
What wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen. Wallpaper for small cuisine: design, ideas, combinations

Answers to gardeners

The kitchen is the place where the family often spends their time at dinner or dinner, discussing the latest events. In many ways, the atmosphere of this room depends on the appearance of the walls. Therefore, many owners think about what wallpaper to shove in the kitchen, and our photos presented below will help to understand all intricacies.

Criteria for choosing wallpaper for kitchen

The cooking process is directly related to the appearance of evaporation and use of water, so the kitchen refers to rooms having high humidity. Volatile substances, oil splashes and food pollution, which settled on all planes, need regular wet cleaning of all surfaces, including walls. For this reason, the decoration of the walls of this room suggests:

  • trim tile;

  • painting washing enamels;

  • fucking moisture-resistant wallpaper.

In this case, the color is playing the last role when choosing wallpaper, and in the first place there are their quality. But, not understanding this, many, buying wallpapers in the kitchen, first of all, look at the color, although more attention is worth paying the practical side of the question - specifications and the quality of finishing material. Important selection criteria:

  • the density of the base of rolls, from which the durability and the need for repairs directly depends;
  • resistance to sunshine rays, because through big windows It penetrates a lot of light, and the wallpaper of poor quality quickly lose the juicy colors;
  • parry permeability (the ability of the walls to absorb pairs, and then evaporate) so that condensate is not formed;
  • resistance to temperature drops, since the kitchen has to be regularly ventilated to remove the smell of gas, excess moisture;
  • moisture resistance - the ability to wipe the walls with a wet sponge with a soap solution, not fearing for the breakdown structure;
  • the possibility of repainting walls, which is typical of the types of wallpaper intended for painting (reduces the cost of subsequent repairs).

Attention! All such indicators are reflected in the form of drawings or pictograms attached to the wallpaper - "Wave with a brush", "Wave".

  • If this is not a wall with the highest probability of pollution (a apron in washing or stove, in a cutting table), and the food-based zone, then you can use any moisture-resistant wallpaper with good vapor permeability. They are wiped with a little wet sponge.

  • Washing wallpapers are well suited for the cooking zone, which can be wedged with a damp soft sponge with soap foam, but it is not necessary to rub much. It is better to immediately remove the contamination, not allowing the splashes dried and penetrated into the structure of the rolled material.

  • Using the wallpaper for painting, they must be practical in terms of paint. Many dyes on a latex basis form a impenetrable film that absorbs steam badly, and condensate is often formed on the cold surface.

  • Sustainable mechanical stress, washable wallpapers have a special protective layer, which can be cleaned with a soft brush. But do not overdo it, otherwise you can lose them to the holes (eliminate pollution by fresh).

  • The aesthetics of the wallpaper is an important criterion, from which the atmosphere or an aura of the kitchen directly depends, but the texture or chosen pattern can be replaced with a better and practical material. Specialists advise to give preference to fiberglass wallpaper under painting. And it is not surprising, because the fiberglass does not support the burning, and it would be nice to choose to choose an acrylic or some other universal paint. Such walls are suitable for multiple repainting and washing. This is a weighty argument in their favor. And many, thinking about what wallpaper to shove in the kitchen, looking through the photo and studying their characteristics, ultimately, stop your choice on them.

But it is important to know not just about the varieties of wallpaper that are suitable. Well, if you have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe varieties of rolled materials, which you need to refuse, choosing a more practical finish.

Attention! If your kitchen is equipped with a powerful hood, and you liked the wallpaper, then most likely they will look harmoniously in the interior. They can be saved the surface of the wall for kitchen cornerand working areas to paint or separate tiles.

A large range of domestic and imported wallpapers in the construction market cannot but impress. Externally, they differ:

  • by invoice;
  • in color;
  • in the density of the volumetric pattern.

Attention! If the eyes run in the construction supermarket, and you cannot understand what wallpaper to shove into the kitchen, it is better to seek help to a consultant. Refuse cheap paper wallpapers, not seduced by their cheap and efficient pattern, otherwise they are definitely not enough for a long time. It is easier to choose something like that, but better in 2-3 months not to repeat or tolerate oil spots without deleting.

There are other types of wallpapers that are afraid of mechanical impacts, absorb smells, do not have good playproof. They are better to go over the rest of the premises, but not the kitchen:

  • natural natural materials (traffic jam, veneer, bamboo);

  • textile wallpapers (synthetic and natural fibers);

  • textured with a bulk pattern do not tolerate cleaning, which damages the drawing (silk-screen printing, embossing, corrugation, volumetric vinyl print).

