
What to treat currants from Tsi: chemical and folk remedies. Gallean Tla on Currant


The fruits render the diuretic effect, purify the kidneys, reduce high body temperature. Taste qualities of all three varieties of currant: black, white, red, attract not only gardeners and fans of fresh berries, but also different pests. To common misfortunes that are amenable to currant bushes include annoying tribes attacks.

How to deal with the tle

Smorodine bushes basically require close attention in the spring. During the ripening of the fruit of the plant attacks the failure, so the main task of gardeners is in timely interference to protect against these small insects. The deciduous part of the shrub with the presence of TLI is a crust with red stains, which looks like a swollen. W. black currant Green leaves wrapped in a shoe, where hundreds of small insects are located on the inside.

The failure is considered a dangerous guest for plants, as it is not so easy to get rid of it without the knowledge necessary for this. On the black currant, the shooting failure is breeding, and the varieties with red and white berries eat the red-ball (pouring) fault.

The danger of the appearance of a red-headed ringer on currant

The red-ball wave at first glance seems to be a harmless, small flesh, but after the stage of reproduction, these insects mercilessly destroy the currant bush. Actually redoalla, or the pure stream is a rapid carrier of diseases and is capable of spreading to neighboring plants. Little insects drink currant juice. Because of such a mass attack, the plant allocates the fragrance to which ants speak. The wave on the currant in itself causes damage to the crop and the general state of the plants, besides provokeing the appearance of other insects.

Interesting is the fact that pending eggs freely winter on open shoots even at low temperatures.

In the spring, the leaves sweat and blush in the spring in places. Young branches are missing nutrients For normal growth, therefore their development is suspended, and the leaves are twisted and deteriorated. The same applies to the black currant bushes, which the escape trouble loves. The principle of deposition of larvae in these insects is the same as in Krasnogallovaya Tly, only eggs are black and overwhelming at the beginning of the kidneys. After the heat offset, the larvae move on the tops of the kidneys, smoothly moving to the attack of young stiffs and green leaves.

How to deal with tool

In view of quite frequent attacks insect, currants need preventive spraying, when the greens are not touched by pests. There are preparations to help prevent the appearance of Tly, as well as to deal with the ants present by the colonies. If the smallest signs of Tly are noticed on the berry, do not slow down with the breaking of the affected leaves. When spreading insects move along the shoots, the tops of which must also be removed along with the galls, where insects are seized. In order to utilize unnecessary vegetable material, take a bucket with water. All torn leaves and shoots are placed in water, and then completely burned. Thus, new attempts are prevented by attacks and its reproduction on currant bushes.

A numerous amount of insects appear with the spring argument on the summer site, including the ants. These small individuals create a real problem of getting rid of Tsi. Juice and smell, released by plants when eating, it becomes the reason for their appearance. The joint existence of these two types of insects does not interfere with each other, but threatens the loss of crop and the death of currant bushes.

Folk Methods of Fighting Tli

Hope on plant sanitaryars does not always save the crop from death, so there are many people in the people various methods To combat troubles. In addition to the simple breaking of infected areas of currant, it will help the treatment with special infusions and solutions. Consider each effective decoction separately:

  • Infusion of velvetsev. It has already been repeatedly proven that the gallic notes cannot withstand the smell and taste of these colors. For its preparation take finely chopped velvets in the amount of bucket filled with half and poured to the top of the water. Then it is necessary to let the colors in the liquid over three days. During this time, one more ingredient is prepared - the household soap in crushed form (fifty grams). After settling, the infusion is filtered by separating the plant component, and soap is added to the water.
  • Red pepper decoction. A sharp strong smell for Tlima is unbearable, so the pod burning pepper is able to scare insects for a long time. For the preparation of infusion, one kilogram of peppers on the water bucket will be enough. Vegetables are finely chopped and poured with liquid, and then put on a weak fire. By time, such a mixture should be allocated at least sixty minutes, after which it insisted in the cooled form for two days. For spraying currant, the filtered decoction is used, diluting with water in a ratio of 1:40. One bucket of fluid is consumed by two hundred and fifty grams of burning ragum. From experience, it is noted that this method of processing currant bushes effectively helps to get rid of the slugs.
  • Garlic and onion infusions. The principle of action of these two plants can be seen immediately - a sharp and strong smell survives the TRU, and immunity increases in currant bushes. The recipe must be taken on the water bucket one kilogram onion feathers. Greens must be crushed and pour ten liters of water. Infusion to prepare quickly, for six hours. After filtering, the contents can be placed in a spray cylinder.

