
How to build a wooden developing house. Build a wooden children's house in the country with your own hands

All about roses

Children really like to play, building your house out of boxes, stools, sofa pillows, blankets. Industry suggests various options Houses made of plastic, wood, plywood. They are performed with a device slide, stairs, windows, doors, swings, sports field, fences (photo 1,2,3,4,5). Interesting design solution is considered children's houseequipped with a tree (f. 6.7). Children's huts can be calculated on the installation indoors (f. 8) or in nature (f. 9). Dominics for children made in industrial conditions have beauty, functionality, exclusivity, security. They have a lot of advantages and one disadvantage - a high price. The financial problem can be solved by an alternative way: to build a children's hut personally, taking into account its conditions and desires for your child.


On the Internet, there are many ideas for the production of children's houses from the tree with their own hands of different sizes, types, projects. Hut from a tree for children's games can be with:

  • door or without it;
  • 1st, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5 and more windows or openings;
  • slide;
  • sports complex;
  • terrace, fence;
  • closed, open, semi-closed form;
  • staircase, several floors;
  • interesting architecture;
  • large and small sizes.

(photo 10, 11, 11a, 11b)

Photo 1-5 - Options for simple single-type houses 160x160
Photo 6-9 Warmhouses for the street and premises

Photo 10-11 - Game houses of different sizes
Photo 12 - Options for simple game zones


Try to build a children's house made of wood with your own hands with lengths / width / height of 160/160/140 cm and the height of the skate 90 cm, as in photo 12. It is simple in the manufacture and selection of material and consists of:

  • 4 blocks for the foundation;
  • 11 genital boards with a length of 1.6 m;
  • 4 bars for the foundation;
  • 6 roofing bars for rafter "legs";
  • 4 bars for the cutting of the frame;
  • lumber for riggers, tightening, jumpers;
  • cutting board for a framework of a frame;
  • calcaris with carved execution.

For assembly, you will need nails, screws, fasteners. You can cover the building for children's games on Ondulin.

Attention: To protect children from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the regionalolation, you need to buy fugged building materials, create chamders on the corners. When installing the structure, it is necessary to inspect each board, an army as needed. If there is a bitch in the board, which can over time fall, it is better to put such a workpiece from above, where the baby's hand will not be caught.

Photo 13-18 - Step-by-step manufacture Children's house made of wood, part 1
Photo 19-24 - Step-by-step making of a children's house made of wood, part 2

Photo 25 - Playground with your own hands using artistic wood thread
Photo 26 - House for children's games with their own hands

Making a children's house from a tree with their own hands

Create a drawing of the future house based on the recommendations.

1. First you need to prepare the site, align it. The finished teremok weighs a little, because it will not need a full fundament. But in order to ensure the stability and durability of the structure, it is necessary to put concrete blocks in the corners, processes the recess in the ground to one shone shovel. The blocks are placed on a sandy pillow (f. 13). Of the 4-wooden bars, a square is made 160x160 cm (F.14). In the corners, it is strengthened by fasteners. With the help of the same corners, you need to install the jumper in the middle (F.15).

2. Floor board is laid on the frame with a length of 1.6 m. It will take 11 segments with a width of 16 cm. It turns out a ready-made frame frame (F.16). It needs to be treated with an inside with a special mastic from rotting and pests (f. 17). Then the finished frame should be put on the foundation blocks, paving between the concrete and the woodproofing layer of the rubberoid.

3. Next is made framework of walls, taking into account doors and windows. The design is enhanced by fastening corners (photo 18). Separately manufactures rafters (F.19). For our hut, there will be 3rd rafters (F.20). They are installed as in an ordinary house. But the skin on both sides of the skate is made close, but on the sides - with a small step (f. 21.22). Next, the roof is crumbling ondulin - inexpensive and light roofing materials.

4. The walls of the walls are carried out by clapboard. For elegacity, doorways and windows are decorated with carved platbands. Smooth curly corners will give the hut beautiful view And they will guarantee the safety of children. With facade oil paint. Different color your hut for children will be a part of the fabulous children's world (F.23).

5. Stationary shops can be made for different games in the house. They are usually installed near the walls. In such a hut, it will not be superfluous to be a small portable table, others are not bulky items (F.24).

