
What to do if aphids appear on currants, how to fight. How to deal with aphids on currants - how to process: drugs and folk remedies

Procurement and storage secrets

Gallic aphid on currants feeds on plant sap and causes fungal infections of the leaf. The fruit bush tries to heal the wounds, as a result of which ugly red bumps appear on the leaves, and its yield drops sharply. The culture weakens, sheds the leaf and eventually dies.

Folk ways

It has a small size - only 2.2 mm. It looks like a small light point in the photo of the sheet. It is difficult to notice a single individual, but the accumulation of pests is striking even for an inexperienced gardener. As soon as a small gray spot appears on the inside of the foliage, you need to act.

On a note!

Life cycle the gall aphid has a short, but the female is quite fertile. For one summer season on the currant, about 15 generations of this insect are replaced.

Until the pest has had time to breed, you can apply folk methods fight:

  1. A kilogram is poured with 10 liters warm water and sent to a dark and warm place for a day. Filter the infusion, add four tablespoons of liquid soap to it.
  2. Four kilograms tomato tops crushed and filled with 10 liters of liquid room temperature... The product is closed with a lid and sent to knock in a dark place, after which it is filtered.
  3. A kilogram of hot pepper is poured cold water and bring to a boil. Then keep on low heat for one hour, and then insist for 48 hours. The product is filtered and bottled. The concentrate is diluted in water (75 ml per 5 l) when the plant needs to be treated against aphids.
  4. The bucket is half filled with marigolds and filled with water. The agent is insisted for 24 hours, then filtered and brought to a volume of 10 liters.

In order for the fight against gall aphids on currants to be effective, it follows. Insects protect pests because they give them sweet juice... Anthills should be dug up and filled with boiling water, covered with ash or transferred to another place.

On a note!

Gall aphids do not like to settle on black currants. These bushes are attacked by gooseberry aphids.

To destroy aphids, they also use:


Gall aphids cannot be used when the plant has flowers or fruits. You can process currants from gall aphids before flowering and after harvesting.

The first treatment destroys live individuals and their eggs. The second is aimed at ridding the currant bush from wintering clutches.

On a note!

Plants can be sprayed only in dry and calm weather. Better to choose days when the sun is hidden behind the clouds. The procedure is carried out until ten in the morning or in the evening.

When working with toxic substances, you should protect your face with a mask and a respirator, and put a scarf or a plastic cap on your head. Wear rubber gloves on your hands. After the procedure, things are sent to the wash.

There are the following preparations for gall aphid on the market:

  1. protects currants for two months. The first results are visible after four hours.
  2. Kinimix - insecticide helps to get rid of gall aphids and other pests.
  3. Inta-Vir. Affects nervous system insects. Aphids die from paralysis.
  4. Actellik - if the infection is strong, then one ampoule is dissolved in a liter of water.
  5. Karbaphos - a solution is prepared from the powder (75 g of dry matter per 10 liters of water) and currant bushes are sprayed with it.
  6. paralyzes insects and causes their instant death. Does not work on eggs.
  7. quickly destroys gall aphids and other dangerous insects. For the solution, 4 ml of the poison should be diluted in a liter of water.

On a note!

In early spring, before the leaves appear on the currants, root spraying with a solution is carried out mineral fertilizers... For it, 400 g of potassium chloride, 500 g of urea and the same amount of nitroammofoska are mixed. The mixture is poured with a bucket of water and insisted for one hour. This product feeds shrubs and destroys hibernating eggs of gall aphids.

Physical methods

Sheet gall aphid before the onset of cold weather, it lays eggs under the bark of the plant, which must survive the winter. In the spring, with the appearance of the first leaves, pests hatch from the masonry and begin to destroy the currant bush.

To prevent the appearance of gall aphids, the plant is watered with boiling water. It awakens dormant buds and destroys hibernating eggs.

On a note!

Water for processing the bush is heated to a temperature of 50-60 degrees.

Aphid control methods include cutting off infected shoots. Branches damaged by a pest are burned in a fire.

Beneficial insects are attracted to the site: ladybirds and lacewings. To do this, nectar-bearing flowers are planted next to the currants:

  • oregano;
  • marigold;
  • daisies;
  • Dill;
  • anise.

