
Manganesm for the health of plants is reliable and indispensable. How to deal with various cabbage pests

Doors, windows

Hunters to enjoy fresh and appetizing cabbage kochans are not so much, but, to the great regret of the dacnis, they are hard to remove. Slippers and snails, caterpillars, flies and cruciferous flew each year increasing the mass of concerns to avid gardeners. But before going to the shop for chemicals, it is worth familiar with the more environmentally friendly and affordable facility protection.

Cabbage pests and fighting photos. Cruciferous flea

There are several ways to use them together or separately. Before treating cabbage from pests, carefully examine each method to choose the most accessible and appropriate.

Before sprayed with cappist from pests, you need to find out who exactly is affected by your site. After that, you can use the advice of our specialists in the field of gardening to protect their harvest. Apply the knowledge gained in practice, and the care of cabbage beds will no longer cause problems.

For the gardener with any experience, it is very important to maintain the result of your efforts. The fight against insects sometimes takes a lot of strength, and any fruits and vegetables need quality care.

Many gardeners prefer people's methods Care of their plants. One of the most susceptible to a similar care is cabbage. The most popular type of treatment of such vegetables occurs with a vinegar spraying.

Cabbage treatment with caterpillars

Capups of cabbage brings cappusion irreparable harm. First, the stage of the caterpillar in the life of the butterfly requires a lot of resources, so these pests are voracious. Secondly, caterpillars leave toxic allocations on the cabbage sheets. Vinegar scares butterflies and destroys caterpillars.

Spraying aphid of vinegar

The attack in the form of a gray toli is very unpleasant, but the vinegar will help to successfully fight these insects. The TLA feeds the cabbage juice that it quickly depletes this vegetable, besides well merged in color.

It is important to remember that the activation of Tlima falls on July. It is necessary to handle cabbage to acetic solution: by 10 liters warm water There are 1 tablespoon of acid.

How to get rid of flew by applying acetic solution

The cruciferous fleece is rightfully the most terrible enemy of cabbage. Both small and adults are able to destroy even the strongest types of this vegetable. The fleas have so small size that almost imperceptible to human eye. Everything else, cruciferous flepens is very jumped. It is also worth noting that these insects multiply practically lightning, so it is necessary to solve this problem as quickly as possible.

You can get rid of flea by cooking simple composition. The principle of making a solution is very simple: 1 cup of vinegar is divorced in 10 liters of warm water. Leaves better spray with sufficient light. To achieve a better result, it is also recommended to pour roots.

It should be noted that it is possible to make a cabbage from flews with the use of acetic essence. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the essence dissolves in container with 10 liters of warm water. Wrap a cappist from the watering can with a solution.

Please note: if you are the owner of a plot with a damp ground, then a great chance of emissions infection with slugs that love similar conditions.

Processing cabbage from sluggirls is advised in the morning or late in the evening when they are sitting on the leaves.

For the development of the solution, Valerian root will need, vinegar 9% and 2 liters of water. First you need to cook a decoction of the root and give it to be broken for 11-12 hours. Then dissolve 15 ml of solution and the resulting decoction in water. Ready composition Spray cabbage from the spray gun.

Methods for breeding vinegar for spraying cabbage

Vinegar, as well as essence, is bred in water. Different dosage is different, because Essence has a much greater concentration. To enhance positive effects, the addition of decoctions of various healing herbs is welcomed.

Apply vinegar solutions required with caution. Avoid the solution to the open areas of the skin, in the eye and on the mucous membrane. Observe the security technique.

The effectiveness of processing of the garden by vinegar

Vinegar and acetic essence does not accidentally take place in great demand in the garden and garden products market. Not only can I handle plants with vinegar, but also need. Timely application of the solution is able to create real wonders. Vinegar - real protection for crop. He is able to provide effective help. This is a strong and effective product that can quickly save you even from the lack of malicious insects. Many gardeners leave good feedback About this solution. A big plus is also the price of this substance.

Most gloomy wants to grow cabbage. How to process from pests carefully grown crop, what processing is more effective? Unfortunately, the cabbage love not only we, but also multiple midges, fleece, caterpillars, butterflies that seem to be only waiting for the appearance of splash sockets on our gods to sprinkle not only holes, but also to fully eat our harvest.

