
At what age the first teeth are cut. When the baby has its first teeth

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When a child is born, he does not yet have teeth. During the first year, a huge number of changes occur in the baby's body. Including the period when the first teeth begin to appear in newborns. At this time, parents often lose their peace, since for several months the baby is capricious and does not allow mom and dad to get enough sleep because of the discomfort experienced. When to expect this and how to help the baby?


There are some specific symptoms that can determine the onset of teething in infants. Thanks to them, you can prepare for the change in your baby's behavior and start using various tricks and aids to facilitate this process.

The first signs may appear as early as 4-5 months after birth. They are mainly associated with changes in the child's behavior.

First of all, these are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • swollen gums;
  • an increase in the amount of saliva;
  • anxiety, especially at night;
  • crying often for no apparent reason.

Also, in some cases, newborns show the following symptoms:

  • a stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation);
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • temperature;
  • vomit;
  • diathesis.

In general, if these signs are related to the appearance of teeth, do not worry. However, a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous, because a long-term health disorder can lead to complications. In addition, these symptoms are not always the result of a child's teeth erupting.

One of the most striking manifestations of the fact that children finally have their first teeth is that they pull into their mouths everything that comes to their hand. This is primarily due to the fact that their gums hurt and they try to scratch them. To do this, the baby needs to chew on some object. It also speeds up the process, because when milk teeth are cut, they need to break through the soft tissues of the gums, and chewing contributes to this. Therefore, as soon as you notice this behavior in your child, buy him a special chew toy and wait for the first tooth to appear.

When babies are teething, they pull everything into their mouths.

Procedure and terms

Often the first teeth in babies appear at the age of about six months. It is worth noting that the development of girls and boys is different, the latter are slightly behind due to the characteristics of their body. In addition, babies have been teething for more than one year. Normally, children under the age of one year have 8 teeth. All other dairy products appear in the next one and a half to two years.

The order of eruption is also important. It is also worth noting that both milk and molars appear in parallel. It is in order not to disrupt their natural arrangement, it is important that the correct sequence of tooth growth is observed.

The following cutting pattern can be derived:

  • The central incisors of the lower row - begin the process, the start falls on 6-10 months.
  • Central incisors of the upper row - from 8 months to a year.
  • Upper lateral incisors - from 9 months to 13 months.
  • Lower lateral incisors - take longer to cut, from about 10 to 16 months.
  • First molars. For the upper jaw - 13-19 months, for the lower - 14-18 months.
  • Canines - 16-22 and 17-23 months, respectively.
  • The second molars are the first to complete their growth of the lower ones, at about 23-31 months, and the upper ones - at 25-33 months.

The order of eruption can coincide with the appearance of several teeth at the same time. The growth pairing is predominantly observed.

Unfortunately, not all children go through this stage without problems. Not only can the order of tooth growth be disrupted, but some other complications can also occur. The most common are:

  1. Adentia. Milk or molars do not grow, as their rudiments are absent in the gums. This is due to impaired development of the fetus in the womb. The development of supernumerary teeth can also be observed.
  2. Retention. In this case, the teeth do not grow due to the delay. This can be provoked by the extraction of a tooth, its displacement or a violation of the position of the primordium.
  3. Early eruption... In this case, the process starts from about 3 months. In more rare cases, a newborn is born with incisors already cut. This is an individual feature of the body and no threat, except for increased susceptibility to caries damage, this phenomenon does not carry with it.

In order to be calm, it is better to contact your pediatrician if you identify timing failures or other problems.

If you have any questions about teething in a baby, accompanying symptoms, etc., you can always seek help from a specialist

Help for the baby

There are a variety of techniques and methods that parents can use to ease the dentition process and reduce baby anxiety. The first is mother-child contact. This is especially true for babies. They need to breastfeed more often, pick them up and talk to him in an affectionate tone. Try to distract the baby from the unpleasant sensations. It can be a song, a game, an object of interest or a toy.

Since babies during this period especially often crawl into their mouths with their hands and gnaw any objects they come across, try to keep the house clean and monitor the child's hygiene. In order to speed up the growth of teeth, you can buy special teether toys. They are mainly made from silicone. They can be of different levels of rigidity, be smooth or have soft massage thorns. Such devices are not only interesting for the child as entertainment, but also allow you to massage the gums, scratch them and improve blood circulation.

To make it easier for a baby to survive the period of teething, it is worth buying him special teether toys. There are many types of them: with a cooling effect, with massage spikes, etc.