To prevent plants from being attacked by red-gall aphids, dill, onions, tomatoes, coriander are sown next to them.

Leaves must be watered with a hose. A strong pressure of water will knock off aphids and ants from them. Watering should be done on a cloudy day or early in the morning, before the sun starts hot.

If the plant is too infected and no drugs act on it, then the bush should be cut in the fall "at the root" or completely dig it up. The dug ground must be sprinkled with ash or tobacco.


Gallic aphids on red currants will not appear if timely prevention is carried out.

If you suspect the appearance of aphids, you should thoroughly rinse the leaves with soapy water. It clogs the skin of the aphids, and they cannot breathe. The treatment should be carried out every evening for a week to kill the hatched individuals.

On a note!

For a soap solution, take a bar of tar or laundry soap, rub it on a fine grater and pour 10 liters of warm liquid.

Keep the ground next to the bush clean. It is necessary to remove all weeds and mulch with celandine, which is poisonous for aphids.

The following measures must be taken to keep the plant safe:

  • destroy anthills;
  • spread the pieces of scotch tape next to the bush, sticky side up;
  • provide the plant with sufficient watering;
  • inspect leaves and shoots.

It is necessary to monitor the feeding of the bush. Nitrogen fertilizers reduce the plant's ability to resist pests and diseases.

Aromatic herbs should be planted next to currant bushes, which attract ladybirds and scare off ants and aphids. These are marigolds, anise, dill, onions.

Good results can be achieved if you put together all the methods: prevention, chemical, etc. It is not always possible to get rid of aphids in one year. Eggs may be under the bark, from which new individuals will appear. But if you do not give up, the pest will completely disappear.

The fruits have a diuretic effect, cleanse the kidneys, reduce high fever body. The taste qualities of all three varieties of currants: black, white, red, attract not only gardeners and lovers of fresh berries, but also various pests... The annoying attacks of aphids are among the common misfortunes that currant bushes succumb to.

How to deal with aphids

Currant bushes generally require close attention in the spring. During the ripening of the fruit, the plant is attacked by aphids, so the main task of gardeners is to timely intervene to protect against these small insects. The deciduous part of the shrub with the presence of aphids has a red-spotted crust that looks swollen. Have black currant green leaves are wrapped in pipes, where hundreds of small insects are located on the inside.

Aphids are considered a dangerous guest for plants, as it is not so easy to get rid of them without the necessary knowledge. Shoot aphids reproduce on black currants, and varieties with red and white berries are eaten up by red-gall (hairy) aphids.

The danger of the appearance of red-gall aphids on currants

At first glance, the red-gall aphid seems to be a harmless, small flea, but after the breeding stage, these insects mercilessly destroy the currant bush. Actually the red-gall aphid, or hairy aphid, is a fast vector of disease and can spread to neighboring plants. Small insects drink currant juice. Due to this massive attack, the plant gives off a scent that the ants respond to. Aphids on currants by themselves damage the crop and the general condition of plants, and also provoke the appearance of other insects.

An interesting fact is that the laid eggs hibernate freely on open shoots even at low temperatures.

In spring, in places where insects accumulate, the leaves swell and turn red. Young branches are not enough nutrients for normal growth, therefore, their development is suspended, and the leaves curl and deteriorate. The same applies to the black currant bushes, which are very fond of the shoot aphid. The principle of deposition of larvae in these insects is the same as in the red-gall aphid, only the eggs are black and overwinter at the beginning of the buds. After the onset of warmth, the larvae move to the upper parts of the buds, smoothly passing to the attack of young petioles and green leaves.

How to deal with aphids

Due to the rather frequent attacks of insects, currants need preventive spraying when the greens have not yet been touched by pests. There are medications available to help prevent aphids from appearing, as well as to combat the present ant colonies. If the slightest signs of aphids are noticed on the berry, do not hesitate to break off the affected leaves. When spreading, insects move along the shoots, the tops of which must also be removed along with the galls, where insects settle. To dispose of unwanted plant material, take a bucket of water. All torn leaves and shoots are placed in water and then completely burned. Thus, new attempts to attack aphids and their reproduction on currant bushes are prevented.

