
How to take revenge on the neighbors from above, from the bottom, on the side, by the country for the noise: methods of struggle by law, a variety of revenge methods and smallquarters. Methods of education or how to take revenge on neighbors from below

Preparing plants for winter

Human life consists of a variety of relationships. The most difficult things are with those people who live nearby. Often, cultural requests do not work, and then you have to use more practical methods. There are many opportunities to revenge neighbors from above, which are constantly noisy. Attestations or nourge Many Muzzles, but to eliminate the source of problems for only all kinds of problems. It is enough to use your ingenuity and then the problem will be solved.

Claims for neighbors can be a lot. The main factor is noise when people constantly swear, listen to music or collect guests.

There may be other causes of discontent on neighbors, for example, smoke in the apartment, and smoke is felt through the walls.

The entrance is considered a public place where silence should also be observed. Exist different methodsallowing to punish offenders. Perhaps some of them will help to establish life.

Standard methods

You can hang the announcement with a request to behave decently. Moreover, it is possible to express this in a standard or original form. An example is the sign with the inscription "Tranquility Violator!". With night parties living on top, you can contact the tax or sanitary. Employees will constantly check them, come. Everyone is tired of such pretties, and therefore anxiety can stop.

For those cases when music is constantly preventing, there is another method to pump. In the locking well, insert the needles that need to be pre-lubricated with super glue. Needles need to break. In this case, the offenders will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time, because the castle will be replaced. It constantly makes them tired and maybe they will understand what's the matter. Perfectly act on the battery. This will help to adhere to dishonest people. There are special substances emitting unpleasant odors.

There is another original way Character - posting ads with unusual entries. They may be unexpected content. You can write for the sale or exchange of a neighbor apartment. The entrance will be the best place For their spreading. It remains only to observe the reaction of offenders.

Tested methods

To harm the neighbors for their constant noise or other actions, it is necessary to use effective ways:

  • The method of "Battery" method: you need to take some object and knock. Usually it works;
  • A convenient way of revenge will be the use of "GSM Signals". It will not be possible to make calls in the area of \u200b\u200byour action. You can warn you that the Internet can also be disabled. If the offenders are young, then without this amenities it will be difficult to live;
  • To upset the neighbors, you can cut the wire from the phone, the Internet, intercom. Without these amenities, it is difficult to live a modern person;
  • If floodings are constantly occurring and no requests bring results, you can pour your gender. Naturally, they will come leaving below. Then everyone will complain and this problem will disappear;
  • Secured tenants can afford to purchase a speaker system of high power. Not everyone can withstand such a test. So it turns out to teach offenders.

Do you need to declare war

If noise occurs from living nearby, then you can first try to solve everything in a peaceful way. Many people turn out to be sufficiently adequate and will just be able to talk to them. You can use multiple simple rules:

No need for the slightest noise to immediately make people a remark. They also have the right to carry out small and large repair, if necessary. If this happens in the allowed time, then it is necessary to suffer. With prolonged noise, you must talk with the neighbors. It is necessary to explain that they behave quieter;

Some apartments are quite good audibility, so you need to think about high-quality sound insulation. For walls and floor, a dense carpet is perfectly suitable, and for the ceiling - plasterboard, which must be paved on the layer of the insulator. In this case, any noise will not be much noticeable.

Resolving the issue of the legal method

A permanent noise from above is very bored, and therefore it is better to solve the question of a legal way. The law implies compliance with silence from 22.00 to 06.00. With permanent noisy events, you must contact the police. In the morning, it will be necessary to write a statement and give it to the district. Such actions can be repeated until these unlawful actions are completed.

If once again, the law enforcement officials refuse to leave, then they can be submitted to the prosecutor's office. Prove the call is easy, since all conversations are recorded. After that, the police will perform checks even when no one causes them.

Active action

If no measures help, it is possible to punish offenders using the following methods:

  • You need to create uncomfortable conditions for living. An excellent result has an ads with a description of the life of neighbors. You can use the Internet using the help of friends. Now there are many catalogs and newspapers;
  • Casting paint, which is used to write the word "noise" above the offender apartment will help to take revenge on the violators. But still it should be borne in mind that it should not be very harmful because there may be a response. There are special smelling substances that are unpleasant for people.

Other methods

An effective way to take revenge on noisy people is a mental impact. You can use such a program as a "auto-seller." It will serve the names on the set number itself, and at the wrong time.

For dismantling in electricity, the method of its disconnection is suitable. Moreover, cut should be such a section of the wire so that it is difficult to connect.

Improve your life and spoil relations with offenders will help elementary knowledge of physics. A metallic pan is needed, which should be filled with water. You only need to leave the top off. Then the container should be placed on the closet, so that the edges are tight pressed to the ceiling. Then the headphones should be fixed on the walls of the pan, and turn on the music. From this there is a strong hum. And in its apartment there will be silence. There is also a vibracolonek.

To attack the neighbors, you can use superstitious people. Under the rug of their apartment you need to pour salt, land, feathers. This is valid for many. It is the entrance that will be the best place for reminders of the offender.

To really eliminate the noise, you must take advantage of the following tips:

  • Any measures must be taken carefully not to lead to war;
  • You should not use radical methods, because it is often necessary only a hint;
  • Its actions must be accompanied by at least a note. A person must realize that he prevents people;
  • Do not go to individuals, should be indicated for actions;
  • No need to use obscene words and physical strength;
  • It is forbidden to create situations dangerous for people and animals;
  • No matter how much you want to take revenge on your own, it is better to attract the law enforcement agencies for this. They will make it legitimate methods.

