
Shining the Christmas tree in summer. Blue spruce: features reproduction with cuttings and landing rules

Landscape garden design

Blue ace reproduction It is carried out by shilling and seeds. All gardeners want to have this beauty on their plot, decorate her her. In the article, you will learn not only about the reproduction of Blue ate, as well as the main diseases and their treatment.

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landing and care for blue fir

Blue spruce - one of the most elegant and beautiful coniferous treesThis plant is able to decorate any landscape and many years to delight you with your always elegant and attractive appearance.

Belongs to the type of decorative coniferous plants From the family of pine.

North America is considered to be the birthplace of Blue ate. Unlike other conifers, blue spruce has a very beautiful bluish tint.

How to breed a blue spruce

Blue spruce can be grown on its site, the main thing is to properly approach the landing and care issue.

Reproduce this plant can be seedsbut the simplest and available way, this is reproduction of seedlings.

Reproduction of seedlings

Best of all when growing a blue ate for landing to use cuttings, taken from an adult tree in the form of lateral annual shoots 7-10 centimeters long.

They need to prepare when the juice moves. The resulting cuttings are planted in a greenhouse in the sand to the depth of one and a half centimeters and spray.

For better rooting, various growth stimulants are applied, for example, the preparation "heteruxin". The solution is prepared so, 100 grams of heteroacexin takes, which is diluted with 1 liter of water, then cooled. The cuttings are lowered in this solution for several hours from three to six, after which they are rinsed with water and planted into the finished substrate.

Growing blue ace

For the first two or three weeks, it is necessary to shade the cuttings during the daytime, and the air is saturated with moisture, spraying the floors and walls, regularly explode the substrate. When raising the temperature and solar activity Glass is desirable to be flown, and the cuttings themselves are additionally shaded.

If the cold nights are covered with mats. Thanks to the growth of rude substances, the dates of the rooting of cuttings are reduced, as well as significantly increases the percentage of rooted plants.

Reproduction of seeds

When breeding this plant, seeds need to sow them under the winter. When the trees are good, choose the strongest with a blue tint and a good form, the truth will have to wait three years until the tree is fully formed and strengthened.

Planting Sazedans

For planting a seedling with a root system, it is necessary to pre-pick a place, it is desirable open, as a fir-lived plant, here the blue fir crown will develop correctly. If there is a tree shadow, it will have an incorrect form.

It must be sufficiently easy with a weakly acidic medium, loamy and fertile. In such a compost, a deep root system is developing, which significantly increases its stability. This plant does not like the presence of groundwater, as well as an excess of stagnant water. Does not tolerate sharp sunlight.

Diseases of blue spruce and treatment

When growing blue ate Need not to forget about pests and diseases.

  • If brown specks were formed on the needle blue spruce, this is a sign that your tree fell ill with a spherical sickness. To cure the plant, it is necessary to spray the Christmas tree with a colloidal gray (a solution consisting of 200 grams divorced by 10 liters of water), or "burgundy liquid" (solution of 100 grams diluted with 10 liters of water), or cinnab (composition 50-100 grams per 10 liters of water ), It is necessary to do in spring and closer to autumn.

  • In the presence of orange spots On the needles and when the shootings are also used, these drugs are used, and in case of severe damage, the branches are cut or the fir itself is hardened, so as not to infect nearby trees.
  • In the event that on your ate young shoots as if burned, then, most likely it is a spruce sawder. It is necessary to treat the branches of Fufanon (the composition of 20 grams of ten liters of water) when its caterpillars are detected.
  • The needle of the ship - most likely, a pest was kept on the branches in the form of "Elovo-Fir Hermes". Under the cheese, you can detect his colonies in the form of white wool. To destroy it, it is necessary to spray the tree in April with a solution of the drug "Rogor" or "Antio" (composition of 20 grams per 10 liters of water).
  • The presence of stem pests. The appearance in the core of the holes with a diameter of five millimeters speaks of the presence of pests. It is necessary to improve the conditions of detention and treat the tree insecticides.
  • Due to insufficient solar illumination or external unfavorable conditions Could dry fir branches with one side of the tree.

Such a plant like a blue fir - hardy and beautiful tree. Blue ace reproduction and breeding in the country and around it serves not only for decoration and design cottage plot, and perfectly protects your garden or a plot from the wind and the sun.

Experts on the cultivation of coniferous plants for breeding of the blue ate recommend shifting. After all, it is this method with a 100% guarantee that allows you to preserve the natural blue tint of ate. Do not be lazy to find a suitable tree in your city and disrupt several cuttings from it.


