
Super stylish small bathtubs with shower corner. Bathroom Design with Shower Cabin (Real Photos)

To help hostess

Shower cabins have always been popular because these useful "facilities" save space in the bathroom and the amount of water taken, because in order to dial the bath, water leaves much more. In addition, you can take a shower in just a few minutes, but to get out of the bath for such a short time it is unlikely to succeed.

Modern varieties, pros and shortcomings.

You can talk about modern shower cabins simply infinitely, because in stores they are presented in various price categories, forms, sizes, color, style, etc. Showers are very often used in small rooms, where there are simply no baths for the bath.

Today, shower cabins can be not only different in size, but also with a pallet and without it. Showers with a pallet are difficult for those who are hard to rise (pensioners, disabled). In this case, you can choose a booth with a drain in the floor. This option is suitable for absolutely everyone, and besides this, the likelihood of injuries is excluded, because the coating is selected with the calculation that the surface is not sliding.

But the pallets on the contrary contribute to slipping and do not exclude the risk of falling.

Remember, all modern shower cabins have good quality and among the whole variety for your room there is a suitable option.

Choose a bathroom design with a shower.

Wearing a conversation about the design of the bathroom with a shower cabin, you need to pay attention to what kind of cabin will suit you more. If you prefer modern, then the glass shower cabins will be an excellent option, giving the atmosphere of comfort and modernity.

A special feature to pay attention to is the price category. Glass shower cabins naturally cost more than familiar plastic, but they look more aesthetic. You can diversify the design of the bathroom to install a shower cabin of various shapes.

For example, corner showers save space and perfectly fit out, because the corners in all rooms are the same, even in the smallest bathroom and just a huge room.

Rectangular shower cabins can be called classic, as they are suitable for any room, but not too small in the area. Such showers are installed along a wall, depending on its size.

Ring or round shower cabins are the most an interesting optionespecially if they are made of glass. Yes, the cabin of such a form can be installed anywhere if the bathroom has enough area. Due to such an interesting form, the annular cabins create the impression of a waterfall when taking a shower, therefore most often have interesting color solutions.

Five wall shower cabins are also an interesting variety and are quite spacious, so this option can most often see in large rooms, where there is a place not only for such a cabin, but also free movement on the room to other important interior items. On our site you can see the photo design using various cabins.

About design features using shower cabins.

The design of the room with a shower cabin has some features, because today the shower cabin acts as not only the "necessary" component, but also an important element Decor. In this regard, the choice should pay considerable attention, because it depends on how harmoniously the design of the entire room will look.

Separate attention is the size of the rooms, because it is necessary to pick up a shower cabin pushing out from this point of reference. In a small room, it will not be possible to establish a big shower, so you have to look for the most optimal option to size. It does not mean that the cabin cannot be beautiful and interesting. Even small showers have different shapes and are made from different material.

Another item to focus on is the material from which the cab is made. It can be glass and plastic, and even specially treated metal. What exactly will suit you - the case is purely personal and the result depends only on what atmosphere you wish to achieve.

Shower cabin in the bathroom - a beautiful element of the decor, but also practicality, as well as convenience. Thanks to the cabin, you can maximize the room, settled under the bathroom and install not only a shower cabin, sink and shelf for accessories, but also take care of, household appliances etc.

If we are talking about, then the shower will be very by the way, because there is not much place in this case to establish. And if you choose between a seating bath and shower, many choose the second option, because it looks more aesthetically, and not inferior in comfort.

Bathroom design with shower photo.

As a rule, most of us can only dream of a huge bathroom: such can only be seen in the series or in glossy magazines.

But in the morning everyone always wants comfort and convenience in his bathroom.

Therefore, when repaired, I want to equip the bathroom so that it seemed visually more, but at the same time did not lose its functionality.

For this, you will have to donate something, and something, on the contrary, to purchase. To do this, it is advisable to use all the free space. After all, in the bathroom there is not only plumbing, but also household chemicals, cosmetics; here each thing you need to take your place.