Attention! From such surfaces it is very difficult to remove the red oily flare, forming from evaporation during cooking, even with the help of a brush and soap foam. In any case, the stains will be partially remained, and the structure will break, and redheads and divorces are possible after washing that cannot be removed.

A good option for salable kitchen will be washable vinyl wallpapers. They do not have a sufficient level of vapor permeability. However, for the kitchen on which there is little prepared, with the "working apron" from the tile of washing and the stove, vinyl rolls with a moderate pattern - will also be an acceptable option.

Selection of shade, colors and drawing for the kitchen

It's no secret that each color is distinguished by their own food associations. Some shades are "appetizing", others do not cause any motives for food, and some combinations can provoke spasms in the stomach. Some color combinations can resemble grandmother's jam, cakes or berry pie. And there are shades that are best suited for the kitchen. They are customary to be called on edible analogies:

  • color "Ecru" (boiled milk), "boiled condensed milk";
  • "Cauccino" (beige-brown) or "coffee with milk";
  • cream;
  • vanilla;
  • chocolate;
  • caramel, etc.

Such shades relax, soothe and encourage meals. However, people who suffer from excess appetite are extremely recommended to choose the wallpaper "appetizing color". Exactly the same situation and with a combination of some shades that resemble beloved delicacy. For example, the white wallpaper "in a rose" - subconsciously reminds about the cakes "basket".

For children who have appetite problems, parents pick on the wallpaper with an appetizing pattern. For example, a photo wallpaper with juicy fruits and berries, baking or confectionery can be pasted into the food intake zone.

Attention! Agree, a photo-still life with a samovar, pancakes and various jams in savors acts as a subconscious signal for treating. If the kitchen is white, and you do not know which wallpaper is better to go to appetite, then use this proven option.

The harmonious shade of wallpapers is also selected under the already ready built-in or cabinet furniture, stretch ceiling or shade of laminate on the floor. If the kitchen is so overwhelmed in terms of shades - multicolored appliances, furniture and dishes, the background of the walls should be neutral monophonic:

  • light pink;
  • pale beige;
  • pale green;
  • blue "Aqua";
  • milky white;
  • gently lemon;
  • sand;
  • gently lilac.

On the other hand, if the surfaces in the kitchen have one color, for example, milk or beige, it will not hurt to add several cheerful accents. The color of the walls in the kitchen of cold shades will make the room spacious, but at the same time encourages meals. It is precisely such properties that have gray, blue, silver and lilac color.

Each color affects the spatial sensations in a special way. For example, heavenly blue walls and ceiling create an illusion of open space, blue or purple walls bring closer and narrow walls. Designers created basic tips for choosing the color of the walls of the kitchen.

  • For spacious cuisine, the wallpaper with a large pattern is well suited. They will look spectacular, although it is a bit narrowing.

  • A complex geometric pattern, an intricate ornament or a beautiful strip encourages a sliding with a look along these walls on the walls. This gives a feeling of illusion of movement in space and dynamics.

  • Vertical pattern or strip visually raises the ceilings and lengthens the walls, and in combination with glossy ceiling increases the height of the kitchen.

  • Wallpaper with a strip or horizontal pattern is not as often. However, the painting of flieslinic wallpapers two close shades will allow to expand the kitchen. Contrast of horizontal strips significantly "reduces" ceilings.

  • A rare and elegant vegetable drawing, intertwined by rhombuses, looks stylish and elegant, which has a positive effect on the sensation of space.

  • The fine drawing is a little bit, but makes the kitchen spacious. Perfectly suitable for monochrome cabinet furniture.

  • Volumetric drawing in some cases creates an additional three-dimensional effect. The extraordinary pattern will be interesting in itself, and he can transform even narrow kitchen In the houses of the old plan, making it modern and stylish. The food intake zone can be supplemented with photo wallpapers with some collage or visual illusion.

  • The inclined pattern diagonally also gives the speakers and visually expands the kitchen. This is one of the most original solutions For those who have not yet been able to decide which wallpaper to shove in the kitchen.

  • Those who have artistic skills will be interested to decorate a monophonic wall with their own product - panel from tiles or broken glass, applique, pattern, vinyl stickers, etc.

We suggest to consider a few more good examples Regarding what wallpaper to shove in the kitchen, photo:

Wallpaper selection and kitchen stylus

The choice of wallpaper shades also depends largely on the style of interior stylistics. Moreover, each style has its own colors-favorites. For instance:

  • modern - lilac, purple, white;

  • provence - lavender, milk and olive;

  • country - green, red and woody;

  • expressionism - different bright shades, etc.

But be that as it may, to go in favor of stylistic recommendations, it is not necessary if the color is unpleasant or not coming to the finish. For example, the selected style involves gray or green, and they catch the "seasonal depression" or "Green longing". In the same color there are dark and bright shades, which vary, depending on the south or northern side of the house there is a kitchen.

