
Seld tips on how to get rid of the smell of dampness. How to eliminate the smell of mold in the apartment and prevent his re-occurrence

Herbs in the garden

The presence of constant dampness in the house or apartment can cause serious harm to health.

In such cases, to identify the foundations of the disease is problematic: a person has a good test, and well-being worsen every day. It happens that it is quite difficult to eliminate the problem, for this it is necessary to identify the main reasons for its appearance.

Causes of the smell of damp

Many are interested in the question where dampness come from and, in consequence, mold, how to deal with it. Some people believe that it takes only due to dampness in the basement or poor-quality foundation.

But, in addition, there are other reasons for its appearance, for example:

  • During the melting of snow or rain sediments, flooding from the roof.
  • It turned out a flooding from the advanced apartment.
  • It happened to break the pipe of heating or water supply.
  • The room works poorly (or does not function at all) ventilation system.
  • Waterproofing walls, especially base, was made poorly.
  • Plastic glass windows installed indoors and import doors create complete tightness, especially on the first floors mold and unpleasant raw smells will chase the owners. Windows must be constantly exhibited in micro-ventilation mode.

Infrequently, but dampness is found due to the strong flower flow. The hosts of some premises are engaged in growing plants and arrange real greenhouses, forgetting at the same time to carry out an apartment.

Quite often, it appears in the bathrooms, where people take shower, engage in laundry laundry and dried it.

In such cases, ventilation does not cope with humidity and dampness is formed and mold. It can subsequently spread throughout the residential premises.

If the apartment got under the flood, the owners have to fully change the items of considerable overhaul. Some of them have to move to a new place of residence. Fortunately, this happens infrequently.

How to get rid of the smell of dampness in the apartment?

The first thing you need to do is eliminate the source of the problem.

Experts advise first to do the following:

  • Make a complete change of sewer and water pipes in the basement.
  • Perform roof repair, clean the storm sewer.
  • Repair the seams passing from the outside of the building. The best option will be covered with foam plastic, it will be not only dry, but also warm.
  • The house is used as often as possible.
  • Examine all hidden places for mold. If it is detected, then make every effort to get rid of this problem. It will be necessary to process such places:
  1. Bleach.
  2. Ammonic alcohol.
  3. Sodium bicarcomic.
  4. Vinegar.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Antiplesty.
  7. Anti-grab.
  • You can place automatic sprayers with various flavors. Aerolamps help perfectly.
  • Using folk methods Help get rid of this problem. To do this, take 100 grams. Salts and 30 activated carbon tablets, mix and place in open container. This composition is perfectly absorbed by moisture and unpleasant smell. The tool must be changed once a week.
  • Helps to get rid of the usual lemon, in the skin of the carnation sticks. This fruit will get rid of 2 months from the rack of dampness. It is possible to replace it with lemon or other citrus fruit.
  • After washing and processing a wardrobe, put salt and activated carbon in it. After the mixture absorb everything unpleasant odors, You can set various flavors for a long time for furniture, you can change them on piles with herbs, as a rule, apply lavender. It will get rid of smell and perfectly will help with the occurrence of moth.

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What if the smell of dampness was soaked, upholstered furniture?

In the event of smell penetration into soft furniture or things, it will have to eliminate the problem much longer. In furniture under the skin, as a rule, there is a foam rubber, and the problem of the problem is sophisticated out of it.

It will dry by long enough, and at the same time makes unpleasant odors:

  • Ideally, the furniture should be made on the open air, under the influence of sunlight and wind, the problem will take on their own, since the furniture seeks well.
  • You can use fans and dryers for drying.
  • If there is such an opportunity, then replace the upholstery to the new one.
  • Green tea or ground coffee, which you need to scatter on the fabric will help perfectly. The exposure time is at least 12 hours.

If clothing items smell rather badly, then initially you need to take them outside for drying. The closet must be rinsed and dried, leave in empty and open video for several days.

Small clothes must be exhausted and well ingred, a large top ending on the street and put under the rays of the sun.

Shoe items Processing summer alcohol, acetic essence. You can pour salt into it, it will remove the smell. Change the insoles and treat deodorant.

How to get rid of the smell of damp in the bathroom?

