
What to combine the kitchen set. Kitchen in gray colors - photo of real interiors

Secrets for harvesting and storage

In the process of repairing with your own hands, in one way or another, the question will arise regarding the one will be the color gamut of the kitchen. And you should not treat it skeptical, because from what color you choose, your feeling of comfort directly depends.

In addition, the overall impression produced by the kitchen should also be considered, because each hostess wants to boast of the guests a well-thought-out interior.

About the color range of the room

The color gamut for the kitchen is the most important. And the point here is not only that you want to place the room in classic tones or choose something unusual for this, but also in the effects of each color solution per person.

If we talk about the attractiveness of one or another color, then here the choice completely falls on you. But at the same time you need to know the features that each concrete colors in the kitchen possesses.

For instance:

  • one color causes appetite;
  • another suppresses it;
  • and the use of the third and should be very careful at all, since he brings depressive sensations.

You should not also forget about the purely visual perception of the room, when the bright colors make the kitchen more spacious, and the dark - give her a comfort, but the opposite, "steal" free space. Therefore, the selection of the color scheme in the kitchen interior should rely not only on the design aspects, but also to psychological.

How to pick up a color for the room

In order to create the right interior in the kitchen room, there is a simple instruction.

Consider the following factors:

  • Illumination.
  • Area and features of the planning of the room.
  • Interior style.
  • The combination of decor elements with headcase and furniture, as well as finishing materials.
  • Personal preferences.

Choice of psychological parameters

You can take into account or not take into account the psychological aspect in this matter, but it will still be attended, which was proven by scientists. Since the kitchen is a room that assumes cooking and eating, the first parameter that should be considered is the effect of the color gamma on the human appetite.

It will be especially important for those people who want to control their weight.

Referring to this parameter, scientists allocate three types of colors:

  • Stimulating appetite. These colors include those that most people are associated with fresh and ripe fruit. We all know how the impact does one mention of Lemon produces on the body - an increased salivation begins. On similar reflexes and built features of the choice of color gamut.

This group includes first of all "warm" colors - red, yellow, orange, as well as green and salad. By the way, it is a salad color that is associated in the subconscious of a person with fresh vegetables, just brought from the bed. In addition, the green color is the color of life, causes many positive emotions.

  • Lowering appetite. If you follow your weight, your kitchen should be framed in the colors of the cold part of the spectrum. Here, there will be a blue, blue, purple, which are quite rare among products in pure form, and therefore they do not cause any culinary associations from most people. Do not forget also about gray and black colors - such a monochrome kitchen will also not stimulate appetite.
  • Neutral. Traditional neutral color - white (see also the article o). With it, you can dilute any kitchen design. The colors of natural wood, as well as eggplant - have the same effect.

Selection of color gamut and illumination

In the question how to choose color gamut For the kitchen, the lighting is highly important. In no compulsory here, it should be considered the level of natural, depending on the size of the windows, their number and parties to which they come out.

For example, the color gamut for a small kitchen, which is also also illuminated poorly, should consist of light tones, because otherwise you will get a very small and dark room, the atmosphere of which brings melancholy. Such space should be issued in bright and warm colors (as in the photo below).

Tip! If you want to visually increase the space in your apartment - use horizontal stripes. Susing the same space contribute, respectively, the vertical pattern.

If speak about natural lighting, here rooms are divided into two types:

  • Kitchens whose windows come to the north and northwest suffer from lack of illumination. Such rooms must necessarily be separated by flowers that reflect natural light. First of all, it belongs to them: yellow, white, beige, salad. In this case, the lighter will be a hue - the better.

For quite illuminated rooms, the use of white panels will be a winning option.

  • Kitchens, which are located on the south side, do not suffer from lack of illumination. Therefore, in such interiors there will be very relevant colors of light-cores: burgundy, dark brown and purple. If the kitchen is well lit, then in this case it will be very relevant even the interior performed in red (see also the article o).

In such premises, the use of polished is very justified. metal surfaces And mirrors, because thanks to their presence in the interior, a wonderful game of color is created.

It should also be taken into account both "warmth", which is inherent in each shade. Kitchens, with windows overlooking the north side, can be very uncomfortable in the cold season. Therefore, the low temperature can be compensated by the decoration trim in the "warm" tones. In this case, an orange or yellow interior will be very relevant.

In the "southern" kitchens, on the contrary, the main problem is the emergence of excessive temperature in summer time. Therefore, if the windows come out on the south side - use the "cold" shades in the trim, in particular pure white, light green, blue.

Smooth and polished surfaces of kitchen heads and household appliances have a more "cool" appearance than their analogues with the embossed texture.


Regardless of whether you choose a kitchen of plastic, the price of which is low, or stop your choice on elite kitchen headsets - you should correctly pick up the color of the interior, otherwise the positive effect of repair will not please you or your guests. If you want to learn more on this topic - watch the video.

The combination of colors in the kitchen interior, without any exaggeration, the most important thing! You can spend a lot of money to finish, buy expensive furniture and accessories, and in the end, get something is a drink and completely unattractive.

In this article we will tell you and show you on simple examples, how to pick up colors.

No disturbing terms, such as "monochromicity", "Achromicity" - you can't find here. No theory and incomprehensible reasoning!

Let the professional designers enjoy this, and we will go to another way: we will be repelled from the color of the main object of the situation, and already to it various options Contrasts. And along the way to argue what is good, and what is bad.

We are confident that among the variety of proposed examples, you will certainly find something suitable!

