
Memo to the home master: hide kitchen cabinets yourself. How to determine the height of dummonizing kitchen cabinets


When you need to make the kitchen comfortable, start with ergonomics (science about the right path trajectories and the convenience of using things). How to organize the workspace, at what height should kitchen cabinets And where is it better to store the most necessary items? All these questions have clear recommendations and sizes are calculated (I summarized the information in the picture above). But even this is not all the knowledge that you need when creating a project. So, what to do if the kitchen is already there, and the convenience - no.

Problem: When working at the worktop, the back hurts

Most likely, the work surface is too low for you. Many kitchens are made by standards introduced into factory production in 1950. That is, they are designed for "those" women of medium height (165 cm). And women have grown noticeably for half a century. And if your height is higher than the average, long cut Olivier on the table top, 85 cm high, you will be inconvenient. Permanent slopes create an increased load on the back muscles and the spine.

Calculate what kind of height is suitable for you, it is easy: bend a hand in an elbow at right angles and measure it from it 15 cm down. About this level and there should be your convenient tabletop. If there are several people in a family of different growth, pick up the height for anyone who is more often prepared. Do not try to find perfect optionwhich will arrange everyone immediately - on the contrary, it will be inconvenient for everyone.

Decision:Replace legs kitchen headsetThe benefit of them is now almost in any construction store. In the extreme case, the legs can be made to order along with the bases of the base, which will close them. Unfortunately, the replacement of the legs of the previously installed furniture is almost full repair in the kitchen: install them on the lower tier of the cabinets without dismantling the sink, shutdown the plates and other techniques is impossible. With all the simplicity of the operation will have to mess around the whole day. Therefore, think twice if you order the kitchen now: immediately take the legs above the standard.

Problem: Touch your head hinged cabinets

1. Most likely, the countertop is too narrow. Standard depth of the working surface (from the edge to kitchen Apron) - 60 cm. It turns out that the upper lockers in a depth of 30-35 cm overlap more than half of the area. Stoy nearby - rest in them face, trying to take something at the wall - jar of three deaths.

Decision: Change the countertop to the deeper. Even 10 cm added to standard 60 will significantly improve the conditions of your work. Hinged cabinets will move away, the review will increase, and the work surface will become more. As a bonus - an additional place will appear to put a toaster or coffee maker.

Idea with photo: Do not work too deep, otherwise you get to the contents of mounted lockers (or open the window) will be quite problematic. The folding staircase in the base box or the opening electric drive on the window sash will solve the task.

In the photo: Please note how convenient designer entered a wooden countertop into space - she added 15 unlisted centimeters headset from the kitchen

2. Second possible reason - Lockers' facades are located too low. In the first scheme in this articlei showed n and what height is recommended to hang kitchen cabinets. But the height is the concept of relative and individual: it may be more convenient to you with your growth, if the distance between the worktop and the lower edge of the cape car driver will be not 60, but 55 or even 50 cm.The main thing is that you can easily get out of the closet what you need.

Decision: Roll cabinets so thatyou were comfortable by them to use Yes, you will have to completely unload them. And, perhaps, there will be a problem with a kitchen apron (often it is laid for accurately to the border of the top cabinet - when the lift is formed, the gap is formed, and when lowering - the wardrobe will defeat the wall).

Problem: Open doors hinged cabinets interfere

Which height should hang kitchen cabinets, we have already found out. But what about the doors? The problem most often arises in a small kitchen, where the owners wanted to save on the headset. In the cabin, they most likely said that two doors are more expensive than one same width. And they ordered the only one by 60 cm. Now in the open state, it braids musty, and you can open it only by half meter.

Swing Cabinets are not the most convenient solution in small kitchen. Fortunately, today the facades can be equipped with different lifting mechanisms, but they can deliver hassle (on the diagram at the top I showed loyal and incorrect options).

The main thing is what you need to pay attention is the angle of opening the doors. If the facade rises 90 degrees - bumps not to avoid: the door will be just at the level of the forehead. It is better if the angle is at least 110 degrees. Ideally - all 180. The cabinet with the facade, rising vertically, is convenient and safe, but in the open state the door blocks the shelf above the shelf or cabinet. In my opinion, folding, opening up the facades - the best solution for the kitchen (photo example).