Noting traces of pest activities, each of us thought about how to protect the cabbage than to process it, how to destroy the slugs, caterpillars, cruciferous flew and other unborn guests. In this case, many years of experience experienced gardeners are useful to us. Let's find out which enemies have our cabbage in the garden, consider methods and techniques to combat harmful insects.

Cabbage pests and fighting them

Cruciferous flea

If you have noticed small holes on the leaves of the cabbage, most likely that your garden visited a cruciferous flea. This small pest is difficult to notice due to its size, but voraciousness can only be surprised, especially by her young leaflers. The enemy is painted into black with silver tint, quickly moves with jumps, actively multiplies. During the day, the cruciferous flea eats the volumes of food, exceeding its weight three times. If you do not take action on time, the cabbage leaves will turn into a lattoon and the crop will die.

Cruciferous flea in seedlings Cabbage, photo:

Ways to deal with pest:

  1. You can periodically sprinkle cabbage beds with wood ash or a mixture of ash with chopped tobacco leaves. This method is quite good, but after each rain, fog or dew in the morning all actions will have to repeat again.
  2. Cruciferous flea on the cabbage very much does not like sharp smells, a good discharge effect has eucalyptus or fir oil (15-20 drops per 10 liters of water). For the same reason, the gardeners recommend landing between rows of cabbage garlic, and it is sowed first, and then cabbage.
  3. Very simple, but this is no less effective way - vinegar divorced in water. This method gives very good results. It is possible to irrigate the garden with such a solution using a pulverizer. Take 2 tablespoons 9% vinegar, dive in 10 liters of water, irrigate cabbage after sunset (in order to avoid burns). According to the reviews, sometimes one spraying is enough.
  4. Chicken litter, divorced in water and infused within 24 hours, will become not only a means for expulsing the pest, but also an excellent natural fertilizer for your crop. On 10 liters of water, 150-200 g of the product of vital activity of birds is enough.
  5. You can also cover the young cabbage with a special covering material for the beds, thus create an obstacle to the access of cruciferous flepes. After cabbage gains strength and grow up, you can remove the canvas.

Butterfly cabbage and cabbage gray scoop

Creditless looks of the butterfly Capulator is actually almost the most dangerous enemy of cabbage cultures.

Butterfly cabbage

Capping gray scoop, more similar to the night moth, acts in the same way.

Capping scoop

These butterflies are able to postpone the innumerable set of eggs, of which caterpillars are subsequently hatched, destroying cabbage plantations. It is necessary to fight with a butterfly cabbage and a cabbage scoop comprehensively, try not some kind of defense method, but several minutes at once.

Butterfly caterpillars, photo:

Capper caterpillars, photo:

Spraying beds with a solution of soap with ash gives good results: a household soap (1 cup) and wood ash (2 tablespoons) need to be divorced in 10 liters of water.

The leek husk, infused two or three days, gives a good disconnecting effect and simultaneously serves as a fertilizer for cabbage. The shelves should be pouring 4 liters of boiling water, it is so possible to prevent the specified time, you can also add a tablespoon of finely sputty soap - it will only be better. The irrigation of the innovation should be produced in approximately 4-5 days.

You can additionally sprinkle with young seedlings with ordinary kitchen soda, but not too abundantly.

Cabbage pests (their majority) are afraid of the OS, because they are very fond of their larvae, eggs. This feature can be known with the benefit for the crop - for sure you have a couple of stagnant jams, which can be diluted and pour cabbage to attract OS. Insects immediately teach the smell of sweet treats and fly to beds, and there it is already a matter of them - the larvae of pests will go under the jam. Behind the absence of jam, it is possible to make thick sugar syrup (water with sugar).

Another way to deal with the cabover spied at one of the forums: Place-pegs with a dressed egg shells with a dressed egg shell with a cabbage. The authors of this original method are confident that white cabbage butterflies will not sit on the cabbage to postpone the eggs, believing that the place is already busy. So the butterfly thinks or not, it is difficult to say, but this method helps.

Egg shell from a butterfly Capulate (Beyanka)

TLA on cabbage

Photo of aphid on a cabbage sheet:

Sweet love not only the wasps, but also ants, before using sweet bait for the OS, it is worth considering that ants will escape to treat. Thus, there is an additional problem here - the TLL, which is very friendly with the ants (highlights a sweet substance that ants love). No wonder the experienced gardeners say: they saw the accumulation of ants near the plants - check the presence of the Tly.