FROM low husk also turns out effective tool To combat Tley. One bucket of fluid will need about five hundred grams of husk. The solution is based on five days, after which it is ready for use.

Spraying currant well to carry out a windless evening. It is advisable to see the forecast for the future so that after processing the bushes in the near future did not rain, otherwise the solution will need to be sprayed again.

To combat carriers of T'f - ants dig around around each planted currant bush. So that insects could not get to the plants, sticky stuff poured into the ditch.

Chemical methods of fighting tool

There is a numerous amount of preparations that can be found in specialized stores for plants, with chemical composition. The effectiveness of the use of such tools as : Carbofos, Intavir, Aktara, Phalofox, Fufan, Roviikurt Proved experience. If folk infusions do not lead to the desired result, then chemicals in the appropriate dosage will help get rid of persistent Tly. When working with any chemical, the precautionary measures should be followed by protecting the body and hands from the effects of poisons.

You can meet contact preparations that have an instantaneous effect directly on TRU, or intestinal - insecting insects after meals. In both cases, the TLA dies, if properly use pesticides according to the instructions. Poisonous systemic drugs provide a long-term effect, impregnating currant bushes with protective content.

In addition to compliance with the safe regime when spraying, you need to know the following features:

  • The failure is located on the inside of the leaves, so the spraying of the drugs must be carried out by helping their hands;
  • The first time the bushes are cultivated in early spring when an inspection is made for the presence of aph of kidneys and their disposal;
  • The second spraying of chemicals is applied over a month before the appearance of berries;
  • Between the repeated spraying of currant, you need to expire for one month.

To the appearance of aphids on the currant bushes, an oversupply of nitrogen in the soil, which is present there due to fertilizers made more than the norm. This suggests that more - does not mean better in horticultural business. Even when making baits for currants, follow the instructions, and also take into account the type of soil on the site.

FROM early spring Dachniks have a lot of worries: watering, weeding and pests annoyed. When the first leaves are blown on the currant, the wave immediately appears. The pest is set on young shoots that are deformed and dry. Vintage currant is reduced. What to do and how to deal with aphid on currant?

How to detect a yield on currants

Most often, a gallovaya wave is set on currant - a small sucking insect. Four aphid feeds with young escapes and leaves of currant. You can detect the pest colony at the bottom of the currant sheet. On damaged leaves, red or yellow bloats are formed, the tubercles - Galla.

Around the middle of July, when the currant leaves stop their growth, the Wings appear in Tly. At this moment, the pest leaves the shrub. If there are many weeds around the landings, Gallovaya Tlla moves to them, where it will eat until autumn. For the season, not one generation of pests, which in autumn, in about September, migrate back to the currant bush. Females start laying eggs.

Gallean wave on currant bushes is a big danger, especially for young plants. The rapid bushes affected by a large amount of pests are unable to develop normally. The yield of adult bushes falls sharply, the berry grows.

How to deal with aphid on currant bushes

One of important factors When dealing with gallic threes, prevention is prevention. From early spring you need to carry out basic preventive measures:

Be sure to remove all weeds under the bushes;

Spend sanitary trim bush, cutting all sick branches;

Attract useful insects that feed on the Galovic Tley, for example, ladybugs;

Conduct the cheerful scalding of the bush boiling water.

Important! If ladybugs and a zlatnoze are settled on the currant bushes, it is necessary to use insecticides neatly. It is better to replace them with risms. Useful insects will help to quickly get rid of Tlim.

Attracting useful insects into the garden, you can get rid of gallopaphids without resorting to chemicals. To attract insects experienced gardeners practice landing medicinal plants Under the bushes of currant:




Many insects that are useful for the garden prefer to live in landings of dill or buckwheat.

How to get rid of aphid on currant bushes: Garden fusion

Very often one of the methods of fighting aphids is the fumigation of the garden. Experienced gardeners Practice fumigation by rubber, tobacco and mushroom.

It is necessary to conduct anxion to the dissolution of the kidneys, at the time of their disclosure.

The fusion of rubber is carried out as follows: in old saucepan Bold rubber bags and put smorodine under each bush.

The fusion of tobacco and the raincoat is carried out with a pilewater pigember.

