.

  • Auspicious days - September 10-20.
  • Unfavorable days - September 1-8, 28-30.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar october 2018

Before replanting home flowers, you first need to figure out whether they really need a transplant and then transplant, following the lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants in 2018.

When to transplant a plant:

  1. An earthen lump is pierced and braided with roots, forming the so-called felt.
  2. When the appearance common feature weakness of the plant. This indicates the depletion of the land.
  3. The roots of the plant began to rot.
  4. The roots of the flower made their way through the hole for excess moisture to escape.
  5. The soil in the pot turned sour.
  • Auspicious days - October 11-18.
  • Unfavorable days - October 1-8,26-31.
  • Neutral days are all others.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar November 2018

The time of year for replanting indoor plants depends on their species. But in general, all plants are transplanted only after the end of their flowering. If there is a need to transplant a plant during its flowering, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will drop both buds and flowers.

  • Auspicious days - November 12-18.
  • Unfavorable days - November 3-6, 26-30.

Houseplant transplant lunar calendar December 2018

December is the time of holidays and bustle. Not always on favorable days there is an opportunity to do a flower transplant. In this case, try to avoid unfavorable days... It is better to postpone the transplant or postpone it to a better time.

  • Auspicious days - December 8-17.
  • Unfavorable days - December 25-31.
  • Neutral days are other days.

Orchid transplant according to the lunar calendar 2018

It is enough to replant the orchid every 3 years. It is worth starting transplanting it into a new pot with a prepared substrate only after the flowering period. Having chosen for this a prosperous day according to the lunar calendar 2018.

  • Good days are the days when the moon enters the new moon phase, or, as it is also called, the growing moon. During the waxing moon, the sap from the roots of plants rises to the top and nourishes it. At this time, you can safely transplant the flower without fear of damaging its roots.
  • For easier removal of the flower from the pot, place the pot in water for a few minutes. Gently remove the flower, carefully taking it under the outlet with leaves. Rinse and brush the roots. Use a sharp knife to trim away any rotten or dead roots.
  • For orchid transplant, it is better to use plastic pot... Make the required number of holes in it. This is necessary so that after watering, excess moisture can escape, and the air has direct access to the roots.
  • After we have prepared the pot and the substrate, we proceed to the orchid transplant. Pour a small amount of the mixture into the bottom of the pot. Gently lower the plant and slowly add the substrate so that it fills the pot up to the outlet with leaves.
  • Return the plant pot to its original location. Do not water it for three days after transplanting.

Violet transplant lunar calendar 2018

For transplanting violets, you should choose a pot that is not too large. In a small pot, the root systems of violets will develop faster, and flowering will accordingly come faster.

  • For better flower development, add a thin layer of river pebbles or expanded clay to the bottom of the pot. It is recommended to replant the violet at least once every three years. During transplantation, the plant is refreshed under a warm shower, removing weak and yellowed leaves. The substrate is changed to a new one, but the old pot is left.
  • It is recommended to replant the violet during the waxing moon. The violet has weak roots and if you start replanting it during the waning moon, then the probability of damage to the flower, and then its death, is quite high.
  • It is recommended to plant new flowers during the waxing moon. Loosen and cultivate the land. Carry out replenishment of flowers.
  • During this period, the violet needs more water. Days falling on the waxing moon are great for removing stepchildren. Removing stepchildren is essential for good development and growth of the flower.
  • At the moment when the moon passes from a waning moon to a growing one, it is good to fertilize and loosen the earth. It is not recommended to carry out pruning and transplanting of plants at this time. The duration of this phase is 3 days. It is easy to calculate. This phase begins three days before the prosperous days according to the lunar calendar and ends on the first day of these days.