Basic rules combination of colors in the interior

The basic rules of the combination of colors in the interior are simple as twice two: do not try to argue everything immediately and do not use all the colors at the same time!

It sounds just, is it true?

But when it comes to business, it begins that: "Or maybe this red countertop to buy apron, in a silane-coral tone? Or, in orange-red? Or, in terracotta-brown? Not? Bruep? Then, maybe buy purple chairs and curtains? ".

As a result, it turns out What we said initially: overload with bright elements that form chaotic messo, in which no object is "playing".

And no matter how difficult it was It is necessary to highlight something one, What I would like to pay attention first!

How exactly do it, we will tell a little lower, And now we will reassure those who want everything immediately.

For such cases, there is a space-style "Bocho", about which we will also talk later, in the appropriate subhead. There are excesses there and you can not worry that they stop.

Rule 60/30/10

But another rule, more specific and most useful. Perhaps, besides him, nothing else to the lover should be scored, as it works 100% efficiently.

Law 60/30/10 means that there should be no more than 3-color hammies in the interior, And the distribution of them is such:

60% - dominant color
30% - extra color
10% - accent

Their attention!

The dominant color is not at all the most your favorite and who want to apply everywhere.

The dominant is the color of the background, on which other colors will be clearly visible: the additional and most important on which it is necessary to make an emphasis.

For example, if you feel very red, then to ensure that it is noticeable, but at the same time unobtrusive, it takes only 10%. And no more.

Very good the meaning of this law is displayed in the photo below.. Unfortunately, this is not, but the main thing is to show you the rule on the living example:

As you can see, observing this rule, we we get an interesting effect.

The room is essentially beige-brown, but we see her as yellow!

And, if you make an overview of the accent, the view will turn out about this:

Looking at this photo I remember: "Mucked in a bunch of horses, people ..." ©.

And for some reason we are confident that master of interiori wanted to emphasize the red color, but just moved.

And in the end, against the background of this bright red spot, there is no kitchen furniture, no stylish hood, nor beautiful tile on apron.

Of course, there will be designers who will immediately say: it's not a miserable, it is just a monochrome interior (that is, in which one color and all its shades are present).

But, you yourself understand that this is just a beautiful theory and words. And in fact, we see just a red spot, from which the eyes cut.

So, you have to think well and decide that in fact the main thing for you.

And further: treja rule The colors do not mean that you need to choose only three colors.

It means that 3 color gammas are allowed.

That is, if you have a wall light beige as a background, then the floor can be made dark beige, and the carpet is almost white. But, all these shades should be put in 60% of the initial interest.

The same applies to the second color and accent. But, here too, without fanaticism. Running on two or three tones will look organically, but the big contrast is already like two different colors.

Naturally, indoors will not cost without fifth, fifth color. No other way. But, their share should be very small.

Reveal the most important thing on which I would like to emphasize

So why start? Of course, with the choice of details or items that you consider the most important and beautiful out of the entire situation.

It can be:

  • Wall decoration
  • Finishing workshop apron
  • Kitchen furniture
  • Stylish accessories
  • Newest appliances

How wouldn't you want, but we must choose something one thing you want to make an accent. And it is this element that should include that the main color to which you make accent (in the ratio of 10% of the rest).

Suppose you have an incredibly beautiful worker apron on the wall, red.

Then, you make the focus on it, and a little red in the form of inclusions add to the rest of the details: a small inclusion of red in the chandelier, paintings, decor.

Very small, consider! So that in total you have only 10% red.

But let's consider every moment in detail.

Repulse from wall decoration

If you dream about an unusual and throwing the walls, You will have to say goodbye to the thought of too bright furniture, catchy accessories and unusual flooring. Walls that are finished personally - very obliging.

And so that they could be carefully considered, they will have to come with the rest of the things and choose their maximum neutral species and color.

If you are ready to lose all this for the sake of color walls, then act!

If you want to emphasize the intentional asceticity of the walls (for example, just white, without scenery and other decorations), then you need to select contrast accessories, against which the white wall will look very appropriate and elegant.

There are paintings, chandeliers, shelves, etc.

Walls in white tones

The combination of white in the kitchen interior is possible almost with any color spectrum.

But, if the white is taken as a background, then the best second color is the color of a light, natural tree. And already an emphasis - no matter how much.

Come up with something better - just impossible!

With this classic combination, almost any accent, except for dark brown and blacks, will be appropriate.

But if it is black to make the second color, and the tree is an emphasis, it turns out a very elegant look!

In short, a combination: a white wall + an unpacked tree is a classic that is good in any interpretation.

Colored walls (Wall murals, ornaments, etc.)

If you have catchy walls, the furniture should be as simple as possible and unobtrusive. Otherwise, these walls are simply mixed with cabinets and can not be any elegance and speech.

The combination of colors in this case should be approximately this: a color wall and monophonic furniture, and, a contrasting color, and not a single color scheme.

The best version of the second tone in this case is:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • The black

If you find it difficult to choose a good contrast for the second tone, you can use the color selection spectrum.

Moreover, it is better to do it online, on a special service:

There you can pick up both contrasts and a mono-color color gamut.

If you figure out how to use this site, then you will never be able to stand up, how to combine colors in the kitchen interior.

Stone Walls

The stone wall is a very bright element of the decor, which is small with what is combined, except for white and light beige.

Any other color will simply "kill" the natural color of the stone, and he will not look expensive.