If the purchased toy is not interesting to the baby, you can replace it with other items. For example, you can give your baby a boiled carrot to chew. Very often, parents give them drying. In any case, children should not be left unattended, as they may manage to break off a piece and choke on it.

Also, parents should not forget to massage the gums. To do this, you need to wash your hands in advance. Clean medical gloves or handcuffs may be used. The essence of the massage is tapping and circular movements on the gums.

You can also use a cooling ointment or gel to relieve pain. Additionally, such preparations allow disinfection of the oral cavity. This is very important, because during this period it is very easy to get an infection, especially if the child is constantly scratching his gums.

When the first teeth are cut in children, it is customary to give a silver spoon. This tradition has a completely rational explanation. The fact is that with the help of such a spoon, you can not only cool the inflamed gums, but also disinfect them due to the properties of silver.

Various folk remedies can also come to the rescue. The most popular are:

  1. Honey They are smeared with swollen gums. Make sure that honey does not provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.
  2. Soda. With the help of a solution of water, the gums are treated to disinfect and relieve inflammation. To do this, moisten a gauze swab in it. In no case should the powder be used undiluted.
  3. Roots. Mostly chicory or strawberries are used. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the roots and give them to the baby to chew a little.
  4. Motherwort. On its basis, a decoction is prepared, which relieves painful sensations.

Before giving any of the presented funds to a child, as well as before using pharmacy drugs, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician. Some herbal ingredients may be contraindicated due to the characteristics of the body. As for medications, they can cause allergies or contain paracetamol, which you need to be very careful with.

The first toothbrush for a baby should be of high quality and have a soft bristle.

Hygiene rules

When a child has already formed a set of teeth, it will be necessary to take care of oral hygiene, because caries can get here too. At first, parents will have to brush their child's teeth on their own. To do this, you need to purchase a baby brush with soft bristles and a special paste.

The doctor will show you the correct technique and teach you what movements to make with the brush for maximum effect. When the child grows up, he needs to be taught to independently perform all personal hygiene measures.

Keeping clean is the main guarantee of health. Prevent the infection from entering the baby's body and make sure that the timing is correct when teething in the baby.

The first teeth in babies are an important and difficult period not only for the babies themselves, but also for their parents. During the teething period, children, as a rule, become capricious and nervous, often cry, which, of course, cannot but worry the caring mom and dad.

Many young parents do not immediately understand what the reason for this child's behavior is, and come up with terrible diagnoses before the doctor explains to them what the problem really is.

But how not to confuse teething with baby's illness or discomfort? At what age does the first tooth begin to cut? What to do to ease the suffering of the crumb? All this will be discussed below.

Before the teething of the first teeth, the baby feels discomfort, so he constantly tries to massage the gums with "improvised objects"

The teething of the first teeth in all babies is different: someone goes through this period steadily and relatively painlessly, while someone suffers and suffers. It is difficult to explain what this difference depends on, but it can be said with certainty that not a single newborn has had an absolutely comfortable teething process.

How can parents determine that the baby's teeth have begun to cut? There are several common symptoms.

  1. The crumbs increase salivation, he begins to move his jaws more often, as if he is trying to chew something or massage the gums.
  2. The child becomes more excitable, he may cry more often for no reason, be capricious, sleep poorly, and sometimes refuses to eat.
  3. An increase in body temperature also indicates the appearance of the first teeth.
  4. The infant may develop diarrhea.
  5. Gums swell and redden, and itching appears. In the presence of such symptoms, the baby often touches his mouth with his hands, tries to shove his fingers into it, rubs his cheeks.
  6. Teething is often accompanied by a weakened immune system. Against this background, the crumbs may begin to cough or runny nose.

The formation of teeth in humans begins several months before their birth. For example, baby teeth are formed in a baby in the fourth month of the mother's pregnancy, and then (the fifth and sixth months) molars are also laid.

But young parents are often worried about the question: when do teeth start to be cut? How not to miss this important moment? You will not miss it, as the baby itself will let you know that teething has already begun.

It happens that the first signs of the appearance of teeth in babies are observed already in the third month of life, but the first milk tooth "comes out" in the period from 4 to 7 months. However, one should not forget that the development of each child proceeds according to its own separate plan, therefore any deviation from this period is not a violation of the norm.

Some babies are born with one milk tooth, while others smile at their parents with a still toothless mouth at 12-15 months.

But if you are very worried about the issue of teething in your baby, you should consult a dentist for advice. He will examine the little patient and calm you down.

As you know, the first teeth in babies appear in a certain order.