What the Law says

To regulate such issues there is a law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population". It is registered in the rules of behavior not only for those living on top, but the rest. It is important to comply with the following restrictions:

  • During 23.00-7.00 it should be quiet. Noise can be up to 30 dB. The entrance enters the zone where the order also acts;
  • In the period of 7.00-19.00 noise can only be due to the reorganization of residential premises, repair. Such events can be carried out only on weekdays. The law prohibits noise on holidays and weekends.

These rules do not apply to emergency and construction workWhen it is important to ensure the safety of people. Only about it should be a preliminary warning. The entrance is also among the territory where silence is required. The duration of repair work should be about 6 hours, and then a break. To the actions that cause noise include:

  • Use of amplifiers used in retail premises;
  • Fireworks and pyrotechnics;
  • Repairs;
  • Singing, screams and whists.

Necessary measures

If noise proceeds from the neighbors from above, then it is necessary to determine how strong it is. Sounds louder than 40 dB during the day and 30 dB in the evening are considered a violation, since the law prohibits such behavior. This is determined by a special device.

Install the violation of law enforcement, on the basis of which the violated requirements are presented. Responsibility for it comes when residents begin to complain. It is best to solve such issues peacefully.

If this fails to do this, then legal methods will help you cope with it. Other measures are valid:

  • Conduct an independent examination. Based on this event, an act is drawn up with the designation date and time of measuring noise. All readings are necessarily fixed in the document. Work is performed under the guidance of experts with a license. The device must be accredited, otherwise the compiled document will not be legally;
  • Appeal to the precinct. It is this officer of the rule of law that must monitor compliance with the law on silence. Not everyone is eagerly engaged in such matters, but it should be stubbornly achieved compliance with their right. Plot must take measures to eliminate offenses, for example, make a comment or write a fine. Collective appeals are welcome, because everything is so easy to solve;
  • Appeal to the court. An extreme measure in the presence of noisy neighbors is to appeal to the court, which will revenge offenders. The law regulates such relationships. In this case, judicial authorities will be engaged in consideration. If repair is performed, you need to warn people living near people. It is necessary to write a statement with all the facts.

The legislators will be difficult to figure out in cases where children are increasingly leading. Many irresponsible parents leave their homes alone, which is why there is a lot of unpleasant situations. Then you just need to talk so that the children are not running and did not jump. It is possible to appeal to the custody and guardianship and children's ombudsman.

If they are noisy on the street

Loud sounds make not only neighbors from above, but also companies from the street. What if you got such situations? This is governed by the rules for residential premises, which indicate that silence must be respected in the house and on the street at 100 m. From him.

The entrance also refers to the territory where it is necessary to behave decently. Usually there are shops nearby, on which various companies like in the summer. Nearby should not be noisy establishments, cafes, bars, clubs. Residents, in a similar situation, often attend thoughts how to take revenge on the offenders.

The first thing to do is try to eliminate the problem in a peaceful way. If the offenders do not want this, then you can call the police. This usually allows us to reassure merry companies.

Noise in the wrong time cause serious consequences. The precinct is a protocol that is transmitted to the court. There will be considered an administrative responsibility case. For this, fines are relying:

  • 500-2000 rubles. - for citizens;
  • 1000-5000 rub. - for officials;
  • 3000-7000 rub. - on legal entities.

The penalty is paid within the deadline, which will definitely allow to take revenge on unscrupulous residents. In violation of this obligation, the amount is imposed in a double size. Sometimes defaulars are delayed. At least, the extreme measures will spoil the relationship of living, but they will be able to gain peace of mind in the house.

How to take revenge on neighbors?

If there are no longer forces, tolerate loud music at night, the terrible smell coming from cooking from the next apartment, constant repair work, sweatshops, and so on, should be a little taught the lesson to such neighbors. For this purpose, this selection of "Soviets" is specifically and made, how to teach bad neighbors.

How to take revenge on neighbors?

Since the ways to teach the lesson to the neighbors great many and it all depends on the flight of fantasy, let's start with smaller pieces:

  1. Curious neighbors who are always peeping around you, you can take a chopper with scotch and make the original inscription "Do not spy!". And too annoying, you can decorate the door with the inscription "Tranquility Violator!".
  2. Neighbors, loving cheerful and noisy nightlife, deserve a special relationship. For such people, it is worth using appeal to special bodies, but not to the police. An excellent option will be the SanEPIDEMSTANCE or tax service, they will quickly check the information provided by you, morning guests and permanent calls, you will teach the neighbors early get up.
  3. For this kind of neighbors, a good option with a knock on the batteries, an ancient method, but effective. Of the new methods of revenge - needles in the keyboard, which must be superimposed with glue and break the ends. After such a "brisk", the lock will need to be changed. If you do a similar one several times, then the neighbors will not be up to loud music, permanent guests and restless fun.
  4. Take the office silicate glue, add a sage or silver to your discretion, and pour on the door eye. The problem for the neighbors will be big, because it is impossible to cleaned such a mixture, it will remove only together with glass, and it means that the eyes will need to be changed.
  5. In the extreme case, you can use the petard. They should be put under the doors and set fire. Even if the door is armored, a big noise will be accurate.

If you have impermanent and just terrible neighbors from below, and you wonder how to take revenge on neighbors from below, here are some options:

  1. Creating noise. You can interfere and irritate the neighbor from below, you can massive ways, the easiest - to create noise, move the furniture, decide suddenly we spend the silence, arrange a party and dance hard. The main thing is that then your neighbors through the wall, have not started to take revenge on this very noise.
  2. Next method of flood. Arrange the forces to the neighbors, and when they come to you with the screams, pretend that you are all dry or just remove the remnants of a small dirty.
  3. An excellent option to pump their neighbors with an egg. You just need to score an egg into a syringe or fringe, pour it into the trim or in the frame. What happens? Everything is simple, the most beautiful aroma of a rotten egg will be annoyed for a long time and drive your neighbors crazy.