For those who are interested in oriental exotic or an ethnic, it is better to use a picture with a pattern that is well suited for this style. For example, Japanese minimalism will well complement the wallpaper with rare bamboo thickets or sakura branches. For high-tech and avant-garde style, you can use original silver foil wallpapers. They wash well, not hygroscopic, do not have a high degree of vapor permeability. It is better to use fragmentary to finish one of the walls.

Attention! Natural tree is a wonderful companion and a great background for many styles.

Do not forget that you can combine the wallpaper of various textures and colors - for special design tasks or zoning the kitchen. However, if you did not decide, what wallpaper you caught the kitchen, carefully look at our photo examples, where non-standard contrasts and solutions are applied.

Options for wall decoration There are many, and the more spacious room, the greater the choice in front of you opens. In a small kitchen, it is necessary to save every centimeter, so wallpaper is chosen to decorate the walls - a practical and decorative attractive option. But there are several nuances here, because not every small kitchen wallpaper is capable of satisfying all requests: and live for a long time, and visually increase the room, and be the designer attractive. With the rules of choice, we will deal with the types of finishes.

Five selection criteria

First of all you will not look at appearance Wallpaper, and on whether they are suitable for the kitchen room. Let's see what criteria will become decisive.

  1. In the kitchen, you will regularly carry out wet cleaning, fat, water, couples will constantly fall on the walls, so the wallpaper is worth choosing moisture resistant. Such models will withstand the cleaning with a damp sponge, and a small spot you can easily remove the napkin or a cloth without damaging their appearance. If you want to choose the most reliable option - look at washing wallpaper. They will withstand cleaning with chemicals. There are also supest models that endure even wip the walls with a brush.
  2. Choose high density models. This indicator is directly related to the durability of the coating. The higher the model density, the less pores, and therefore, the dirt will not accumulate on the walls.
  3. Parp permeability - another an important indicatorwhich is responsible for the rapid drying of the walls. If the wallpaper has such a characteristic, a pleasant microclimate will always reign in the kitchen without outsiders.
  4. Light resistance - wallpapers must be resistant to burnout. If the material under the influence of sun rays loses its attractiveness, yellowing, the kitchen interior will quickly lose their novelty and gloss. In addition, the yellowness of the coating will not allow you to rearrange the furniture without changing the finish.
  5. Look at wallpaper labeling. If you see the "Wave" icon - this means that wallpaper can be wiped with a sponge and they carry high humidity. The "wave with a brush" icon indicates that such a model refers to the superior.

If you are creative and know that you have to change the interior to change the interior, choose wallpapers. Such collections will allow you to change the common kitchen style in the days. The only thing to remember is - such wallpapers must be withstanding several reds. This parameter will be specified on the package.

Choose the type of wallpaper - we decide the main task

In addition to the designer I. common characteristics Each type of wallpaper has its own characteristics. Some lighter glue, others will surprise a variety color solutionsAnd others are not at all suitable for your room. What to select wallpapers for the kitchen and what does each type differ from the other?

  • Paper models. This wallpaper is not worth the kitchen. Why? They have low density, poorly carry the temperature differences and moisture entering. You can save the bedroom with paper wallpaper, where you do not cook food, there is no likely to enter fat and steam, but they will not suit the kitchen. Yes, it will cost such a finish inexpensively, but get ready for the very priest view of paper wallpaper after a few months.
  • Natural wallpapers. The most attractive in terms of design, because such models are made can be of flax, silk, bamboo and even velvet. But their characteristics do not fit into the kitchen room. Natural wallpaper absorb odors, do not tolerate moisture and, accordingly, wet cleaning. The only dignity is the originality of the appearance.
  • Flizelinov model. What are good such wallpapers, so this is a simplicity of sticking. It is enough to lubricate the wall with glue and you can drain the wallpaper. With the help of fliselin wallpaper, you can hide the irregularities of the walls, since they are dense and durable in their texture. That coating will suit For a kitchen, where to carry out wet cleaning of the walls, you are planning infrequently, as the wallpaper, although they carry high humidity, can lose their beauty under the influence of cleaning products and constant friction.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. For a small kitchen, you can safely choose this option. With the help of vinyl wallpapers, you can hide the irregularities and roughness of the walls, because they are not so easy as standard paper, and have a solid foundation. Differs such type of coverage for durability and interesting design solutions - from vinyl wallpaper the kitchen can be transformed and be done as in classic styleand east or in the style of Provence. Variety of models I. color Gamma. Allows you to implement any decision. The only nuance - for the kitchen it is worth choosing those models that have a special impregnation from mold and formation fungus.
  • Fiberglass models. The relative novelty in the world of wall coatings. Made such wallpapers from special glass, which are tested under high temperature processing (about 1000 degrees). With the help of fiberglass wallpaper, you can create an effect of perfectly smooth wall - they hide the roughness perfectly. Also, such wallpapers are characterized by environmental friendliness and reliability - they do not absorb dirt, odors, they are difficult to scratch and damage even with chemical powders. Another advantage of fiberglass wallpaper is painting. If you get tired of the interior of the kitchen, you can simply repaint the wall. As for the shortcomings, it is worth noting here.