Consider different variants Saving space in the bathroom. The very first option is for families living in small apartments. The best way out in a small bathroom will be the solution for replacing the bath on a compact shower cabin.

At the same time, a part of the space is liberated to install a washing machine instead of refusal to adopt water procedures with fragrant foam for relaxation.

Shower cab: for and against

Tip! If you need a bathroom only in order to rinse under the shower, then the shower cabin is your solution.

With such a redevelopment there are many arguments per and vs.

You can quickly take a shower without spending a lot of water for this. The floor in the bathroom will remain dry, as shower cabins have hermetically closed doors.

There was a desire to relax and pamper themselves with water treatments? You can use hydromassage or aromatherapy. Want to cheer up - please: a contrast or tropical shower.

Tip! You can choose a shower room corresponding to your needs and suggestions to one or another water procedures.

But if there are small children in the family and you need a bath, then you can simply choose a cabin with a deep pallet, while still saving space. Also here you will be able to wash the lingerie that can not be washed in a washing machine.

If you choose a cabin with a shallow pallet, while with the matte or textured walls, it will be visually increasing the space of your bathroom.

Of course, you can choose with transparent walls, and they will look no less great, but in the process of operation, care for them is very difficult.

Drops and droplets from water will look inactively, and they will have to remove special means after each washing, which will take a long time: troublesome and time consumed such care that not everyone can afford.

When creating a design of a small bathroom with a shower, as in the photo, you can choose the cabins in which the doors are moving on roller mechanisms.

There is still a compact option where the doors can be opened inward, but this option will be uncomfortable for people with overweight. For them, the type of opening of the harmonica will be suitable: such cabins are considered more ergonomic.

Of the minuses, as mentioned above, we note the main one: to enjoy and relax, lying in the bath in a thick fragrant foam, you will not succeed. In addition, if the water pressure is not strong in your home, then choose a multifunctional cabin simply will not work: only the most common one will come true.

Therefore, it is worth considering which shower cabins are suitable for small bathrooms.

Look at the gallery: Transform the room and add free space with beautiful stretch ceiling designs.

When creating the interior design of a small bathroom, it is also worth remembering that dark tones visually reduce the space, and light - increase.

To create an ideal interior, you need to take into account a number of moments.

Usually walls and gears should be darker than the ceiling. Ceiling Choose light shades.

Use more transparent elements, because they visually expand the space.

Lighting should be bright, the use of zoning techniques is allowed. Multicolored tile will make a highlight to the interior.

Modern Little Bathroom Design Options

As already considered above, the shower cabins are best suited for a small bathroom. They have the main plus not only that they expand not only visually, but also in practice, available space.

Such a designer move can be used if you want to enlarge the dimensions of your kitchen or the corridor. Thanks to the shower, you can move the wall on the half-square meter into the width, and in length per meter.

It is perfect for small apartments in which there is little free space, but you want to equip your own housing for everyone.

There are also additional options that help expand the space, even if you want to replace the bathroom. Installation of a shower cabin is not the most important thing. It is important to pay attention to the color and style of the room, which must be performed in minimalist design.

Instead of an ordinary bathroom, you can install a sedentary, which in its functionality resembles a shower cabin, but it is much more convenient to sit in it.

Remember! The seating bath will look very original, as it is something else between the shower and the bathroom usual.

Features of design

Little Bathroom Design with Shower Cabs Created by the most simple rules Installation and construction. The only feature is a small space. AND the key to success is the correct layout. of this room.

It is best to create zoned lighting. It is important that the artificial light is well covered by a small room, because it is the light that makes visually wider and more room.

On the tiles you can use small patterns, but it is desirable to general form The walls were performed in bright colors, and the drawing did not get into the eyes.

One of the free walls can be glued with photo wallpapers in 3D format. They are moisture-resistant. These are excellent assistants in creating additional space, and the beautiful image will seem as real as the bathroom itself.

Important! Making the wall with surround photo wallpapers, achieve the effect of attracting attention to the picture and distract from small size of the room.

