
What makes the alpine slide. Consider some details of the design of flower beds Alpine slide

Basics of Garden composition

Anyone who has seen at least an alpine meadow in color, an indelible impression will remain forever. I want to go there again and again. You can, of course, on vacation to go to Kabarda or Karachay-Cherkessia (at the top in Fig.), Instead of springing in the sea or pool, the water park at the popular resort, experiencing sensations that would find the most live response from kalems in a bank. You can, ignoring the perturbed screams of the wallet, swinging on Switzerland or Nepal, it is lower in Fig. But I always want to blooming the mountains, and the alpine slide or mountaineering, although it will not replace them completely, but clearly reminds. It is only necessary to build it correctly and laughing, about which is this article.

Note: The stated material concerns the Alpinarians in the country or the preservation site. Mountainary homemade, desktop, balcony, window, seasonal require each separate description.

Building and landscaping Alpinaria The case is quite time-consuming, but difficult skills and a special tool that does not require, like expensive materials or, for example, volumetric concrete works that absorb a lot of water. Building an alpine hill with their own hands has a complete meaning, because Custom is prohibitive, relatively with the complexity of the structure, roads. The same applies to plants; We will return to them later. His, unique and unique, mountaineering, it is possible to plant plants taken from nature, or acquired in ordinary, non-specialized nurseries at a price of an order lower. In this regard, some recommendations may seem unusual, but the material is focused on inexpensive or completely free samples of the domestic flora, and leave the intensive selection of special selection to leave marketers landscape design.


Alpine slides can be seen with a separate border (pos. 1 in Fig.) And it seems to be randomly sketched, pos. 2, from angular boulders or rounded boulders of dense stone or from porous flames, pos. 1-4, obviously terched with a plateau on top, pos. 4, or naturally chaotic. Is it built by all this diversity? By no means no. The alpine slide device is subject to simple, but well-defined rules.

Time and place

Alpinary build early autumnbefore the start of rains So that the spring "settled": the formation of the substrate was completed. In the spring, the hill garden and in the summer are already admoved. This publication describes how to make an alpine slide with sustainable biocenosis capable of living for many years with minimal care or alone.

To create a mountaineering, the area is enough about 2 square meters. m. If there is 20-50 square meters. m free, very good: this is the optimal value of labor costs at maximum effect; Large hill one look no longer open. Mini-Alpine slide is enough and 0.25-0.7 square meters. M, but the range of plants will have to limit that, however, when the selection, the selection will not reduce its decorativeness. Building Alpinarium preferably in the garden, providing some of its shading from the north and northeast; This will be much expanding possible vegetable variety on the hill. The soil on the area for the mountainaries can be low-grade or alpine; Powerful humus will be only a hindrance.

Alpinarium and water

Best of all, thinking of mountaineering, build at the same time. The outstanding land will give an excellent hill backing, and the water will bring coolness and moisture into the air, which will allow plant and some aboriginal plants of the mountains. There is no need for the aesthetic effect of Alpinaria with a pond, see at least Fig.:

With a lack of space, the minibar includes a slide in the structure. Bowls for ponds are produced by a volume of 30 l, which for a small slide may be too many. In this case, unsuitable faience plumbing will be created on the creation of a water branch: sink or even toilet. Do not be rendered: Next will be described how such a product is processed to give it a completely natural appearance. In any case, more natural and durable than the purchase of plastic bowl.

Alpinarium absolutely does not tolerate constant runoff inside: wake up, spreads, and plants in the ground soil are worse. Therefore, the container for the alpine slide with the reservoir should be a light and waterproof; In the boxes from the faience used, this is ensured by sealing the drain / release with concrete with a large content of rubble or (worse) silicone. But in this case, the water in the pond will be stifled, which can be seen on the pos. 1 Fig., And small square Her mirrors will not create the desired microclimate in the surrounding area.

Exit - reservoir on the alpine slide with a fountain, pos. 2. Permanent splashing will refresh air for incoming plants, see further, and saturated with oxygen to the limit of the drop, falling back, will not let the water stagnate. When using unsustent household pepper, a capacity of 5-20 liters based on an inexpensive aquarium pump.

Other business Alpinarium with a waterfall. He is beautiful with him, there is no dispute. But even through a small low, as on pos. 3, waterfall, water flows from 1 cu. m / h with a lifting of it at least 0.5-1.5 m, which, taking into account losses in the hydraulic system, will require a pressure of 1.5-3 m. Head tank, which would apply a periodic pump, in the design of the mountaineering does not fit , Therefore, the only possible power supply of the waterfall is with a continuous immersion pump in the lower hydroaccumulator, see Fig.

As a result, we arrive in disappointing for low-income-to-host conclusion: a special expensive pump for artificial waterfalls is needed. Aquarium pump will not raise water to the desired height, and the household submersible pump shakes too much and high, but periodically. The vibration pump of water supply can still be adapted to the waterfall, including through a thyristor regulator, but its service life will then be reduced to 1-5 years.

Sad consequences of the 2nd order - waterfall pumps take from the network from about 350 W, and then all the 1.5-2 kW, which the counter will "wind" all summer. And the water waterfall evaporates several times more than the fountain with the same consumption, so that the water on the top of the reservoir will have to lay out a lot. The capacity of the reservoir itself should be from 3-hour water flow, and its depth is from 1.5 heights of the incidence of the cascade, i.e. And the pond under the waterfall is needed a big, deep, dear and complicated.

How to build a mountaineering?

The schemes of the Alpine slides of the most common types are shown in Fig. Pos. A - Alpinarium in a pit with a retaining wall. The wall is actually the foundation from blocks, so a properly built slide of this type can hold on and live for many years, up to centuries, even abandoned. If the wall is removed with the surface of the soil, the top structure of the alpine slide can be any of those described below, but it is necessary to work a lot on it, and there are a lot of expenses: the blocks of durable stonnant stone take on the wall (granite, basalt, diorit, gabbro, diabases) From about 400x400x400 mm. Underground wall belts It is desirable to be made up with a masonry solution, as when the foundation is embedded from blocks.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of the founding of a mountaineering with a retaining wall look like this:

  1. Determine the depth of the walls of the wall as a regulatory depth of freezing in a given location minus 0.5 height of the slide. IN Middle lane RF is about 1 m;
  2. Pick up stones in size and shape;
  3. Put the wall on the ground on the ground on the dry side of the slide, large boulders are allowed to the lower belt (belt);
  4. In the dry calculation process, the stones are customized to each other and check for stability: the wall must stand indispensable when withdrawing from it any 2-stones, incl. adjacent;
  5. Tolerate the resulting outline to the place, for which it is convenient to use a long rail with naked cross;
  6. The hill is rotated along the contour of the downstream plus 0.3-0.5 m and with a reserve along the contour about 0.3 m. Humus and mainland soil (underlying, saucer) are stored separately;
  7. Lay out the wall in the pit, if necessary - already in solution;
  8. Fill down the bottom of the geotextile and poured the usual sandy-crushed drainage with a capacity of 0.3-0.5 m;
  9. Drainage poured with layers of 10-15 cm, carefully trambus with wetting, as when laying garden tracks;
  10. Layered and parallel, layers of 20-25 cm, with wetting and rubbing, produce backstage of the external reserve and pitted. From the outside they fall asleep by a saucer, and within the binding - it will be in half with rubble.