Another option to cover the walls on a small kitchen is a liquid wallpaper. They hide fine shortcomings well, absorb moisture and have very diverse decorative solutions. True, such wallpapers will be difficult to care - wash fat, stains or pollution will be almost impossible.

Choosing a color and drawing - expand the space

If with what wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen from the point of view of the material, we figured out, then with decorative issues the task is difficult. The kitchen room you want to create the most spacious and free, and the wall decoration is the most directly It will also affect the appearance and size of the kitchen. The main rule of any designer who works with small premises is to comply with minimalism. This also applies to wallpaper. The simpler and brighter they will, the wider and freer will seem space. There are some more factors for the influence of this coverage on the kitchen atmosphere.

  • The fine drawing on the wallpaper visually will create a feeling of airiness and ease of space, but large patterns, especially a dark shade, will create the effect of clutter in a small kitchen.
  • Visually, the room will become wider if you use models with drawings in the form of continuous intersecting strips. Such a drawing is similar to the ornament of Scottish kilt.
  • If you have low ceilingsSelect wallpaper with a vertically located pattern. He will "raise" the ceiling. Horizontal drawing will make the kitchen room wider, but is suitable for rooms with high ceiling.
  • Diagonal lines will give dynamics. If the furniture set is made in calm colors, you can use wallpaper with diagonal lines on a small kitchen - they will create a color balance.
  • Add a pair of room square meters You can with the help of monophonic wallpapers of blue, silver and bright shades of blue.
  • The optimal solution on a combination of colors for a small room is to use one color, but in different shades for different zones.

You can combine one-picture wallpaper with pattern models. For example, pick up one-photo wallpaper blue color For the wall at the window and the free wall, and for the working and dining area Slise beige or white models with blue pattern. It is not worth choosing aggressive red, saturated blue and black colors for small cuisine.

The blending process is no less important than the choice of wallpaper. It is clear that you need to prepare the walls, remove the old coating and, if necessary, close irregularities and pits. Also, the walls must be predicted so that the wallpaper is formed as soon as possible, and after drying it was not separated. Pay attention to such moments.

Date: 25.05.2017

Normal paper wallpaper - not the most suitable material for kitchen wallsBut thanks to accessibility and popularity, they hold leading positions in the building materials market. Manufacturers annually update the range, including fiberglass under painting and moisture resistant (washable) wallpapers for small cuisine and spacious rooms. Depending on the choice, with them it is easy to visually expand and zonate the room, create a unique design and hospitable atmosphere.

Wallpaper for kitchen design allows you to create any desired atmosphere in the house, because they are distinguished by a large variety.

When familiarizing with the assortment of directories, literally eyes run out - I want to buy almost a dozen colors. But when choosing has to be relying on certain principles.

    • Stylistics of the room (country, retro, techno, historical styles and classics). With an eclectic interior or without binding to a stylistic solution, the choice is expanding.

Wallpaper selection is carried out taking into account the overall style of the room. In the case of eclectic general design, the choice becomes very wide.

    • The degree of illumination of small cuisine - on the north side in preference, a warm range of spectrum, southern - cold and more restrained. In addition, there should be enough day and artificial light in the cooking room.

An additional parameter when choosing wallpaper is the illumination of the room. For example, in the kitchen coming to the north, will be suitable forces.

    • Total harmony of design. If facade kitchen headset Bright and spectacular - wallpaper choose careless, background. With an unassuming atmosphere and not new furniture, a bright memorable drawing is needed that attracts the focus. But it is enough to update the facades and table tops of built-in furniture, change the curtains - the kitchen will be updated.

The drawing on the wallpaper should harmonize with its surrounding interior.

  • The choice of color and wallpaper can be made arbitrarily if the ceiling and kitchen furniture are white, the total palette must be warm, cold or pastel.

White interior color allows you to choose wallpaper from a very wide range of colors.

    • drawing of wallpapers with imitation of plates and other dishes;

One of the fashion trends in 2017 is an image on the wallpaper of kitchen utensils.