Decision:Change the mechanism of opening cabinets. It is not necessary to put the lift to all the facades, it is quite expensive. Choose those that use more often. Unfortunately, in most cases it will have to buy not only new loops / closer, but also another facade.

Problem: splashes from washing fly on the stove and refrigerator

Possible cause is the wrong sizes of the working triangle: the vertex (washing) is located too close to other corners. Usually we put the distance from washing to the plate about 80-120 cm. If you make it less, standing at the sink, you can accidentally burn about the stove. And splashes from washing dishes can get into the hot oil. Too much distance is also bad: to control the cooking process, you will need to undergo extra meters.

Required minimum From washing to refrigerator / plates - 40-60 cm. But life usually makes amendments to the perfect recommended dimensions.

Solution 1.: Install a deeper sink. Standard stainless steel - about 15 cm, look for those that about 19 cm deep into: the walls will not allow water to fly around. Do not overdo it! Too deep washing it is inconvenient to use - the back will suffer again. Again, most likely in the old circuit, insert a new sink will not work, you will have to change the worktop entirely.

Solution 2:Replace the cooking surface to more compact. The stove is less - in two or three burners - it will be 45 cm wide against 60 standard. You will have to spend not only for the technique, but also to replace the countertops.

Solution 3: To transfer the plate or sink in the finished kitchen is unlikely to succeed, but with the refrigerator can be options.

Problem: little space for movement in the kitchen

Pretty frequent problem on compact kitchens: Opened the door and take out something from the bottom cabinet - the second person is no longer passing. How to calculate how much space should be left to move to move comfortable? Look at the scheme at the top.

Distance A allows you to be in the kitchen of two simultaneously and includes a free zone of movement with for one and the working zone D for the other with the open doors of the lockers and extended boxes. The minimum possible distance between objects located opposite each other is 150 cm. This is especially important when organizing the kitchen with parallel lines. The distance in planning at least 120 cm. It admits a comfortable stay in the kitchen of one person, but excludes the movement zone for the second.

Tip: If you have a dishwasher, then in open video it will take more space than the rest appliances. So in this case, increase the segment and at least up to 177 cm. And to be able to freely download and remove the dishes, 102 cm of unoccupied area D. should remain.

If there are full people among your family members, the width of the passage is preferably a little more increased.

Idea with photo:Relicious cabinets are the perfect option for a small kitchen: put forward - got an extra surface, removed - free passage.

Problem: hard to find the right thing

Small objects have a property to be in the most distant corner of the cabinet, although it seems that you put them in sight.In order to search for a pitch for tea did not have to upload the contents of the entire cabinet, keep small things in drawers bottom of the kitchen.

Decision: If you have enough storage boxes in your kitchen headset, install in the closet retractable system with shelves or baskets. Well, think about the depth of the boxes and the height of the shelves: if you make them shallow and low, you can add only the little things - there will be no place to store the saucepan and dishes. Think exactly what you will keep in retractable containers and only then make an order.

To help you - a memo at the altitude of the location of the storage blocks in the kitchen: from the bottom box to the upper mezzanine. As a basis, I took standard quantities, but Ideally, it is better to adjust them for itself - depending on the growth.

Tip:Use special trays and dividers for kitchen jackets. So even the smallest thing is not lost, it will always lie in its place.

Problem: uncomfortable to use the oven

Many years wind cabinets were inseparable from hobsBy making it a single whole, and, naturally, were located down. Nowadays, it is possible to place an oven anywhere, but many, in habit, put it under hobs panel. It is really convenient, but only if you use the oven very rarely.

Decision: Place the oven so that the upper baking sheet is located at your chest level. You do not have to constantly lean to see how the dough rises. Yes, and get hot babes will be much more convenient. But do not lift the cabinet too high so that you do not have to reach behind the bends. Pull out something hot from the shoulder level is simply unsafe.

And what are your complexity and inconvenience in using the kitchen? How are you trying to solve them? Share in the comments under the article

Fundamental rules

Is it really important which height does the kitchen cabinet hang? Slightly above or slightly lower, what's the difference? But this, at first glance, a trifle, not only affects appearance Kitchen, but also for convenience in use and even the strength of the design of kitchen cabinets.

How to determine the height?

There are only two methods to determine which height has kitchen lockers. Let's look at them in more detail.

