
Make a fireplace in the house with your own hands. How to make a fireplace in the house: basic versions and useful tips

To help hostess

With all the advantages of water and radiator heating in many private homes, try to save or build traditional woodstocks and fireplaces. There is no incomparable comfort and comfort of the fireplace recreation returns the idea of \u200b\u200bheating on firewood in the premises of private houses, sometimes as an element of the interior, but more often as a full-fledged heating device. Each second dacket or owner of a country house solves the problem, how to build a fireplace, guided by its ideas, far from successful.

How to equip the fireplace

Despite the seeming complexity, it is possible to build a real fireplace in the premises of the cottage itself, it will be necessary only accuracy and accuracy in work. Materials can be bought in a construction supermarket, and the projects of all kinds of fireplace structures find in specialized editions. In order for the fireplace scheme to be successful before constructing, try to decide on several the most important conditions:

  1. Weight brick masonry Must correspond to the speed and duration of the premises. Massive buildings warm up for a very long time, small quickly cool, so the dimension of the fireplace and the warmed room have to carefully impose existing norms;
  2. Competent location of the fireplace indoors. For a building from several rooms, it will be optimal to build a housing on the partition, for the room, in which only one room, the location for the installation of the fireplace is determined on the wall adjacent to the entrance door;
  3. Method of intake air to the flue chamber.

The selection of the air required for burning fuel, perfectly ventilate the room in the summer time, but in winter the fireplace can seriously enter the room, so specialists advise not to install fireplaces on a straight line with window opening.

Tip! To eliminate the problems with the air supply, the liveshings advise to make an external air supply through a separate air intake pipe, selecting air flow from the basement or from the ground part of the building walls.

Such a fireplace design allows you to get rid of draft indoors, but in this case it will take to disassemble the floor in the room and part of the wall to build an air intake from asbestos-cement pipe. In addition, it is necessary to properly adjust the pressure drop on the furnace chamber, so that the wind into the air in the air part of the burning coal has not thrown away into the room room.

There are quite a few tips on where and how to build a fireplace. There is even the opinion of home-grown specialists who do not believe in the ability to build a fireplace for efficient heating of the room, and recommend to put truncated versions of fireplace furnaces on terraces as on video:

Is it possible to make a fireplace

At first glance, the design of the fireplace is inferior to the efficiency of the hot water boiler or a Russian oven. In essence, this is a small brick furnace with a wide fireplace portal, reflective mirror and disproportionately large chimney.

This design of the fireplace of the fireplace allows you to light the fire in a matter of minutes, even in wet foggy weather, when the cold chimney does not give normal thrust. Fireplace prefers to build in the country or in country house and use as a means fast heating premises. As the fireplace is heated in the process of heating the room, a hot mirror and preheated brick walls fireplace firebox.

According to the principle of action, it is closer to the bourgeitake device than to the Russian oven. In this way, it is possible to dump a small room with good insulation of the walls. If we are talking about a dacha or a country house in a couple of rooms, it is better to build a fireplace stove - a close relative of the fireplace, but possessing the best features of both structures.

Ideally, a brick fireplace is best built in the center of the room, or to build a partition for a two-room building:

  • Lack of drafts indoors;
  • Good heat equipment with a brick surface;
  • Lack of heat loss in the outer wall;
  • Simple arrangement of the foundation of the furnace.

Tip! If the room has the remains of the old oven, it is better to build a fireplace on its capital base. It will simplify work and reduce costs.

When choosing a room in a room where you need to build a fireplace oven or fireplace, first of all pay attention to the location of windows and ceiling overlap beams. Often, the laying diagram of the beams and the rafter frame does not allow to build a chimney in the selected place, so you have to transfer the place of installation of the fireplace.

The full-sized fireplace furnace can be built in the corner with a small indentation from the walls. In this case, the design of the chimney can be simplified, make the pipe below and even make it on the outer surface of the wall.

Simple and convenient fireplace option for cottages and home

The construction of the fireplace is beginning with the size of the room, choosing the place and calculating the parameters of the structural elements of the future fireplace masonry. First, measure the heated area of \u200b\u200bthe room and in quadrature will determine the size of the fireplace from the table.

If you build a classic option indoor without glazing, with a smoke tooth and standard size Cologovnikov, the depth of the heat chamber must be selected no more than 2/3 of its height. The shape and proportion of the heat chamber depends on the chimney device, the parameters of the grate grid and the presence of a door of heat-resistant glass that closes the loading of the fireplace. In this case, the flue chamber can be constructed more flat, with a reduced depth of the furnace. Such constructions are suitable for apartments and small premiseswhere you need to build compact and convenient fireplaces.

For the first experience, it is better to build a simple fireplace model with a rectangular flue chamber, four and two and a half single bricks, shown in the video:

The dimensions of the furnace chamber 45x45 cm, with a depth of 28 cm. The thermal power of the fireplace is sufficient for heating two rooms of 15 m 2.

Fireplaces with high thermal power prefer to be built using a cast-iron or chammed cassette - a flue chamber made in the form of a all-metal box with a cast-iron back wall and a glass door of the portal.

There is no cassette in the design, but the glass door of the fiber chamber is used. Air fence is performed through the bottom hole of the ash bar. The ash is assembled in a box made of metal installed in a niche of the ash bar. Adjusting the position of the box in the ash bar can additionally adjust the burning rate and achieve a good firewood economy. In such structures, hot gases do not split the smoke system and do not give large number Scoot even when used as wood coniferous wood.

Lay out the base and pallet of the furnace chamber

The fireplace design weighs several hundred kilograms, so it is necessary to build a base or foundation of the fireplace. The first thing is placed and cut the floorboards. To build a foundation, you will need to dig up a rectangular kitty, with dimensions of 120x60 cm and 100 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is stacked by a gravel sand layer, polyethylene film Watercuisa and reinforcement grid. The walls of the pit will need to protect the rolled material by the type of isoplast. Based on the foundation, a reinforced concrete plate, a thickness of at least 10 cm, is cast, the remaining volume is filled with a bob stone on a cement solution.

The top plane of the foundation is reinforced with fiberglass mesh and thoroughly align the horizon. You can start bricks in two days.

The first laid waterproofing layer from a folded twice of the glassbreaker. The first two rows are laid out of high-quality bricks on the cement-sand mixture. For the rest of the masonry use lightweight brick.

On the third row in the central part it is necessary to build the inlet of the furnace chamber. The width of the ash bar is one brick. The cavity of the heat chamber is laid out inside the fireplace before the sixth row.

To build an equilibrium brickwork, you need to control the three main parameters:

  • The thickness of horizontal and vertical seams, control is performed using a steel bar with a diameter of 8mm;
  • Horizontal level of laid row;
  • Vertical of the side surfaces of the fireplace.

The steel eight-month-millimeter rod is also used to form a layer of the desired thickness to bed of bricks.

Tip! If in the process of masonry the seam thickness turned out to be less than 8 mm, the width of the gap can be increased using a bar, neatly laid over the joint. There are several weak blows to the Kelma knob enough to fit the seam size.

Emailing chamber and combustion products

Starting from the sixth row, it is necessary to construct a flue chamber from a refractory chamotte material. The easiest way to build a fireplace using a ready-made masonry clay and chamotte mixture as a solution. The first lay out two longitudinal base of the rear wall.

Further, two transverse chamsters are laid with side niches carved under the grille, and the latter are installed two front chamotte bricks. It is so easier to build a fireplace, and the integrity of the base of the heat chamber is guaranteed even when used as coal or peat briquettes as fuel.

Basalt cardboard, compensating for the extension of the refractory, must be installed between chamotte rows and outer facing of the fireplace around the perimeter.

As a grace, use half a standard eight-grade grate grid for brick oven. The grille is installed in the grooves with a gap of at least 5 mm, without embezzlement with a solution.

On the constructed pallet from the chamot lay out the side walls of the combustion chamber, the masonry is performed in a quarter of the brick on the clay-chamotte mixture. The front ends of the masonry are sealing a basalt cardboard. There is a thermal gap of 7 cm wide between the masonry facing of the fireplace and the furnace chamber.

