
Inurl component users view registration apogee. Crochet and knitting - knitting patterns and patterns

Tomato blanks for the winter

Knitting belong to the popular process of making products, usually these are elements of clothing, but recently it has also become popular to knit a variety of accessories, jewelry and household items. It is historically confirmed that knitting was already known in ancient times. The first knitted items found date back to the 3rd century, which were discovered during excavations in Peru. Also in the IV-V centuries. high quality knitwear was found in Coptic tombs in Egypt, based on these data, it is assumed that the knitting technique was known long before that.

Nowadays, knitting is one of the favorite activities of women, which is available to absolutely everyone. Basically, our portal presents the work of two knitting techniques - crocheting and knitting. Crochet is distinguished by the ability to quickly create not only dense and embossed patterns, but also thin, delicate ones. Knitting popular because knitting allows you to create both warm clothes and delicate lace.

Knitting portal "Our yarn"

On the portal "Our Yarn" you can study models, patterns, crochet patterns and knitting needles for free. Also, all materials of the sections - crochet and knitting are available for beginners. The main sections of the portal are “Knitting for Women”, “Knitting for Men”, “Knitting for Children”, “Knitting for Home”, “Knitting of Accessories” and “Knitting for Animals”. Each section has its own headings of crochet and knitting. And most articles come with knitting patterns.

You can also send us your knitting work, and we will definitely publish them in the "Your work" section, and the most talented authors will have a surprise - publication in the "I knit to order" section, where we will place the knitting conditions to order and your contact information. We hope you enjoy our portal and you will find interesting information about crocheting or knitting for yourself!

Component layouts can be modified in the same way as module layouts. Let's say we want to change the layout of the user registration component on the front end of the website to include an agreement that the user must accept before registering on the website.

Our first task is to find the layout file of this component and copy it to the corresponding subfolder of the template folder. beez_20_copy... User registration of the user-side of the website takes place in the com_users component, and its layout is located in the folder components / com_users / views / registration / tmpl where four files are stored. For example, the default .php file contains the user registration form, and the complete.php file contains the layout of the screen that appears after registration is complete.

The folder structure for storing component layout overrides is similar to the folder structure you create for storing module layout overrides. Therefore, we need to create a subfolder templates / beez_20_copy / html /<имя_компонента>/<имя_представления> ... In the example considered here, this will be a subfolder beez_20_copy / html / com_users / registration... Next, we have to copy the default.php file from the original components folder to the new folder. As a result, we will get the folder structure.

As explained earlier with regard to modules, the override files for their layout are located in a subfolder named after the specific module. And with components, things are a little more complicated. They usually have several views with their own initial layouts. Therefore, we will have to first create a subfolder for each view in the component folder, and then place the layout override files there. Also, be sure to copy the empty index.html files to your layout overrides folders to prevent unauthorized people from viewing them.

Next, we need to make sure that the superseded link file is being executed, not the standard link. To do this, we can add some text back to the layout override file and check that it displays exactly as intended. To this end, a hi markup element has been added to the code with the title Mu User Registration Override; the corresponding line of code is in bold.
If you select the Home => Create an Account command from the menu, provided that the selected data is set in Joomla, the user registration form will be loaded. And if our template beez_20_copy is defined as the default, then our modified compose file will display the result.

Now that we have made sure that everything is installed correctly, we can proceed to special configuration of the build override file. As mentioned above, in this example we require the user to accept the proposed agreement before registering. If you look at the code in the compose file, you can see the definition of the Register button at the very end, shown in bold in the listing.

We need to put in the layout of the registration form a checkbox to accept the agreement before the Register button definition code highlighted in bold in the listing.

In the previous code snippet, we introduced a standard HTML document markup fieldset element with an annotation caption and a checkbox. However, the updated registration form has the following limitations.

  • The user is not required to check the box to accept the terms of service before registering.
  • The explanatory text for the checkbox is hard-coded in English and is not translated when the website is localized into other languages ​​of the world.

Later in the articles, we will introduce a plug-in that checks if the checkbox for accepting the terms of service is checked. Later in this chapter, we will add a replacement for the language support file and modify the registration form so that all of its text can be translated into other languages ​​of the world.

In Joomla, after successful registration, users by default are redirected to a login page(if account doesn "t need to be activated). From there (after logging in) users are redirected to a user profile page. This happens even if you have Login Redirection set to something else in Login Form Module.

To change this behavior you can redirect users after registration to any other page on your website.
To do this you need to edit a core Joomla file. Be aware that your changes may be overwritten by a Joomla update. Always document changes you make to core Joomla files so you can quickly re-do them if required.