Often you can hear complaints about a steady unpleasant smell of damp in the bathroom and on mold, which is usually observed in the seams between the tiles. The main reason is the bad hood in the room.

Combat with this trouble can be in some ways:

  • Invite an employee of a serving organization that will conduct surveys of the ventilation channel and, if necessary, clean it. This may require some repair work.
  • Install a new hood.
  • Mount the fan that has a lot of power.
  • Place the towel railway room.
  • Constantly venting the bath.
  • If necessary, change the old sewer pipes New (today plastic pipes are installed).
  • Stop driving in this room underwear after washing.
  • We can successfully help in solving this problem chlorine-containing drugs. Chlorine perfectly eliminates the mold, so with its addition make a huge amount of funds to process the seams.
  • It can be very effective: it is used to purify surfaces various destination, incident and bath.

How to get rid of the smell of damp in the closet?

? The first thing to do is to free it from content:

  • Get all things and dry them well. If the clothes are light, then for this you will need several hours, heavy winter and intersonic clothes must be dried over several days. Excellent effect will give drying clothes under the sunny rays.
  • A wardrobe need to rinse well with water with the addition of vinegar or chlorine. After such a procedure, leave the wardrobe open for several days, while not stacking from clothes. The cabinet must be easy to simultaneously, only this will give a positive effect.
  • When mold appears on clothes, you can handle it in a dry cleaning. The remaining things need to be wrapped and stroke the hot iron using a wet gauze or cloth. Hot steam will destroy the disputes of mold, and the underwear will then have a pleasant smell.
  • Back to the dried and processed cabinet, linen is laid only in a leaking.

Dampness in the basement - solving the problem

If the cause is a raw basement, it will be necessary to carry out a huge work to eliminate this reason:

  • Examine it for leaks in pipes and, if necessary, make a complete replacement.
  • Huge attention to pay waterproofing wall and ceiling surfaces.
  • IN outlets Imported huge amounts that assist in preventing moisture from entering the residential premises.

Very often, the owners of premises are treated in construction companies that will professionally eliminate this problem. If the repair work will be made on their own, then it is necessary to take into account all the recommendations, otherwise all the works will go to the pump and the plaster used and the mask will not last long.

The smell of damp in the house after the flood - what to do?

Often, after flooding from above, the raw smell applies throughout the apartment.

If after such a trouble had to be repaired, then it is initially necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Thoroughly dry the room.
  • If you have, eliminate mold.
  • Wall and ceiling surfaces to treat soil paint with antibacterial effect.

There are cases when the flooding was small, and the humidity is still present.

In such cases, actions are performed:

  • The percentage of humidity is established, if necessary, placed a dryer or heater.
  • The smell absorber is used, which is manufactured in aerosols, is implemented in economic departments.
  • An examination is performed for the presence of mold under wallpaper, linoleum or in other closed and secluded places.
  • Advanced upholstered furniture, carpets, clothing items.

Very convenient to those people who live in a private house. They can endure all the furniture and carpets to dry out, people in apartment housesEnjoy only balconies or loggias.

An excellent option will be a wizard with a solution of vinegar, it will greatly save from an unpleasant problem.

A soft furniture needs to be carefully paid attention, the structure of it is multi-layered and in any layer can start a fungus or a persistent unpleasant smell. If this requires a situation, you can carry out deep cleaning using disinfectants and detergents.

Getting rid of smell of damp in the car

There are cases when the resistant smell of damp, fish or tobacco is in the car, and it does not get rid of it.

In such cases, you need to perform the following actions:

  • To dry well, leaving the car in the sun, while completely open all the doors and windows.
  • Treatment with liquid with chlorine content. At the same time, it takes particular attention to hard-to-reach places, do not forget to process them.
  • Apply for this purpose electrogen. It highlights a dry fog that can penetrate deep into fabric and unpleasant odors will lead to neutralization.
  • Damaged interior sites change to new ones. Carpet varies most often.
  • Place in the cabin odor neutralizers. They must be made on the basis of slim, which are capable not only to absorb smells, but also to delete them.
  • If the smell comes from the air conditioner, then it is immediately clear it and change the filter.

In practice, there are some tips that help not only get rid of the unpleasant smell, but prevent its appearance.