    • ethnic ornaments;

Ethnic ornament on the wallpaper will introduce the originality into the room.

    • themes of wildlife - Eco style or country;

Ecosel in the design of wallpaper is becoming increasingly popular.

    • imitation natural texture of natural materials (wood, bamboo, cork, stone);

  • wall mural 3D format, optical illusions, image of metropolitan European streets, large fruit and colors prints.

Be a little closer ambient Wallpaper with imitation of natural materials, such as woods.

Council. In parallel with wallpaper, use vinyl stickers on the walls on different topics. Scene drawings will revive the emotional background, and single fragments will help hide defects and stains on kitchen wallpaper.

Vinyl stickers on wallpaper - good way Not only to give liveliness to the interior, but also hide some defects.

From the point of view of practicality for decoration of the kitchen are not suitable:

  • simple paper wallpapers - they absorb moisture, fat, smells;
  • textured wallpapers - clogged with fat and dust, while cleaning some fragments are fighting;
  • wallpaper with a pattern that does not contribute to the manifestation of appetite.

Please note: for those who love to change the situation, repaint or cross the walls and rearrange the furniture, the choice in favor of inexpensive modern paper wallpapers is obvious.

With constant changes in the situation in the room, paper wallpapers will be a good choice.

In families, where small children are often drawn on the walls, it is better to use an alternative - fiberglass rolls under painting, the color is updated as contaminated. But they need good ventilation and heating, so as not to settle condensate.

If small children live in the room, who love to draw on the wallpaper, the fiberglass can be replaced by the traditional option.

Washable wallpapers: photographic review of the 2017 collections

Waterproof or still claimed by consumers, so manufacturers are constantly updating directories.

Waterproof wallpapers are particularly relevant in the kitchen, which are immune to the constant presence of moisture in the house.

Ethnic motifs and eco style with floral ornaments are leading in terms of sales. Different images of colors, trees, birds and almost photographic drawing are found differently. But those and others are not suitable for the background or decor of a small kitchen, too large fragments visually narrow the room. But interior designers widely use them for the decoration of the dining area.

In the kitchen of medium or large sizes, close to the photo drawing on the wallpaper is appropriate.

Wallpaper with a delicate watercolor pattern also occupy a large segment in directories. They give the small kitchen of elegance. A little blurred drawing is very practical, there are not so noticeable spots and divorces on it, which is important for the kitchen, where they are often prepared and a lot. And such a solution is great for the cooking block of the studio apartment without partitions or walls. Their flavor is well harmonized with a residential area.

A simple watercolor drawing will be able to fit perfectly in kitchen interior.

Light washable wallpaper pastel tones is the perfect solution in a small room. This is a great background for bright furniture and dishes. If the whole design is well thought out, the kitchen seems bright and more spacious. Single rolled materials of nonsense shades are well suited to those who like to experiment with the stylist of a small room. Whatever filling, the basis can remain the same.

White wallpaper against the background of a bright environment will give a feeling of space and light.

Small floral ornament on the walls - the favorite of most owners. Such walls are suitable for retro style. In the interiors of the type of country and Provence also practiced floral pattern on wallpaper. To such a decision, they also often come in large families, where 2-3 generations peacefully get along peacefully, and each of their preferences. The kitchen is a neutral territory where everyone is collected for joint meals, and the coloring of the wallpaper should be unobtrusive.

Floral ornament in the kitchen - classic for many generations. It is used in styles such as country, Provence and Retro.

Extravagant interiors are often choosing original techniques visual expansion space. These are glossy stretch ceilings and photo wallpapers on the whole solid wall. Figure with 3D effect will create an illusion of the continuation of the space when the plot is suitable:

  • depicted a staircase or corridor;
  • forest landscape or well-kept garden with landscape design;
  • city blocks from a bird's eye view or with steps, "starting" in the kitchen.

Due to the 3D effect, the illusion of the continuation of space is created.

Wallpaper with a pattern in the catalog or on the exhibition stand in the store look a little different than it will be on the walls. Before buying a roll, it is worth expanding and look at the material a little from afar.

Buying the required number of rolls, add 1-2 more to them to the reserve, especially if you have to customize the pattern. If one was mistaken with quantity, and there is no possibility to buy from the same party - leave a place on a solid wall in a dining area where you can make an original decor.

An unexpected effect will be when sticking striped wallpapers diagonally.

A unique effect can be achieved by blowing straight wallpaper diagonally. This technique can be used in almost any room.

The remains of any rolls can be used as a silhouette decor or for panel in the Patchwork style.

For Patchwork Style Panel will be useful from any drawings.

Do not overdo it with bright colors and glossy textures - it tires the visual nerve and overloads the emotional background.