Open file:
components / com_users / controllers / registration.php

Scroll down to the very bottom. Starting line 162 or so you will have flowing code:

if ($ return === "adminactivate") ($ this -> setMessage (JText :: _ ()); $ this -> setRedirect (JRoute :: _ (, false));) else if ($ return == = "useractivate") ($ this -> setMessage (JText :: _ ()); $ this -> setRedirect (JRoute :: _ ( "index.php? option = com_users & view = registration & layout = complete", false)); ) else ($ this -> setMessage (JText :: _ ()); $ this -> setRedirect (JRoute :: _ ( "index.php? option = com_users & view = login", false)); )

In this section you have 3 links starting index.php?

  • First one () is executed after user registration if account has to be activated by an administrator
  • Second ( index.php? option = com_users & view = registration & layout = complete), if account has to be activated by user
  • Third ( index.php? option = com_users & view = login), if account activation is not required.

Replace links depending on type of registration you use with FULL URL of your redirection page and you are done.
For example, if user activation on my website is not required and I want to redirect users after registration to the updated code will be:

// Redirect to the profile screen. if ($ return === "adminactivate") ($ this -> setMessage (JText :: _ ( "COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_VERIFY")); $ this -> setRedirect (JRoute :: _ ( "index.php? option = com_users & view = registration & layout = complete", false)); ) else if ($ return === "useractivate") ($ this -> setMessage (JText :: _ ( "COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_COMPLETE_ACTIVATE")); $ this -> setRedirect (JRoute :: _ ( "index.php? option = com_users & view = registration & layout = complete", false)); ) else ($ this -> setMessage (JText :: _ ( "COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_SAVE_SUCCESS")); $ this -> setRedirect (JRoute :: _ ( "" , false)); )

Regardless to which page on your website you redirect, system message " Thank you for registering ..."will be still displayed. If you don" t want this message, remove full line above your redirection URL. e.g. $ this-> setMessage (JText :: _ ("COM_USERS_REGISTRATION_SAVE_SUCCESS"));

If you don "t require account activation (New User Account Activation set to None) this is all you need to avoid User Profile page. However, if user has to activate account via email (Account Activation set to Self) this may not be enough. Immediately after registration user will be redirected to a web page you provided in the code as expected. However, when user clicks on a link in the activation email, they will be taken to the previously mentioned login form and if they use it to login, they will get to the User Profile page. To prevent this you can disable User Profile page completely and instead redirect users to any page you like. Read this article to find out how.

Joomla 1.6
Joomla 1.7
Joomla 2.5

This tutorial is going to show you how to enable and manage user registration on Joomla 3.x site.

If you want to give site visitors the opportunity to register for additional access to the site materials, you can do this by following the step-by-step instructions:

    Allow general registration. Open your Joomla admin panel and go to the section System> Global Configuration> Users Manager> Component> Allow User Registration... Set the value Yes (‘YES’) and save the changes:

    Publish the Login module. Go to section Extensions> Module manager> Login Form and press the button ‘Enable’ in order to activate the module.

    Publish your website login button. Go to section Menus> User Menu> Login. Turn it on.

    Add a menu item for user registration. Go to section Menus> User Menu> Add New... Provide a title for the new menu button. Go to Menu Item Type> Select> Users Manager> Registration Form... In the tab ‘Template Style’ select theme #### - Default and save changes:

Now refresh the site, Login and Registration buttons have been successfully added.

A lesson in which we will get acquainted with the Login add-on. This add-on is intended to implement on the site everything that may be needed to work with users in the front-end. It includes elements for implementing registration, confirming registration, recovering and changing the password, authorization, personal account and many other functions.

Installing the Login app

Open the "Package Management" page (Applications -> Installer). We download and install the Login component.

Creating a group of users and resources "Users"

Open the "Access Control" page (Gear -> Access Control). Click on the "New user group" button.

In the "Create User Group" dialog box, fill in the following fields:

  • Name: Users;
  • Description: Registered users;
  • Create Parallel Resource Group: Yes;
  • Backend Policies: (no policy).

Check if the new "Users" resource group has appeared. This resource group was created during the creation of the "Users" user group (the "Create parallel resource group" option was enabled). The "Users" resource group is needed to place resources into it, to which users located in the "Users" group will have access. These will be the resources "My Account", "Change Password" and "Data Editing". Anonymous users will not be able to access these resources.

Set up the rights of the "Users" user group. To do this, on the "Access Control" page, right-click on the "Users" group and select the "Edit user group" item.

On the "User group: Users" page, right-click on the "web" field and select the "Edit context access" item.

In the "Access of user groups to context" dialog box, set the access policy to "Load, List and View" and click on the "Save" button.

Creating pages (resources) for Login. Configuring access to these pages

Let's create the following pages (resources):

  • Registration (28) and Confirmation of registration (31);
  • Authorization (29) and Password recovery (32);
  • Personal account (30), Change password (33) and Data editing (34).

