
Garlic tincture on alcohol: benefit and harm. Therapeutic tincture of garlic on vodka.


Garlic infusion has a multitude of beneficial properties, therefore is an indispensable tool to strengthen the body and improve well-being. Despite the simplicity of cooking tincture, its health value is huge, so you can take the remedy both in therapeutic and in preventive purposes. In order for the use of a tool from garlic to alcohol, it is important to make it possible to properly, insist, store and take a tincture, observing the dosage, since it is a potent means.

Composition of tincture

The effect of garlic tincture on alcohol is due to its rich composition. The main active agent substance is allicin. According to its properties, allicin is a natural antibiotic, which increases the protective functions of immunity and reduces blood cholesterol. Also garlic is rich in phytoncides and antioxidants that alcohol pulls out of vegetable. These substances have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, which is especially valued in garlic. A sharp garlic smell that many repels, due to the high content of essential oils. Insisting garlic cloves on alcohol, they lose their smell, while the use of essential oils is preserved in the tincture. Also garlic tincture Rich on:

  • vitamins A, B, C, K, RR, M;
  • microelements: calcium, potassium, iodine, phosphorus, zinc;
  • organic acids;
  • amino acids;
  • fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6;
  • mineral salts.

Useful properties of garlic

The benefits of garlic on alcohol are due to the fact that it remains all the useful substances of garlic, but it also contains alcohol, which expands the vessels and accelerates the assimilation of all useful substances. The use of tincture is useful both for internal and external use, so a tool from garlic on alcohol is a universal treatment for treating at home.

Useful properties of tincture

Separately garlic and vodka are used in therapeutic purposes long. Garlic is an antiviral and antibacterial agent that protects against respiratory diseases and strengthens immunity. In small doses, the use of vodka is useful for controlling blood pressure, since alcohol will expand the vessels and dilute the composition of the blood. Therefore, a means of garlic on vodka is a unique means with a variety of useful properties, including:

  • cleans the brain vessels;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • wash salts from vessels;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • promotes the regeneration of liver tissues;
  • cleans the kidneys, lungs, lymph;
  • prevents the development of oncological diseases;
  • reduces cholesterol and blood sugar.

Garlic tincture normalizes digestion

The use of tincture helps to increase the vital tone, accelerating metabolic processes and improving the appearance.

Tincture on garlic from Tibet

Tibetan garlic tincture is a healing elixir that is used by monks over the centuries for treatment various diseases. To prepare a Tibetan tincture, you need to take 250 grams of fresh garlic. It needs to be boiled in a wooden stupkey to the state of the porridge. The chopped mass must be placed in porcelain or ceramic dishes and pour 300 ml. alcohol. Cover the capacitance with a lid and put in a dark place for 1-2 weeks.

After the agent has been invested, it must be squeezed, strain and pour into a container with a lid. In order for the effectiveness of the medication above, it is important to take it correctly. It is recommended to drink 5-10 drops of means, curling it with milk. Milk neutralizes the effect of alcohol on the gastric mucosa. It is not more than 2-3 times a day to take the elixir, while the dosage is not recommended to increase. The rate of reception is 10 days. After graduation, treatment can be repeated, but not earlier than in a month.

It is preferable to use alcohol to prepare, but you can use vodka. For tincture, you need to take 300 grams of garlic cloves and chop them finely. Put chopped garlic into a liter can, and pour 500 ml. Vodka. Cover the lid and insist in a dark place for 10 days. Every day the bank needs to shake well, but do not open. When the tool is ready, garlic needs to be removed, and the liquid is pouring into a bottle with the dispenser. Take the remedy you need 10-15 drops 1 time per day for 2 weeks. To take the remedy, it was pleasant, you can eat reception lemon or orange. Then the reception of the medicine should be discontinued and repeated as needed after 3-4 weeks.

Tincture on vodka with garlic take 10-15 drops once a day for 2 weeks

Tincture of wine with garlic

To prepare tincture, you need to take 500 ml. Wines and warm it up to the hot state, but do not let it boil. While wine is heated, you need to grind 250 grams of garlic and pour into deep containers, better in the jar. Pour chopped garlic hot wine and cover with a lid. Insist the week, after which the infusion is strain and take 20-30 ml. 1-2 times a day afternoon and before bedtime.

It should be remembered that garlic tincture is insisted on alcohol, therefore it is not necessary to abuse them, especially before sitting behind the wheel or in combination with the reception of drugs, it can also be harmful to medication.