The easiest way is to choose a standard height

There is GOST, according to which mounted cabinets are installed at an altitude of 45-60 cm from the working surface of the lower cabinets. Such a distance allows you to place all the necessary devices and gadgets on the work surface - microwave, multicooker, blender, and so on. At this distance, not only the height of the instruments themselves and the possibility of unhindered them to open and close and close them, is also taken into account that pairs (steaming, multicooker, electric kettle) stand out, did not damage the lower walls of the hinged cabinets.

The situation is somewhat differently with angular hinged cabinets. Typically, the depth of such lockers is greater than that of simple. Therefore, for the convenience of your use, experts recommend that it is at an altitude of at least 60 cm. The most reasonable thing to align all the kitchen at a given height.

If you have a small locker located above the stove, then the minimum distance from the plate to the lower edge of the cabinet is 45 cm if the stove is electric, and 65 cm, if gas. It would seem that the ideal option. But not everything is so simple. After all, the growth of the hostess of the kitchen can be very different and the fact that it is convenient to the conquering woman will be completely uncomfortable for low. And vice versa. How to choose a convenient height? This is the second way to this.

More complex way - equalization by the growth of the hostess

Optimal option It is believed when the bottom shelf of the mounted cabinet is located at the level of the eye. It is on these shelves that the most commonly used things that would always have always have at hand are. Ideally, a woman should have to get to the upper shelves without problems without using a chair or a stepladder. To do this, it is necessary that the upper border of the cabinet was 20-25 cm above the human growth.

Unfortunately, the sizes of our cuisines do not always allow you to arrange everything you need with maximum comfort. You have to sacrifice something. Quite often on small kitchens install top cabinets "under the ceiling" to be able to place all kitchen utensils. On the most upper shelves, you can arrange things that use extremely rarely, it will help to significantly save space.

In addition to the growth of the hostess, pay attention to a number of factors:

  • In addition to the height of hinged lockers, it is important to keep in mind the depth of standing. The wider the lower cabinet, the lower the hinged lockers hang, since the hostess will have to reach them through them. If you have wide lower cabinetsIt is best to determine the height of mounted cabinets from the floor, and not from the tabletop standing cabinet. Most convenient and functionally when the depth of the standing cabinet exceeds the depth of the mounted approximately one and a half times.
  • Even if you have a very wide bottom closet, do not hang hinged lockers too low. Do not forget that the necessary you need to be placed on the work surface. appliances. Yes, and beat your head about the door top drawer Not too nice.
  • If you first purchased a kitchen set, do not forget to take into account the height of mounted kitchen cabinets and the ceiling height in the kitchen. It may happen that you do not have the height of the ceiling to hang them as you have conceived.

And some more nuances that are very important:

  1. Beauty. Oddly strange it sounds, but if you hang cabinets on the "wrong" height, they can lose a significant part of their external attractiveness. That this does not happen before drilling the walls, attach a wardrobe to the wall on the alleged height and ask someone to see. Or ask to hold the locker and look at yourself.
  2. Cabinets should not excel ventilation. Ideally, the vent hole should be located above the cabinet.
  3. Before drilling the wall, make sure that it is in this place it does not pass electric wiring. And, if necessary, adjust the height slightly.

Standards sizes

Even if you make a kitchen headset to order, there are certain dimensional standards, in addition to the width of the cabinets. You do not have to forget about it.

  • The height of the bottom cabinet from the floor to the working surface of the table is 850- 920 mm.

This distance is fixed in any company. However, if your growth is very different from the average, you can remove the legs and, thus, omit the working surface somewhere on 10 cm. Or, on the contrary, put the bars under the legs, increasing the height from the floor.

  • The depth of the bottom cabinet - not less than 460 mm (usually 560-580 mm);
  • The depth of the suspended cabinet is most often 300 mm (can be 320-350 mm);
  • The height of the cabinet-column is 2100-2400 mm.

You can select the remaining dimensions absolutely arbitrarily, focusing only on your convenience and sizes of your kitchen.

Installation methods

When you decided on a height, it's small - to hang it right. Here, too, there are some pitfalls and tricks.