With spring awakening on summer cottage a large number of insects appear, including ants. These small individuals pose a real problem in getting rid of aphids. The sap and odor emitted by plants when eaten becomes the cause of their appearance. The coexistence of these two species of insects does not interfere with each other, but threatens with loss of yield and death of currant bushes.

Traditional methods of dealing with aphids

The hope for plant orderlies does not always save the crop from death, therefore there are many among the people different methods to combat aphids. In addition to simply cutting off the infected areas of currants, processing with special infusions and solutions will help. Let's consider each effective decoction separately:

  • Infusion of marigolds. It has been proven many times that the gall aphid is not able to withstand the smell and taste of these flowers. For its preparation, take finely chopped marigolds in the amount of a bucket filled in half and fill it with water to the top. Then you need to let the flowers stand in the liquid for three days. During this time, one more ingredient is being prepared - laundry soap in crushed form (fifty grams). After settling, the infusion is filtered, separating the vegetable component, and soap is added to the water.
  • Red pepper decoction. A pungent strong smell is unbearable for aphids, so hot chilli peppers are able to scare away insects for a long time. To prepare the infusion, one kilogram of peppers will be enough per bucket of water. Vegetables are finely chopped and poured with liquid, and then put on low heat. In time, such a mixture should languish for at least sixty minutes, after which it is infused in a cooled form for two days. For spraying currants, the filtered broth is used, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:40. One bucket of liquid consumes two hundred and fifty grams of a hot broth. It has been observed from experience that this method of processing currant bushes effectively helps to get rid of slugs.
  • Garlic and onion infusions. The principle of action of these two plants can be seen immediately - a pungent and strong smell survives aphids, and the immunity of currant bushes increases. According to the recipe, you need to take one kilogram per bucket of water onion feathers... The greens must be chopped and filled with ten liters of water. The infusion is prepared quickly, within six hours. After filtration, the contents can be placed in a spray bottle.

WITH onion peel also turns out effective remedy to combat aphids. One bucket of liquid will require about five hundred grams of husk. The solution is allowed to brew for five days, after which it is ready for use.

Spraying currants is good in a windless evening. It is advisable to look at the forecast for the future, so that after the treatment of the bushes it does not rain in the near future, otherwise the solution will need to be sprayed again.

To combat the carriers of aphids, ants dig a moat around each planted currant bush. To prevent insects from getting to the plants, a sticky substance is poured into the ditch.

Chemical methods of aphid control

There are a large number of preparations that can be found in specialized plant stores, with chemical composition... The effectiveness of the use of tools such as : Karbofos, Intavir, Aktara, Vofatox, Fufan, Rovikurt proven by experience. If folk infusions do not lead to the desired result, then chemicals in the appropriate dosage will help get rid of persistent aphids. When working with any chemical, precautions should be taken to protect the body and hands from the effects of poisons.

You can find contact drugs that have an instant effect directly on aphids, or intestinal drugs that get inside insects after eating. In both cases, aphids die if pesticides are used correctly according to the instructions. Poisonous systemic drugs provide a long-term effect, impregnating currant bushes with protective contents.

In addition to observing a safe mode when spraying, you need to know the following features:

  • Aphids are located on the inside of the leaves, so the spraying of the preparations should be carried out with the help of your hands;
  • The first time the bushes are treated in early spring when an examination is made for the presence of aphids in the kidneys and their disposal;
  • The second spray of chemicals is applied a month before the berries appear;
  • Between repeated spraying of currants, it is necessary to give an exposure for one month.

An overabundance of nitrogen in the soil, which is present there due to the applied fertilizers in excess of the norm, can lead to the appearance of aphids on currant bushes. This suggests that more does not mean better in horticulture. Even when applying bait for currants, you must follow the instructions, and also take into account the type of soil on the site.

Garden areas of Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, abound with currant bushes. The mass of nutrients contained in the fruits of this shrub brought him immense popularity. Currant fruits have healing properties, are widely used in folk medicine... However, not only people love currants, but also pests, the main of which is aphids. How to get rid of aphids on currants? What are the methods of dealing with aphids, you can find out by reading this article.

It is very easy to notice the presence of aphids on currants. Carefully looking at the bush and noticing ants scurrying around on it, one can safely assume that there is a colony of aphids here.