How to revenge neighbor in a private house?

Another answer to the question of how to take revenge on the neighbors, without breaking the law, will be the declaration of ads. You can write anything in them anywhere, if only people wanted to call or started to watch. And do not forget to specify the detailed address of your neighbor.

The same can be done with a neighbor in the country or country house. Only the text should be as follows: "Sale of a plot, houses, garage, contract price." Those who wish to look at the site will be plentiful.

The easiest, but no less effective way, how to take revenge on the neighbors in the country, will be splashing neighboring plants with an Selitra or some herbicides - or destroy plants or slow down their growth.

A good readiness will be de-energized or trimming the cables of the telephone and the Internet, and it is necessary to cut it so that it was necessary to restore it difficult. That is, not just cut, but directly cut off most.

If you decide only to foolish, you just write some inscription on the fence of neighbors with the help of a canister. Bolon is better to take with nitrocracy, it creates more problems when washed.

Ways to revenge the neighbor

You can find a lot of opportunities in order to revenge the neighbor, it all depends only on the ingenuity and sophistication of your mind and the degree of embitrability in a harmful packed.

Human life is very complicated, and its basis is human relationships. And most often the most sick themes from human life Are relations with beloved, attitudes at work and relationships with neighbors. IN modern worldwhere the density of life is constantly growing, and a person, often, simply does not have time to adapt to a constantly decreasing personal space, we all have neighbors.

Neighbors on the apartment on top and bottom, neighbors in the country and so on.

You can recall another million reasons and situations that made us get out of ourselves and hide the malice on the neighbors. So that our life does not turn into constant torment in own home, you can arrange neighbors padiguffswho should show them in an affordable form that it is impossible to live so much.

Ways to spoil the neighbor life can find many. From the simplest to the most original. It all depends on your seamlessness and from the ability to hide from the crime scene on time.

If your neighbors interfere with sleep, arrange nightpoints and drunken rainy feasts, then you should not be improved on them to the tax or in san Epidemstation. Let them constantly call, bored with the morning parishes "to visit".

Be sure of the annoying tax authorities they will very quickly get tired and will not disturb you anymore. For neighbors who listen to loud music or invite guests there is an original way of ignition: insert a few needles into the key well, pre-lubricated super glue. Broken needles. Neighbors will not be able to get into the apartment for a long timeAnd the locks will have to change. After several times, such "acts of retaliation" neighbors will quickly understand what's the matter. For the same music lovers, the old method of blows on the battery will suit. Old, like a world, but still effectively.

The original way to revenge the neighbor will be an expulsion of ads with the text "The young man wishes to get acquainted with a pretty middle-aged man for joint residence" and necessarily with the address of the neighbor. Then you can enjoy the reaction of the neighbors to the appearance of "cohabitants".

How to rents a neighbor in the apartment from above?

  • Method 1. For the neighbors from above, the good old punishment "through the battery" is suitable. Just when the neighbors interfere with you, knock on the battery, maybe it will work!
  • Method 2. Original and modern way to take revenge on neighbors is the purchase of the so-called "Silence-GSM signals". It guarantees the inability to call in the area of \u200b\u200bits action. Write your neighbors with warnings, which, in addition to a mobile phone, you can deprive them in the same way. If your neighbors are still young, then believe me, they will value these amenities.
  • Method 3. Old and proven way to hurt the noisy neighbors from above, and not only them - it is cut the wires from the phone, Internet, intercom, deprive the neighbors of electricity. Only worth such stocks repeat several times.
  • Method 4. If the neighbors are regularly overpanded on top and do not respond to your requests, then pour the water bucket in your bathroom. Let your neighbors be resorted from below. Show them spreading streams according to your ceiling. Double on the "Swimmers" on top will simply not stand. If it does not work, you can organize a "share of good neighbors". If you get to negotiate with the tenants below.
  • Method 5. If you have enough money, then the elegant way of ignition will be the purchase powerful speaker system. Loving music neighbors, I think, will not withstand powerful sounds from the column connected to the battery.

How to take revenge on the apartment from below?

  1. Method 1. It's easier to revenge the neighbor on top! For the work of noise there is a lot of ways: move the furniture, jump, dance, vacuum, turn on, finally, music.
  2. Method 2. Fill neighbors! Water is a terrible force. Fill the neighbors when they "unexpectedly granted", pretend that you have dry. Or remove everything in advance.
  3. Method 3. Dial a raw egg in the syringe. Then fill it all the door frame or upholstery. Further events will develop on a well-known plan: the egg will be quiet and will publish "divine" flavors. Neighbors will be happy.

How to revenge a neighbor-motorist?

Car problems near the neighbors - the topic on which you can write monographs on psychiatry. Busy place in the parking lot, scratched machine, promoting lilac car alarm and so on. Suggest several ways Reseller.

Method 1. A wonderful way to hint on the inconvenience of the car of the neighbor will be laid car hood brick. For the first time of suggestion of respect for your intentions, it is necessary to raise the newspaper. If the suggestion did not work, then the brick is put on the car. Believe me, after that, all inconvenience will be eliminated.

Method 2. Slip the car of the neighbor Grain or bread crumbs. All birds of your district will like this treat, and on the car after the feast there will be traces of bird claws and beaks, as well as litter. Neighbor will understand your thin hint very quickly.

Method 3. It is more radical and effective method. Mix the silicate sand with sand, the resulting mass swear on the windshield Neighbor car. Since according to the properties of glue and glass - the same thing, and, as you know, "this is dissolved in a similar one," when the glue dries, it can not be washed off. A neighbor will have to go on a new glass for the car, and you will live calmly.