Children love moving games and lead a movable lifestyle. And of course, even the smallest I want to have our own playground. Building may appear as a fabric canopy or cardboard lock. To do children's house do it yourself You can use ready-made Drawings Constructiongaming complex photo. In a week, you can build a miniature fortress or an indoor gazebo. Such a structure will become not only a place for babies, but also architectural decoration.

Children's house do it yourself on the plot

Every adult in the past was a child. And everyone remembers how it wanted to become an adult, so that everything was like the parents - their home, car, and so on. But if you buy a child a children's car is easy, then with the construction of the house, albeit a toy, more complicated. But if such a desire ripened, first of all, you need to evaluate your capabilities. All children's houses are divided into several groups:

  • at the location of the location (separately standing attached to the wall, the house on the tree)
  • based on materials - wood, plastic, metal, brick
  • on the design of the design (frame, team-shield, etc.)

A small ready-made house from the local supermarket will cost at least five thousand rubles, and if you make it yourself, it will cost it much cheaper.

On a note. If you build a house yourself, the children will help you. They will bring tools and participate in the process. The event will be remembered for a long time and bring you closer to children. Thus, an educational goal will be achieved.

Children's house can be made with her own wood

  • This is the most important stage. Decide which area is ready to allocate under construction. If it is located on the country site, then the house can be big, and if in small-sized apartment - Perhaps it will be a small corner house in the form of a castle tower.
  • Think over whether the foundation is needed. In any case, the construction must be sustainable enough, as well as protected from groundwater. If the house is on the piles, it is necessary to burst into a certain depth for sustainability.
  • Consider the inclination and hobbies of your Chad. Whether he needs a house to calmly read the book or play with toys, or he will give there a crowd of friends. As the kids have a lot of energy, the design should withstand their running and moving games.
  • Come up with the design of the future facilities, consult with households and children. Maybe it will be a similarity of a pirate ship or a hobbit house, and perhaps traditional wooden house, only in miniature.
  • Next, designate the budget of the construction and time frame, that is, how much time you can pay for a construction site.
  • Create a drawing of building. Check out all future dimensions. It is quite realistic to order in the construction store not only material, but also its cutting into the size you need. Then you will bring ready-made beams, wall elements, etc., and it will not be necessary to mess with a circular saw.
  • Make the estimate, turn on there all the material, including nails and screws.
  • Look out the look again the drawing, estimates and count how much the idea is fulfilled, because if you do not have enough time or strength, it will be offended not only to you, but also to children.

Children's House - Ship - Excellent Game Zone and Scope for Fantasy Child

It is necessary to start planning the drawing of the children's house, determine the size of the house

It is necessary to consider everything to the smallest detail, in the future building there should be no sharp corners sticking nails, shaky structures. Wooden construction can not be located close to flammable places, for example, fire or place for barbecue. It is advisable to impregnate after the construction of the house with fire-protecting impregnation.

The most fiscal option - the house-shala

It's easier and faster to build a small slag. To do this, trimming boards, timber, sterling trunks of trees will be useful. The branches put in the form of a cone, tightly bind from above, so that the design does not fall from the wind loads. On top covers a piece of tarpaulin or other durable fabric. It is desirable some of the supports to shop into the ground for the stability of the design.

The easiest option of the baby house in the form of a shala

Despite the seeming simplicity of this structure, he has certain advantages. It can be quickly disassembled and transferred to another place, and if the child is bored - then the construction is easy to dismantle and use the material for other purposes.

Children's house in the shape shape can be accommodated even in the apartment

Street children's house in the form of a shag must be a little stronger than the apartment

Collection-shield house

Fast and convenient construction technology. Separately assemble 4 walls, roof, and then mounted in place. To build a house of 2 sizes for 3 meters 2 will be needed 2 wooden Rama 3 meters size * 1.5 meters and 2 wooden frames of 2 meters sizes 1.5 meters, these billets are collected on Earth, then someone from the construction team keeps the frame vertically, the other with the help of the screwdriver connects them. The roof of the house is assembled separately and ride then upstairs. This construction method is extremely convenient for the construction of small light buildings. For several hours, a solid structure is collected from finished parts. Walls are sewn with clapboard, plywood or even an organomet.