The natural range of growing blue fir trees is North America. To date, this species decorative plants gaining increasing popularity and is actively grown by gardeners around the world. In addition to attractiveness, blue spruce is unpretentious in care and has high resistance to winter frosts, which makes it possible to grow it even in the harshest conditions. Against the background of the rest coniferous rocks It is highlighted by an unusual blue tint. Needle has a conical shape and present on branches a large number of cones.

Blue fir tree on the plot

In natural conditions, the blue fir grows very much, and its age can reach 600-800 years. But in the home garden, such a fir will live no more than 100 years. If we talk about the height of the tree, it varies depending on the type. There are quite powerful trees with a height of 25-30 m or more, middle trees up to 4 m in height and low dwarf species, peeling along the ground. Currently, about 70 species of this conifer plant are derived by breeders. However, the last variant of the blue spruce is most popular, the crown width can reach 2 m, and the height does not exceed 0.5 m. And such shrubs are more resistant to frost than their big fellows, withsting to -35 ̊c.


The optimal time for collecting cuttings of blue ate for breeding is considered to be the beginning of May. It is during this period that the tree finally wakes up after winter hibernationsatisfied nutrient substances and juice. It is advisable to tear the twigs with young firing age up to 10 years. It increases the likelihood of cuttings. Choosing branches, pay attention to their size. They should not be shorter than 7-12 cm and should have a "heel", thickening of old wood at the base. Due to the presence of "heel", the coniferous resin will not block the cells of a young seedling and limit the flow of the desired amount of moisture. In order not to damage it, it is better to tear off the twig with your hands, and not cut it with a knife.

Blue ate stalk

It is desirable to harvest the planting material in the morning or on a cloudy day. The branches immediately put in a plastic bag so that they do not surfacing, and on the same day, transope in the soil. Accelerate the process of growing seedlings and its accessibility will help the stimulator of the root formation, in which the cuttings leave for 2 hours. This will allow to get a developed root system When complying with all subsequent rules for care after 1.5 months. But without the use of the stimulator, this process can delay up to 3 months or more.


If you did not have time to prepare a soil for planting and have already broken a sprig of a blue ate, then you will fit the extension in the refrigerator. For this cutlets we send to the water for an hour, and then planted into wet sand. In the plastic bag, we smear the desired amount of sand and reproduce the twigs to the depth of 2 cm, tie the package and send it to the refrigerator for 14 days. Withstand seedlings at a temperature of +3 ̊c. After the expiration of this time, the cuttings are transplant to a greenhouse or a greenhouse. After about 2 months, the roots will appear. However, in order for this method to work, do not handle the sprigs of stimulants. It may not affect their accessibility.

Steels ate for germination

An unusual and very convenient way is considered to be disembarking. This method saves an excellent place and is particularly suitable for those gardeners who have no big windowsill for growing. It is best to use it for winter shutdown. Samokrutka is a long ribbon folded in several layers. The first layer is a cotton towel or any soft substrate from under laminate and similar materials. The main thing is that the material is insulating. The length of such a material may be unlimited, and width - 10-15 cm.

The second layer is a absorbing paper or a napkin, moss ideal for cuttings. We start the process from the preparation of the twigs. We remove the needle at the base and dip each end in the Powder of Kornin. Next, roll a cotton towel or other material, put on it on top of the MCH layer, carefully moisten it and put it with a bare part of the twigs on it. All twist with a roll and pull the rubber band. Put the design vertically in the package, tie it and hang on the window where heat, but not so sunny. As the top layer is drying out, the self-wool wet it with water. Already in the spring, the cuttings will be allowed roots, and they can be planted in a greenhouse.


So that the cuttings manage to root well, do not rush to immediately plant them in open sad. Better leave them on the windowsill, putting into a special substrate. Prepare a comfortable container, such as a homemade container from plastic bottle or pot. At the bottom, put drainage, fine pebbles or pebbles with a height of 4-5 cm. Next, pour nutritive soil, preferably for coniferous rocks, but if there is no such, it is better to use universal land. Final upper layer - sand. Its height is about 5 cm. Before planting a seedling into a substrate, treat the base of the cutting in the growth stimulator or the weak potassium permanganate solution. Next, we deepen it by 3-5 cm at an angle of 30 degrees and moisturize the soil.