On the twelfth row in the furnace chamber is laid out a chimney or a sump tooth. If you build a fireplace without a flue tooth, the thrust will be better, but periodically there will be soot emissions to the room.

On top of the laid out of the fireplace tooth laid a basalt strip, then you need to build a red brick wall of the coolery chamber and a fireplace shelf.

Camine Smaller Part

After hanging the door and arrangement of the furnace chamber, you will need to build a smoke collector or a fireplace cap. This is a transitional section from the furnace chamber to the chimney pipe. Each new range is laid out with a displacement by 6-5 cm.

After the narrowing of the cap, up to the size of the chimney, is laid out three rows of pipes, and then it will be necessary to build a valve or fireplace sewer. On the inner surface of the masonry, the niche is cut out, slightly wider than the sizes of the valve. The base under Schieber is laid out by basalt cardboard.

The smoke tube needs to be built from a lightweight fire-resistant brick. In the area of \u200b\u200bintersection with the ceiling flooding of the room and the roofing pie, two rockers made of metal filled with basalt felt are installed. On the roof, the output of the fireplace pipe is made in the form of a steel thick-walled pipe installed on a brick base.


After 5-6 days from the end of the masonry work, an additional drying of the inner walls of the fireplace is carried out. To do this, part of the sins, chips and paper packaging are burned in a filling chamber with a fully open ashtar and a schiber. The flame allows you to dry the wall and show the customer, how efficiently and correctly managed to build a fiber chamber and the chimney of the fireplace.

The wood fireplace in the house is a solid focus with an open furnace.
It is not only entrusted not only the heating function: among other things, it is a great decoration, harmoniously combining soft home comfort with exquisite charm.
It is not by chance that the popularity of such furnaces is extremely high.

There is an opinion that it is so difficult to equip a decorative home that is actually impossible. You can argue with it. Fireplace to some extent - lightweight and simplified version of the usual oven. Their difference is in the process of heat transfer. So how real, and how to lay out a fireplace in the house yourself? Let's try to cope with the task.

Operating principle

With the principle of work of the wood fireplace for quite just to figure it out.

Dry wood with combustion highlights a lot of heat from which the brick is heated (stone).

He, in turn, possessing the ability to remain hot for a long time, shares warmly gradually, for a long time, providing them with the room.

The devices look different, but indispensable parts, chimney and the fuel, are available in any model. How to achieve greater efficiency from the furnace?

A good working fireplace, with high efficiency, should be:

  • not too deep and wide enough;
  • to increase the utility factor, special heat shields add to the design. Their role is performed by massive parts that allocate a large amount of heat when heated:
  • the masonry of the fire furnace for the house is specifically made with protrusions and irregularities that increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated surface, and accordingly, heat transfer.

No matter how good the fireplace in a country house, folded with her own hands, is only an additional heating - without central system In our climate, not all just do.


Fire brick plan and consumption

Any work begins with a plan, or project. There must be at least a simple drawing. It will help not only in compliance with the order and order of work, but also in the calculation of the necessary construction and finishing materials. Also, if there is an oven plan, it is much easier to choose a suitable place for it in the house - and this is a difficult task.

Optimal place for the fireplace in wooden house is an internal or bearing facade wall, or an angle of crossing two bearing walls.

It is not suitable for a fireplace blown place, like plots opposite. The dimensions of the future structures depend on the ratio of its parameters and the size of the room.

The fireplace in the house should not be the cause of smoke, and at the same time he is simply obliged to possess good heat transfer. To perform these conditions, it is important to correctly produce the necessary calculations. The proposed relationships between the depth of the fuel, the height of the furnace and the portal width should be met.

Corner fireplace

The room selected for the fireplace in a private house should not have too small area. As is known, the combustion process requires a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Sometimes it is suitable for solving this problem in the face of the hearth, communicating with the street. It provides the necessary flame oxygen.

By way of placement, the fireplace may be:

  • angular;
  • central.

In other words, you can do corner fireplace At home, or place it in the center of the room, or near one of the walls.

Type of focus

Open and closed firebox

Deciding on the installation of a fireplace in a wooden house , It is necessary to determine the type of focus. Wood fireplaces can be closed and open. The first are a cast-iron base that is covered with brick or stone outside.

If you make the door of heat-resistant glass, you can admire the open flame, without interfering with the combustion process. Cast iron cassettes are cheaper than bricks, and their use allows you to make a smaller amount of expenses. And open, and the closed type is completely under the power of themselves.

Foundation for the fireplace

Foundation for the fireplace

Stove Fireplace for home should be located on.

The depth of its bookmark B is no less than half a meter, in two-storey housing, this value increases to about 0.8 - 1.0 meters.

Convenient and budget will be the option from reinforced concrete.

The pit under the perimeter of the future fireplace, the bottom is measured by the level.

There is a broken brick or large stones, which are pretty tight, then flooded. After leveling the resulting layer, the procedure is repeated.

The inner part of the foundation is flooded with liquid concrete, the outer is laid out on a dense thick solution. Several such layers are made until about 30 centimeters will remain until the top. The layers must lie smoothly, is checked by the level.

Then on the double, on the clay solution, there are two layers of bricks. Up to clean floor, it remains somewhere 7 cm - this is the basis of the future wood fireplace for the house.

You can make a foundation from autonomous blocks. In irrational to combine the foundation of the fireplace with the basis of the house itself, as they have a different sediment.


So how to fold the fireplace? There are different techniques of masonry furnaces, the fireplace from them is actually no different. It must have such a quality to form a reliable monolithic design, which is provided by the dressing of the seams of longitudinal and transverse.

To do this, use an infant-sized brick, and also apply the method of alternation different parts Brick (tychkova and spoon) in the corners of the design. The seams should have a strictly defined width: 0.5 cm for simple brick and 0.3 cm for refractory.

Fireplace laying in the house

If this condition fails to comply with this condition, the strength of the masonry suffers, since with strong heating of the seams are deformed much more than the brick. To ensure uniformity, you should use a smooth plastic solution.

  • Red brick has a high porosity, due to which the liquid absorbs. Therefore, before work, it should be dyed.
  • The refractory brick is immediately ready for use. To improve adhesion with a solution from it, it is enough to wash the dust particles.

Cannot be used for dressing of seams at the same time and ceramic, and refractory brick: they have different performance, including the expansion coefficient. It is not recommended to place parts of bricks with a scigea inside the smoke channel so as not to interfere with the normal passage of gases.


Laying Arki.

The overlap of the opening occupies one of the most important places in the composition of the fireplace.

More initial stage Work, thinking by the design of the fireplace, you can choose for it a suitable look.

It can be made of a whole red brick, with perfectly smooth lines and clear seams.

If the masonry turned out to be not too successful, it can be made by plaster.

It is not suitable for overlap metal, reinforced concrete, as they expand greatly when heated, which leads to the destruction of the masonry. The inhibitory and arched floors are very popular, which are plus to functionality also very decorative.


The wall of the brick tube for smoke must have a width of at least half of the brick. In the event that the surface is supposed to be plastering, the thickness in a quarter is allowed. Channels of smoke pipes are recommended to do strictly vertical.

Create with your own hands the fireplace of bricks in the house will not be difficult if you precisely follow all the recommendations. The laying of the fireplace pipe is the same as the fireplace itself. Some difficulties can cause a pipe laying at its place of entry into the roofing material.

Usually, to ensure fire safety in the attic make a wardrobe, called cutting. It can also be made of a predetermined plate of reinforced concrete equipped with a pipe for a pipe. It is important to comply with the following rules:

The laying above the roof level is the most difficult stage of work. It uses extremely selected bricks, which is placed on a cement-clay solution. The riser is displayed above the roof plane about two layers, and then begin to upload the otter. Complete cervical and head laying.

The brick tube may well replace round, or ceramic. It is much easier to equip such a pipe than lay out a brick. But it has a significant drawback - it is very quickly cooled. If a significant break will take place between the extroduces, the fireplace will melt quite difficult.

Therefore, such a pipe must be well insulated. The junction of the circular section and the brick fireplace masonry is reliably strengthened. The joints of the pipes must be perfectly sealed.


