
The warmest filler for the blanket. What a blanket is better to choose

To help hostess

Filler for the blanket: what better to choose, because the third part of the life is every normal person spends in a dream, and therefore create the most comfortable conditions For this process is simply necessary. It is very important that the bed be comfortable, the comfort reigned in the bedroom, and the bedding corresponded to tastes and the needs of the owner.

However, the range of home textiles in our time is so diverse that the question of choice puts consumers to a dead end. For example, what a blanket is better? It turns out that there are many nuances that characterize this seemingly the simplest household subject. Let's try to determine all the necessary properties. good blankets.

How to choose a blanket

So that there are no extremely producers there, what innovations did not advertise, a rational consumer when choosing a blanket should be guided primarily on the standard - GOST (suitable option - R 51554-99 dated December 29, 1999). According to the specified standard, the main characteristics of the textile product under consideration are:

  • the size;
  • heat shield quality.

To begin with, we recommend to decide what exactly you want: Plaid, a classic or lightweight blanket. The last option is considered a novelty in the textile products market. But if you want to sleep, looked into a warm "cloud", he suitable better Total.

The smallest size of the canvase is 90 x 120 cm, the largest - 300 x 250 cm. The most convenient is considered to be - 200 x 220 cm.

Let's wonder what a blanket is better to buy, with what filler. HEATING PROPERTIES The manufacturers are noted on the packaging points, their quantity can vary in the range from one to five. In this case, consumers are recommended to navigate individual characteristics organism. For one, one point already denotes a warm blanket, and the other and five are few.

Do not miss articles in the topic:

To the number of other selection factors include:

  • the method of firmware (cassette, stegan or figured);
  • the fabric from which the case is sewn;
  • patterns, drawings and other designer sizes;
  • price (minimum value - $ 10).

What filler for the blanket is better

Let's deal with what filler for the blanket is better. Times when you could choose from three options: wool, wool or fluff, have long passed. Now consumers offer ≈ 20 varieties of fillers. In order to deal with such a differentiated assortment, we decided to classify them by groups, identify the main advantages and disadvantages.

Natural fillers

Natural fillers: Designation - Nomit. These include:

  • bamboo and hemp fiber;
  • feather;
  • cotton;
  • wool;
  • eucalyptus.

The use of woolen and dying blankets is contraindicated allergic. But among the population, these options are in the greatest demand. And not in vain. After all, the durable and warm, but at the same time the camel blankets are sufficiently light. They perfectly support the sipping human body microclimate.

Similar properties have products from sheep wool. They are even specially recommended rheumatics as a prophylactic agent. One nuance: a cheap sheep blanket may have a specific smell, because of which to fall asleep to people is impressionable.

Cotton filler (now it is so fashionable to call cotton) enough hygroscopic and hypoallergenic. Only here to care for such things is difficult. Moisture and smells they absorb quickly, but the wash at the same time is very problematic. The usual machine does not cope with this task, it is expensive to dive into dry cleaning, and the hands are long and hard.

Synthetic fillers

To begin with, we list all synthetic fillers:

  • antiallergenic polyester fiber;
  • test (artificial swan fluff);
  • microfiber;
  • polyester;
  • silicone;
  • tinsulete;
  • hollofiber.

Artificial "filling" has very good thermal insulation properties. In addition, synthetic fillers are suitable for allergies, do not create problems with washing and drying. The main drawback is bad hygroscopicity.

Elite fillers

The elite fillers include:

  • cashmere;

Yes, these materials deserve confidence. Such products are a find for any home. Luxury fillers look aesthetic, serve for a long time, without losing valuable qualities. One problem is the price. To buy a silk blanket (the cheapest), it is necessary to spend $ 100, the cost of cashmere - from $ 150. Agree, this amount is large enough for a family with an average income.