Note: if the underlying breed is sandy, rubble or light soup, then nothing can be done - you need to look for a binder. Ruffle moving grounds will not connect anything, only they will spread through the stones themselves.

About stones

Alpine slide stones It is possible to use a variety of chemically neutral. Durable, dense and resistant rocks will give a slide durability, but the substrate for plants on their surface will have to be created by the accelerated method described below. Planik - sandstone, quartzite - is also suitable, unlike the cladding of the pond, because In the Alpinarium, it will not be constantly saturated with moisture, and his little frosting is unlikely and does not hurt a slide. Alternatively, only rocks exposed to the kolan and shifting the pH of the soil: limestone, dolomite should be avoided. Nevertheless, there are types of mountaineering, fundamentally created from carbonate rocks, see below. An unequivocally one does not suit the sewer: Alpinaria from it is beginning to collapse for 2-5 years.


Funny mountaineering from boulders can be built without a wall, right on the ground, pos. B in fig. Above with the slides, the term of his life will be not more than 30-40 years; Most likely - 10-15 years. The principle of construction is the same: stones The higher, the smaller, but you can lay out immediately in place by layers. The stones of the next layer will drive and check whether the filler will not fall asleep (with wetting!), Lay out the next layer, etc. Humus in deep pockets are introduced when laying layers, and finally external surface In the spring.

To properly build an alpine slide, you need to know the nature of the underlying soil. On the lung permeable rocks of the type of sulesa, pos. B1, it is enough to remove humus. On clays and heavy loams, you need to additionally dig a shallow, 30-60 cm, dripping, and fill it with sandstanding drainage, pos. B2. It is necessary that the surface runoff from the alpinearia does not blur the territory adjacent to it.

Terraces and slopes

The terraceing of the Alpine slide with the creation of artificial plateau on it gives considerable advantages:

  • It is possible to clearly smash the alpinary on the zones suitable for different types of plants.
  • Streaming stock from the slide and practically comes down the danger of its erosion of rains.
  • Floating plateau by rubble weeds makes it difficult to root, and the gardener makes it easier to fight them.
  • Also facilitated a hill care, because After winter sediment, the plateau can be walking.

The easiest to terrace the mountaineering on the slope, pos. B, but by the same scheme zoned and slides that are like mountains. Slopes are laid out from quartzite or sandstone, his porosity will make an underground flow uniform. The ultimate goal of zoning is to get 3 soil moisture zones, pos. G. Taking into account the orientation on the sides of the world, it will give 12 sectors with different conditions, and if there is a shading from any Party, the number of sectors is still increasing.

Track and lawn

Decorative and technological plates for pos. R and bypass track around them are designed to approach the hill. Alpinary looks much more attractive on the lawn, but without solid ways to waste the grass, the grass will soon be wound. The design of the surrounding hill zone is needed, of course, linked to such a mountaineering. Artificial paving slabs, for example, with a piece of mountains, it does not fit in any way; if not suitable stone On the tracks / approaches, it is better without a lawn all the crushes to fall asleep.

What is not a hill

To end the slides, turn to typical errors When creating them. Construction on pos. D It is not a mountaineering, or or or flowerbed, whether the discharge slave. Sign there Irises, Petunia, Velhets, Pelargonium, will be good. But plants for the hill are bad, and they will not show all their special beauty. And the fact that for pos. E, a bunch of land with stones, for decorative gardening is not suitable at all. Do not believe - do so at least small and see what will be with him after the very first rain.

About Tightyak

Natural plate for alpinearia is good not only what gives the finished substrate and uniform stock, but also by the fact that a very small alpine slide with it can be successfully terraced. It is only necessary to lay stoves with some slope inside, see fig. To the right, so the stock in precipitation is not at the slope, but went deep into. Then the slide and without a wall will be although we have gradually, but to strengthen.

What is the Czech rolling pin?

The rolling pin in this case is not utensils for rolling the test and clarifying who in the house is the owner (hostess), but a very specific type of mountaineering, imitating the lime-bored clouds of the tatt. Czechs from their frink, i.e. Little rocks, crazy, but in Central Europe, the rags are not very common, and in the continental climate, all their shortcomings are particularly sharply manifested:

  1. Build is difficult and expensive: you need a diligently selected thin plate, deeply pitted and careful filling of the gaps between the plates are only 2-5 cm clay, pos. 1 in fig. below.
  2. Carbonate rocks shift the pH of the soil in the alkaline side, which suffer very few plants.
  3. In narrow vertical slots, almost no vegetation is rooted, and vertical hollows remain on the finished slide, which is easy to turn into deep wins, pos. 2.
  4. Care for the Czech rolling pin is complicated and she herself is short-lived, because Outdoors in the open air, the rocks are becoming very fragile.

Mini Gorki

Miniature Alpinarium in principle can be just a bunch of stones of up to 1 square meter. m, pos. 1 on the trail. Fig. But the choice of plants for it will be extremely limited, because There are no talk about the terracement and zoning on moisturizing soil here. If there is at least 2-3 squares, then the alpine slide - mini can be built with a bulk method, i.e. Without a wall, settling inside the surface water distribution and accumulative drainage, pos. 2. It will be like sucking moisture from the dryness zone, keep it in itself and gradually give the wet zones. On the light soils under such a slide you need to arrange a clay castle.

Put on a mini slide in open sad anyway you can not suitable plants; Aboriginal herbaceous and small semi-stabilics are more suitable. The famous landscaping scheme of mini-alpine grass is shown in Fig. on right.

In places with a sufficiently soft winter, in the chernozem strip and south, the Alpinarium plants can be kept in a potted (container) culture, pos. 3. This will allow you to regulate the water mode of each individual, but the danger of extincting even plants in winter, safely worried about the same frosts in the open soil.

