
Street bake barbecue with your own hands. Barbecue for giving with your own hands (41 photos): selection of construction and place for construction


There are different options for the structures of the Mangalov, most of you can purchase in the store or order from the masters. If the budget is limited, many designs are built on their own. A good example is a brick brazier with your own hands. Drawings and photos, step-by-step instructions and detailed description Led in the article. Its design will perfectly fit into the landscape design of any cottage plot. As part of the article, we describe this process in detail, "from A to Z".

How to make a brick brazier with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions, drawings and photos are looking for below!

The device of a mangaal of a brick or that can enter it

Brick mangal device can be a simple type or more complex. Device simple Mangala:

  • several rows of bricks;
  • brazier.

More sophisticated Designs are represented either as one massive construction, or as a whole complex of buildings. All of them have a similar structure of building and layouts:

  • foundation;
  • base;
  • lower side walls;
  • brazier;
  • upper side walls;
  • chimney.

As embosses can perform:

  • smokehouse;
  • bake;
  • tandan;
  • washing;
  • kazan;
  • countertops for cooking products;
  • niche for storage of dishes.

Ways to determine the quality of bricks

Each type of brick has certain characteristic features. You can learn from the labeling, which is presented in the form of letters and numbers on the product. The material properties meet the requirements of regulatory documents and determine its scope. This is especially important when building a brick manga with your own hands. Drawings and photos, step-by-step instructions and order are presented in the appropriate section of the article.

It is necessary to be able to independently determine the quality of the building material. There are several simple ways to help in this. In addition, thus it is easy to check the blesshood of the manufacturer.

When choosing bricks, you need to look at:

  • appearance . The form must be correct and have no significant damage. Permissible deviations from the norm are within two millimeters for one of the parties;
  • vibration and sound. Try slightly to hit the hammer along the wall of the brick. If he is high-quality and there is no internal cracks, the hammer will bounce and the ringing will appear;
  • internal structure. There should be no chipping on the product, and the color of the section is welcome uniform. From the brick should not crumble Shamot.

These measures will help you decide which brick is needed for the manga in your case. Remember: high-quality materials - a pledge of a strong and durable design. Only, it will be able to withstand the impact of high temperatures and will serve you for many years.

The brick, giving a deaf sound with a hammer, indicates the use of low-quality raw materials in its manufacture and violation of production technology.

Characteristics of refractory bricks

The question is what to use the brick for the manga worries those who decided to build a design with their own hands and wants to choose best Material To build. Since the material will be used at high temperatures, it must meet important specifications:

  • turning resistance. Brick should be designed for use at a temperature of more than 900 degrees. Such a temperature should not lead to its destruction even with long-term exposure;
  • the lower the thermal conductivity, the better. So you reliably protect the buildings that are nearby;
  • high mechanical strength.

Optimal characteristics of bricks for mangala are considered:

GOST requirements

Brick, which is used for mantle muggle, must meet certain requirements in accordance with state regulations. We are talking about the following indicators: durability, temperature limit and other things.

GOST 8691-73 is used to assess quality. It defines exact indicators in production:

  • dimensions;
  • weight;
  • obi.

Density and fullness

The density and full-time material depend on the composition of the raw materials, which is used in the manufacture. If it is clay, the indicator should be around 1800-2000 kg / m3, if the quartz sand is 1800-1950 kg / m3.

Also, an important role is played as far as manufactured by manufacturing technology. When building Mangalov, it is necessary to use a full-length brick, as it has a good strength indicator. This type is resistant to various impact factors (adverse weather conditions, high temperatures).


For each brand product, the strength value is different. It depends on whether the recipe and technology of the manufacture of bricks is observed, as well as GOST.

The best strength indicator has a chammetic brick. It is equal to 22 N / mm 2. Such products are perfectly suitable for the construction of mangal and furnaces. Strength is a determining parameter when choosing a material.

Temperature limit

This indicator depends on the material and technology on which the brick is made.

For chamotal, this indicator is located in a large range of 1640-1740 degrees. Such material is suitable for the arrangement of brazier.

An ordinary ceramic brick freely withstands smaller temperature levels - up to 1200 degrees Celsius. Therefore, we recommend using it for the masonry of the lower levels of the manga, the outer walls, as well as the smoke collector.

Other construction sites can be made of bricks with less stringent requirements.

Thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity indicator is responsible for the ability of the material to give heat. Since the brand is close to other buildings, it is important to provide them reliable protection. This can only be achieved when using a brick with low thermal conductivity.

There is a certain coefficient called the thermal conductivity coefficient. What it is lower, the more refractory is brick.

In ceramic, this indicator is up to 0.8 units, and in chamotte - to 0.6.

Resistance to the effects of aggressive substances

When combustion of firewood, coal and other raw materials are formed products that negatively affect bricks. The most common substances that have a negative impact on the brick include:

  • acids;
  • alkali;
  • salt.

Under their impact over time, the material is destroyed. To prevent this, it is necessary to choose stamps resistant to aggressive substances. We recommend using chamotte brick.

Silicate, hollow and quartz brick are hardly suitable for use in such conditions, due to their composition. In an acidic environment, they begin to collapse.

Water absorption

The main feature of fire-resistant brick is that inside it has emptiness. This is due to the raw material from which it is also produced by the production technology itself. As a result, such products are able to absorb water, both from the atmosphere and with its direct contact. Blocks can accumulate up to 25% liquid. Depending on the quality, this indicator may vary.

The higher the water absorption of the brick, the smaller it is racks to the frost: if, for example, the product this indicator is at the level of 10%, then, as a rule, the frost resistance is very low.

Silicate bricks have a water absorption coefficient up to 15%. Builders do not recommend building foundations and grounds from it, as it will quickly lose its strength and breaks out.

The optimal water absorption indicator of bricks - 8%

Frost resistance

This indicator characterizes the material ability to withstand low and high effects of exposure under the condition of maximum absorption. large number moisture. To calculate the indicator in production, the brick is specially subjected to freezing and defrost, and after the measurement, whether any significant changes occurred in its structure.

The number of frost cycles and there is an indicator of frost resistance. The optimal value of this indicator varies depending on the regions. For example, in the warm areas of Russia, the norm is considered to be 15-20 f, and in areas with a more severe climate - 35-50 F.

Frost resistance rate is regulated by several Gostas:

  • GOST 530-2012;
  • GOST 379-95.

Dimensions and accuracy of geometric shapes

This indicator is one of the most important for any brick, since the quality and correspondence of the sizes directly depends, it will be smoothly the final laying. Fireproof did not exceed. Its dimensions are governed by the Rules of GOST 8691-73.

According to the requirements, the product should have 11 sizes. At the same time, the length, thickness and height are in a certain ratio (standard brick: 250x120x65). As for the deviations, they should not move away from the norm by 5, 5 and 2 mm, respectively.

Control of this parameter is conducted directly in enterprises that are engaged in the manufacture of bricks. From the batch of products, selectively takes a few and evaluated their compliance with the standard.