Features of the choice of blankets for children

Parents's desire to provide their children strong and healthy sleep is quite natural. Especially since very small can not explain what is the problem. Suitable options For warm times - products from the bike, fleece or terry sheet. For cold seasons, it is better to purchase a wool blanket or a fluff, which will be warm, and light, and hygroscopic. If the kid is allergic, limit the synthetic filler (holofiber or silicone is suitable).

Manufacturers who received best Reviews Consumers: Soft Sleep, Eco Pooh, Dormeo, Vladi, Word Of Dream.

Is it worth paying so much attention to the selection of home textiles? The answer to this question is individual. However, do not forget that sleep quality affects appearance, health, tone and mood.

Healthy and comfortable sleep is the key to the wonderful mood and fruitful day. That is why it is very important to competently pick up the blanket that will create the atmosphere of comfort and will allow relaxing during the rest.

Modern textile enterprises make such a variety of diverse beddingthat the unprepared to the buyer is very difficult to do right choice. Blankets, thick and thin, winter and summer, with natural and synthetic insulation floods flooded shops. In order not to be lost in this abundance and buy a truly convenient and high-quality product, you should pay attention to several important details.

Product size

Choice complexity

The blanket must be comfortable and warm, however if it turns out to be short or, on the contrary, will hang up to the floor, it will be uncomfortable to sleep under it. Before buying, you should definitely know the length and width of the product based on the size of the bed and individual wishes.

All blankets produced in textile enterprises, depending on the size are divided into several groups.

  • Baby. Have dimensions of 110x140 m; 100x135 m.
  • Single and one-time. Standard product width 140-160 cm, length 205-215 cm. On European production kits, 1-bed marking, 1,5-bed. Optimal option For people who are accustomed to sleep alone, or adolescent children.
  • Double. Products usually have a length of 200-220 cm and width of 172-200 cm. Imported products are marked 2-bed. Double blanket is suitable for family pairs and large-scale people.
  • Euro. For those who prefer long and wide beds, one choice should be selected on large-sized blankets - 220x240 cm.

The mass of the blanket is of great importance for comfortable sleep, especially if a person suffers from the diseases of the lungs or cardiovascular system. Severers are considered to be bedding filled with sheep and or Vatin. All synthetic fillers are lighter, as well as products with gagachi and goose down.


Natural materials can cause allergies

Many people seek to surround themselves natural materialswithout knowing what they are able to cause an allergic reaction. If a person has a tendency to this disease, the products with natural fillers are contraindicated to him.

When there is irritation on the skin, an endless sneezing and cough begins in contact with wool or poump of allergies. In addition, the exacerbation can be caused by dust ticks that live perfectly and multiply in materials of natural origin.

Tailing method

Choosing a blanket with a filler, you need to pay attention to the method of its distribution and sewing of the product. If the sections in which the insulation is located are too large, the fiber will quickly betray. As a result, the product will not only lose aesthetic look, but it will also be worse than maintaining heat.

Comic criteria for choosing a blanket

There are several ways to sewing.

  • Quilt blanket. With the help of sewing equipment, parallel seams are parallel. This method is considered the most substantial, as too large spaces remain between stitches. Over time, the insulation is assembled along the seams, and the product loses its original qualities.
  • Cassette method. Textiles are collected in such a way that square sections of small sizes are formed, for example, 10x10 or 15x15 cm. The insulation is firmly held in one place, without moving beyond the square.
  • Kaostetetep. The stitch forms a pattern with small cells of various shapes and sizes. In such blankets, the beauty of the curly surface is combined with the quality and durability of the product.

Blankets for winter

Of course, it is obliged to be dense and warm, capable of warming even if insufficient heating. Here are some models with all the qualities of the winter blanket.