How to take revenge on the neighbors in the country?

Method 1. The easiest and most effective way of influencing the neighboring landings will splash on them a powerful herbicide. Young seedlings will not stand such an etching, and the neighbors will not know who did it. You can also pour neighboring landings with a large number of nitrate. From this, their growth is also disturbed.

Method 2. You can still revenge the neighbor in the country using the destruction of his beloved tree. It is possible to suppress the growth of neighboring trees with the help of a hole in the trunk with the introduction of the same herbicide.

Method 3. Destroy a neighbor tree You can with the help of a copper nail. Just take it into the trunk of a tree, it will die quickly from impaired food, and the neighbor does not recognize the reason. But for this, most likely, it will have to be reheated through the fence, so you need to be extremely careful and act unnoticed.

Method 4. If your neighbors are not fond of landings, and interfere with you frequent parties with friends, kebab and drunk fights, then for such a case there is an original solution. The way to revenge the neighbor is simple: in the toilet of the neighbors (if it is on the street, with a normal toilet, this method will not work) throw a bundle of yeast. In a few hours, yeast will begin its work in production. unpleasant odor and not only. At the heart of the life of yeast lies the process of fermentation, and for him in the toilet full of full substrate. Only this very substrate under the influence of yeast in the volume will increase as the dough. Total: A neighbor holiday will be spoiled by the "substrate" arising from the toilet and the terrible odor.

There can be a great set of ways to revenge the neighbor. It depends on your courage, smelling, fantasy. Many ways can be found on the Internet. But always need to remember that the negotiation method should stand in the first place.

Video: Why people swear (Torsunov)

We are all people, and, probably, everyone would prefer to explain to him that he hurts the inconvenience to other people. No need for the first time to join the path of the war, without warning anyone. The path of the dialogue should be first, but if the dialogue did not work, you can have fun. But remember that everything should be in moderation. Live together!

How to pump the neighbors without breaking the law

Good friends are extremely rare neighbors. As a rule, everything is exactly the opposite. The neighbors emolt us with endless repairs and loud music, do not sleep to our children, smoke in the entrances, poured "yesterday" stretched ceilings, parked under our windows, etc. Persuasions, requests and requirements do not work, and remains only able to wave cams because of Curtains in your apartment.

On duty and day and night? And then with girlfriends on a bench discusses - who you came with, how much and to what extent in a non-urban state?

Make video surveillance camera Or buy this staircase equipment and hang on the staircase so that a neighbor door has fallen into the "field of view" of the camera. Now you will "look" at each other. Do not forget to glue the poster - "we follow you", browse the baboons "patterns".

You can also stick her door peephole an ordinary scotch or to do even more severely - pour the eyes with silicate glue (it is impossible to wash it out).

Neighbors got you so much that I want to walk the dog under their door?

Specify the ad (or serve it on the Internet) about renting an apartment. For example, "We need tenants for half a year to look after the apartment. Pay only for com / services. " Let them suffer from calls. Of course, you can achieve anything, but on the soul from a small durability will be a little warmer.

Do not forget to indicate what to call from 6 to 8 am at a weekend or from 11 to 12 nights on weekdays.

If there is no phone - write their address. So even more interesting.

A young couple drove into the next apartment and had already had a pretty boring for your night "Sabanthuchiki" with the guests and sea of \u200b\u200balcohol?

On your requests "give people to sleep" do not react and even rude?

Buy the jammer of GSM signals. Mobile phones in their apartment will stop working. True, there is one minus - in your apartment they will not work too.

The neighbors are drunk, dropping the cabinets, dance at 3 am to the Verka-Serdyuchka?

And so actively knock for forks in plates, what do you have a chandelier swinging? And doors do not open? And do not react on the knock?

Remove the plugs (if the shield on the stairs), let them sneak in the dark.

Will continue - repeat the action.

A young neighbor does not represent his life without Radio Chanson?

On the whole coil every evening? Exactly when you after a delicious dinner, wrapped into a soft pajamas, are going to lie down and read the newspaper?

Buy your baby synthesizer. Or guitar. In general, no matter what tool, it is important that it is loud, and training in the morning - regular.

If the fucks settled right under you, and the struggle does not give anything ...

... that, besides the musical impact, the constant transportation of sofas on the room, dancing to fall and included for 2-3 hours of construction appliances, can be used as revenge and the flood . How to fill the neighbors and, before they resort to you with screams, wipe the floor dry.

Do not forget to make big eyes ("Oh, we have such terrible overlaps here! Since since the time of the king, the pea did not change!") And suggest climbing the neighbors above or call plumbing.

Does the neighbor finally stumbled, parked right on the road from the yard or on the playground?

And evenings right under your window turns on the radio at full capacity and squeezes beer with friends?

All your timid requests rest in the promise of this insolence to break your legs if you once again ask for anything.

How to punish Hama?

If granny and babies in your yard love to feed the pigeons, then just throw the handful of milf or bread crumbs on the hood and the roof of a neighbor car . He will not put it anymore here.

Neighbors in the country tired of their drunk companies, kebabs and musical girls?

The flow of guests is infinite and does not want to stop?

Under the cover of the darkness is imperceptible and silent, as a ninja, we will only arouse in the "Tsissov Booth" (Street Toilet) of the hospitable neighbor and throw the hole with a pack of yeast . In the morning of the neighbor and its guests are waiting for not only an unmatched aroma, but also significantly increased under the influence of yeast content of the toilet.

Nobody will violated silence in the near future.

Neighbors all the house raised the ears during the month with their repair?