  • Extremely undesirable to hang lockers on plasterboard wall, It is not durable enough.
  • Instead of familiar dowels or wooden chops, try using anchor bolts. They are more reliable, durable and safely attached.
  • The use of mounting rail helps evenly distribute the load on the wall.
  • Be sure to use high-quality materials and fasteners for hinged cabinets. Do not forget that kitchen cabinets, especially with dishes, very heavy. It is better to overpay for high-quality fasteners, but be sure that the locker will not fall on your head.
  • And, of course, fasten the lockers reliably.

Consider several ways to hang wall lockers in stages.

The first way is to fasten the lockers on the bolts or self-tapping screws.

  1. Measure the height of the top border of the cabinet and make a mark on the wall.
  2. With the help of the level, the line along the entire length of the kitchen, where you intend to hang cabinets.
  3. We celebrate a place under one fastener (self-sufficiency, dowel, anchor bolt). And carefully fasten it.
  4. Pluging on the back wall of the loop cabinet, gently inspired it on the already fixed fastener.
  5. We ask someone to hold the locker in this state, and we ourselves mark the place for the second fastener.
  6. Fix the second fasteners.
  7. If necessary, repeat items 3-7 for each attached locker.
  8. For greater reliability, the cabinets are bonded among themselves.
  9. After that, you can insert the shelves, hang the doors, accessories, mount cornices and backlight, if it is.

Important! When mounting on the mounting rail, be sure to use the level.

  1. Squeeze the top border of the cabinet or make it abis on the wall.
  2. Determine the place where the mounting rail will be located.
  3. Make the necessary holes and hang a mounting rail.
  4. On the back wall of the cabinet with the help of the level, fasten the fastener line and secure the loop and hooks.
  5. Take the lockers on the rail.
  6. Now it is necessary to cross the lockers among themselves. For this neatly drill through holes In the side walls and torn them between themselves using clamps.
  7. Now you can insert the shelves, put the doors and accessories.

Having to hang on the mounting rail is much more convenient. This method of fastening is stronger and more reliable, as well as less time consuming in terms of wall markup plan. You are quite capable of hanging everything yourself. Lockers can be shifted over the rail as horizontally and vertically.

However, there is such an order of magnitude more expensive than ordinary bolts. In addition, with this method of fastening between the cabinet and the wall, a small gap is formed. So that it does not spit out the bottom edge of the cabinet, they nail the rail of the same thickness as the assembly, and the closet is hosted slightly entering the kitchen apron.


Let's look at several simple examples Properly selected height of hinged cabinets.

This is how you can measure everything you need, pushing out from the length of the hands. After all, it is very convenient when everything is at hand. Please note that human growth in this picture is 160-170 cm. Let you do not scare the name "dead zone", this place can be used for rarely used utensils.

If you do not plan to place a lot of devices on the kitchen surface and do not use the instruments that allocate steam when working, you can easily hang lockers for the minimum height from the working surface. This will give you the opportunity to use the upper shelves with maximum convenience. Please note that in this picture a high height person is 180-190 cm. And the bottom table is adjusted accordingly.

The question is, at what height to hang kitchen cabinets, it may seem rhetorical. After all, everyone knows the classic height of the kitchen cabinets from a tabletop of 600 mm. In fact, this height works not for all cabinets and should be explained why this height of the kitchen cabinets is adopted above the table top.

Concept Ergonomics for the kitchen

Ergonomics is not a concept, but a science studying the daily interaction of a person subjects ambient To identify optimal conditions Life.

Simply put, ergonomics can suggest how to arrange objects near himself, in particular, the furniture to use it is convenient to use, which means it is more convenient to live and / or perform their work.

In the kitchen, ergonomics are especially important, because the kitchen in the apartment is a place where a person has to be not only resting, but to work - cook food.

The data that the ergonomics provides, by location of the interior items, furniture installation distances, height of kitchen cabinets over the table top, etc. They are not dogma and should be applied taking into account the convenience of people who will live and work in this environment.

This means that the height of the kitchen cabinets for low people may not come up for people with greater growth or vice versa.

Which height hang kitchen cabinets

On the question of the article, at what height to hang kitchen cabinets can be answered simply to make it convenient to put in them and take away from them, what is stored in them. It is so, but still, which means from the point of view of science, what is convenient. Formulate two rules that seem reasonable to me.