  • Pooh. Filler from the fluff of waterfowl: Gags, ducks, goose is often used for the manufacture of blankets. Such products are extraordinarily lungs and soft, perfectly retain heat, freely "breathe" and absorb water. One of the advantages of down products is simplicity of care. It is enough once a year to dry the product in the sun, and then ventilate, and it will become like a new one. The disadvantage is the high cost and the possibility of allergies on the fluff.
  • Wool. There are two types of woolen blanket: in the form of woven plaid and as textiles with filler. You can use a thin blanket at any time of the year, and the blanket with filler, thicker and warm, preferably in winter. Woolen fibers have high thermal conductivity, breathability and hygroscopicity, so under a woolen blanket is created a favorable microclimate. In addition, it is noticed that wool has a healing effect on the joints.
  • Wool. Blankets made of cotton filler, differently wadded, familiar to everyone since childhood. They preserve warmly and absorb moisture. Under such a blanket, it is impossible to freeze even in tall frosts. However, cotton filler has many shortcomings, the main of which is a lot of weight. In addition, the wool almost does not conduct the air and quickly knocked into the closure. Care of products with cotton filler is also very complicated, as they can not be washed.
  • Polyester fiber. Blankets with synthetic fillers (synthephum,) are suitable for people suffering from allergies. They are easy to care, durable and quickly restore the initial appearance after the deformation. Polyester fibers do not absorb foreign smells and do not contribute to the reproduction of microorganisms. Lightweight and warm blankets from synthetic fibers today are not inferior to products with natural fillers.

Summer blankets

As summer products, thin and light bedding are chosen, capable of keeping the microclimate and allocate moisture. These tasks easily cope with products from the following materials.

  • . A thin woven cotton blanket is incredibly comfortable in stuffy summer nights. It is perfectly "breathing", absorbs sweat and water and saves coolness during sleep. Cotton products do not cause allergies, they can enjoy adults and children. It is important that they do not require special care, easily erased manually and in washing machine at high temperatures.
  • Bamboo. Bamboo fibers, hygroscopic and hypoallergenic, except other advantages have an antimicrobial effect. Scientists suggest that more than 80% of bacteria dies on the surface of products from bamboo. A blanket with a filler from the bamboo has a small weight, is well erased and dries quickly.
  • . Silk filler blankets rather belong to luxury subjects than daily use. The disadvantage of this textile is only one - a significant cost of the product. High thermoregulation of silk in combination with hygroscopicity makes textiles from this material best option In the warm season.

How to be a new blanket depends on the preferences and capabilities of the buyer, and not always a high price is an indicator of the quality and comfort of the product.

A third of life man spends in a dream. Do not neglece comfort at these moments. Under the prickly, hot or allergic blanket about calm snow You can forget. Therefore, it is not necessary to save when choosing bedding. A blanket - important element Full rest. And modern manufacturers can offer a large selection.

Criteria for choosing a blanket

Select the blanket is necessary according to the needs of the consumer. The main characteristics of the blanket with which you need to decide before purchase:

  • the size;
  • degree of heat;
  • filler.

The dimensions of the blankets of even one species are different. It is important to remember when choosing bed linen. In accordance with GOST in Russia and in the post-Soviet space, it is customary to produce blankets of the following dimensions:

Manufacturers can make blankets and other sizes. Linen should be selected by about 5 cm more in both directions.

The blankets are divided into warmth: winter, all-season, lightweight and summer. They differ in the density of the filler. Density in order: 420 GR / m2, 300-350 g / m2, 220-280 g / m2, 200-220 g / m2. Winter blankets can be covered in the coldest time. All-season are designed to sleep at any time. Lightweight blankets are ideal for summer and winter time in apartments with good heating. Light summer blankets are designed for warm season.

Characteristics of blankets with different fillers

The filler blankets determines the main quality of the goods and its cost. Therefore, the choice of filler is the most difficult question. Along with traditional natural materials: Puph, wool, silk, in the course of artificial fillers: Sintepon, Holofiber, artificial "Swan Pooh". Wide spread recently received bamboo blankets for the Russian market.