Choosing a brick manufacturer

The manufacture of bricks are engaged in domestic and foreign factories. They offer a large selection of goods, which is characterized by its characteristics and can be used in the construction of mangals. We offer for consideration of three manufacturers: Vitebsk brick factory (we will use it during the construction of a mangaal), the Borovichy plant and Lode.

The name of the companyCharacteristic features of bricks
  • Ceramic brick has good density indicators 180 - 200;
  • Low frost resistance;
  • Used when lining furnaces and chimney channels;
  • You can not apply when laying the furnace. Under the influence of fire is destroyed;
  • Low cost of products;
  • The quality is satisfactory.
  • Produced in the Novgorod region since 2011;
  • High quality;
  • Ceramic brick density M-250;
  • Frost resistance F25;
  • Dimensions do not comply with the standard, deviation from the norm to 10 mm;
  • Brick with rounded upper part;
  • It has three operating surfaces.

  • Production occurs in the Baltic States;
  • High quality;
  • Density and frost resistance 500;
  • It is used for facing the outer part of the furnace;
  • Diverse shape;
  • It is used as a decorative element;
  • For appointment - facing brick.

When choosing a brick, it is worth considering some factors. The main ones are the requirements of the standards and the cost of masonry. From how correctly the brick is chosen, the operational properties of the mangala depend on. This issue is recommended not to save and give preference to high quality material.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick mangal

Before collecting a brick brazier, you need to dig a topic deeper and understand the varieties of materials from which brands are made.

SAME popular materials For the build of the mangals are:

  • heat-resistant steel (for example grades 09g2c);
  • cast iron;
  • brick;
  • concrete blocks;

Folk crafts make them from Protective materials:

  • gas cylinder;
  • normal large natural stone;
  • metal barrel.

Among purchased Mangalov received distribution:

  • folding;
  • electric.

Data varieties of mangals differ from each other primarily by price, dimensions, as well as weight. If you still can't decide which option is best for you, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the comparative table below.

View of MangalaBenefitsdisadvantages
  • universal. They can easily prepare any kind of dishes and products;
  • large brazier. This allows you to distribute the heat evenly - the dishes are obtained as farred as possible;
  • enough space to use both skewers and lattices;
  • more complex structures have a smoke collector;
  • very durable;
  • do not require special care;
  • the ability to add additional features (smokehouse, barbecue, cauldron).
  • the design is stationary;
  • it is mainly open - to prepare problematic during precipitation (it is eliminated if there is a canopy or a gazebo above the mangal).

  • high fire resistance;
  • the possibility of moving on the site;
  • easy to collect / dismantle.
  • if the mangal has thin walls, over time they are deformed;
  • material with rust time;
  • poorly hold the heat;
  • the need to constantly monitor the state (covering special solutions against rust).

  • low cost cost;
  • pretty roomy, you can prepare a large amount of food;
  • well keeps the heat;
  • the ability to fry during precipitation - there is a top cover;
  • durability;
  • the high weight of the design is difficult to move freely on the site;

Folding Mangal
  • compact;
  • easy to transfer;
  • little weight;
  • just collect and disassemble.
  • over time, it is very wearing;
  • does not bring such aesthetic pleasure as during the use of a brick mangaal;
  • due to small sizes, you can not cook a lot of food at once.

  • high corrosion resistance;
  • well keeps the heat;
  • durable.
  • one of the most expensive in comparison with other types;
  • large weight and complexity of transportation.

Electric mangaly
  • practical;
  • ideal for those who have a lot of time on risi firewood / coal;
  • small dimensions.
  • not very reliable and durable;
  • little brazier;
  • can only be used near food sources;
  • the possibility of using only sunny weather.

What brick is better for the construction of the manga

Modern market building materials offers buyers a large selection of bricks of different shapes, sizes and colors. They are produced by different plants and differ from each other near the key parameters. Below, let's try to figure out which brick for the mangala is best suited. For more information in the table:

PictureBrick nameDimensions, mm.Porosity,%Density, kg / m3Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / m * toColoring
250 to 120 to 658% 1800-1950 kg / m30,7-0,8 white gray
250 to 120 to 886-8% 1515 kg / m30,66 white gray

250 to 120 to 886-8% 1000-1450 kg / cm30,4 grey

250 to 120 to 65

250 to 120 to 88

8% 2000 kg / m30,5-0,8 red, Brown, Yellow, Light Brown

250 to 120 to 886-8% 1100-1400 kg / m30,57 dark brown

250 to 120 to 65

250 to 120 to 138

6-8% 1600 kg / m30,34-0,43 dark brown

250 to 120 to 140

250 to 250 to 188

380 to 250 to 219

510 at 250 at 219

up to 14%790-960 kg / m30,22 brown, Dark Brown, Yellow

380 to 250 to 219up to 14%700-1200 kg / m30,11 brown, Dark Brown, Yellow, Red

240 to 115 by 52

240 to 115 to 65

240 at 115 at 71

210 per 100 to 65

240 to 115 at 113

until 6%1900-2100 kg / m30,8-0,9 brown, red, yellow

250 to 124 to 653-8% 1700-1900 kg / m30,6 brown, Red, Yellow, Beige

To the material that is used in the construction of a brick mangal with their own hands, has special requirements, since the integrity and life of the future structure depends on it.

The best option is fire-resistant brick. It allows you to get a safe, durable and reliable design. Build a brand from the following types of bricks:

  • from red;
  • from chamotte;
  • from white;
  • from facing;
  • from ceramic;
  • from silicate.

Build a brick brand with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions, drawings and photos

Despite the fact that to build a brick brazier with your own hands a simple task, there is quite a large number of stages in it. Each of them has its small features of construction, which in the complex leads to a large positive result. Therefore, it is important to make a plan as you will build a future design and to stick to it. The object of this master class in the photo below.

  1. Spend preparatory work. Analyze the topic, learn more detailed features of the mangals and more about their designs.
  2. Determine the place under construction on your site and prepare it.
  3. Make a project scheme.
  4. Buy all the necessary tools and materials - all that is useful to you in the work on the project.
  5. Decide with the friend. As part of this stage, you prepare a plan of how to put the brick for your manga.
  6. Lay the foundation of.
  7. Prepare solutions for masonry.
  8. Share a brazier on dry.
  9. Share a brand on the solution.
  10. Build a canopy.

Preparatory work

Let's start with the preparation. Spend enough time to plunge into the topic and find out all the details of the project. Watch examples of popular gardening mangals, their features, pros and shortcomings. It will save you from the wrong actions in the future. As a result, you will know exactly how to build a brazier from a brick. After that, you can move to the selection stage on the site.

Determine the place to install on the site

Choosing a place to build a mangal of bricks with your own hands, drawings and photos, as well as the step-by-step instructions of which are located below, should be carried out with regard to its safe and convenient operation. Do not have the structure:

  • Near the house or other buildings. The minimum distance from structures is three meters.
  • Under hanging branches of trees.
  • Additically with a support in the form of a fence, the walls of the house.
  • Next to objects that are easily ignited.