Locked, they built anew and striking the walls, the floors were cut, for hours, not turning off the perforators, drills and jigsaws?

Make them a gift for housewarming - arrange karaoke-night with friends !

And if the metered new seals break to you in 4-5 in the morning with the requirement to "shut up", you can laugh in the face and report that this is your gratitude for the month of headache falling on the head of plaster and not visible interesting films.

Donimizes a neighbor's dog?

Buy a special whistle (or device) For which animals react exclusively, and begin to communicate with the dog at the moment when her owners lay down to sleep.

Your neighbors on top are too loving?

You are tired at night smoking on the balcony, until the moans and creaking bed will be squeezed?

Write a beautiful handwriting love note for a neighbor's wife (from, for example, some Vasi) and throw it into the mailbox (or sneeze on the door). It is wonderful if Vasya will be another your ugly and frozen neighbor - you will kill two hares at once.

Everything. You are gorgeous. You can sleep peacefully for the next week.

Neighbor and his not always sober friends constantly smoke with you on the stairs?

Do you hate smokers and start to cough from smoke long and tediously? There is an excellent way to learn a neighbor smoking!

On the bottom of the banks that are usually put "under the cigarette" on the stairs, purify a nasty sulfur . There will be no more smoking here.

If in physical parameters you overtake your neighbor for 20-40 kg (and in the past they engaged in karate, sambo or at least capoeira), it is possible to jump out of the apartment at the time of documenting the cigarettes extinguish your neighbor together with a fire extinguisher cigarette . The effect may not, but the stormy ovations of the spouse are guaranteed.

Another, quite peaceful and, oddly enough, an effective way to wean the neighbors smoking in the entrance.

Throw away all their "jars under the cigarette" and instead hang an ad "Who breaks here again, will deal with me personally."

Who is this terrible "with me personally" - no one knows, but it will be afraid to smoke.

Every morning, your alarm clock becomes a neighbor's music center?

And the walls between the apartments are thin? And you want to shoot him from catching wolf berries?

Pour (if he lives on the 1st floor) at night millet and seeds on his windowsill. Let him also appear "Favorite" alarm clock.

Very cute way to take revenge on neighbors ...

… - cheat in your area (not on the way of the movement of the neighbor!) Ads the following content: "Favorite daughter's favorite cat was disappeared. Redhead, slender. Sounds to nickname. Please bring to ****. Remuneration is guaranteed (3000 rubles). "

Any cat of redhead (and not only) the color will react to this nickname. The flow of "suffering" (grandmothers, children and homeless citizens) with red cats will dyate to your neighbors immediately and for a long time.

Ways to "poison life" neighbors are a car and a small trolley. Separate masters even write entire multi-page benefits for "revenge" neighbors.

But it is worth noting that sometimes much more efficiently can call the neighbors to her housewarming (or just to visit) On kebabs and a "tea glass", than to organize battles and competitions on the topic "Who who is graceful to revenge."

Also, do not forget that private property is inviolable. Like silence at night. And for any "AMTU" can "administratively", and even criminal punishment.

Be kindness, and do not forget to put yourself in place of neighbors!

Were these similar situations in your life? And how did you get out of them? Share your stories in the comments below!

I did not have to revenge the neighbors, I generally consider revenge the lot of weak people. Usually there is enough conversation. Just climbing neighbors (or descend) and explaining the reason for discontent. For some reason, always apologize immediately and calm down. Once on a removable apartment, they lived, so the neighbors were too fierce. Well, Zeslbali Chessloovo. The nights are walking the nights, and they declared to us with the hit, the mall of our dog hinders them. Although our dog is lit only on them, when they drink to the leader under our window. In short, I just called my friends and asked to help without beating the muzzle, intelligent. My friends look like in the song - "on the face of terrible." The faces are such that only from the places are not so distant profits. They arrived at 2 jeeps and drank a beer all night and listened to Chanson under the window of this idiot. When he got out into the window and asked to make Poticheet (the bravery disappeared somewhere, could not be able to), the guys were so shought that that little from the window did not fall out. In general, now the neighbors around me behave quieter of water and helpfully greet, and that idiot even dragged the box of candies with apologies. Well, friends periodically come to "not forget".))

We had one neighbor, very walking. New men - almost every day. Tired of jumping in bed above their heads, these screams, etc. We poured the egg to her on the skin under the skin under the leather syringe. The case was in the summer, after 2 days such a stench began that another man left immediately, did not have time to go to the apartment.) Aunt Guys to drive continued (after a week and a half, when I found a source of smell), but apparently found a quiet place than bed, because That there were no more such sounds at night.

I somehow nesting the neighbors all night merged with my drunken. With dances, screams and other things. In short, at 7 am I put the speakers to the outlet, cut the funeral march, turned on to repeat and went to walk with the dog. For a long time. After that, no longer buzzed at night. Or immediately turned off, barely cut this march.)) The only thing I had to apologize to the neighbors from below and on top.))

We have no such problem. We just immediately turn off the cork in such neighbors. Fortunately, all the shields are on the stairs. One day, the neighbors staged a drunken debacio with dancing and strange outdoor to Toldov, and did not open the door to us. We called the police and turned off the traffic jams. The neighbor came out to find out - what is there with electricity, and here there is a surprise in the shoulder. Now we will row on a bench at the neighboring house.

The neighbor owes money, and does not give. And said that he would not give up at all, tell me how?

I have 2 cows above my bedrooms, they remove housing and water off, and they still smoke like two porovoz and smoke goes to the bedroom, that we just didn't do and the owner of the apartment called, and took away the owner, etc. But they do not have conscience and everything that is done if even law enforcement agencies do not help!