The wave prefers the young cabbage leaves, which after acquaintance with it are covered with black dots, wrapped, cabbage does not develop further. These pests nest groups and suck the life juices from the plant. TLL on the cabbage - what to treat the beds? Here, again, you need to use several methods at once.

  1. You can cook the mixture wood ash, powdered soap and tobacco, as described above, but also add 1 tablespoon of dry mustard to the composition. Proportions: 1 spoon of soap and mustard, 250 g of tobacco and ash, ingredients to mix, pour 10 liters of boiling water, insist 24 hours, before applying to strain through gauze. The resulting composition should irrigate cabbage beds, preferably in the evening, after sunset.
  2. The cabbage wave is afraid of onions, its sharp smell, a way to prepare infusion from low husk Described above. A more "hard" option is to take 800 g of onions, cut every bulb for 4 parts (not clean), pour the bucket of boiling water, to write 2 hours on fire, and then dilute with one to one to one, further use the spraying by spraying. In this way, garlic can be used.
  3. Popping the cabbage heads of wood ash - update after each watering, as well as after the rain.
  4. Planting spicy herbs or flowers - Velhets, Naughty, Pyrethrum.

Velhets between cabbage rows, photo:

Snails and slugs

When the evening comes or after the rain, slugs and snails crawl cram. They are attracted by moisture, which is long saved at the base of the cabbage sockets. Here you can advise divorced in water. ammonia (50 ml on 5 l), which should be pouring from above each Kochan. A similar procedure, spent several times, provides a persistent disconnect effect for these pests.

Traces of activity of snails and slugs, photo:

The old "grandfather" method that did not lose the relevance and today - on the cabbage beds, cover in different places of tanks with water-diluted with yeast or boring kvass, beer. For these purposes, it is very convenient to use cut up to half plastic bottles. Such a "aroma" will attract the bucculent clams, and they will not be able to get out of the tank.

Cabbage leaf

Another applicant for your crop. This small bug is even beautiful - black with a bronze chip.

Cabbage leaf and his caterpillar

He glands the edges of the cabbage sheets and makes holes in them. Its activity is activated by the end of the spring, it makes his ways to the base of the Kochan, squints himself to itself, in which the eggs lay. After a while, the larvae will get out of the eggs, which are sent straight into the ground, from where, after 10-12 days, it is crawling apart by adult individuals. A new generation of beetles is immediately taken for food, due to their actions, cabbage sockets become similar to the sieve, the harvest is dying.

To combat them, the same solution of tobacco and ash, as well as most of the above methods for the fight against caterpillars of cabbage butterflies and cabbage scoops are used.

If you do not take into account folk ways Protection, then a very good result in the fight against the cabbage leafer gives the chemical preparations "Aktellik", "Karate".

Stem Highway (Diamond)

The stem hidden voice is another cabbage pest.

Stem Highway (Diamond)

Web tenetrates tunnels in Kochane until the roots. I could not make a photo of damage to the kochana cabbage with a stewed huttoch (fortunately, I don't have it). Below on the left photo shows the place of puncture in the stem cabbage Kollarby made by a hidden chub, and the stem is damaged by the larva.

The activity of the pest is aimed at sucking the vital juices from the cabbage, which is why its growth slows down, afterwards it dies.

The beetle appears in April - in the south, and by the end of May middle lane Russia, closer to the stems postponing his eggs, of which voracious larvae hatching characteristic feature - Yellow head of large sizes. To protect the vegetable need to be birching towed. Delet are diluted with water. And this solution should be performed regular irrigation of the beds (every three days).

If the situation with a hidden chub has gone far, then the chemical compositions will come to help - the same "Aktellik" or "Fosbecide".

At first, young cabbage bushes can be covered with plants material.

Klop cruciferous

Cruciferous bug is a matter of cabbage beds and plantations. Adults (as well as their larvae) do holes in the leaves, feed on the juice of vegetable. We all a well-known soldier is a cross-cruciferous bug, his counterparts with such a color also belong to this category.

Cruciferous Klop

As the prevention of the appearance of this pest is a thorough cleaning of all plant residues with the onset of autumn (it is better to burn), since they winter on them. The saliva of the cruciferous cluste contains a destructive enzyme for the plant - in the place of the sheet, where he spars the hole, over time, donate fabrics. Noteworthy is the fact that with the onset of heat and drought bug becomes only more active, and the number of its population increases.