Decorative stone finish

In the manufacture of a fireplace for a country house, you can give the will of his own fantasy and embody his ideas and dreams. When it comes to - there is, where to get together creative ideas.

A new furnace can be separated to your taste, choosing a finish option from several existing ones.

For cladding, you can use many different materials.

Facing ceramics lead from the bottom up, from the opening of the furnace to the desired level. The spectacular marble tile is used to finish the finishing plate and the fireplace portal.


The surface of the fireplace must be prepared for the process. Masonry and slots are cleared, on the inclined surfaces and on all parts of the large size of a large metal mesh.

Special brackets are used, or it is simply nailed. All elements made of metal protect the layer of olifes to avoid corrosion.

At first the small layer of plaster is applied, not thicker 0.5 cm. When it dies well, another layer is applied.

For him, a largely divided composition is used or. If necessary, you can apply another layer, the third, but all the thickness of the coating should not be more than one and a half centimeters.

Facing plasterboard

To give the product of a rectangular shape produced facing of the fireplace plasterboard. To do this, first install a rigid frame, which is further separated by plasterboard.


It is carried out at a pre-plastered surface. For this take glue and chalk coloring compositions. If a snow-white surface is needed, you can add a little blue in the paint.

Spectacular heat-resistant materials can be used not only for the hearth, but also for the wall behind him. Often for decorating the stoves, they order special forged elements or original products from cast iron. The grille, the tool stand and the tools themselves - masterfully made products will emphasize the originality and originality of the room.


Despite the fact that the fireplace in the house is made by your conscience, he needs attention and care. Only then will he please the owners with reliable and uninterrupted work. Any fireplace requires regular flushing of chimney. Even if the furnace is working without complaints, diagnosis and verification is vital.

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  • Since the time he met with fire and tamed him, this element became almost indispensable. Many love to spend time by the fire or at home, looking at the fire in the fireplace, basking from his heat. After all, it is the fireplace that is an integral part of calm and comfort in the house. To date, the fireplaces have gained popularity not only as an element for heating, but also as a fashion note. modern interior. In order for the fireplace to appear in your home, it is absolutely not necessary to contact a specialist, and simply take advantage of our advice and proceed to independent laying.

    Before you begin laying a fireplace, any Master will deal with the choice of material. The most popular to this day is a brick. This material meets several requirements at once. It is durable, handsome, can save heat for a long time, and the most important material can become budget.

    As for the preparation itself, it is divided into 4 stages:

    • Pumps of finite results;
    • Selection and preparation of a suitable place in the house;
    • Drawing drawing;
    • Selection and acquisition essential materials and tools.

    At the moment, in the World Wide Web, as well as in special journals, you can find a large number of photos and examples of how finished designs should look like. Therefore, it can be said that the first stage will not take a large amount of time. To begin with, it is better to stop on a simple design, which in the future can be decorate with interesting elements and give it any color.

    If the choice drops to a conservative option, then it is better to prefer the carrier wall for its organization. However, today you can see the angular structures that are mounted in the partition. It all depends on the free space and personal wishes.

    The most important thing is that such a brick fireplace is responsible for the safety technique and did not cause a smoke or fire.

    Next are the drawings. They are drawn on special paper or on the usual notebook sheet. Marking in this situation plays an important role, it will allow you to more accurately display needed room On the plan, as well as schematically represent the fireplace. The main rule is that the toproom should be less than 1:50 rooms. In this case, the heating chamber will have parameters 1k2 of the entire structure. This calculation makes it possible to exclude the possibility of smoke and rationally provide room with heat.

    You should also mention the chimney. Its diameter should be 8 times less than the entire plane of the fireplace. It can be both round and square. However, it should be noted that for a round tube is long, there must be at least 5m.

    Construction of fireplaces: choose the material

    As mentioned above the brick, this is the best material for laying the fireplace. However, not every brick meets its characteristics. Experts are recommended to acquire a full-old brick. When buying, pay attention to its weight and shape, it is better to choose small red-type bricks. It is him that can be called a fireplace brick. Such an approach will help to save well during construction.

    In addition to bricks in the construction process, the following materials will be required:

    • River type sand, it should be clean and homogeneous;
    • Cement and clay;
    • For filling area crushed stone;
    • Plywood;
    • Ruberoid;
    • Armature is long about 70cm;
    • Steel leaves;
    • Damper for chimney;
    • Decorative material.

    All materials from the list must be prepared in advance and in the required quantity. For this, everything must be calculated after drawing up the drawing. You should not distract anything from the masonry process. Therefore, everything should be necessarily at hand.

    How to make a fireplace with your own bricks: Step by step instructions

    How should I start building a small fireplace? After all the sizes and sketches are ready, the order layout is calculated and noted, you can begin making the construction. The first thing to be done is to organize a foundation for the fireplace. It should be noted that he should not coincide with the placement of the foundation of the house, as it will be able to disrupt the integrity of your housing. Under the base, a pit is created, on its bottom you need to put rubble, which you need to thoroughly tumble and align. The depth of the pit should be no more than half a meter, and its diameter is 20 cm greater than the plane of the intended fireplace.

    After that, the plywood form a formwork and poured cement mortar. Plywood is processed at will. It can be waxing or closure to the rubberoid. The finished base is smoothed and covered with polyethylene a week until complete drying.

    Note that the surface of the foundation should be perfectly even, as it is the key to a solid design.

    Structural strength will also provide bricks that a few minutes before the start of work will be omitted in water. This will allow excess air and provide a good tank of material.

    This also applies to clay. Before you begin work, it is poured by water for several days by adding liquid as absorbing. Do not forget to stir it until it acquires the consistency of sour cream.

    Now you can proceed to the main job. After the foundation is dry, polyethylene is removed and put two layers of rubberoid. Layers, as well as the screed must be flawlessly smooth, because it is the basis for future brickwork. The rows of bricks are very important to a smooth base that is made by a straight line.

    The first bricks are put on the edge and tightly pressed to the base, then the clay layer is applied. Each of the layers should be covered with clay, so a building triangle and level may be needed here.

    To the chimney laying, it is necessary to approach with special care, the order must be marked in the drawing. Through three rows, it will be necessary to insert fittings. In the future, she will be installed on her fireplace grille. In the process of laying side protrusions, you can use half of the brick. And at the end of the work, all seams are treated with a decorative solution in which you can add a dye.

    So you can create a mini oven in your private house. All technology is not so complicated.

    Scheme of a fireplace of brick with an open furnace

    Why in the process of masonry the fireplace is made such a pressure on the creation of the scheme? Everything is not so simple, because the correctly made drawing is already part of success in performed work. It is from its preparation that the type of material, its functionality, and the most important safety during use depends on. Create a drawing, do not own special skills, it is possible to take the basis of already well thought-out, ready-made schemes. If you want to make a professional scheme, we recommend viewing the learning video.

    The scheme of a fireplace of a brick with an open firebox will immediately make it clear where to start construction, which features this furnace installation has, and what types of work to be performed. Therefore, the scheme is very important, because even the most experienced professionals often turn to their billets.

    The design of the fireplace with an open furnace includes:

    • Portal;
    • Chimney;
    • Firebox;
    • Cosques (or pondered).

    All these elements must be taken into account and depicted in the drawing. I would like to note that this composition is inherent in the closed firebox.

    Also, when designing such a fireplace, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all proportions. Namely, the width of the furnace, it should correspond to the 2: 3 indicator, and the height of the portal with respect to the depth of the fuel cell 1: 2. Such ratios will not allow smoke to penetrate the room, as well as increase the heat transfer.

    It should be remembered that the fireplaces with an open brick furnace, good of their heat transfer, but only for small-sized premises or rooms with good ventilation. Only 20% of the energy from fuel goes to increase the temperature in the room. In addition, this embodiment of the fireplace is demanding in terms of fire safety.

    Fireplace with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions (video)

    Create a brick fireplace with your own hands is not quite simple, this is due to the features of furnace equipment. However, if we consider the issue in more detail and delve into all the nuances, it can be carried out without the help of a specialist. The most important thing is that it will not allow even the smallest errors in the calculations, in the drawing and simply adhere to the planned plan.