Such restrictions are not determined by chance. During cooking, the design is heated, there is a possibility that sparks from coal and other raw materials will fly. When choosing a place, you must be guided by fire safety requirements.

You can draw a plan for your site to easily present where to place a mangal complex.

  • The presence of groundwater. It is better to choose a place where they are not;
  • Direction of the wind. He should not lead to problems with ventilation and smoke;

Before building a homemade brick brand on the plot, let's figure it out with his project and draw the size of this.

Project, drawing and scheme on paper

Prepare the project and drawings of the brick mangal with their own sizes are not easy. This work requires certain knowledge and skills.

This stage involves determining the dimensions of the future design. They will be used in the preparation of the project plan. The drawing requires:

  • draw all design elements;
  • designate dimensions;
  • specify the exact location of the elements.

It is important to comply with the accuracy of proportions. Thus, it will be possible to clearly appreciate the appearance and ergonomics of the future structure. We offer a plan and drawing below. The only blot - on this plan, a mangon is depicted with countertops instead of stove, but the rest of its design is similar. What the stove looks like you can look at the photo below.

as well as explanation and description below

Detailed design drawing is presented below.

  • Total design width 8 bricks - 2000 mm;
  • Length 3 bricks (not specified in the drawing) - 750 mm;
  • Plate height in 12 bricks - 780 mm;
  • The internal height of the furnace chamber is 12 bricks - 780 mm;
  • Total height together with a smoke chamber of 43 bricks - 2795 mm;

Tools and materials

When the brick mangal scheme is ready, you can take care of the tools that will be required to perform the conceived. You will be useful:



Rope and pegs

Capacity for cement



Private brick 180 pcs

Brick sh-8 - 175 pcs

Brick sh47 for arch - 26 pcs

Shamal sand


Clear door 140x140

Fire door 410x410

Cast iron tile

How much is bricks on the brazier? For this project, 831 pcs will be required, more specified in more detail. In addition, we will need cement, sand, clay, fittings, metal corners, tiles, etc. Only in the presence of all materials can be started to the main job.


It's time to proceed directly to the construction of the mangaal with their own hands. When performing the work, it is important to take into account every brick row. It will be written below in more detail below in the order point, but for now we suggest familiarizing yourself with the types of solutions that will be useful for work.

Masonry solution

During the construction of the mangal outdoors, 3 types of solution are used. This is explained different temperatures Heating different parts Designs.

Type of solutionApplicationDescription
Cement-sandThe outdoor vest of masonry is the foundation, the first rows of the mangala (to chamotte brick), the head and the neck of the smoke tube.A cement-based mortar is used in places where there is no strong heating. For masonry inner, the furnace is not suitable.
Glinian-sandyLaying internal versts, namely, the thermoaccumulating zone, the source and the flip of the chimney.More heat-resistant (up to 400 degrees) than cement analog, as well as environmentally friendly. The shelf life of the solution is not limited! In the case of evaporation of moisture is treated with water dilution.
Using for masonry of the heat chamber.When buying chammed clay, make sure that it is not corrupted and there is no long time in a wet room. When operating, this clay can withstand up to 1800 degrees Celsius. The solution based on it is plastic, but when dried is extremely durable.

In the manufacture of a chamotte solution for a brick manga to plots with an increased heat load will be needed:

  • chamoite sand;
  • ordinary clay;
  • water.

To do refractory solution, follow these steps.

  1. To start, take clay (full decider bucket), add water to it and stir up to homogeneous casis. Leave for 3 days before swelling.
  2. Next, take more water and add to the solution. Gradually mix the sand. The resulting mass should be consistency as thick sour cream, for example. Optimal Sand Ratio: Clay \u003d 2: 1.
  3. In case of overflow of water, add a little clay to the solution.

Clay-sandy solution

Let's make, we will need:

  • gray or white clay;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • water.
  1. It is necessary to dunk clay chamotte and ordinary 1: 1. After the last will swell, mix the spatula, so that there were no lumps.
  2. Add sand in a 4: 2 proportion with clay and water. Cement in this solution we do not use.
  3. The last point check the readiness of the solution. We take two bricks and put them on each other with a suture of a solution of 5 mm, removing its surplus. Let's give 40 minutes to dry and check the quality of the hitch - raise the design for the upper brick so that the bottom remains on the weight. If it does not disappear - the solution is high-quality. This concept is referred to as adhesion.

Cement mortar

We prepare cement mortar, for its manufacture we will use:

  • cement brand M400;
  • water;
  • sand;
  • capacity for kneading.

Manufacturing technology cement mortar for brick mangala Not so complicated:

  1. Use the proportions of cement: sand \u003d 1: 3.
  2. The sand should be without any impurities, as the process of weathering the solution from masonry will accelerate. Than Sand yellow - it is less than high quality.
  3. We use the container - 1 bucket of cement, on 4 sand buckets. We get 40 liters of the mixture, because Cement still fills the distance between the sand.
  4. Add water temperature in the calculation of 0.75 l per 1 kg of cement, stirring the solution.
  5. Check for adhesion, as well as in the previous paragraph.

On average for laying 100 pieces of bricks with seam 5 mm, about 30 liters of solution will be required.

Since this construction has a lot of weight, then without a strong foundation under the barn of the brick, it is not necessary.

  1. Flooring the foundation and markup of the place. With the help of the roulette, the place is performed, where the structure will be located. Next, the blade, pegs and rope are used;
  2. Copy pitted. Its depth must be 30-35 cm for the monolithic plate. This is quite enough (but it all depends on the soil in your site). Length - 2200 mm, width - 950 mm.
  3. We fall asleep the sand layer by 10 cm and make a sandy pillow, watering water and trambus. Next, we lay a mixture of rubble and sand 3: 1, also by 10 cm.
  4. A horizontal waterproofing layer can be made around the base, in which we fall asleep clay and thoroughly trambam.
  5. We are placing the Lining Rodener of the RKP-350 (400) brand for vertical foolish waterproofing. It is quite a longest and affordable Material. Mandatory this stage is if the level of groundwater on your site is at a depth of more than 1 meter from the bottom of the Fundament of the Mangala.
  6. The construction of the formwork from the planed beam (or any durable substitute) around the perimeter of the pit. It should rise above the Earth for about 8 cm. Strengthened by backups from two edges and in the middle of the design, in order to prevent destruction during the influence of concrete. The formwork is needed so that the monolithic plate turns out to be smooth.

    Treat the boards with machine oil before laying, to make it easier to shoot.