After all, aphids and ants are one. Ants feed on honeydew, which is secreted by aphids during digestion. The aphid itself is clumsy and slow, so the ants transfer it to the most delicious parts of the plant. Therefore, to start the fight against aphids, you need to destroy the ants. Carefully examining the surroundings near the bush in search of an anthill, you can definitely find it near the currant, or even in its roots. Now it remains in early spring to pour a bucket of boiling water into the anthill. The ants will die in this case, and then you can already begin to destroy the aphids.

Aphids are located inside unblown buds, which outward appearance easy to identify. The buds with aphids inside are larger and have a rounded shape. All such buds are collected and burned.

How to get rid of aphids on currant leaves?

Often, red bumps can be seen on the leaves. The leaves are swollen and very unhealthy. This means that the leaves were affected by the red-gall aphid. The eggs laid by her hibernate on the branches of the bush, and with the onset of spring, larvae emerge from them and settle on the back of the young currant leaves. In places where aphids accumulate, the leaves swell and acquire a reddish tint.

Black currant leaves are more often affected by gooseberry shoot aphids. It appears on the tops of the shoots, sucks the juice out of them, the leaves curl and bend.

Control measures for aphids on currants

You need to immediately understand for yourself that it is impossible to get rid of aphids forever. But it is necessary to correctly build and apply the line of defense.

There are two ways to deal with aphids, namely:

  1. organic;
  2. chemical.

The organic way of aphids includes various methods associated with natural remedies, without the use of pesticides. Such methods are especially effective for preventing disease or for early stage plant damage by aphids.

To prevent the spread of aphids, excess growth is cut out, tops, in which the aphid reproduces freely. Next, you should regularly water, feed and mulch the plant. On a healthy bush with tough dark leaves, aphids will feel uncomfortable. It is imperative to clean the bark in the places of its exfoliation, where the aphid egg-laying overwintered, which contributes to its significant reduction.

We must not forget about the natural predators of aphids - ladybirds. To attract these beneficial insects, you need to plant nasturtium, tansy, mallow, cosmea, calendula near the currant. The fragrances of these flowers attract ladybugs and promote their reproduction.

There is no need to rush to remove all the weeds under the currant bites. It is advisable to leave one or two quinoa bushes, which are a delicacy for aphids. The affected quinoa bush can be easily pulled out and destroyed when it fulfills its function, taking fire on itself.

Chemical methods are used when natural remedies no longer work or when time is limited.

Chemicals for aphid control are:

  • contact;
  • intestinal;
  • systemic.

Contact drugs "Fufan", "Fury", "Karbaphos" instantly relieves the plant of aphids, since penetrating through its cover, they immediately kill it.

Intestines enter the digestive system during the absorption of leaves treated with the chemicals "Confidor", "BI-58 New".

The effect of systemic drugs is extended over time for 15-20 days. Treatment of the bush with such preparations makes the juice very poisonous. long time... Such a drug can be "Aktara".

Video: how to protect red currants from aphids

Pest control garden plants plays important role... It prevents insects such as aphids from damaging shrubs and trees. On the currant, her eggs are located at the buds, and as soon as the plant goes after hibernation in growth, they become active and begin to settle throughout the bush.

The petioles and leaves damaged by them are twisted into tubes. The danger from such a small insect is that if measures are not taken in time, it will quickly take over the entire plant and cannot be saved. To prevent the death of currants, it is necessary to use special means at the beginning of summer, you can not spend money on purchased drugs, but use the folk recipes described below.

Home solutions

Although these agents are safe for humans, in high concentrations they affect the leaves of the plant as strong chemicals and can cause them burns, as well as pose a danger to other beneficial insects. Based on this warning, the proportions indicated in the formulations must be strictly followed. Why aphids appear on currants and apple trees, and how this problem can be dealt with, is described in great detail in this

Soap solution

Before using it, you need to rinse the plant well under running cold water or wipe its leaves and branches with a cotton swab dipped in ordinary water.

The solution is prepared from laundry soap to prepare 300 grams detergent rubbed on a grater and then diluted in a bucket of water. A more advanced solution is prepared from ash and soap. 300 grams of ash is added to a bucket of water, then it is put on the fire, and they are waiting for the mixture to boil, then 50 grams of crushed soap is added to it. But how effective it is, and how to use it correctly. set out in the article at the link.