But if the stone itself is white, then easier in the selection of the second color. But, there still must be borne in mind that not every furniture material or other finishes are combined with a stone.

No plastic, MDF, metal - can no longer. Only natural materials and the most simple design.

Walls with laying or paintings from plaster

If there is a modeling on the wall, then it is best that the main background was white. The stupid drawing can be absolutely anyone better, so that its color was accent, that is, it was only 10%, which we talked above.

From the working apron

A bright worker apron is a detail that depends a lot.

If you do the Walls in this case, then its beauty will fade. The same applies if the kitchen furniture will be chosen in the alarm.

For example, now quite popular combination are: color apron of tempered glass and bright kitchen in tone.

This, ugly, to put it mildly.And too intrusive. Here's what it looks like:

If you have a color kitchen, then there are no fountains! This is the law.

If color apron, then no bright kitchens. It is important.

Here's how the color apron looks in combination with neutral furniture:

Is there a difference, however?

And now, see how the aprons look like color gamma. We picked up successful combinations And interiors with the desired color.

Aprons in red tones

The red color does not tolerate the presence of a set of shades of their spectrum. That is, pink, coral, burgundy, etc.

With red combined only the right contrast or black, brown, gray and white colors. The latter is a win-win.

Also, with a red glossy coating, mirrors are wonderful.

Aprons in blue and blue tones

Blue very "loves" white color background and natural, unpainted tree as an extra, second tone according to the formula of three colors.

But Blue, without any additives - option is not the best.

Blue is better to use as an extra color, as it is too light for an accent.

And so, he looks great in a pair with: Salatov, Lilane, White and Black.

Aprons in green colors

Green color is well combined with yellow. If we are talking about the shades of green, like pistachio, olive and others, then the yellow should be in their color scheme.

That is, the olive will suit the sandy and mustard, and not pure-yellow. Well, it is also combined with white, just perfect.

Aprons in Orange and Yellow Tones

Orange "Friends" with Salad. Very good and fresh combination. Still to orange very suitable brown color. For sure it is not necessary to combine orange with yellow, blue, purple, lilac.

Aprons from natural materials

Here you can say, too, as the trim of the walls of the stone. If you have an apron from marble, then pick up the furniture or the floor under the color of its streak.

If the same window sills can be made from the granite. In general, somewhere to duplicate the material, not exceeding 10%.

Aprons with ornaments

If you have a apron with some ornament, for example, with the east, then it would be nice to duplicate or in the curtains, or in the tile on the floor or in the chandelier. Everywhere it is not worth "shove", otherwise the exorbitant rezodot will come out.

Furniture and walls with all should be neutral colors and textures.

Repulse from the color of the table top

From the color of the kitchen furniture

The combination of colors in the kitchen interior, most often depends on what furniture you have.

Of course, if you make the design from scratch and have not bought anything, then you are easier.

But if the furniture is already there, then you need to "dance" only from it and there are no other options, as it occupies a large space and is the second, auxiliary color.

Kitchen wooden ugly

As a background for such a kitchen, the best is white walls.

And as accent - any color, except for brown and dark orange. They will almost merge with natural wood.

Kitchen in white tones

White furniture It looks great on the walls of a contrasting color. That is, if kitchen furniture This is our 30%, the background is 60%.

What color combines white - there is no point in listing, as it combines absolutely with any color!

Kitchen in red tones

Very well combined with gray, stainless steel and mirror surface.

Also, it creates a good contrast with black, but it should be no more than 10%, otherwise it will be very dark and gloomy.

In addition, the red cuisine is well combined with blue and white. This trio resembles sea colors and looks very fresh.

But the wonderful version of the white-red kitchen. Here, although the interest balance of colors is not observed, but still looks pretty cute.

Kitchen in brown tones

Brown - the color is very capricious and does not tolerate almost no neighbors, except for the white and beige.

The remaining colors need to be applied extremely neat, otherwise all the beauty brown kitchen Fill on a bright background.

Also, remember that: if you have brown furniture, then the floor, certainly, should be light. Otherwise, the view of the room is dark, and sometimes even sloppy.

Kitchen in blue tones

The blue kitchen should not be combined with any colored walls. Maximum is a barely visible gray-blue tone of the wall. And better - just white.

On other backgrounds, blue just does not look so bright as I would like.

Kitchen in green colors

This is a very bright kitchen if the color is saturated. It is better, of course, choose or olive, or pistachio colors of furniture.

But, if you already have a bright, then a blue or lilac, and the background - light yellow or white.

Kitchen in lilac tones

Lilac furniture is well combined with lettuce shades, olive and khaki.

Also, lilac combined with dark burgundy, white and black. Sometimes, it is successfully pink accent, but if there is an extra, fourth color - black.

Cuisine in yellow tones

Sunny, perfectly combined with a light green accent, lilac, as well as red. And how the background is ideal white. However, it is always ideal.

Repulse from accessories and textiles

If you have a main goal - to emphasize the presence of beautiful things, then simply color the walls in white, and on the floor of the plain, the wooden floor.

No additional decorations do not need! Kitchen furniture in this case should also be the most natural and nonsense: painted or unpacked wood, white plastic.

Accessories and textiles are rich in so many styles.

These are country options and ethnic. It makes no sense to list all of them, we will consider only a couple of the most popular destinations.

Accessories in the style of "Provence"

Under the accessories in the style of "Provence" is suitable in blue, blue and green color wood and forged elements painted in black.

