
Folk remedy garlic with alcohol. Treatment with garlic infusion, tincture, juice. Useful properties of the tincture.


The vessels in the body play the role of pipes through which blood flows, delivering the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the organs for all areas of the body, for example, the legs and the brain. They can also be compared to the road network along which cars scurry back and forth - red blood cells with leukocytes. Every day a person consumes hundreds of calories from food, drink, and, according to doctors, the body needs water every day, takes vitamins, someone drinks medicine.

In summer, these stems thicken, and the toes thicken and become a ball, which in turn contains several toes. At the end of summer, the tubers can be harvested. Garlic is one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world. Already the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and even Indians and Chinese appreciated and used healing properties garlic. In Europe, it has been known since the Middle Ages as a remedy, where it was grown mainly in monastery gardens as a remedy for infectious diseases.

Garlic alcohol recipe

It should also be mentioned that the Roman poet recommended Vergila's garlic to reduce stress and increase potency. Ingredients and Effects This effect is not a male fantasy, but it is scientifically proven that the sex hormones in garlic are proven and many other substances and their healing effects. Thus, the sulfur-containing ingredients dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. It has also been found that garlic reduces fibrinogen levels and thereby inhibits blood clotting.

Some foods contain cholesterol, which the body itself does not have. great benefit does not carry, but also cannot be completely processed, the processes of cleansing the liver are not always effective. Gradually, cholesterol residues accumulate, settling in certain parts of the vessels, sometimes in the head section, which feed the brain, sometimes in the legs. The blood presses them against the walls, making room for itself for movement, but when cholesterol becomes more, it thickens on the walls, narrowing the lumen in turn.

It also prevents platelets from fusing with a blood clot. Garlic renders beneficial influence on arteriosclerosis and myocardial infarction, which is also affected by adenosine, blood pressure, hormonal system and blood circulation. The saponins contained in garlic protect primarily against fungal infections and infectious diseases transmitted by parasites. Antibiotics can cause bacterial resistance to allicin because at the same time they must destroy the enzymes they need to survive.

Garlic tincture with red pepper

In simplified terms, bacteria would, so to speak, destroy themselves in an attempt to form resistance to allicin. This antibiotic effect of garlic is universal. External use Oral hygiene: apply a piece raw garlic or crushed a finger on the affected area for gum disease and to prevent periodontal disease.

Because of this, cells suffer, to which the blood will carry less and less oxygen and nutrients, because it is more difficult for it to penetrate through a narrow lumen, and they cannot make it anymore. This is fraught with the onset of atherosclerosis. It can form in the area of ​​the legs, head, arms, depending on where the plaques appear.

When a person consumes a lot of animal products, for example, fatty meat or margarine, loves butter - all this carries cholesterol into the body. When food is digested, it breaks down into its constituents. Drinks can also contain cholesterol. There is no harmful thing in the water, but alcoholic drinks, soda are another matter. Useful substances instantly "go into action", the other organism tries to remove. Cholesterol sometimes cannot come out completely, then the residues gradually accumulate in the vessels (often in the legs or in the brain area), thickening their walls in a certain place.

Video: how garlic cleans blood vessels

Wound disinfection: Have you peeled garlic skin with your fingers? If you don't have a wound spray on hand: Raw garlic is an antiseptic. For vaginal infections, especially with fungi, the sock can be inserted like a natural cheek. To avoid irritating sensitive mucous membranes, peel only a clove of garlic, do not cut it.

In the case of the athlete's leg, fresh garlic is peeled and the affected areas are exposed; This treatment is performed twice a day. The treatment continues until the athlete's leg is no longer visible. To avoid recontamination, garlic can be used twice a week. Another possibility is to use garlic oil: some crushed garlic cloves should be kept in olive oil for one to three days. Then apply garlic oil and apply garlic oil twice with a cotton swab or stick to the affected areas between your fingers.

If you do not take action on time, this is fraught with the development of complications, in particular, the disease of atherosclerosis. And the general health of a person cannot be maintained by a diseased vascular system. The organs and tissues all feed on nutrients, receive oxygen through the blood.

Therefore, doctors advise people not to get carried away with fatty foods. In addition, there are many means for cleaning blood vessels, be it folk recipe or an official medicine that you can make yourself, whichever is most effective.

No smell, no effect! Many people dislike the smell, but the "flavor" of garlic is characteristic of its effect, because raw garlic contains most of the medicinal active ingredients. For example, after heating, less tuberculous tuber. This also applies to garlic tablets, the main ingredient of which is garlic essential oil. Many ingredients decompose when the essential garlic oil is extracted by steam distillation.

Garlic powder can be used not only as a spice, but also for dogs and horses. At the same time, it is used to stimulate appetite in weak animals. Dose: 1 teaspoon per day for 10 kg of animal weight. Garlic as a fountain It is known that people who eat a lot of raw garlic become very old. The healing power of garlic was evidently known to the old Tibetans.

Is garlic good for blood vessels as well?

Traditional medicine, of course, was the ancestor of official medicine, but it is not worth treating only with natural recipes. All specialists are alone: ​​before using any of the folk remedies consult a doctor, especially if you suspect atherosclerosis in the legs or brain, it doesn't matter. This is a serious disease that should not be joked with. And doctors can advise the best and safest way of treatment that suits you, which will not bring complications in the future and will help without fail. Traditional medicine should help the official one, complementing the courses of medical procedures prescribed by the doctor, taking medications, and not resisting it.

Recipe: Tibetan rejuvenation Stir 350 g of garlic peel, crush or stir finely and place in a vessel. Close container tightly and store in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Subsequently, everything is erased with a hard cloth. Spend 2 to 3 days before you start taking this medicine. Ingestion: Start with one drop, add more than 16 drops with each meal, then take one drop less each time with each meal. Important note: it is recommended to repeat this course only after 5 years.

So what's with the garlic? Since childhood, everyone has heard about the benefits of this product. And different stories about how the heads of garlic drove away evil spirits. It was given with bread at lunch or dinner, added to salads and main courses, as a means of prevention. However, few people know that cloves of garlic can be successfully used to cleanse blood vessels. It not only disinfects, but can remove excess cholesterol, dissolve accumulated salts and successfully fights with already formed plaques.

Effect This tincture dissolves precipitated blood fats in the body and gives lime, improves metabolism and makes blood vessels more elastic. It works proactively against hypertension, myocardial infarction, arterial calcification and associated headaches or eye problems. By keeping the recipe, the body should be rejuvenated by about 16 years.

Contraindications: Garlic ingredients pass into breast milk and can lead to flatulence in the infant. Therefore, be careful with garlic during pregnancy and lactation. Individuals who need to take anti-clotting medications should see a specialist.

Indeed, in garlic there is "adenosine", which has a positive effect on the number of platelets, it is often prescribed to those suffering from high blood clotting. Also, cleaning with garlic has another secret - it is most effective to use it only after waiting 15 minutes. Then the necessary reactions will occur inside the product.

Advice! It is believed that if you include garlic in your menu and consume it constantly - you just eat it, you can eat it with bread or a bite, the number of plaques in the vessels will decrease to 20% in three months.

When garlic two subspecies are given. Both subspecies are grown in numerous varieties in fall and spring. But they are also rarely found in the wild in the favorable climates of Central Europe. How to recognize garlic? Flat, bluish-green leaves up to 15 mm wide.

The taste of the toes is very spicy, aromatic, the juice of the fingers is sticky. Where can you find garlic? Garlic is an ancient cultivated plant of obscure origin and probably came from the steppes of Central and South Asia to the Mediterranean Sea in Europe. In the area of ​​modern Germany, garlic came, most likely, by the advancing Romans and was then very quickly spread through the culture in the monasteries. The wild type is considered extinct. It has been used since ancient times as food, spices and medicinal herbs.

Recipes for different tinctures

In addition to "natural" consumption, there is more than one recipe from traditional medicine what is the best way to take garlic so that it cleans blood vessels faster and more efficiently. Tibetan recipe - alcohol tincture - its description was found in one ancient treatise and judging by what was written, the unknown author guaranteed the result.

Egyptian slaves used garlic to drive out as a tonic and for lice and intestinal parasites. The workers are known to have received the daily ration of the pyramids, and the workers are said to have stopped working to reduce the ration. How is garlic? It is used in infectious gastrointestinal disorders, to prevent and treat aging of the vascular system, and to support the treatment of sleep disorders, high blood pressure, general weakness, and reduced power. Eating garlic regularly increases the protection caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi against gastrointestinal diseases.

The course of treatment lasts 3 months, it must be carried out every 4 years. Before preparing the tincture, the recipe says to clean the slices and grind thoroughly until a monotonous gruel appears. Then leave it in a dark place.

After a while, the mixture will infuse and begin to give juice, you need to gradually collect and when 200 g is collected, you need to dilute with ordinary medical alcohol 1: 1. And to take really alcohol, with vodka the result will be different. Place the mixture in a glass container, store in the cold for 10 days (you cannot put it in the refrigerator).

In natural medicine, garlic has established itself as a powerful antibiotic plant in bronchial catarrh. External help in the form of garlic juice against rheumatic, severe aching parts of the body, warts and herpes. Garlic supports the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol and blood lipids, and acts as a disinfectant and anti-inflammatory agent.

Thus, as the only application for garlic. High blood pressure infection. High levels of fats in the blood and cholesterol wart worms to prevent age-related changes in blood vessels and hardening of the arteries. Garlic should serve, but especially to ward off demons and ghosts, vampires.

Then strain the liquid thoroughly through a piece of flax and put it back to infuse for another 3 days. You need to take the finished tincture, focusing on the drops, carefully adding it to cold milk, wash it down with 150 ml of water.

Dosage goes next way: one drop first in the morning, two drops at lunchtime, dinner - three. On the second day - 4 drops, then at lunchtime - five drops, then dinner - six, then increase according to the calculations. Having reached 15 drops, it will stop, repeat twice and remain on the 25th drop, do not increase the dose until the end of the course.

Do not use while breastfeeding. Taking garlic medications can lead to increased antihypertensive and anticoagulants. Garlic supplements can weaken the effect of saquinavir. What ingredients does garlic contain? Often perceived as bad smell after eating garlic is due to the breakdown products of sulfur-containing ingredients, which convert back to allicin as alliin.

What plant parts are used? Kitchen Uses: Garlic is widely known in the world as a spice and vegetable. It is of particular importance in the cuisine of the entire Mediterranean region, the Middle East and large parts of Asia. It comes in special garlic-flavored dishes such as Italian spaghetti, garlic bread, various condiments or sauces such as aioli and tzatziki, but it also tends to enhance or enhance the flavor and is therefore used for various frying, or stews. When frying, the garlic should not turn too brown, because otherwise it may taste bitter.

Vodka tincture

You will need 150 grams of pure garlic, 150 good vodka. Chop the garlic, place in a convenient glass jar, top with vodka. Stir the mixture thoroughly and close with a tight lid. Wrap the jar so that the light does not penetrate inside.

Skull cloves are available in many countries fresh or inserted in saline or oil. Green garlic seeds have a mild, characteristic flavor and resemble optically thin green beans. In Spain, garlic seeds are inserted into glass in the trade. The tincture can also be used with garlic cloves. Then you leave for ten days, shaking regularly. Then strain and add a few drops of angelica root oil. From this tincture of garlic, take 20 drops per day.

Frank Herfurt is a naturopath, lecturer, food chemist. A garlic cure recipe that has been used in my family for many years and that was passed down by someone from a professional background until the twentieth century. It was found in a ruined monastery in Tibet, written on clay tablets. The Commission has translated this prescription into all languages ​​of the world to make it a cure for.

Insist 10 full days in a cool, dark place. Strain the resulting tincture, separating the greenish liquid, then let it brew. Gradually, sediment will begin to accumulate at the bottom of the can, it must also be drained and ready.

It can be used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis of the legs, brain, cleaning blood vessels in general. An affordable tool, a simple recipe, does not require large costs and preparation does not take much time, only it is infused for a long time. But the result is worth it.

Indication: it frees the body from all fatty deposits and calcifications. It improves metabolism and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels. It also prevents heart attacks, sclerosis, heart disease, headache, stroke, and cancer. Headaches stop, vision improves.

Preparation: Peel 250 g of garlic, peel, then crush. After 10 days, the mixture is filtered through a linen cloth. The garlic should be well expressed! After 2-3 days, you start with the treatment. Dosage: Take with 50 ml of milk at room temperature drop by drop as follows.

Lemon Garlic Recipe

Take 4 large, strong lemons, chop with a blender, then 250 g of garlic, chop too. Mix both ingredients and place in a dark, preferably cool place for seven days.

Express the mixture, then take a tablespoon at the rate - in a glass of water, each time just before meals, at least three times in one day. The course lasts 1.5 months. Helps to fight varicose veins of the legs, with suspicions of atherosclerosis, as a general means of cleansing blood vessels.

Afternoon breakfast lunch lunch 1 drop 2 drops 3 drops 4 drops 5 drops 6 drops 7 drops 8 drops 9 drops 10 drops 11 drops 12 drops 13 drops 14 drops 15 drops 15 drops 14 drops 13 drops 12 drops 11 drops 10 drops 9 drops 8 drops 7 drops 6 drops 5 drops 4 drops 3 drops 2 drops 1 drop.

Then take 25 drops every 3 times until the product is used up. It is best to take the medicine with meals. It is advisable to repeat the course in five years. But because it is taken with food, there is no aftertaste! And you don't need to coat everything with olive oil because it has enough antioxidants to keep the drink fresh for a long time. They may well be healthy, but they embitter the whole thing too extreme. If you know what is being introduced, you don't have to!

Lemon with garlic and honey

One of the most popular and beloved by the people of tinctures. It is often used by patients suffering from an abundance of cholesterol plaques, not only in the region of the vessels of the legs or brain, but throughout the body in general. Lemon itself has useful properties that increase the performance of a person, lovers of tea with lemon are distinguished by calm, balanced behavior, their immunity is strengthened. The properties of lemon as a protector against colds are known.

Garlic complements it. Many people recommend it as good remedy to reduce the risk of getting cancer, improves the general elasticity of the arteries, successfully fights the manifestations of atherosclerosis, which is most often diagnosed in the area of ​​the legs, as well as the brain.

Honey is also an extremely useful component. It is eaten simply for the love of sweets, it is recommended for children and patients with various diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and also suffering from kidney problems.

The ancients believed that if you mix all the components, you can, under certain conditions, get a real elixir of youth, which alchemists of all times dreamed of. A more practical goal is to get a healing remedy to combat excess cholesterol inside the body, improve the functioning and condition of the circulatory system, and also have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of all substances.

Garlic with honey recipe

Take whole fresh lemons, cloves of garlic, mix everything in a blender (at the rate of 6 whole lemons to 4 garlic heads), add 200 grams of honey to the resulting homogeneous mixture.

Place in a convenient glass container, store in a calm, dark place for 10 days. It is necessary to take it twice every day, but before eating, wait 15 minutes with a spoonful of the prepared mixture with a glass of plain water. The tincture invigorates well, so it should not be taken in the evening, especially for those suffering from various sleep disorders.

A small amount of fresh, dried or alcohol-infused garlic will be enough to improve overall health, strengthen immunity, normalize blood pressure, and suppress putrefactive processes in the intestines. Alcohol tincture has a number of advantages over other garlic-based products. First, she has more concentration. Secondly, at a lower dosage, it is less aggressive to the stomach. Thirdly, those who do not like the taste of garlic can try alcohol tincture: drinking a few drops is much easier than chewing a whole clove.

The benefits and possible risks of garlic tincture are explained by the special composition. The main component of the product is diallyl sulfide, which gives the same "garlic" smell and is a powerful antibiotic of natural origin.

Scope of tincture

This folk drug has long proven its effectiveness as an oncoprotective agent. According to laboratory studies, experimental animals with cancer and using garlic preparations led a more active lifestyle, and their death occurred much later than in animals that did not take phytopreparations. Garlic is known to inhibit growth and division cancer cells, prevents the appearance of metastases.

With the help of tincture, other diseases are also treated:

  • indigestion,
  • prostate adenoma,
  • chronic fatigue,
  • weakened immunity
  • insomnia,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • tonsillitis,
  • whooping cough.

The agent has a stimulating effect on the respiratory tract, and therefore can be recommended for use in any diseases of the respiratory system.

The high benefits and complete absence of harm, when used correctly, make alcohol tincture indispensable in the treatment of colds and a number of heart ailments. They take the medicine on alcohol according to a certain scheme, which implies a gradual increase in dosage in the first five days by 1 drop. In this case, on the first day, take 1 drop before each meal. In the next 5 days, the tincture is taken with a gradual reduction of 1 drop, bringing on day 10 to 1 drop before each meal. Then take about two months, 25 drops before each meal. If we are talking about a prophylactic admission, a second course can be carried out only after 5 years.

Prepare as follows: 200 ml of 96% alcohol is taken for 200 g of squeezed garlic. Insist 11 days, filter and stand for another 2 days. It is taken with milk, according to the above scheme.

Useful qualities and harm

What is the positive effect of the tincture on the body? It has been proven that the remedy increases resistance to stress, normalizes the emotional background, prevents the development of cancer, strengthens the immune system. This is a great way to protect blood vessels from plaque cholesterol and increase their elasticity. It is noted that while taking the drug, even wound healing occurs faster, since a natural antibiotic enters the body, which suppresses the activity of pathogenic microbes.

Despite the fact that garlic cannot directly deal with the flu, it still improves the intestinal microflora and stimulates the production of antibodies by mobilizing own strength the body in the fight not only against the flu, but also against any ailment. That is why the tincture can be called universal, because it triggers important mechanisms of internal defense, which makes it possible to improve the general well-being of a person, regardless of what disease he suffers from.

Meanwhile, any drugs for alcohol also always have harm. First, one should not forget about contraindications to its use, which include childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding, epilepsy, chronic cirrhosis and insoluble kidney stones. Secondly, the remedy should be taken with caution in case of dysbiosis, because a change in microflora can further aggravate the course of the disease. Before using the tincture, you should consult your doctor if there are problems with the biliary tract or if there are hemorrhoids, gastric erosions, pathological processes in the liver, pancreatitis.