Frame house

This technology is one of the most popular among dachens and in cottage construction. The basis of the structure is formed wooden frame From the bar of the desired thickness. The thicker the timber - the greater the burden of the design. Find the necessary information regarding the thickness of the bar in construction directories. If there are two floors in the construction, a thickness ram is required not less required for overlapping so that it can withstand the weight of the floor and dynamic loads.

Construction of a skeleton children's house consists of a frame and slabs between them

The frame structure is brought shortly - first side racks, then check the level, then transverse, then intermediate. When the framework is ready, then the walls can be sewed to the board, block house, hang windows and doors. The roof is covered with bitumen or metal tile of bright color. If desired, such a house can be insulated with minvata or other materials.

Log house

If there is such an opportunity, the child can use the house stylized under the hut or the medieval tower with a small window and a wrought door. An individual log order under a gaming house will be weekly, but the result will look spectacular, especially if you want to surprise guests or neighbors.

Small house for urban apartment

There are a cross section of the cross section, for example, 5 * 5 cm, of which the carcass is made or turrets are made. From above is attached with a furniture stapler or cloves a beautiful bright fabric corresponding to the plan. Do not forget to sand boards so that there is no zoom.

Any house can be decorated decorative elementCustom-made - for example, a round window or original door. Next to the house you can put the sculpture of a fabulous character, it will emphasize the flavor. For example, we present calculations for a small house.

Simple children's house in the apartment can be made of simple cardboard

Country House Project

Novice builders already on initial stage Must plan the course of work. First, you should talk to children. The girls will surely want to live in a magic castle, and the boys will prefer a pirate ship or space station. The compromise will be a compromise cottage With a room and a veranda. It does not differ from the device from the gazebo or a small bath, so construction does not take a lot of strength.

According to calculations, the room will take area 2 m2, and the terrace is 3 m2. The height of the ceiling is 1.8 meters. Do low ceilings It is meaningless, children will grow rapidly, and a few years later, the dwelling will be too small. Parents will be able to enter the spacious shelter and look after the kids.

Children's house in the style of country looks very cute and smart

The installation of two windows from Eastern and Western side is provided. The door is a single entrance - from the south. Construction technology - frame. Foundation - 9 rectangular blocks. The roof is a wooden lamp covered with two sheets of ondulin. Overlap - wooden. Paul - boardwalk. When entering the terrace, two concrete steps are installed.

List of essential materials

Firms specializing in the production of goods for giving supplies, including toy dwellings. Prices for similar products are high. Thoughtful parents browse catalogs and magazines to build a house without someone else's help. Calculation of the value of materials will help in advance budget. In this case, the cost of the construction of a wooden building in miniature is considered:

  • grinding bar - 10 000 rubles
  • screws - 300 rubles.
  • oSB sheets - 2 000 rubles
  • lining - 4 000 rubles
  • ondulin - 1,000 rubles
  • plaque flooring atmospheric - 3,000 rubles.
  • 2 small windows - 2 000 rubles
  • door with accessories - 1 500 rubles
  • foundation Blocks - 4 500 rubles.
  • black boards - 2 000 rubles

Children's house can be part of a large gaming complex.

Total is 30,000 rubles. The amount is rather big, but the house will work almost like adults. Electricity is dangerous for children, so the light bulbs are replaced with lamps on batteries. Additional costs will require the purchase of decorative elements - pads, rugs and other little things.

Boys can play perfectly in a firefighter house

Fantasy buildings

Fairy tales and cartoons fascinate with their colorfulness. Please build a house fabulous hero. For example: put in the room a cardboard box from washing machine. In the side walls, windows and doorway cut through. Instead of doors, a rope cornice is placed over the removal, which is broadcast a dense bottom. From above, the unsightly cardboard is covered with gift paper or paint with acrylic art paints.

Cardboard house can be issued as a rocket

To relax in nature, it is not difficult to lay out a stone turret or to lend a wooden shed. In order not to suffer with drawings, you can put the old table and nail the wooden planks to the legs. It turns out a small dwelling with flat wooden roof. When building materials are missing, even unnecessary curtains are going to move. Four columns are bought into the ground, which are then tightened by matter.

Council. If in the children's playing house you install a sports projectile - a staircase or a hill for a child, he will receive not only a personal space, but also the opportunity for regular training.