Let's set up access to the pages "My Account", "Change Password", "Data Editing". They should be available only to registered users (Users).

Open the "Resource Groups" page (Site-> Resource Groups) and move the above resources from the right tree to the "Users" group.

In addition, the "Load only" access must be set for the user group (anonymous). This must be done so that they can load pages from the Users group resources, check access rights and receive a 403 "Access Denied" error. If you do not give (anonymous) Load only, then these pages will not exist for them, and they will receive a 404 "Not Found" error.

Procedure: Gear -> Access Control -> (anonymous) -> Edit user group (right click) -> Access to resource groups -> Add resource group.

In the Add Resource Group dialog box:

  • Resource group: Users;
  • Context: website (web);
  • Minimum role: member (9999);
  • Access policy: Load only.

The last thing that needs to be done is to specify the "Authorization" resource (id = 29) as the 403 "Access Denied" error page. This is done in the system settings using the unauthorized_page parameter. Now, if an anonymous user wants to get to closed pages, he will be shown the "Authorization" page.

Page (resource) "Registration"

The Registration page will do the following:

  • display a registration form to the user;
  • process the form (data) submitted by the user on the server using the Register snippet.

Let's configure the processing of the form by the Register snippet so that it does the following:

  1. Proceed to processing the registration form only if it was submitted using a button whose name attribute value is submitbtn.
  2. Checked (validated) form fields for compliance with the specified requirements. When errors were found, it displayed them in the appropriate places ([[! + Reg.error.fieldname]]) of the form.
  3. If the form, filled in by the user, has no errors (passed validation):
    • displayed a success message;
    • send the user an email containing a message and a link. This action is necessary in order for the user to confirm the email, i.e. activated my account using it (link).

Content of the "Register" resource (form and Register snippet):

[[! Register? & submitVar = `submitbtn` & activation =` 1` & activationEmailSubject = `Registration confirmation` & activationResourceId =` 31` & successMsg = `

Thank you for registering. To your email [[! +]] an email has been sent containing the link required to activate your account. Follow this link to complete the registration procedure.

`& usergroups =` Users` & usernameField = `email` & passwordField =` passwd` & validate = `nospam: blank, passwd: required: minLength = ^ 8 ^, passwdAgain: passwdAgain = ^ passwd ^, fullname: required, email: required: email `& placeholderPrefix =` reg.`]]
[[! + error.message: eq = '': then = `
[[! + reg.error.fullname]]
[[! +]]
[[! + reg.error.passwd]]
[[! + reg.error.passwdAgain]]
`: else =`
[[! + error.message]]

Description of the used parameters of the Register snippet:

Parameter name Description
submitVar A key whose value is checked before the Register snippet starts processing the form. If you specify an empty string or false as the value of this parameter, then the Register snippet will process the form upon receipt of any Post request.
activation Determines whether it is worth confirming the email specified in the registration form or not. Those. the user will not be activated until he confirms his email. Value: 1 (yes, necessary).
activationEmailSubject The subject of the email containing the link to activate your account.
activationEmailTpl An email template containing information and a link to activate your account. We will use the default template: lgnActivateEmailTpl.
activationResourceId The identifier of the resource in which the snippet is located, with the help of which the user account is activated. Value: 31 (id of the "Registration confirmation" resource).
successMsg Displays the specified message after successful submission of the registration form. This parameter works when the submittedResourceId parameter is not used.
submittedResourceId Redirects the user to the specified resource after successfully submitting the registration form.
usergroups A comma-separated list of user group names or group IDs to which you want to add the newly registered user. Value: Users.
usernameField The name of the form field that contains the username as a value. Value: email.
passwordField The name of the form field containing the user's password. Value: passwd.
validate List (comma separated) of fields for validation (check). It is specified like this: name: validator (for example, username: required, email: required). Validators can be linked. For example, email: email: required.
placeholderPrefix Placeholder prefix. For example, placeholder values ​​for the email field, taking into account the reg prefix. : [[! +]] (field values), [[! +]] (error value).

How account activation works

It happens like this: after successful validation of the form, the Register snippet creates a modUser object and sets the active field to 0. Then it sends a letter to the user using the email specified in the registration form. This letter contains a URL (activation link). As soon as the user clicks on this URL, the ConfirmRegister snippet will change the value of the active field to 1. Now the user can log in to the site, i.e. log in with your account.

Resource "Confirmation of registration"

The "Registration confirmation" page is designed to activate a user account. The activation is executed by the ConfirmRegister snippet based on the URL. Its principle of operation is to change the value of the user's active field to 1. After that, the user can log in to the site, ie. log in with your account.

Content of the "Registration confirmation" resource (ConfirmRegister snippet):

[[! ConfirmRegister? & authenticate = `1` & redirectTo =` 4` & errorPage = `4`]]

Description of the used parameters of the ConfirmRegister snippet.