Fur in the garden needs at least three hours. It is necessary to do this in the evening, in windless weather. The TLL dies completely, there is no need for chemicals.

The disadvantage of such a way is the caustic smoke, which poorly affects human health.

Fighting Wheel on Currant: Coat Treatment Chemicals

Chemicals that need to be used in several stages will help to get rid of the colonies of galliaphids on the currant. Use chemicals only in advanced cases and mass attacks of pests.

1. The first spraying of the currant is carried out in spring, at the time of the blooming of the kidneys.

2. Conduct the second time in the flowering of shrubs.

3. Spray the currants for the third time better immediately after flowering.

4. Last processing should be carried out only after a complete harvest.

How to treat currants from Galovy Tly?

For treatments, chemical preparations are used that are dissolved in water. Such drugs have proven:

Aktellik (diluted 15 ml per 10 liters of water);

NOVAKONOM (spread 5 ml per 10 liters of water).

Folk remedies when dealing with tool on currant

Applying folk remedies in the fight against aphid, you can get rid of the pest without interfering with useful insects. For these purposes, the following infusions are used:

Tobacco infusion;

Infusion of velvetsev;

Infusion of red acute peppers;

Infusion of tomato tops;

Infusion of Luka and garlic;

Ash infusion with wormwood;

A solution of soda calcined;

Infusion chiurela.

1. Tobacco infusion

Prepare infusion from tobacco dust or Machorka, with the addition of household soap and water. For this, 500 grams of tobacco dust are poured with 10 liters of water and insist the mixture for several days. The finished infusion is filled with 10 liters of water and add 100 grams of grated household soap as an adhesive.

Spraying spend in the evening, in clear weather. After the rain processing repeat.

2. Infusion of Vitytsev

It is very effective in the fight against the Galovy Tar of the infusion of velvets, which is prepared from dry flowers. At 10 liter bucket take ½ part of crushed velvets, which are poured with warm water. Three days insist the mixture. The finished solution is fixed and 50 grams of grated household soap are added.

3. Infusion of red burning pepper

Prepare concentrated infusion can be made of red peppers. To do this, 1 kg of fresh peppers should be cut and folded in a saucepan, pour 10 liters cold water. The mixture boil and boil on slow heat for 1 hour. The cooled solution is removed into a warm place for several days. The finished solution is filled and stored in the cold.

For spraying from concentrate, a working solution is prepared. On 10 liters of water use 1 cup of concentrate. It is possible to add a grated economic soap as an adhesive.

Important! The finished working solution and red burning peppers are used not only in the fight against the tool. It is well used against the slug.

4. Infusion of tomato tops

From tomato treasury, a good infusion is obtained to combat the gallopaphids on currant. For this, dry top of tomatoes, about 2 kg, and fresh tops of 4 kg are crushed, pouring 10 liters of water. The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes. The resulting concentrate is cooled and stored in the cold. Before spraying prepare a working solution. For this, the concentrate is bred by water in a 1: 5 ratio, adding a grated economic soap.

Important! The working solution of their concentrate of tomato tops can be used to combat ticks, scaffolds, frozing, cruciferous flesh and a roof sawder.

5. Infusion of Luke and Garlic

Experienced gardeners advise themselves to spray the currants with the infusion of the green puff of Luke. For this, 1 kg of crushed green greenery is poured with 10 liters of water, the mixture insists for 6 hours. Ready solution to strain and spend spraying.

You can use a blank husk in advance. For this, 500 gr. The husks insist in 10 liters of water for about 5 days.

Important! Infusions made of onions and garlic are not only struggling with pests on currant, but also increase the immunity of plants.

6. Awed infusion with wormwood

The affected currant bushes are treated with solid solid with the addition of wormwood. For this, 500 grams of chopped wormwood are poured with water, about 5 liters, adding 1 cup of ashes and 50 g of household soap. The mixture insist about 5 hours. Spraying is carried out by a working solution, which is prepared from 1 part of the infusion and 2 parts of water.

7. Soda calcined solution

You can process the currants against aphid with a solution of soda. Prepare a working solution from 1 tbsp. l. Calcinated soda and 1 liter of water.

To spray in such a solution will help to get rid of not only from the Tly, but also rings the fungus from the shrub.

8. Infusion of Church

Dachnips are fighting aphid with the help of infusion Celebrela. A solution of 4 kg of fresh herbs is prepared, which is crushed and poured with 10 liters of water. It is necessary to insist the solution. The finished solution is performed spraying currant bushes.