  7. We lake the reinforcement (8mm) with equal gaps of 10 cm in length and width (reinforcement). Armature knit wire and primed cement milk dough consistency. It is installed on the lining so that when the fill it turned out to be approximately in the middle of the slab.
  8. We use the cement M400 brand. Solution in such a proportion of cement: sand: gravel \u003d 1: 2: 4. We dwell with water to the condition of thick casis.
  9. Fill in one goal to get monolithic slab Without cracks from the inside.
  10. The surface must be crushed by a spatula.
  11. The first 3 days wech the plate with a plastic film, in order to protect it from drying out.
  12. After 6-8 days, you can remove the formwork.

After the foundation under the Brick is ready, you need to leave it for a while. It will be enough for 3 weeks (but it all depends on the thickness of the structure). During this period, it will take place and gains the necessary strength, so it will be possible to start brickwork.

Brick mangal friend do it yourself

Brick mangal with their own hands allows you to:

  1. Calculate the amount of brick required for construction (831 pcs);
  2. Calculate the required amount of masonry solution (~ 250 liters);

Brick barbecue friend (masonry drawings)

The order is depicted up to 24 rows (smoke chamber). The scheme of its masonry can be viewed in sections, and the drawing in the appropriate section of the article.

And now let's stop in more detail on each of the rows. For convenience, enter conventions of bricks:

  • Vitebsky - "B";
  • Ordinary - "p";
  • Brick sh-8 - "sh-8";
  • Brick W-47 - "sh-47".

Nature, fresh air, smell and taste of kebabs roasted on coals - indispensable attributes of a festive or weekend for many people. Usually, improvised mangals from undergraded means are arranged for the preparation of kebabs in the country - old bricks, stones and lattices. There is an alternative to buy an electric barbecue or finished brand from metal on the legs. But if you compare how much such a barbecue is worth it, with the effect of its use, then it is better to build a garden barbecue oven for these tools with your own hands. How to do this, our article will tell you.

Projects of street furnaces

Any construction, including street barbecue From brick, you need to start with the selection of a suitable project. It is necessary to understand how much space you can take off under its construction and what dishes are planning to cook during the holidays at the cottage. If your menu is limited to kebabs, and the magnitude of the budget to the device of a garden focus is striving for zero, then with a known snorkee, you can make it yourself such simple sacheabs:

As you can see, the solution is not needed here at all, and mangal build on a flat platform from any suitable brick. It will be used to spend only on the purchase of lattices and a thick sheet of non-aggravated material (in the photo on the right), preferably - Minerita. At the same time, the barbecue can have any sizes, if only it was comfortable to cook and above the coal was placed the required amount of skewers.

Note. Unlike heating stoves from bricks, garden foci and mangals do not have any canonical design and sizes, even the masonry drawings given in the literature can be calmly changed. At the same time, it is important not to violate the concept of smoke revolutions and the leads of combustion products.

If you want to make it better and thoroughly construct a more aesthetic barbecue, you can take the diagram and order shown below. To build it, it will be necessary to calm the small concrete slab itself, which will serve as a link between the supports of the brick and at the same time the surface for the installation of brazier from the metal.

So that smoke from the barbecue was dispelled by the wind in all directions, the smoke collector is installed on top of the supports, made with their own sheet metal.

The masonry solution of this simple barbecue is used as usual, cement-sand with the addition of clay for elasticity. Brick is a ceramic of any brand, and the lower part to the slab can be folded from white silicate. The height and dimensions of the mangala may vary depending on your needs, and for its precipitation protection, it is recommended to install a canopy from the available materials.

Those the owners of land and country sites, who have enough space and opportunities, should be considered options for creating a whole barbecue area with a furnace complex and a gazebo. In addition to the kebab, the complex may include the following elements:

  • hob;
  • grill;
  • smokehouse;
  • oven;
  • the hearth with a cauldron for making Asian dishes.

That from this list should get into the barbecue area - to solve you, after which you have to find a suitable project. It is not difficult to find masonry drawings of garden complexes with different sets, including angular, in the same Internet. Further, we will imagine a couple of barbecue furnace projects as examples and tell you how to build them correctly. The same applies to projects of arbors for placing a street furnace, and we propose to take the next drawing with a barbecue in the form of a fireplace:

Scheme and coach of street complex

This bake barbecue is combined with a cooking slab, the grill can be adapted here by desire. There is also wood levels for warehousing for pre-drying. The arched arch over the fuel and the design of the chimney make this oven in many ways similar to the fireplace, only street. So, for construction it will be necessary:

  • brick red oven (full-time) - 450 pcs.;
  • chamotte stone for fuel laying - 200 pcs.;
  • ceramic typical brick - 180 pcs.;
  • clay refractory - 40 kg;
  • river sand - 0.1 m3;
  • cement M400 - 8 bags of 25 kg;
  • the door is 41 x 41 cm, clean 14 x 14 cm;
  • the view is 1 pc.;
  • plate 71 x 41 cm made of cast iron;
  • the steel equalization area of \u200b\u200b40 x 4 mm is 4 m.

Below are masonry drawings and dealer of multifunction stove barbecue:

Street slab project with smokehouse

Those who love the most diverse smoked breaths, this design of a garden furnace will be interested, where a small smokehouse is arranged above the cooking plate in the smoke collector. For its construction, materials are needed simpler, so in general such a barbecue will cost cheaper than the previous oven. Here is a list of materials:

  • british Ceramic Brick - 430 pcs.;
  • claper cast iron on 2 burners 71 x 41 cm;
  • opening door 28 x 28 cm, cleaner 14 x 14 cm (2 pcs.); Smokehouse 49 x 25 cm;
  • a valve 12 x 21 cm;
  • steel corner for framing plate;
  • metal rods for smoked soverees.

The advantage of this structure is in the absence of refractory masonry, which greatly simplifies and reduces it. The coach and drawings of the street barbecue with smokehouse for construction with their own hands is shown in the picture:

As can be seen from the scheme, the grate grille and the ash bar is also absent here, and on the site of the ash chamber, an emptiness device filled with river pebbles is provided. This allows you to accumulate and save heat longer.

Metal barbecue

For a homeowner with the skills of a welding case, it is easier to manufacture a portable barbecue metal from a metal than to put it out of the brick. Therefore, we could not bypass the side of this very popular type of mangalls. But the metal in good hands can take any kind of form, from here and different designs of homemade barbecue appear. There is no point in the traditional brazier on the legs, but the photo of more original products exactly deserve attention:

Metal barbecue from the gas cylinder is difficult to call portable due to decent weight. But he has a fuel cap, which allows you to save smoldering corners for some time to toasting the next portion of kebabs. It is also interesting to design a barbecue with a lid made with your own hands from the usual iron barrel:

Very aesthetic looks near the house openwork design of kebabs with a canopy of polycarbonate, whose drawing is shown below:

First of all on a platform designed for a barbecue, the foundation should be laid as the weight brick oven Pretty significantly. There are 2 methods of the foundation device: butter and in the form of a "floating" concrete slab. For the first one will have to remove the upper layer of the sediment, in order to rely on the clay layer. The dimensions of the pit should be 50 mm more oven dimensions in each direction.