Natural fillers blankets

Natural fillers for blankets are used for a long time. Therefore, many buyers give them preference. The main disadvantage of organic materials is that they are a good habitat and reproduction of microbes, ticks and other unpleasant neighbors. Therefore, they are not recommended to people prone to allergies, down and woolen blankets. Another negative factor is good hygroscopicity. Screwing moisture worsens filler characteristics. Blankets need constant care.

Such blankets with organic fillers are offered on the market:

  • dying;
  • woolen;
  • silk;
  • bamboo.

To fill down the down blankets use the fluff of ducks, swan, goose, gagars. Such blankets are warm and easy, easily restore their shape. The blanket maintains heat due to air inside the filler. Air is characterized by low thermal conductivity. Therefore, the thicker the product, the warmer. The best qualities have fluff swans, white goose Gagars.

The distinctive properties of woolen blankets are lightness, excellent warming characteristics, hygroscopicity. Use sheep wool, merino (Australian sheep), Lama, camel.

The cheapest sheep blankets. They are lighter. Possess medical properties. Compared to camel blankets are considered less warm and contain less lanoline - a substance that has a rejuvenating effect on the skin. Sheep products are the most common among woolen blankets.

Camel wool - widely recognized therapeutic material. It has been used for improving and maintaining heat, improving blood circulation, removal of tension from muscles. It has the property to repel the dust and does not electrify. It takes well air, thanks to which the body "breathes." Blankets out camel wool Lightweight, comfortable, suitable for any season.

Merino wool is heavier, so better warms. Differs high quality. Lama's wool is soft and elastic. It does not appear rollers. A blanket from Lama is very warm and pleasant to the touch.

Council. When choosing a woolen blanket, segano products should be used for a cold period. For summer, you can buy thin blankets.

Silk blankets regulate the temperature of the human body. Therefore, they warm in cold time and cooled in summer. In addition, they have such characteristics as hypoallergenicity and dirt-repellence. They are very light and hygroscopic. Do not form dust mites. Perfect air perfectly. Excellent option for summer weather.

Bamboo as a filler is represented by Russian buyers not for a long time. However, immediately gained popularity due to the absence of shortcomings inherent in natural materials. Does not cause allergies. Moisture is quickly going and evaporates quickly. Does not contain bacteria. In the material there is a honey pectin, which is well affected by the skin. Pushes dust, removes static electricity. The temperature of the person has a regulating effect: winter warms, it cools in summer. It has a relaxing effect. Bamboo blankets contribute to a good sleep.

Synthetic fillers

Modern artificial materials possess a number of attractive properties. Created a large number of artificial materials that are relatively inexpensive and

Previously, the blankets were made from a synthetic procession. Now this material is much less common because of its drawbacks. Through the synthetone, air is poorly passed, the body does not breathe. Blanket quickly loses view after washes. Modern substitute - Holofiber. It does not have pathogenic microorganisms. Does not absorb moisture, keeps the look after washing and can serve for a long time.

Artificial filler of the new generation - Swan Pooh. Blankets from this material belong to the economy segment. Products are characterized by soft and ease comparable to natural dying blankets. But unlike them are non-alimplens. They do not require such care as natural fluff. At low temperature, the blanket can be wrapped.

Council. People suffering from allergies, it is better to choose blankets from a holofiber. They have a neutral medium negative for habitat ticks and bacteria. Excellent consumer properties will provide long-term use of the product.

Choose a truly safe, beautiful and comfortable blanket - the task is not easy. It is important to simultaneously take into account a number of nuances, which is especially difficult in the existing variety of their varieties. In order to not disappoint a choice, making a purchase, it is necessary to be guided not so much subjective preferences, cost or design of the product, as, first of all, its qualitative characteristics in conjunction with the objectives of the intended use.

The blanket must meet the main sanitary and hygienic requirements, namely, be:

  • Hygroscopic;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Not obstructive natural ventilation;
  • Providing proper thermal conductivity;
  • Not irritation when contact with skin.