    The fire, as soon as he was learned to get, a reliable companion and assistant to a person. Food was prepared on fire, the fireplace was heated by the residents of the house, in the fragrant of the mannings, it was pleasant to spend a long winter evening, enjoying communication with loved ones, or just in reflections. Every year, fireplaces are becoming increasingly popular, they began to use them more often as an element of decor in the room.

    If you decide to build own houseIn which the fireplace must be necessary, then surely you had the question of how to make a first-class fireplace, not attracting third-party specialists, what drawings and calculations must be accomplished and what materials must be purchased.

    Fireplace, the principle of his work

    Before you begin to perform work, it will not hurt to figure out how the fireplace is arranged and what the basic principles of its work are arranged. In fact, the fireplace is a conventional oven in which the furnace is not closed. Fuel for the fireplace are the firewood that burns, highlight heat, which serves as a source of heating of rooms in the house.

    Design home fireplace Simple:

    • fueling;
    • chimney pipe.

    In order for sparks from burning firewood and smoke penetrated into the room, the shape of the chimney is a little curved. Such a curved form also reliably protects the house from rainwater and snow.

    Despite the fact that the fireplace has long been used by a man as a source of heat in the house, it is not necessary to apply it as the main heating today, since only 20 percent of the heat produced falls into the house, and the remaining 80 percent, as is not regrettable, in the literal sense they simply fly out in the pipe. In addition, heating using the fireplace will not be uniform, since the main stream of warm air is directed forward from the fuel, and the sides do not heate. To increase the level of heat transfer, the most rationally build shallow designs.

    Fireplace, do it yourself

    It is quite possible to make a brick fireplace with your own hands, the drawings should initially comply with all your wishes. Most simple way Make a heater without attracting specialists to the work, and performing all the work on its own, is the construction of the fireplace, the main material for which will serve as a brick. The main rule that the constructed heater should correspond, it should not smoke, and should heat the house, although the aesthetic component is not the last component. After all, if the fireplace does not smoke, perfectly heats the room, but it cannot be called beautiful, the aesthetic pleasure it will not bring to his owner.

    So, like any other types of work, the construction of the fireplace heater requires preparatory work:

    • project selection;
    • select the location of it in the house;
    • performing the drawings of the fireplace;
    • selection of building materials.

    If the ideas do not come to mind how to issue a fireplace, what should be his appearance, in this case it is always for helping you can contact professionals or try to find inspiration, looking through the types of finished fireplaces that are posted on the network.

    We define a place for the future fireplace in the house

    The most often owners of houses are chosen to build a fireplace in the house carrying wall, which, as a rule, is located opposite the entrance to the room. However, this is not the only option, because you can build a fireplace mounted, angular, and even a fireplace, and even separately worth it. What kind of fireplace it depends only on the free place in the house, and only from the taste addiction of the owner of the house.

    Where in the house should not be installed heater. Of course, it is opposite the window, in this case, all heat will be directed directly on the window, and will not heat the room. Planning a place where to put the fireplace, do not forget about security in the house, the fireplace should not be a source of spark or smoke in the house.

    To make calculations and determine the size of the future fireplace need free time and written accessories, it is better to take paper into the cage.

    • first of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the room, and schematically reflect it by drawing on paper using scale;
    • next, we carry out the calculation of the fuel, its size should be at least one fiftieth of the total area;
    • the proportions of the portal depth for the heater device is the proportions of two to three or one to two, it is important to observe them in order to properly organize the heat transfer and prevent smoke in the room;
    • the size of the chimney directly depends on the area occupied by the furnace, it must be less than eight times;
    • if the chimney is a round shape, the diameter of its pipe, at least 100mm, the average pipe length is 5 meters.

    What consumables are necessary for construction

    Preparatory work is over, the calculations are made, all drawings are prepared, it would be possible to start construction, however, it is also necessary to choose and acquire materials for the construction of the heater. So, for the construction of the fireplace, such a comfortable and so cozy, the following materials will be needed:

    • bricks are full, which should be acquired by the piece, since this material is quite expensive;
    • pure river sand, its size can be from 0.2 mm to 1.5 millimeters;
    • cement, which can be the most ordinary, which is sold at any store;
    • fireplace platform, reserve rubble;
    • armature, length - 700 millimeters, diameter - from 8 to 10 mm, 20 pieces;
    • the damper that is intended for the chimney.

    In addition to traditional bricks, other types of materials can be used, for example, a metal that will be an excellent solution, however, using a metal as a fireplace material, it is very important to correctly determine the required amount.

    Stages of the establishment of the foundation for the fireplace

    Before proceeding with the arrangement of the foundation, it is worth remembering that it cannot be in the same place as the foundation of the house. Laying the foundation of the fireplace is usually starting with its fill. The width of the foundation pedestal for the future heater should be equal to the width of a series of basement with a reserve of five centimeters. So:

    • it is necessary to dig a hole for the foundation, the width of which is 15 centimeters more fireplace, the depth of the pit is at least 60 centimeters;
    • the bottom of the pits fall asleep rubble, which must be carefully tumped and aligned using the level;
    • we proceed to the construction of the foundation, for this from the board it is necessary to prepare a formwork, the height of which must correspond to the height of the foundation, will not be superfluous if the prepared boards will be coated with a layer of resin, and treated with a layer of rubberoid;
    • i prepare a solution in the ratio of cement and sand - 1 to 3, and pour them the installed formwork;
    • the top of the finished foundation is thoroughly aligned and closes with a layer of plastic film;
    • it remains to wait for the complete drying of the foundation, which usually occurs during the six-seven days.

    Cooking for masonry bricks

    Brick and concrete are best materialswhich are widely used to build a fireplace. However, brick before it is used for masonry must be prepared. Usually bricks have a standard shape and dimensions, but it will not hurt to scroll all rough, uneven bricks, bricks with chips and cracks. Material must have a perfectly smooth surface. Before use, material for masonry is worth omitting into the water, within a few minutes all air will be released from it, which will significantly increase the strength of the masonry performed.

    The material is ready, it's time to prepare a clay that you need two days before the start of work to soak in water, during which it is necessary to add water for a little, and the resulting solution is mixed to the state of the homogeneous mass.

    Fireplace laying - Stages of execution

    It's time to start the masonry of the future heater. The masonry is performed on several layers of a pre-stailed runneroid. Each next layer should be located exactly over the previous one, there will be a reliable assistant. The masonry must be done carefully, because the appearance of the finished fireplace depends on it.

    During the work, the material is laying out on the rail, slightly pressed it. Top to put the clay layer, which is laid neatly. Lower bricks lay out on the "edge".

    So that the masonry was perfectly smooth, each finished row in their work do not forget to use the level and squares that will help comply with all the rules for performing quality work.

    Chimney, its construction requires special attention. Before work, a solution must be checked with hands, which will fully eliminate various intersions from its composition. Placeing the next layer of bricks, it stands in the scheme to celebrate it, painting with a simple pencil.

    After completing three rows of masonry, lay the pins that will keep the fireplace grille.

    The side protrusions of the portal are required no less attention, they must be spread using half of the brick. The works are finished, now it's time to process the seams, for this, the decorative types of solutions are usually used, which is used to add coloring substances.

    Video: a fireplace of brick with her own hands, drawings in 3D, step-by-step analysis of the stages

    Step-by-step photo-instruction of the construction of the fireplace with their own hands

    In contact with

    The fireplace was the first known humanity with a heating device of a special design. In the industrial era, he acquired more decorative and prestigious meaning, but in our days interest in the fireplace, which are not only beautiful, but also warm, reborn. As the main heating device, the fireplace has no special perspective, but as an additional or alternative allows you to significantly save on utility costs, and it may be careful to make it house master Middle hand.

    On modern species of slowly burning environmentally friendly (pellets, biofuels), a properly manufactured fireplace can show the efficiency not worse than or. However, the cost of a fireplace from bricks on the consumption of material turns out to be doubled, and the money is three times in four times less than on the same thermal power.