From different fragments

Facial stones for Alpinaria must be taken to choose from, so they will cost much more than ordinary boot. Whether they can not be replaced with something; Preferably - porous, but more resistant than quartzite or sandstone? It is possible, but "slides" from bottles, tires, etc. We wage away: in the mountains go from civilization, and not for its waste, let it be disposal and refined.

For a good alpine slide from the girlfriend, a rather stone construction garbage: a brick combat, paving slabs, concrete fragments. The trick to make them "natural natural" - in a helpful break for the substrate producers. For bricks will go kefir or rice decoction, but it is best to cook it from bird litter.

First of all, the dried raw materials are fermented: abundantly, 3-4 times against the dry mass in volume, poured with water in a chemically neutral dishes and give it over. The appearance of the reactor is held away from the housing: "Duhan" from it shabby is core. When the process is completed (the foam will fall and have a swakes), the fluid is drained into the sewer or directly into the grazing, and the precipitate is divorced by water in volume by 10-20 times for soaking or 2-3 times for surface treatment.

Building garbage for slides is soaked before use 5-15 min (brick / concrete, respectively), and the faience plumbing is treated over after pre-prepared. To prepare, firstly, carefully be blank unnecessary: \u200b\u200bthe lunches of the fitting of the toilet seat, shelf of the sinks. The glare is also gently and carefully "whipping" a lung hammer, and the entire surface passes the grinding with an eyeline of 120-140 rooms or a flutter with a flexible grinding circle.

Treatment is made in the autumn warmth, 1-2 weeks before the rains. Before Morozov, the surface will be at the left in fig. But it is only the beginning of "naturalization". The release of moss and lichen tear up the top layer and create a substrate for which the roots of creeping and coat plant can "catch" the roots of the creeping and coat plant. After 1-3 years, the slide will acquire a view of the right in fig. and will find the strength of monolith. Believe the person who emanated a lot of mountains - there are completely natural slopes, more similar to construction garbage and less strong.

Home Beauty - Plants

Although good mountaineering should look and bare in winter, most importantly on the slide still plants. Designers with florists, it is necessary to give them due, trying with might and main, but the situation is like a similar one that with cars: brands are increasingly, and more and less released in the overall stream. The reason, it is necessary to think in the organizing of the post-industrial society: marketers find out what can be sold more, socio-engineers zombie the solvent mass properly, then the shaft is chained under the consumer taste, while the brand does not exhale, and then all first in a circle.

As for the mountaineering, they are with this approach with a great set of plant varieties derived specifically for them, simply lose their individuality. If you wish the mountaineering "like everyone else", with the appropriate, but certainly cooler than the neighbor, costs, then please, in the video below the recommendation of specialists in plant choices.

Video: Plant Selection for Standard Alpinaria

And do not worry: Specialists are competent, the recommendations are reasonable, plants are specially derived from the conditions of growth on the hill. When purchasing at least so much departure florist for landing for free, and on caring for a slide discount.

We will go different ways. We will pick up plants for the Alpine slide from the Patriotic Flora, Or rather - from the places of growth with similar conditions: poor soil, heavily earth, on the path of roots and shoots a stone. The names are also given as Latin: not all of the described can be found in the surrounding area, but in ordinary nurseries and botanical gardens they are. The exact scientific name will exclude confusion in communicating with specialists.

Note: plants marked "!" are protected. Their self-full collection with any goal is equivalent to poaching, but they have in nurseries, and there are much cheaper than the "SpecialContentant" for Alpinarians. Buyers usually give instructions for landing, and general information about landing plants from nursers is given in the next video:

Video: Independent planting of plants from nursery


In addition to affordability, our aboriginal requirements for the Alpine slide - if possible, they must give beautiful flowers or themselves to be multi-colored, like on the Alpine meadow. Which, by the way, is deprived of many expensive imported grades, because Their breeding on massive sale is cost-effective. In particular, the florals for the slides practically ignore the plants of Ericoids, i.e. Heather and simply similar to heather, and some of them are simply amazing and how they are deliberately created for the Alpinarians.

Second important condition: In order for our plants on the hill, with a minimum of moisturizing, on heavy, poor, chip soil or themselves, dwarf shapes themselves, or it could be obtained by applying bonsai education techniques: bending, twisting garter and triggering of shoots. If the village is above the slide, then what the associations with the mountains, which have already been or not elsewhere. And since we are building alpinariums for yourself, then its design by plants is far from the most severe, but the most pleasant and creative part of the work. For the same reason we will avoid colors with high blooms.

Something from the following falls in the trading directories, and what? It would be strange if the pro did not know their business. But we will be reminded - not related to profitability, so our choice and classification are not typical. In particular, the coating (soil) plants we divide on:

  • Carpets - it is clear from the name, tighten the soil with a solid carpet.
  • Rolling - a carpet with visible gaps, but more continant.
  • Curly / Lyegging - fill cracks, failures, climb on the slopes.
  • Ampel - vesty hanging on top.
  • Kurtins - form clones / bushes of an indefinite shape.
  • Pillows - pillow-shaped curtains.

Note: some of the species described, depending on the growth condition, can change group affiliation.


The usual views of the Sedum Aizoon (Sedum Aizoon - Casual Living, Hergeful Grass, Feline Paves, Grass from 40 Diseases, Pos. 1 In Fig.) Unpretentious, available, but the carpet creates a somewhat loose. Very effectful in the alpinery of the carnation creep (Dianthus RepenS, pos. 2), especially during flowering, but the carpet of it is formed by the merger of individual custoders and therefore it turns out uneven. But the Lapland diapercia (Diapensia Lapponica!, Pos. 3) grows on the northern slopes with a moderate moisture with a solid glossy carpet and beautifully flowers, like her fellow-northerners Louselli lying (Loiseleuria Procumbens!, Pos. 4) and Filodocea Blue (PhylLodoce Caerulea !, Pos. 5) A successful culture of these tundra ericoids is possible, as a rule, not south of the Moscow region. Before Voronezh and even Rostov-on-Don on the sledding slings can grow DRIADA EIGHTOPETAL (DRYAS OCTOPETAL!, Pos. 6), but her carpet is somewhat loose.

Pretty loose, but a beautiful carpet, filling cracks and climbing in docks, gives a Dymyanka Drug (Fumaria Officinalis, pos. 7). This is an ordinary plant of average latitudes and special conditions for itself does not require, like Mac Alpine (Papaver Alpinum, pos. 8) or Mac Burser (Papaver Burseri), if they are taken from the nursery. Mountain poppy mats give small, but fluffy and tender. They need sufficient moisture.