Interior design

Game Terem should not overload furniture. For comfortable accommodation, it is enough to put a couple wooden benches Along the walls and the table in the middle of the room. It is advisable to nourish the legs in the floor so that the kids do not drop heavy furniture. The room can not furnish. In order to avoid injury, mild deputies are installed. For night summer gatherings equip hammocks.

It is necessary to consider the interior of the children's house

Fire safety

Buildings made of wood with careless handling easily flammable. Wooden details Treat flame retardant paint or survive siding. A brick house is considered reliable, but this material is not for everyone by pocket. The above wooden house It will last for one year, if you contact him carefully. For security purposes, children cannot be left in the country unattended.

It is better to cover the children's house with flame retardant composition

Children's houses do it yourself

Children's house do it yourself 40 photos:

Happy childhood is the key to a healthy adult life of every person. That is why parents try to create the necessary conditions, for the formation of a full-fledged and successful personality.

Children are often tied to their mothers and dads and love to give them most of their time. However, each child needs its own small spacewhere the owner will only be he.

To this end, you can build a wooden children's house at the cottage for the summer pastime of the beloved Chad; His toys will settle in it, it will be a space for his fantasies and dreams. And if you truly caring parents, do not miss this opportunity: build a house with your own hands, taking into account the wishes of your child. Even better - to attract it to the construction itself, instructing him the role of architect, engineer or designer.

How to make a children's house

In the construction of a children's house there is nothing complicated even for a man who does not have a special construction education. After all, this design should be simple. The main thing is to decorate it outwardly and inside that it turned out brightly and colorfully, as in a children's fairy tale. So where to start? Of course, from the project.

Construction plan

Working out the project, pride the following points:

  • what house you want: open or closed type;
  • dimensions of the future design;
  • location;
  • materials for walls, roofs, windows and doors;
  • availability of additional components (terrace, hill, extension, fence, swing, staircase, sandbox, etc.) and decor (for example).

Also, consider such nuances as:

  • mobility or stationarity of the main structure;
  • the height of the windows (at least 500-600 mm from the floor);
  • the height of the doors (at least 200 mm above the growth of the child);
  • the quality of the walls (they must be smooth and safe);
  • the roof (must be notice, so that the child can not climb on it).

Develop the drawing of themselves; If you doubt, then consult with any of the familiar specialists to get the right design.

Drawing of a house with a staircase

Drawing of a house for games with shops

Tools and materials

For the construction of a small house you will need:

  1. Boiled panels with racks from which the walls of the house will be erected.
  2. Bars.
  3. Thin plate.
  4. Roll Ruberoid.
  5. Screws and nails.
  6. Morid and paints of different colors for decoration.

Do not do without required tools: shovels, rubbing, hammer, screwdriver, level, disk saw, stationery knife, painting brushes.

Make cuts necessarily from the inside of the panels to avoid the appearance of chips on the outside.

Install the walls, windows and doors

Choose a place for a house. It is important that there was a lot of free space around the house. After all, the kids love to be frozen in the fresh air.

Failure up the top layer of the soil and make a frame from bars for flooring. Then form the floor from the board panels.

Cooking the foundation for the future house

Also from bars and panels Make wooden shields for walls. Now it is important to cut the loops in them for windows and doors. There should be at least two windows in the house so that the room is quite lit. Start from the windows, and do the doors not to the end, So that the unfinished panel does not lose rigidity. Finish the cutting of the doorway only after fastening the front panel.

Cover all the models and varnish components (from the inside and outside), then connect them. First fix the flooring, then attach the walls.

Ideas of wooden houses for children

If you want to do something original, then consider the following selection of options:

  1. Bunk lodge with a ladder.
  2. Fabulous hut on curious legs.
  3. Wooden house on a tree with a stacnifier ladder.
  4. House with a staircase and a canopy.
  5. Small house-booth.
  6. House with a attic.
  7. Puppet lodge for girls.
  8. Suspended house on a tree.
  9. House on a tree with a hanging bridge.
  10. House-gazebo in the garden.
  11. House with a spiral staircase.
  12. Teremki, space ships and rockets, flying plates, etc.

Bunk Domari House with Furniture

As you can see, a children's house can be as you see your children or your imagination. The main thing is that the structure gets safe, has become a cozy shelter for your child and settles happiness and love in his soul.