The price of shower cabins for small bathrooms on average is 60 thousand rubles. Cabinet, the dimensions of which are 70 to 70, can be found in 45 thousand rubles, rarely cheaper.

But due to the fact that this size is not so popular, they are a little more expensive than, for example, showers 80 for 80. This option is the most chassis, and prices for it - from 25 thousand rubles and higher on the most ordinary cabins, without frills. The cost will also depend on glass, and from quality, and from the producer country.

Therefore, choose yourself the best waySince you take a shower cabin at least ten years, and change it because of bad quality after a year or two you hardly want to.

Shower cabins for small bathrooms are the best option for those who carefully applies to each centimeter of free space. A small bathroom is not uncommon, and many opportunities have appeared very timely, thanks to which you can save space even in a small bathroom.

By purchasing an apartment, each new village dreams of a big bathroom, but usually gets a small room with an area of \u200b\u200b3-4 m². Fortunately, modern designers A lot of tricks know that even a small room is visually turned to the royal choirs. One of these tricks is to replace the habitual bath of the shower. At the same time, a wide selection of finishing materials and plumbing allows you to make a bathroom design with a shower, no less comfortable and attractive than with traditional font.

If during the repair you have to choose between the installation of the usual bath and the soul, without the ability to equip the water area and the other, do not be discouraged in advance. The design of a small bathroom with a shower can be developed in such a way that visually it will seem more than it really is, and in beauty and comfort will not give way to bathrooms with a large area and traditional bathing bowls.

Bathroom with shower - optimal option for small apartments

Shower cabin in the interior of the bathroom looks stylish

Plan for compact bathroom

Take advantage of the tips below, and the interior of the bathroom with the shower will become the envy of the neighbors.

How to choose a plumber

The first thing to pay attention to, preparing for repair in the bathroom, is the acquisition of sanitary equipment. The model of the shower cabin is especially important - comfort depends on its correct and rational choice.

It is not necessary to buy a bulky box in a small room, stitched with a variety of "know-how" in the form of a multi-colored backlight, issued for fashionable light therapy, or hydromassage. It will take a lot of space, which is so lacking in a small bathroom, colored light bulbs will be rapidly, and massage nozzles, in the absence of special water filters, will be born with limestone and salt sediments in a couple of months.

Small for combined bathroom

It is better to prefer the most simple acrylic pallet with laconic transparent glass doors, which will visually combine the space. In some cases, you can do even without doors, ordering the cornice that repeats the pallet shape, and closing the cabin with a stylish shower curtain that can become bright accent in the interior. It is necessary to remove the curtain to the side - and the room will seem more.

Glass fences do not clutter space

If you are still unable to abandon foam baths, pay attention to shower cabins with an in-depth pallet. In fact, this is a small sitting bath, which can be filled with water and shuffle a little.

High-side pallet replace bathroom

Very rational angular showers - in such versions as two side walls of boxing can be the walls of the room, to which the tractor should be placed.

As for the washbasin, the small bathroom is better to choose the suspension and put the cabinet under it or hang the shelves for towels. You can also buy a finished sink mounted in the bedside table. Washbasins on elegant high legs, look, of course, beautiful, but do not allow rational use of the useful area.

A small bathroom with a shower is better to decorate in a bright color scheme. In addition to the fact that bright shades of finishing materials visually increase the space and fill it with air, there is another purely practical moment - behind the light tile it is easier to care for.

Behind the bright materials it is easier to care

Dark, especially glossy, ceramics on the walls looks very impressive and beautiful, but only in the photo. In daily operation, it is impractical - the slightest on time not stunched splashes of water from the shower quickly turn into white salt spots on the gloss.

Dark tiles in the bathroom beautiful, but impractical

The optimal number of colors in the interior is three. If you use less, the design risks look at monotonous, and if more - excessive reztrut can irritate.

As for the quality of finishing materials, they must be moisture-resistant. In small bathrooms, the risk of water entering even to the opposite side of the sides is very large. Classic finish option - ceramic tile.