Kitchen design can be bold and unexpected. But if you have to spend a lot of time for cooking, this option may cause a subconscious desire to leave. The situation should be as comfortable as possible, and the surfaces are practical that do not require complex care.

Practicality and comfort are the main criteria for creating a kitchen interior.

Tile, washable wallpaper and plastic panelsComfortable for cleaning, not necessarily apply on all walls. The angle in the food zone decorate with any material. In order for the GAR and small fat suspension, it was not settled on them, use a powerful exhaust.

Powerful extract will protect the wallpaper from dust and fat contamination.

Lovers of embossed surfaces experts do not recommend textured wallpapers that are quickly covered with sticky raid. Instead, it is better to use washable decorative panels and wallpapers with an illusion of volume. They are widely represented in the collections of elite wallpaper 2016-2017.

Decorative panels should choose smooth and well-washable to be able to maintain the walls in the tidy form.

Harmonicity is the basis of the design of any kitchen.

Video: Fashionable wallpapers for the kitchen of 2017. Ideas, trends, colors and design styles.

50 photos of ideas for choosing kitchen wallpapers in the spirit of modern trends:

Wallpaper in a small kitchen should visually increase the space-friendly role in the kitchen arrangement worth paying the wall covering. Wallpapers affect not only the interior of the room, but determine important functions of the kitchen, especially if the area is limited. Therefore, they right choice Very important and has its own characteristics.

First you need to consider what wallpaper you need to choose into the kitchen. In this room, the increased humidity and the possibility of pollution, so the wallpaper must respond to a number of rules.

Basic requirements for the wall covering in the kitchen:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • Persistent pollution;
  • Strong enough to mechanical impacts;
  • The coating should be resistant under the influence of sunlight;
  • The presence of fire impregnation.

The above parameters are determined by the type of wall covering. You need to buy washing wallpaper with a dense structure. There are a wide choice of such options.

Wallpaper in the kitchen It is necessary to choose moisture-resistant and quite durable

Optimal wallpapers for small cuisine:

  • Vinyl - have a good appearance and lungs in care;
  • Paper with moisture-resistant impregnation;
  • Gymelomes - durable and environmentally friendly;
  • Liquid with lacquer coating - hide the flaws of the wall and meet all the requirements for kitchen wallpaper.

At the same time, some species can be retelling, which is very profitable if the design is tired. You can paint liquid and glass. In this case, liquid can create whole pictures on the wall.

The first rule with limited space - wallpaper should be blond.

It is also necessary to take into account the desired color accents, the style of the room and financial capabilities. But the most important when the wallpaper is selected is the size of the room. The dimensions of the small room in Khrushchev are 180 per 200.

What wallpaper to choose for a small kitchen: photo interior solutions

Today the market presents a wide selection of wall coverings. different species and design, so you choose a decent option for a room with a limited space will not be difficult.

For small cuisine, the wallpaper of bright shades is best

  1. For small rooms, only bright shades are used. But at the same time it is not worth drawing up the room in a purely white color. It is not comfortable for households and is fraught with constant pollution. You can make small dark accents in the form of patterns on the wallpaper.
  2. Pictures on the wall surface should be small. Avoid vertical stripes and large patterns.
  3. A horizontal strip is suitable for a small room. She will make a room wider, but below.
  4. Popular designer trick - to kill long walls with dark wallpaper shades, and for the end part to use bright.
  5. Wallpaper texture should approach the material of the manufacture of a kitchen headset. At the same time, it should be convex, not smooth. This will create differences of volumes that visually increase the room.
  6. The shiny surface of the wall cover is welcome. This will help to visually increase the distance between the opposite walls due to the reflective surface.

Do not forget about the lighting of the room. Cold shades are suitable for light kitchens. And warmer tones should be chosen for rooms with limited light sources. it simple rulesthat will help beneficially use space.

How to choose a wallpaper in a small kitchen: photo of stylish ideas

The choice of monochrome wallpaper is always relevant, especially for small-sized apartmentwhich I do not want to clutch. But in some case, you can save space using wallpaper combining.

Very stylish in a small kitchen looks a combination of wallpaper

At the same time, you can use such ideas:

  1. The combination of two colors. The main color should be light and soft. At the same time, it is necessary to add bright accents with saturated shades.
  2. Emphasis. When managing the kitchen, one of the walls can be distinguished by another color. At the same time little space It will be better to highlight only part of the wall. For example, near the dining table.
  3. Add dynamics. Bright accents in the form of plinths or textured wallpapers can be added to light shades of the wall coating.

For a small apartment, you should not choose more than two colors when managing. This option clogs the space. As an exception, small accents can be issued as an exception. This rule concerns patterns and textures.