  • In order for the shale and dampness to cause a uncomfortable state, it is necessary to constantly venture the living room. Initially, it concerns the bathrooms (the exhaust system must work) and storage rooms.
  • Purchase a powerful air conditioner that will maintain the required level of humidity and the optimal temperature. This is perfect for those who live in huge cities and ventilate constantly, they do not have the opportunity, since emissions will penetrate the apartment.
  • We need to use moisture absorbers, great salt helps in such situations. It must be placed in the container and install it on the windowsill.
  • Use essential oils, they destroy microorganisms and freshen air perfectly. The best helps fir, eucalyptus, tea tree.
  • To get rid of mold itself, use chlorine, vinegar or ammonia.

There are cases when the residential building is already quite old and sugal waterproofing It is in poor condition. The best option in this case will be the acquisition of a dryer.

It is worth a lot, but it will be an excellent way to dry the room, get rid of the presence of mold and keep health. Of course, the best option will be a change of housing or the performance of major repairs.

Prevention of dampness

In the residential room it is necessary to maintain a comfortable microclimate and you need to monitor constantly:

  • Humidity in the apartment must be in summer time Not more than 65%, and in winter - 30%. The most favorable percentage for normal human life can vary from 40 to 60%.
  • The room must be constantly ventilated.
  • The ventilation system must function in the right mode.
  • In the bathroom, examine all pipes for the leaks and, when presence, eliminate malfunctions.
  • You should not dry the linen in the bathroom or other rooms, it will lead to the formation of mold and sharpness.
  • Examine an apartment for purging or flowing seams. When detecting repair.
  • In heating devices, increase the number of sections. This will not only warm the room, but also prevents the formation of condensate on the surfaces.

The owners of the premises need to carry out all the preventive methods so that mold and unpleasant raw smell do not appear in the apartment. According to doctors, it will prevent the emergence of allergic and chronic diseases. This requires constant control over humidity level.

Sharp, heavy, unhealthy smell to everyone. So smells in dark wet basements and cellars, but for residential premises such a "aroma" is categorically not suitable. At the same time, he pays a serious danger. An unpleasant smell of dampness is a practically one hundred percent indicator of mushrooms spreading on the walls that distribute malicious disputes. They carry a serious danger to all residents and guests, causing severe allergies, skin disease, asthma and other respiratory diseases. How to deal with such smells in the apartment, read further.

How to eliminate the cause of the smell of dampness:

  • to get rid of high humidity: insulate the floor of the apartment or the basement ceiling;
  • remove flooringdrying the floor;
  • to process the screed with an anti-grapple agent;
  • processing floor with liquid waterproofing: first mold the angles around the perimeter, and then stick the protective latex tape. With the help of a brush or roller cover the entire floor with liquid sealant.

If the reason lies in the wrong heating system, it should be redeveloped - install additional radiators along the "crying wall". Ideally struggles with a problem with a warm floor, which evenly heats the air.

If the smell of dampness appeared after flooding, but the fungus is not yet, carefully dried apartments or the house. Use all available tools: fan heaters, heaters, air dryers. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a difficult situation: because of the fungus, the smell of dampness will set for a long time in the cabinets and for furniture, gradually filling out the entire apartment.

If the house is already impregnated with basement, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the source using the methods proposed above. But besides the walls, gender and ceiling, most of the things are already infected in the cheese housing. What to do:

  • Examine furniture

On the rear walls of the cabinets, for sofas and in all adjacent to the walls hard to reach places May have fungus. Damaged elements and upholstery can be replaced better if possible. However, it is possible to make an object in the sun and several times to treat the antifungal agent, including retractable drawers and shelves.

  • Examine clothes and all textile things

The down jacket and the jacket will have to crawl several times, and the coat attributed to dry cleaning. If there is not just a smell on the tissues, and the tracks of the fungus - boldly throw away, they can no longer save them.

  • Carefully inspect the library

Books - hotbed of bacteria and mushroom dispute. Therefore, an insufficiently dry bookcase can cause a patch smell.

Means against smell of damp

Anti-GRIBER means will help to get rid of the smell of dampness:

  • a solution of manganese
  • acetate solution;
  • diluted chlorine bleach;
  • industrial anti-grapple agents.

They need to wipe all the surfaces in the house, especially dark corners and hard-to-reach places.