Bold experimenters may experience moisture-resistant paint in the interior, designed by manufacturers specifically for water zones, or a tree of special breeds (but be prepared that it will be one of the most expensive design options).

Option Fencing Soul

Shower without pallet in the interior of the bathroom

The last "peak" of the interior fashion is shower cabins equipped without the use of the factory pallet. Their big plus is that the arrangement of such a shower saves useful space, besides, such a stage can be fully made with their own hands, and - with minimal cost. High-quality shower box is the cheapest pleasure, so thoughtful design of the bathroom with a shower without a pallet can significantly reduce the repair budget.

Shower Without Factory Pallet - Stylish Interior Fashion Element

When it is necessary to abandon the standard soul pallet

Refuse to install the usual finished boxing with shower in the bathroom is situated in such situations:

  • if the sanitary area is very small and requires accommodation large number Plumbing equipment and equipment, in addition to the soul (toilet, bidet, washbasin, washing machine). The absence of a bulky pallet opens up new opportunities in the design of the premises and the rational organization of the water zone space;
  • when you need to save money. Quality showers from reliable manufacturers will cost much more expensive than materials for the arrangement of the shower and draining right in the floor and walls;
  • such a shower room is just a find for those families in which there are elderly people or with disabilities for which high pallet sides are another obstacle to a normal lifestyle.

Shower without pallet with sidelights will facilitate the life of older people

Lack of pallet visually increases the area

Features of the arrangement of the shower without pallet

If, planning the design of the shower room, you decided to do without the usual cabin with a pallet and equip the plums for the shower right in the floor, and the cranes and watering can be built into the walls, then you need to take into account such construction and design nuances:

  1. The surface of the floor in which the drain will be mounted, should have at least a small bias, otherwise the water will not flush completely, which will lead to its stress, high humidity indoors and, as one of the options, the development of fungus.
  2. Be sure to take care of the reliable waterproofing of the floor, especially if the bathroom is not equipped in a private house, but in the usual high-rise building, and even on the upper floors.
  3. Outdoor tiles for such shower you need to take only special: non-slip, non-porous, with water-repellent surface coating. Increased requirements are also presented to the material for the laying of intercutric seams, which should also be waterproof, with antifungal components in the composition.
  4. By installing the cabin the cabin directly to the floor, you need to provide either a small side, or rubberized edging around the perimeter of the installation of the sash so that water in the process of using the soul does not flow outside the place for swimming.
  5. There are several ways to fasten the shower watering can be in such options for the bathroom design: it can be stationary on the ceiling, and may be on the wall and be more mobile - it all depends on the designer idea and personal preferences of the inhabitants of the house.

So that the water does not flow outside the shower without pallet, it is better to make small sides

Bathroom with shower - this is not only a forced way to design an interior for owners of small bathrooms, but an excellent design option for those who lead a very active and rich lifestyle. For such people, you find an hour and a half for the adoption of the bath - non-disabilities, and 5 minutes a couple of times a day for a refreshing soul - just what you need.

If such an arrangement of the arrangement to you like, but you do not risk yourself to take on the design, contact the Designer Bureau or to consultants of construction stores - they will definitely give you a couple of delometric councils.

Take a shower in a beautifully decorated and comfortable shower room, where the location of the shelves for storage of bathroom accessories is well thought out, where a beautiful and comfortable mixer, which allows you to easily adjust the water temperature, high-quality finishing materials, very nice. Pleasure such a procedure brings no less than a foaming bath and marine Solu. If the shower is also equipped with hydromassage, the effect increases repeatedly. And in order for the technical equipment and design of the room is really high-quality, its arrangement must begin to think over before the start of repair work.

Unfortunately, it is rarely obtained in typical apartments, place and a bath and a shower, most often of them remain only one thing. At the same time, many preference gives a bath, because it also allows you to take a shower - thanks to the horn installed on the wall. But it should be said that such a solution allows only to produce a rinsing procedure. No hydromassage systems and sufficient free space, unfortunately, no, moreover, often the ridges of water will be damaged to slip on the floor through the slot between the wall and the curtain. All these are little things, but they have a place to be and not allow to fully enjoy the taking a shower in the bathroom. For this today in the article, we consider how you can equip a full-fledged interior of the shower area in the bathroom.