Also, the neighbors are tired, with the fortunes strange, then Natoptali, the door was incorrectly closed, which they for some reason were installed. I left, sporad, patience has already ended. But what is suited here this is certainly at all. Especially in the comments. If I had a cut out so stopped, then the next day I would smoke on the site and waited. And no matter who there is there, cables with a beer belly or milf inadequate. It would be piercing that the first thing is the second, and nothing would have proven in court. And normal people are suitable and disassembled normally. And such consumables, they first, and then go shake, no matter how a neighbor did not get drunk and did not remember what the case of what.

Pluted comments, it's all clear. But there is not a single actual way of how to dormit the bastard)

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1. Demonic option:
we buy a goat mask in the store, screw the flashlight inside (turn on), they mount it all on a strong stick (meter 3), knocking in the window of my neighbor after an hour of the night \u003d)
verified. works. Youth Oligofren in cast-iron priests will no longer take over you \u003d)
2. The option left here:
we sit down to a soulless monitor and open Google or Yandex, on the site Number Point Org find out the number of the home phone number of neighbors. Do not leave the monitor, but we go to the rental housing sites and begin to "take the apartment" methodically (you can, and it is not far from the center or in a quiet green area) is not expensive - dollars 500 per month for 2-bedrooms enough. telephone, parking, balcony, internet, iron door... so process sites 50 (first 2 pages). Everywhere we write their phone.
it is important - on 10 sites we write - call from 9-00 am to 12 days. On the second 10 - from 11 am to 15 days, on the third - from 14 to 19, then from 18 to 00-00, then from 21 to 2 nights ...
i swear with your triangle - checked - such an action (omno) will give exhaust of 3000 calls only on the first day \u003d)
what prevents repeat after 3-4 days?
i promise - without that mobile the neighbors will give a failure \u003d)
3. The Council of Beings - Against Dogs:
we take a home theater with sabufer (you can rent), write on the carrier of the PSA of the PSA of a serious breed, we refine the sound in the editor on the computer. Here we already have our own virtual "Baskerville dog".
Deploy the columns in the desired side, turn on the full sound, click "Play".
There is a side risk - if the dog is on top, then you can flood the flow of a dog Urina
But on all complaints and the arrivals of the police show the complete absence of a dog in the house \u003d)))
4. Option "Yanush Korchak sucks smocking":
One autumn day, when one crisis has already passed, and the second has not yet thought to begin, I and comrade sat at him at home and engaged in a shocking case - gathered herbarium. Well, they took drinks, of course ... and suddenly the reality exploded into our face! The unesticious sound is over - that is how it was smashing in 1917 in the cover of the coffin of capitalism ... On the eighth impact we were armed (there are rights to wearing, there is) and fast-footed Jeyrana picked up the top. The open door of a 2-bedroom apartment, the complete lack of furniture (which acoustics !!!), the 4-year-old naked "etzherebechnok" sits in the middle of the room and methodically brings the stool with a hammer.
My comrade said "Aga", went to the aquanon, made the sacrament of the deficiency (impeccable caloment), brought the product (titanic heap) and sat down at the rest of the rest.
They said goodbye to the flower of life and came out, no one met ...
What eyes the child looked at my companion - not to pass ...
Once Baby will grow and come for my companion ..
But then it was quiet!
5. Option for improving the memory of neighbors:
My neighbors on top there was a telephone with a definite and with alarm clock. And there the chip is that the alarm is playing loud and to the tap - i.e. until you click on the button - to wake probably. A family lived on us with 2 children and this alarm clutch their children to school - on weekdays. And on the weekend the whole family was leaving for the country. And the alarm clock and played to the paper - while I did not rose and dropped it - by means of a short-term shutdown of electricity. In parallel with the alarm clock, a clear case, all the hours were dropped in the apartment - in the look, oven, etc. For the third week before leaving the phone (ie, the actual alarm clock) began to turn off))))
6. Option maniogenous:
One buddy of my friend for the assimios of the neighbors used the super-power speakers. He pressed them to the problematic wall by the speakers, put the sound to the maximum, and then the sorganized on the computer something strongly metallic, but literally for a split second, and immediately disconnected. Then it turned on again - and disconnected a second in a fraction. The sound did not have time to pass, but the oscillations took place, and the oscillations of such power, that the neighbors were shaking. And to understand why it is so hrenovo, they could not, because the sound did not hear. The guy so the neighbors reflex produced. Start noise - sausage.
7 Expense option:
One of my friend fought with insane neighbors and their inadequate child as follows:
She spent some weekend writing 20 pcs. Applications are honored and the same in the guardianship and guardianship authority. And then it began to attach them with a break in a couple of days for their intended purpose. I must say that in the statements to the police, she painted the answers of her neighbors at her request to observe silence, and in statements in the guardianship - the inadequate behavior of the child, as a result of the inadequate behavior of the parents. So the neighbors shared the Commission from both structures. A month later it became much quieter
8. And - Bonus!
I said my noisy neighbors that if at least one sound is heard after 23.00, it will be damaged. Really helped. Try to hint ...

Relatives and neighbors, as you know, do not choose. And if the meetings with the first can be avoided, then the second one has to coexist almost constantly. Especially "Weight" come across neighbors who cause a sharp feeling of dislike.

About how to take revenge on the neighbors for various inconveniences they deliver, and call them to order, today and will tell their readers a female site "Beautiful and Successful".

How to solve conflicts with neighbors

Before rendered to neighbors for noise or other inconvenience, it is still necessary to try to reach their conscience. To do this, you need to talk to them. Moreover, a similar conversation is recommended in accordance with some rules:

  1. It does not follow to the noise of the perforator or other loud sounds in the next apartment immediately to react too drastically, for example, to start knocking on radiators or bump into the ceiling. First you need to try to negotiate peacefully.
  2. If the noise in the apartment of the neighbors lasts long enough and brings strong discomfort, it is necessary to refer to the neighbors and, if possible, politely explain to them that their activity prevents the rest of the tenants to live normally. Sometimes it happens that people do not even know about the degree of inconvenience they cause others. In such a situation, the usual conversation can solve the problem.
  3. The question of how to take revenge on the neighbors, without breaking the law, should be solved as once with the help of this law. If they are noise after 22.00 and do not respond to polite remarks, you need to call the police, pre-warning them. If material damage caused material damage, for example, we flooded the apartment, and did not want to reimburse it, it is necessary to apply for a lawsuit.
  4. Even if the neighbors make repair months and listen to music by day, and in the break between these classes just live their active loud life, perhaps it is better not to think about revenge, but about the sound insulation of the ceiling, walls and floor of your apartment.

This method will surely help avoid unnecessary conflicts, and an excess of nerves, and at the same time will help reduce the loss of heat in the apartment.

The problem, how to take revenge on inadequate neighbors that do not perceive the polite requests or explicit threats, it is more complicated. And yet, even in such a situation, you can try to take several quite effective measures.

How to take revenge neighbors from above for noisy endless repair

As I found out the site site, unfortunately, the situation when the neighbors are doing on top overhaul For months, it is impossible to be rare. And if the noise in the repaired apartment practically does not subside throughout the day, the nerves take away all residents at home. It is not surprising that those who live nearby begin to viciously think about revenge for their lost health.

A particularly strong insult is the young mothers who cannot normally go to sleep kids normally. The most inventive and avenge offensive the following ways of re-education of restless neighbors:

  • To submit to the newspaper announcement about the sale of a neighbor apartment at a very low price, and to clarify that it is better to call for all questions early in the morning on weekends or late in the evening on weekdays.
  • Another idea how to take revenge on the neighbors from below, on top or side for a long noisy repair, is to call friends, devoid of hearing, and arrange karaoke. Make it needed during the period when the neighbors will be at home. Even better - to present them to such a surprise on the day of the housewarming, so that they are forced to listen to the disgusting sounds throughout the holiday.
  • Hang on entrance door Their apartments are a leaflet calling for silence. You can also spend caricature and cartoons on silence intruders on the walls.
  • Periodically disconnect the light in the shield. If the neighbors do not go on a compromise and refuse to take a break in the works at least for the time of day sleep child, you can simply turn off the light from them in the apartment at the time of stacking the baby. Noisy repairmen will understand that they are not joking with them, and leave. If it does not help, cut the wire in the shield. But this measure, of course, is extreme.

Often, the neighbors behave quite quietly and even speak politely with the rest of the tenants of the house, but the lives do not give anyone, spreading about all dirty rumors.

How to take revenge on the neighbors for gossip

In such a situation, it would be more correct to turn to the law and punish a gossip or a gossip for slander. But it is very difficult to prove its fact, so many prefer to use another type of revenge - an eye for an eye.

You can place a frank ad in the newspaper dating newspaper. If a man spreads slander, his punishment can be glorified as a representative of sexual minorities. Such a rumor becomes a real shock.

And the most bold decision of the question, how to punish the neighbors for gossip, is to challenge them to a frank conversation. You just need to come to them and require the evidence of what they told a particular person.

It is also desirable to bring with you to the witnesses of a person who received one false information from the mouth of the slander himself. In such cases, usually compells are frightened and will continue to be silent, so that unpleasant conversations never repeated.

Unfortunately, to defend their rights to a clean reputation, few are solved. Much more often people prefer to revenge secretly.
However, the secret revenge brings excellent results in many cases. For example, if you need to give a lesson to the homework.

How to revenge neighbor in the country

For whatever the reasons do not quarrel dackets, living nearby! Often, one dacket hinders the life of another, putting fruit trees right on the border of the plots, offending his pets or just too often arranging noisy holidays on its territory.

Depending on the cause of the quarrel, the methods of retribution may be different.

  • Take revenge on the arrogant neighbor in the country, which halted half of your plot high fruit treesYou can, destroying some of them. To do this, it is enough to drive a small copper nail into the trunk tree. As a result, it will begin to stick and gradually dried.
  • In order to take revenge on the noisy neighbor in the country, some of the inventive owners of the plots throw the yeast to its toilet. As a result, a terrible stench begins to break out from the exhaust site around the site, and it will clearly spoil the neighbors of fun.
  • If the neighbors behave unfriendly, constantly try to attack, they need to pay the same coin. One of the most common types of revenge neighbors - dacnishes is to dissipate on their seed seeds of various weeds so that in the summer they were once in benage.

In general, of course, the ways to take revenge on inadequate neighbors, there is a lot. But using them, it is very important to remember that the revenge should simply be a way of exposure to people who forgot about the existence of morality, and in no case in itself. And if possible, it is, of course, better to avoid.

A very close neighborhood can lead to a serious quarrel, and even to very sad consequences. Often the problem occurs in a flat place and the cause of it is intensive noise, having dropped from the apartment on the top floor. Of course exist various methodsallowing you to cope with the unpleasant situation, right up to physical impact, but it is better to resort to those that do not contradict the norms of the law.

In this article we will try to give a clear answer to the question of how to take revenge on the top of the noise without violations of individual legislation. We comprehensively explore each option and highlight the safest and most effective.

Situations under which you can make claims to neighbors, quite a few. The most common problem is that neighbors are constantly noisy and delivered to people living on the lower floor, many unpleasant minutes. Sometimes kids run in the apartment, they have loudly and also do not allow to rest after the working day. Actually. Claims can be a lot, for example, loud music or frequent conflicts. If the problem exists, then there are several standard ways to eliminate it.

The easiest option is to try to influence the neighbors from the moral side and to post an announcement to behave as much as possible. The second option is to appeal to the tax inspection or in the SanEpidemstation. Employees will periodically visit the disturbances of calm, and sooner or later it will lead to the cessation of noise.

When it comes to loud music, you can pump your neighbors, pointing to their address or number in the announcement of the sale of the apartment, or take the castle with glue. Everything listed methods They give their results, but sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort, while the rest wants here and now.

Especially effective impact methods

Under certain circumstances, it is desirable to harm neighbors from above with a special force, and also to do it as quickly as possible.

For this, the following impact measures will be suitable:

  • you can take something hard and knock on the battery;
  • an excellent option can be a special "muffler" for GSM signals. Thanks to this adaptation, make calls and use the Internet will not work;
  • you can cut the wire to the phone, the Internet or intercom, if there is such an opportunity, however, this method of impact is not completely legal;
  • you can purchase a powerful speaker system and affect other tenants. Such a test can hardly stand someone to stand for a long time.

Each of the specified options can be a solution to the problem, but it is not necessary to get involved in any case. In most cases, it turns out to be corrected, just talking to neighbors. It is possible that people simply do not realize or do not understand that the inconvenience is delivered to other residents.

Legal conflict resolution method

A strong noise is very rapidly annoying, and if it is impossible to cope with the situation with conversations and do not want to resort to methods that are not completely legitimate, then it is best to pay attention to the current legislation. In particular, by law, all citizens are obliged to comply with silence from 22:00 to 06:00. If the violation of the established schedule takes place, then the person who bothers the noise can contact the police.

Here you can go one of two ways: contact the part of the district with the appropriate statement or cause the police outfit on the fact of the noisy behavior of the neighbors. If this option does not help or employees of the executive body do not respond to the complaint received, then you can resort to active methods of impact:

  1. The affected face can try to create uncomfortable conditions for the life of noisy neighbors. Here you can use the Internet, expand the ad, use the help of friends and acquaintances.
  2. To write the word "noise" for the guilty face, but it is important not to overdo it in order not to harm people.
  3. You can use the program "Avtomotor" to mentally affect noisy neighbors.
  4. If a person is disassembled in an electrician, then you can turn off the electricity.
  5. To deliver the inconvenience of neighbors from above, you can prepare the so-called vibracolone. This will require a conventional saucepan, where water is poured. The container is pressed against the ceiling, and then headphones are fixed on the walls of the pan. A strong buzz appears in someone else's apartment, and in the premises of the injured person will be quiet.
Choosing one or another method, the fact that not all of these options should be taken into account. In order not to exacerbate your own situation, it is necessary to be sure that the optimal way to combat noisy neighbors is chosen.


The noise from above can deliver a lot of unpleasant minutes and turn the life of a person or family to hell. If such circumstances still take place, then the best option It will first try to talk with the guilty face and only after that, in the absence of the result, contact the authorized body to settle the situation already in the law. The legal ways of impact exists sufficient to eliminate the appeal to radical and illegal options.

We have a panel house, so the tips will be all relative to it, although it may come to others.
1 Option: Gas attack in the panel house All the ceiling-floor walls are made almost from the same plates, by template. You already know where the outlet, where the chandelier. We do something like hookah, only on the contrary. Someteer and from there Exit (subtle hose), I used silicone from the dropper, you can completely overlap, you can buy hoses from cars for windshield washer. So here is one way out and one entrance. In the container poured / fed a very stinky liquid (variants of mass. If you are smoking, then smoke a liter into a bank for example a couple of months and shake ashes and cakes throw in the jar, you always close the lid, after some time it will be such a stroke that even smokers are sick) . Insert a way out of the bank into a technical opening. And this is a socket, or rather tube that go in the wall for wiring, they are there about 2-3 cm in diameter, a hole under the chandelier. And smear the remaining diameter with silicone or foam, so that the smell is not going to your apartment. Further, any method is supplied to the air vessel inlet. I used the air freshener for autonomy, which splashes itself (you can adjust in time). Do not be afraid, the freshener does not overcome the "aroma" smell begins to break through the processing channels of the wiring and goes into the neighboring. They begin to perplex where they have such a stench, but it is almost impossible to determine where it is almost impossible.
The option is similar to the first, only you need a metal tube that you need to continue to further through small holes, which are formed between the wall and the heating battery, which goes to neighbors from above or below. Next, all thoroughly seal with silicone sealant, again so that all stench does not feel in the apartment.
3 Options again gas. Neighbors from above or below, summer, the windows are open. Build a gas cylinder for self-defense with a tear gas or similar and at the time of exacerbation of activities, pshitage from your window to them.
4 Option Sound. Take an old mobile phone with a powerful vibrating alert, attach it to a piece of plywood and glued to the floor / ceiling / wall. Well, constantly call him and at home and for a walk and with giving at any time of the day and night. From constant buzzing, the neighbors will soon begin nervous tick and they themselves will resort to pray for help.

There is no time to continue the rest of the methods, a little later I will write down.
All methods are non-volatile and it will be impossible to catch it.
Methods are invented and tested by me help.

They simply have people who have a daylight in broad daylight and no one will not pay attention. And there are those who are deeply at night, all in black with a mask on the face will be different and will definitely fall. Here I am from the second category for some reason, right rock some. I can try to try the castle of a fucking neighbor in a superclone and at the moment when I climb / go down or smear, then a neighbor will come to smoke. Therefore, the methods are more sophisticated
Maybe someone will come in handy.