Tobacco dust, inland husk, garlic decoction - all these means are good to deal with the cruciferous bug.


There is another pest in the cabbage. Very voracious pest. This is a rapeseeer.

Rapeyer - fly (photo on the left) and larvae (photo on the right)

On the left in the photo of the fly of a rapeseedpin, and on the right - the larvae of the rapeseed peel. Do not quite correctly call the larvae of a rapeseed carriage caterpillars. This is false guns. Their difference between the caterpillars - the presence of 6 pairs of legs on the trouser.

Fly, inscribing the edge of the cabbage leaf from below, puts the eggs, of which false guns appear on the light. Their length is from 16 to 18 mm. Wrinking skin is littered with several small papillars. Recently hatched larvae have a color from pale gray to greenish. Older larvae change color, becoming dark green, almost black.

Young larvae eaten the lower part of the leaves or make holes in them (economic damage is insignificant), while older larvae, dark color, almost completely eaten leaves, leaving only accommodation from them.

Garders to combat a rapeseed pylter successfully apply the decoction of tomato tops.

Cabbage protection from the Piller: every two weeks should be sprinkled with cabbage sockets (in the seedling stage) protective mixture: naphthalene (1 part), sand and wood ash (5 parts). You can also use the exhaust lime (20 parts) and Crelavin (1 part).

If you have found in your garden of a cabbage helper, do not think that it will not appear next season. Be sure to destroy the remnants of the crop in the fall when cleaning the tops, remove the weeds on time, plant the cabbage early, be sure to frighten the earth, since the new generation appears exactly from there.

Cabbage treatment with a protective mixture, photo:

Chemical means of protecting cabbage from pests are used mainly when the insumage of pests has taken a critical scale. For large plantations, cabbage also use chemical protection - "Fury", "Kemifos", "Balka", "Iskra-M".

Methods of application and proportion of insecticide breeding are always described on the packaging, for example, 1 ml of "Fury" are bred in 10 liters of water, 2 liters of solution will be enough for processing 100 m² of territory. The maximum number of procedures - 2 times, until the harvest was cleaning at least 25 days from the last irrigation.

Summing up, it must be said that pests not only spoil and destroy our harvest, but are carriers of various diseases. Integrated measures in this case give best resultAs for folk remedies, they can be combined even with chemical procedures (if the situation is aggravated). Preventive activities also have great importance. Try all the same to do alternative methods of cabbage protection, because chemistry - there are chemistry, and this popular vegetable you will have you and your family.

Let it be a damnie and healthy your cabbage. And what to process this culture from pests, how to protect it - you now know.

Cabbage pests are a bit. However, it is difficult to deal with them - you will tell you any gardener who has experience in growing cabbage.

This article will give you useful information on how to protect your cabbage from pests without using any insecticides.

Protection of cabbage from pests by folk remedies

If you want not only to get rid of insects, but also to keep your plants are environmentally friendly, use the following means:

  1. The trouble is an omnivorous insect that is not bent and cabbage. It sues juice from her young leaves, as a result of which the plant stops in development. But worse than the fact that the Tly population increases very quickly, especially if it is warm weather. Fight with insects with spraying. A glass of wood ash is mixed with 10 liters of water, then mustard powder and any liquid soap (1 tablespoon) are added there. The resulting solution spray leaves of cabbage from the bottom. There are also effective processing of plants that are particularly loved by the TEL.
  2. Not in vain received such a name. The greatest harness Plants apply caterpillars that appear from the eggs pending. Insects eat leaves, completely destroying future yield. Capped scoop is also valid - moth, the larvae of which are very loved by cabbage. Against these pests use such a folk agent as a solution of 2 glasses of ash and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap on a bucket of water.
  3. Capping fly docks plants since mid-May. This insect postphes eggs to stem cabbage, and a week later, larvae appear. They are the greatest danger: the larvae vague into the stem and roots of the plant, having broken down in them, and in the end, the cabbage dies. Start the first processing as early as possible, so as not to give the cabbage fly to make the masonry eggs. To do this, prepare a dry mixture of a teaspoon of pepper, 100 g of wood ash and as much tobacco dust. Email all plants on the bed with the resulting mixture, and after the procedure, rub the top layer of the soil.
  4. The cruciferous flew is no less dangerous: it eats tender young cabbage leaves, which then dry out. That is why the flesh should be started to fight from the moment of the first germination. So, against this pest of cabbage will be effective the next folk remedy. It is necessary to prepare a solution, which includes 10 liters of water and 1 cup of tomato steps, potato tops and chopped garlic. Give the solution to brew for several hours, and then strain and add 1 tablespoon of liquid soap there (any). Moisten the cabbage leaves with the resulting liquid. Cabbage protection from this pest is possible and using vinegar. The cruciferous fleece will leave the bed, if we treat cabbage to a glass of acetic essence dissolved in a bucket of water.
  5. And the snails are not averse to cappost, and they are omnivores: they eat leaves, and roots. They are able to scare a mixture of wood ash, table salt, powder mustard and ground pepper.