  • The first lower incisors appear first. This happens in the period from 6 to 9 months;
  • Then the first upper incisors "come out" (from 7 to 10 months);
  • Then lateral teeth appear - the second upper and lower incisors (9-12 months);
  • In a year and a half, the baby's upper and lower first molars are cut;
  • Then the upper canines "come out" (16-20 months), and after a couple of months the lower canines;
  • The last to appear are the lower second molars (20-33 months) and the upper second molars (24-36 months)

Thus, the complete formation of teeth in babies ends by about three years. But it should be remembered that all data are averaged and approximate, therefore almost any deviations from them are considered the norm.

When is the best time to see a doctor?

And yet, despite the fact that all children are different, there are certain deviations that should alert parents and become a signal to visit a pediatrician or dentist.

  1. The child is far behind the norm. Although the first baby teeth can appear even at 12 months, it is better to visit a doctor for your own reassurance if your baby at 7-9 months does not have a single hint of teething.
  2. Teeth grow in the wrong order.
  3. Teeth grow crooked or out of place.
  4. Teething temperature lasts more than 1-2 days.
  5. Diarrhea lasts for a few days.

Any of these symptoms deserves urgent specialist advice.

Teeth are being cut: what to do?

As soon as the parents understand what is the reason for their child's tearfulness and anxiety, they have a natural question: how to help the baby survive this difficult period? How can you ease his suffering?

First of all, you need to pay more attention to the baby. Talk to him, take him in your arms more often, and if the baby is breastfed, then apply to the breast. This will calm the child and alleviate his suffering at least temporarily.

You can give your baby a special teether - a silicone or rubber toy designed to massage the gums. These items can be purchased at any children's store. If you are not attracted by the prospect of giving the baby silicone, make an analog yourself. Place a piece of frozen fruit or vegetable in a special feeding net and give it to the baby: solid food will massage the gums, and cold will relieve inflammation and reduce discomfort.

You can massage your baby yourself. To do this, wash your finger well and massage the gums at the teething sites. In children's stores, you can buy special silicone fingertips for this purpose. The massage can also be performed with a special pain relieving gel.

How to take care of baby teeth?

Of course, you need to take care of your baby's teeth from the moment they appear. This is very important, since improper care of baby teeth will negatively affect the formation of permanent ones, and can also cause problems with bite and digestion in a child.

To begin with, it is enough to simply wipe the baby's teeth with a soft cloth dipped in boiled water. Then the first toothbrush of the crumb should appear in constant use. It is a silicone finger tip with soft bristles.

Such a brush will not only gently clean the baby's first teeth, but also massage and relieve unpleasant sensations in the mouth. You can use such a fingertip until the child is one year old. Further, real brushes with bristles will come into use.

And, of course, do not forget about regular visits to the dentist. The first visit to the dentist should take place as soon as the baby is one year old.


The appearance of the first milk teeth is a difficult period in the life of every child, and the main task of parents is to help the baby survive it as painlessly and calmly as possible. That is why it is necessary to clearly monitor the signs and symptoms of teething, and when they first appear, surround the baby with double love and care.

So how many months are boys teething? The birth of a child is the most joyful event in the family. It is followed by other touching moments: the first words, the first steps, the first teeth. If the first two events are always joyful, then along with the last one comes a fever and sleeplessness at night.

Almost all parents believe that nothing can be done with painful manifestations during this period. You just need to endure and wait. Knowing when the period of the appearance of teeth begins, as well as its features, can significantly alleviate the symptoms for the child.

The appearance of the first teeth

From how many months do teeth begin to climb? Each baby is one and only. This applies not only to the attitude of parents and relatives towards him, but also to biological characteristics. The time when the first teeth appear depends on the following factors:

  1. Child's heredity. In a baby born to young parents, teeth begin to climb earlier than in a baby born in an age family.
  2. Baby food. Depending on the intake of the necessary trace elements (calcium, handicap) with food, the teeth will begin to erupt sooner or later.
  3. From the floor. Girls develop much faster than boys. Accordingly, their first tooth appears much earlier.
  4. Much depends on climatic conditions. In hot climates, the process can begin as early as two months of age.

As a rule, the first tooth appears at 6-8 months, and the last pair of deciduous teeth at 2.5-3 years.

As mentioned above, at the moment, medicine cannot offer a single scheme for determining when teeth begin to cut. All children are unique. When the first teeth are being cut, parents sound the alarm, because this process is accompanied by the child's nervousness. In this case, the baby can be either 4 or 7 months old. It is very important that a child has at least 2 milk teeth before a year.