    This article will describe descriptions, schemes and drawings of several homemade fireplaces and industrial designs. But the significant amount of material is devoted to the fact that in other sources most often if it is mentioned, then casual. Conditionally, this information can be called the foundations of the referee.

    It would seem why to distract? But, performing even a very good product with steps according to the instructions, we will get it again, and it is hardly better than the author-made. And no one has canceled the decorative function of the fireplace and will not cancel, and it is technically not so simple as it looks like. To build a beautiful, cozy and unfinished on the farm Fireplace, you need to first figure out what is in general there is, as it works, for which it is good, but for what.

    Types of fireplaces: aesthetics

    Fireplace, as before, not only heats the room, but also gives him a special comfort. Build it in the soul of the house - in the living room. Technically efficient, but non-market and / or not fitting in the interior the fireplace deprives the face of the face. Therefore, before being taken for its manufacture, let's see what can be the face of the fireplace itself. The choice is not so wide, because The fireplace should not only look, but also warm. And do not smoke, do not pay and not create risks of Ugon. Selecting the same style, you can also be taken for building.


    The most common type of fireplaces is English is classic. Its appearance is shown in Fig. About his device and technical features We will talk further, and one can say about aesthetics: it will go anywhere, at least in the interior of the AR Deco or Fusion. Classic because the classic is that everywhere to the place. All that can somehow not bope with something, dropped in the process of centuries-old evolution.


    Dutch fireplace is, in essence, the furnace-fireplace. And not because it is faced with the tiles, they may not be on the right pos. Fig. below. But here is the existence of smoke-rotations: the Dutch was forced to save on the Middle Ages on fuel. Therefore, the fireplace in Dutch, actually, and not the fireplace at all.

    The Dutch fireplace is laid out as a stove, only with an increased zev of the furnace and deaf, without pushed, subside. The door of the furnace or is not at all, or they are openwork, cast or forged, fluent air. This follows from the features of the fireplace, as follow-up in the following, technical section.

    For erection from zero, the Dutch fireplace is complicated: and the laying is not easy, and the finish is needed quality. But, if you need to make a fireplace from the stove, then Prababookushina Holland in the wall or in the corner is a find. It's easy enough to open the furnace, closed thinking - here's a fireplace.

    The second, already a bit costly, but excellent the option for all qualities - to expand the burned, so that the modern fireplace of the factory manufacturer placed in it. We will come back to them, but for now we note: branded furnace can give the second life with a dilatimate dutiner. Instead of her slick and subsequent overhaul - repair cosmetic and fireplace in the house. It is probably not necessary to compare.


    Rustian Latin means rustic, rural. Best of all his meaning reports the Russian "Djarevnya!" However, rustic fireplaces look very well in the country interiors, colonial, rococo, and even in mesh, see fig. "Rusticians" are built from wild stone.

    A special type of rustic fireplace is a fireplace in the style of Provence, the right pos. In fig. Provence style, it is, in essence, the French country, only lighter and sensual. Therefore, the fireplace-Provence walks the stone light, warming and softer: yellowish limestone, sandstone, slate (not combustible!) Once olive fireplaces were somewhere shortly, but with modern factory furnace, the stone turns into facing, thermal loads almost Does not receive and the fireplace serves for many years.

    Rustic fireplaces roads, firstly. Natural sawn in size stone - construction material elite class, regardless of its variety. Secondly, to build "Rustic" can only be a very experienced cook. The design of hard requires good foundation, and the laying of natural stone is complex in work. Some knowledge here will not cost, you need a considerable experience.

    Note: wild stone and natural stone - not the same thing. Wild - such as it was taken out - boulders, goals, Kolologi. And the same stone that has been processed on the stone equipment and corresponding to certain size standards will be already natural.

    In the wall or near?

    Classic and rustic fireplaces can be built in the following versions:

    • Built-in (closed) - zev grades flush with a wall; Portal (see below) is made directly on the wall.
    • Semi-open (see Fig. Right) - adjacent to the wall closely or partially recessed in it.
    • Open - between them and walls from all sides there is free space.
    • In the openings - two rooms are heated at once.

    Built-in fireplaces require a special building structure and are envisaged in its plan at the design stage. Open take a lot of living space. Therefore, urban fireplaces, for some exceptions (about which below) are most often carried out by half-open.


    Alpine, or Swiss fireplaces entered the fashion relatively recently. This, again, and not fireplaces in essence, and simple open foci from the Swiss chalet, on the left in Fig. Modern interest in them is connected, most likely, with their democraticity: the fire is visible from all sides, and around it you can pressent a circle.

    English and Dutch fireplaces, on the contrary, authoritarians: to warm up in the evening, only the Patriarch was relied with the tube in the evening. The inattentive son / granddaughte, which pulled to the fire, risked to get a hefty kick or a landlessness of any explanation.

    The Swiss fireplace can be laid out without any particular difficulties, but only in a non-residential room. In constantly inhabited premises, their independent erection is prohibited by fire legislation - open fire, as in any way. In urban apartments to business class inclusive "Swiss" can not be done at all, and in elite - it is possible only for a special resolution of the fire inspection and the availability of a fire certificate on the product.

    For individual country houses, the exception rules do not provide. Fire in a house with people on the village or in a cottage settlement is still more dangerous than in a high-rise building: MES will not quickly come quickly. But to build an alpine fireplace in the country, it is quite possible, no one asking any fines not at risk. Country houses, By law, premises are non-residential.


    Modern design styles did not go and seemingly such archaic fireplaces. Cause - Almost all modern design styles for external coldness and conciseness are filled with hidden energy. And the fireplace is a capacity of the visible energy of the fire, so its framing does not have to be sophisticated.


    Modern is known as the style of an all-express. Designers, decorators, artists applied among themselves (in the public they are sophisticated Estets) say: "Yes, you want to write in modern ones." But Modern - by no means a random dump. It requires a very developed taste and has many meanings.

    One of them is important in a fireplace case: a modern fireplace, fully corresponding to the criteria of style and no one disturbing its aesthetics, can be made of lungs. modern materials Without foundation, medium and right pos. In fig. Fireplace without foundation - what is it? At least to save on construction work.


    Minimalist style no longer likes something hanging. It is purely landed and melt on the surfaces. In the interiors, mini even lamps are recommended to use embedded.

    For fireplaces, minimalism has consists of minimalism, and pros. Minus - an open or half-open fireplace in the interior of the mini does not fit. If the walls are thin and the fireplace can not be dried in them, it is necessary to make it some box, imitating the "built-in", as on the left pos. Fig.

    But plus Kaminov-mini is more consistent: the minimum frame in combination with modern firebox allows you to make a mobile mini-fireplace, right in Fig. Indeed, the branded firebox at 12 kW weighs about 100 kg (see below), and purely decorative on biofuel is up to 20 kg. With the framing - about 30 kg. It may not be transferred within the premises and is not a bogatyr.

    High tech

    The basis of the style of high-tech, as you know, smooth colored or metal, often shiny surfaces, smooth or smoothly curved. From the point of view of the fireplace, this means that it can be performed as with the finished factory firebox (the first and third on the left pos. In fig), and any of the classic structures, but from modern materials, the second and last pos. However, the mini-fireplace Haytech (the third left pos) is undesirable to do mobile. In theory, the elements of the high-tech interior can shift from their places no more than transistor valves in a computer chip.

    Bionics style

    Bionic style, it is roughly speaking, back to nature by high-tech methods. Bionic interiors are not widely widespread. The reason is their extraordinary high cost. We need natural materials, a more experienced, specializing in Bionics (and appropriately paid) designer, and a super-elite level masters capable of embodying the fruit of his looking for life. Figure in Fig. You can imagine what the fireplace in the interior of Bionics will cost.


    Street fireplaces are also a trend of modernity. Frankly, there is no particular sense in them: what kind of sitting to sit at the open-air light in bad weather? And the fireplace is all the time to mock and intertwine the future will not go, so the materials are needed especially persistent and, accordingly, expensive.

    However, for a picnic with kebabs in the country or, especially, in a country entertainment institution, some meaning of the street fireplace is still it. Therefore, we'll figure it into brief, from which and how to build it in order not to redo in a year or two.