Wallpapers, expanding space in the kitchen interior: Color gamut

Choose the right wallpapers, expanding space, is very important. The main nuances of the choice must include the color of the wall covering. Previously stipulated that the wallpaper should be in bright shades.

Basic colors in the interior are considered black and white. They are combined with almost any shades.

A small pattern is allowed and a horizontal strip. Better, if the strip is not very wide. In this case, the color of the furniture should be a little darker of surfaces.

For a small kitchen, you can choose any paint palette

Basic color combinations:

  • Black is combined with red, yellow, green shades;
  • White will be perfectly looked with red and blue colors;
  • White and black style will add strictness to the interior;
  • Beige palette combines well with white, blue and brown tones;
  • Brown is combined with pink, creamy, blue;
  • Purple tone will suit the basic colors, shades of pink and gray;
  • Green combines with light tones of brown, yellow and beige, as well as with black;
  • Blue shades can be combined with yellow, green, orange, red;
  • Red looks at blue, black, green, yellow and white;
  • Yellow need to combine with gray, black, blue and blue;
  • Gray tone is suitable for bright shades of red, pink, orange;
  • Orange shade is combined with a blue-blue gamut, as well as with purple color;

You can choose any paint palette for a small apartment. It all depends on the desires and preferences of the housing owner. There are minor restrictions, but even in their framework there is a wide selection of paints.

What to choose a wallpaper for a small kitchen (video)

The kitchen is an important space for each family, where people eat, prepare food, casually communicate. It is important to make this place as comfortable as possible and cozy for people living in the house. Cabinets, pencils, tile, skinali, household appliances occupy most of the surface of the walls.

Design modern kitchen With wallpaper in the form of a mosaic

But, nevertheless, original or traditional, bright or fitted colors, wallpapers are a very important part of the kitchen interior. What wallpaper for the kitchen is in 2016? Which of them are in the trend for a long time? Which of them are suitable for decorating your kitchen?

The kitchen is an important space for each family, where people eat, prepare food, casually communicate

Wallpaper with classic pattern perfectly looks in modern interior. A somewhat eclectic combination with minimalism furniture gives the kitchen space an exclusive view. Washing wallpapers can be used even as apron over a stove, protecting them with a pre-special coating.

Small kitchen with original wallpaper with small pattern

Tip: Want to add a narrow width elongated kitchen? Puck long walls with dark wallpaper, and short - light.


Little cuisine design with wallpaper with large flowers

You probably know about the basic wallpaper selection rule for small premises: the smaller the room, the greater the light tones. This means that you should not pick up in general dark walls In the kitchen, even if you really want. Let the wallpaper look great on the store in the store, but the dark wall narrows the room and make it gloomy. Exception is a contrast combination of dark ornaments or other motifs on a light background. But do not forget about practicality: white wallpaper as apron, near washing and plates are absolutely inappropriate.

Spacious kitchen design with floral wallpaper

Tip: Follow the right combination of color and wallpaper textures with kitchen furniture. Glossy furniture requires the wallpaper for it, matte, and vice versa.

Floral ornaments and fantasy patterns - Stable trend recent years In fashion as a whole and in design kitchens in particular. Small floral pattern of pastel tones is what perfectly fit into the situation on a small kitchen in Khrushchev. The drawing should be small, fractional.

Little kitchen with finishing wallpaper of warm sandy shade

Tip: Rate wallpaper, expand them for several meters. A wide picture on the removal may look very different than from the distance of an elongated hand.

Floral ornaments and fantasy patterns are a steady trend of recent years in fashion as a whole and in the design of cuisines in particular.

Photo wallpaper

A large object: an architectural view or landscape in the entire wall in a small kitchen can look wondered, and maybe - and no. Wall murals can only stick to the accent wall opposite working area. There is little place, and this wall will not be completely free. Iniquitably it is usually worth a dining table that interferes with enjoying the scenery. But if you do not eat in the kitchen, but just cook, then why not.

Little kitchen in design with wallpaper noble purple

Tip: Do not overload the kitchen interior: accent or on the walls, or on the furniture items. If the kitchen facade is concise, then bright textured wallpapers are appropriate. If your kitchen is in bright colors, then with the choice of wallpaper you need to be modest.

Interior Design for Little and Bright Kitchen

Fractional or large transverse strips - a popular motif in the decoration of kitchens. But in small kitchen space Neither the cross, nor a longitudinal strip. It only narrows the room or sucks it visually. Lovers of bands can only use them on one, an accent wall across or opposite the workplace. You can also use striped wallpapers only to communicate, breaking the space on the upper and lower parts. If you wish to stick a striped wallpaper in a small kitchen, despite anything, then use a material with a thin, implicit pattern.