The routing foundation is laid by filling the dummy stone with a spray of all cavities with a liquid solution of 6 pieces of sand, 1 parts of the cement M400 and 1 part of the lime. The top floor area is also equalized by this solution, and after it is frozen, waterproofing from 2 layers of rubberoid is placed. For the device "floating" plates for the construction of a barbecue, such a step-by-step plan is observed:

  • on the site to dug up with a size of 200 mm more furnace in each direction, the depth of the pit - 300 mm;
  • bottom to catch up and pour 150 mm large rubble, which should also be sealing;
  • set a wooden formwork protruding over the level of the ground by 100 mm;
  • tie the reinforcement frame from the rods 10-12 mm with a cell of 100 mm and lower it into the pita, opers on the formwork;
  • make concrete from cement, sand and rubble in such proportions: 1: 3: 7, respectively, and pour the foundation;
  • a week later, remove the formwork, and after 3 weeks, lay 2 layers of the rubberoid and start building a mangala.

For laying barbecues, it is best to use a clay-sandy solution 1: 1 with the addition of a special chimney plasticizer and a small amount of cement (about 20%). Chammed stones should be laid on the chammed solution, not allowing dressing with facial ceramic masonry. The seam thickness should be kept within 5 mm, the residues of the solution are removed by a trowel.

Each row of bricks first should be laid dry, it is necessary to make them tough or rod if necessary. After that, each brick is soaked in a bucket with water, and then stacked in the place where the solution is already applied. Easy row is quite acceptable. At the end of each row, the level is checked horizontal and plumb - vertical. Barbecue smokers are wiping from the inside with a damp cloth so that the walls do not remain on the walls.

Operactions for furnace accessories are made with a margin on the expansion of metal up to 5 mm, and for the laying of arched arches of the street fireplace, templates of the required shape - circled in advance. Usually they are made of wood or plywood, sometimes - from drywall. When the barbecue is fully posted, you should give a solution to frozen about 2 days (depends on the weather), after which it neatly make the first intimation. Read more about the construction of the Mangala told on the video:


In the reality of the variants of summer barbecue, there are countless and lead here at least a small part of them are impossible. Therefore, we presented several examples to understand the essence and complexity of the task for the ordinary ordinary man. Simple performed, only the first option without a solution can be called, the rest will require time from you, patience and scrupulousness in work, otherwise the stove will last long.

Country and summer cottages are a great place for holidays not only in the summer, but even in winter.

Ready barbecue in the country

When guests gather, they always want to treat them with something tasty and exactly what they like, probably, everything. Building a barbecue with your own hands will not save you have a lot of extra time if you perceive it as a hobby. You will quite make the same beautiful gazebo with a stove for a barbecue, as in the photo below, while save a huge bunch of money! Read carefully and pay attention to small details, it is they will ultimately determine the appearance and functionality of your barbecue place!

Barbecue stove is easy in its design, so even an inexperienced Mason can cope with this case, if it is decided to build it right on the open plot. It is more difficult to arrange it on the finished veranda or right in the house, since in these cases you will have to arrange a foundation and carry out a pipe through the ceiling, a roof or a wall.

But there are absolutely simple barbecue options that do not even require a solution and are going for half an hour. Make a barbecue and from a metal barrel, a gas cylinder or thick sheet metal. Everyone chooses to their taste that option that arranges to the maximum extent and best suits the country area.

To determine what you want to get as a result, it is best to start taking a sheet of paper and pencil to start and sketching the drawing of a barbecue stove, which you mentally see her. When you display your presentation on paper, it will be easier for you to decide on the choice, searching for the most suitable project on the Internet along with the construction scheme. By making sketches, consider the following points:

  • The style in which you want to get a bake barbecue. It must correspond landscape design Plot, interior of the veranda or hall in which you want to post it.
  • Build size. If the furnace is sufficiently massive, respectively, it will be necessary to arrange a reliable deep foundation.
  • Try immediately on the "enter" the barbecue in the place of the future installation.
  • It is also necessary to consider the form of firebox and chimney, as they play an important role in the design of the furnace.
  • Immediately decide whether the roof is arranged above the barbecue, as the roofing should look, the industry and the form you want to get.
  • Do you need an extra elements to the barbecue stove: oven, smoking, cooking plateMovented Kazan and other devices.
  • Whether the construction will be trimmed with finishing materials, and how it must end up.
  • It is important to think over the design of the fireplace lattice if it is provided.
  • Whether there will be a nearby cutting tables, a place for firewood, water has been carried out and a washing is arranged, electrical lighting.

Having answered these questions and displaying their ideas on paper, it will be much easier to decide on the model and see it at the installation site.

Height and sizes of structural elements

When the drawing is made, it will be possible to put the dimensions directly on it, which will be convenient than the growth of the owners and will help to fit the structure well into the overall composition.

  • The first thing to consider is the height of the location of the brazier, the hob, if it is provided, as well as the surfaces of the cutting tables - in order to conveniently make a blank and fry barbecue or kebab.
  • It is important to calculate the height of the shelves suitable and their quantity. Shelves must also be made on a comfortable height for the owners.
  • Next, you need to decide on the size of the base of the furnace and the concomitant buildings. These parameters will depend on the size of the site on which You are planning to build a barbecue.
  • The next size to determine is the height of the chimney to the ceiling (when internal location) And at what level he must change his form towards the narrowing.
  • Another parameter to be calculated in advance if the barbecue is installed under the finished roof - the location of the chimney so that it does not rest in the carriage beam of the roof. It must be located exactly between two beams.
  • The size of the foundation of the furnace should exceed the linear dimensions of the base by 15-20 cm in each direction.


  • To build a light stove, without additional elements, there will be a fairly cemented platform, and if it is already there, for example, in a gazebo or on the plot, you can immediately begin to the masonry.
  • If the bake barbecue is installed on the unprepared platform, i.e. "From scratch" on the plot of land allocated for it, the foundation will have to arrange for the construction.
  • The first thing to be done, starting the construction of the foundation is to place a plot.
  • The following action is a digging of the furnace. It may not be very deep, as the construction is not so heavy as the heating oven. The depth of it can vary from 20 to 40 cm, depending on the soil on which the structure is installed.
  • The dumbing of the bottom of the pit, on it arrange a sand pillow in 10-15 cm thick. It is covered with a small layer of rubble, 8 - 10 cm high.
  • The formwork must be installed in such a way that it rises above the surface of the soil by 10- 12 cm.
  • Next, reinforcement is established - the scheme is clearly visible how to make it right.
  • The last step is to fill the concrete solution, with the proportion of sand and cement 3: 1.
  • The surface of the foundation should be well aligned, the harness of the walls of the construction will depend on it.

Step-by-step construction barbecue

This is one of the simplest garden barbecue options, it can be installed in a gazebo, open-air and on the terrace. In its structure there is no cunning plexus internal design, as in heating furnaces, where you need to observe a special scheme for long preservation of warm air inside the construction.

  • The first row is laid out without openings, with compliance with the painting of the brick laying.
  • From the second to the fourth row, the laying goes according to the scheme.
  • Metal strips are laid on the fourth row, since the two next rows will be solid.
  • Next, three rows are put according to the scheme, they form shelves under the furnace.

Continued order - from the seventh row and above

  • Over the shelves, metal strips must be laid again, which will serve as the basis for the warmer panel.
  • When laying the firebox, silicate brick is used, since it is jigshatta and withstands high temperatures. In the diagram, it is shown brighter.
  • The structure of the furnace in the figure is shown from the thirteenth to twenty-first row.
  • For twenty-first row, a metal strip is strengthened, which will serve as a support for the front wall of the starting chimney.
  • The design of the chimney is laid out in a special way, each row shifts the structures to a certain distance, gradually narrowing it to the shape of the pipe.
  • The chimney is laid out of the height that is required. If the roof is arranged, the pipe is brought to it and passes through the hole done outward. Waterproofing is arranged around the pipe.
  • From above on the pipe, an umbrella of metal is installed in order to rain and dirt falling inside.

Such a model is available for the construction even a newcomer, provided that the work will be carried out without a rush and gently, with the constant control of the mechanism of the walls and compliance with the regulatory scheme. Be sure even if you are doing everything with your own hands, but very carefully check - the result will be like a first-class master-firing!

Other types of barbecue stove

There are more complex embodiments, to the construction of which you need to treat much more seriously, since the scheme of such furnaces is more intricate, and requires the addition of several parts of the furnace to one chimney, water and electricity.

For example, such a model that is thought out in all the trifles and finished with a decorative stone, which gives the whole composition a special style, resembling the castles of the Middle Ages.

This is a solid and massive construction that will not cost without a foundation device, since without it, the soil simply leaks under its weight.

The whole zone is well arranged, where not only the oven will be safe from weather factors, but there is a place for vacationers. Here you can put a table and even comfortable chairs to relax in the shade, enjoying the magic smells of burning firewood and preparing delicacies.

In the design there is a place under the supply of fuel, water was carried out, which is convenient when cooking when it is often necessary to wash your hands and dishes. Cutting surfaces made of stone are easily clean and comfortable for billets. For dishes are provided by bunk shelves - they can be stored all the necessary all summer period.

This oven barbecue is built on the terrace. It is convenient for this, since, opening the window into the kitchen, you can access the water and the refrigerator, where the products are stored. This version of the stove itself is decorative element Terraces, and complements the overall situation with their presence. The design is compact, but it is arranged on a wooden floor, and therefore the foundation was arranged in advance for her. Generally , good option, in such a place where rainy weather can never prevent her holiday.

Another model of a barbecue, quite simple and does not require much effort for its erection. Here you will need bricks, two plates for the middle shelf and the main surface, on which the roaster of the barbecue is located, as well as the rear wall closing the roaster. These all materials will be needed if the barbecue will be stationary in one place. If you make it from non-combustible materials and make not too heavy by weight, and then imitate on the surface drawing of brickwork, then this option can be installed in any convenient place of the country area.

But a completely simple barbecue option, which can be folded for 15-30 minutes if you have everything for it necessary materials. It can have a different form and if you want, it can be changed at least every day. For its device, it will not be needed fastening the materials of the solution, as the bricks simply add up in a certain order.

This "work" can do any person, and the barbecue may be a temporary structure, and may be arranged on a permanent basis.

To build such a barbecue, you will need:

  • Bricks, approximately hundred-one Twenty pieces.
  • Metal pallet and lattice of the same size, it will determine the size of the entire structure in the area.
  • For masonry, you can prepare a foundation, and it is not necessary to make a deep boiler for it, since the structure is not very massive, but reinforcement will never be superfluous. But, in principle, such a stove of temporary type can be quickly built on the rammed plot of land.
  • On the finished foundation, the brick is laid out with gaps. It will take to lay out four - five rows of such a laying. This process is perfectly displayed on the figure presented above.
  • Next, the metal pallet is laid on the bricks, on which the coals will be lit, so it should be made of thick metal, a thickness of at least 3 mm.
  • Then there are still two rows of bricks, also with gaps between them, for the receipt of oxygen to coals, so that they are good and evenly burned.
  • From above of these two rows, a lattice is stacked on which various delicacy dishes will be fried.
  • Top of the lattice make a laying of two more brick rows. Bricks in them are stacked as close as possible to each other, they will serve for frying products by wind protection.
  • If desired, such the furnace can be done Of the pre-prepared brick or stone of a certain form.

The simplest furnace barbecue with your own hands in 15 minutes - video tutorial for beginner

This model is exactly the option about which we can say that it can be done quickly and without extensive costs.

The brazier is one of the mandatory attributes of summer holidays. If the space and the budget allows, it is quite possible to equip in its own summer cottage. Nowadays there are many detailed instructionswhere step by step is described how to make a brick brand on your own.

Yes, you can simply buy a finished brand in the cottage, but there is something attractive in the plans to build such a brick brazier with your own hands. The country mangal is not only the place of collecting the whole family and an interesting element of country design.

Benefits of a brick mangala (barbecue)

  1. It is possible to prepare not only meat, but also other products. For example, fish, different seafood, vegetables, birds, even sweets.
  2. Larger dimensions and round (usually) brazier shape + rear walls contribute to a more uniform heat distribution throughout the area.
  3. Products are not riveted on the skewer, but are placed on the grid, and it is possible to change its position in height, thereby choosing the optimal mode.
  4. The heat can be obtained not only from burning wood or coal, but also from other heat sources.
  5. The presence of an exhaust.
  6. In some cases, the temperature indicator is installed, which provides additional convenience in cooking.
  7. Meat before cooking is not necessarily.

Choosing the place of installation of the manga and its dimensions

You need to start with this. On several acres, when the road is literally every "Pant of the Earth", the choice is not so easy. But the mangal drawing is compiled based on the size of the segment on which the oven will be built.

What is taken into account:

  • The brazier should not be a hindrance for the daily workflow in the country.
  • The furnace is advisable to put so that the dominant wind demolished smoke towards the direction from the house.
  • Near this place should be a trunk tube.
  • It is unlikely that it is advisable to put a full-fledged thread of the water supply to the object, and even pull it through the site.
  • In order for the weather vapors not to be a hindrance when cooking kebabs, it is advisable to build at least a light canopy above the brazier.
  • Consequently, there should be no tall shrubs and fruit trees nearby.
  • And if you consider that the heat from the furnace will affect them in the best way, then the need for some of her remoteness from vegetation becomes even more obvious.
  • In addition to the manga himself, it is desirable to equip the place of storage of firewood, as well as put a small table and at least a couple of benches (as an option).

No less important will be taken into account as follows:

  • The surface of the soil must be smooth;
  • It is advisable to place a plan under the barn near the kitchen. So it will be easier if necessary to equip the place for cooking with light or water.

When building a manga, it is better to decide in advance where you will cook meat, serve it and wash the dishes.

The brand is a source of open fire. Its location should be at a sufficient distance from buildings, especially flammable, as well as from trees and bushes.


List of tools required for the construction of brick mangala:

  • roulette for measurements,
  • rule
  • wheelbarrow,
  • a piece of chalk,
  • shnyk shovel,
  • sledgehammer,
  • forks
  • Soviet shovel,
  • bucket,
  • Kelma for masonry solution and extending,
  • Lobzik,
  • pick,
  • chisel,
  • Rubber and joiner hammers,
  • level,
  • saw.

Brick selection for mangala

The operation of the mangal of brick is very different from the use of other buildings. Therefore, when selecting bricks, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  1. High temperatures. When burning some tree breeds, temperatures can reach 1000 ° C and above.
  2. Sharp drops of temperatures. In a short time, the brick warms up to high temperatures, and then very quickly cools.

Attention ! For ordinary red or silicate brick, it is simply impossible to withstand such a mode. The result will be rapid destruction, manifested in the appearance of cracks.

Some types of refractory bricks are designed for a long-term effect of high temperatures, for example, in industrial furnaces, but are not able to withstand sharp heating and cooling. The consequence of its application will also be rapid destruction.

Therefore, it is better to use a red chimney brick. It is calculated specifically for significant changes in thermal regime, and is able to serve for a long time without destruction.

Preparatory work

Foundation for brick mangala

For the mangala in the country, taking into account that it is from a brick, the most rational solution will be the base of the slab. Firstly, strength and stability of the design are provided. SecondlyIt is not necessary to conduct bulk earthworks, which is extremely undesirable for an obligatory country area.

To begin with, notice the area prepared for the foundation. To do this, you can use the beep and pegs (its size must correspond to the mantal area in the drawing).

Then, in the intended place, you need to dig a hole (there will be a depth of 30 cm.). In the resulting pit, you need to establish a formwork. A fastening solution will be placed in it. This mixture is prepared from sand and cement in a ratio of 3 to 1.

The base of the brick manga must be reinforced. For such purposes, both reinforcement rods and a reinforcing grid are used. The rods must be based on the fill half of the harvested volume of the foundation.

In the case of a grid, it will have to lay it twice. The lower part of the foundation should be pouring with a solution of about one third, to put the grid on top of it, pour another third and put the next reinforcing layer. Then just pour the foundation to the necessary height.

Laying brick mangala

So that brick walls look neat and smooth, it is recommended to first lay the first row of material without a solution. On the foundation you can schedule guidelines for the location of all subsequent rows in the masonry.

Brick brazing should be spread in a checker, i.e. The following row will always shift at half a brick unit in relation to the previous one.

Before masonry, you need to make sure that the foundation has hardly hardened. For confidence, it is better to wait a few days before starting work.

Masonry solution

For masonry, two types of mortar are used:

Standard building solution for places that do not have direct contact with fire. Depending on the cement brand, the amount of sand is calculated:

  • for M25, the proportion of 5 parts of the sand to 1 part of the cement is used;
  • for M50 - 4 to 1;
  • for M75 - 3 to 1.

Chamotte clay is used to masonry the firebox itself. This refractory material is able to withstand high temperatures. In building materials, it can be found under the name "Kaolin".

Stacking process

The brick laying procedure directly depends on the friend of the selected design / drawing of the mangala, which you need to strictly follow, so below we indicate only the general rules and tips:

  • Gently put the bricks of the initial row.
  • You need to start laying out the number from the corner, and then fill the side walls.
  • The width of the gaps between bricks is 1 cm.
  • Observe the correctness of the corners and the level of masonry.
  • The solution for the first row should be thick.
  • Bricks of the subsequent row be sure to overlap the seams of the previous row.
  • Laying the next rows, do not forget to check the corners of the masonry for verticality.
  • Each third seam needs to be reinforced with a grid or steel rods.

Grill for brazier

For the base under the roasting, it is necessary between opposite walls to place metal corners or reinforcing strains. They are laid out the base of the bricks of bricks. We have this role playing a metal pallet. The underlying condition so that the furnace is easily cleaned of ash.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace, it is necessary to leave the lateral gaps in the brickwork. This will be admitted to the air chamber. After all, without inflow of oxygen, the process of combustion of fuel is not possible.

The base for the roar is stacked in the space between the walls of the structure. For this, metal rods or corners on which the brick base will be laid out between them. Alternatively, a pallet metal sheet can be used as an alternative.

Chimney for mangala

The easiest option is to install a metal box having a cone shape, narrowing up.

Brick chimney make more difficult, here you need practical experience. It is enough just to note that it is necessary to correctly calculate its height.

For the construction of fireboxes and chimels, only refractory brick is taken.

Working surface

For greater convenience of using a brick mangala, build a special work area directly next to it. The countertop must be harmonized with a common view of the resulting stove and be convenient for use. You can take a solid floor or paving slabs.

For the working surface, it is important that it is durable and washing well.

+ Bonuses

Calculation of materials for the construction of a mangal of bricks (for example)

The brazier, built according to the offered drawing, serves to prepare dishes of any kitchen: Russian, European, Eastern. It can be prepared in it - smoke, fry, bake, cook - for a large number of consumers.


  • Brick - 1850 pcs. (without pipe)
  • Clay - 1 m³ of sand - 2 m³
  • Rod ∅ 14 mm - 2.2 m
  • Stole strip 50x5 - 1.2 m
  • Steel Sheet S \u003d 5 mm - 1.5 m²
  • Water pipe pipe 1/2 "- 0.4 m
  • Steel corner 100x100 - 2.9 m


  • Color 415x260 - 7 pcs.
  • Solnica door 270x130 - 3 pcs.

Immediately start cooking kebabs should not . The mangal just built, as well as any other oven, it is necessary to warm up. This means that at least a couple of days it will be drunk, that is, in a gentle mode, with a small wood laying. And only after such a kind of "run-in" the design can be used for direct purpose, that is, cook kebabs.

Drawings of brick mangals with a friend

In the preparation of the article, materials from sites were used:

Are you ready to build a brick brand?

Traction of people to cooking in the open air inexperienced. It is not worth fighting with her - you can simply embody your desire for life. And a great help here can have a quality barbecue oven.

Features and destination

The bake of the barbecue in its functions is close to the Kazan and Mangalu: all three varieties of the hearth allow you to use fire for cooking. Brunette Most people will be distinguished without difficulty, because it is designed strictly for kebabs. Where a thinner face separating the barbecue from street fireplaces. But it will not recognize it, because the fireplace does not provide a special lattice for the processing mode on the fire. It is intended primarily to form a cozy atmosphere, and the processing of products for it is a secondary function.

Any barbecue project should imply a rational removal of the furnace from residential and household buildings. It not only creates a significant threat to a fire, but can constantly catch the smoke around, and it is unlikely to enjoy even the most ascetic and patient people. Barbecue is designed as much as possible, taking care of the convenience of visiting the house. At any moment you may need to return there to take various products, clothing or dishes.

Carefully and thoughtfully choose the material for the manufacture: it should be very strong, exclude fire, not to collapse under the action of weather elements.


Literal translation of barbecue from English - open fire. The cauldron appeared in the twentieth century in the form of a hemisphere gave this type of foci a new impulse. The furnace complex can be represented in different variations:

  • Disposable. Made from thin tin. In the pallet there are coal, and on top overlap with grille.
  • Mobile. It is a kind of suitcase that is easy to move to the right place. Perfect for lovers of picnics and kebabs on the street.
  • Boiler. American Type of origin. It is equipped with a lid in the form of the dome, when closing which the design resembles a brass cabinet (many meat can be prepared at once).
  • Truck. The mechanism is quite complicated, the work unit is folding or fixed in separate variations.
  • Stationary. Most often made of brick and complemented by a large table for guests.

In addition to working on the coal of the simplest barbecue, there are other options. The stove operating on natural gas is often used in cafes and other establishments of this type. At dachas, such structures are used additionally and as a grill, it is often possible to meet cases when they are embedded in garden elements. Electric products are distinguished by compact dimensions - put them on the most ordinary tables. But even if we talk about street fireplaces (open foci) of the usual view, they can be represented not only by elementary solutions.

Quite often used an extended open furnace, which is needed as a fireplace in the garden or a gazebo, and the addition with a grid or a spit allows you to prepare meat very tasty. A Russian oven can also be used as a barbecue, in the fire chamber which is perfectly a baking, smokehouse and even the cooktop. Stationary barbecue can be varied in fairly wide limits: it is put both at the ground level and a little higher or lower it. The choice of square or rounded configuration is entirely depends on the will of the owners. The constant requirement is only the coating of the site around the focus by a non-heat material.

Where to locate?

The most suitable for the installation of the barbecue is gazebo and terraces, thanks to which you can stay on the street regardless of weather conditions. No less important factor is a combination with other parts of the landscape, because the furnace should harmoniously complement the composition of the cottage or garden pad, and not beatened out of it. When the courtyard is covered with brick, it is desirable to put a furnace from a similar material. It is advisable to think about the location of the barbecue at the stage of thinking of the landscape as a whole.

The ideal mangan zone must be removed not only from home and household buildings, but also from any bush, wood, fence and other easily flammable designs. At the same time, you should think about protecting housing from smoke, and about the paving lawn or lawn (if the furnace gets up there). Very important detail - high-quality backlight, because holidays and just friendly gatherings have a property to delay until the evening and even late night ...

Stationary structures put taking into account another consideration - ease of use. "Convenience" is impossible to describe some one norm, it is largely subjective. But it is recommended to bring the path to the mangal zone; If the garden or cottage is already equipped, you will have to choose among the places where they go. It happens that there is not a single building with the roof in the site, except for the house, then the place is chosen, focusing on the stock of space for the installation of a dining group. In addition, it is desirable to withstand a certain distance from the sections of the neighbors, regardless of whether self-made or factory furnaces are used.

Materials manufacturing

Even the most good project and carefully thoughtful location will not allow achieving an optimal result, if inattentively approach the choice of structural materials. In most cases, the barbecue is used various species Brick. It should be noted that the rear wall is heated to high temperatures, because in this case it is better to use refractory brick instead of a simple option. The foundation is often performed from marble or granite, which are not bad to carry a significant load.

Street brick foci are mainly constructed from chammatory bricks of a universal profile. From the brands presented in the market best results Demonstrate Sha and SB, which easily carry heating to 1650 degrees. If we talk about natural materials, then when creating furnaces is recommended to use:

  • basalt;
  • limestone;
  • dolomite.

In addition to structural materials, you need to take care of the preparation of connective solutions. To obtain them, cement and sand are used, and for laying chamotte bricks - red clay. It is poured by the volume of water provided by the technology and leave alone by 5-6 days, after which they are stirred until the formation of a homogeneous mass. Sandy sand (relatively little) and a minor portion of cement M200 completes the preparation process.

Not necessarily build a barbecue from natural stone or bricks. Metal designs also show themselves good. Especially widely applied cast iron products: when using their risk of risk of rigging is minimal. In the inner volume of the furnace, heat is distributed perfectly evenly and remains for a long time - even best varieties Steel is unable to such. The lack of cast iron is the severity of the hearth, but if it is established inpatient, this circumstance can be neglected.

In handicraft conditions it is easy to make an improvised barbecue from the gas cylinder. Compared to such a solution, even the most simple designs of industrial manufacture are excessively expensive. Strictly observing the procedure, even not too sophisticated in working with the metal, people will receive an excellent result. Consumers can put in the device exactly the functionality they needed and not pay for useless additions. And yet: structures based on the gas cylinder are quite mobile.

Since these containers are made as strong as possible, there is no reason to fear their unreliability. The bottom will not be lit, and graduating from the preparation of meat, you only need to close the lid - there is no need to pour, extinguish fire. Important: Before starting work, you will have to release the entire balance of the gas that remained after using the cylinder.

This type of barbecue has several drawbacks:

  • without heat-resistant paint, aesthetic properties are spoiled;
  • the product turns out to be very heavy;
  • a solid experience of working with welding equipment will be required (with uncertainty as a result, it is better to buy a finished design).

Phased manufacture

Drawings and barbecue schemes should reflect not only their size and type of materials used, but also the brick laying coach. It is important to immediately determine the structural features of the structure: pay attention to the arrangement of shelves and wood niches, on the coasters for cooked dishes. It is recommended to reflect the view of the roof and the level of the lattice, fixed above the roasting, as well as the placement of the washbasin.

When building a barbecue with your own hands it is advisable to focus on such dimensions:

  • height - up to 180 cm;
  • press - up to 80, maximum - up to 90 cm;
  • brazier height - 50-70 cm;
  • the width of the inside of the furnace is up to 50 cm.

The laying of the barbecue is performed on the base of concrete. Most often it is represented by a stove reinforced. The thickness of the structure is 0.3 m. Additionally, under this base, it is recommended to place a pair of precisely cut rubberoid sheets: they perform the task of waterproofing the foundation below. To remove the champers with bricks, tiles are used with diamond discs, and for cutting blocks - ECMs with diamond disks. The initial row (lobby) is required to lay out in ½ bricks, and the second line is placed from whole blocks.

Chimney can be made not only of brick, but also from metal. Additional material savings will ensure the refusal of brick tables. To properly build a furnace, you need to specify in the drawing, what will be the layer-by-layer structure of the structure (as it is better to be folded in the rows). General rule Such: a couple of longitudinally oriented blocks is put on the lower brick. The smoke tube most often makes themselves using steel structures or refractory bricks.