Important! During the processing of currant landings with a solution of cleanstole, it is necessary to use individual protection, as the juice of cleanliness is very poisonous.

What you need to take into account when processing currants from gallop

Young shoots of currant is well stuffed, they can be dipped into any remedy cooked by recipes and wash well, without risk to break the branch.

Spray and wash each branch, without missing a single portion of the bush.

Spraying need not only shrub, but also the soil under it.

The weather during processing should be windless. Applying chemical preparations, follow the bees. It is important not to poison useful insects that are very necessary in the garden. It is better to move spraying for the evening when the bees do not fly.

When spraying, it is necessary to moisten the lower part of the sheet, for this, the sprayer is directed inside the bush.

Do not place high hopes for folk ways Fight against aphid on currant, if the time is missed and the pest chopped roses, plums and gooseberries. In such a situation, without the use of chemicals can not do.

In the fight against aphid on currant, it is important to follow the purity of the site, prevent the rust of weeds and the neighborhood of shrubs with anthills. We often spend prophylactic spraying with inferior herbs, follow the thickness of the bush and cut the sick branks in time.

Currant is one of the most common cultures of our area. The berry is extremely useful, good canning. The biggest problem that occurs in the process of growing plants, annivers the gardeners - the trouble on the currant. Small insect forms whole colonies, damaging a bush, spoils inflorescences, reduces yield. How to deal with aphid on the currants - an important question for dachnings.

Folk remedies

Get rid of thephids on currants safe preparationswhich are easily prepared independently. The necessary ingredients are available in the household, grow in the garden, in the garden or sold at the grocery store.

It is necessary to disrupt several plants entirely. Work follows in gloves. Grind, throw in a bucket, pour 10 liters of water, give a day. Strain the tincture, add 100 grams of household soap. The solution spray currants, moat the deformed shoots, twigs. Green faults are especially afraid of such procedures.

Folk remedies allow you to get rid of the Tley without chemistry. It is allowed to use at any time of the growing season.

Other folk remedies

Other effective funds:

Professional means

Combine chemistry with aphid is much faster, but some nuances should be taken into account. Aphid on black currant, red, may appear at any time of vegetation. It is allowed only to flowering in early spring, or immediately after it. Since poisonous properties are saved for 20 days or more.

Biopreparations act a little slower. The active ingredients are the products of the vital activity of bacteria, mushrooms, other microorganisms. The poison is not harmful to humans, but you should not handle currants 10 days before harvesting.

  • Copper vigor. The preparation of a wide range of action, protects garden crops from diseases, increases the stability of the plant, effectively struggles with tool. Spray bush early spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. 50 g copper Kaper Diluted in 1 liters of water, then another 4,000 ml of finished solution takes 1000 ml of currant. The required amount of the drug is calculated from these ratios.
  • Bordeaux liquid. It is used to prevent and get rid of many diseases. Recommended early spring spraying Before the appearance of the first leaflets, 3% solution. A combination with copper vitrios is allowed.
  • Biotline from Tly - Insecticidal preparation based on a strong poisonous substance. The destruction of the Tly occurs instantly. Active components are amazed nervous system, causes paralysis, death. The result is noticeable 4 hours after spraying the currant. The solution is prepared immediately before use. In 1 liter of water, the drug is divorced, 9 liters of liquid are added.
  • - Insecticidal preparation of a wide range of action. The concentration of the poison component is small, but enough for the rapid destruction of the Tly. The result is noticeable the next day, retains properties about 14 days depends on weather conditions. Treatment is carried out 1 time in early spring.
  • Actors from Tly - biological preparation. You can apply at any time of the growing season. The result is noticeable after 3 days after complete processing of bushes. The solution is prepared in the ratio of 8 ml of the preparation on 1 liter of water. After 15 days, we should repeat the processing.

The wave causes irreparable harm to the curvage currant - the crown of leaves twist, the young shoots dry out, the inflorescences fall, the branches are descended. The yield decreases, the risk of developing many diseases increases. React to TRU must be timely, and even better in advance. In parallel, it should be because these insects spread to the TRU throughout the garden.

If you have noticed red-risky swollen-galls on the leaves of red currant, and the leaves of the black currant curled the tubes, know the pests in your berries. it Aphid.

RedoLogal or Currant Way dwells on red, white and pink currants, but on black currant sires gooseberry Way.