Unbearable dampness in the house - there are ways to eliminate!

The smell of dampness in the apartment is capable not only to spoil the mood, but also harm your health. In the fight against this attack at the same time an integrated approach is also important, and an accurate understanding of which methods can be used. In this material, I will tell more detail how to get rid of smell in the apartment and prevent its further appearance.

Causes of unpleasant aroma

Before getting rid of dampness in the house, it is necessary to clearly understand what its source is. There may be several reasons:

  1. You recently flooded neighbors on top. This is one of the most common reasons for the smell of dampness in the apartment, to get rid of which will not be so simple. A similar situation can work out if you live on the upper floors of the house, the roof of which has long been repaired.

  1. Do you live in an old Khrushchev on the first floor? Most likely, an unpleasant spreads from the basement at home and penetrates you into the apartment through the slot in the coating.
  2. Perhaps the smell of mold became the result of poor insulation of water pipes, on which condensate is constantly formed. Carefully check all communications on the need for additional insulation.

  1. The smell of dampness in the house may appear due to poor ventilation. It is possible that she simply does not cope with the ferry, coming from the kitchen and bathroom. As a result - condensate settles in the corners of the rooms and provokes the formation of mold.
  2. In rare cases, dampness and mold can be formed due to excessive flower flow. If you have a whole greenhouse in your house, watering, you forget about ventilating, do not be surprised by the appearance of an unpleasant fragrance.
  3. Noticed that the bath towel smells of damp? The problem may arise because of the abundance of moisture in the bathroom, where you take a shower or dry bedding.

Solve the problem with dampness

The method that you will get rid of the smell of mold depends on the cause of its occurrence. So the first thing you will have to understand what provoked the problem. Below I will talk more about ways to combat your victim.

After the flood

The most common situation - you were flooded with unprofitable neighbors. If the flood was strong, then most likely will have to be resorted to repair. In this case, the first thing you need to dry the house well, eliminate the plates of mold on the walls and the ceiling. In the process of repair, use primer with special antibacterial additives.

If the flooding was not so much catastrophic scale, the instructions for actions are as follows:

  1. First of all, check the level of humidity in the apartment. If it is raised, install a heater or air dryer in the house, they help get rid of moisture.
  2. Buy a special aerosol sink absorber.
  3. See each element of clothing, shoes and carpet. From soft furniture An unpleasant fragrance may proceed, so it is worthwhile to do it.

  1. Wipe all the surfaces of the vinegar - it will fine with mold, and with an unpleasant smell.

In bathroom

The main reason unpleasant dampness In the bathroom - bad extract. You can solve the problem with one of the proposed methods:

  • Install a more powerful exhaust fan.
  • Repair work and hold a new exhaust.
  • Put in the bathroom with a towel rail.

In order for the smell of mold left your bathroom, resort to the help of a chlorine - she in itself is an excellent helper in the fight against this disgust. At the same time, the price of such a means is available to everyone. Treat chlorine or chlorine-containing detergent All surfaces, special attention to the joints between the tiles.

No less effectively operates a steam cleaner, which can be used to clean any surface in the apartment.

In the basement

The raw basement in the house is not a problem from the lungs. Get ready for the fact that you have to do the titanic work.

  • To begin with, inspect all pipes in the basement. If they proceed, they must be replaced.
  • Check the waterproofing of the walls and the ceiling. If necessary, you can resort to the services of the repair company. If you decide to do everything with your own hands, then use special solutions and mixtures to help prevent moisture penetration. Accurately follow the instructions on the packaging, otherwise it will be a little bit from your plaster.

In the closet

Get rid of the smell of damp in the closet much easier than in the basement. For this it will be enough:

  • Remove all clothes out of the cabinet and dried it. Heavy winter things post in the sun and hold them there for two to three days, for light things there are enough and several hours.
  • Wash the cabinet with a solution of vinegar or a small number of chlorks. After that, be sure to leave on the door on the door open, and all windows indoors are open.

  • The clothes on which mold was formed, it is necessary to urgently give in dry cleaning.
  • Bed linen Fill, dry in the sun and endure the iron through the wet matter.

Useful recipes

In this section, I will add advice, and you will understand exactly how to get rid of extra moisture in the apartment. I will tell you somewhat very effective recipes To create detergent:

  1. As I said, the chlorine is enemy # 1 for harmful fungus. Instruct 1 part of a chlorine-containing bleach in 10 parts of the water and wipe all infected areas with the resulting solution.

Since the component is very toxic, and has sharp odor, cleaning should be carried out in gloves and respirator.

  1. Increased humidity leads to the formation of fungus, to cope with which undiluted hydrogen peroxide will help. Lubricate all the black dots on the walls and the ceiling, then smash thoroughly and wipe dry. This recipe is not suitable for painted surfaces, because the peroxide is capable of eating colors..

  1. Remove the smell of the usual table vinegar. With the help of a spray spray it on the affected areas. Ludically literally a couple of hours, after rinse these places with ordinary water.

As preventive Mer Repeat the procedure in 10 days. Do not forget to accumulate the room to get rid of the characteristic flavor.

  1. Do not know what to do with the mold that appeared? Use soda! Instruct the teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of water, moisten a soft sponge in solution and wipe the problem areas. Then treat surfaces with water.

After that, re-wipe the walls and the ceiling by the soda solution. Remember, the second time it is impossible to wash off - it will prevent the appearance of mold.

  • In the corners, where dampness is observed, put small tanks with salt. No less well helped and extractive tablets of activated carbon, which need to be changed every week.

Instead of the result

I told you how to get rid of moisture in the apartment, the most efficient ways. I hope with these prompts you can solve the problem in as soon as possible. And in order to never resort to the extreme measures, try to dry things on the balcony or on the street, and constantly air the apartment.

There is still a lot of useful information on the topic you can learn from the video in this article, and for the clarification of incomprehensible moments, write in the comments. I think your struggle with the opposite smell will be short and efficient.

What could be terrible raw, molding the dwellings? In addition to non-psychic discomfort, there is also a danger to health. Get rid of dampness and mold, on which black rot can develop very hard, but perhaps.

Causes of the appearance of dampness in the apartment

  • Flood, which made up the neighbors from the top floor,
  • Breaking water supply pipeline.
  • Bad ventilation or its complete absence
  • Bad waterproofing walls especially basement building
  • Flower greenhouse, arranged by the hostess in the apartment. When watering plants creates extra humidity in the apartment.

Actions after the "Flood"

The situation when the neighbors were flooded from above, or the pipe burst in your riser, quite trivial, what to do?

Before repairing the repair, remove the old wallpapers, well dry the walls and ceilings of the premises. For this purpose, a powerful construction hairdryer is suitable, keep the windows with open to the weathered smell. Clean the walls from mold if there is an antibacterial primer with antibacterial walls.


If the flooding was non-scale, then it is enough to dry only the flooded site. For reliability, check if there is mold under wallpaper and linoleum.

Furniture and clothing

Clothes and upholstered furniture that suffered from flooding, dry well and, if possible, put them on the balcony or the street for drying and venting. If there are signs of the appearance of mold, then wipe the place of spread of mold by vinegar, which can remove mold and kill the smell of the plungeous dampness. On affected upholstered furniture, spend deep cleaning with disinfectants. It is very important to dry well, since the mold fungus easily in its soft tissues.

Damp in the bathroom

The dampness in the bathroom is a familiar phenomenon. The bathroom room is often filled with a wet ferry that settles on the walls and the floor. Bad if in the seams between tile tiles Mold and putrid fungus starts.

Ventilation in the bathroom

First you need to check the effectiveness of the supply and exhaust ventilation and, if necessary, install an additional fan in the bathroom. Install the towel rail in the bathroom if it is not. More often leave open doors to the bathroom.

All surfaces in the bathroom tile on the walls, tile on the floor are treated with a chlorine-containing disinfectant. The same means are treated with inter-fagot seams.


After each use of the bathroom, wipe the dry tile, shower shutters and tiles on the floor.

Dampness in the closet

Many hassle is delivered by dampness in a wardrobe. Things are spoiled and soaked with an unpleasant smell.

What to do so that things do not smell damp?

Free the wardrobe and linen completely. Upper heavy clothing, if possible, learn in the sun within 2-3 days. Little clothes are well dried and ventilated. Wash the inner surface of the cabinet with vinegar, dry well, leaving the cabinet doors open.


Mold appeared on clothes can be removed only in dry cleaning. Bed linen Proceed, dry and swallow the hot iron. In a wet and well dried wardrobe, lay prepared things.

Raw basement

If you live in own home And in the residential premises, dampness appeared, most often the culprit of this is a basement. Spend a thorough inventory of all communications in the basement for the detection of leaks and preservation of waterproofing wall laying and the basement ceiling. You can independently replace the flowing pipe and process the ceiling of the basement with a special solution, which will not give to penetrate moisture into the upper floor. With more serious damage to communications and waterproofing, you will have to seek help to repair brigades.


Summing up the rules to help avoid smell of dampness in the apartment: more often carry out the premises, especially bathrooms and storage rooms. If, due to the gaspost of the atmosphere outside the window, there is no possibility to air the premises, decide, installing the air conditioning problem. Use moisture absorbers. The most affordable and efficient moisture absorber is salt. Put a large salt in small plates and arrange them on windowsill windows in all rooms of the apartment. Use vinegar, ammonia and chlorine to remove mold.

How to get rid of dampness in your home

Wet air contributes to the appearance of a resistant smell, which impresses walls and interior items. Permanent dampness has a negative impact on the well-being of residents. Therefore, it is important to find its source as quickly as possible and take measures to eliminate it.

Search for roots

Without eliminating a focus of damp with the smell, fight is useless, because it will appear again and again. Consider the most common reasons:

  • Flooding. To solve the problem, you will have to eliminate leakage (or water from the outside), which can pour into decent investment. In some cases, moisture is deeply absorbed into the finish, so it is necessary to make a major overhaul. If dampness comes from the basement, make waterproofing its ceiling. Thus, the wet air will not penetrate the room.
  • Bad ventilation. When the air ceases to circulate air, dampness appears. Check out the performance of the exhaust. If it does not work or is minimal, contact the utility service.
  • Bad thermal insulation external walls. This problem makes itself felt predominantly in the spring and autumn when the air is saturated with moisture. At this time, the walls can be soaked with dampness. The problem can be solved by the insulation of the walls of the house from the outside.
  • The occurrence of cracks. Survey all the joints between the walls, floors and the ceiling. In case of crack detection, treat it by mounting foam.

Elimination of dampness in the closet

Wet air in the cabinet may appear due to dampness in the house or due to wet things located there. Switch all things, carefully dry and ventilate them. For drying heavy clothing requires a longer time. The cabinet is recommended to rinse with soap solution or manganese, and then also dry out in the fresh air.

Elimination of damp in the bathroom

The bath is regularly filled with moisture and ferry, but dampness and mold there should not appear. Clean the tile well and treat it (especially seams) impregnation designed to combat fungi and water rejection. Make sure that the air is well circulating in the bathroom. If dampness appears due to wet towels, dry them outdoors or install an electric heated towel rail.


When the main reason for dampness is eliminated, apply the following measures:

  • Carrying. Well ventilate each room in the house. Do not forget to carry out this procedure daily. IN winter It is recommended to open windows at least 15-20 minutes. In this case, the appearance of a specific aroma is definitely not threatened.
  • Absorption of moisture. So that the moisture evaporated as quickly as possible from the room, use a special mixture. Take 20 Activated Coal Tablets and mix them with 100 g of salts. These components absorb moisture well. Vases with a mixture in secluded corners. Change the composition every week.
  • Ozonizer. If you can use the ozonizer. This device refreshes and disinfect air. Ozone quickly eliminates all unpleasant odors. The tool is safe for allergies.
  • Oil burner. This method will enable a new fragrance. So that it does not work too apparent, dilute oil with water. For refreshment of the room, the aroma of orange, cedar or eucalyptus is best suited. Alternatively, air fresheners can be used, but they may not be allergic.
  • Other flavors. Some hostesses love to use dried lemon peel to eliminate odors. A coffee disguise has coffee. At the final stage of the struggle, arrange a vase with lemon peel and coffee beans.

Conducting quality work will allow to get rid of dampness forever. After eliminating its causes, do not forget to disinfect the hearth. If you can not independently find or eliminate the cause, contact an organization providing housing and communal services.