Harm tincture

Despite the fact that natural components are used to prepare the means, for some, the use of tincture can cause harm to health. Among the main contraindications for receiving medicine:

  • ulcer and erosion of the stomach;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • liver diseases;
  • heartburn;
  • increased acidity.

Harm drug Also due to the possibility of allergies to components and individual non-continuity of the composition. It is not recommended to give medicine to children. It is important to observe the dosage indicated in the recipes, since the abuse of the means can provoke alcohol intoxication, insomnia, tachycardia, headache and other harm.

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Garlic is not only a vegetable plant with burning taste and very specific smell, it is also very useful for health a natural medical agent. It is used in the treatment of colds, inflammation, is useful in the treatment of stomach disease, relieves swelling and fever. Avicenna, ancient East philosopher, assigned to garlic title - "From all diseases".

The tincture of garlic on alcohol has a particular effect, with all his way beneficial features Strengthen repeatedly. It is also called Tibetan, because the ancient recipe for such an elixir was found in Tibet.

Traditional, or Tibetan tincture of garlic on alcohol is simply prepared. It is enough to weigh on the kitchen scales of 250 grams of peeled garlic babes, strongly crushed them on a shallow grater or dial, and put into the selected container. Pour from above 300 milliliters of alcohol, you can vodka, but then the tincture will not be so effective.

The resulting solution, without stirring, tighten with a dense cover or a plug and remove to the pantry or wardrobe for 10 days. Then get it, strain through a gauze napkin, squeezing the liquid from the garlic mass, pour into a bottle. Now the garlic tincture has become greenish color, we re-remove for 3 days.

Through three days, a dense dark liquid should fall on the bottom of the bottle, we do not need it. But the bright part is the required alcohol tincture required for intake. The resulting garlic extract is ready for use. If the recipe is prepared without disorders, then the benefit from it will be very much.

Recipe of tincture on alcohol with garlic and sharp pepper

The recipe for the preparation of such garlic tincture is also simple - the middle pod of red acute pepper Put in a bottle, spread there with 6 major pieces of garlic, pour 300 milliliters of alcohol. After 3 weeks to get from the dark place, strain and squeeze the juice from lemon in the resulting liquid. Store bottle tightly closed. Treatment can be started immediately after cooking, it is not necessary to insist.

Recipe for alcohol tincture with apple vinegar

Mount 7-8 pieces of garlic, shifting into a bottle. Pour them with a mixture of 500 grams of apple vinegar and 100 grams of alcohol. Such a tincture on alcohol 2 weeks is preparing. Then it must be strain, squeezing the remains of garlic, mix, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Store in a cool place, tightly twisting the plug.

Diagram of receiving a Tibetan tincture on alcohol for the treatment of diseases

Treatment is carried out quite a long course, gradually changing the number of droplets as you are addictive. Be sure to dissolve the alcohol infusion of garlic in cold milk, take it approximately half a compound. A recipe for treatment depends on the severity of the disease, besides, it is necessary to study contraindications.

The reception scheme is designed for 10 days, it is necessary to take a tincture in the mornings, at lunch and in the evening, and better in a specially selected one and the same time. For example, at 9 am, 14 hours and 18, or as convenient in terms of the situation. From the first to the fifth days, inclusive with each reception in the milk you need to add 1 drop from one to 1 drop. For example, on the first day in the morning - 1, during the day - 2, in the evening - 3 and so until the end of the fifth day, finished by 15 drops.

From the sixth day along the tenth we go in the reverse order, reducing dropwise for the reception, and reaching 1 to the 10th day. The first course of reception is completed, now supporting treatment. From 10 days and until the end of the garlic tincture in a bottle, it is recommended to take 25 drops every day. The scheme is the same - 3 times a day.

When the whole tincture is over, the treatment is completed. Reception is prohibited for 5 years.

  • It is necessary to clearly follow the recipe, without changing the number and composition at will, otherwise the effectiveness of the tincture will decrease.
  • Garlic is recommended to use fresh, this year, without signs of drying and rot on slices.
  • If during the reception in any day you began to feel no matter if there were unpleasant sensations or pain - the reception must be urgently stopped.
  • It is not necessary to deal with the self-treatment of the Namaum, you first need to pass tests and identify diagnoses from doctors.

When fulfilling all recommendations, garlic tincture will bring only a tangible benefit, allowing to improve health without resorting to chemistry-based tablets and ointments.

Tibetan recipe for the extension of youth is a true legendary tool that came to us from deep antiquity. This prescription of youth came up with a Tibetan monk, and he fell to us relatively recently - only in the seventies of the twentieth century. The most important ingredient of this rejuvenating agent is garlic.

Garlic - universal healer

Garlic is a very famous product in folk medicine. The people there are a huge set useful recipes, based on garlic. Everyone knows that garlic has a powerful antiviral action, and also strengthens the cardiovascular system, it has a positive effect on the metabolism and even cleans the aura.

It turned out that this wonderful product is for a person a serious assistant when delivering overweight. When using a Tibetan prescription of youth on garlic tincture, it will be possible not to simply correct the general state of health, but even significantly lose weight. It is about this tincture and will be discussed in this article.

How to cook garlic tincture

For the Tibetan prescription youth, you need to prepare a specialized alcohol tincture of garlic. To do it, you need to clean the clusters of garlic, about three hundred fifty grams, then thoroughly spread them.

  • After this procedure, it is necessary to take grams of two people already crawled mass, and it is better to take it from below, because it is there a large number of garlic juice, and pour this mass with two ethyl alcohol milliliters.
  • After that, you need to close the dishes tightly and place it for ten days in a cool and dark place for complete insteasing.
  • After the expiration of ten days, the mixture must be strain, pour into another bank and hold for about three to four days. After this not complicated procedure, miracle drops are ready to use.

How to take garlic tincture

The resulting garlic tincture must be taken three times a day, twenty minutes before meals. It must be remembered that the specified number of droplets of tincture must be pre-diluted in fifty milliliters of milk, and the milk must be cold.

Tibetan Elixira Reception Scheme

What to expect from the use of garlic tincture

Contraindications for the use of garlic tincture

Tibetan recipe has a beneficial effect on the body, improving well-being, positively affecting the system of organs and burning overweight. However, despite all this, this miracle tincture is not suitable for every person. Like any medicinal product, the garlic tincture has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • epilepsy diseases;
  • she should not be taken to women during pregnancy, as a tincture on alcohol;
  • with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with acute and chronic urinary bubble diseases;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • with prostate adenoma.

1. First - in order to cook the tincture, it is best to choose a large, and most importantly fresh garlic, such that the teeth are big.

2. The second is a bottle, or any other dishes for the preparation of tincture, it is necessary to choose from the darker glass, with a rather tightly fit lid.

3. Third - it is possible to rely on the recommendations of people's healers who say that when preparing a tincture, it is also necessary to take into account the Phase of the Moon. Among such experts it is assumed that it is necessary to begin the process of cooking tincture during the phase of the new moon, and to finish - during the phase of the full moon.

4. Fourth - it must be remembered that the time period is only enhanced by the property of garlic tincture. After all, the most healing is considered to be tincture, weathered for two to three years.

5. And finally, the fifth - in no case use the enjoyed garlic, since its healing and useful properties, due to prolonged storage, are almost absent.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Garlic is not easy useful productBut also an excellent immunomodulator, which is aimed at maintaining the body and immunity in a tone, also garlic stimulates brain activity and activates clear consciousness.
Tibetan recipe is one of the effective and proven recipes for maintaining beauty, health and youth. Thanks to its action, the rehabilitation of the whole organism in general, and especially the heart system and the nervous system, which is important at the modern rhythm and lifestyle.

Garns tincture is a rather powerful product, so before its use, it is better to consult with a specialist, namely, with a doctor who knows all the features of your body. This will allow the use of a tincture with the benefit for the body, and not by consuming to harm.


Garlic is famous for its wonderful properties since ancient times, but does not stop surprising us with the effectiveness of one's own action until today. What kind of money neither exists on its basis, which confirms the opinion about the healing effect of this plant on the body.

The garlic tincture on alcohol was invented was still in antiquity, but it is known about it relatively recently. At the end of last century, the recipe for her preparation was found in the oldest records located in the territory of Tibetan monasteries. Its main property is in an incredible rejuvenating action on the body, but it happens only with a thorough observance of a certain scheme.

Garlic is especially useful to people with vascular diseases and cardiac pathology. It has a positive effect on the state of the circulatory system, dissolves and displays lime deposits and fat plaques. At the same time, the walls of the vessels are strengthened, their elasticity is improved, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart as a whole. In addition, its consumption is equal to and tumor formations. Also, the use of this tool leads to stabilization of the visual apparatus and other organs and systems in the body.

Garns tincture on alcohol is preparing according to the following recipe. Take 500 grams of garlic, but choose one that is tight to the touch and not lying. Clean it, rinse and fold on the colander to glass all the water. Then it is necessary to crush it with the press or crowned in a crushed form in a porcelain mortar. After the procedure is completed from the bottom from the bottom, select 250-300 grams of the mixture, since there is a stack there and the most concentrated composition of the plant. Place this crawl into a glass bottle and pour it with alcohol (96%) in a volume of 200 ml. The vessel should be treated tightly, after which you need to put it in a dark place, exposure time is 10 days.

After the end of the term, the infusion obtained needs to be missed through the gauze and store another three days, after which it will be possible to start treatment.

Garns tincture on alcohol is used together with milk or water: fluids are recommended to take 50 ml and add the required amount of means to it, in accordance with the proposed scheme. You need to take 3 times a day, starting with one drop and increasing the dosage into each reception for another portion equal to the first magnitude. Approximately it looks like this: for breakfast 1 CAP., For lunch 2 cap., For dinner, 3 cap., And from the 2nd day the counting continues from the numbers 4 and so until you reach 25 cap. After that, the last dosage should also take three times a day, to the twenty-fifth number of the month.

Garlic tincture on alcohol, reviews about which confirm the above-mentioned properties is applied by a course, and it can be repeated not more than once every three years. A feature of such a medicine is that the longer it is stored, the more useful substances in it. Next to 25 days, the folk medicine is taken 25 drops three times a day.

Separately, it is worth noting that the garlic tincture, the Tibetan recipe of which was described above, has contraindications. Among them are diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, adenoma, epilepsy, pregnancy, children's age, as well as problems with the intestines and the pathology of the urogenital system. Do not forget about the individual intolerance of the product.

Everyone who tries to be treated with garlic should be aware that only freshly plants should be used to prepare any means. The longer it is stored, the less active its antibacterial properties are active. If the garlic breaks room conditions For more than six months, it can be safely considered a useless seasoning.

The tincture with the participation of garlic can be prepared both on vodka and alcohol. To begin with, you should pass through the meat grinder of two hundred grams. Specialists argue that the grinding procedure is more correct to carry out in a wooden or porcelain mortar. The resulting garlic mass is poured with a glass of medical alcohol, which can be replaced with vodka.

This mixture should be in a glass container, which should be securely seal and ten days to determine in a dark place. After waiting for the end of the excerpt, the tincture is filtered and slightly pressed.


Tincture of garlic on alcohol It can be used to treat vessels. To do this, use a specific drug reception scheme. On the first day, two minutes before breakfast, the heat drop is dissolved in fifty milliliters of milk and drink. Before lunch (also in twenty minutes), the dose increases to two drops, and before dinner to three, but everything in the same volume of milk.

On the second day, the dose continues to increase, that is, in milk for twenty minutes to eat, they dissolve, respectively, four, five and six drops of water in front of breakfast dinner and dinner.

On the third day, the dose increases, respectively, up to seven, eight and nine drops in milk, and in the fourth - to ten, eleven and twelve drops in the same amount of milk. On the fifth day, when they drip over thirteen, fourteen and fifteen drops, the first phase of treatment ends. Next, from the sixth to the tenth day, the doses will decrease. On the sixth day it will be fifteen drops, on the seventh - fourteen, on the eighth - thirteen and further, observing this proportion. By the end of the tenth day, the dosage should drop to a drop.

But that's not all. From the eleventh day they eat twenty-five drops, and, all in the same fifty milliliters of milk, which also take three times a day, until the tincture is spent.


it effective tool It has its own contraindications to use.

The tincture of garlic cannot be used in acute diseases of the kidneys, it is contraindicated with epilepsy and during pregnancy.

The use of garlic tincture is accompanied by a powerful cleaning of the body, and an excessive load can be rendered on the kidneys, so during the period of procedures drink up to two and a half liters of water. It should also move a lot, and try to eliminate the use of cocoa, coffee, seasonings, sharp spices and strong tea. Contraindicated during this period and the use of alcohol, which is able to provoke dangerous complications of health and antisocial actions.

Indications for use

  • Use the tincture of garlic doctors and folk healers are advised in atherosclerosis, treatment of heart diseases, headaches;
  • Garlic tincture strengthens immunity, normalizes pressure;
  • It should be carefully taken to the purity of your vessels, namely the elimination of atherosclerotic plaques, which the tincture of garlic contributes to.

The re-course of applying this tincture of garlic prepared through the Tibetan recipe can be carried out in three to five years. Such a tincture of garlic perfectly cleans the body from fat and lime deposits, significantly improves the exchange processes in the body. The use of this Tibetan tincture allows you to return the vessels lost elasticity, reduce the danger of strokes, myocardial infarction, angina, sclerosis, paralysis, development of tumors. This means are often used to restore vision, even noise in the head disappears. The exactly cooked and applied tincture of garlic allows us to rejuvenate and the whole organism as a whole.