RedoLogal or Currant Way

Black elder eggs of red-headed ribbies are open on shoots. The larvae go out when the kidneys are blooming, and settle on the bottom of the young leaves, sucking juice. In places of cluster tool, the leaf fabric grows, dark red or yellow swollen (halves) appear. Currant leaves are twisted, and young shoots are twisted, suspend in growth, the leaves are darker and fall. Black eggs of roaster ribs are winter at the base of the kidneys. The larvae is dedicated during swelling and blown of the kidneys, settle on their tops, and later - on green shoots, stiffs and leaves. Damaged stiffs are twisted, the leaves twisted and bend down.

Measures to fight tool

If you notice on your berries such damaged leaves - we will construct these leaves, as well as the tops of the shoots with the colonies of the Tly (they are just nesting in Gallah) and burn.

Spray the plants so that the lower side of the sheet is abundantly moocked. For this purpose, the infusion of tobacco (or tobacco dust) is suitable in a mixture with wood ash - 400 grams of each per 10 liters of water, or the infusion of a large purity: 3-4 kilograms of fresh or 1 kilogram of dry herbs insist in 10 liters of water for 24- 30 hours, then strain. In addition, after watering or rain, you can pollimate the lower side of the leaves of dry ash with tobacco or marsh (1: 1), and use dry grass cleanly to enhance shrubs and trees.

It is possible to use the onions of the onion husk - 200 grams insist in 10 liters of water within 4-5 days. It will be useful in the fight against the threshold and dandelion - 400 grams of leaves or 200 grams of the plant itself together with the root fill 10 liters. warm water And insist two hours.

Know that a significant amount of tool destroys ladybugs or zlatnos. Where these insects live, the wave almost completely disappears, and such a person, as a point cow, eats about 13 thousand web ticks throughout life. However, ants for the garden are not at all sanitation. These insects, on the contrary, are bred and guard the TRU. They also enter the trim in the crowns of trees and bushes. It is necessary to fight in such cases not only with tool, but also with ants.

In early springWhen the first leaves are displayed on the currant bushes, new individuals insect pests appear from the twisted eggs insect pests. Colonies of TLI multiply by parthenogenesis, that is, to generate the next generation, there is no need for fertilization of females. Therefore, the process of reproduction of harmful insects occurs very quickly. And after a month later, the smorodine bushes can be found a multi-year army of a voracious Tley.

Taking into account the high speed of the spread of the Tly, the main task of each dachnik becomes in time to detect the problem and get rid of this malicious insect as soon as possible. We study the very effective methods Fighting tooling on currant bushes.

The first symptoms of the appearance of aphids on the currant bushes sign that it came to armed and immediately start fighting insects:

  • Twisted in the tube leaves in black currant;
  • On the leaves of white currants, bug sovereign growths and swollen red shades appear;
  • And a more obvious feature: the accumulation of small insects on the back of the sheet and shoots (most often the Tlla is settled on young stems).

The most dangerous period for currant and other favorite tools of plants, like a rose, cucumbers and raspberries, fall on June-July, when it is dry hot weather. It is at this time that the prophylactic treatment of shrubs is recommended.

A small creature that achieves size is not more than 5 mm causes an irreparable damage not only by the future harvest, but also the health of the plant, and large insect accumulations often lead to the death of currant bushes. How the TLL Harms Plants:

Thus, if you do not solve the problem when the first symptoms are detected, then the probability is not at all getting harvest currants and even lose the perennial plants.

In Russia, more than one thousand varieties of Tlima were recorded.

Sheet gallovant and currant moisture prefer to be equipped on a red and white currant, black currant bushes usually populate the colonies of the gooseberry shooting toll. But there is no need to understand exactly what kind of Tlyas settled on your site to choose the appropriate means for its destruction.

Before choosing a tool from aphids, it is important to understand the scale of the problem: it is more effective from the numerous population of insects to immediately resort to the use of chemical preparations, and the folk methods can be applied to the use of small colonies.

Chemical preparations against Tly allow you to destroy pests in the shortest time. But do not forget about the observance of safety and pay attention to the class of danger of one or another insecticide.


One-time processing will not be enough, the effect of the drug based on Tiamethoxama lasts no longer than the month when spraying on the sheet, and when an insecticide is introduced into the soil, the effect will continue for eight weeks. The solution (at the rate of 2 g of powder for 10 liters of water) is enough for processing of 10 sq.m. Planting currant.