Design shower room photo

Is it worth doing a shower room?

Due to the abandonment of the bath and preferring a shower cabin or just a shower room, it is very often possible to free up the extra free space. It in turn can be used under washing machine Or sink with a mirror, thereby getting to create more free space in the zone of dressing-undressing. What can not but rejoice, especially in small bathrooms.

Shower room design photo

It is worth saying that in both cases it will be possible to take a shower now fully, because the shower zone will be optimal in size and will not interfere with a constantly opening curtain, nor the wall nor a narrow bath, etc.

Shower without a bath in bathrooms of typical apartments allows the most ergonomically to use the space of this room. With it, without prejudice, comfort and pleasure, they simply change their type - to the place of rest in the bathroom with foam, there is no experienced rest, relaxation and pleasure will provide a shower equipped with a hydromassage system, or with a "sauna" function.

Shower Cabs Bathroom Design

Shower cabin or shower room?

Many compatriots prefer to acquire ready-made cabins, because they allow them to short time get the desired result in your own bathroom, because it is not necessary for the installation of the shower repair work. It is enough to dismantle the old bathroom and install it on the vacant place.

Design shower room photo

Also, it should be noted that modern shower cabins can have a different form: round, semicircular, square, rectangular, etc. Larger models can have a high tray, which simultaneously serves the bathroom. Also, such booths can be supplied with additional functions, the most important are different hydromassage modes and of course the "sauna" mode. But they have their own minuses - the main one is bulky appearance. The more options, the more powerful it looks, and the cost of electricity it gives not small.

The equipment of the shower room in the bathroom allows you to get quite stylish designSince the location of each detail is carefully thought out before work. For the arrangement of walls, gender and ceiling, the most modern finishing materials are used. Unlike the cabin, there is no bulky pallet and frame, such a shower looks more elegantly and stylish. Vanity of high aesthetics and high-quality design of course prefer showers. They have another important dignity, they have a unique design.

Design shower room photo

The main disadvantage is that for implementation requires quite serious repair work, often conjugate with the gasket of a hidden plumbing and plum system.

Bathroom interior with shower room

How to create a comfortable design in the shower room?

If you still decided to get rid of the bath, and instead of the shower cabin, I chose a full-fledged, stylish and beautiful shower room, then let's look at various options implementing such a decision.

It should be said that there are two main ways to solve the task. This is the creation of a zoning partition or the construction of a fully closed zone, when the door is also installed by the partition. What option to choose? - This question is solved individually, the configuration and size of the room will affect the result.

Shower room photo

In small rooms, it is more appropriate to use one partition, and the door can be replaced with a curtain, if necessary. This will make rid of the swing door, for which an additional place is also required. A good alternative is a sliding door like a wardrobe. This solution is convenient if shower is wide - from the wall to the wall. For single small shower, modern and convenient solution will be the use of glass or plastic doors of the accordion.

In the more free bathrooms, you can make a more spacious shower with doors.

The perfect place for the shower of the bala would have a niche, which already has the walls are already enough, just to communicate to the right place and install the doors, but you can generally do without them.

Shower room design photo

What are partitions and doors

Partition in the bathroom can be made from different materialsThe most common technique implies the use of frame and drywall, which is subsequently placed tiles or mosaic - as well as all other walls and gender.

Interior of the shower room photo

For a long time known and regenerating another method today, it implies the use of modern glass blocks. Glass blocks in the interior of the bathroom will look very appropriate, because they have a translucent appearance, they are not afraid of water and reflect well and skip light. So the presence of such a partition in the bathroom will allow not to install additional lighting for the shower zone and the bathroom design will be interesting.