    The most obvious decision is the collapsible barbecue Street Stove, First on the left in the top row in fig. It is impossible to do this yourself without industrial space with necessary equipmentbut prices for branded acceptable. They weigh a little, together can be transferred. For the winter, you understand and hide.

    In the middle of the top row - the same fireplace barbecue, but from a dense wild stone: granite, gabbro, diabase, etc. It will endure any bad weather for a long time, does not require accelerates after autumn-winter slush, because The moisture absorption of the material is negligible.

    However, the cost is exorbitant. Material is still as they say, flower. But the work is already juicy berries. Do there find people who will take a durable arch from "savage"? And which will take and really knows how to get a bit of tons of stone to choose pieces on the keys and choke of the wings. And the most wings should also be folded from anything. And without fitting the pieces you can not cost anyhow, and granite to customize so that the view does not deteriorate outside - this is not a male bricks to join, the diamond circle in the Bulgarian will not be changed.

    But the extreme right at the top of the metal option for self-dealers is suitable just right. The design is clear from the drawing, one person pulls him there and here without difficulty. Already with firewood, embedded in the opening of the shell for drying, the species turns out quite natural. And if you put the top cheek with flat pebbles on a cement-sandy solution with polymer additives, then the real "Swiss" will be released. True, we will have to carry such together.

    Finally (on the left below in Fig.), A regular brazier will come for the Swiss fireplace outdoors. On it, by the way, coaching kebabs are more capable than in the previous version.

    If I certainly want a fireplace, and on the will, and homemade, and brick, then it is necessary to build it in a gazebo, right below in Fig. The moisture of heaven and a device with a flame inside from a porous hygroscopic material on a clay solution - incompatible things. After the winter from acceleration, it can just fall apart. An example of a furnace-fire-mangala furnace suitable in the arbor will be given later.

    Types of fireplaces: Technique

    The Swiss fireplace does not have any scientific and technical features. This is a simple hearth, a fire in the deepening of the pedestal from the non-aggravated material. But also very ancient, English classic - the device is already quite interesting.

    Note: the images and models of classical fireplaces are known, which archaeologists refer to Dorim Celts and Pictites. That during the time of Wilhelm the conqueror was grayish antiquity.

    Rustic and olive fireplaces are the same classic, only differently decorated. Dutch on the principle of action and the device is no different from the Dutch furnace. Modern refugeery fireplaces will be considered, but let's start, as is headed, from the classics.

    Classic and Ramford.

    The schemes of the device of the classical fireplace of the English type are shown in Fig. on right. The classic fireplace is different from the simple focus under the smoke collector, only two details: infrared (thermal) reflector; reflective surface and smoke tooth. But they give these two details a lot.

    Raisin Fireplace - smoke tooth. It limits the throughput of chimney due to the formation of a slow vortex of flue gases under it. If you flood the English fireplace of raw wood, then the smoke ball is clearly visible in the furnace, which does not go into the chimney and does not extend.

    Thus, the air in the furnace did several revolutions, contacting the burning fuel, while he did not go into the chimney. This achieved the following:

    1. The gradual return by air oxygen allowed to organize an energy efficient slow burning even very energetic fuels - pine wood, anthracite - without the danger of education carbon monoxide.
    2. Air oxygen was more fully used that, with high-quality fuel, the formation of a fiber was excluded at any position of the view.
    3. The air was heavily heated and immediately gave heat to the body of the fireplace, which, in turn, radiated him into the room.
    4. The vortex time constant in the furnace is 2-7 minutes, which made the burning process self-regulating.
    5. As a result, with the same laying of fuel, it is possible to safely adjust the heating intensity by the method, which in the furnaces is extremely dangerous: partially bypassed the view.

    Let's give explanations. The formation of carbon monoxide CO is the process of endothermic, i.e. Energy unfavorable. Figuratively speaking, the burning fuel in the lack of oxygen is committed to tightening more energy carrier - oxygen - before oxidizing partially, as a result of which CO is formed.

    In the fireplace, outdoor air access in principle is free, the door on the zea firebox does not happen. But getting oxygen to the fuel is interferes with the same whirlwind in the furnace. If the oxidizing agent becomes very little, the burning presses, the whirlwinds weaken, the influx of the outdoor air is enhanced, the fuel flares, the whirlwind is increasing again, and is twisted until all oxygen is consumed from it, and then the process will repeat again and again.

    However, it is impossible to organize such combustion in the deaf chamber. The fact is that the volume of flue gases in the vortex as its development continuously increases, both due to thermochemical reaction products, and through the formation of thermochemical reaction products. If you tightly close the view, the whirlwind will come out (the fireplace will shoot, like a stove), the whole process will betray from the regime, and the fireplace will light just like a fire.

    Note: as a result, the British fireplace is made with a hole of idling, as in the throttle of the car carburetor. Its area is about 10% of the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney. CPD of the fireplace This hole does not reduce, see below.

    Next, a hot whirlwind warms the body of the fireplace well, and it also warm the room well. Only surplus already cooled flue gases fly to the pipe, which additionally give their heat the fireplace in the smoke cap. The Efficiency of the English fireplace for such a simple device is extremely high: up to 46% on Cornwall coal and more than 50% on pellets.

    Note: it is clear from the above that it is impossible to do a smoke tooth in the form of a simple stamp of bricks. There are already aerodynamics, the tooth must be profiled. The varieties of English fireplaces are distinguished by each other in the main tooth profile.

    True, in the modern urban apartment there are no such indicators: the measurements were carried out in old English locks, for fireplaces with a smoke cap of 4.5-5.5 m height and the total height of the chimney 12-17 m. But still, and at the conventional height ceilings The fireplace will warmly be worse than the Dutch, but to build it technically easier. Alas, only technically, see below.

    The described principle of work gives an important effect to practice: the warmth of flue gases after a chimney tooth, in the smoke cap - a throw, it can be used as you like: to make a product and additionally warm the air, to embed a water-heating register in the housing and the like. In the furnaces with smoke revolutions, the internal energy balance should be accurately observed there and not violated the way of circulation of energy, otherwise the furnace will come out of the regime, they will shy, and its efficiency will fall sharply.

    In the fireplace, the zone of heat generation (UGT) is concentrated in the space from the furnace of the furnace to the smoke tooth. Below to take nothing, and above - take it all, no one will notice. This is how the English fireplace differs from the furnaces, and not what heats the radiation, as often they write. The stove after all, too warmly radiates. In the fireplace, the UGT is also combined with the zone technological process (ZTP), burning, but after all, too.

    Under fireplace firebox

    Initially, in English fireplaces, the furnaces were really deaf, laid out of a stone with a slight tilt out. Without inclination, the fireplace during the crossing itself does not go into the internal circulation regime. The direction of rotation of the vortex in such fireplaces was the opposite shown in Fig. above.

    They worked as it should be, but they could be dangerous: large burning slices were often rolled out out. What is completely nothing to do with the castle with a stone floor of the feast room: there are carpets, furniture, lush robes are great "blessing" of the company.

    Therefore, in the Middle Ages, under the fireplace floors, they began to do with grate and very low, calculated only on the cross, confused. When the fuel flared up and the flame began to stretch into the chimney, thoughtfully closed. A sudden push excess energy excited by a whirlwind, and - order!

    In our time, for the sake of saving on metal fittings and simplifying work, it is often made a deaf stone, and horizontal or even with a small slope inside. The reason is the extracts of high-energy LVZ and, especially, damask gels. They themselves give an excess of energy necessary for the formation of the vortex, and then - all in the old manner.


    Cinema / TV users, taking off something about old England, up to Sherlock Holmes, are simults that they are looking for a castle or at least an old cottage with a "real" fireplace, in which under the furnaces of the stone. And the owners of such households are good for renting them for rent. Meanwhile, already at the time of a disturbing Hugo, with his mad sinfulness of a baskerville dog, fireplaces with a grate and low "starting" pensive were commonly used.

    Fireplace Ramford.