There is nothing more to add, as the accessories and colors of the curtains are diverse and then your task is simply true to combine them among themselves.

Among them, there should also be something background: for example, textiles (curtains, a tablecloth with an accent inclusion), and the rest of the decor should be contrasted with them. The accent must be a bit.

Accessories in the style of "Bocho"

And here you can get roaring on full! Bocho is the style of Czech Gypsies inhabitants in Bohemia.

Everything is already appropriate here: walls, painted in several colors, and at the same time a lot of incompatible accessories, various furniture and finishing textures.

In "Bocho" it is impossible to overdo it, soon, on the contrary.

If you insufficient the room, then the stylish look will not come out, and the kitchen can look just tasteless. But if there is a clear surplus in everything, then the species turns out stylish, oddly enough.

In conclusion I would like to say: a combination of colors in the kitchen interior is not so difficult, as it seemed! We hope our selection has proven to you.

Design modern kitchen Must be so that there I wanted to cook with a creative approach and to communicate with family and friends for a long time, even if it is a cup of tea with cookies. The combination of colors in the kitchen interior affects the atmosphere in the house and mutual understanding between close people. When choosing, it is important to rely not only for personal preferences, but also for general perception. Harmony will reign, if applying the basic rules of companyon flowers and combine them according to the color circle scheme.

Table of classic combination of shades:

Excellent background for most combinations

With green, black, purple and brown

3. Beige

With milk, brown, red and green

4. Red

With white and blue, beige, gray and black

5. Pink

With raspberry, purple, white and blue

6. Orange

With white and black, green and lemon

7. Green

With yellow, brown, green and beige

With Red, Blue, White, Turquoise and Lilac

9. Brown

With beige, dairy, red and green

With red, blue, white, olive, purple

11. Violet

With yellow, lilac, white, pink and blue

12. Black

With most saturated and bright shades

In the interior of the kitchen, the classic color combinations are often used, but there is always a place for bold experiments, if there is a fantasy and a sense of measure. It is important to take into account the subconscious perception. For example, if violet is associated with loneliness, and red color - with aggression, it is better to replace them with something more optimistic.

Traditionally, the lower plane makes darker than the walls, and the ceiling is light. Black tensioned canvas with diode illumination looks extravagant, but in the apartment with low ceilings Often there is a feeling of hanging or pressure from above. The blue ceiling, on the contrary, creates the illusion of an open sky, can be supplemented with a pattern of light white clouds.

The feeling of reliability and thoroughness gives a brown floor, regardless of the texture. Moisture-resistant laminate with imitation of natural wood can be laid not only along or across, but also diagonally. This visually increases the area of \u200b\u200bsmall kitchens.

A similar effect has an outdoor porridge or tile, laid out by "Rhombi" from the entrance (diagonally). Black and white alternation of tiles with classic design by type of chessboard beautifies large square. This technique is known since the times of medieval gothic, when the floors of the palaces and cathedrals laid the marble tiles and granite.

For small-sized kitchens, the contrast version does not fit. It is better to replace it with the patterned Metlah tile or resistant to abrasion a stonework coloring "Salt and Pepper". Achromatic or black and white interior In modern style - at the peak of popularity in fashion trends in 2017, as in the photo example.

Interior of the kitchen in combination of different colors

Modern kitchen design in a combination of colors

Dark colors in the kitchen interior

A classic combination in design is only 3 colors, it does not overload the subconscious. If 4-5 companyons, they must be calm, not screaming, equal to saturation. Supplements can be more, but provided that the brightest - background, the most dark is used for linear contrasts and graphic patterns. Another 3 other shades are additional options for the prevailing selection.

A good example is a traditional kitchen in styling southern Provence in its original form. This is a noble dairy background, purple or blue linear contrasts, black elements of small pattern. At the heart - shades of lavender, olive, mustard and blue.

In any kitchen design, small inclusions of the solar yellow or golden shade are preferred, as well as a wine-red or citrus focus. An excellent addition will be a bouquet of live flowers in a beautiful narrow vase. No less interesting looks a large bowl of succulents or a shelf with a cascade indoor plants in the collection of one species. The most popular - orchids and violets, chlorophytums and tradesansans are most unpretentious in care. Live greens will improve the energy of any corner, but it is impossible not to take into account the total balance of the palette, that is, the prevalence in the percentage ratio.

Kitchen design in combination of different colors

Combination blonde flowers in the kitchen interior

A competent combination of colors in the kitchen interior can cause appetite or muffled it. Beneficial ability possess:

  • green apple color;
  • "Raspberry with cream";
  • chocolate;
  • lactic;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • orange;
  • caramel shade.

Council. The subconscious effect on the process of learning food will help losing weights to tamper appetite and normalize digestive processes. In families where the child eats badly, make a food intake zone in the "appetizing" gamma.

It is recommended to use the visual excitation of the center of appetite in the cerebral subcortex. To do this, cover the photo wallpaper with the image of fruit, berries, citrus, favorite desserts or dishes, as in the photo.

Remember that inhibits appetite:

  • blueberry color;
  • blue;
  • grey;
  • purple;
  • lilac;
  • purple;
  • metal shades.

Choosing color solution, It must be remembered that the background will dominate the rest of the palette. The kitchen set is alive with common walls. The motley dark pattern of washable wallpaper or tiles is well let off the monochrome white or beige "kitchen" with a glossy facade. If the cabinet doors adorns color print, the walls are better to choose one-photon.