Don't expect the rest of the teeth to appear after the first. Naturally, after the first tooth, the rest will gradually grow, but this can take either one month or six months. The timing is purely individual.

Remember that all children develop in different ways. Don't compare them with each other. If one child is developing faster than yours, this does not mean that your child is lagging behind in something, that he is sick. If you are concerned about something, just talk to your pediatrician.

The milk kit includes 20 teeth. By counting the number of appearances, you can easily find out how many still appear. It is impossible to predict the time of the appearance of the first tooth, but it is very easy to determine which of them will appear first. This happens in a clear sequence.

Here is a rough graph and sequence in which the teeth will appear:

  • the lower central incisors appear first, this occurs at about 6-8 months;
  • then the upper central incisors will erupt, at the age of 8-10 months;
  • after them the upper lateral incisors come out, at 9–12 months;
  • followed by the lower lateral incisors - at 11-14 months;
  • then the upper first molars - at 12-15 months;
  • after them, the lower first molars are cut almost immediately after the upper ones, i.e. at 12-15 months;
  • the penultimate fangs are cut at 18–22 months (first from above, then from below);
  • and the latter - the upper and lower second molars - at 24–32 months.

An interesting fact: this sequence is observed in all children, it is confirmed by pediatricians and fully reflects the real picture. But it is impossible to predict whether the right one or the left one will appear first.

Atypical cases

Many atypical teething times can be signs of some pathological processes:

  • if the first tooth appeared two months ahead of time, this may indicate a violation of the endocrine system;
  • if the teeth erupted two months later than usual, one must bear in mind the possibility of an infectious disease, metabolic disorder or dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if a tooth does not erupt on the gum, then its axis is broken;
  • sometimes babies are born with teeth that are removed for ease of breastfeeding.

Even in these cases, you should not panic ahead of time. Take a full course of examination with the child, which is guaranteed to reveal all the deviations present in him or, conversely, confirm their absence.

How to determine that the baby's teeth have begun to erupt? Firstly, this can be determined by his behavior: the child becomes more and more restless, his behavior changes dramatically. Secondly, by external signs: the appearance on the gum of an easily noticeable hard red tubercle. But even without knowing about these two features, you will definitely not miss the beginning of this period. Regardless of what time the teeth begin to be cut, this process is accompanied by a vivid clinical picture.

So, the main symptoms indicating that a baby is having a tooth is:

  • the temperature rises markedly;
  • salivation increases;
  • gums turn red;
  • a runny nose or cough appears;
  • vomiting is possible;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • a rash appears on the cheeks.

As already mentioned, there are changes in the usual behavior of the baby. These include:

  • the baby is uncomfortable, he is constantly capricious, his behavior changes almost completely, sudden attacks of hysteria are possible, the child does not sleep well;
  • when the teeth begin to cut, the crumb pulls everything into its mouth, gnaws at everything that comes to hand: toys, rattles, small objects, etc.;
  • when the first teeth climb, the gums swell significantly, a tooth rudiment is visible in them;
  • sour breath appears;
  • the cheeks are slightly swollen;
  • the baby loses appetite.

These symptoms disappear after the first tooth appears. But when the second begins to grow, they appear again. But stay alert. Behind such a vivid clinical picture, which is observed when teeth climb, it is easy to miss the symptoms of any disease.

Parental actions

Thinking about the child's future teeth should be started even during pregnancy, since their foundation is laid at 3-4 months. It is necessary to eat foods containing a lot of calcium more often: cottage cheese, liver, cabbage. Thanks to this, the baby's teeth will be strong enough.

And then the period begins when teeth are climbing. For many, this time is associated with a real nightmare. But knowing all the behavioral signs and symptoms of teething can help your child get through this age stage as comfortably as possible. It is necessary to very closely monitor the condition of the baby in order to provide him with all possible assistance in time. What can be done:

Periodically massage your baby's gums. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and gently stroke the gum in the place where the tooth is cut. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the gums.
Use a teether toy. This is a special accessory made of rubber, silicone or gel. There are a great many of them on sale. They are sold both in pharmacies and in specialized stores.
Use a cold compress to relieve pain. The simplest compress can be made from a cotton cloth soaked in clean cool water. Let the child play with her. Surely he will start chewing on it. In addition to water, you can use chamomile broth, which relieves inflammation. You can also chill the teether or rubber teether a little by placing them in the refrigerator for a while.

These were grandfather's methods, tried by generations. Today's medicine offers a number of remedies to alleviate unpleasant sensations for a child. Most are gels designed to be applied to the gums. They are completely safe and can be found in every pharmacy. Here are the most popular ones:

  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal;
  • Calgel;
  • Kamistad;
  • Panasoral.

Gels have no effect on the dental structure and its development. They relieve discomfort due to the presence of lidocaine and menthol in their composition. In some cases, they cause an allergic reaction, so you need to monitor the baby's well-being. It is allowed to apply the gel for 3 days no more than 5 times. The duration of its therapeutic action is about 20 minutes.

Attention! Since the child "tastes" everything, it is necessary to remove all small objects that he can reach, and the toys should be disinfected regularly.

If a child has severe pain from time to time, then you can consult a doctor with a request to prescribe him an anesthetic.

The emergence of teeth is a natural process. But parents are able to help their child to transfer it as easily as possible. Warmth and attention is the key to the well-being of the child.

When the child's first teeth appear, the parents add to the hassle. Only the erupted teeth are easily susceptible to all negative influences, so they need to be looked after from the very first day.

Most importantly, they need to be cleaned. Initially, a sterilized bandage or a special tip on the finger is used for this. Then gradually begin to use a soft baby brush with a paste rich in calcium and low in fluoride. The brush should be changed every month. Parents should brush their child's teeth up to 2 years old, doing it very carefully so as not to damage the thin layer of tooth enamel. After two years, it is worth gradually teaching the baby to do it himself, but under the supervision of one of the parents.

Fight tooth decay

Since newly erupted teeth are very sensitive to all external influences, it is necessary to take the right measures in advance to prevent the development of caries. It's not that hard. You just need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Do not put to mouth or lick the pacifier or baby spoon. An adult's saliva contains a lot of bacteria that are harmless to us, but dangerous to a child.
  2. It is recommended to keep your sugar intake as low as possible. Give your child natural juices or water instead of sugary drinks. Don't give him sugary drinks at night.
  3. Gradually teach your baby to drink a little water after eating, and when he is still a little older - to rinse his mouth after eating.
  4. Have periodic oral examinations with your dentist. For the first time, it is recommended to do this at the age of two, and then visit this specialist at least once every six months.
  5. Try to avoid damaging your tooth enamel. Teeth deteriorate quickly without it. To do this, correctly form the child's daily diet. Include hard cheeses, dried apricots, natural green and black tea.
  6. Teach your child to brush their teeth after meals or just twice a day.

Following these guidelines will help you avoid tooth decay and keep your child's teeth healthy and beautiful. As you know, the correct functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract largely depends on the health of the teeth. Chewed food is much easier for the stomach to digest. In case of damage and even more loss of teeth, the quality of mechanical processing of food in the oral cavity is noticeably reduced, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the load on the entire gastrointestinal tract. Over time, this can lead to gastritis, peptic ulcers, or other diseases of the digestive system. Following these guidelines will keep your child healthy.

Hello! Today we will deal with the problem of teething in newborns. The problems associated with this significant event will not bypass any family. After all, all the same, the gums will swell and saliva will flow, and the child will sleep poorly and be nervous. When exactly to wait for the appearance of the first teeth in your child and what will symbolize about it. I will try to answer these questions in this article.

How to understand that teeth are climbing

The teething process is very long and painful. This is not a matter of a couple of days and you definitely will not miss this momentous day with the appearance of the first tooth, since the child will in every possible way hint to you that he will soon have a "replenishment". Let me list you some of the symptoms that your baby will soon have teeth:

  1. Profuse salivation. "". Almost all children start drooling shortly before their teeth appear. This happens mainly due to the fact that the baby's gums itch, and he pulls everything into his mouth, trying to scratch them. Everything is used: toys, blankets, sheets, clothes and everything that a child can reach. Children love very much.

In this regard, a lot of bacteria enter the mouth, and when bacteria are in the mouth, saliva begins to be secreted more than usual. Children do not have time to swallow it, it flows down the chin, all clothes are slobbering. For this period, it is recommended to stock up on several bibs and change them one by one to the baby.

In addition to all of the above, due to the fact that an infection gets into the baby's mouth, some diseases of the oral cavity may develop, for example, such as thrush and stomatitis.

I understand that I have listed quite a lot of symptoms and some of them are not entirely pleasing, but you should not think that they will all continue throughout the entire period of time when the baby's teeth will be teething. No, this will not happen. Can you imagine what would have happened if the baby had been coughing for six months or had a temperature of 38.

The temperature usually lasts three days, the cough also does not linger for a long time. For example, our baby coughed for about a week shortly before his first tooth came out, or rather two.

Stomatitis and thrush can occur in a child when the child's hygiene is not monitored, his hands are dirty, and toys too. He draws everything into his mouth and, if there is a bunch of bacteria, then, naturally, such diseases can occur.

In how many months the first teeth are cut and what


There is no definite period, no one will tell you what time this or that tooth will come out of your baby, because several factors affect this:

  1. In girls, teeth begin to erupt earlier than in boys. This is a regularity, they develop in the first stages faster in all directions.
  2. Heredity. Ask your parents what time your teeth erupted. It is highly likely that your baby's teeth will erupt during this period.
  3. Calcium. If the child's body consumes enough calcium, then the teeth will come out on time, but if there is not enough calcium, then this process can be delayed.

The timing

I will repeat that here I will indicate only average data. It is by this time that the teeth erupt in most children. If yours will erupt a little later or a little earlier, this does not mean that it is somehow not like that.

What is the first tooth to climb and at how many months?- The lower incisors are usually the first to come out and this happens at 5-6 months. They got out of ours in 4 and a half months.

Then there are the lower lateral incisors by the year.

The upper and lower canines appear by one and a half years.

If the teeth came too early or too late

Personally, I know a lot of children whose teeth came out earlier than the average, at 3 months, and nothing bad happened to them from this. This is usually because the baby's mother was taking enough vitamins when she was pregnant.

However, you need to know that such an early date may indicate that there has been a failure in the endocrine system of the body. As a rule, you need to worry if your teeth come out before three months.

If the teeth come out later than the prescribed period, then this may also indicate some ailments. Among them:

  • Metabolic disease;
  • Postponed infectious diseases;
  • The child's immunity is weakened;
  • Rickets.

Also, the teeth come out late when the baby's nutritional balance is disturbed or the mother introduced complementary foods too late.

How to help your baby

We have found out that teething is quite a painful process, which has unpleasant symptoms and consequences. Therefore, it is naturally not necessary to just sit and watch the child suffer. We must help the child in every possible way to endure this difficult period in his life and make him feel the least amount of discomfort.

  1. As long as the child is constantly drooling, then you need to stock up on bibs and change them periodically, they will get wet very quickly.

You can also wipe the drool around your baby's mouth and chin to avoid irritation. It is also necessary to remove from sight all objects that you would not like to see in your child's mouth. He will pull everything into his mouth, so leave only the toys you need and keep them clean.

  1. You can massage the gums of your child either directly with your finger, or you can do it with a bandage dipped in cold water. Wrap the bandage directly on your finger, and then dip it into some water and massage the gums.
  2. As soon as the child begins to be capricious, smear his gums with a special anesthetic gel. Such gels are designed specifically to relieve unbearable pain in the gums of a child, they do not cure anything. It is up to you to decide which gel to use. You can consult your pediatrician, or you can ask at the pharmacy. We smeared it with a gel called Comident.

Read the instructions exactly how many times you need to smear a day and after what period of time. You don't need to use the gel too often (not 10 times a day).

  1. Buy some teether toys. The kid will gnaw them and at the same time scratch the gums about them. Kids love water-filled teethers. They are soft, plus they can be refrigerated, and as you know, cold relieves pain.
  2. When the child was completely capricious and could not sleep, we gave him an anesthetic, Nurofen syrup. By the way, he is also antipyretic. Therefore, if the baby has gum pain plus fever, then Nurofen should be of great help. But again, don't be overused. Give such drugs occasionally, not every day, and only if the baby has begun to be very capricious.
  3. Imagine, when the baby's teeth finally come out, even these first lower two incisors already need to be looked after. Try brushing your baby's teeth every morning. To do this, you can use the same bandage wrapped around your finger. Soak it in boiled water and rub your teeth.

There is also a more civilized method, this is the use of a finger attachment, which is designed specifically for cleaning the teeth of a newborn.

That's basically all for today. As soon as the baby is three months old, get ready for the fact that his first teeth may appear at any time.

During the first months of life, the baby smiles at his parents with a toothless smile. But mom and dad are looking forward to the appearance of milk incisors. This will mean that the baby is already a little older and can prepare for eating tough foods. By the age of three, the child should have all milk teeth and chew any food without any problems. Which teeth are cut first? For all babies, this process occurs in different ways. However, there is a scheme, deviations from which may indicate a lag in the development of the crumb.

When are the first teeth cut?

Every mother should know how to help a child. First of all, parents should pay attention to changes in the baby's behavior. If he became restless, salivation increased, you can expect the first incisors to appear soon. The onset of the moment when the child has the first tooth depends on several factors. First of all, it is heredity. If mom and dad began to erupt late in infancy, do not expect anything different from the child. The nutrition of the crumbs also matters. A small body should receive a sufficient amount of calcium. If the baby is breastfed, the mother should eat more dairy products.

Oddly enough, climatic conditions can also affect teething. In hot countries, the first milk incisors in babies appear much earlier. Also, if a child was born at the end of May and the first months of his life fall in the summer, his teeth may appear a little earlier. The process is also influenced by the sex of the child. As a rule, girls become the happy owners of the first milk teeth earlier.

Which teeth are cut first in a child? In this, all pediatricians are unanimous. The lower incisors appear first. Although, of course, there are exceptions to the rule. If the baby first of all begins to appear molars or eye teeth, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Signs of eruption

How do you know if your child's teeth are starting to come through? This question is partly rhetorical. It is impossible to judge only one state of the baby. It is possible to say for sure that the incisors begin to cut through the baby only when the first tooth appears. However, it is worth paying attention to some points. How do children get teething? The first signs of cutting will appear in the mouth of the crumbs. It is necessary to pay attention to the baby's gums. If they are reddened and swollen, the first teeth can be expected soon.

Cutting out the first incisors is a lengthy process. The baby can become restless long before the first tooth appears. Already from 3 months, babies begin to pull everything into their mouths. In this way, they try to scratch their gums. The crumbs may have increased salivation. You should also pay attention to the sour smell from the baby's mouth. It appears as a result of the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane. The first tooth literally breaks its way to the surface.

During teething, the child's immunity is significantly reduced. Therefore, more alarming symptoms may appear, such as fever, redness of the throat, diarrhea, cough, etc. At this time, it is undesirable to visit public places with the child. The baby's body should get stronger. It is also undesirable to be vaccinated at a time when the baby's first tooth is erupting. The result of medical intervention can be unpredictable. A child's poor health cannot always be attributed to teething. It is imperative to call the pediatrician at home. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and advise on how to avoid complications.

Scheme and timing of teething

Any doctor can only roughly tell from how many months the first teeth are being cut. This process is different for each child. However, there is an approximate scheme. First and foremost, most babies develop lower and upper incisors. This usually happens by 8 months. There are also early babies whose teeth begin to erupt by the age of 4 months. The next four incisors usually appear on the first birthday. Thus, a one-year-old child may already have eight teeth. Up to one and a half years, the first molars appear. Then the fangs cut through. This is followed by the second molars. They appear last.

Mom will immediately understand that the crumbs are teething. The timing of teething in children can be very different. If the baby has the first incisor at 4 months, this does not mean at all that the rest of the teeth will appear as quickly. For some, the whole process takes no more than a year. But in some children, all the teeth cannot erupt even in three years. The late appearance of the first incisors should not be cause for panic. However, it is still worth seeking advice from a pediatrician. Perhaps the baby is not consuming enough calcium. And this is harmful to the entire bone apparatus.

Teething too early is also not a cause for pride. If the first incisors in the crumbs appeared before the age of 4 months, it is worthwhile to conduct an examination for endocrine disorders. There are cases when babies are already born with their first teeth. Such incisors are removed so that the mother can fully breastfeed the baby.

Baby adentia

If after a year the baby's teeth still do not appear, it is recommended to consult a dentist. In most cases, the specialist at the appointment finds swollen gums. Thanks to a small massage, it is possible to stimulate the process. Which teeth are cut first, the doctor will notice right away. But in rare cases, a diagnosis of adentia can be made. This is the complete absence of tooth buds. There are several types of this disease. With complete edentulousness, the baby may be left without teeth at all. There may be several reasons for the disease. For example, a congenital trait due to genetic factors or an infectious disease suffered by the mother during pregnancy.

With full or partial adentia in children, prosthetics are performed from the age of three. Such babies should be constantly registered with a dentist and regularly come for a check-up. The fact is that the pressure of the prosthesis can contribute to the lag in the development of the jaw. In the future, the child may develop problems with chewing food. When treating an ailment with prosthetics, complications may arise. They are associated with jaw atrophy. Pressure sores and inflammation can also develop. Parents will have to carefully monitor the child's oral cavity. Proper hygiene is essential.