The most common mistake committed by many buyers is the acquisition of a blanket of dubious quality due to an attractive low price. The consequences of such unreasonable savings are obvious and at best, the purchase will simply quickly come into disrepair or loses its commodity look. To find out which blanket better, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

An important detail defining the durability and practicality of the use of the blanket.

  • Cassette type assembly - The most practical option. It is a web, which consists of separate sections (cassettes) filled with filler. This method of sewing prevents the deformation of the blanket and its premature damage. Such technology is usually used for dying blankets. Section size can be 10x10 or 15x15 centimeters;

  • Quilted blanket - on special machines, the product is flashed in one direction. This is the most inconvenient and impractical option, since the blanket will inevitably lose the form due to insufficient fixation of the filler and its redistribution;

  • Karostetep - the essence of this method is to decorate the product with a patterned stitch. Such blankets look very attractive, but quickly lose their appearance.

The size

In size, the blankets are divided into two main categories - one-hour and double.


  • 140x205 cm;
  • 145x205 cm;
  • 150x210 cm;
  • 155x215 cm;
  • 160x220 cm ..
  • Standard for CIS countries - 140x205 cm. And 145x205 cm.
  • European standard - 155x215 cm.


  • 172x205 cm;
  • 175x205 cm;
  • 180 x 210 cm;
  • 200 x 220 cm;
  • 240 x 220 cm.
  • Standard for CIS countries - 172x205 cm.
  • European Standard - 200x220 cm.

There is also a size "King Size" - 240x220 cm. It is intended for large beds or folding sofas.

Before buying a blanket of non-standard size - ask if you can pick up bedding for it.

The degree of heat

This indicator manufacturers must specify on the packaging points. The number of points is from one to five. The more points - the warmer the blanket. Three points are usually put on all-season products. But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate this data. Therefore, not to make a mistake with the choice, it is worth paying attention to the filler. For those who frustrate and winter, and in summer - preference should be wooing woolen blankets. If you are cold only in winter - Pukhov. But if you feel about the category of people who are all the time hot - stop your choice on silk or plant fillers. For people with allergic diseases, synthetic products will be suitable.

Blankets also come:

Two-sided - this is when the wool on one side, and with another cotton.

4 seasons - this is when the blanket consists of two halves, which are connected using the buttons. One half woolen, the other of natural cotton. They can be used both together and separately.

To understand the range of available blankets and pick up perfect option, It is necessary to know exactly the properties and disadvantages of fillers. At the same time, it is not necessary to strive to choose a blanket from natural materials, since modern synthetic fillers are not inferior to anything, and in some indicators even exceed traditional.

Types of fillers:


The classic and most popular are blankets from camel, sheep or goat wool, as well as from Merinos and Alpaca wool.


  • The main advantage of the filler is indisputable healing properties and environmental friendliness;
  • Well absorb and evaporate the liquid, remaining dry to the touch;
  • Frequently warm to warm in winter and while remain light and breathable;
  • The most practical and durable recognized blankets from camel woolwhich not only do not accumulate dust and proper care preserve the initial view for 10 years, but also absorb radioactive rays allocated by household appliances;
  • Goat wool blankets have a massage effect without delivering discomfort with a knife during sleep;
  • The uniqueness of the Merinos wool blankets consists in the content on the fibers of a special wax substance of Lanolin, which has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • In turn, the Alpaca's wool, the only one of all, is not rolling and more durable in the presence of all the advantages described.


  • It is impossible to wash, only dry cleaning;
  • Contraindicated allergies.

For storage of woolen blankets, do not forget to use the means from moths.


Types of fluff used in blankets: goose, duck, Lebiazhiy, Gagars, Goat (undercoat).


  • It is easily ease and airiness;
  • Pooh has the ability to warm even in the most frosty winters;
  • Provides sufficient air circulation. Pooh creates a cozy microclimate for calm sleep;
  • A fluff filler has an antistatic effect;
  • Puff blankets are very durable and can serve up to 30 years.