Important! It is advisable before repairing to preliminarily consult with each family member and choose the option that will be arranged. If it is problematic, try to exclude everything that causes most categorical denying from the unwanted list. Then it will be easier to navigate in the remaining options.

Interior of the kitchen in combination of different colors

Modern kitchen design in a combination of colors

What to choose a solution?

Each person has its own stylistic and color preferences, but the older generation is usually against a silver solution in the style of high-tech. Children do not like brown color combinations in the interior classic cuisine. And the parents of the "middle" age will seem boring green and gray tones.

White and beige cuisine will enjoy everything if the stylistic solution is correctly selected, the decor and dishes harmonize. But remember that there are no good and bad colors, there is an erroneous choice and an incorrect proportional ratio. A thick saturated tone weights, blurred - refreshing.

Kitchen design in combination of different colors

Combination of light colors in the kitchen interior

Original combinations can be learned in the "color circle", but do not overdo it with extravagance. If the experiment turned out to be unsuccessful, you can always fix something without costly repair, changing the curtains, tablecloth and finishing above the working surface.

Council. In a faceless interior, make some contrasting elements or elegant lines. If the selected palette turned out to be darker than the expected, add diode local illumination for functional zones.

In order not to be a varnish on the verge of a beamless, pick a light background and only one part of the spectrum for detailed design - "warm" or "cold shades".

Warm tones warm and cheat:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • beige;
  • cream;
  • chocolate.

Cold color combinations for the kitchen soothe and slow down the reflexes:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • turquoise;
  • green (menthol);
  • lilac;
  • crimson;
  • purple;
  • lilac.

To help the novice home designer - special visualization programs or "constructor" of a combination of colors in the kitchen interior.

Interior of the kitchen in combination of different colors

Modern kitchen design in a combination of colors

Bright colors in the kitchen interior

Receptions of visual expansion of a small room

The combination of the palette not only can form a special aura, but also can adjust the visual perception.

Most effective techniques "Extensions" square meters Little area of \u200b\u200burban apartments are considered:

  • horizontal dark lines on a light background;
  • wide contrasting bands at the ceiling around the perimeter;
  • mirrors or mirror tile with laying diagonally;
  • wall processing different materialswhere end surfaces are much brighter base;
  • zoning on the functional principle with local illumination;
  • shallow built-in kitchen furniture to ceiling, partially without doors;
  • kitchen design in pastel colors with large windows giving a lot of daylight;
  • glass shelves, countertops and other transparent furnishings;
  • translucent asymmetric curtains with drapery;
  • wall mural with optical illusions or open-terrain scenery;
  • minimum furniture and large decoration;
  • false windows with backlight;
  • decorative panel on the wall with blurred pattern boundaries;
  • a lot of space for the central passage (from the window to the door of the adjacent room);
  • union with a balcony or loggia after reconstruction;
  • glossy stretch ceiling light shade;
  • floors with large outdoor tiles Original laying.

All these methods of visual increase in the volume of small premises are working on themselves. They need to attach a little fantasy, as well as use classical methods for combining shades in a color circle.

In priority - a combination of white kitchen with other colors, "attracting" more light. For example, in rooms on the north side, it is desirable less than furniture and small items. Hang the curtains of yellow shades and add a few identical luminaires in a row at the ceiling. For a small room with a cold range of walls, a matte facade, a large chandelier above the dining table suitable on the south. Complete this solution with dense curtains, dark floors with a weakly pronounced pattern and a blue stretch ceiling with diodes around the perimeter.

Kitchen design in combination of different colors

Combination of light colors in the kitchen interior

1. In addition to the properties of each shade and its associative perception, it is important to consider the reflective properties of surfaces. For example, black wallpaper and stretch ceilings do not seem too dark, thanks to the "mirror" property. The same can be said about the black bulk floor and seamless smooth tile, reminiscent of the mirror.

Attention! Strong polished surfaces are not the best option for the kitchen, where there is a lot of moisture on the floor. Black matte surface visually absorbs space. And the red walls and furniture all the time "signal" in the emotional sphere, overloading the psyche, up to aggression.

2. Use the color circle in practice - for the competent combination of opposite shades. Yellow, red and blue (central triangle) are fundamental, when merging from the imposition of these colors, new, they will be related to each other. The diametrically opposite tones look good in the emotional solution. But it is desirable to dilute with something light with linear contrast.

3. The neutral background is suitable for any combination in the design of the kitchen. But even white has its own shades:

  • crystal clear or snow-white color is combined with a cold gamut;
  • milk or cream contains an admixture of yellowness, it is suitable for warm companions;
  • dirty and white is apparently only with gray and black, on their background it looks "clean";
  • "Light" without a name is actually bright beige, with its shades and brown contrast it is best combined.

4. Today in fashion Loft, Techno, High-tech, other urban styles. It is practical, boldly and extravagant, especially in the sophistication. Those who like chrome surfaces and metal in all manifestations, will have to work on creating a hospitable atmosphere. This will help the window textiles or curtains of the original design, faded lamps, furniture with beautifully outlined lines and stylish household appliances. Lives of a large aquarium, a pleasant velvety upholstery corner and dishes with painting.

Interior of the kitchen in combination of different colors

Modern kitchen design in a combination of colors

Dark colors in the kitchen interior

5. Eco-kitchen in green - the traditional choice of those who appreciate all the natural. It is recommended to use natural wood in furniture and imitation of natural stone in outdoor coating. Movement will be photo prints on furniture facades, decorative inserts or big pictures. For the classic setting, still lifes. For modern style, it is better to choose a computer graphics in a frame or digitization of images of dishes, drinks or fruits.