Every child dreams of its own space, which adults will be closed input. Didn't we try to build slash on the street, and indoors - "halabud": his own separate accommodation? Everything went into the move: branches, cardboard boxes, chairs, blankets, etc. And how they envied the topics, who had parents independently built them small houses! Perhaps, precisely because in childhood we had no such toys, we strive to give everything possible to our children and the house for children in the country is no longer a wonder, but the need.

The phrase "children's house" is most often associated with a reliable wood design. First, it is an eco-friendly material, and secondly, durable - here you can grow not one generation of children. Especially good houses from pine and in general - any coniferous rocks Trees, as it is very useful for health. Having built a separate game area to your child, you will provide a baby with your own shelter, where he can do any interesting things. Moreover, regardless of the weather, the child can be hiding in its own Mirka: play, read, meet with friends, and maybe just dream and relax.

What is the main thing for parents during the construction of a house? Child safety, savings on materials and that the construction does not interfere, but brought benefit. Many are indignant that they say, the house will be interested in the baby for several years from the power, and then what to do with the design? Well, firstly, the house can be sold to neighbors who have children appeared, and secondly, it is possible to use it as an economic room - for storing a garden tool, etc.

If you still doubt - you can build a house that does not have a monolithic frame, or buy a ready plastic portable house. Choose your own project of the children's house and give your child the fulfillment of dreams!

Children's houses from wood

  1. Currently, the tree is the most common material for construction. And this is despite the fact that the choice of materials is just huge!
  2. The tree always wins, because it is natural material. It is environmentally friendly, durable, safe and easily accessible.
  3. There is no need for working with wood to be needed in some exotic tools, you will need only a hammer, nails, saw, plans, stacker, screws. In addition, working with a tree is one pleasure!
  4. From the tree you can build a simple, modest domishko, and you can - a whole lock. It all depends on your desire and, of course, the skills.
  5. To build a masterpiece, you will need a serious set of tools and equipment, but as such difficulties will not add it.
  6. In addition to the clean tree for the construction of a house, you can use Phaneur, MDF, lining, ICE, chipboard and a variety of other materials that are based on wood.
  7. Building a house from a tree, you can combine the materials from the tree with each other.
  8. Given the place where the house will stand and its functional duty, you can select the materials from which the house is built. For example, if the construction will stand under a canopy, it is quite possible to make a children's house from plywood.

Children's houses from cardboard

  1. A children's house from a cardboard box can be made even the child himself - it is enough to have a large packaging from large houses in stock.
  2. If there are no boxes, you can use thick durable cardboard - it is perfectly fastened with brackets, a construction stapler, scotch tape or a "moment" glue.
  3. Doors and windows can be cut with scissors or knives - Previously, it is necessary to draw lines for which parts are cut.
  4. The roof can be glued down any kind - it all depends on your and child fantasy. And a few pieces of cardboard will help you with this.
  5. All joints can be additionally strengthened with scotch - it will help the product for a long time to stay in good form.
  6. The defrosting of the product is the very high point, because it is precisely from this that the mood of your baby depends, because the house first should like him. You can paint the walls with a conventional tassel and gouache.
  7. If you have old wallpapers, from the inside you can save the house with these trimming. If you have no wallpaper - it is not trouble, you can use children's drawings or tenderloin from children's magazines for these purposes.
  8. Do not stand too much on the design of a house inside and outside - let the child behaves colors and style.
  9. Cardboard house is short-lived. On the street in it you can only play if there is no high humidity And wind.
  10. Cardboard house - the best solution for the apartment.

Children's fabric houses

  1. The fabric will not allow to build a monolithic structure, but a funny cozy shalashik will succeed! If you do not know how to build a house for children, pay attention to this option!
  2. To create a fabric house, you need to build a frame, on top of which fabric is thrown.
  3. Depending on your desire, such a house can be both collapsible and stationary.
  4. To make a frame, you can use plastic or iron pipes, as well as wooden bars. Buy material for frames in construction stores.
  5. If you have chosen wooden bars for a frame, you need to take it in advance, and then paint. It will protect the child from scratches and the zoom.
  6. Slashes are preparing very simple - the ends of the frame layers (bars, pipes) should be associated with one edge. From the opposite end, the framework must rest about the hard support, while the bar must be divided into different directions.
  7. Over the design you need to throw the fabric - it can be a sheet, a cut of a matter or a specially crosslinked case. It will be a wall of a house.
  8. Paul here is not provided, so it is necessary to lay a warm blanket or warm mat.
  9. This design can be collected and disassemble at any time, to endure into the garden if the weather is not windy and rainy.
  10. You can arrange a stationary slush - it will be enough to consolidate the hoop under the ceiling (height, in principle, you can choose yourself) and throw the fabric on top on it.
  11. It is very important when building a house from a fabric to sew a cover so that the door and windows come out - then your house will not be enough. Children will definitely appreciate.