Pyretroidism "Inta-Vir" has a negative impact on the nervous system of Tly. The active component of the drug cypermethrin refers to 2 class of danger to humans. The result of the drug is noticeable two weeks after applying. For processing, it will take a solution consisting of one tablet insecticide and 10 liters of water. For one season, "Inta-Vir" is applied to a maximum of three times.


Universal means to combat harmful insects, including TRU, weevil and ticks. The work of the drug is based on contact-intestinal effect. The active substance of Primifos methyl paralyzes insects, which leads to their ambulance. Insecticide is available in ampoules (volume of one ampoule 2 ml). For spraying the preparation on currant bushes, I use a solution made from one ampoule and 2 liters of water. To destroy large colonies, concentration can be increased twice.

For an hour after the processing of bushes, the drug is completely absorbed and saves protective effect to 3 weeks. Consumption rate: 1 ampoule 2.5 ml per 10 liter of water. On one bush, the currant will be needed only a half liters of working solution.

To process plants, choose a clear, windless day. To achieve maximum effect, take into account recommendations for the rate of consumption, instructions for the preparation of the working solution and additional conditions.

Instructions for the use of kinmix and reviews in this article.

If the Tly population does not particularly annoy your plants, then you may be able to cope with the pest in biological methods, namely the attraction of natural enemies of Tlima:

To attract birds, it is necessary to place the dressing coil around the affected plant. God's cow And the gold-eyed can be purchased in agricultural stores.

To the most secure environmental means include folk recipes from T'li. Consider the most effective of them:

The podpper insists within a few hours in water (100 g of pepper on 1 liter of water). Then the tincture is adjusted to a boil, and after two days, pressed and bred in 7 liters of water. Such a means is intended for spraying currant bushes.

Downtime preparation, but no less effective tool from Tli: 20 g of soda dilute in a liter of warm water, pour the soap solution. Spray plants on the sheet and stems.

A solution based on ash will not only eliminate the attack of Tly, but also supports currant. You will need two glasses wood ash and 3 liters hot water. You can also add 20 ml of soap. The finished mixture before spraying should be broken during the day. With the help of an ash solution, the raspberry bushes can also be treated.

Many insects, including TRU, can be scared with solutions with sharp odors. Tobacco decoction is prepared from 100 g of dried leaves. Pour the leaves with a liter of hot water, bring to a boil. The cooled decoction is bred by water (300 ml of tobacco beam on 10 liters of water). The composition spray on the affected plants every two days.

You can use the economic, liquid soap, detergent For dishes or washing powder. The consistency of the soap solution is very viscous and overlaps insect access to oxygen. For a solution, a glass of water and a pair of tablespoons of soap will be required. To get rid of the Tly, you will have to spray plants with a sprayer daily.

When the colony colony still did not have time to multiply, you can try to get rid of it with a mechanical way. To do this, it is necessary to daily arrange the smorodine "shower" with a large water pressure, washing the beam from each affected leaf.

Since currant bushes are available in almost every summer cottage, almost all gardeners have proven practices in the practice of pest control.

"To break your head for a long time, I did not have to treat the currants from the Tley. Immediately sprinkled numerous tips from experienced dacnikov. Among them was a tincture based on fragile herbs, a soapy composition (this method seemed to me too time-consuming, I do not have a large number of time to spray currants every day). I chose the cheapest way, without excess costs - ash.

Alas on the summer area is very much, as there is a bath. The obvious advantage of this method is the composition of ash - because it is a storehouse of nutrients for all plants. In addition, this method was checked in the case of neighbors.

I processed the plants three times before all the TLA disappeared from the bushes. I sprayed currants every week. Very satisfied with the result! Cheap and angry, and most importantly effective! "

"In winter, when we purchased country cottage area, very delighted - half of the site was planted with several rows of currant. And in our family smorodine in honor. But in the spring, our joy instantly disappeared. It turned out that all the bushes without exception was amazed tool. Folk Methods They helped get rid of pests for a while and partly, therefore it was decided to move to more effective means.

Among the many chemicals, they decided to use the actar, as the manufacturer promises long-term protection. They acted immediately on two fronts - sprayed plants and made the composition in the ground. Two months later, the procedures were repeated. So we got rid of the Tlya for the next season. But still, fearing new raids, every year in the spring we carry out the prevention of all landings with the help of folk remedies. "