6. If you want to surprise guests with color decoration of the kitchen, choose mixed tones. Today, there are relevant shade of "dusty roses", pinkish-gray and lilac beige. Such a background will perfectly complement chocolate contrasts of tone or furniture under a wenge with chrome handles. Brilliant filament curtainsProfessional Lightsign and Black Cookware will complete an extravagant designer concept.

7. Comfort, hospitality, tenderness and heat embodies beige cuisine, which will not come out of fashion, thanks to a special atmosphere. Although this is a win-win version, try all the components to pick up in one stylist. So that it does not work alone, decorate the "apron" at the plates with the original mosaic. Draw a free wall or place a self-made panel from a bat tile and glass. Sketch is better to choose ready - it is easier to present the end result.

8. Traditionally, red, extravagant, passionate and loving nature are selected in red cuisine. But with red it is easy to overdo it, especially when the shade is chosen incorrectly. It is well perceived by such a solution in Trio with a white background and black contrast. The overall impression depends on the stylistics.

Kitchen design in combination of different colors

Combination of light colors in the kitchen interior

9. The most emotional is considered a combination of orange with other flowers in the kitchen interior, but it should not be much. Verified selection - with white, black and green. Such a combination looks fresh and trigger, it is recommended for rooms on the north side of the house. Large citrus slices or fruit images - always a good mood when you are preparing food.

10. Although the blue design does not contribute to appetite, such a corner of purity and coolness will appreciate the inhabitants of warm latitudes. This design is considered traditional for Mediterranean, Turkish, Greek, Moroccan and marine stylist. Combination of blue color With other flowers in the kitchen interior involves white or blue background, blurred shades and some emotional contrasts of warm palette.

Video: Color combination in the kitchen interior

Going to do kitchen repair or going to buy new kitchen furniture, everyone faces the problem of design of the kitchen interior and the choice of colors for so important room of our house.

1. All dark colors are able to brand and reduce space, and light expand it. Therefore, it is desirable to use pastel colors in combination with bright accents for small cuisine. Too spacious cuisine can be made more comfortable if you combine bright shades in its interior and a nonsense dark color, and kitchen set Make two-color.

2. The kitchen interior can be made multicolored or monochrome. In a multicolor kitchen, one color should be dominant.

Monochrome (monotonous kitchen)

If you are going to get a kitchen set in a monophonic version, you must not just choose one color for the headset itself, but to use in the interior design of its shades.

The basis of the quality design of the cuisine is to maximize the harmony of furniture and decorations with wall decoration, gender and ceiling. It is very important that the composite parts of the interior approach each other both by stylistic orientation and color scheme.

Each person has a kitchen in the house associated with comfort and warmth homemade focus. Such an effect can be achieved only under the condition of the correct combination of colors in the kitchen interior.

Tips for designers for choosing a color palette and its intensity:

* The kitchen room can be decorated in several colors. However, more than three shades should not be applied, as in this case the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the room is lost.

* If the color of the walls and the color of the kitchen headset is the same, then the shade of furniture should be darker, at least one or two positions.

* Tabletop and apron ( wall panel) It is advisable to design in colors opposite to kitchen headset and other furniture. The game of contrasts helps to express the necessary accents.

* If furniture in the kitchen of light unsaturated colors, then walls, curtains, upholstery for chairs or sofa, tablecloth are required to assume a leading role to apply brighter and catchy colors. Otherwise, the kitchen will be boring and wicked.

* If the walls are painted in bright attractive colors, then the kitchen set should be made in calm colors that do not attract a look. And vice versa. The causing color of the kitchen headset does not allow to do the walls active in color scheme.

Color combination rules:

White - combined with everything best with blue, red and black

Beige - Suitable to Blue, Brown and White

Gray is a boring color, which, nevertheless, is basic. Well combined with dark pink, red, purple, bright blue

Pink - to this color is suitable brown, white, olive, gray, turquoise

Red - perfectly combined with yellow, white, green, blue, gray and black

Brown - with bright blue, cream, pink, green, beige

Orange - with blue, blue, purple, purple

Yellow - with blue, lilac, blue, gray, black

Green - Suitable for Golden Brown, Yellow, Black, Light Beige

Blue - to red, gray, orange, pink, white, yellow

Blue - to lilac, green, yellow, orange, red

Black - universal elegant color. It looks good with all colors. It is best combined with orange, pink, green, white, red and yellow.

At first glance, Ideally pick up the color gamut for my kitchen seems difficult and impracticable task. Indeed, you need to spend a lot of time to achieve the desired result. However, applying the above-described rules in practice, you will see that the game cost the candle.

The popular choice of kitchen color is a combination of base color and its shades with white.

Basic selection of wall coloring for kitchen

* A large drawing on the walls visually reduces the size of the room. * Small drawing, on the contrary, makes the room seem spacious than it really is. * Geometric drawings on the walls of the kitchen in the form of intersecting strips, like an ornament on Scottish kilts, create the illusion of continuous space. * Vertical drawing "raises" ceilings, visually "increasing" the height of the room. * Horizontal drawing and horizontal stripes on the walls "expand" the kitchen at the same time reducing its height. * Diagonal lines on wallpaper bring the dynamics in the kitchen interior, creating the illusion of movement.