    The scheme of the fireplace of Ramford (in the former transcription - Rumford, Rumford) is shown in Fig. on right. The workflow in the fireplace of Ramford occurs in the same way as in the classical, but the delay of flue gases instead of a smoke tooth gives a neck with a hyperbolic profile, T. Naz. Ramford's neck. She, by the way, is widely used and generally in the technique, not only in the fireplaces.

    The KPD of the fireplace of Ramford on the same fuel is exactly the same as that of the classic one. But, as can be seen from the drawing, its design is much easier, cheaper and easier. The Ramford Fireplace can also be built in a block high-rise building: the required depth of the furnace is one and a half times less than that of the classic, and the foundation will go foam concrete or vermiculite stove.

    Only "But" - the profile of the throat should be sustained quite accurately; Permissible deviation from hyperboles - plus / minus 5% on the normal in this point. It is the ignorance of this circumstance that most of the failures of trying to build his homemade workers.

    About reflectors

    Many masters, knowing that the fireplace warms predominantly IR from the furnace, insert a metal reflector reflector or even the expensive mirror from the heat-resistant glass with titanium-niobium amalgam. An example of the design of this kind and its dimensions (by the way, the typical dimensions of the classic fireplace for the modern living room) are shown in Fig. The reflector is recommended to be brushed to a mirror gloss before each furnace.

    All these are difficulties, generally speaking, will not damage. But nothing in the fireplace will not improve. The thing is that black on the type of soot and soot (fine amorphous carbon) very well reflects IR rays. Approximately the same as the unplanned faience - visible light.

    Therefore, physicists do not make a model of absolutely black bodies from the soot, which often causes a perplexity of high school students and students. What is the full absorption here, if in IR it almost shines! So "bother" with reflectors, building a fireplace is in vain. Wives - warmly will be blic by itself.

    Universal in the corner

    English type fireplace can be not only frontal. Actually it is believed that the fireplace in the corner should be built in Dutch, but it is only prejudice. Angular fireplace, working quite in English, is easy to fold, knowing how to work with chamoten brick, see the laying scheme in Fig. on right. The design is sufficiently massive and is suitable only for private households. But it can be used as a barbecue, and in the smoke cap is easy to equip hot smoking.

    Video: The process of building an angular fireplace

    With water

    As already clear, to embed the waterfront in the English fireplace is easy. You just need to remember that you won't take a lot of heat. A fireplace with a thermal capacity of 20 kW for the tooth produces hardly 4-5 with an extremely intense firebox. The DHW with the Custody Bakus is enough, but there is no longer on the central heating.

    Heat exchanger itself, because The temperature behind the teeth is low, it is better to do from 2-4 rows of thin-walled metal tubes, 3 tubes in a row located in a checker order. And it is easier to work - no need to disassemble the cap, it is enough to drill holes in it - and heat exchange will be good.

    Modern with fireboxes

    When they say "fireplace with a firebox", it often causes bewilderment: and a fireplace without firebox, is it like? Some kind of electronic 3D imitation of fire?

    There are such, although it is immediately clear that the fake. But in this case, it will be about the fireplace with a special furnace of factory manufacture. An example is the firing "Optima" of domestic production, see Fig.

    Fireplace Firecase "Optima"

    In such furnaces, the classic fireplace thermal cycle is simulated and optimized on computers. Products themselves are made of modern materials; Specials, silicon markets and composites are widely used.

    Therefore, the modern fireplace firebox is not heavy, compact, and the heat is where it does not need almost does not give, it can be embedded at least into furniture, see fig. on right. The chimney is performed from a conventional thin-walled metal fiber, and the furnace door is from the freely transmitting IR heat-resistant glass. Finishing the fireplace "with a firebox" can be any, to taste the customer and the ability of the master. In addition, the "flue" fireplace gives considerable additional features.

    More about water skills

    Fireplace fireboxes are manufactured with built-in hot water circuit. Thanks to accurate computer calculations, a fireplace with a water circuit in a special firebox is an already full-fledged heating device that is continuously supplying hot water Not only a kitchen with a bathroom, but also the CO. The diagram of its device and connection is shown in Fig. It is clear that they do not do this.


    The framing of the furnace of the modern fireplace can be as already mentioned, anyone. This allows you to make a fireplace with air heating, the diagram of which is shown in Fig. The pedestal of the fireboxes does not definitely lay out the stone, it can be at least from the same plasterboard. But the self-delicate is joy, alas, does not add. Why - will be seen from further.

    About biocamines

    Before moving from things interesting to any technory, in matters, let's say straight, pretty to the vigorous, should be a little lined on the biocamines. They were actually mentioned about them: everyone without exception mobile minicamines work on biofuel. And the furnaces around which they are "blinded", also special, precisely on biofuel calculated.

    Biofuel is obtained by bacterial decomposition of human and animal life waste. It sounds disgusting, then the fuel itself is exceptionally clean: it is based on ethanol, and any thought of burning mode gives at the exhaust only carbon dioxide and water.

    Biofuel should not be confused, too, with absolutely environmentally friendly, and long-known, gas hydrates, "dry alcohol". Gas hydrate dry fuel highly energy, heat gives a lot. And ethanol is also known to everyone (and many - to the pain of the soul, head and in the whole body) ethyl alcohol. In biofuel, it is in the associated state, so it is not suitable for receiving. And for the price - it's easier to redeem in the brandy.

    Alcohol, as you know, always burns completely, but heat gives very little. Who tried to boil the alcohol at least a 200 ml weld (a glass), knows that ethanol as a heat generator is no. But as a component of fuel for decorative mini-fireplaces, ideal: not shed, because It is part of a semi-solid or jelly mass. There is biofuels, by type imitating firewood. But outside the special firebox, they immediately go out, so you can not be afraid and knock over the carpet on the carpet.

    This is not advertising biofuels, and the necessary information for understanding is very significant for self-delicacies, especially urban, circumstances. Namely: for the fireplace on the biotoplee, no permissions are required-arrangements. If only the firebox was a branded certified, and the fireplace can be built with it at least in a wooden house. And invite firefighters to the first launch, without fear.

    Fireplaces: Something terrible

    Not a fire, not a passion, not a ball of poisonous snakes in the chimney, not collapse down to the neighbor together with the overlap. Worse: Paper Tools. And without permission to the fireplace, if he is not on the biofuel, can not do anything - what is an open fire in a residential room, everything is clear to everyone. Firefighters are definitely clear, and purely in a professional-sanction context.

    The trouble is that there are no legislative acts regulating the device of fireplaces in the Russian Federation. SNiP 2.04.05-91 regulates the device of heating-cooking furnaces, but it is clearly forbidden the device in the residential premises of heating devices with an open furnace. In Moscow, fireplaces seem to be allowed by the Moscow City Construction Rates (MGSN) "Residential Buildings" 3.01-96, but only on the last floors (or on the penulty, if the apartment is two-story), and only one owner must have an apartment. Technical logic There is a tight, but the administrative financial Luzhkovsky era is clear as day: to afford the fireplace can one who can "roll back" on the pocket.

    So how to be? I will withdraw the saying inside out: in every barrel of tar, if it should be strain, there is a spoon of honey. In this case, apartments with smoke, separate from ventilation, smoke canal. These are pre-revolutionary houses, Stalinkins, brick shutters with gas speakers and titans, modern free planning apartments in monolith homes. In them, even for MHSN 3.01-96, the heating devices on the flame can be put on any floor.

    Hence the following:

    • We cover allegedly complicated redevelopment with the transfer of heating devices (not to write in the statement - registers of the Central Committee!). The procedure to the extreme is a vigorous, describing it is a separate topic.
    • Under the skeins we get permission from firefighters on a fiery heating device. "Fishka" is that by default, on SNiP, it will be understood as a stove, if you don't "lie" yourself and not clarify. On paper, you can and need.
    • We build a fireplace.
    • Suddenly, what is the resolution on redevelopment with the reconstruction of heating; Here is a fiery heater. Here it is, the flame, look! Bake? What is such a furnace? There is nothing about the oven in this paper! Ah, meant? Well, if the Court of Your Confessment will take as a fact or document - please!

    However, such a sweet moment is likely to never come. Firefighters know their business, and where "does not shine", and they will not go there. But with the papers began to wade:

    1. We order the redevelopment project, the "self-easy" will not pass in any way. Tip: If the thought flashed to attach a balcony to the room, build a capital partition, combine / divide the bathroom, combine the kitchen with the living room - it is better to put everything in one package and work with fireplace, money and nerves will be half less;
    2. We take in DEZ, HOA, in short, in the operating house of the organization, conclusion about its technical condition (technical conclusion on the state of the house designs, TZK). In TZK, it should be noted that chimney is working, and when his audit was carried out; better - no earlier than six months;
    3. We go to the licensed Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Fire Safety Recommendations. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, capitals federal districts And in many big cities, these are branches of VNIIPO EMERCOM (VNI Fire Protection);
    4. We listen carefully, we climb your head, make notes, but the main thing is to get their visa on the project. Without it, further senseless. We will need to modify or remake the project at all - not a word in advance, we do, as they said;
    5. We go to firefighters, get permission. Just do not give it like that, but with a VNII visa, the question is "solved" (in VNIIPO, by the way, too), and without it - "Ceremc";
    6. We go through all the solarms of the documentary design of complex redevelopment, and - finally! - Build!

    It must be said that if all this sadomasochistan pleasure will cost no more than $ 2500 in the province and up to $ 4,000 in the first-hearth, then you are incredibly lucky. And in terms of paper, there will be no less than six months. So think, and not order a fireplace in a specialist? They have a track rolling, may be generally cheaper and faster.

    Note: It seems to be a simple fireplace for air heating from factory firebox and drywall, it is necessary to unambiguously order a pro. After all, for all the material for him, including the short-last self-sufficiency, you will need fire certificates, otherwise it is better to approach VNIIPIIP. However, to order it optimal option: Materials and work on the price are incomparable with stone masonry, and the firebox is so and so you need to buy. The proficiency is accurately known where what to acquire that firefighters "drove".

    Private country households were lucky more: a good part of paper cragomotine falls on coordination with owners, building designers and urban architecture. If your home, architectural environment - a neighbor's cow on pasture, then these stages disappear. And VNIIPO with firefighters are not so picky: your home, you suddenly burn.

    Finally, then: construction!

    So now we can already fold the fireplace. Take for example two classic type of construction: home and country. All other technically or the same, or easier. How exactly - said above. Or harder and unavailable homemade. And the documentary (again, except biocamines, which do not require at all) everywhere one and the same.


    For all fireplaces, except for Ramford and Some Modern, requires a durable concrete reinforced foundation in a floor with flooring. Of course, in the project there should be a calculation of total strength: the overlap must be kept the weight of the foundation and the fireplace with it necessary to lower the reserve. By the way, in brick crap, this condition is not fulfilled.

    When designing, it is impossible to transmit weight load from the fireplace to the walls in any way. Even if the fireplace is located in the walls of the wall and, let's say, warm and living room, and the bedroom. Violating this condition - the cracks will inevitably go in the chimney, and with them the most coallegal fireplace will give Ugar.

    The size of the foundation - with a removal of 100-110 mm in all directions. The base of iron is stacked with a thickness of 1.5 mm thick. On the iron litter - waterproofing of two layers of rubberoid. Modern highly efficient hydroizoles on the litter are not suitable for hot. On the floor in front of the zev, also a fire-free sheet according to the requirements of the software (removal of the meter forward and half the meter on the sides, galvanized on Asbest).

    Note: firewalls with a branded certified firebox fire resistance is not needed at all.

    Work season

    Furnaces and fireplaces are erected in the offseason (spring, autumn) at a temperature of 15-25 degrees and moderate humidity. Build their early spring, late autumn or in winter it is impossible at all. In the summer, in the world - permissible to experienced the liver. You need to moisten the air in the room with open widespread water tanks.


    In the overwhelming majority of cases on the fireplace will go ordinary red ceramic, because The burning in the furnace is not intense and thermal loads on the design of low. Facial, beautiful and smooth brick, it is only suitable for external cladding: its high decorative qualities are achieved thanks to the weak burning, and, accordingly, a bad heat resistance. In addition, polymer additives are introduced into the mass for facial bricks, the contact of which with fire is invalid by many obvious causes.

    Brick should be made of high-quality mass and is rooted thoroughly, but not excessively. Bricks - "loaves", strolled, noticeably fused, with deep cracks on the surface, are ruthlessly rejected. Also - "Zheleznyak" brick, was checked, with a dark core. And the one and the other from the alternate thermal loads will soon crack.

    Substress, i.e. Processed into non-standard / shape of bricks (untreated - full-time) for the fireplace is better to make a trap, and not a grinder with a circle. It's not about dust, but in vibration. From it in how the annealed brick can go microcracks, which will then go into obvious.


    - clay and sandy medium fat. Sand proportion with clay - 3: 1. Clay - purchased construction. Sand - also purchased, river, washed and calcined. Cheap career sand is not suitable.

    The solution is mixed on the water to the thickness of sour cream or a pancake dough and check for fatty: it must drain from the trunnouncement to it, remaining on the shovel with a flat layer of 1.5-3 mm. Too greasy sticks with lumps, sand and water is added to it (a little!) Again to the desired consistency. Too skinny flows, exposing, places or completely, the metal tool. It is adjusted to the desired fat content of the addition of clay and water.

    The clay solution will dry for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to cook it slowly - not cement and the more no longer alabaster, does not grab. You can prepare to prepare for all work immediately, it will save time. On the night of baady or a trough with a solution is covered with a wet burlap, and the next morning, before work, they shock several times.


    The first row is always laid out on a dry waterproofing, giving a solution only in the seams between the bricks. The thickness of the seams is 3-4 mm, the minimum allowable for masonry on clay. The seams between ordinary bricks and chamotte, as well as between any bricks and metal liners - 6-13 mm. 13 mm seam is the maximum allowable for the clay solution. It is sometimes used in body laying, if you need to make a removal, canopy or give a flush (broadening).

    The masonry is continuously uninstalled on the plumb and the cord, especially for amateurants. The whole design is narrow, high, heavy, and the center of her gravity is quite high. A prosperous for a brick fence or wall of a shed circle or irregularity of the fireplace can lead to collapse.


    The finished structure is dried at least 20 days at room temperature. The windows need to open the lash, but the direct sunlight hitting the product is unacceptable. It is best to arrange temporary marquises over the windows for the period of drying, at least from old sheets on sticks. As a last resort, tighten the gauze windows.


    After drying, there is an accelerated furnace of half a portion of fuel. It is better to take slowly burning - blacksmith coal, coal-"seed." If the drying was produced in optimal conditions, after three days after overclocking, you can start to trample. Otherwise, the volume of fuel laying is increased in 2-3 receptions from 3/4 norms to full.

    Classic do it yourself

    Here in fig. - order of the fireplace of the English type. The design is simplified and modified to add it not very experienced bricklayers. The bottom line is that the furnace is flowing. Attached with the firebox not to close! But the grate grille is small and located at the very rear wall of the furnace, so the "English" whirlwind is created partly due to the convection supply in the furnace from the bottom. This made it possible to lay out the smoke tooth without any terretic and technological difficulties, a simple ledge. True, the efficiency on pellets is just over 40%

    Video: Fireplace masonry process

    Barbecue A-La English

    This argotable (remember the promised?) Fireplace - the device combined. A single-mounted plate is attached to the full English fireplace, see fig. A strict pedant from fireplaces, possibly snorkenet, but it is convenient for the country household.

    Which to choose?

    So what kind of fireplace is still better? Custom with full tools - depending on the interior. With their incomplete delivery or credit "excess" - a drywall with a branded firebox and an air contour, he, if there are heat meters in the apartment, save the "communal" in winter well.

    If you take for the fireplace yourself, then the optimal version is mini on biofuel. All expenses - on the firebox; Finishing for the price in comparison with it is not felt. Well, if you want a solid, prestigious classic - then English. His powerful aesthetics and magnificent advantages at least to some extent will pay off the financial and paper nightmare.

    Video: A project of a small fireplace for the country house