  • Pooh is contraindicated in allergic and asthmatic diseases;
  • Not recommended for children;
  • Quite volume and occupy a lot of space, as a result, it is worth using vacuum storage packages;
  • Behind the fluff blankets are very difficult to care.

When choosing a down blanket, pay attention to the% Poha and Feather content. The composition of the pen in the filler should be no more than 40%.

Wadded blankets


  • The right is considered one of the warmest, as they perfectly keep the temperature. Even if the thermometer is in the room where the sleep is located, it drops to 0ºC, frozen under such a blanket - it is impossible;
  • The filler does not cause allergies;
  • Well absorbs moisture;
  • Affordable price.


  • Absorb foreign smells;
  • Severe enough;
  • Over time, Vata is shot by communes;
  • Cannot be washing - the only possible method Removal of contaminants is to dust dust or professional brushing.

An alternative to the Watted filler is a synthetite, which is much less weighs with the same properties of heat conservation.

Bike blankets

Baika blankets are considered universal for any season due to the fact that they differ in density. So, thin and weightless products made of natural cotton are ideal for hot summer nights, and thicker will ensure comfort and comfort in the offseason.


  • They can be easily erased in an ordinary machine at a temperature of 40ºC, which largely simplifies care and saves on professional cleansing services;
  • Can be used even for newborns, due to their hypoallery and environmentalities;
  • Can simultaneously serve a bedding for trips to nature, elegant bedspread for bed or cozy plaid for rest;
  • His indisputable advantage in softness and compactness. In folded form it takes a minimum of space;
  • Manufacturers often turn such blankets into artwork, paying attention to colors and decorative patterns;
  • Affordable price.


  • If irregular washing becomes tough and unpleasant to the touch.

Patchwork blankets


  • It looks incredibly stylish and vintage;
  • It is called for a more decorative function and are excellent for use as a bedspread.


  • Do not recommend applying on purpose;
  • Being works by manually made, they are quite expensive;
  • Very demanding of care.

The main qualitative characteristics are entirely dependent on which material is taken as the basis for sewing, and may vary.



  • Especially popular due to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of the filler;
  • They do not start the dust tick and dust accumulates badly, so it is an ideal option for healthy sleep allergies;
  • The cleaning and care process is simple and does not require the use of complex or expensive means;
  • Well absorbs moisture and passes air;
  • Combine eases up to weightlessness and high thermal conductivity, which makes them an ideal solution for use at any time of the year.


  • High enough cost;
  • The complexity of buying quality goods. Many dishonest sellers, under the guise of bamboo filling, offer blankets with combined composition (bamboo and syntheps, bamboo and feather).

Blankets with silk filler

Luxury blankets with a protein cleaned filler from resin, which produces a shell caterpillar.


  • High price;
  • Careability.

For the duration of the service life of silk blankets - only professional dry cleaning.


Gentle to the touch, light and warm cashmere blankets are definitely able to decorate any home and provide comfort and warmly during sleep.

  • Much warmer than ordinary woolen blankets;
  • Damage resistance;
  • Cashmere wool - hypoallergenne;
  • It looks very expensive and effectively, but it's not easy to care for them.


  • High price.

Synthetic blankets

Modern synthetic fillers include polyester fiber, polyester and acrylic fibers.


  • Lack of risk of allergies;
  • The possibility of simple washing in the automatic machine;
  • It is relatively inexpensive and for quality characteristics are not inferior to more expensive analogues from natural materials;
  • Durable.


  • Insufficient air permeability;
  • Low ability to absorb moisture.

Hollofyber blankets

Today, the most optimal prices for the price and quality are blankets from holofayber, which combine all the advantages of natural and artificial fillers.

  • Well maintains heat;
  • Absorbs excess moisture;
  • It does not cause difficulties with care, as it fully transfers the machine washing;
  • Antibacterial material and its hypoallergenicity allows us to recommend using such blankets even for young children.