Children's housekeeping houses

  1. Hypzarton houses are built indoors. They are stationary and with them you can play for a long time.
  2. The house from this material is able to become a real decoration of any apartment and at home, the main thing is to choose the right project.
  3. The frame in the drywall house is the usual aluminum profiles or ordinary wood bars.
  4. Plasterboard to the frame is attached to self-drawing with a screwdriver.
  5. Internal work in the drywall house must be very careful, so that the baby does not borrow with the design.
  6. In the event that you planned two-storey house, It is necessary to pay separate attention to the overlap and steps - they are best made from the tree, because plasterboard is a more fragile material - it will break under the weight of the child.
  7. In the drywall house you can arrange furniture and highlight, make real windows with window sills, steps and visor above the door. In general, your fantasy - and here the room is a real fabulous castle or a magic hut.
  8. For the street houses from drywall are not suitable, since the material does not have moisture resistance and can quickly come into disrepair.
  9. From drywall, you can build an excellent children's house with a slide. At the same time, the slide can be high - "from the second floor".

Children's plastic houses

The production of toys today stepped far forward - no one would not surprise with plastic houses, which externally resemble fabulous huts. The only minus of these designs is their price, which is sometimes translated as a few meters of plastic.

Basically, plastic houses go as an element of a children's town. For example, there is a ready-made children's house with a tunnel or a veranda, a children's house with a slide or swing.

All that is required of you is to pay a certain amount, and at home to collect the design. And all - long-term entertainment to your child is guaranteed!

Construction of a children's house do it yourself

Tree houses, as we found out, are the most durable and safe facilities. The construction of a children's house will not take you a lot of time, so soon you can please your child.

How to make a children's house: choice of place

If you decide to build a good stationary house for games, you need to choose for him appropriate placeAfter all, the construction will have a long time.

The house on the tree is probably the most the best wayBut if this design is not possible, or you fear for your child, then it is better to abandon this option. But the hut under the tree is exactly what you need! In addition, over time, the house can be chained by the "neighbors": sandbox, slide, swing, etc.

Thoroughly examine your site and find such a place that would be ideal for the construction of a house. Pay attention to a quiet place in the shade, away from noise and drafts. Next to the house should be enough space for games. There should be no garage, garden, well or other hospostroops. These conditions are very important both for children's games and to calm parents.

Found a suitable place? Wonderful! Getting Started building a drawing of a children's house, and then to its construction!

The size of the house depends solely on your desire and opportunities. On average, wood houses have a size of 1.5x1.5 (or 1.4x1.6), with a height from 1 meter to 1.5 meters. And, by the way, if you have a diagram of a children's house, then you will be much easier, so do not be lazy to draw the project first, and even then begin to create.

How to make a children's house: foundation and floor

  1. For a children's house, as well as for an adult counterpart, construction begins with the foundation.
  2. The base can be the usual land, sand or crushed stone.
  3. There are several options that can be used to lay boards. You can remove the upper layer of the Earth and fall asleep on top of the crushed stone, then all align and lay the supporting bars on this platform. And it is possible - the corners of the structure to choose on special blocks (for example, from concrete), supports should be placed on sand pillows. It turns out that the corners of the design are placed at a depth of 30 to 50 cm. At the same time, the land from the holes must be pulled out, and put on the sand and pour it. By the way, the frame frame can be confused in advance.
  4. At the prepared place you need to set blocks (they should be at the same level). Use the level to make the frame to be smooth.
  5. Waterproofing layer - very important momentwhich will help the house to survive for many years. Basically, it is used as an insulator tool, rubberoid, mastic. You can make a house on piles or brick columns (at least with 20 cm) - then the ventilation will be natural.