Germination of silk of conifer

As the upper layer is drying out, we carry out watering, but we do everything moderately, without ovetion. In this process, it is even not so much watering soil, and spraying the cuttings themselves with water from the spray, which should be regular. Also do not put the cutter with cuttings on the sunny window sill. The optimal for them will be the half. It is recommended to plant cuttings a year after the start of the shilling, but many do it much earlier. Better time For cutting cuttings for a permanent place of growth will be late autumn or winter. It is during this period that the smallest probability of development has a blue spruce root rot.

Depending on the color Gamma. Your ate, we select the most favorable landing area. What she is darker, the more comfortable she will grow in the shade.

The landing scheme is chosen, focusing on the type. In the prepared pit we introduce compost, mineral fertilizersAnd also put on the bottom drainage from the broken brick. When planting a seedling into the ground, the root neck is left at the ground level, not much sealing the soil around the ate. In the arid period of the year, the weekly watering of the blue ate should be at least 12 liters. At the same time, the water is pre-heating in the sun, especially on cloudy days. Otherwise, a sharp contrast between the warm soil and cold water It may adversely affect the root system of young seedlings.


If you still decided to plant cuttings in the greenhouse, then you need to take care of compliance with all conditions. First of all, it concerns the temperature regime, which should be at least 13 ° C for air and 10 ° C for soil. The ideal indicators in the greenhouse is the marker for air 18-24 ° C, and for soil - 21-27 ° C. Therefore, it is best to acquire soil heating. So that the root system does not boot, at the bottom of the hole to land the cuttings, we make drainage from rubbing or fine pebbles (5 cm), sprinkle it with light nutritional ground (about 10 cm) and sand (5-7 cm). In this case, we withstand the distance between the cuttings and the greenhouse film at 20 cm. As in the case of landing into the container, we deepen the branches of the blue spruce into the ground by 3-5 cm at an angle of 30 degrees.

Growing blue fir in a greenhouse

The second is a lot an important indicator In the greenhouse - air humidity. It is checked on a greenhouse film. Watch that it does not form too large moisture drops on it, only light splashes. To do this, perform daily ventilation. And in order to limit the cuttings in the first months from the aggressive sun, throw the burlap or spunbond greenhouse from above. Also watch the soil is not dry. Moderately water him. Periodically pushed the earth. However, do it carefully, do not harm cuttings and gentle roots.

Throughout the extension period, pay attention to the appearance of young seedlings. If their coniferous needles have blushed, it may indicate infection with fungal infections, and if they crumble - about excess moisture. In this case, you can try to save the cuttings with antifungal drugs, but the risk of recovery is minimal. When a positive result reaches a positive result, 2 months intensive cutting care should be rooted. We transplant seedlings to open ground. However, we do it as carefully as possible, since they are easy enough.

Blue fir is rightly considered one of the most beautiful representatives of coniferous trees. Thanks to its high decorative qualities, spruce is very popular among gardeners and landscape designers. Moreover, the cultivation and care for it is absolutely not burdensome.

Blue spruce a bright representative of elite plants. The height of the tree reaches thirty meters, and the diameter of the barrel is one and a half. Crown has a conical or cylindrical shape. The attractiveness of the needles in its color. The needles, depending on the temperature mode, change the color from the grayish-green milking bright blue. Moreover, a silver flare is distinguished on the needles, which gives the tree with a special sophistication. In addition, in addition to decorative qualities, this flare helps to hold moisture and protects against the penetration of dirty air.

Noble spruce sit down in urban parks, near government agencies and elite buildings. It can often be found in the garden as a solitator who gives the estate of a special charm, especially in the winter.

Gorgeous beauty can be purchased in the form of a seedlings in specialized stores or grow independently. To do this, consider in more detail how spruce is breed at home.


The fir breeds in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Landing material in the form of seeds can be purchased in the store or collect yourself. For this, the bumps are collected in the first half of December. It is necessary to prepare their sufficient quantity, since the germination of seeds from blue firings is not very big. Also, it is worth noting that the reproduction of seeds is not fully allowed to preserve maternal qualities in future seedlings. Most often, the loss of pigment is observed, and the spruce grown from seeds have a green or blue-green color, the blue shade with a silver bloom is observed only in two of ten seedlings. But even if it was decided to grow spruce from seeds, then you need to know how to collect cones properly:

  • it is best to take those that are located at the top of the tree;
  • they must be dense and closed.

After collecting the bumps, you need to put in a warm place so that they come to the desired state and revealed. They must be placed in a fairly warm place, near any heating device. When the bumps are revealed from them, it is necessary to shake the seeds neatly on the sheet of paper. This is a seed material that will disembark. The next stage of preparation is stratification (tempering seed). This manipulation allows you to increase the germination of the planting material. What do we have to do? The first thing the seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate for three hours. Then he dry them naturally on a paper towel. Then wrapped in the fabric and placed in the glass container, which is placed in the refrigerator until spring. After such a hardening, with the onset of heat, the seeds will "be". They are maintained in a solution of a stimulator of growth with Fundazole about two days. After that, planted in the ground. Grow spruce from seeds in two ways:

  • in open soil;
  • in planting tanks.

In the open soil, the seeds are planted when it goes to night frosts. The place where the landing will be produced must be prepared. It is picked up, and the ground is mixed with peat, sand and soil from under coniferous trees. An integrated fertilizer should also be made. Then the soil is trough tightly and the seeds of the fir declves at a distance of four centimeters. From above, they are covered with a centimeter layer from peat mixed with fir cheey. Landing should be poured by spraying and cover with the film. In the future, seeds should provide correct care. To avoid daily and need to spray. The first shoots will appear in three weeks. Then the film is cleaned, and care for seedlings. If the seeds rose together, they need to be switched. Also follow and follow the humidity of the soil, it is impossible to allow its excessive convergence, otherwise the shoots are rotated. On a permanent place, a blue spruce seedlings can land the next spring.

Reproduction seeds B. room conditions Keeps the overall technology for planting and germination. They are planted not only in open soil, but in advance prepared containers with transparent lids. Soil is prepared in accordance with the description above. The difference is that in the warm season, the seedlings with seedlings are taken out to the street, and with the onset of cold weather, located indoors, where the air temperature is not more than fifteen degrees.

The second method, with which you can properly propagate a fir - this is a shilling. It is most in demand, because it allows you to fully maintain the maternal signs of blue ate.

The reproduction of cuttings begin in the spring, in the first days of May. During this period there is an active infection. Cuttings are preparing from young side shoots. They must be dried with their hands, and so that they remain part of the wood, the so-called "heel". The length of the workpiece should be about ten centimeters. The planting material is collected early in the morning. Then the cuttings are placed for a couple of hours into the growth stimulator solution, after which it is planted into the ground. Landing technology with cuttings, the same as seeds.

You can grow seedlings ate and from cuttings without "heel", from randomly broken shoots. Only them first in the course of two weeks are kept in the refrigerator. Do it as follows. Broken twigs about an hour are soaked in water. After placed in a plastic bag with wet sand, so that one part of the twig is two centimeters is bundled in the sand. The package is tightly tied. After fourteen days, the cuttings are planted into the ground and are grown as described above.

You can also shine fir and winter. For this, cut shoots for five centimeters are cleaned from needles and are placed in the growth stimulator. You will also need a paper towel or napkins for which you need to lay out wet moss, and on top of it, fir cuttings, bare part. All this twisted into the roll and tied up with thread. Then such a landing design is placed in the package that is tied and placed on the window. By the beginning of May, the cuttings should allow the roots, then they can be planted in an open soil on growing. But to save Chenkov, they need to provide greenhouse conditions. At which the air temperature should be at least thirteen degrees, and soil is about ten. Also need to follow the humidity of the soil, the moisture stagnation is destroyed for seedlings. Bright sunlights can call the burrow, so young firing in the first months after disembarking samples.

Ordinary spruce is very popular in landscape design. Many modern designers invent very many original ideas To create unique compositions with firs.

Spruce: competent reproduction

Reproduction ordinary ace It occurs with seeds or cuttings. Before multiplying the coniferous green beauty, think about how to choose, because everyone has its own characteristics. As practice shows, the seating ate is the easiest way that most gardeners choose.

The overlap period is spring, or rather, April or May. It is possible to reproduce the plant with cuttings and in the autumn period, but this is in the case it is worth covering the cuttings for the winter.

So that the cuttings are well rooted, they must be kept in a special solution throughout the day. This solution contribute to rapid growth. As such an "helper" serve: indolylmacean, amber, indolyloxus, naphthyl ace acid.

Rooting cuttings need in garden or room greenhouses. They must be filled soil mixture from leaf land and sand (in the same quantities). In order to put the cuttings correctly, you need to know first of all what to do this should be obliquely at an angle of 30 degrees to the surface of the Earth.

As for the duration of rooting, it happens different, as a rule, from two to five months. It is very easy to notice the root: first grow up shoots, but only then the roots.

  • cuttings are recommended to cut into cloudy weather;
  • it is impossible to multiply the plant in summer periodSince the high temperature of the air does not affect the growth and development of ate;
  • cut cuttings at the tree whose age is at least 4 years and no more than 10;
  • cuttings need to cut off early in the morning and do it better from the northern side of the plant;
  • the length of the cutter should not be less than 6 or more than 10 centimeters;
  • do not forget to use the growth stimulator solution;
  • enhance the landing air humidity will help an ordinary film of polyethylene;
  • you can roighten the cuttings both under film shelter and under glass;
  • you can quickly and safely cut down the shoots using a sharp knife or a secateurs;
  • cherenks after landing be sure to spray;
  • the reproduction of ate with cutlets should be organized before the start of the renal dissolve.

The reproduction of ate with cuttings has a fairly high efficiency. If strictly adhere to the above councils, then the christmas reproduction will not make long wait, and you can grow yourself on your own panstone Lush, healthy and attractive evergreen beauty.

To improve your site, give him a respectable view and nobility with the help of blue firings. They will become beautiful decoration, accentrates individual zones and turn the territory into a real fairy tale.

Plant Description

This beautiful conifer plant came to us from the high mountain regions of North America. It is for this reason that a blue spruce calmly transfers highly lowered temperatures and a creepy cold wind. In our country, this type is mainly used in decorative purposes, parks, squares, memorial zones, as well as rest areas and country areas are decorated with blue beauties.

For his unpretentiousness and endurance, this plant has become very popular around the world. Blue spruce grows rather large sizes, in the wild there are copies of up to 10-15 meters in height. Depending on the variety and varieties of wood, gardeners can choose anyone you like, as breeders for last years brought a large number of options. It can be a small compact tree or high grade with pretty splashing branches.

The needles of the trees are also different and color and density, so if you decide to plant a blue fir tree on the site, you should first decide on the choice, and then begin to determine the place and landing.

Types and varieties

Among the great diversity, it is possible to distinguish those varieties that use designers and gardeners with special demand, since more than one year are grown in special nurseries, and have proven themselves from the most positive side.

  • blue Brilliant - High spruce, having a conical shape and can grow up to 7 meters, however, it grows not quickly, and adds only 15 cm per year. So that this spruce for long-term cultivation;

Blue Brilliant
  • biolobok - The plant can grow only to two meters, it is his maximum. Branches are short and distinguished by special rigidity. This is one of the most beloved firs from landscape designers, as in early youth, the shoots prevailing a golden hue;
  • valbourne - frost-resistant, low rise planthaving a spherical crown. Perfectly suitable for stony slides and gardens;
  • montgomery - Also on high grade, only two meters in height, but a peculiarity is a cone-shaped shape and a bright needle, but it is achieved only after time, and the spruce grows extremely slow. Requires quite a lot of attention, and if it is not, decorative is lost and the beautiful silver shade disappears;
  • aurea - This fir tree has a golden needles and a very thick horizontal crown. This grade loves sunny sections and very frostable;
  • blue Totem. - The height of the tree is up to five meters. It is a cone-shaped and branches firmly fit to the trunk. It transfers frost well, but he loves the sun and moistened areas;
  • Blue Vander - This is the Canadian Blue Spruce, grows as much as possible to two meters. It has a lush, soft and cone-shaped crown. It is necessary to dialect in the first spring days, since it is very susceptible to sunlight burns;

Blue Vander
  • bismarck - This dwarf tree in shape resembles a cone. It grows up to half a meter. Propagated by two types of seed and stalling, frost resistant, and tolerates drought well.

These are the most popular, but the list can still be continued, since the varietal and species groups are represented by a huge variety. However, there are generals - great external view, unpretentious care, as well as endurance, which any tree can envy.

Features of breeding with cuttings

Since the seed method of breeding blue firings is not effective, and often not capable of transmitting maternal qualities to the young generation, it is believed that the shilling is the most successful way.


It begins a rather long period of reproduction from what the planting material is harvested. It is taken from the uterine plants, which in their age can be from four to forty years. The best copies will be those that achieved 4-10 years old, cuttings from these fir rods are rooted by almost 80%. From the older trees, which is 30 years old, only half of the cuttings give roots.

The most capable cuttings for rooting are those taken from plants grown from seeds.

Spreads for germination are taken from a wood with a way of ripping. This, as a rule, side shoots growing on second or third-order branches.Spring is considered to be the best time for the workpiece of the material when scaly kidneys are slightly moving away and abundant intake begins. From many years of practice it can be seen that such drafts are able to give roots after two and a half months, and after five months their roots are already growing up to 20 cm long and acquire elasticity.

Summer harvesting of the planting material may not have time to root for short term. And the shilling in the fall must be transferred to the greenhouse conditions.


The cuttings themselves are planted into the moistened ground under the shelter or in the seating boxes in the greenhouse. Usually lovers are covered with twigs placed in the ground, polyethylene film Or another observer sweater. The most favorable temperature for root growth:

  • in the soil up to 5 cm in the depth - 15-20 degrees.
  • in the afternoon, the day - 11-18 degrees.
  • at night - 2-4 degrees.

These indicators significantly accelerate the process, therefore, if such a temperature is not possible in the street conditions, rooting in a warmed place, a greenhouse or even at home should be carried out.


Before planting cuttings in the ground, you need to prepare it. This is done as follows:

  • on the bottom of the trench or drawer, the drainage layer of fine rubble is stacked, layer to 5 cm.
  • then follows the turf layer of the Earth, not less than 8-10 cm.
  • obill the peat layer with sand, in the proportion of 1: 3.

Dry stalks only in cloudy weather or in the evening, if these are open conditions.

Moisten the soil with water and disinfected by a weak solution of manganese. Before placing the cuttings into the soil, they should be treated with their stimulant of root formation. Here you can apply a well-proven heteroacexine, collecting 100g drug in a liter of water. Time to keep cuttings in a solution of 16 hours. If you do not treat the material, the formation of the roots can be delayed on a rather long period, and the percentage will decrease significantly.

Planting material

Processed twigs should be planted into the prepared ground at an angle of 30 degrees. The depth of sealing into the soil is not more than 1 cm, and the distance between seedlings is 5x5 cm. The soil is slightly sealed and moistened, cover the layer of gauze or nonwoven material to shading on top.


In such a form, your cuttings must be completely rooted, which lies in constant watering, ventilation, and tracking temperature mode In the soil and in the air corresponded to the desired norm. Humidity is also an important indicator, so it is best to purchase special devices that can define all indicators.


Of course, several dozen cuttings should be planted at once, because it is not always possible to provide cuttings required conditions For rooting. On average, in summer timeIf there is warm weather, it comes out only by 40%, and with a cold climate and less, by 20%.

For the winter, drawers are cleaned into the cool room under glass or film.

If your pets managed to survive the winter period, in the spring it is necessary to plant all weak or fallen cuttings and take it again. During the summer, they must restore their strength and increase even more roots. During this period, loosening and watering are the basis of care. By August, the gradual hardening begins by removing the shelter.

For the second year, a normal increase and rooting should be obtained, and only by the third year, the cuttings form a strong root system. But on this epic with the cultivation of young Blue firings does not end. In the greenhouse, they must be in almost five years. Reserve patience if you want to get a strong and healthy young piglery.

Only by 10 years, young Christmas trees will have a little more than a meter.

Fighting diseases and pests

During the first two years, young Christmas trees may be subject to diseases and attack of harmful insects. Since the resistance of the seedling is still quite weak, the tree cannot fight independently with various missticks. Diseases that may be subject to Christmas tree are divided into two types. These are infectious infection and painful damage to non-infectious property.

For example, if your blue fir begins to stick, but it is not visible any explicit damage, this suggests that the tree is ill, so urgently should take measures to not lose it finally.

Never plan blue ate on the soil, where Parenic, potatoes, tomatoes have grown. After them in the soil, microhydribles often remain able to destroy many varieties of blue fir trees. If the shoots are faded and dry twigs appear - this is the first sign of fungal defeat.

A very frequent phenomenon becomes the simultaneous lesion of firs and pests and diseases, so integrated care and processing of seedlings is very important. Among the harmful insects also allocated the most dangerous groups:

  • stem - sawers.
  • lentoging.
  • sucking - Shield, Hermes.


Pillers are the main enemy of coniferous plants. They attack a gentle chevy, their larvae is almost impossible to destroy. They bind and bark of wood, and young shoots. It is necessary to carry out plant processing with special compositions insecticides in the spring during the activation of insects, as well as to monitor the condition of the trees during the entire period.

Regular treatment of insects and timely treatment will be able to save young landings from death.


A clear example of growing blue spruce from cuttings Look on video


Blue spruce is a good taste and sophistication, connecting with unpretentiousness and sophistication. Having put on the countryside this is a long-lived tree, you can watch his growth and enjoy his beauty. Blue and silver needles ate will not leave anyone indifferent and will give true pleasure from how virtuoso it fits into your landscape, let the small but personal residence.