What else from the folk remedies can handle cappist from pests?

In addition to the means described above, the cabbage and others are effective - for example, bay leaf. It is used in the form of infusion, in can be added and carnation. The decisive factor here is the smell, unpleasant for most harmful insects.

Cabbage pests well helps pollination of her leaf tobacco dust, ash or lime-membrane.

Greetings dear readers. As if the garden did not try to protect his harvest, but it does not rarely, it happens that those or other pests appear on the cabbage. Everyone loves cabbage, pests, too, and with them you can fight.

Let's try to figure out a little about how to handle cabbage from pests folk remedies. Consider possible options and try to give a meaningful answer to the question.

Pests on cabbage

To begin with, you need to know which pests can occur on cabbage beds. I think that enemy need to know in face, as they say. The fact is that the breeders themselves for many years of studying this culture have learned to defeat pests due to the fact that they studied those of the most pests.

First of all, of course you need to know which pests can be on the cabbage, these are the most common:

  1. Tripses
  2. Capportean Butterfly (Belyanka)
  3. Flea crucifier
  4. Sliznyaki
  5. Capulate moth larvae
  6. Caterpiles
  7. Scoop cabbage
  8. Stem cabbage hidden
  9. Kila - fungal disease

White cabbage from larvae to butterfly


Capping mole

Kila - fungal disease

Flea crucifier

Slug on cabbage

Scoop cabbage

Stem cabbage hidden

TRIPS on cabbage

And that is not all, there are also rodentswho do not mind cabbage to enjoy other pests. I want to immediately note that chemistry - there is chemistry, she probably will cope with everything, but for a person she is not usefulSo many love folk remedies. In order not to harm yourself and relatives. And it is right.

Once I just thought, but How does such a beautiful cabbage grow on the hectares of land, and the agronomists themselves will not meet in those fields, they do not go with sprayers constantly, do not hurt anyone. What is the case.

How to handle cabbage correctly

And it turns out, and it is logical, the most the best wayAccording to agronomists, it is to handle in autumn and spring. ABOUT you should spend the soilSince then all pests are killed in the ground. Sure those drugs do not need to handle plants themselvesThey are very strong and damage to man.

Pest pollination by pests

Same need to handle the seedlingsSo that the plant itself has already been able to cope with some pests. In general, the divorce that the cabbage itself is able to fight pests, but provided that correct germination and cultivation. When the cabbage grabs everything, it grows just wonderful.

Yes, and all gardeners advise their own. Of course this does not mean that all is wrong. Right, as long as. Everyone is engaged in its cultivation, garden and benefit gardeners - generous people. Everyone is always sharing their experience and it is excellent.

And of course, you need to handle cabbage already during growth. But the chemistry cannot be applied. Only biological preparations can be used.. They are harmless to the plant and man, but are destructive for insect pests.

Such drugs can be necessary handle cabbage minimum five times or even more. But many and such drugs do not trust and simply use folk remedies that are also effective. We will look at them below.

But when need to handle? Experienced gardeners even have even special tablewhere the time of reproduction of various pests is taken into account. It's comfortable. therefore it is necessary to study pestsThat appear with you in your lane and just start yourself a sign.

It may seem laborious, but imagine when you make a table, You will grow an excellent cabbage every year.. And the neighbors will envy you.