A very good dense carpet gives a prince or polar (Rubus Arcticus, pos. 9). On a hill, the leaves are minced, but, unlike decorative strawberries, the dose, the prince is beautifully blooming, and its berries are tasty and helpful.

On large slides, a tight pretty high thrill gives a magnificent swimsuit Asian (Trollius Asiaticus, pos. 1 on the next. Fig.) And other types of bathing. Also can tighten the whole terrace with a fluffy carpet Peony Throughly, or Maryan Root, (PAEONIA TENUIFOLIA, POS. 2). If you manage to get the Siberian Princely Landing Material (Atragene Sibirica, pos. 3), then you will also receive a blindfolded plant with spectacular colors, but the prince is needed a lot of moisture and shading.


ADONIS (Goritsvet) Spring (Adonis Vernalis, Poster 1 in Figure 2) and Bean Okolodelika Woolly (Oxytropis Lana 2) will grow on a hill (Adonis Vernalis, Pos. 1 in Fig. "Adonis Vernalis (Oxytropis Lanata" (Hedysarum Arcticum, pos. 3 ), despite the name, perfectly growing and in Ryazan. The horizonet, as all thin, it is necessary to rather moisture and a little shadow, and legumes, like all legumes, sukhovnivs and light-loving.


With custoded plants in wet medium latles, I must say, the problem. It can be solved using conifers, about the further, and from the deciduous Aborigines, more or less decent pillows on the mountains forms Lanenik Crimean (CISTUS Tauricus, pos. 1 in Fig.), But its culture is nourger than the black earth it is rare and hardly: the plant is unpretentious to moisture and soil, but light and heat-loving; Flowers beautiful pink flowers.

More on green hedgehog than on the pillow, the Mary Multi-Site (Chenopodium Foliosum, Raminda Ordinary, pos. 2). This weed in a culture on a hill is very decorative, especially in the fall, when the bush is littered with red berries.


Among the vegetable solvents there are a lot of spectacular species suitable for mountaineering. For example, the usual transfers in the forests (liver noble (Hepatica Nobilis, pos. 1 in Fig.); She needs a shadow and moisture, like a two-color mountain lacker (Viola Biflora, pos. 2). She is with a violet soul - the degree of pansy eyes. Two-color violet is better to plant in a fountain reservoir.

Triotillaria Miliagris, pos. 3), a two-color tulip (Tulipa Biflora, pos. 4) and a tulip of phoster (Tulipa Fosteriana, pos. 5) did not come out, therefore, a little in culture on a flowerbed or a cut, but for mountaineering It is quite suitable; True, the Tulip of Foster Yuzhanin and the north of Rostov-on-Don may not take care.

Will go to the Soliter on the slide and something from orchid. This is a huge family of tropic-exotic only in stores, and in general, orchids are growing from the tundra to the tundra. The conditions of the Alpinaria will agree by the natives of the medium latitudes of the ORchis Militaris (Orchis Militaris, pos. 6) and the Purpure Yatryshnik (Orchis Purpurea, pos. 7). The first is more elegant and smaller, the second above and stronger, so that you can choose a slide to the size.


A separate variety of single plants - sockets. Of these, Tolstanka Succulents are the decoration of any alpine slide and are sold in a variety of varieties and species. But for myself it is better to take a rather unpretentious holy cabbage, or the roofing (sempervivum tectorum!, Pos. 1) in Fig.:

Clear, the solitator could not be very relative: the horizontal sharpening shoots - collises - on which the daughter outlets are formed. The dignity of Male, besides accessibility, in the fact that, putting it, we get a chance to see on the site now a rare beautiful butterfly of Europe - Mahar, see fig. on right.

Not succulent, but elegant nasal sockets gives usual forest primula, or primrose torment (Primula Farinosa, pos. 2); It blooms beautifully in early spring. More original Soldellah Mountain (SOLDANELLA MONTANA!, Pos. 3), but demanding: moisture, shadow, coolness. Carved aisy sockets forms Leontice Armenian (Leontice Armenica, pos. 4); Well-groomed in a culture on a hill, it is not a throw, but attractive.


Some early or later-driving plants are also suitable for alpinearia. On the northern slope of the reservoir, the Siberian or Blue Snowdrop (scilla sibirica!, Pos. 1 in Fig.) In a wet zone - a magnificent unscrediment (Colchicum Speciosus, pos. 2) and other unscrews, among which there are blooming in spring or autumn a variety of color . However, all the collixums are very poisonous: it is necessary to work with them in rubber gloves, which then immediately throw away, do not let them children and pets. Therefore, instead of unscrews, it is better to plant almost not inferior to them with saffin (crocuses), among which there are also spring and oxnynets; on pos. 3 - Aboriginal Moderate Belt Saffron Beautiful (Crocus Speciosus).


A number of plants on the Alpine slide will acquire a full toss in a pond with a fountain or waterfall. Let's say Bolotnaya bow (Caltha Palustris, pos. 1 in Fig.), Dryness does not tolerate at all. Tussilago Farfara (Tussilago Farfara) On the rocky ground, the water grows with a compact clinual bush, pos. 2, and her flowers willingly attend another beautiful butterfly - day peacock eyes, pos. 3. Also in wet air perfectly develops and dense the slopes of Barwin Big (Vinca Major, pos. 4).

Separately, it should be said about stamps. In Alpinarium, you can recommend any of the temperate latitudes, if only it was near the reservoir. Gabitally (in appearance) camneuries are very diverse; eg on pos. 5-7 Cutter (Saxifraga Rivularis), Sibirskaya (SAXIFRAGA Sibirica) and Tighted (SaxiFraga Aizoides).

As a seasonal chassis in the mountaineering, the usual Tradesskaration zebry will be appropriate (Tradescantia Zebrina, pos. 8), or just zebrina. True, in the daylight, its leaves will become bright green, but the grace will not lose. Zebrina, if you can put it out, semi-lifting plant. Reaching to the water, her whites continue to grow there, reviving the water, which is important at a small capacity of its capacitance. Winter on Zebrina Street will not survive, but it easily propagates vegetatively, and in indoor culture is extremely unpretentious, so that the spring cuttings are simply rooted and planted. Zebrina is growing quickly, and her whip will begin to swim even before the summer.


The ericoids described above and the Lanenik are in essence already bushes, because Their branches are decorated. But in Alpinaria, I want to see "real" bushes, only small. First of all, for this, Mahonia Aquifolium is good for this: in ordinary gardens it grows up to St. Petersburg, and the monks managed to grow it and at Solovki. Magonia Padurbisate in the Alpinearia itself grows a dwarf and very decorative, especially in autumn, pos. 1 in fig. on right. In winter, it retains green foliage.

South of about Tver in Alpinaria can also grow mini-shape of the Kizylnik Swedish (Cornus Suecica, pos. 2). Its berries, unlike southern varieties, not tasty and do not suit jam, but the view is still at least where.


With trees for the Alpine slide, you can already do without Latin: the source names suitable were quite established. Suitable for the alpine slide specimens of natural origin should be sought in inconvenience: on a swamp, clay cliffs, in ravines, on stony places. You need to take very tiny sprouts, not above the palm. However, their age under conditions on the verge of survival may be solid, so when digging is be careful with roots; It is better to pincher to plump and take with a lump of land, especially since the trees for the Alpine slide form mycorrhiza.

The easiest is the miniaturization in the Bonsai Besai technique. In nature, in extreme conditions, it often forms bizarre dwarf shapes, pos. 1 in fig. Willow, Verba, Rakita on the skinny ground with minimal watering, also grow in dwarfs by themselves, pos. 2, but "bonsoites" even easier birch, which allows for 1-3 years to receive bizarre forms, pos. 3.

Little-known in the culture growing from China to Chukotka. It is unpretentious, it is miniaturized by a lack of moisture in heavy soil. In summer, in moderate latitudes of her foliage, openwork yellowish-green; Through it, there is a dark trunk and branches, which gives a stunning visual effect, posing 4. In the fall, it bluses almost like Maple, pos. five.

Unfortunately, the commemoration of anyone never managed to dissolve vegetatively. Each tree has to grown from a seed or look for in nature, so the landing material is not cheap.

Pines in nature also often come across dwarf, pos. 6. Pine in Alpinaria were welcome a settler, but it is necessary to transplant it doubly carefully. How exactly - see video:

Video: How to transplant pine right

Cultural conifers

Actually coniferous plants For a long time they arrived on the slides and there are many of their varieties for alpinarias. Review of coniferous for the Alpine slides, see below:

Video: Coniferous plants for alpine slides

And how to plant cultural conifers - here:

Video: planting cultural coniferous plants

We are detained here at certain points that are essential with the above point of view.

Juniper, pos. 7, fills the cracks / failures well, but it grows very slowly, breeding and molding with difficulty and therefore roads. Tui are available of different types and Gabitually, and in color, pos. 8-10. Can form pillows that are not inferior to pumping and process, pos. 14a, but rather thermal-loving and because the north of Moscow in amateur culture is rare.

The best cultural coniferous for homemade alpine slide - fir. It grows anywhere, from Crimea to the Kola Peninsula. A variety of sorts of garden fir is difficult to describe, for pos. 11-14 Only individual examples. And garden fir due to unpretentiousness and rapid growth inexpensive: ready to land a chic instance can be found for 200-250 rubles. There are many dwarf varieties, In 10-20 years old, not exceeding 30 cm, which is suitable for mini-alpinaria.

Arrangement of Alpinaria - the occupation is unusually fascinating, requiring a creative approach. In the process, you have a great abundance of opportunities, the main thing is to show imagination and imagination.

What is the alpine slide? In fact, this is an imitation of a mountain landscape with perfectly selected beautiful flowers and plants. Such a composition in the garden should be harmoniously approaching the overall landscape, which is advantageous completing it.

Creating a mountaineering is a gradual process that requires attention to the nuances. First of all, it is necessary to consider the size of the slide itself, the optimal location of transitions, paths, steps and construction as a whole.

Location selection of alpine slide

It is very important that the location of the alpinory place is well lit. Alpine plants of light-headed: It is the amount of sunlight affects their growth and development. If we talk about the soil, the optimal will be stony soils with a limited amount of water. Excessive moisture is extremely detrimental for mining flora, so it is important to prevent stagnation of water in drainage.

In the household plots, quite a lot of formless varieties of stones are often formed, which the hosts sometimes use for the future Alpinaria. In this case, there is a risk instead of a beautiful design to get a meaningless and ridiculous mountain of stones. Here, experienced landscape designers are still recommended to carefully select pebbles by appearance, size and shape to get a sophisticated mountain landscape.

How to choose the alpinarium stones

For future mountaineering, try to pick up stones of no more than two rocks as much as possible and one structure.

Also take into account characteristics Plants and colors that are planning for a slide. As a rule, they are perfectly leaving for limestone rocks with a porous structure, which contributes to the penetration of the root inside. But this soil periodically needs to be acidified, as it has an alkaline reaction. And the gaps between the plants and stones are desirable to embellish with marble crumbs or crushed stone. So, the mountaineering will acquire a beautiful finished look.

Tip: Buy stones in special stores. Only so you will be confident as a material, because the stones should be environmentally friendly and have an inhomogeneous structure.

The most suitable breeds are granite, travertine, limestone, slate and sandstone. Use the same-type stones weighing about 100 kg and with signs of erosion. The optimal alpine height is up to 1.5 meters.

Varieties of alpine slurrow

The most common and simple look - rock cliff. Naturally, it is possible with a steep slope. Work in this case begins with the foundation where large stone blocks are stacked, and then various plants are planted.

The following type is a mountain arrangement that converts design into a unique, extraordinary beauty place. To create such a charm, stone blocks hide into a soil for two thirds and arrange chaotic trails that form a stunning mountain landscape.

Color spectrum

The maximum effect in the creation of a mountaineering can be achieved as a skillful game of color transitions.

The combinations of three shades are luxurious. For example, yellow perfectly harmonizes with pinkish, or lilac flowers. Thus, yellow as it were equalized by two similar shades.

You can visually bring any object, combining yellow and orange, and remove - with blue. Look more carefully for anyone landscape decoration. Surely you will notice that the lined away the blue and blue flowers Almost invisible, and plants with warm shades, on the contrary, visually approach objects.

Even long-standing designers use the game of contrasts, so that thanks to one element to emphasize the magnificence and the uniqueness of the other. One large plant looks much brighter and expressive if it will be covered with low-spirited species from all sides. But the compositions with solid and dismembered sheets look the most advantageous on each other's backdrop.

Dominant element

Alpinarium will look much exquisite if a bright dominating element will dominate in it. As such can act spectacular flowers Or plants, original stone or stream. This emphasis must be visible from all sides, because it is the final completion of the design, and the landscape is perceived as one.

How to choose plants for mountain composition

In the choice of plantings, it is necessary to take into account their susceptibility to the light in the place where the alpinary is planned. Remember, not all plants are suitable for a slide and combined with stones or other species of plantations.

So, for example, the location of the mountaineering in the northern part involves the shadowed types. They will also need enough moisture. These include primula, Badan, fern and host. Light-loving plants for which the soil drainage is less important to choose much easier. Such are tulip, mild, thyme, iris, etc.

Also a lot of universal varieties that the sun and the sun, and the shadow are a violet, a bell, crocus, muscari, phlox.

IN winter looks good canadian fir, Mountain pine, juniper. The greatest impression is made of volatile and evergreen plantings.

Alpine slide at the cottage

In general, there are no absolutely two identical alpinaria, as each site owner tries to bring something new, individual in the design. By the way, many believe that the best solution for the mountain arrangement is an option without any construction work (cement, brickwork, etc.). Such an approach subsequently provides the possibility of alteration of the entire design and significantly facilitates the workflow.

Do you decorate your household plot? Tell us what version of the alpine slide design to you most like?

If your dacha, a plot or in the garden is a ledge or irregularity, make an alpine slide.

First, such a flower bed is very beautiful, after a year her stony rocks with a solid carpet tighten the adorable pillows of flowers, herbs and moss.

Secondly, the Alpinaria's conservation itself is an exciting lesson. Here you need to think about: where to plant coniferous shrubWhat to choose stones and perennials so that the color carpet in the midst of the rocky screeching was played with colors for a whole year.

And, thirdly, if the soil on your dacha is poor, sandy or stony, and is completely not suitable for organizing other types of flower beds, then the plants of the Alpine slide in such conditions, on the contrary, will develop normally and good bloom.

Views of Alpinariyev

Distinguish several variants of alpinarians who repeat their appearance different sites Mountain Area:

  • rock Rock is a pod of almost bare large boulders with a minimum of plants in niches and "pockets";
  • mountain slope is a complex high composition of stones of different sizes and with a large variety of quenching and low-grade plants;
  • valley in the mountains - large stones, partially protruding from the soil, surrounded by richly flowering decorative plants;
  • the gorge is the most difficult in performance, but also the most spectacular view of the mountaineering, which can be placed in a natural hollow, framing the slopes with stones and disembarking representatives of the rock flora.

Choosing a place for alpine slide

Choosing a place for the Alpine slide, it is important to provide for the following conditions:

  1. Open location - a slide must be visible from all corners of the garden.
  2. Alpinariums are located on bright, sunny, not shaded high trees, place.
  3. Build a stony slide better in the place isolated from the wind.
  4. Depending on the design of the design of the territory in a single style, it is planned to land in a mountaineering of certain types of vegetation.

In the landscape design there are many landscape design styles, including the elements of a deserted landscape, rocky kindergartens, ponds and bridges that must be harmonized with the built-in slide.

The slide device is most preferably at the design of the garden. With independent performance, you can avoid high costs For landscape architect services. Having step-by-step photos And the schemes of arrangement of the slide, perform work on the construction of the mountaineering with their own hands will not be much labor.

Basic rules for arranging alpine slide

Professional designers have long been developed typical schemes for arranging alpine slides, taking into account all the smallest nuances associated with its location and desire to plant certain plants:

  • If the Alpinarium is located in the center of the site, it can be viewed from all sides, then its form should resemble a pyramid with the highest point in the center of the composition. Not necessarily this design has the same side and upper point in the middle of the mountainaria. The less symmetry withstands - the more interesting the composition is obtained;
  • Alpinarium on the slope can be both single-level, parallel surface surfaces and multi-level, reduced height of elements and plants with a further point downward;
  • The smaller the size of horizontal elements - the original visual perception of the slide, the more interesting to consider it, every time pumped out on the new kind, just changing the viewing of the Ferris. Properly equipped alpine slide (photo) should resemble a wild forest, which is constantly surprising new discoveries.

Her height depends on its occupied slide area. In the classical embodiment, the base of the approximate diameter at the base should have about 20 cm of height above the ground.

What stones need to choose for alpine slide

Stones for the alpine slide, first of all, perform a decorative function, but various breeds have a different degree of fragility, a different degree of moisture absorption, so some of the stones properties are better to have an idea to make the right choice. Most often today, when creating alpine slides, limestone, sandstone and granite are used.

If you want to plant bright flowers, the stone is better to choose a neutral color - it will play the role of the background. When using not particularly expressive plants, pick up bright stones - on their background, the plants will look expressive, contrast. When sticking stones of different breeds, there is a risk that the slide will turn into a pile of cobblestones, use stones of similar outlines and close color Gamma..

It matters and the height of the slide - stones with sharp angles are more appropriate for high embankment, and the rock shapes are more suitable for the flat composition. In aqueous mountaineering, sandstone laid well as layers. The slide on your site should look harmoniously, without disturbing a single style.

What plants need to choose for alpine slide

Choose plants for Alpinaria must be guided by its own taste and fantasy, but taking into account the overall style and location on the site.

There are several basic rules that need to be guided by:

1. It is reasonably important to take into account such aspects as:

  • Climate;
  • Soil type;
  • Humidity of soil and air.

2. Initially, you need to make a scheme and thoroughly think about the location of each type of plants. An important aspect is the lighting. Plants may not tolerate a bright sun or shadow;

3. Another fact that will play a significant role is the size of plants. It should be calculated according to the size of the alpinearia;

4. It is important to remember that the Alpine slides are not made up of plants alone. They should not only be "diluted" of various kinds and sizes of stones, but also can be equipped with a waterfall, pond, etc.;

5. You can "overdo it" with the number of colors, since the incorrectly calculated number of plants may result in some kind of one species can displace the rest if it breaks too wide.

More vivid copies are given more attention. They must be planted more apart.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that the Alpine slide should bloom all year round, so the seasonal plants are the following:

  • Spring - bulbous plants
  • In summer - most existing colors
  • In the fall - non-flames
  • Winter - Decorative coniferous trees

How to make an alpine slide on the cottage

The phased creation of an alpine slide requires a certain sequence of actions. When planning, the alpinary looks as natural as possible when its height does not exceed 1 meter. Eliminates the tasks of the alpine slide scheme.

Step-by-step instructions, how to arrange a mountaineering:

  • Selection of the site. South or Southwestern side pricework preferable.
  • Preparation of the site. Provides a device of a high-quality drainage system.
  • Purchase and laying of soil. If the price allows you to better buy good sad. Make it yourself, mixing clay soil with peat 3: 1.
  • Selection and laying of stones. Depends on the selected style. It can be a seven, granite, basalt, limestone, sandstone and others. The color and texture of stones should be harmonized with a common picture. So that they looked natural, spread them randomly.
  • Plant selection and landing. Position them so that they do not cover the stones and overview of the whole composition. Flowers planted in front, then low shrubs, and in the background - dwarf trees. Flowers of one color are planted with groups.
  • Tracks and steps. They are designed to provide access to a carbon black garden. Avoid sharp corners or straight lines, because in nature they are missing. For paving, durable and flat stones are selected, which are consolidated thoroughly. Between them be sure to evicted soil perennials or lawn grass.

Alpine slide in the country do it yourself

Mountain landscapes have always attracted people with their simple and natural beauty. Being on a mountain plateau or standing on a rocky rock, crouched grass, small plants and gentle flowers, feel inexplicable freedom, special unity with clean, untouched nature. And so I want to preserve these wonderful sensations in the soul. Alpine slide will help in this, which is under power to create with their own hands on the garden plot. It will become not only a small island of harmony, but also a magnificent garden decoration, the subject of universal admiration.

Alpine slide or mountaineering is a reduced model of the mountain landscape, as close as possible to the natural, which provides for a harmonious combination of stones and plants of the Alpine and subalpine mountainous terrain. Between themselves these two concepts differ only by scale: the mountaineering is a large composition, and the alpine slide can be quite small.

Very close to the alpine rocker hill, so they both are a composition of plants and stones. But these two types of flower beds should not be confused. Rocarium is a simulation of a mining plateau or screaming, located mainly on the level of terrain and is not limited to the selection of plants. Alpinariums are always slides and slopes, and the selection of plants is limited to the alpine zone.

The art of creating an alpine slide came to us from England, but then it was undeservedly forgotten. Now the fashion for such flower beds returned, although they have changed a little. For example, in modern mountaineers, you can use almost any flowers that can grow on the stones and are harmoniously combined with a mountain landscape. The emphasis in such a composition shifted with stones on decorative plants.

Since the alpine slide is a rather complicated composition, then its creation requires very careful planning, as well as a large amount of work. Therefore, this project is always expensive. And the arrangement of the Alpine slide will require tremendous physical and time costs.

But despite the specified disadvantages, Alpinaria has indisputable advantages.

  • Unconditional originality and unique beauty of the composition.
  • The ability to use brazy lands. Only the mountaineering helps to decorate the slope. Alpine slide hobs an abandoned place.
  • Neutility in care. Proper selection unpretentious plants Make a carcade carcery grounding.
  • Interesting creative work. Alpine slide in the country can be created together by the whole family and turn this time-consuming process into a fascinating occupation.

If you have not frightened difficulties, then first choose the appropriate look of the mountainaria so that in the beginning of the autumn to start work.

The ideas of the design of Alpinariyev

Deciding how to make an alpine slide in the country should get to know existing species such flower beds.

By type of location, stones distinguish such types:

  1. Rock cliff. This variant of the Alpine slide will be appropriate on any plot. This is a steep hill with large stones at the base and smaller on top. The vegetation in this version is planted in the "pockets" between stones and crevices. At the top of such a rock, a large plant is placed on the top of such a rock.
  2. Mountain slope or scree. it perfect solution For plots having natural german slopes. In order to naturally imitate the minor scree, large boulders are placed on the top of the slope, and its base is small pebbles with rare larger stones. Such a composition is fixed with dwarf and flutter conifers, as well as creeping plants.
  3. Mountain slope or scree

  4. Terraced slope. Create a stone composition in the spirit of the "abandoned" garden. It is just ideal for a plot on the slope. This alpine slide is created with their own hands in the form of steps that serve as a backup stone boulders or special walls from large stones.
  5. Mountain valley. The solution for the smooth section of a large area. To create an image of the alpine valley, huge stone blocks and boulders are distributed over the designated territory and get into the ground until half of their size. There are tracks between them. Plants for the Alpine slide of this type should correspond to the generated image, these are mosses, miniature shrubs, cereals, as well as plants with a long period of flowering.
  6. Mountain valley

  7. Gorge. A rather complicated option, but also characterized by the most natural beauty. This alpine slide with their own hands is easiest way to be equipped on a plot with uneven, hilly relief. However, the mound can be made artificially. Such hills are laid down very large stones of different heights. The stone "walls" of the gorge decorated with moss and creeping plants, and in the middle the dwarf plants are planted.
  8. Ravine. If there is a natural hollow on your site, then such a lowering of the soil can be used when building an alpine slide in the form of a ravine. The walls are fixed by the inserted large stones, and the discharge plants are planted at the bottom. And you can equip artificial mini-reservoirs at the bottom of the ravine.
  9. Mountain Lake. If you are a happy owner on a plot of a small reservoir, a small alpine slide can be created on its shore using moisture-loving plants.
  10. Mountain waterfall

    And experts will be able to help equip even a miniature mountain waterfall, since the water pump is already required.

    Scheme of mountain waterfall

  11. Czech rock (rolling). Very popular now alpinaria option. A alpine slide is created from the installed vertically flat stone plates. There is a small distance between these plates, which is filled with fertile soil mixtureAnd then there are compact slow-growing plants that are resistant to drought.

Czech cliff (rod)

If the traditional device of the Alpine slides for some reason is impossible, then as an alternative, a flat mountainarium can be equipped, which is a raised flower. First, the fencing is formed, drainage is equipped between the walls, fall asleep with a fertile soil mixture, and then plant plants. Such a flowerbed can be equipped in the form of small multi-level terraces. Through such terraces, hanging plants look very beautiful, as well as slow-growing. Such a flower garden takes a little space and is very decorative.

Multi-level terrace

We called far from all models of Alpinarians. Despite the differences, all existing alpine slides are very beautiful and will be able to adequately decorate any landscape.

Alpine Gorka - Stone garden, which can be created with your own hands. To do this, explore the thematic articles on the Internet and view the options for decorating on photo from step by step Description of work. Gorki is also called mountaineering and rockary. They will become an original decorative element on the household plot.

This type landscape design Popular, especially among country cottage owners. They are willing to highlight a large amount for the arrangement of their plot in the courtyard of the house to obtain a corner of untouched nature. It is advisable to invite a landscape designer for this purpose, because it will be able to qualitatively implement all your ideas and wishes into reality.

Those who have no opportunity to pay his work should try to make a beautiful corner of nature on their own. So you reduce costs to a minimum and get the desired result of your work.

The main thing is to properly plan the budget and develop a project where all the stages of the scheduled changes will be displayed. Do not rush and try to think over all the details. Think out all the steps, select a slide style, spend thorough preparation - this will be your guarantee of getting a beautiful mountaineering. Observe the principles and rules for working with plants, learn useful articles on the Internet on this topic, consult with the designer.