Adentia is a complex disease with unpleasant consequences. You can't let the illness take its course. First of all, the baby is threatened by psychological discomfort. A child without teeth will not be able to fully attend school and communicate with peers. Therefore, you should definitely think about installing a high-quality prosthesis.

How can I help my baby?

Many people are familiar with the pain of teething wisdom teeth. Young children experience approximately the same sensations when the first incisors appear. Parents need to know how to help their little ones get through this difficult period. At what age are the first teeth cut? Symptoms may appear as early as 2 months. Pain syndrome is a great help to relieve massage. Parents can do it with washed hands. Use your thumb or forefinger to press lightly on your gums. With such manipulations, most babies immediately calm down.

Cold helps to relieve itching and pain perfectly. There are special teether toys on sale. They are a small container filled with liquid. Such a toy must be placed in the refrigerator before giving it to the baby. The baby will bite the teether and cool the painful gums.

There are also medications. It is recommended to use them in the most extreme cases. If the baby is very moody, does not sleep well at night, you can use special cooling antiseptic gels. It is worth consulting your pediatrician before using any medication. The specialist will tell you at what age the first teeth begin to cut and how to alleviate the suffering of the baby.

How to take care of your first teeth?

As soon as the first milk teeth erupt, parents have new responsibilities. Even one incisor must be properly cared for. Hygiene is of the utmost importance. In this way, adults form the correct habits of taking care of the oral cavity in the child. In addition, the health of permanent incisors and teeth directly depends on the quality of milk teeth. molars.

For cleaning the first teeth, special silicone tips are sold in pharmacies. It is not necessary to use the paste. It is enough to moisten the nozzle in ordinary boiled water. Toothpastes are used when at least four teeth appear in the baby's mouth. In this case, it is worth paying attention to pastes with a minimum fluorine content. Regardless of which teeth are cut first, care must be taken with extreme caution. The brush should be used with soft bristles so as not to damage the weak enamel of the first incisors.

Associated problems with teething

Many parents are concerned about the age at which the first tooth is cut. It can only be answered approximately. All children are individual. But the problems with teething in almost all babies are the same. As soon as the first milk teeth begin to appear, the immunity of infants is significantly reduced. As a result, the child becomes vulnerable to many infectious diseases. They can also appear in the oral cavity. The most common childhood illness is stomatitis.

During the period of teething, it is worth limiting the child's communication with peers. Better to walk separately from large groups of children. It is also worth visiting the clinic in case of emergency. Better to call the pediatrician at home. It is worth closely monitoring the condition of the crumbs. If the body temperature rises, it is recommended to call emergency help.

Profuse salivation during teething

Increased salivation in a baby after the second month of life is absolutely normal. Regardless of which teeth are cut first, the child experiences discomfort in the gums. As a result, an abundant amount of saliva appears. This symptom cannot be ignored. Saliva gets on the baby's chin, irritating the delicate skin. Itching and rashes may develop, which will make the baby even more uncomfortable.

How can I help my child? Parents need to know how teething occurs in children. The pediatrician will be able to advise the timing, order. Informed mums and dads will be able to prepare in advance for such unpleasant symptoms as increased salivation and moods. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the discomfort in the gums. Special gels will help to cope with this task. If the baby does not experience pain, salivation will also decrease. At home, it is undesirable to get involved in medications. The gel can be used before going for a walk or sleeping at night. A regular pacifier will also come to the rescue. Thanks to this device, the child swallows saliva without any problems.

Caries of milk teeth

Regardless of which teeth are cut first (upper or lower), their quality depends on many factors. Some children do not know at all what a dentist is. Others have to meet a doctor from an early age. As soon as a dark spot appears on a milk tooth, you should immediately go to a specialist.

Previously, it was believed that there was no need to treat milk teeth. After all, they fall out, and are replaced by permanent incisors. In fact, the condition of the permanent ones directly depends on the quality of milk teeth. Bad teeth are a source of infection. It is not only the oral cavity that suffers, but the entire body. To keep your teeth intact longer, you should eat fewer sweets and maintain proper hygiene. It is advisable for the kid to clean them after each meal.

You should make it a rule to visit your pediatric dentist regularly. Modern kids are no longer afraid to treat their teeth. The latest equipment is used, which does not cause discomfort. During the treatment, the dentist will tell the child's parents which teeth are cut first and how to properly care for them.

Let's summarize

Teething of deciduous teeth is a complex process that causes discomfort for babies and anxiety for parents. It doesn't matter which teeth are cut first in children. It is important to provide timely and proper care for the baby's oral cavity. An adult child will delight parents with a snow-white smile.