
What is the name of the 4th blood group. Blood groups and character of a person

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People with the fourth blood group, which is characterized by negative rhesus factor, make up only a small percentage of all humanity. The uniqueness of this phenomenon determines the difficulty in selecting the appropriate partner (recipient or donor) in case of need for blood transfusion. Therefore, most often such blood, which acts as a material for transfusion, is stored frozen. The fourth, like other groups, has certain properties and features.

In relation to the first, as it is believed, the most ancient blood group, the fourth was discovered by scientists quite recently. According to some theory, the emergence of this or that type of blood composition is associated with the development of civilization on the planet and changes in nutritional conditions. Thus, the fourth blood group is the most late formed.

However, scientists also adhere to the theory that its appearance is associated not with the influence of the external environment, but with certain mutational processes resulting from the mixing of races. In turn, like other types of classification of immune-genetic characteristics, the fourth biologically complex group, depending on the value of the Rh factor present in it, is divided into two subgroups.

This term defines the presence in human blood of a specific composition of a protein compound inherent in such an animal as the rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). The presence of such aggregation in human blood makes it possible to judge rhesus with a positive value, in the opposite situation - with a negative one.

The first type of factor is much more common. Still the fourth blood group both types of rhesus differs in a certain set of advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the uniqueness of the owners of the fourth group is determined by the flexibility of their immune system.

As evidenced by many sources, people who are carriers of the fourth blood group with a negative Rh factor are distinguished by the ability to adapt to different conditions... At the same time, these owners of strong immunity have, at the same time, problems with a weak digestive system.

Therefore, any viral infection, getting on the mucous membranes through the respiratory and digestive organs, can lead to diseases of varying complexity. In addition, many of the shortcomings inherent in the second and third groups are embodied in the fourth, which affects the health of its owner a lot.

Conception compatibility

Presence or absence negative rhesus factor in the blood of the fourth group in ordinary life does not matter. The question about this phenomenon is gaining its relevance only in two cases:

  • during pregnancy detection;
  • if necessary, blood transfusion.

Many married couples at the stage of family planning pay great attention to the compatibility of their groups and factors. Often, with a certain degree of probability, a conflict of opposite rhesus values ​​may arise, the consequences of which are very frightening. However, there is no solid ground for such fears. Moreover, consider the possible results are compatiblesti rhesus when conceiving a child.

  • Mother (rhesus value minus) + father (rhesus value plus) = baby (50% negative, 50% positive).
  • Mother (rhesus value minus) + father (rhesus value is similar) = baby (+/-).

The most acceptable for the normal development of the fetus in the womb of the mother is the possibility of the child inheriting the Rh factor through the mother. Otherwise, they talk about the Rh-conflict, as a phenomenon that arises from the difference in the Rh blood of a woman and a fetus, and can lead to dangers of rejection the maternal organism of the embryo.

When a woman's blood is mixed with the Rh factor of the unborn child, the pregnant woman's body begins to produce protective substances called antibodies. This means that the mother's immune system recognizes the fetus as a foreign body that can pose a threat to the entire body.

Antibodies are able to penetrate the placenta layer and begin a battle with the red blood cells of the embryo until it is completely destroyed. Such a protective reaction of the maternal organism, created by storming such guardians of the body, can cause many pathologies.

For example, a newborn may have jaundice triggered by the production of large amounts of bilirubin... In extreme cases, a miscarriage may occur. In general, bilirubin can also adversely affect the child's brain, in particular, contribute to the pathology of the development of speech skills and hearing organs.

Together with destruction of red blood cells the work of the still underdeveloped, but very important organs of the fetus - the spleen and liver, is activated. These organs will try to promptly produce red blood cells and, at the same time, will themselves rapidly increase. Such a struggle will certainly lead to the development of anemia in the newborn, the cause of which will be a low level of hemoglobin.

As a result of the conflict of opposite rhesus, congenital dropsy may also appear. In order to prevent such Negative consequences, in a pregnant woman with group 4 (-), the blood composition is systematically examined to identify antibodies capable of showing hostility to the fetal erythrocytes, and their number is analyzed. At the same time, antibodies can often not be produced at all or in such an insignificant amount that there can be no talk of a danger to the unborn child.

Transfusion Compatibility

Blood transfusion is a rather complex medical procedure, in which many factors must be taken into account. In this case, it is of paramount importance blood group compatibility and Rh factors belonging to the donor and recipient.

As for the fourth with a negative Rh factor, the main feature of this rather rare group is as follows. The human body, in which just such blood flows, during transfusion, can receive material from a donor with any blood group, but only with a negative Rh factor.

In turn, owner of group 4 with a negative content of a protein compound can help as a donor only to a carrier of similar blood characteristics. In this case, the presence of both negative and positive rhesus in the recipient's blood is allowed.

Among women

Throughout their lives, representatives of the beautiful half of humanity may not even be interested in the fact that their blood belongs to the fourth negative group. Such carelessness usually manifests itself up to a certain point, namely, before pregnancy or the need for family planning.

When it is discovered that a woman has a rare blood group, and even with a negative Rh factor, then the vector of close attention is drawn to the side of her partner. It is known that a future child can inherit the blood composition of both the mother and the father.

If, during conception, the immune-genetic signs of the blood of a mother with a fourth negative group are transferred to the embryo, that is, all the preconditions for the development of a normal pregnancy. If the fetus inherits a positive Rh factor from the father, then there may be a risk of Rh conflict, which was reported above.

So the question about normal bearing of a child is the only feature of the presence of a negative Rh factor in the blood of a woman with a fourth group.

In men

Unlike women, who sometimes have Rh-conflict during pregnancy, negative rhesus in men in no way can affect the development of the fetus. However, the stronger sex needs to know that they belong to the blood group and the presence of a positive or negative Rh factor. This information can be useful if a blood transfusion is needed, as already mentioned above.

A man with a fourth negative blood group needs to be extremely careful when conducting blood transfusion procedures, which can be assigned with different therapeutic purpose... He should know that in no case should he be transfused with Rh-positive blood, otherwise such an oversight could endanger his life.

By blood type, you can tell a lot about a person. As a rule, it determines his character. The blood group remains unchanged throughout life, exercising main function, which consists in supporting the vital functions of the human body.

Thus, a man and a woman must have perfect compatibility before starting to plan for a child. Blood group 4 positive is considered the rarest. It consists of AB antigens. Among the people, it is also called mixed.

Rh factor and more

The most common is the Rh factor with a plus sign. It occurs in 85% of cases. When parents-to-be are going to start conceiving, it is necessary that their Rh factors are compatible. Otherwise, various complications are possible that are associated with carrying, as well as the health of the baby.

If both parents have the same blood group, but one of them has a negative Rh factor, fetal rejection may occur. In addition, miscarriages are possible, as well as failures when trying to conceive.

The Rh factor has an important characteristic. This is mutability. This is precisely the reason that during the period of bearing a child in some women, the Rh factor can change.

At the moment, the fourth blood group is not well understood. It is especially difficult to predict how the body will behave while carrying a child. Thus, compatibility sometimes fixes itself. The woman's body is, as it were, rebuilt in this way, so that the possibility of conception appears.

The compatibility of the fourth blood group is universal. So, any donor is suitable for these people. If we talk about the owner himself, he rarely fits in this role. This is possible if the recipient has the same blood group with any Rh factor.

History of appearance

Today, there are three main hypotheses about the origin of the fourth blood group.

They are as follows:

  • mixing races;
  • food exposure;
  • counteracting viruses.

The first hypothesis suggests that the fourth blood group arose as a result of mixing races. Due to the fact that earlier such marriages were rather rare, the compatibility of AB antigens was not determined. It should be noted that such people are only 5% of the total population of the planet.

As you know, today there is an increased use of synthetic products. All of them are often subjected to active heat treatment. Also in the diet of people entered and firmly entrenched products that are created artificially. When their elements enter the blood, it can change in composition.

Interestingly, the fourth group positive rhesus factor can often be determined in people living in Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. Thus, the hypothesis presented is possible, however, unlikely.

The latest version of the appearance provides for the impact of infections of viral origin on the human body. As you know, until 1500, such diseases were not detected. Viral infections of measles, flu and other ailments appeared just over five hundred years ago. As a result, immunity changed constituent elements protein contained in the blood, which happened because the body began to find ways to fight infections on its own. Thus, the compatibility of AB antigens appeared.

Some facts

Representatives of the fourth blood group, in question, are distinguished by their endurance. They can easily adapt to completely new conditions of climate and life. In addition, such people can easily tolerate the change in diet. Therefore, they are not afraid of the diet.

Resistance to all kinds of diseases is also observed. As for the digestive system, it has sensitivity in owners of blood groups 4. Therefore, most require a diet. Another well-known fact is that Jesus Christ had exactly the fourth blood type. True, there is no exact confirmation of this.

The characteristics of people of this blood group are as follows. They are calm, tactful, level-headed and benevolent. In addition, such a person is sociable, he will easily converge in character with other people. Sadness and depression rarely visit him.

Despite the external positive and poise, the inner world of these people is full of experiences. They are often afraid to make mistakes and make the wrong decision. Sometimes it is rather difficult for them to decide something. In order to suppress anxiety within oneself, active mental activity is used, various physical activities are performed that can take away a large number of energy. People with blood group 4 are susceptible to mysticism. Thus, they are often able to anticipate various events.

The fourth blood group, as a rule, belongs to creative people.

In their life, the following occupies an important place:

  • emotionality;
  • fantasy;
  • perfect taste;
  • sincerity;
  • love for everything beautiful;
  • developed intuition.

Due to the refined perception of reality, such people are able to go to extremes. Under the influence of intense emotions, they sometimes fail to take control over themselves. A person who has compatibility of A and B antigens often create idols for themselves. They are characterized by absent-mindedness, impracticality, they are not always ready to solve the problems that have arisen, they are sensitive to resentment.

People who have the fourth blood group, whether it is Rh positive or negative, who are overweight, must follow a certain diet. Thus, a special diet is provided to correct their body weight.

Some foods that are contraindicated for other blood types may be ideal for the fourth and vice versa. However, given the tendency of the digestive system to upset, people with blood group 4 need to be more picky about food. If you have any problems with the digestive system, it is advisable to visit your doctor. He will be assigned a special diet that is most suitable for the characteristics of a particular blood type.

When choosing a diet, it is recommended to study some recommendations. In this case, a diet that includes the use of lean meat is preferable. These are turkey, rabbit meat and other varieties. You can eat vegetables with a small amount of starch. The diet for representatives with the fourth blood group should include fermented milk products. It is desirable that they have a low fat content. It is recommended to add olive oil to food. It is worth giving up marinades, spicy and overly salty dishes. As far as fruits are concerned, they will be beneficial. True, it is advisable not to experiment with exotic species. If people with AB antigen compatibility are prescribed a diet, they will have to give up sunflower seeds, buckwheat and peanuts. There are no special prohibitions on drinks. The main thing is that everything should be in moderation.

As you can see, the diet, which is designed for people with the fourth blood group, is not particularly strict, although it has its own characteristics. You will need to limit yourself in the use of high-calorie foods. In this case, you should not give up the usual diet, it is enough just to change it a little. It is not recommended to eat foods made from wheat, as it can inhibit weight loss.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages are:

  • is the youngest blood group;
  • compatibility of the advantages of A and B antigens;
  • flexibility of immunity.

Disadvantages include:

  • high sensitivity of the digestive system (sometimes a special diet is required);
  • compatibility of deficiencies of A and B antigens;
  • low resistance to viral infections.

People with the fourth blood group of a positive or negative Rh factor are prone to cancer, heart disease, and anemia.

Key strategies

People who have A and B antigen compatibility in the blood should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • express social activity, try to avoid situations of intense competition;
  • create a plan of tasks that need to be solved within a certain period of time, and strictly follow it;
  • you need to change your lifestyle slowly;
  • it is advisable to do physical education or any kind of sport, to do stretching, it is recommended to give preference to yoga or meditation;
  • take an active part in social activities;
  • finding time to be alone with yourself;
  • carry out exercises in psychological visualization technique every day;
  • in case of malfunctions in the digestive system, you must consult a doctor who will develop a special diet.

People who have blood type 4 of any Rh factor lack the discipline of decisions. However, it should be noted that each person is an individual. He creates himself on his own. In many ways, everything depends on the influence of the society in the circle of which he lives.

Thus, it is not so important what kind of blood a person has. The main thing is what are the goals set for him. It is also important to determine for yourself the ways to achieve them. The information presented gives only a general idea about people with the fourth blood group. The rest depends on the person himself, his character, characteristics and willpower.

Emotions and feelings of these people prevail over cold calculation. They are thinkers and philosophers in life. Balanced, but sometimes harsh. They often have some kind of internal conflicts. The result is a spiritualized, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered person who seeks to "embrace the immense" (that is, embrace, learn, try everything in life), without being particularly concerned about the consequences, never seek to find out all the details and never attach importance to the little things and details ... These are the exact characteristics of people with the fourth blood group.

The immune system of a person of the fourth group is weak, easily passes any virus, almost any disease that exists on our planet. As a result, they often get sick.

Another remarkable fact that sets them apart from other people is that people with AV blood almost always fall into the list of the most charming and interesting personalities. Unfortunately, the charisma and talent given to them by nature often turn into a pain of the soul, leading to a dramatic (sometimes even tragic) ending. John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe possessed the blood of this group; although both have long been gone in this world, universal love for them still lives in hearts. But for all the splendor of their fame and charm, they had to pay the dearest price - with their lives.

Man of 4 blood groups

Balanced type. He has a great ability to charm women, he loves their company very much. His feelings are shallow, and he can make love almost constantly. And woe to the one who says to him: "Not today, dear!" - she won't see him again. It is difficult for men with the fourth blood group to control their passion, but, on the other hand, it was they who turned seduction and sex into art.

This man will not seek adventure - adventure will find him. Simply because he arranged his life in such a way as to be available to anyone who wants it. In addition, he has a strong magnetism that literally drives women crazy. Poor ladies fall into the arms of men with the fourth blood group even when they know they are in danger of getting burned!

But - the most surprising - in marriage, a man with the fourth blood group is very restrained. He will never marry because of sex, and he will not demand that his wife fulfill his conjugal duty.

IF YOU LIKE A MAN with a fourth blood group. Remember that whatever he does is brilliant! Praise and admire him for any reason, and he will try to make your life happy.

Woman of 4 blood groups

She is also able to attract the attention of a man, but at the same time she is strict and demanding. As soon as she allows someone to "take her by the bridle", she will feel an indefinable desire to live, provided that she will be given as much attention as she wants. She will overwhelm her lover so much that, be sure, he will not sit at home for a long time. A woman with the fourth blood group is very sensual and easily achieves orgasm. She is the most versatile and adaptable sex partner. Such a woman can have pleasure with almost every man. She will enjoy gentle sex and eccentric rough sex in equal measure, depending on what her partner prefers.

A man who has been in the bed of a woman with a fourth blood group will never forget this. About such a strong libido, like hers, just right to dream of many. She is a born sex doctor, and any man with sexual problems, having met a woman with the fourth blood group, can drastically change his life.

The fourth blood group, according to statistics, is the rarest. Worldwide, no more than nine percent of people with such blood live. Even considering modern medicine and the development of blood substitutes due to the rarity of such donors, a lot of problems arise. At all the world's transfusion stations, people with the fourth group are on a special donation account.

Group table

When did it appear?

The history of the 4th group is associated with the long development of society and gene mutations. This group considered the youngest. For the first time, people with AB blood appeared in the world about 10 centuries ago. Scientists are considering several hypotheses for the origin of this group.

The researchers found that blood stains of the fourth group were found on the Turin remains. This means that, most likely, Christ was the bearer of such a rare blood.

A hypothesis has been put forward, according to which AB (IV) appeared due to interethnic marriages. It is assumed that for the first time children with similar blood characteristics appeared in the marriages of Mongols with Europeans. It was not previously allowed to create such families, therefore, there was no mixing of blood types giving this group.

Attention! AB (IV) can be inherited by children when the parents have 2 or 3 groups, but this is impossible if the father or mother has the first group.

There is another theory about how the 4th group of human blood, associated with food, was obtained. Presumably, the composition of the blood is formed and changes according to the principle of mutation. Some geneticists are sure that due to the introduction of new products into the daily diet, such irreversible changes have appeared. This means that food that has undergone chemical processing has become the cause of the fourth group. However, this hypothesis does not explain why, then, there are very few such people.

4 group and Rh factor

Rh factor is a special lipoprotein of blood cells - erythrocytes. It is either determined in the analysis (then the blood is called positive), or absent (here they speak of negative rhesus).

Study of the sample

Scientists have found that positive AB (IV) occurs three times more often than negative. Well, people with 4 blood Rh (-) are the rarest on the planet - there are no more than 2 percent of the total population of the Earth.

What blood is allowed for transfusion?


Blood in fresh it is forbidden to transfuse to anyone. Only the use of erythrocyte mass or other blood components in the composition of preparations prepared in a special way is allowed. However, in medical practice, there is an urgent need for transfusion with too intense bleeding, dangerous injury, when the life of the recipient depends on the promptness of blood replacement. Therefore, sometimes direct blood transfusion is quite justified.

As soon as an emergency occurs, all supplies of blood substitutes are prepared at the transfusion station, and donors are invited.

Since it is extremely difficult to find a donor for the negative fourth group, it is permissible to use any blood with negative rhesus for transfusion. In this context, people with blood group 4 differ from others, since agglutinogen and B and A are present on their erythrocytes, and there are no agglutinins in the plasma. Therefore, when transfusing blood of any group, there is no reaction with the antibodies contained there.

Tests for personal blood compatibility must be established, even if the transfusion is unscheduled.

Pregnancy with group 4: specificity

For a woman in a position who has AB positive blood, some trouble may arise only with bleeding during labor. This is due to difficulties in choosing a donor.


During pregnancy, special conditions may appear only when the mother is Rh negative and her spouse is Rh +. In such a situation, the child can adopt the father's Rh factor, and antibodies to the fetal blood will begin to be actively synthesized in the pregnant woman's body. If the baby chooses the mother's genes, then this does not affect the course of pregnancy in any way, and she can give birth to a healthy offspring for procreation.

This reaction is called "Rh-conflict". This condition is dangerous for both the mother and the child. In the process of its development, intrauterine pathologies arise, systems and organs are incorrectly laid, indications for abortion (interruption) may appear at an early stage.

When a woman is pregnant for the first time, the required amount of antibodies in her body accumulates only by the end of the term, and they do not affect the child's body. The case of the second and third pregnancy is especially dangerous, even if the woman decides not to give birth to the baby. As soon as conception occurs, a large number of antibodies are already produced in the body of a mother with Rh-negative blood. They attack the body of a defenseless child, he falls into a coma, rejection begins.

4 blood group: characteristics of people

For people with the fourth group, softness, suspiciousness, patience, developed imagination, and a penchant for creativity are characteristic. Men and women with such blood quickly absorb new knowledge, have a philosophical view of things, can look for the most extraordinary ways to solve various problems.


Sensitivity, fairness and tact - the tendency to these feelings carries the fourth blood group. The characteristic tells that humanitarian professions are best suited for such people. The carriers of the 4th group are friendly. They have the ability to empathize, sympathize with others, so they often choose medical professions for themselves.

However, there are negative aspects in the characteristics of a person with blood group 4. These personalities are slow, indecisive, constantly in need of attention from family and friends. They are acutely aware of any defeat and failure and are anxious about this. From such a weak character, representatives of the fourth group often become alcoholics, fall into drug addiction and may even commit suicide.

Interesting! Statistically, many Grade 4 people are blonde and have green eyes.

Blood type 4: everything about her

People with blood group 4, due to certain physiological characteristics, have great health risks. They can get sick and have such pathologies:

  • Diseases of the digestive system, especially the stomach;
  • Due to too weak immunity, there is a vulnerability to infectious, viral diseases, colds and cancer;
  • Pregnancy is dangerous for girls because of its influence on the appearance of various chronic diseases.

Diet features

A theory has been put forward, according to which, depending on the blood type, you need to build the diet correctly. Let's take a look at the top product tips for the fourth group:

  1. It is especially important to use fish dishes in the diet. Most useful species fish: sturgeon, tuna, trout. In limited quantities, you can eat shellfish and other crustaceans;
  2. Among the varieties of meat, it is better to give preference to turkey, rabbit, veal and offal;
  3. Eggs can be consumed no more than 4 pieces per week;
  4. Products made from sour milk with a low fat content are perfectly digestible. And it is better to exclude fresh milk;
  5. Among the cheeses, choose only hard varieties;
  6. Vegetables, fruits are needed every day in any form. The only thing worth limiting yourself is citrus fruits and pomegranates;
  7. It is important to eat porridge: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  8. It is worth paying attention to the need for vegetable oils and fats in the form of nuts. It is better to use olive oil rather than sunflower oil;
  9. Among the drinks, teas, juices from vegetables and fruits are recommended, and you need to be careful with coffee;
  10. The diet excludes the use of seeds, corn and beans.

Important! Men and women with group 4 have a tendency to be overweight. So they need to regularly monitor their blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

except correct diet, do not forget about sufficient physical activity.

One of unsolved mysteries the evolutionary process - the formation of the 4th blood group. There are three hypotheses on this score, which read:

The fourth blood group was formed as a result of a mixture of races, yellow and black, and black and red, meaning American Indians. Due to the rarity of such marriages, both in the past and in the present, people with the fourth blood group are a clear minority.

On Earth, there are no more than 5%, according to some sources, no more than 3%. In addition, the fourth blood group is extremely rarely formed from mixing the second group and the third and first group with the third.

The fourth blood group was formed as a result of the defeat of the human body by viral infections that raged on Earth after 1500. It is worth noting here that until this time people did not suffer from viral diseases.

All diseases then were caused only by microorganisms, and they are several thousand times smaller than viruses. But over the past 500 years, viral diseases that are completely new to the human immune system have begun to spread on Earth.

Infections such as mumps, measles, influenza, poliomyelitis, rubella, acute respiratory infections, smallpox, herpes, yellow fever and hemorrhagic fever, rabies and, finally, AIDS since 1990 and nonspecific pneumonia since 2003, have hit humanity in the last 500 years alone.

The successful fight against large pathogens with the help of antibiotics and other drugs does not allow the destruction of pathogenic viruses, because viruses are located directly in the cells of human organs.

And if the human circulatory system is not filled with special gamma globulins, healing from a viral infection will not take place. Thus, over 500 years, the human immune system has significantly changed its protein composition in the blood, thereby reacting to the spread of viral infections.

Hence the hypothesis that the fourth blood group arose in humans as a response to a viral invasion. Finally, it is believed that the fourth blood group appeared due to a strong increase, over the past 500 years, in the human diet, subjected to temperature processing, synthetic and semi-synthetic food ...

Approximately after the 16th century and to this day, all food of animal and plant origin is subjected to excessive heat treatment, that is, for a long time, boiled, fried, at a temperature of more than 100 ° C.

Humanity has begun to consume more synthetic food products obtained by processing natural products, for example, margarine, which is made by hydrolysis of acids and vegetable oils.

Artificial food products are created from oil, gas, coal. Almost all food products today use synthetic components. All this enters the human blood and changes its composition.

Over the past 500 years, humanity has been changing its blood composition by consuming such foods, which could lead to the emergence of the fourth blood group. It seems to me that the latter, the food hypothesis is less plausible, nevertheless, it exists.

Considering that among the entire population of the Earth, the IVth blood group is most often found among the indigenous people of Japan, Southeast Asia and the indigenous population of Australia, it is unlikely that the reason for the emergence of the fourth group was synthetic nutrition.

Indeed, the fourth blood group is the youngest and rarest, it appeared about a thousand years ago and only 5% of the world's population have it.

People with IV blood group have a unique ability to adapt to environment and nutritional conditions, and their body has a high resistance to various diseases... They have an overly sensitive digestive system and a very tolerant immune system.

In addition, the mysterious origin, a more modern mixture of organisms with blood types "A" and "B", along with the rest, make this blood group special. To relieve stress, a person with IV blood type engages in intellectual activity that is accompanied physical activity and more creative energy is released. He easily gets along with other people, is very calm and benevolent.

Under the banner of this blood group, the softest, balanced people who know how to entertain and get anyone out of a depressive state. At the same time, they are accurate, honest and tactful. Their weakness is that they themselves have their own internal conflicts, from this their indecision, difficulties in choosing or making a decision, as well as fear of new things.

However, their penchant for mysticism and mystery, along with high spirituality, makes people with this blood type wonderful soothsayers.

Ergashak's comment:

I personally know and have treated many people with the fourth blood group. Most of these people nervous system and immunity are vulnerable, although, despite each of them has dozens of viruses, they themselves look beautiful and you cannot say sick by their appearance, they also consider themselves practically healthy, they are even surprised when you list their viruses, tell them about secondary immunodeficiency, they feel sick.

In several of these patients, I noticed an interesting, almost all of the same tendency: today I completely cleansed their body of viruses, in a month these viruses appear again in them.

The names of these viruses are scary: many herpes viruses, including cytomegalovirus, togoviruses, immunodeficiency viruses, dozens of types of T-lymphacyte viruses, even obvious oncoviruses.

They live with these sickly ones in symbiosis, supposedly their friends, rarely cause these viruses in these people, painful conditions, except for a drop in immunity, and the photon index and the biological index decrease in these people, of course, in such cases, the opposing forces of the body to infections in these patients decrease.

And from here we healers begin to worry about their health, but they feel themselves, one might say perfectly.

Here is a clear example. Most close person me, my assistant, Alla Andreevna, is now 25 years old. Her mother and her father have blood of the second group. In the family (their kind), only she has the fourth blood group. She only had appendicitis. I have never been sick. Before my examination, I considered myself healthy.

During bioresonance diagnostics, she found hundreds of viruses with secondary immunodeficiency. He treated him several dozen times until he was completely cured. After a while, all viruses are tested again, while she considers herself quite healthy.

She is a candidate for longevity: her body temperature is almost always below thirty-six and her heart rate is constantly below sixty, and she has low blood pressure, is physically tough and very flexible, does not like meat products, and leads a healthy lifestyle.

All these qualities are signs of longevity. Probably viruses were given to her by nature, to live with them symbiotically in earthly life. She is greatly adorned with divine beauty, excessive kindness, spiritual and bodily purity, interest in the secret sciences, high spirituality, the most beautiful clear mind, developed intuition, artistic talent and many other positive qualities.

I took her first acquaintance from the date of birth without reservation as a student: she had all the numbers of Pythagoras, such a matrix is ​​very rare. Of course, such a person is endowed with all the advantages of the universe. Subsequently, she almost met all my expectations from her and she is happy to work day and night to become a famous Russian-Ukrainian writer named Alla Nasalskaya. These are the people of the fourth blood group.