Processing sequence and processing compositions

Now just take and collect everything together, imagine what we need to do to grow a decent harvest:

  1. Advice first examine pests of your garden, settlement, your natural strip. AND make a tableWhen it is better and what to process, of course, fulfilling our recommendations. In different stripes of Russia there will be different pests, or rather different times of their reproduction, therefore there is no such universal scheme, at least I do not know. Even if you do not do it in the first year, you can observe and add in subsequent years.
  2. Treat the soil After cleaning the cabbage and before planting seedlings. It is necessary not just to process, but also to dwell well, where you can squeeze the cabbage.
  3. Sit down the seedlings. You can read.
  4. Before landing treat seedlings.
  5. Okay finger the growing cabbageThis promotes best struggle With pests
  6. Treat cabbage with biological preparations From pests, according to your plan. Biological supplements are not dangerous for a person.
  7. Do not be afraid I. use folk remedies To combat pests. It is effective and absolutely harmless.
  8. Check your cabbage for pests Or disease and urgently apply measures if necessary.

We listed such general measures to combat pests. But they did not write with what means to process and in what quantities. But why.

  • The drugs there are various many, "all are good."
  • Describing drugs that we use, you may not be in stores.
  • How many people, so many opinions, but all the drugs work if they are applied correctly.
  • The same drug make different manufacturers, therefore the dosage will differ. You just need to follow the instructions on the package.

Here are some of the reasons. But what drugs to use is not so important, the main thing is eloat it according to the instructions and on time. Also use chemical fertilizers - Not necessarily and used for your fear and risk.

It is also better to process not from one pest and from many at once, complex. Such drugs also have, you need to read the instructions. They are called the Bordeaux mixture, and process it soil. Also make them themselves, but it is also necessary to read everything in the instructions for preparations for compatibility with those or others.

Folk remedies to combat pests

Mesh on cabbage from flying pests
  • Of course, everything is different in different ways, but we will suggest that we have a lot of winged pests (butterflies, for example, various insects with wings). Here, our grandfathers and grandmothers used this way: you need to around the perimeter, where you plant cabbage, plant strongly smelling plants. Usually it is murutul, Kinza Sage, dill, parsley, calendula and so on.

It is also desirable to plant such plants like a blackbag, trichogram, nitobia, Diadroomus. They attract enemies for pests.

Same no need to allow blooms near the proximity of early colors, plantsIn order not to attract insects. In general, make everything in the district, it will be less insects.

  • Flock well helps young plants, before the formation of Kochan, tobacco or finely sifted hall with the addition of dry mustards.
  • From Tley you can Young plants spray with soap mortar And after a day, washed with irrigation. But soap is chemistry, so it's hard to exacerbate. Especially, because some biological supplements are advised to dilute with soap solution. So the drugs are well "sticking to the plant."
  • Caterpillars do not tolerate food soda. You can sprinkle the leaves with it.
  • If you appear slugYou can protect the cabbage so: between the rows you need to sprinkle with mustard powder, or tobacco, bitter pepper. Then for the lodge it will become an insurmountable barrier.

But you can fight the slugs and otherwise fight, for example, to do somewhere not nearby, the bait, where they all will be gathered, and then simply collect them and remove them. To do this, in the aisle, you need to moisten in the evening and put a rag, cardboard or newspaper, moistened by kvass, beer, yeast, other sour sweet drinks or simply moisten with water. On the morning of the slug, you can simply collect and remove, and so repeat it is not once.

  • If suddenly a keel was discovered on the garden, then on that plot can no longer be caught by cabbage, It is better to plant tomatoes or cucumbers there, you can dill. And the injured plants in no way burn in their own area. You need to withdraw them to the garbage, there may be burned. The fact is that Kila is a fungal disease and disputes of it even in the fire survive. Moreover, I can move when burning to the next area.
Next, in a year, you can handle the soil and plant cabbage again.
  • Also pests do not like nettle. It is not difficult to find it, it is put between the beds. Another way is well preserved moisture in the soil. And as we know - cabbage loves moisture.
  • Even from the caterpillar, ph, tick, butterflies: you need to dissolve the package of mustard In 10 liters and spray cabbage. And already the lower moisturized leaves sprinkle soda, but a little.
  • Highly well established ammonia alcohol and boric acid . Both are also a fertilizer to the fact that the pests are afraid of such solutions. Three spoons of the ammonia on the water bucket and this solution fill a little under the root and slightly spray the cabbage itself. The effect is good.
  • From flying pests helps stretched mesh over bed. Simple and effectively. I once simply took the Chinese old fishing network, heded the holes and pulled out. Especially effectively.

Well, that's all. We described not many people's advice, but only those that tried themselves. If you have another experience, write in the comments, share your experience. All until the meeting in new notes.

How to handle cabbage from pests by folk remedies? Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul