
Spiriya Japanese Golden Princesses. What is a Japanese spire


Along with the flowers, decorative shrubs are an integral element of any landscape. Among their diversity, the Japanese Golden Princesses occupy a leading position. Grow amazing plant Maybe even a novice gardener, as Spiriya is easy to plant and care. Care for Japanese beauty is a pleasure. Seeing her at least once near, every amateur Flora understands that the exotic princess opens up new opportunities for landscape design.

Spirea Japanese - a delightful long-term leafy shrub from the pink family. Speree has about 100 species that differ significantly from each other not only by the form, color of foliage and inflorescences, but also a flowering period. Conditionally they are divided into spring-wearing and summertime varieties. In vivo, this representative flora grows mainly in the forest-steppe and semi-desert zones of the northern hemisphere. A shrub can grow from 0.5 to 2.5 m. Its branches are curved, and the flowers form fluffy inflorescences of various shades: from white to pink-raspberry. Inflorescences can cover the entire escape or are located only on its top. In the people, the blooming shrub is quite often called Tollgoy. As a result of the selection process, a large number of varieties and hybrids of spiria are created for decorative purposes.

Lovers of natural aesthetics are valued various varieties Japanese spires not only for abundant and long-lasting flowering with a pleasant, gentle aroma, but also for decorative leaves, the form of the crown.

The most popular varieties

Golden princesses - This is an attractive shrub tall no more than 1 m. It has fascinatingly beautiful foliage, golden yellow with pointed tips, changing its color throughout the year. In mid-June, the queen of the garden is covered with fragrant hats of gentle pink flowers and continues to bloom until autumn.

Little princesses - Another variety of spires with a spherical crown. Thanks to its compact size (no more than 30 cm in height) it is the ideal option For registration of small sites, alpine Gork. Also, the plant is widely used to create borders. Flowers a miniature bush in the summer of bright pink small flowers collected in palate inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter.

No less popular in SPIREA Garden Culture Shoebonewhich blooms exclusively in the summer. This is a low shrub with thin brown-burgundy stems, on which there are a large number of small and narrow dark green leaves. With the onset of autumn sheet plate Changes the color to yellow or bright red. Distinctive feature Plants lies in the fact that during the flowering period on it you can simultaneously contemplate red, pink and white flowers.

Many lovers of this culture prefer the most frost-resistant representative - spirire Macrophile. Adult Spirea will grow up to 1.5 m. It differs from their deciduous felling felling quite large and wrinkled leaveswhich are in length of up to 20 cm. Young leaves when planting in the spring are painted into a dark red color, by the middle of summer they become green, and the golden yellow tones are acquired in the fall. Flowers it perennial From the end of June to mid-August. Flowers pink, on short flowers, assembled usually in shields. Macrofila Spirae is one of the fastest growing varieties of Japanese spirire.

Another representative of the species of Spiray, landing and care for which will not require constant attention and too much time and strength, is Spiray Japanese Crisp. An unpretentious bush with her elegance and amazing beauty will decorate any garden. Low rise plant It has a spherical crown consisting of wave-like with elongated teeth of dark green leaves. Soothes from decorative perennial reprehension, numerous, some of them have a curved shape. Crispá blooms from mid-summer before the beginning of autumn. Little gentle pink with a purple tint of flowers are collected in umbrella inflorescences, the diameter of which does not exceed 6 cm.

Landing and care of the Spiray Japanese

Landing and care in the open soil behind spirits does not require serious skills and knowledge, but there are nuances that are important to know.

Spirea Japanese belongs to the summer shrubs, it means to plant it in open sad You need spring. It is very important to have time to plant a plant before the kidneys begin to bloom. The most suitable day of the day for the landing of the shrub is a cool and cloudy evening. Spirea is light-cup, so it prefers solar places, but can grow in a half. It is undemanding for the composition of the soil, but it develops better and is more abundant on fertile, drained ground with moderate moisture.

Before boarding, the seedlings must be carefully examined, damaged roots and shoots to trim the secateur. After that, it is recommended to process root system Growth stimulants (corneser, heteroaceksin, etc.). If the ground is poor, it should be supported by adding a peat or a mixture of leaf soil with sand. Do not forget about drainage, which can be used pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick, ceramzit. Spiray must be planted so that the root neck is at the ground level. Planting Yama Must exceed the magnitude of the root system at least 2 times. After all these procedures around the bush, it is necessary to make a hole and plentifully to pour to the land of the village.

To land a spirea for a device of a living hedge, it is necessary to place it with a split place, then dig a trench.

An important condition for good growth and development of Japanese spirah is a weeding and soil looser, which makes it easier to access the oxygen to the root system. The blooming shrub has a slightly developed root system, so it does not require frequent and abundant irrigation.

One of the mandatory elements of competent and proper care The spiray is trimming bushes. She helps them to keep the beautiful shape and year after year to bloom. It is necessary to produce it at the beginning of spring. Weakened and extinct shoots should be completely removed, developed shortening to powerful kidneys. Adult plants (4 years and older) need severe trimming (20-25 cm from the Earth). After this manipulation, the spire can be filled with complex fertilizers. Do not forget that the plants weakened by the wrong leaving may be attacked by pests, such as a web tick, aphid.

Despite the fact that this species belongs to frost-resistant plants, still it is worth taking care of the coverage of them for the winter period, especially for young shrubs. A peat, sawdust or fallen foliage can serve as a heater.

The Japanese Spiray is one of the most popular shrub plants that are used for the design of household territories and. Today there are many varieties of this plant, but only one is noticeably allocated - Golden Princess - a small shrub, which generously snaps of pink flowers and green leaves, changing their shade throughout the year. If you are looking for a plant that would decorated and transformed your site, then the best than Spirea you cannot find. It is not only perfectly externally, but also does not need difficult care. Theme of this article - spirea Japanese Golden Princesses - landing and care, photos. From it you will learn how to plant this shrub, and what conditions it is necessary to create for its active growth.

Spirea Japanese Golden Princesses, photo

Spirea Golden Princesses - landing rules (photo)

The main advantage for which Spiray is valued is resistance to frost and cold. The plant is not afraid of frosts, therefore adapted to the climatic conditions of our country. Where to take the boarding material? Spirea Japanese to sit with seedlings that are best acquired in specialized stores. Do not trust the natural markets, because they are unlikely to be able to find a high-quality seedling.

Sapyrian seedling

Landing Spiray - the lesson is easy, but compliance with some conditions:

  • The soil. The soil should be nutritious and loose. In no case should not plant spirits in acidic soil. To create the optimal composition of the Earth, it is necessary to mix garden soil, humid, peat and sand. It is also recommended to put a small drainage system in the form of a crumple or large rubble.
  • Location. Golden Princesses need a constant presence of sunlight and takes a very bad shadow. It is better to choose the most optimal place for the plant - on the rise or far from lush growing trees or shrubs.
  • Size pit. The volume of the pit in which Spirea will be planted should be on a third to exceed the size of the root plant of the plant. Each sapling sits separately into each pit and tightly tamped with soil.

Important! Very soon, the Japanese Spiray is rooted and will give a roasting pig. This means that the area on which the shrub was planted, will begin to increase significantly. Therefore, try to plant a plant in free areas, with a sufficient amount of unnecessary space.

Spereray Care Golden Princesses

What conditions should be created for better shrub growth? It turns out that Spirea is though quickly coming up, needs some care, otherwise you will not be able to fully enjoy the beauty and variety of colors. Japanese spiray care consists of:

  • Glaze. Watering the shrub should be very often, especially if it is hot, dry weather. Without watering, all the grace and brightness of the flower will quickly disappear. Watering is recommended not too cold water, and a little heated in the sun.
  • Loosening. So that the weeds did not score a seedling, you should handle the land around the shrub, removing fallen leaves and weeds. Also, loosening contributes to the penetration of oxygen into the ground and, as a rule, has a beneficial effect on the state of the entire plant.
  • Mulching. The mulch preserves moisture in the roots, and also protects against pests. As a mulch, you can use a crushed boron, peat or straw.
  • Removal of dried buds. Such actions will stimulate the occurrence of new flowers that will rejoice your eyes for a long time.

So, we hope that our topic is Spiray Japanese Golden Princesses - landing and care, photo will help you grow on your cottage plot This is a beautiful, lush plant. It will certainly become a real landmark of your territory.


Stunningly bright yellow leaves. Different with a small round shape of the crown and yellow leaves of different shades during the season.

Spiriya Japanese "Golden Princesses" is a beautiful leafy shrub tall up to 0.5-0.6 meters high, the diameter of the crown is 1.2 m. Annual increase in height 5-10 cm, width 10-15 cm. Leaves: spring bright yellow, but soft shade, summer light yellow, cold shade, autumn - warm orange-yellow shade. Leaves 6-7 cm long, oval-pointed. It blooms abundantly in June-July, the flowers are pinkish-red are assembled into shield inflorescence with a diameter of 3-4 cm.
Well tolerates moderate frosts and will not deliver special trouble to those who do not have the ability to create special shelters. Grade light-chapin. The soil is undemanded, but prefers wet, fertile, loose soils.

Guide Guide

Spring trimming is recommended to shorten the shoots, leaving them with a height of 15-20 cm from the soil level. Summer is removed by flashing inflorescences to maintain the decorative shape of the bush.
It is used to create low borders, contrasting wood-shrub groups, edges, shrub mixborators, flower beds, rocky gardens. Ideal for creating seasonal compositions. Used as soil consuming, which look good together with other small plants and perennials, for example, pallet, lavender, atrociety and other herbs.

Buy a Japanese Golden Princess Spiray is a low bright shrub (Spiaea Japonica Golden Princess), in Voronezh with delivery in Russia Wholesale and retail in Nursery Florini.

Spirahi Description of the Japanese Golden Princess - Spiraea Japonica "Golden Princess"

Height, overall dimensions and gains: Spirea Japanese "Golden Princesses" is a beautiful leafy shrub tall up to 0.5-0.6 meters high, 1,2m crown diameter. Annual increase in height 5-10 cm, width 10-15 cm.

Decorative / flowering: Stunningly bright yellow leaves. Different with a small round shape of the crown and yellow leaves of different shades during the season. It blooms abundantly in June-July, the flowers are pinkish-red are assembled into shield inflorescence with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Frost resistance, content conditions: Well tolerates moderate frosts and will not deliver special trouble to those who do not have the ability to create special shelters. Grade light-chapin. The soil is undemanded, but prefers wet, fertile, loose soils.

Using: Spring trimming is recommended to shorten the shoots, leaving them with a height of 15-20 cm from the soil level. Summer is removed by flashing inflorescences to maintain the decorative shape of the bush. It is used to create low borders, contrasting wood-shrub groups, edges, shrub mixborators, flower beds, rocky gardens. Ideal for creating seasonal compositions. Used as soil consuming, which look good together with other small plants and perennials, for example, pallet, lavender, atrociety and other herbs.

Photography Spiray Japanese Golden Princesses.

Photos of Spiray Japanese "Golden Princess" in the fall:

How to plant a spire with a closed root system.

Landing Spirahi is carried out in a pit, which is a third of the volume more comula plants. Spirea's soil prefers leaf or turf. The optimal composition: one part of the sand and peat and two parts of the Earth. The depth of planting is at least half a meter, and the root neck of the plant should be at the surface level.

1. For seedlings with a closed root system purchased in containers or simply with an earthen room, there is no stringent framework. They can be planted in any season regardless of weather conditions, the main thing is the opportunity to dig the wells.
2. Saplings with nude roots are preferably planted immediately after purchase. Buy plants with a bare root should be afraid of the kidneys, or after leaffall. If you need to postpone this event for a while, then you can temporarily touch them in some shaded place, or wrap the root system with wet textiles, or put roots in the plastic bag.
A pit under the landing should be twice as much as the root com. Break the soil properly to speed up the growth of the roots. Seedling carefully removed from the tank. In the container, the plant may be too long, as a result of which his roots are wooped. This is not bad, but the roots must be unwound before landing and you need to do several vertical cuts for whom to cause a new root growth that will be correctly oriented. Then we put the plant in the well and fall asleep it either with duck up, or using additives.
Deciduous shrubs are better to plant with gluke. In this case, they are formed additional roots on the branches, which stimulates to germination large number Fresh shoots.
After landing, accumulate the land around the plant so that the roots get direct contact with the ground. Then you need to spill a plant with water.


Seeds, spring and summer cuttings, grain. Seeds can multiply all types of spirits, with the exception of those obtained as a result of hybridization. The latter seeds are either not formed, or they turn out to be nonsense, or plants grow out of them, evading their signs towards one of the parent species. Therefore, the types of hybrid origin breed only in vegetatively - cuttings or decodes.

Growing and care

To maintain the crown in decorative state, it is recommended to conduct in early spring Pruning, shortening shoots to a well-developed kidney, removing small shoots. Inflorescences can be removed as farming, in general, they do not spoil the type of plant. Occasionally conduct radical rejuvenating trimming.

Diseases and pests

TLA (APHIS SPIRAEPHAGA) Suspens the juices from leaves, young shoots and spray flowers. It forms whole colonies: 1 cm 2 is detected up to 30 instances of the Tly. Of particular harm it brings from June to August.

Ruscle Maine (Agromyza Spiracae) Appears on the upper side of the leaves at the end of June. In the second half of July he goes into the soil.

Rosana Laptop (Archips Rosana) damages the leaves. It appears at the end of May - early June, when the average air temperature reaches 13 ° C. Caterpillars are tightened into the tube a few leaves and stretch them. Typically, caterpillars damage 10-20% of leaves, sometimes up to 60%.

One of the serious pests of Spiray is ordinary web tick (Tetranychus urticae). Female ticks winter under fallen leaves, in May they move on the lower side of young leaves, weave the web and lay eggs. For the season, the web tick gives 8-10 generations. On one sheet, there may be up to 300 individuals. The affected leaves on the upper side have whiten metels-stains. The leaves are premature yellow, dry and fall. The main harm from the tick is celebrated in July - August, especially in a dry summer.

To combat pests, it is necessary to use various measures; Agrotechnical, chemical and biological. Careful plants care - timely feeding, watering, spraying the bushes with water in dry summer time Gives good results.

Additional Information

The size

C1 / 10-20, C25 / 30-40, C3 / 20-40, C5 / 40-50, OX / 20-40

Spirea princesses is characterized by endurance, survives under any conditions, the plant is grown across the country: from the Polar region to southern borders. Some varieties (the total number of which is 90) in severe years they can be moderated, but quickly restored after sanitary treatment, the princess spirea blooms in the same year. For growth and flowering spirires, Golden is required only 3-4 hours a day, the best appearance Provided for more sunny days.

Spirea Gold Little Princesses is quite unpretentious, fertile soil, feeding, watering, shelter for the winter is not required. There is no need for trimming, which can be used to make an attractive plant. The height of the shrub can fluctuate depending on the variety in the range of 20-25 cm - 1.5 m. Crown is semi-shaped, some varieties are dense and thick, others have "disheveled", but always carefully looks and well frightened. Flowering falls on July-August, the seeds ripen in October. In the dissolution of the leaves, the leaves acquire a characteristic reddish-brown shade, after which they acquire a green color, and in the fall again they become reddish and golden. Flowers have a pinkish shade, the plant is an excellent haircut material.

Reproduction and landing

To preserve all properties, Spiray Golden Little is multiplied with a vegetative way - cuttings or chains. The cuttings are cut from the shoots of the current year, for these purposes, the top and middle-old years are taken, their length is 10 cm. Improving Spiray's root formation Gold Princesses is provided by the root consumer.

The reproduction of Spiray Golden with glades is also considered fairly simple and safe way. To do this, in the period of dissolving the leaves, the growing side branches of Spiraray Little Princesses are bended and pinned to Earth with studs and the ground is sprinkled. For horizontal growth, the branch should be tied to pegs, the soil around the bush throughout the season is maintained in a moderately humid state. To accelerate the growth of Spiray Golden the first inflorescences must be deleted.

Plant easily carries out to ensure best Terms In the size of the roots, it is necessary to dig a hole, the application of fertilizers is not required subject to the presence of a minimal fertile layer of refueling. For the arrangement of living hedges, requiring a large number of Saplings, the pits are recommended to dig using a garden bora.

Application in design

In the design of the garden, Spirea is not replaceable: it does not spread, does not oppress the root system of adjacent plants, it will carry a haircut perfectly. Before buying, it is recommended to see the photo Spiraya Golden, it is customary to be perched on low curb, edges, contrasting wood-shrub groups, flower beds, shrub mixtures, rocky gardens.
In the wood-shrub groups, the princesses applies to the "sweep" of the canbushnik and lilac. Compact dimensions allow plant plant in flower beds together with perennials, annual and bulbous plants. It is worth noting that Spirea Princesses is also used for the design of water bodies, creating a living ingredion, the Spiray of Gold Princesses is ideal for a variety of compositions, it looks great with a palm, a hunter, lavender and other herbs. Plant can also be used for urban landscaping.