Today, designers are actively used interesting option - Use instead of white silver color. If white color in a monophonic interior can be called a traditional choice, thenthe use of silver color meets the last fashionable tendencies of the interior design. Designers love the color of "metallic" for its neutrality and the ability to combine this color with a lot of others. Gray color perfectly suitable for the kitchen in view of his practicality and non-smacks.

So that one-photographic kitchen does not work out boring, designers recommend adhere to certain rules:

* Choose at least three additional shades in the interior, one of which must be dominant.

* Use various shades of the base color to separate the kitchen on the functional zones. This technique, to all of the time, allows you to adjust the disadvantages of the planning.

* Use different material textures - one color on materials of different textures looks different.

Contrast accents. Even one object, contrasting the main color of the kitchen, will make a one-photon interior more "alive." For this, both the already mentioned black color will be suitable, and any bright shades. The main thing is not to overstet the kitchen interior with separate bright items.

Another use of colors - Two basic colors and complementing their shades of the transition of one color to another.

Contrast combination of colors in the kitchen interior

Using contrast combinations of color in the kitchen interior, you must be extremely careful. For in this case, you risks make the kitchen overly aggressive or tastelessly decorated.

The combination of opposite colors on the spectrum, where only one of the selected colors is basic, it is advantageous in the interior.

The contrast kitchen looks stylish and fashionable.

When making a contrast interior, the reference point must be furniture.

The furniture should be darker walls and lighter floor.

The most popular combination of colors for the kitchen interior decorated in a contrast version: * Orange and blue * Orange and black, gray * Yellow and purple * peach and blue * White and black * Red and black * Red and gray * Red and white * beige and dark brown * green and black * Lilac and warm green In addition, the contrasting is considered a combination of any bright color with white or black.

Output Whatever design option you choose, on what a combination of colors in the kitchen interior did not stop, follow the basic rules: * White or black color without risk can be combined with almost any other color. * In the multicolor kitchen interior, use no more than five shades and no more than two colors for the kitchen headset. * The main (dominant) color for any combination should be only one color. * Glossy surfaces enhance the depth and saturation of the color, matte muffle. * All decorative kitchen elements perform the role of color accents, so they must be the most bright.

Designer wisdom says that there are no incompatible colors. The combination of colors in the kitchen interior depends primarily from your taste preferences.

In the interior design, there are practically no boundaries and a framework for which it is impossible to go. We are equipping our housing in accordance with your own tastes. However, it is also worth take into account modern trends and some rules that the interior designers are advised.

B Searching for inspiration, wanting to create something original, we consider many offers, we study the latest trends, looking for new solutions, trying to combine various textures and colors. Clear and bright color accents can sometimes change the entire style style. Therefore, it is very important to think about what color you choose a kitchen set. The selected colors reflect our individuality, lifestyle and creativity. In addition to small decorative elements Bright colors can also appear on the fronts of the cabinets. Their presence can only be on some parts of the cabinets or on all fronts. It all depends on the intensity of the shade and background.

Colors in furniture design are one of the key components that affect its final appearance, and the impression that it will be created after installation. Properly selected, they can visually increase the small space, make it restrained and calm, and contrasting shades, on the contradiction, will be stimulated. Incorrectly selected shade can spoil a well-planned kitchen, change the perception of the room and the mood. The color of the cabinets can give the character of any room. After we make a choice, we can safely pay the time to select the right color of the walls, tiles and apron of kitchen.

Before deciding how to choose the color of the kitchen headset, you should decide what kind of kitchen do we want to have? As a rule, options are few:

  • quiet and calm;
  • moderate and balanced;
  • merry and a little crazy.

All colors are divided into warm and cold. Which one to use should be determined, given the following principles:

  • dark colors reduce space;
  • bright - contribute to its visual increase.

In addition, deciding what color it is better to choose a kitchen set, it is also desirable to consider the following rules:

  1. in a small kitchen, a small kitchen set in dark color In most cases, it will look overwhelming;
  2. pastel tones are better suitable for very small rooms, light and cold;
  3. if the kitchen is connected to the living room, it should have the same design, style and use the same colors;
  4. than less kitchenthe smaller we have a choice in the range of shades headset and finishing elements;
  5. in small kitchens For cabinets, lacquered facades are ideal, they are available in various colors - from white, to yellow, pink, green and black.

Colors on facades can be mixed. For example, you can consider the combinations of black and white, gray and yellow, yellow and blue. You can, for example, in a yellow kitchen, the facades of two lockers make blue or in color graphite, such a solution will make the composition brighter and more interesting.

Color is largely responsible for the atmosphere in the kitchen.

  • light and cold colors, such as blue, gray, cool green apply soothing to our psyche;
  • warm colors: yellow, red, brick-red, pink perfectly fit for places where little daylight, they create a friendly atmosphere.

Take into account the lighting

Another very important question that should be considered when choosing the color of the kitchen headset is a natural and artificial lighting of the room. It is worth paying attention to how the selected color behaves in day and artificial light. In case of insufficient lighting, some shades become too dark and completely different than with bright day sunlight. Especially unpleasant effects may occur with shades from the red palette. Thoughtful light in the kitchen, not only take care of our eyes, but also effectively emphasizes the color effect.

How to choose the color of the kitchen headset - Photo of ideas

Before making a specific decision, it is worth considering the main shades and their characteristics, as well as see photos interesting ideasHow can the kitchen look like in a particular design.