One of these solutions is used to choose from when growing organic products, their processing is carried out in the evening. It is possible after the rain, but in no case in front of it, otherwise the efforts will be in vain.

When processing Special attention on the inside of the leaves, where aphids usually settle. Soap spraying is repeated after a week, but if the remedy does not help even after that, then you cannot do without strong drugs.

Yarrow solution

Dried stems and leaves plucked at the time of flowering of the plant will help from aphids. To process several currant bushes, you need to take 1 kg of dried raw materials, pour boiling water and leave to languish in a water bath for half an hour.

After that, water is added to the resulting solution to make a total of 10 liters of the remedy. In such an amount, it must still be insisted in a dark place for two days. But what exist folk remedies from kidney mites on currants, and which of them are the most effective, indicated

Tomato solution

To prepare it, you need to take 5 kg of tomato and pour boiling water over the fruits, then boil them for 30 minutes. The resulting solution is filtered, soap is added to the tomatoes, they should be cooked on fire for 30 minutes. Water is added to the resulting mixture to make a volume of 10 liters.

Pepper solution

You need to prepare 100 grams of fresh capsicum, pour 1 liter of water and boil in a sealed container.

Tobacco solution

In five liters of water, you need to add 200 grams of crushed and dried tobacco leaves, after simmering the mixture on fire for 2 hours, you need to bring the solution to 10 liters.

Herbal infusions

Before using them, it is necessary to check their action on a small area or on one bush, if the selected infusion is really effective, then it can be used for the remaining currants. Its processing is carried out before flowering and after picking berries.

Potato infusion

Onion infusion

This vegetable is crushed without peeling it. From the prepared onion gruel, 200 grams are taken and poured with 10 liters of water. The mixture is infused for a day, and then it can be sprayed with currants.

Chamomile infusion

One bucket of water needs to collect 1 kg pharmacy chamomile... It is insisted for half a day, after which it is filtered. Before processing the plants, the solution is diluted with water, observing the proportions of 1 part of the mixture to 3 parts of the liquid. To enhance the effect, you can add another 50 grams of laundry soap.

Garlic infusions

There are many recipes with this vegetable against aphids, here are the most popular ones.


Grind several heads of garlic so that they come out with 200 grams, to which 1 liter of water is added. The mixture is infused under the lid for five days. Currant bushes are sprayed with it. To prepare a solution of the desired consistency, dilute 25 ml of tincture in 10 liters of water.


The recipe uses garlic arrows. A glass of crushed arrows is poured with a liter of water. The infusion is left for five days in a dark place. After that, when spraying, it is diluted with water, in proportions: 25 ml per bucket of liquid.

In the video - garlic infusions from aphids:

Dandelion infusion

From aphids, the entire plant is applied without residue, together with the roots. It is collected during the flowering period, you need to prepare 600 grams of grass and cut it, then pour 10 liters of water, the components of the recipe after mixing are infused for three hours.

Horse sorrel infusion

It is necessary to pour 400 grams of this herb in a crushed form with ten liters of boiling water, and then insist as long as time allows before spraying.

Infusion of marigolds

Their flowers are an excellent remedy for aphids. To prepare this infusion, you need to grind half a kilogram of flowers, you can simply separate them with your hands, add 1 liter of water to them, and leave for two days. After settling, the agent is filtered.

Alder infusion

It is necessary to insist one day 1 kg of alder leaves in 5 liters of ordinary water, and then boil them for half an hour, leave a little to settle and spray the plants.

Infusions of tansy, thyme and rhubarb are also effective against harmful insects.

Homemade products against aphids

Regular food can sometimes save whole shrubs if you know how to use it correctly:

  • Take milk and drip a few drops of iodine into it and spray the currants with them until flowering.
  • Ordinary vodka is the cheapest, it is poured into a spray bottle and the bushes are treated.
  • Cream with essential oils - this tandem is also great for removing aphids. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil of tea tree, lavender or cedar to your choice in 100 ml of cream. 2 liters of water are added to the resulting composition. The bushes are sprayed with this agent three times.
  • Coca-Cola is used as easy as shelling pears plastic bottle, in which she is put on a sprayer, and each shrub is sprayed with it in turn. This drink contains phosphoric acid, which the aphid is afraid of.