Interior of the shower room photo

The same applies to the use of fully glass partitions. Perhaps of all options, this is the most modern solution that in additions also does not grind space at all. Not only such a solution in combination with high-quality tiles or mosaic, chrome-plated mixer, loops and door handles, it looks pretty stylish and expensive. The only drawback is that after the shower dried on the glass leaves the traces. Therefore, to ensure the proper appearance and maintain the former transparency, you will have to periodically wipe the glass. This problem concerns only completely transparent glassThe task is easily solved by the use of matte glass.

Little shower room design

Shower room design photo

Modern equipment and stylish shower design can be obtained if it is used to use the most modern finishing materials and appropriate equipment.

Design shower room photo

We often facilitate the problem of lack of space in the bathroom. But even if there are enough space, some simply do not like to take a bath and are ready to leave only shower in the bathroom or put it together with the bathroom. Whatever it was, it's nice to issue any premises. In this article we will tell you how it can be done, and will demonstrate already ready solutions For a stylish bathroom.

Choosing a shower cabin

Selecting plumbing, including a shower cabin, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room and its characteristic features.

In a spacious bathroom, you can install volumetric hydrobox. This design is completely isolated from external space. This allows not to achieve critical moisture stamps, which is destructive for wood and wallpaper. Therefore, if you want to finish with such materials, choose closed shower cabins.

The biggest design is five-lane. It looks very stylish, spacious, but requires sufficient quadrature of the room. After all, it is important not only to fit the shower, but also leave enough space for free movement.

Small premises should be equipped with open shower, installed angle or rectangle. The first option, by the way, perfectly fit even in the Khrushchev bathroom. Open cabins - the best choice For the shower you want to enter into a classic interior.

In a small bathroom, radius options look organically, and especially glass models. The sash can be not only transparent, but also matte, patched.

Recently, shower cabins without pallets are increasingly used. Such structures, especially if they are rectangular, fit perfectly into modern spaces for which lightness, minimalism and straight lines are characteristic.

Styles interiors

The size of the room is, of course, is important, but when choosing plumbing, finishing materials and accessories, it is necessary to pay attention to the style.

The classic is suitable for extensive spaces, but if you have to work in a small room, reduce the most decorative elements And use white tones.

Traditional style is luxurious, but at the same time noble and discreet. Coloring such a bathroom in dairy, cream, gentle blue, pink, peach, salmon, calm gray shades.

As for the materials, give preference to natural variants or their high-quality imitation - it can be a stone, wood, metal, ceramic tile, glass, plaster, porcelain stoneware.

The elements of the interior should not be much, pick the items in the correct harmonious forms and set them proportionally.

The main motto of the majority of modern solutions is less, but better. Do not overdo it with decorations, take care of the ergonomics of furniture.

Make a choice in favor of chrome, metal, concrete, plastic, glass surfaces. Color range - basic, neutral, but bright elements can be used as accents, for example, in textiles.

In this case, you can already give the will of fantasy and experiment. Let's say the walls of the walls outside the soul are made of wood (high-quality protective equipment will help material to preserve integrity), and in the shower cabin, use the mosaic and patchwork.

The subjects can emphasize the details - a curly faucet, sink, lamp, a mirror with a raid retro. Hang a cheerful picture with a cute feed of flowers. The whole charm of the rustic style just lies in such simple pretty elements. Balance the playful image of the room will help calm noble shades on the background.

For loft rooms, the abundance of free space is characterized. Of course, if you wish, you can perform a design in a small bathroom with a shower. To do this, generously use light tones, mostly white, as well as many light sources.

For example, as a finishing material for the walls, use a white cable tile or a light paint that is not afraid of moisture, and near the soul is a large gray tile.

Partitions of the shower Cabin Make completely transparent or with inserts that make doors like large window Rama.. In the latter case, along with several rough finishing materials, it will be possible to recreate the effect of the factory room with characteristic large windows.

Pay attention to the details - leave in sight of the pipes, install the sinks that resemble the solid slices of heavy stone. A warm brown, wood tones, soft light will help to add a comfort interior.

it perfect solution for small premises. Sea interiors Light, air, romantic. Leave the shower cabin open, and partitions are made of glass.

Concerning color Gamma.The light sandy shades are suitable, the elevated blue tones, wood, which will be sent to the ship's theme or remind the berth, can not do without universal white.

Use wicker parts, striped towels, starfish. The mirror can be suspended on a small rope. But note that the beach, shipping theme should not be obsessive, mark it only with several decorative elements.

Bathroom finish

It makes no sense to talk about a wide range modern materials For decoration. It's no secret that the surface of the bathroom can take any appearance, even in budget versions. Let us consider in more detail how you can bind the shower and the remaining planes in the bathroom.

Ceramic tile

This is a popular and practical option, especially for walls and gender in the shower. Apparently, a popular cable tile will remain for a long time, also known as the Metro. It can be both matte and glossy, both convex, and flat, depending on your preferences. Having placing the tile, you can use the grout that corresponds to the color of the tone tile or contrasting shade.

The tile also can easily repeat the texture of the tree or stone in any shade.

The undoubted plus ceramics consists in the fact that the pathogenic organisms do not take root on it, to achieve purity, it is enough to wipe the surface with cleaning agents.

Mosaic tile

The material has reached us since the times of antiquity. And this is not surprising, because, in addition to practical characteristics, it is valued for incredible decorative qualities. Metal, mirror, plastic, glass, ceramics - mosaic made of any material, complement any design room with shower.

Mosaic surfaces perfectly look at the walls in the shower and on separate planes of the bathroom. Finger and find the tile in the desired size and shape - it will accurately decorate the space decorated in any style.


In fact, porcelain stoneware is the same ceramic tile, but more durable and durable. The material will perfectly cope with the function outdoor coatingThis is also suitable for lining of walls.

In general, the coating duplicates the properties of the ceramics tiles. The difference is that in this case you can not worry that it will crack from the impact of a heavy item.


Natural stone - another favorite for the trim of the bathroom. It is durable and durable. The most spectacular and noble representative - of course, marble. Surfaces lined with it look incredibly elegant and luxurious. We all know that this is an expensive material, but it is definitely worth the funds spent. It can also be replaced with high-quality porcelain stoneware with beautiful imitation.

Marble can be used not only in classic interiors, it will fit perfectly in strict modern decorationBy adding it a special chic and gloss.

Combining materials

Using a combination of surfaces, you can achieve indeed interesting finish. The walls and floor of the shower cabin need to make up tiles or stone, that is, materials that absorb the moisture completely. Wood, paint, even wallpaper can be used on other surfaces, but be sure to take care of high-quality moisture-repellent processing.

It is possible to combine among themselves not only different materials on the texture, but also a finish differing in color. As a basis, we recommend using white - the effect it is simply impossible to spoil it, it will create an excellent database for any decoration and shades game. The second color is also worth choosing a basic, for example, beige or gray, or give preference to the selected, muted tone. Next, repel from the selected style, it will tell you in which direction to move.

Little bathroom with shower

Often apartment houses Do not replete spacious bathrooms. And you do correctly, if you decide to limit the shower.

First you need to choose a place to locate a shower. Choose a location next to communications - plumbing, ventilation, sewage. It is inappropriate to install a shower in the center of a small room. The central element of the composition is better to do, for example, sink, and the cab is placed in the corner.

Submire optimal dimensionsthat will allow you to freely move around the room and do not clutter the already small space. It is best to prepare a stencil, which will indicate the desired dimensions of the design, and already go to the plumbing shop with it, as one imagination and memory at the point of sale just can not do, but the mistake will deliver serious inconvenience.

As in any other case with a small room, it is worth betting on light colors, good abundant lighting, do the most necessary attributes Furniture and decor, as well as use large mirrors, gloss and glass surfaces. The tips seem banal, but many do not want to adhere to them, and as a result, the place liberated by the shower is lit. Remember that minimalism in an oversized bathroom is the most rational and aesthetic solution.

Bathroom Design with Shower Cab - Photo

Even more ideas for a bathroom with a shower cabin, you will find in our photo gallery. Here are already embodied design projects that will help you competently and beautifully organize the space of your own premises. We wish you inspiration and pleasant viewing!