Sequence of work on the creation of an alpine slide

You should finally determine the place to accommodate the Alpine slide in the courtyard at home. The main requirements for this space:

  • openness;
  • spaciousness;
  • sunny side. It can be the southern and southwest part of the land.

The place must be chosen carefully so that you spend a lot of time every day. Alpinarium is created to ensure that guests and owners of a country cottage have the opportunity to admire the beauty of nature daily. This is a place to face, relax and restore forces after a heavy working day.

After choice, you should buy construction materials for the arrangement of the Alpine slide. Getting Started with a gaming and laying the drainage layer. The depth of the pit is the average. For a slide area of \u200b\u200b2x2, a depth of 0.8-1 m. Think Stages of labeling drainage layer. His quality will determine the service life of the slide. Therefore, the layer should be uploaded to qualitatively, because its function is to ensure reliable foundation of the design and prevent soil sewage. This will not fail to fail the mountaineering and ensure proper conditions for the growth of colors and plants.

It is possible to obtain the desired drainage effect with the help of clay, rubbish, gravel and construction debris. Do not use wood waste that will start rotting in the first months after the completion of the work. The drainage layer should be covered with sand or gravel shallow fraction, pebbles. The final stage is the laying of fertile soil with a thickness of 30-40 cm and its careful rambling.

What to prepare for the arrangement of the Alpine slide before starting work

Created by your own hands the mountainaries will be aesthetic, provided that careful preparation and proper selection of the site. To do this, choose an open area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth for refining. Purchase bricks, rubble, medium and large stones, pebbles. Ask help from relatives or hire a worker for transporting and laying heavy stones.

Decide on planting plants in the created alpinary. Purchase seeds and seedlings for your collection, taking into account the compatibility of plants among themselves, the period of their flowering, the soil requirements for optimal development and growth. Download photos from the Internet implemented projects, the style of which suits you. These are designer projects and work of the craftsmen, created with their own hands without help.

Rules for using stones in rockers

The dimensions of the stone elements used are determined by the area area, which was allocated to the creation of rocarium. For spacious territory, you should choose large stones, and for little plot Plannyak and middle boulders - the best way. Pay attention to the color and texture of stones. For creating harmonious composition Stones are chosen to the created ensemble, emphasizing the beauty of the slide and the household site.

Eclecticism is not the best solution for adjusting rockery in the country cottage. The main requirements are natural and natural beauty. Limit one of the rocks of the stones. Use granite, quartzite, sandstone.

Laying stones and decorative elements is carried out consistently by tiers. The principle used is from greater to the smaller. The base of the mountaineering is large-scale boulders. They are able to provide reliable foundation when creating a composition and incarnation in reality. designer ideas owner. At the top, place the original decorative element Small size. He will become bright accent And make the composition completed.

A classic alpine slide consists of 3-5 tiers. These are stones of different size, posted rationally and clearly. Over each layer should be pouring a moistened land. Do not forget to leave the space between stones for the growth of planted plants, their development.

Shape slide is fully your choice. It depends on the fantasy, the selected style, the color gamma and the area of \u200b\u200bthe highlighted area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth. Do not follow the rigid rules on styling stones. The main requirement is a high-quality layout and a reliable foundation of the Alpine slide. So she will have a long time and will delight you daily. Ready mountaineering should look aesthetic even without plants!

Soil falling asleep and plant landing in created mountaineering

The soil mixture for the alpickeeper slide is a special composition for planting plants, their normal growth and development. Buy a mixture in a flower shop or make it yourself. The main thing is that it has all the necessary useful substances and minerals. So planted plants will grow well by making a ride aesthetic and natural.

The optimal composition is 1: 3 (peat and clay soil). Part of the gravel takes part of this composition from the soil and peat. It is important that the Earth is clean, removing the weeds and their seeds from it. So you will prevent the appearance of weeds among planted plants and colors.

Plant landing on the Alpine slide begins with the top. These are beautiful shrubs and trees. Next - go to perennial plants. Initially, the mountaineering was created from high mountain plants. Now these restrictions have lost its meaning and all the plants chosen by you, the treet, flowers will look more aesthetic.


  • perennial plants;
  • shrubs;
  • ferns;
  • cereals, herbs;
  • bulbous plants.

They will complement the composition, making it more aesthetically. The main thing is to take into account the compatibility of the selected plants among themselves. So you will prevent unpleasant consequences and the need to re-plant plants. Compose plants so that your mountainaries look beautiful and winning all year all year. Flowering U. different plants Started consistently by replacing each other.

To preserve the aestheticness of the Alpine slide in the winter, put coniferous plants. Thuja, pine, juniper are perfect for landing. Categories fantasy by adding therapeutic herbs, leaf fall and evergreen shrubs, bulbous, ferns and flowers - daffodils, nasterns to the composition.

Before planting plants, moisturize the ground for better growth and survival. After disembarking, sink the ground and cover it with a layer of pebbles in small fraction. This will prevent the rapid growth of weeds and maintain the primary form of alpinearia. Peelocks and land around the created alpine slide. Photo examples of such compositions you will find on the Internet on thematic sites with step by step description of the work carried out do it yourself.

Classification of alpine hills for a country cottage

The admiration of the beauty and the thoughtfulness of parts in the mountainaries is amazing. In them, each stone is in the right place, and the flowering of plants lasts the whole year. Alpine slide - aesthetic decorative element into the yard country house. There are 7 styles of its design:

  1. Natural rocky surface.
  2. "Mountain slopes" with coniferous trees, complex bends and boulders of the stone of huge sizes.
  3. "Valley in the mountains." This style of performance implies a chaotic placement of stones of different sizes on the territory of the Alpine slide.
  4. "Slope with terrace." Different height of the walls, the use of unusual forms and elements.
  5. "Forest ravine" is a decorative space with natural springs, a waterfall. It can be created artificially.
  6. "Stone wall". Here the stones are located in chaotic order, and the holmik has a small height.
  7. "Rock from the Czech Republic." Masonry It contains layers of the same stones.
  8. "Lawn in the Alps." This is a combination of wild mountain plants, coniferous trees. They all germinate exclusively in the mountains, therefore, special conditions should be created for their optimal growth and development.

Remember! It is impossible to create aesthetic alpine slide in one day. This is a hard work that will take at least two weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to start training now so that in a short time to enjoy the beauty of the court of a country cottage or cottage. You have to work well, because the Alpine slides created by independently - careful preparation, the presence of the necessary materials and photos with finished projects.

Create an alpinory base in the fall so that the seeds of plants and seedlings of trees in the soil in the spring. In summer, you will enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the created composition.