  • It is harvested and loses its initial pomp.

What is the right blanket? First of all, it is natural air circulation, comfort, wear resistance and high thermal conductivity. And under the winter blanket should be cozy and warm, without overheating and freezing.

For what principles should choose a blanket on winter seasonand what are modern shops offer?

Types of winter blankets - what to choose yourself on the cold winter evenings?

One chooses a blanket for design, the other - along the filler, the third - by weight, the fourth is just the cheapest.

But, regardless of the criteria of choice, it will not be further familiar with all the "list".

So, what kinds of warm blankets today are offered on sale?

Punch blankets

They are considered the most popular, cozy and warm.

Moreover, the filler may be different:

  • Duck down. Low grade option due to the structure of the flock. It is possible to form lumps in the process of use.
  • Goose down. More quality option (The highest quality standard is, of course, Swiss, this is a standard).
  • Eiderdown. The warmest of all options. True, also heavier and expensive.
  • swansdown (This filler is officially prohibited and replaced by artificial).

It is recommended to buy blankets with natural covers (approx. - natural / fabric is better holding down the fluff) and cassette type (with a line "squares", in which the fluff is not knocked in lumps, and the blanket remains voluminous).


  1. Ease of product (no more than 1 kg).
  2. Excellent warms in winter and is holding warm for a long time.
  3. Long service life without loss external view (approx. - with due care).


  1. It is knocked in lumps (if the blanket is not a cassette type, but is flashed with parallel rows).
  2. May cause allergies.
  3. Differs high price (if the Pooh is natural).
  4. Removes with high humidity.
  5. It can become a "house" for dust ticks.

Woolen blankets

An excellent option for the winter is natural, and even with therapeutic properties. The perfect blanket for people with rheumatism, diseases of the spine or bronchi.

The type of blanket depends on the wool used as a filler:

  • Sheep's wool. Relatively inexpensive blanket, light, perfectly absorbed moisture and transmitting air.
  • Merino wool. This wool blanket of Australian sheep is considered very high quality and warmer (as well as heavier).
  • Wool Lama. Very soft, durable and elastic blanket. Pleasant to the touch, without rollers and with high heat resistance.
  • Wool camel. Benefits, too, a lot of things: it is not pleasant, perfectly absorbs moisture, "breathes" and does not electrify.

Wool blankets are quilted - or plaids (1st - for winter, 2nd - for summer).


  • Great warms in the cold.
  • Not too heavy.
  • Easily cleaner and even erased.
  • It is cheaper a down blanket.
  • Less volume than a down blanket (occupies little place in the folded state).
  • Strength and wear resistance.


  • More severe than a down - almost 2 times.

Wadded blankets

Products made of environmentally friendly filler. It was under them that our grandparents slept.

Today, the popularity of cotton blankets fell to a minimum - and there are certain reasons for it.


  • Too heavy.
  • Extremely complex care (it is impossible to wash, and the cleaning of time consuming).
  • Absorbs smells, including unpleasant, and practically does not destroy.
  • Coming.
  • Bad air exchange.


  • Low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • No allergies on the filler.
  • Environmentally friendly "filling".
  • Excellent warms in winter.

Bamboo blanket

This type of blanket appeared in Russia not so long ago, and has already managed to become popular.

This "hit" in the market of bedding, resembling silk according to his quality. Perfect blanket for winter and summer.


  • Does not cause allergic reactions.
  • Well absorbs moisture.
  • Provides high-quality air exchange.
  • Easy, soft and comfortable.
  • Easy is erased (withstands up to 500 styrices) and does not require ironing.
  • It is unpretentious in care.
  • Wear-resistant and durable.
  • Does not accumulate unpleasant odors.


  • It is difficult to find a really high-quality product (many fakes).
  • The blanket is so easy (although it is the warmer down idle), which falls to it to get used to it.