Design small kitchen With dark wallpaper

Tip: Often wallpaper are selected to already existing furniture and garbines. At least, try to combine with each other only warm or only cold tones.

Lovers of bands can only use them on one, accent wall across or opposite the workplace


Provence or Country is styles for women who love to cook and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Calm, pleasant bright colors, romantic print, small flower, birds and butterflies in combination with an unobtrusive cell - that's what distinguishes Provence from other styles of decorating kitchens. Also your choice is beige, sand and wheat tones, a cargo, imitation of raw boards and ancient tile, plaster.

Kitchen interior in warm green color with mosaic wallpaper

Tip: Never combine wallpapers from different price categories. This may end the unpleasant surprises over time. Buy wallpaper-companions from a single collection, necessarily from the same manufacturer. The junctions between the combined wallpaper are closed with moldings.

Classic wallpaper option for small kitchen

Practicality and persistence in difficult operating conditions - the first rule to select wallpaper on the kitchen. Increased humidity, Fat droplets, soot and other pollution will quickly disable unsuitable in properties or poor-quality wallpapers. What is popular this season, in 2016 as a material for wallpaper?

Interior of a small kitchen with photo wallpapers on the wall

  • Paper wallpaper Never lose all your fans due to a low price. But in a small kitchen, they cost no more than a year: spots and bold drops quickly lead them into disrepair. If you do not mind updating the kitchen interior annually, then paper wallpapers are your natural choice.

Tip: The most neutral option is low-contrast drawings with tones flowing into each other. Such will never be bored and will "like relatives" in the interior of any kitchen.

Practicality and durability in difficult operating conditions - the first rule to select the wallpaper in the kitchen

Tip: If a kitchen windows Out on weakly lit north or west sides, pick warm shades: apricot, grass, peach, orange, cinnamon and others. If the windows are drawn to the southern strand and are greatly illuminated, then the best choice - Cold blue, silver, gray, blue.

Tip: Kitchen apron From wallpaper? This is possible! Moreover, this is a great idea. To wallpaper over the working surface of the plates last, select them from a durable washing fluzeline and buy a robust protective screen from tempered glass.

Vinyl wallpaper do not adsorb kitchen smells as a plug or bamboo.

Wallpaper for the kitchen: What is fashionable in 2016?

  • Imitation of decorative plates. This is a new original "chip" of a warehouse fashion. Plates as if hang in the air, instead of standing on the shelf. Although the plates as a motive are appropriate in 2016 and in the living room, in the kitchen they look more organic than: match the stylistics.
  • Large motifs in bright colors. Images of colors and items on a contrast background in the design of walls in the kitchen are now especially fashionable. It looks original and alive. It is believed that this trend will continue for a long time.

    Decor of small kitchen blond practical wallpaper

  • Wall stickers. Fashion on stickers depicting objects, patterns and animals, distributed as a hurricane. Posters and stickers are placed on the walls, on the refrigerator and furniture. They allow you to completely change and revitalize the kitchen interior in a matter of minutes.
  • Oriental motifs. Wallpaper in ethnic style, namely in Japanese or Chinese, are unusually popular in the design of cuisan this year. Wallpaper with hieroglyphs, under the eastern engraving or under calligraphy, with household scenes and are so picturesque that no more accentuating additions require.

    Contemporary fashion kitchen With rustic style

  • The theme of wildlife. Ceiling-growing trees, floral and deciduous ornaments and small motifs on the wallpaper are a long-playing trend. Share such motifs unobtrusive background in natural natural colors. You can use the direct association and choose a wallpaper with juicy ripe fruit into the kitchen. And you can stop the choice on a deciduous drawing that is not related to the kitchen.

    Light-floral wall decor with light kitchen

  • 3D wallpaper. They are made according to special volumetric technologists. Appropriate place for them - excellent illuminated accent WallThe maximum free of furniture.3d wallpaper looks impressive, and you will certainly hit your guests.
  • Imitation of natural materials. On the wallpaper in such a natural style you will see unpacked boards, untreated concrete, brick masonry, skin surface. Non-standard wallpapers imitating other materials are periodically in fashion, and this year is at the peak.

    Wallpaper design with a drawing for a small kitchen

Proper selection of washa practical wallpaper Even a small kitchen will make a cozy and stylish. The 2016 season offers a lot of excellent ideas for this. Do not be afraid of experiments with the decoration of the kitchen and be in the trend!

Wallpaper for kitchen photo 2016 for small kitchen

ABOUT kitchen fighting for small kitchen 45 Photo of ideas: