
Spruce ordinary

Vegetable crops

Ylannik is a classic fabulous mysterious, dark, beautiful forest, probably, it was on the forest from the firings a red hat walked. Numerous inhabitants live in it, he is green, mossy and beautiful. It was in such a forest that all the heroes of magical fairy tales were lost, and someone met Babu Yagu. This is a paradise for wolves, foxes, kunits, bears, squirrels, as well as dermarians, chests, forty and many more. Yelannik is destroyed and rebels anew like a Phoenix bird, almost from nothing, he is whimsical and fast-growing. Spruce is a traditional Russian tree, and not only, folk fairy tales and the well-known Christmas honorary guest of our homes. The preservation of spruce forest is an important task not only for our farm, but for our soul, so that we can, when visiting it, to survive unforgettable romantic feelings.

The value of spruce forest

  • Spruce is one of the most important taiga breeds of coniferous trees. Basically, such forests are located in a taiga, which can be defined as a northern coniferous forest;
  • Spruce forest - the one in which the dominant breed is a fir;
  • Spruce often grows in mixed with other rocks;
  • Any forest is a nursery for birds, animals, insects, worms, bacteria, as well as useful plants. For fir forest, this is most characteristic;
  • Forest in general, and firing to a large extent, is a source of diverse products for a person: wood, food, recreation, beauty. The forest is a unique protection for water and soil sources;
  • Spruce forest is an indispensable raw material base for agriculture and industry. They give about 30% of the volume of wood in the country.
  • Wood, in turn, is the raw material for many material goods: ethyl alcohol, charcoal, timber and more. Spruce forest gives a lot of businesswood, chips of technological, spruce crust and coniferous paw. Also gives a lot of mushrooms, berries, plants, medicines.

Features of spruce forest

  • strong shadiness. Spruce - a dark-eyed breed and grows well in the shade;
  • singular crowns, i.e. All trees are equally made to the light;
  • it is a dark one (in contrast to light-king, like pine, etc.), i.e. This is a forest with a strongly closed canopy from the crown, which leads to weak light, air intake outside to the internal planting microclimate, weak light and minimal expression of land cover;
  • in such a forest, like dark, little mixed breeds, not more than three. Grass and shrubs in it grow poorly, various types of fungi perform a big role, incl. in the fertilizer of the soil;
  • often, berries grow in forests;
  • inseparable from fir forests such a resident like moss;
  • a spruce really needs fertile soils and moisture content of the Earth and the atmosphere. The root system is superficial. Does not tolerate drought in the air, even if the soil is wet. Well tolerate excessive humidity and swelling of soils, but not in the case of rapid moisturizing them. Also does not tolerate cutting droughts and groundwater treatment;
  • often forests made of coniferous trees are artificially created, i.e. Place on the site of the previous gross deciduous trees. Spruce and other conifers grow rather and therefore give higher benefits for business members;
  • in the spruce forest there are a lot of plants-mesophytes, i.e. adapted to medium water supply. Almost all plants of the moderate zone belong to mesophytes. Herbs grow mycotrophic (feeding from mushrooms), saprophytes or half-profits, i.e. fed from dead, decomposing organic substances;
  • thanks to the gentle microclimate of the spruce forest, the grass grows there later, but they are preserved almost to winter, in them, especially in taiga wrestling, a lot of herbs, green and in winter;
  • a fir grows on more fertile soils than pine trees, and easily displaces the last in such a terrain. Spruce young woman gradually replaces pine;
  • if this happens on a little nutrient for the soil, the fir does not withstand the poverty of the soil and there is a bad spruce on the site of a good pine;
  • the undergrowth in the forest from the ate is very rare.

Geography of forests with fir

  • widespread over the globe, in different climatic belts, in a variety of soil conditions;
  • Taiga with the dominant evergreen forests from the needles of Northern Eurasia and the North of America. Even closer to the North Pole of Taiga goes to the tundra, and approaching the southern latitudes goes into the forest-steppe and mixed forest;
  • in the Taiga zone, there is often spruce with an admixture of other conifers and deciduous trees, with an undergrowth of various berry shrubs;
  • south Fir Forests are less common, growing arrays, there are many of them in the middle belt of the Eurasian and North American continents. In tropical climates can grow only in mountainous areas;
  • in Northern Europe, the appropriate breed is growing, the name of the erendian fir;
  • in Canada, as the main forest breed, a fir tree is grown black and white spruce;
  • Fir red and black grows in Appalachi;
  • from the Pacific Ocean in the North American shores spruce Sitkinskaya.

In Russia, forests are between tundra in the north and deserts with deserts. In the forest belt winter harsh, summer is warm. In the Republic of Komi Yelanniki make up 34% of the territory, with the predominance of Siberian varieties of ate.

In Russia, the Urals, Primorsky and Khabarovsk region, Sakhalin are mainly engaged in the Urals. In the West Siberian and Altai regions, spruce grows mixed with the fir. Many Elnikov in the north of Russian plains.

In Western Siberia, fir forests grow mixed with larch. In the Yenisei taiga, together with the cedar, a little in the Tungus Taiga, where the Siberian larch breed is dominated, in the Zabaikal Mountains as a secondary tree. Siberian spruce is well tolerating the shadow, the height of 20 meters, lives 250 years. The lateral branches are located in flutters (nodes of several branches), which are formed from the 4th year of life and then grows annually on a meal, why it becomes possible to determine the age of the tree. Branches grow parallel to the soil, create a very strong shading and high humidity. Not all plants can grow in such a forest.

In the central regions of the European part of Russia, many Elannikov grew earlier, but they were all bred for economic purposes, or were ousted by aspen and birch, and in the north-west of Russia after the forest fires in the place of Elnikov began to grow, but the spruce starts growing there again and return Lost items.

In addition to the Taiga, the forests of dark trees are found in the mountains in Primorye, in the Caucasus, in Tien Shan, on the Carpathians. In the mountains of the forests, have a huge environmental importance for the conservation of water and fencing against soil erosion.

Herbs that grow in a spruce forest

By virtue of the big scholar screaming, only those plants that are sufficiently minimal lighting are growing in it. This is Nienik Two-leaf, the saddemic (flowers with seven petals), ancient (often forms big thickets, such a spruce forest is called the ripple), a pear, cat foot, blueberry berries (spruce with blueberries are called blueberries), lingonberry (brusniks), watery shrub. Linnea North, horsetail and althers are growing: Halfugur three-part, men's shield.

Herbs grow mainly with vegetative reproduction (through roots, mustache). The inflorescences of their pale pink and white color, so plants adapt to the need to be noticeable for insect pollinators.

Moss grows on the soil: Schrecher's pleuriations, Kukushkin Flax, in areas of the most wet - sphagnum (swamp) mosses. Thus, the yelnik is three-tiered: spruce, shrubs and herbs with moss.

In marsh-herbal frying the most magnificent herbs: Tollga, fern, hat.

Classification of Ylannikov

  • there are mixed forests from coniferous and large rocks, like oak, linden, ilm, ash, maple, black alder;
  • it is possible to grow forests from dark and light-ohwise rocks at the same time. We will look at the varieties of forests with the dominance of ate;
  • ylanniki with green moss: They grow the most beautiful and powerful trees, are located on drained, few fertile soils, like clay, loam, sands, letters, sometimes sand, etc. Spruce here acts as a dominant culture. Such elanniki remains for a very long time, with the exception of force majeure conditions, and are well renewed;
  • green-making forests from ate three types: Sucker, blueberry and cowberberry. The kisskin grows on the hills, on fertile soils. Extremely productive in terms of wood for household needs. The box is growing on fertile plains. Less productive. Brusnichnik is located on less fertile dry soil, the least productive;
  • fires firing with long moss: located in lowlands with stagnant moisture of northern taiga. Their wood productivity is small. They grow a Cukushkin Flax, which weakens fir. For good growth, it is necessary to drainage soil;
  • sphagnic fagna spit - in basins with stagnant water, swampy terrain, often with peat. SFAGNUM - Peat Moss, which subordinates the trees. Forest productivity is low. The main range is the north and north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation;
  • elanniki Ococo-Safagna in flooded basins and on the northern plains. Mixed with birch and pine, little productive. Also need drainage;
  • elanniki Bolotno-herbal: grow in the logs of streams and rivers on rich sleeves;
  • selniki complexes: grow on fertile drainage soils. The most southernmost location. Productivity high. They are distinguished by underols from deciduous trees: oak yelnik - with oak, lime - with lime.

In general, a spruce forest is a traditional forest for the antodods, travelers, tourists and many other people of various activities. It is unique and abundant, handsome and deeper with antiquity, because such forests of the defeat grew and pleased people with their power, shady and mysterious beauty. This is a forest that must be preserved and in which it is necessary to walk more often by taking tourist equipment and reserves to get a real full vacation.

Fir Ordinary (Picea Abies). This elegant slim tree looks particularly beautiful when it grows on perfectly open place. The crown of such a tree has the form of a proper narrow cone. Long lower branches are somewhat leaked to the ground, as if unable to carry a grievous cargo of the needles. The branches located above are becoming in short and shorter and gradually lift up. The top of the tree is always sharp, it is never dulled, even when the tree is old. Crowns of firings are like gigantic sharp peaks aimed at the sky. The high and slim spruce grows only when the uppermost kidney of the tree is normally dismissed every year and gives rise to a new run. This is the most important kidney of the tree, it provides the height of ate in height. If a young eating the top kidney has been damaged or cut off the escape on which it is located, - the appearance of the tree changes dramatically: the growth of the main barrel is stopped, the side branches coming up to the top gradually lifting up. As a result, instead of a high and slender tree, low and ugly. Elevary trees do not happen. If you "behead" a young birch or oak, it will never affect the appearance of a tree and it will grow quite normal. Sometimes a person strives to specifically get an ugly fir with a low wide crown. It is such a fir that is needed, for example, in landings along the lines of railways. To: get the desired crown shape, the tops cut the tops.
The field of natural spread of ordinary spruce in our country is quite large - almost all the northern half of the European part of the Union. In the Urals and in Siberia, close species of Siberian (Picea Obovata) grows. Unquestless northern fir forests - sullen and gloomy taiga. On the soil - often a solid green mover carpet and bilberry thickets. Tree branches and trunks are covered with lichen flakes. The farther to the south, the higher the spruce forest becomes. The composition of plants that are under the trees is changing. There are many soures, here and there you see the herbs characteristic of the oak. In some places there are oaks, and besides him, other broadcaming trees: Maple, Lipa. In the Moscow region, in the southern limit of its distribution, spruce reaches an impressive height - up to 30 m (almost like a 10-storey house). Here are ordinary spruce with herbal cover from oak plant. In the European part of the country, spruce does not go far to the south, as quite moisture. It does not endure dry soil. In this regard, the spruce is much more whitic than pine, which grows perfectly on very dry sands. Heri, like in pine, on the cross-section of the trunk is clearly distinguished by the annual rings of wood. Some annual rings are wider, others are narrower. Wide formed in the wet years, favorable for growing ate, narrow - in arid, unfavorable. Especially narrow rings correspond to the extremely dry, critical for the years. If you carefully examine the stump of the old ate, you can calculate, which years there was a strong drought. Consequently, a fir as if writes weather. And if the old tree, these "records" cover not only previous decades, but even whole centuries. In the Moscow region once decided to verify the correctness of the fir testimony. To do this, they took the data of meteorological observations for more than 100 years and found out which years was drought. Then the same began to determine the stems of ate. These meteorologists and the results of the study of spruce trees completely coincided. The width of the annual rings in the ate is determined not only by the amount of precipitation. It strongly depends on the conditions of lighting in which the tree grows. In the forest, for example, annual rings will be narrower than in an open place. Sometimes on the rings on the stump, you can trace the "biography" of the tree itself, the conditions of his life in different periods. Suppose, in the center of the stump we see only some narrow one-year rings, and then the wood begins with wide rings. This means that first spruce grew in the forest and was shaded by neighbors, and then the surrounding trees cut down (or they themselves died). Spruce watered free and began to grow with better lighting. Spruce is demanding not only to soil moisture, but also to her fertility. This tree does not grow on extremely poor nutrient substances High (sphagnum) swamps and fruitless sands. Very sensitive fir to the late frosts, they ruin her young, which have just appeared, have not yet frown shoots. At the beginning of the summer, you may have had to see the young Christmas trees damaged by frosts somewhere in an open place (on cutting down, on the big glade among the forest, etc.). Young shoots of their dried, brown, as if buried fire. Havinki ate live on the branches for quite a long time - usually up to five to seven years. They are much shorter than pine. The stem is covered with thick, but you can still consider that they are arranged by one. The ends of the cheops are very prickly. No wonder fir branches covered for the winter decorative plants On the flower beds to protect them from damage to mice. Bearing needles mouse are beware. The ate thick, dense crown, creating a strong shading. Under the canopy of spruce forest reigns a mysterious twilight. Where young ate grow very thick and shading especially strongly, there are no plants in the forest. Only a thick layer of dry fallen needle covers the soil. There may not be even the most shadowed forests and mosses. In the spruce forest due to strong shading, the young trees (teenager) of almost all tree species die. However, the younger of the spruce itself is very long lasting under these conditions. However, it has a stiff, strongly oppressed appearance. The tree is less than the growth of a person, alike in shape on an umbrella, the crown they seem to be flattened, very loose. Live branches are very thin, with a rare short cheese. Sverhead - like a ski stick. If a sharp knife is cut off such a troller at the bottom, then on a cross section you can see unusually narrow annual rings, almost indistinguishable by a simple eye. It is possible to calculate them only with a strong magnifying glass. Why they are so narrow clear. In the deep shadow, the village almost does not produce organic substances, and therefore, can not produce a lot of wood. If you try to take the calculation of the annual rings in such a Christmas tree to determine how many years she is waiting for an amazing surprise. The treet can be 40-50 and even 70-80 years old. So long struggles for life in a deep shadow of the forest. Striking vitality and shadowness! Persisters of this Christmas tree that grew up with normal lighting - powerful trees with a height of 20-25 m. And it is only poor dwarf. Interestingly, the bright trees-umbrellas did not lose the ability to become real trees. In favorable conditions, they can grow in high slender spruce. It is only necessary to give a young Christmas tree with enough light, free from the shadowing mother of the mother. A few words are about one "Secret" ate - its ability to respond to changing the weather. In the old fir tree, the crowns of trees begin not to the earth, but rather high. Below the crowns on the trunks, you can usually see long and thin dead bows devoid of needles. They depart in all directions in the horizontal direction. These, it would seem, no noticeable dry rods have nothing, however, one interesting feature: they change their position depending on the change in humidity. If the weather is raw, rainy, branches are located horizontally or even slightly bent up, like sabers. But when there is no rain for a long time, the branches go down and bend in the opposite direction. Knowing this feature of ate, you can, by photography made in the spruce forest, to say what the weather was during the shooting - rainy or dry. Now about the so-called flowering ate. The word "bloom" in relation to coniferous trees Not really right: they do not have real flowers. But nevertheless, they are often talking about flowering ate, pine and other gymnobic plants. And they say that because in the spring, reproduction organs appear on their branches, partly resembling flowers and carrying out similar functions. A spruce flowers in May, about a while and the cherry. Blossom is noticeable, colorful. At the ends of the branches at the top of the crown, bright red magnitudes appear with thimble female shchers sticking up. it early stage That fir bump, big and brown, which we see in the fall. Each female shishchka until its appearance is on the light is inside a special kidney and constitutes all its contents. Before flowering, the kidney increases greatly, swelling and finally drops his protective covers of a reddish pointed cap. Only now the female shishchka is completely freed. The structure of it, if not going to botanical parts, is easy: in the middle there is a rod, it sits there are many thin gentle scales that resemble flowers petals (there are also other scales, smaller). If you neatly break up the young chishechka and consider a separate "petal", then two tiny tuberculk can be seen on its inner surface. These are seeds, which are subsequently turning into seeds. After a half or two weeks after the appearance on the light of the bugs, they change their position on the branches: they are no longer sticking up, but dried down. Men's cushions are smaller than women, have a red or greenish yellow color. They also consist of a rod and scales sitting on it, but only the scales here have a different structure: on the outside of each of them you can see with the help of a magnifying glass two oblong bag - spacing pollen. The crowns of some firings during flowering period are decorated with a variety of bright red male shishchets, beautifully released among green needles. "Dusty" spruce is very plentiful. Powdered pollen is far spread around, settles on various objects. You look at this time on the leaves of forest herbs - they seem to be powdered on top of fir pollen. Watching near men's and female buns ate difficult: After all, they are in the crown of wood, high above the ground. However, they can be seen quite close if you manage to find spring lying on Earth adult tree Fir, fed by the wind by the previous autumn or in winter (it is the fallen, but not broken at some height). The kidney of such a tree is normally blooming, and you can easily consider in all details of the lunches of both sexes. The ate, unlike pine, cones ripen in the first year. They formed small winged seeds similar to pine seeds. Failing out of the cones, they are also spinning in the air, like propeller. Their rotation is very fast, but the drop is slow. Picky wind, seeds can fly from the mother tree at about 2-3 times greater than the height of the tree itself. The dispersion of seeds occurs in ate at the end of winter, in dry sunny days. Seeds ate give rise to tiny seedlings, which are very similar to the shoots of pine. In the forest, the seedlings ate quite rare. This is explained by the fact that the thin, weak root of the young plant is often not able to punch a powerful layer of dry fallen needles. But there are many shoots there, where this obstacle is not - on the rotten, lying on the ground of the trunks of trees, on the stump, on the recently exposed areas of the soil, etc. - In short, everywhere, where the needle does not accumulate. To dramatically increase the number of shooters ate under the woods of the forest, forests are used special reception - Locking the litter. The fir has widespread use in the national economy. Its wood in large quantities is, for example, to make paper. In our age of violent progress of civilization, the need for paper is exceptionally large and it needs a huge amount. Statistics were calculated: in one year in all countries of the world, we produce as much paper that if it makes one whole sheet of ordinary thickness from it, it will have fantastic sizes - it is possible to wrap the whole globe in it like a cheese head! In global paper production, most of the fir falls. Fir woods also produce cellulose, artificial silk and much more, it is widely used in construction. Firing wood - an indispensable material for the manufacture of some musical instruments (from it, for example, the upper decks of violins). Thel is also an important supplier of tanning substances necessary when the skin is washed. These substances in our country are mainly made of fir bark. Other domestic plants as sources of tuning substances are much less (used bark of oak, willow, larch, rhizome herbatous Plant Badan, etc.).

For the fact that the fir tree in the winter can be able to be
For all the dead - she is alive
And in the winter cold when the soul is not
His boyars take the sleeves ...
For the fact that Spruce Winter is so wonderful,
I love it ... I'll have a branch of the branch,
As if frequently stroking the fringe.
I love prickly, she somehow you believe more:
After all, if it hides, then to lie to her for nothing?
Alexander Kushner

Everyone knows the words of the famous New Year's children's song. And remember how the fairy tale of X.-K.andersen "El" began: "A wonderful Christmas tree stood in the forest. The place of her was good, air and light pleading ... But neither the sun, nor the singing of birds, nor the pink morning and evening clouds did not give her the slightest pleasure ... a Christmas tree wanted one thing: grow up to grow their branches and see Far and far ... "
She saw herself with a mast on the ship, a beautiful beauty with a golden star on the top. The dream of the Christmas tree came true ...
In different countries, there were their traditions and customs of the meeting of the New Year. But there is something that relates them: the indispensable decoration are plants. More Ancient Germans, meeting the day of the winter solstice, brought coniferous branches in the dwellings as a symbol of the awakening of nature and eternal life. In Russia prickly beauticians Decorated only in the XVIII century, and used to hang bouquets from spruce or juniper branches. So far for many New Year Related to the resinous smell of ate, flickering garlands and decorations.

She is not afraid of snowfall

Snow pattern. Pickup - no longer guess that under the white fur coat. Loose and fluffy, but heavy - breaks the bruises and even trunks. And only ate palicol rises above the forest. They are nicking any snowfall - the snow blows wide branches to the ground, but does not break. Paws lean everything cooler, and the snow slides from them. And they, having shook him, rise again, godly swaying and aiming in the sky, like a gigantic peak, his "finger" - always an acute top ...
For large snow, the tree shape in the form of a cone is perfectly adapted and perfect. Why became a spruce one of the most common breeds in the northern edges. In Belarus, Yelniki occupy only 10 percent of the forestry area.

Grace and harmony do not borrow

This elegant slender tree is especially beautiful and in the forest and in the city, if it grows on horseback. Spruce, "as a lady in a concert dress", lowers the long lower branches to the ground, as if unable to carry a grievous cargo of the needle. And the higher it, the shorter the "wings-branches" and more rise, "as if going through the air to hit the air, snatch a tree and carry to the sun ..." (M. Prishvin.)

CHINA - spiny needles

But what about evergreen needles? Why is she when they circle snow? Here is the first mystery. Experiments have shown that with weak frosts (up to -5 ° C), the foliage continues to photosynthesize, and therefore feed the hostess. Couplings live up to 5-7 years. On the stem are arranged by one, but densely thick. The ends of them are very prickly. No wonder fir branches are covered by the plant for the winter - spines Mouse do not like.

The fur coat is dense, thick ...

The dense crown is useful, as feeds, but at the same time harmful. The fact is that in the 10-15 years in the Christmas tree, the chief root is dying, only side roots remain, the star divergent in the soil. In a strong wind, "with high sails", they cannot hold a mighty tree. Christmas trees swear, turning the roots. They are prayer as the raised giant octopuses, giving the forest a terrible appearance.
The thick fur coat of the Christmas tree misses little light. In the snow lies the shadow - spring is delayed here, as if by the Otelnik side. But the turn reached him. Snow is melting. Greens, however, last year's: Pear, Lamberry, Zimitrubka ...
Among the faithful satellites ate half - the same evergreen plants, as well as the hostess itself. Moreover, the whole relatives are tropical. Still a mystery! And no longer one ate, but a whole fir forest.
But for the inhabitants of the forest, a spruce fur coat is quite by the way. "Under the wings, the branches are formed impermeable for the rain tent. Here in bad weather is going ... Noah's ark. Here and the championship in the branch will be, and the hedgehog will stop, and who will have, all please! But most of all the mosquitoes are recruited, "Mikhail Navienn swept.

Winged travelers

Barely there was snow, as in clear days a fir scatters the seeds of the winner. Floraying from the tops, turning with golden funnels, like a propeller, they are with the wind in the air, then the smooth influence can fly from the "mother" for a distance of 2-3 times greater than the height of ate. Landing, "kids" do not rush to germinate - wait for favorable conditions. They can afford it without losing the germination of 9-10 years.

Figures and facts

  • Do you know that spruce is a "barometer"? Her lower dry bitch possess an interesting feature - Can change their position depending on the weather: if dumps are located horizontally or slightly bent upwards like sabers. But if there is no rain for a long time, they turn down.
  • A Christmas tree - not higher than 4 centimeters. Then it grows a little faster, but 1.5-2.5 meters will reach only after 10-15 years. But with the age of a fir catches and even distinguishes some species of trees, and grows until the end of his life.
  • It was characterized by a striking vitality - he survives even under a craft of spruce forest. How old is this "youngsters"? Surprise awaits you! 40-50, and sometimes 70-80 years old. For so long they fight for life. Their peers has already reached a 20-25-meter height, and these are poor dwarfs. But the brilliant trees-umbrellas do not lose hope and, waiting for light, also turn into high slender spruce.
  • Spruce, as it should be beautiful, rather capricious. She is moisture and demanding of soil fertility - will not grow on poor rollers and fruitless sands. And where it is comfortable, can reach a 50-meter height - almost like a 17-storey house. By the way, around such a majestic ate, one of the highest in Europe, water dances in the fabulous estate of the Belarusian Santa Claus in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. They say, the desires commemorated near her will definitely come true.
  • In one year, there are so many paper in the world that if one sheet of ordinary thickness is made from it, then the whole globe can be wrapped in it - like the cheese head. Paper, as they say, everything is doing, but Nature is no ...

But "blooms-dust" Christmas tree in May. The spectacle is colorful! Pollen flies far - pollen. You look at the grass - as if swept. After the rain of pollen accumulates on the hollows, and in a quiet clear day, the yellow cloud hangs over the forest.
And although the word "bloom" to coniferous rocks It's not entirely used (there are no flowers), but they say so. In the spring they appear reproduction bodies, similar to flowers and performing their functions. These are well known to all the bumps.

Kidneys, bumps and cones ...

Pollen flies from red or greenish-yellow male shishchets, decorating the crowns of some firings. But the seeds are growing in larger female cones, in a variety of shoots appearing at the ends of special kidney. This is the result of amazing transformations: height, swelling, dropping the cap - and the birth of bright red with a thicketer is a child who is familiar to us a big and brown cones.
Consider bumps difficult, because they live high above the ground. But you can see, finding a tree lying on Earth, braided by the wind. If you break up the young shishchers, we will see a lot of scales on the rod, non-external. On each "petal" from the male bump in the magnifying glass in the magnifier you can see two bags - containers pollen, and from female - two tuberca are seeds, future seeds.
After 1.5-2 weeks after the birth, women's lumps are no longer sticking up, but gracefully fall down. Filled with ripening seeds, they are tightly closed with scales and are sealed by a resin: whole year They are not afraid of the wind, neither rain nor frost.
The harvest years have a fir repeated in 4-5 years. And then from the severity of cones from other trees the tops break. And if the snow is eliminated, like a carpet, branches, shortcuts, it means, the protein has been enjoyed by the kidneys, and the year will be a yield.

Do not touch the top!

From the seeds ate appear tiny seedlings with fluffy funny legs, "as if small puppies." But in the fools they are rare: weak root can not break through the powerful layer of fallen needles. But in the deciduous forest there is a frequent: hare, having met on the way, turns around.
Good "Bobrik" fir samoshov - "I want to stroke his palm, and it doesn't even mind that in such a peaceful cohabitation of" native sisters "there is a fight against the promenade: the percentage of it is many times more than in the war." Wonderfully noticed the promsion!
But the high and slim spruce will grow, if its upper kidney will annually form new shoots. If the kidney is at the top or escape damaged, the appearance of ate change dramatically: the growth of the barrel is stopped, the upper branches are raised and the beauty turns into a small freak. The desired "decapitated" young birch or oak does not change their appearance.

How to find out the "biography" of the Christmas tree?

Spruce does not hide his age. To learn it, recalculate the flutters of shoots, adding another 3-4, since the seedman forms them only from 3-4 years.
On the cross section of the trunk of the fir, the annual rings of wood are clearly distinguished: wider formed with the growth of the tree at the spacious and in the wet years, narrow - in the shade and in drought. When inspecting the Stump of the old Christmas tree, you can learn its "biography" and even calculate when there was a strong drought. Sometimes these "notes" weather covers the centuries! By the way, they are very accurate.

Pledge of Victory - Patience

Christmas trees appear somehow unnoticed. Grow, stretch up, covered with greens of birch foliage. But as soon as the teenagels - no birch, nor another tree will not settle here. Bereznyak or Osiennik are doomed - they will change their frank.
It happens, Christmas tree Mala Spridk, but already with bumps. So recently "came out of the dungeon", where many years of Chahla. Birch branches whipped her, trying to score. It tormented the Christmas tree, but she all carried out. "None of the needle moved from the storm, and only branches and wings, shaking, as if they asked the Council of each other: how to continue to be?" And even when the birch was cut down, the Christmas tree, frightened by the light, did not grow immediately. And after recovering, the joy bloomed and covered with fruits ...

Gray Taiga or Fabulous Forest?

Under the canopy of Old Elnik, the mysterious twilight, full of special solemnity, is even straight pillars one to one. Where the fir grows thick - there are no plants, only a thick layer of fallen needles. In the eternal dusk, do not even live shadowish herbs And mosses. Where stretch - the oblique rays of the sun, breaking through the end of the crowns, highlight the silky greenery of the moss, thickets of blueberries, pale raw foods, gray cosma-flakes of lichens hanging, exactly yarn, with dry branches. There is always silence here. You go on a moss carpet - you can't hear your steps ...

Frosts are not terrible, but frosts are dangerous!

But for ate column of other trees is even useful, he protects the young trees from frosts. Great brushes with light young needles, who did not have time to dress the bark, are very vulnerable in spring for matinee. At the beginning of the summer, you may have ever seen a Christmas tree with dried brown, as if buried fires, shoots.
Paradox: Spruce is very cold-resistant - does not suffer in cracking frosts, and light frosts urgently faster shoots and even lick the Christmas tree. Again a mystery! But this is an amazing tree and here found a way out. "Youth" is always ready to hide from the frost or hot rays of the sun, do not even be a bush of juniper ... And it happens at all "in maternal", as I described Mikhail Privine: "The lower huge firing branch in search of light circle reinforced the birch barbell and, Looking at the other side, I found a small spruce there, and covered it from frosts and sun burns: She sought the light for himself, and enjoyed a little daughter. "

And beautiful and useful

Can you find out the tree along the crown contour? In the form of a sheet? By aroma? It is not hard. And vote? After all, each breed has its own voice. The most sonorous and singers - in the Christmas tree. Therefore, Stradivari, and Amati made their violins from ate. It was hard to choose the only one of the thousands, not a young, not old, not the patient - the best and singered. But their violins are already three hundred years already fascinating with their voice, able to cry and sing, "caressing us and Zhalar, dropping sounds like Rew ..."
To this day, violin and other string instruments are made of fir wood. It is soft, shiny, well ourselves. It is easier pine, not so resinist and although less durable is better suitable for paper production. It is used in construction, to produce pulp, artificial silk. Cooking substances are obtained from the cortex, from the cheops - essential oil, carotine paste, wax. Recycling waste is going to feed livestock, apply like fertilizer when planting forest. But usually a housing is simply burned, although it can bring a lot of benefit.

Take care of them!

On New Year's holidays, ate always in the center of attention. There was a large selection of artificial, but many still prefer present to the smell of needles. Although you can create an original composition and from the twigs, and not to root a whole tree. After all, in Belarus, planting ate dry - due to lack of food, the drop in the level of groundwater, pests. And they "go" from us - because of the warming of climate, the southern border of their range is shifted to the north. And it is possible that after dozens of years, the Christmas tree will have to be delivered from abroad or grow in nurseries.
Holidays are quickly ends. Like fairy tales. The Christmas tree "Sunli into the darker corner of the attic ..." She all hoped: now it will begin new lifeBut everything went away, and spruce and glad did not have time. And only with sadness recalled youth, forest and a fun holiday ...
Remember: it depends on us so that these amazing trees rejoiced their lives and please us with their grace and beauty. They deserve it. Is not it?

Tatyana Moiseeva, Andrey Matveenko

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The other day the son took place at school Arrower Flower and non-flowered plants. What is the difference between the fern, fir and, say, apple tree (or cabbage)? That apple tree and cabbage flower. So it is written in the textbook. From the point of view of Botany, everything is true, however ... I have ever seen flowering fir.

Flowering ate

Strictly speaking, gone (boys) do not bloom. But the fact that with them occurs in the spring, performs the same function as the flowering of coated plants. Therefore, on the household level, we think it is entitled to talk about flowering ate. How fir blooms, for sure, saw everything. Not everything maybe it realized

In the end of the spring at the ends of the branches, there are red branches, sticking up. it women's cones. In the autumn, they will turn into real brown spruce bumps. Men's cones, Stomaching, bedding, yellow-red or just yellow. They are dusty in the spring yellow fir pollen.

Women's cones are formed on the upper branches (from there those who have sked seeds will be able to fly away). Male preferred side branches.

That's how fir tree blooms. In the picture of women's "Flowers" - Reddish Shishchki:

And here is men, yellow.

Any year blooming freshers is so heavy that pollen covers the surroundings with yellow raids. By the way, last year, late in the spring, the Moscow region covered the yellow cloud - it was especially friendly birch. We are, rustic residents, were not frightened at all, we have birchs under the window grow, we are with our own eyes seen How they dust

Reproduction of ate

In fact, in Botanic, coniferous reproduction bodies are called strobes. These are modified shoots. Men's gates are called microatruts, women's megastrobyls.

On strobils (and male and female) are formed dispute Macrosperan - Disputes Women or Microspores - Men's disputes. Women's disputes are developing in a germ bag, men's - in pollen.

The firings of the strobils are collected in the cones. The megastrobil bundle is a female bump, a bunch of microstrobil - male. And men's and female cones in ate, like most conifers, can form on the same tree, that is, it odnodomnya plants.

How spruce is growing

Let's come back to our firs. In the spring they appear not only floral shores, but reveal escape Kidneys, of which the paws grow. They at first look like shishki, covered with light brown scales. But inside them resinous greens. I love, walking in the spring through the coniferous forest, to knock down the young shoots of trees or pine, they have a pleasant resinous taste.

They write that forest ate blooms at 30-50 years. My spruce landings began to bloom in 10 years. When spruce grows in an open place, she does not need so intensively to fight for the light, so thinking about the reproduction much earlier.

A fir blooms not every year, and about once every 3-5 years a fir grows all his life to a deep old age, the truth is faster in youth, years since 10. Christmas trees do not belong to long-lived trees. They live 250-300 years. Due to the fact that the adult fir has no rod root, root system Surface, they are easily lying by the wind, forming Burzhema. More terrible for our spruce hug bugs-koroeda. In the suburbs of the last 10 years, the catastrophe has unfolded - the cores are crushing coniferous forests. But this is a separate unpleasant topic.

How can you determine the age of ate

It is known that the age of the tree is easy to determine on the annual rings, as a new ring is growing every year. By the relative width of the annual rings, you can determine the direction to the south (there are wider rings), as well as a comparative "yield" of different years. Sometimes, to determine the age of living tree, not spill, its trunk is drilled, take the "puncture".

It's easier with her fir. To determine the age of ate does not need to cut it or drill it. Enough enough number of tiers of branches. On the flies of branches grow rings, mutters. Every year a new tier is added. For the first years, three or four they are not formed, so that the formula for calculating the age of ate is simple: the number of tiers of branches plus 3. This is, of course, if you didn't form the Christmas tree, the top did not spill the top.

By the way, you can easily distinguish a spruce sawn timber from pine: on spruce brings or boards, the knocks are never arranged in a checkerboard, but follow the same annual tier.


Although spruce evergreen treeBut she, like other conifers, needles are not eternal. The needles live from 6 to 10 years, depending on the type. Favoring needles renewed. When used in landscape design garden plot, in the living hedge, you can use the shadowlessness of this tree. In the half of the fir, it does not squeeze, it remains green to the earth itself. Fucks can be done live hedge With vertical walls, however, I prefer a more natural shape of a tree - it is easier to maintain less violence over nature.