Plants from aphids

Garden crops can also resist these insects if they are planted near currants. Some flowers attract aphids to them, and thus distract them from fruit trees and shrubs, such plants include mallow, some types of legumes, kosmeya, nasturtium and begonia.

Begonia in the garden

Other plants repel these insects, including marigolds, garlic, mint, coriander, onions, and a number of odorous herbs. But linden and viburnum, on the contrary, attract aphids, they cannot be planted next to currants.

It is possible to reduce the number of aphids by regularly cleaning the area with currants from weeds and tops on trees on which aphids could lay their eggs in winter period... You may also be interested in information on how it is used


It is much easier to prevent the appearance of aphids than to deal with it later, the following measures will help in this:

After spraying, currant berries can be eaten only after a week and a half, not earlier. Although all the compositions described are safe, they can still cause poisoning, especially if someone is used to eating unwashed berries. Spraying is done twice a season, but in severe cases, in order to save the plant, it is allowed to use the solutions more times.

Colonies of small insects cause irreparable harm to currant and other fruit bushes: the tops of the leaves curl, the inflorescences fall off, the young shoots dry and fall off, the branches sink to the ground. All this entails a decrease in yield and the development of various diseases, therefore it is important to respond to aphids in a timely manner.

How to deal with aphids on currants

The peak of pest activity occurs in May-June, while the aphid remains active throughout summer period... She actively reproduces and will gradually populate the entire garden. The life cycle of an insect is as follows:

  • in early spring, new individuals appear from the laid eggs;
  • they begin to multiply rapidly, spreading more and more in the garden;
  • the wingless form of pests occupies young, delicate leaves, buds and shoots, pierces them with a proboscis and sucks out the juice;
  • when an excessive number of aphids appear on the plant, it dries up and dies, which necessitates the birth of a winged form of pests;
  • individuals scatter to neighboring fruit bushes and continue to destroy the garden;
  • in the fall, the aphid lays eggs, which will hatch the next season.

The appearance of a pest in the garden is evidenced by swollen, twisted into tubes, reddened currant leaves. If you turn over the young leaves of the culture, accumulations of larvae will be noticeable on the inside. As a rule, two varieties of aphids settle in the garden, each of which prefers a certain variety of berries: gallic (leaf) - white and red, gooseberry (shoot) - black. The table below shows the recommended pest control measures in different periods.

Types of currant processing




  1. Processing with infusion of tomato tops. Dry grass (2 kg), fresh herbs (4 kg) are poured with 10 liters of water and boiled for 30 minutes, after cooling, the concentrate is diluted with water 1: 5 and 100 g of grated laundry soap is added.
  2. Spraying with infusion of ash with wormwood. In 5 liters of water for 4-5 hours, 500 g of chopped wormwood, 50 g of laundry soap and 1 tbsp. ash. Currant processing is carried out with a solution of 1 part of liquid and 2 parts of water.
  1. Treatment with soda solution. Dissolve 10 tbsp in a liter of water. l. baking soda. Here you need to add 100 g of shavings from laundry soap and 9 liters of cold water.
  2. Pruning affected shoots and leaves.


  1. Treatment with soapy water. In a bucket (10 l) of water, dilute 300 g of laundry soap and spray the bushes.
  2. Sprinkle with garlic solution. 200 g of the crushed product is poured with a liter of water and insisted for 5 days. After 25 ml of the concentrate, add water to a bucket - it is recommended to treat all fruit bushes in the garden.
  1. Spraying with onion peel infusion. 200 g of the component is kept in a bucket of water for 3-4 days.
  2. Treatment with mustard. 10 g of white mustard powder is insisted for 2 days in a liter of water. With a composition strained and diluted with 9 liters of water, you need to process the currants once.

Processing currants from aphids

With a slight damage to the bushes, the fight against aphids on currants does not involve the use of special pesticides, which, to one degree or another, poison the soil and plants. If traditional methods remain ineffective against the pest, pesticides cannot be dispensed with.... Nevertheless, they are allowed to be used only before flowering or immediately after it, since poisonous substances remain on the bushes for about 20 days.


Name of funds

What aphid

Application rules

The active ingredient is imidacloprid (concentration 200 g / l).

All kinds.

Add 1 ampoule to a liter of water, stirring thoroughly. Then the solution is diluted with 9 liters of water. If you treat currants with Biotlin, the aphids will die after 4 hours. It is recommended to rinse infected shoots in the solution using rubber gloves. The bushes should be processed on a warm, windless day.

The basis is thiamethoxam (240 g / l).

All kinds.

You need to process the currants 1 time in early spring, while the result is noticeable the very next day. The action of Aktar continues after another 2 weeks. It is used for spraying fruit crops in dry, warm weather in the early morning or evening. At the same time, in order to safely process the plant, wear overalls, rubber gloves and a respirator. The package of the drug is dissolved in a liter of water, then another 4 liters are added.

The active ingredient is aversectin C (concentration is 0.2%).

More effective against shoot aphids.

It is applied at any time of the growing season, the result is shown after 3 days. To process currants, prepare a solution of 8 ml of the drug and 1 liter of water. Re-treatment is required 2 weeks after the procedure. Spraying is carried out in calm, dry, warm (from 18 degrees) weather. It is forbidden to process fruit crops with a product during flowering.


The active ingredient is pirimiphos-methyl.

All kinds.

To prepare the solution, the ampoule is dissolved in 2 liters of cold water, stirring thoroughly. In case of serious damage to the plant, the concentration of the drug can be doubled (for this, the volume of water is reduced to 1 liter). The fresh solution is applied by spraying. It is allowed to process currants only with gloves, a respirator and goggles. The death of insects occurs a couple of hours after the procedure and continues for another 3-4 days.

The active ingredient is cypermethrin (concentration 3.75%).

All kinds.

Used after flowering, applied as an aqueous solution (1.5 crushed tablets per 10 liters). It is better to process currants in calm, dry weather in the evening or in the morning using a household spray bottle. The second procedure is carried out after 2 weeks.

The active substance is malathion (570 g / l).

All kinds.

The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. Further, it is evenly sprayed onto the foci of infection until the foliage is completely wet, but you need to try to prevent the chemical from dripping onto the ground. It is recommended to use Fufanon 2-3 weeks before the flowering of the shrub and after the foliage falls in the spring.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for aphids on currants

Application rules

For 10 liters of water, take 50 ml of ammonia alcohol. Before use, add 100 g of laundry soap and a pinch of washing powder to the solution.

With the resulting product, the currants must be processed using a watering can equipped with a wide tip. The tool is allowed to be used only once, repeated watering is carried out no earlier than 3 weeks later, otherwise the shrub will suffer from an excess of nitrogen.

10 tbsp. l. baking soda (or 2 tbsp. l. soda ash) is dissolved in a liter of water. 9 liters of water and 100 g of grated laundry soap are also added here.

You need to process the plant 2 times with an interval of 3 days. To do this, use a garden spray.

For a liter of cool water, take 200 ml of table vinegar, add 100 g of soap. The concentrate is diluted with 9 l of water.

The bushes are carefully sprayed with a freshly prepared solution, paying special attention to the lower part of the leaves. It is extremely important to adhere to the exact proportions, otherwise the leaves will get burned.

It is necessary to grind dry tobacco to a state of dust, irrigate the shrub with soapy water (100 g of soap for 3-4 liters of water), and then sprinkle with tobacco powder. An alternative option is to prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 200 g of tobacco, which should be boiled for 3 hours and infused for 3 days.

It is allowed to process the currants with such a remedy before and after flowering, during the ripening of the berries. You can use a watering can or a spray bottle.

For a 10-liter bucket of water, take 200 g of powder. The solution is insisted for a day, after which it is boiled and 50-100 g of laundry soap is added.

With this tool, you can process currants at any growing season. At the same time, it is worth choosing dry, calm weather.

You need to boil water in an iron bucket, then pour it into a metal watering can. One bush will require 5-10 liters.

Processing currants with boiling water is carried out through a special shower head, so that irrigation occurs in thin streams, and not a strong stream of boiling water. The procedure is carried out until the kidneys swell.


Finely chop the fresh grass and fill the bucket 1/5 full. The component is poured with boiling water, insisting for half an hour.

The cooled liquid is sprayed with currants from aphids. You can process the plant with this tool throughout the spring-summer period.