Juicy green color is relaxing, it not only refreshes the style, but also stimulates the mind, helps to achieve sincere equilibrium. Green reminds us of wildlife, grass and trees, so suitable for those who appreciate the balance and peace. In the interior, he introduces softness, calm, promotes relaxation, almost like on the lap of nature. Green kitchen facades The space will be revived.

The Pantone Institute in 2017 was chosen by the color of the year, so he has every chance to gain special popularity, including in the interior design.

The invigorating nature of the room can give orange furniture. This intense color inspires and stimulates activity. This decision is recommended for people active and creative. In the room with orange furniture warm and joyful. This shade symbolizes creativity and openness.

Red is temperament and dynamism, it is suitable for very active people, and causes joy and desire to act. It is also a color that inspires romanticism and is associated with love. However, the use of red shades in the interior requires moderation and proper rim. Excess red can suppress and make us nervous. It is better if the red will be combined with white and black. Red facades of furniture can enhance appetite.

It is often associated with blue with freedom and limitless spaces, like a blue sky or a blue sea. Its depth soothes the mind and increases the concentration of attention, creating harmony and stimulating creativity and ingenuity. A wide range of shades of blue will help everyone find your tone in which it will feel good. Blue kitchen facades symbolize openness and hospitality.

Purple is called the color of hope. It is intended for brave people with high self-esteem and rich imagination. Color is used as a soothing addition to the interiors with the royal character, is associated with wealth and victory. It has a lot of shades:

  • hot fuchsia is ideal for successful women;
  • gentle purple brings mystery and mystic;
  • dark purple suitable for glamor interior;
  • the elevated lilac will decorate the kitchen in the Provence style.

Yellow with us is associated with the Sun, it is associated with vital energy, youth and strength. This is a warm color that brings satisfaction with life, optimism and happiness. Yellow can be saturated or very soft and gentle - just like our character. His presence in the kitchen fronts will help relieve tension and give us confidence.

Tints of beige and sandy are a proven choice for a kitchen headset. They are resistant to fleeting fashion, and always look with taste. Gentle beige can enter a warm and cozy atmosphere into the kitchen.

Brown is often the basis for many pieces of furniture, it reminds us of natural wood. Its diversity depends on the degree of saturation - from bright, almost beige, to dark shades of Wenge. This natural warm color is often found on facades and kitchen furniture housings. Brown spread in environment, It is associated with nature color, stability and durability. It also often occurs in the interiors, because brown cabinets are very popular and timeless.

Gray tones are considered neutral. In order to make them more interesting, they must be combined with other, more expressive tones that will revive the monochrome gray and will look beautifully on his background. Gray suitable for people mysterious and secretive. He harmonizes well with minimalist style and modern trends in design based on simple forms and transparency. Gray fronts are synonymous with elegance and style.

Most options are made in light gray, but there are also interesting offers in deep shades of graphite and bright Sizom. It is interesting to note that in accordance with the latest trends, kitchen furniture in black and blue colors becomes increasingly popular. It is considered very noble and exquisite.

Light pink is a shade of very female and fresh, it causes pleasant associations. By making the decision to introduce it on the facades of kitchen cabinets, it is worth taking care of a strong contrasting company. For a darker shade, it is better to choose a white, light gray or beige background.

White furniture is very universal, so currently is often used in the interior design. In the interiors, it is often possible to see a white and black duet, this combination is a good background for the introduction of other colored accents. White furniture is suitable in almost any style. White and gray today are two most fashionable shades of modern kitchen.

White and natural tones of wood are a timeless combination. We can be sure that such a decision will never come out of fashion. For the kitchen there will be the best additions to this interior in various shades of green - dishes, napkins, greens in pots.

For several seasons, the white headset was the most popular solution. In white kitchen, you can easily change the design using colorful accessories and equipment. Interestingly, contrary to visibility, pollution is less visible on white furniture.

Reflecting, what is the color of the kitchen headset to choose for the kitchen, it is worth thinking - in the company what color we chose a shade will look best. It is necessary to choose a color gamut so so that all family members feel positive energy and are satisfied with the choice. Sometimes it is enough to compare two colors to find out what they smelled to our soul.

What color to choose a kitchen set - photo Of different combinations

An interesting designer way is to combine different shades. But it should be tasteful. The safest way is to combine neutral tones, that is, white, black and gray, which are suitable for any shade. In other cases, there are three possible method Color wheels color selection.

The most popular colors for the kitchen today is white and gray. Nevertheless, more and more often meet more colorful offers. It is important, however, remember that the shades did not have too much, otherwise it will look too tiring. That is why a good solution will limit the range and use no more than three shades. Brighter tones of facades will be able to muffle white or light gray walls. If bright facades headset are selected, then you can choose bright wallpaper Or paint for walls.

When we get tired of bright facades, they can be easily changed, repainting or crossing the wallpaper, what to do is much easier than to change the facades of furniture. When choosing cabinets, it is better to choose universal and neutral tones - white, shades of gray, beige. All other tones can be easily adjusted to them.

The bright headset is a solution not only for brave. This is, first of all, a way to revive our space - add it energy, vigor and an adequate expression.

The furniture for the kitchen should no longer be monotonous and gray-brown. It's time to enjoy bright colors and amazing combinations. Right choice The shade will be positively affected by our mood. White colorwhich for several seasons dominated, today it is worth merging with more bold tones. The art of combining shades and compilation is an interesting alternative to finished headsets offered by retailers of furniture. Planning a color independently, we can fully adapt our furniture to our personality.