Synthetic blankets

A relatively cheap option with a number of advantages, but not without flaws.

Suitable people with allergies to wool and fluff.


  • Light and pleasant body (so far new).
  • Do not cause allergies.
  • Do not rush.
  • Easy care and the possibility of washing.
  • Do not absorb smells and dust.
  • Quickly dry.


  • Low service life.
  • Bad air exchange.
  • Too roast for summer.

Hollofyber blankets

The popular synthetic version of the blanket for the winter, close in its properties to the Swan Puhu.

Very practical product from innovative material - polyester fiber with microprips and hollow structure.

The degree of heat (density) is usually determined by a specific icon on the tag:

  1. ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ - superoperative option (about 900 g / m²).
  2. ○ ○ ○ ○ - just a warm version (about 450-500 g / m²).
  3. ○ ○ ○ - All-season option (about 350 g / m²).
  4. ○ ○ - lightweight option (about 220 g / m²).
  5. ○ - the easiest option for the summer (about 160-180 g / m²).


  • High wear resistance.
  • Fantastic elasticity (the blanket restores the form).
  • Easy and air exchange.
  • Lack of allergies.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Thermoregulation.
  • Ecology (no "chemistry" in production).
  • Easy care (you can wash, quickly dries, special care / storage conditions are not required).
  • Fire resistance (the product does not tweet and does not burn).
  • Antistaticity.
  • Affordable price (just more expensive than synthetone, but significantly cheaper than a natural blanket).


  • Can lose the form if you wash too often.
  • Sleep in the heat under such a blanket too hot.

Blankets from artificial swan fluff

As you know, swans have long been in the Red Book. And the manufacturers of blankets have developed a completely high-quality and very elegant version of synthetic raw materials.

Polyester fiber particles resembling balls, twisted on the helix and top covered with siliconized material. The result is flexible, lightweight, elastic and durable filler.


  • Does not come down in lump even after repeated washing.
  • Easy care, fast drying.
  • Ecology and hypoallergenicity.
  • Keeps his form.
  • Does not absorb unpleasant odors and does not climb through a duvet cover.
  • Price available.
  • Long service life.


  • Low hygroscopicity (well heats, but does not absorb moisture).
  • It is electrified (approx. - like any synthetics).
  • Bad air exchange.

Silicone blankets

Functional and environmentally friendly, practically weightless material. For "filling" uses hollow spiral fiber (polyester siliconized).

The properties of the blanket are close to the woolen version. The popularity of such blankets has been growing recently.


  • High-quality air exchange.
  • Preservation of heat and evaporation of moisture.
  • Does not absorb odors, does not cause allergies.
  • Light, comfortable and warm.
  • Saves the shape even after washing and long-term operation.
  • It is not a source for ticks, fungi, mold, etc.
  • Low price


  • Environmentally friendly, but not natural material.

What you need to know when buying a warm blanket - the criteria for choosing a blanket for winter

If you have already decided what a blanket for yourself to buy for long winter evenings and nights, do not hurry to run to the store.

There are some more nuances that you need to know:

  • Sewing technology (distribution of filler in a blanket). You can select quilt (parallel lines lines), cassette (lines of square cells) or karakad (lines with patterns). The best - the 2nd and 3rd options.
  • Cover material. It is better to choose natural fabrics - hawk, satin, jacquard. The material must be breathable, durable, durable and soft, and also tightly holding the filler in the case.
  • Label. It should be the following information: manufacturer, country of production, peculiarities, composition of the case and filler. If you see Nomite inscription, it means that you have a blanket with a natural filler.
  • Smell. It should be natural, without strangers and chemical flavors.
  • Quality sewing . Of course, the conscientious manufacturer will not allow the threads and filler from the blanket, and the lines were curves.
  • Information on the label, sewn into the blanket, and on the external label must be identical.

Do not hurry! Choose a blanket carefully and not on the market, but in specialized stores. Then comfort and comfort will be provided with winter nights.

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