How to make a children's house: frame

The installation of the frame is performed after work on the construction of the foundation.

  1. Floa to put on the basement blocks (support bars), connect to a rectangle using self-tapping screws and corners.
  2. Thanks to the metal corners, the design will be durable, but it will still be necessary to establish transverse bars. For a large house, you will need at least 3 struts, and ideally - all 5. If the lodge is small, then there will be enough 1 boards.
  3. As soon as you have a framework, you can start to the floor. To create sex, use chipboard, HDF, MDF. Their main goal is to withstand weight and moving games of the children. Experts advise to use the board of such parameters: length - 6 m, thickness - 28 mm, width - 13.5 cm. You have enough 4 boards for the floor.
  4. Do not forget about the protection of wood from moisture and injury to insects. The floorboard is doubly needed - process it from both sides by antiseptic and moisture-repellent components.

How to make a children's house: walls and roof

Paul is ready, it's time to start the construction of the walls.

  1. The walls are mounted in the form of a frame from Bruusyev - further it will be necessary to sheathe with the wallpaper or shield.
  2. Do not forget that in the house there must be windows (at least one) and the door.
  3. In the corners of the future house you need to install a 60x40 timber, its length should be 3 m.
  4. Depending on which the height of the house you plan to do, the bar must be cut 1 m or 1.5 m.
  5. Install bars under the future door and window (windows).
  6. In order to fix the timber, it will be sufficient to put it on with nails - in the future it should be easily getting rid of them. Due to this, it will be possible not to worry about the fittings of the parts until special mounting corners are installed.
  7. Between the bars, it is necessary to put the struts - it will be a fastener.
  8. From above, the bars must be combined with a frame - it will also be the base for the roof. After the foundation for the walls is ready, it is necessary to pull out nails and build a metal corner from metal to this place.
  9. It is very important - all the angles must be fixed by corner fasteners, just like the butt elements. Only doing this work, you will get confidence that your house is durable.
  10. Those bars that are horizontally: calculate how much boards need to cover them. Secure the horizontal struts at that height, where the top of the window and the door will be.
  11. To complete the frame correctly, you must set the roof struts. Felt two bars to each other - as if it is an incomplete triangle, where one of the walls is its base. Free ends must be consolidated by the top bars of the walls. As a result, you should get from 2 to 4 such triangles.
  12. They must strictly stand opposite each other, as well as between the first pair. Be sure to consolidate the brus of the corners.

How to make a children's house: registration

  1. Wooden shields or lining are used for the walls of the walls, but you can simply beautifully lay the boards. The lining is the fastest option: all elements are easily connected to each other, they should not be measured and customized for a long time.
  2. The roof can be done again - from the boards, and on top covered with trimming: rubberoid, tiles, ondulin, slate.
  3. Wooden house can be frustrated with bright colors, and you can leave in a natural form, pre-open with lacquer for outdoor work.
  4. Inside the house, you can organize a table and chairs or shops, you can put a small sofa, make a kitchen or workshop. All items can be bought, and can be done yourself.
  5. Before the house you can make the porch and canopy over the entrance door, you can make shutters for windows.
  6. Slow on the windows of the curtains, lay a tablecloth on the table.
  7. Use for the construction of the house only the processed boards so that children do not scratch and not hurt.
  8. Make sure that all metal parts are well embedded and not sticking out.
  9. If you do not have pricework And the cottages - this is not a reason to upset the baby - make him a house right in the apartment - do not deny myself and the child is pleasure!

Also here are drawings for which it is easy to build a wooden house for a child in the open area.

The importance of the construction of a children's game house

Little baby is an already personality. And the childhood period is preparing for future adult life. The kid through reproduces the actions of his parents familiar, as if projects them in a reduced scale. Therefore, wooden in the yard or at the cottage will become one of his favorite places of his stay. This is a unique opportunity to create for the baby its own, isolated from adult world.

In a children's toy, a miniature furniture can be installed, dishes, hang curtains, even prepare bedding. The kids will gladly take guests there, play, eat and even go to sleep.

Selection of material

Before adults, who have decided to make a miniature toy dwelling for their Chad, the question arises: what is the best to build a house? In principle, the construction can be built on an ambulance hand from cardboard boxes Or, inserted into the ground several ridges, pull the film, glue, fabric either wallpaper. But such a "dwelling" is similar to a straw house from a fairy tale about three piglets - bad weather and the wind can destroy it in one moment.

Buying plastic components for a miniature structure at the cottage - the easiest way out. However, this material is difficult to name particularly durable. So, the construction itself will serve for a short time.

Some build on the site of a brick structure or natural stone. It is quite creative and beautiful. But the stone, although it is more durable and durable compared to other materials, requires additional finishes, since enough heat.

Use for construction sheets of fiberboard or chipboard despite the fact that the suppliers prove their environmental friendliness, it is undesirable, after all, they are made using varnishes, adhesives, synthetic resins, various other fillers. Yes, and they do not shine a special fortress, and the process of warping is inevitable on an open place for precipitation.

That is why it is best to build a wooden house. For children, you can build a log structure or a board.

Advantages of wooden buildings for children

The most environmentally friendly materials are a tree or stone. In addition, unlike stone and bricks, wooden buildings Next finish do not need. So, the construction will cost cheaper and will be fulfilled faster. And the pine wooden house for a child also has a positive effect on his health.

The advantage of the construction of miniature gym is also in the fact that the remnants of the construction of the necessary household buildings. Yes, and in the case when there is no need to have a wooden gaming house for children, it is used as a storage room or an original arbor. There is an option to re-equip it even under a beautiful chicken coop or a place for cells with rabbits, chinchilas or sands.

Basic provisions for the construction of a house for a child

Most important condition - Child safety. Therefore, it should be thought of to calculate both the disposition of the structure and its strength. It is best to wear and cement Brevna (piles), which will later be hampered by the walls for the walls and attached the roof.

It is important to check that nails or screws do not protrude out. The boards themselves must also be well processed so that the children could not be injured, chopped out the hand, leg or back.

If the house is portable or collapsible, it is worth thinking of a fastening of it so that it does not turn into, not covered, did not crumble. Therefore, after all, in this case, stationary buildings are less dangerous.

Ideas of children's wooden houses on the plot

First of all, the designer builder must decide on the size of the building. Important factors will be his appearance. From choosing the type of construction depends, what will be a wooden house for a child, how it will fit into the site.

For example, good decision For uneven surfaces with slopes and ravines there will be a game complex consisting of several transitions connected to each other, bridges, stairs of structures, some of which will be two-storey, and others are single-storey.

Very comfortable wooden arbors located on the roof, where adults can drink tea, chat or play in the lotto in the evening. The guys are so fun to climb into their toy dwelling on the ladder! Add the functionality of this building a plastic hill with which kids can roll.

Fabulous houses

You can arrange the entire plot in the fantasy style. A small house will be only part of a general solution. And the entire territory can be issued in the form of a flower town, where Dunno lived, with miniature ponds and huge mushrooms.

And the option of the village of the Dwarfs can also attract designers who decided to build a wooden drawings of the most difficult to build a wooden drawings. Master, familiar with a saw, hammer, nails and a planer, to build such a house will not be much difficulty.

An interesting version of the "Curve" of the house is interesting. It can be stylized under housing Baba-Yagi, Forest Koldun, Dwarf or another fabulous character.

"Curve" house - construction plan

Imagine this creative idea to life a little more difficult. Only two opposite walls are the same has such a wooden house for children. The drawing reflects this feature Constructions.

Detail A is a frontal wall. Without cutout for entrance door This will already be the back wall of the house. Attention should be paid to the fact that all parties details differ in size, so they are designated in the drawing with different letters. The item itself has only one straight angle.

Side wall adjacent to straight cornerIt has a rectangle shape (part 2), the vertical sides of which is equal to the side of the front wall (B).

The opposite wall (item 3) is also rectangular. The vertical side should coincide in size with the beveled side of the front wall (C). On the presented drawing, the version of the house with a square floor was developed, but if you wish, you can make it rectangular.

Details 4 and 5 are the roof. The sides of the rectangles are indicated by the corresponding dimensions. However, it should be noted that if it is decided to make visors, then you need to add several centimeters on them.

If you follow the instructions for the construction of children's houses, to attach effort and patience, you can build a wonderful building quite quickly and efficiently.