Despite the fact that this GOST refers to furniture manufacturers, it seems to me that the height of 1900 mm is quite intelligent, both in terms of ergonomics and common sense. Proper assembly and hitch kitchen furniture, implies a convenient use, and it would be strange to hang cabinets so that you get to the upper shelves to get from stools.

The question arises why the height is selected upper shelfand not to the top of the hinged cabinets? First, the top of the cabinets are not zones of storage, secondly, in the kitchen there may be decorative cabinets (cabinet for an exhaust), the height of the canopy of which is not related to ergonomics.

Rule 2.

The height of the kitchen cabinets should be such that the "hostess", stand next to the furniture, saw that it stands on the top shelf, without raising the heads.

This rule is controversial, but as an option relates to the convenience of use. In ergonomics, it is important that the person makes how few unnecessary movements as possible and took less unnatural pos.

For example, too low, for high people will be the cause of the fatigue of the back, and too high a wardrobe for low people will create problems in cutting products.

How to calculate the height of the cabinets

Let's calculate the height of the hitch according to the above rules. First, we calculate the maximum, taking the size of the size in GOST - 1900 mm.

  • Height of the upper shelf 1900 mm;
  • In a standard hinged cabinet 600 mm, the distance from the upper shelf to the top of the cabinet 200 mm;
  • We get that the bottom of the mounted cabinet should be at height from the floor: 1900 + 200-600 \u003d 1500 mm. According to GOST it is the maximum height of the sample of standard kitchen cabinets, which is not respected in life.

Article on the topic: Dimensions of embedded wind cabinets: how not to be mistaken with build

We consider the height of the canopy of kitchen cabinets from the table top:

  • 1500 mm - 850 mm (height of standard floor cabinets) \u003d 650 mm.

We obtain a conditionally maximum width of the kitchen apron (distances between the worktop and the hinged cabinet) 650 mm. Hence, the standard, recommended height of the cabinets above the table top is 600 mm, what I said at the beginning of the article.

Example 1.

  • My height is 185 mm;
  • Hand length 2/5 growth \u003d 74 cm;
  • 1/8 Head Size: 23 cm;
  • Height of the upper shelf cabinet: 185 - 23 (head) +74 (hand) \u003d 236 cm;
  • Nose height of the kitchen cabinet: 2360 + 200 (shelf height) -600 (the height of the cabinet) -920 (the height of the high floor cabinets for high people) \u003d 1040 mm.


It means that the height of the vertex of the kitchen cabinets is 600 mm, for a person height is 185 cm, equal to 1640 mm.

Kitchen cabinets allow rationally to use space, save space on the work surface, practical to store kitchen utensils and small household appliances. Scientists calculated that properly organized workplace In the kitchen, it is capable of saving up to 30% of the time, because the hostess will not need to do unnecessary movements (tilt, eat or stretch for something). Therefore, the question of the height of kitchen cabinets is quite relevant.

How to correctly determine the height of the fastening of kitchen cabinets

The opinion is very common that the distance between the tabletop and the lower boundary of the mounted cabinet should be equal to 50 cm. This indicator recommends that GOST. But it is worth noting that such a choice does not always justify itself. The optimal height of the locker depends on many criteria and is specifically determined in each individual case. The following factors affect the choice of height:

  • the growth of the hostess and other family members is the main factor to be taken into account;
  • kitchen ceilings height;
  • dimensions of the furniture itself;
  • use of gas or electric stove;
  • estimated operation of both lockers and countertops.

Also worth paying attention to the altitude of the apron, which protects the wall from splashes and a fatty fly, take into account whether the kitchen set is standard or completed by the customer's individual sizes.

Height from the floor

The standard recommended height of the kitchen cabinet from the floor is 1.5 m. But this indicator may vary and be less, for example 1.3 m, or more - 1.6-1.7 m. In addition, it is necessary to take into account whether it will take into account whether Used small household appliances (microwave, food processor, Coffee machine or multicooker) or all this will be stored in the closet. In this case, the lifestyle of the owners will also affect the choice of height, how often they will use such utensils and how to make it most comfortable as possible.

The upper border of the cabinet

The indicator of the placement of the upper boundary of the kitchen cabinet, first of all, affects the height of the ceilings. The higher the ceilings, the more expedient to make a wider apron and, accordingly, placed the cabinets above. Disadvantages of lockers under the ceiling are obvious:

  1. Complexity in implementation. The configuration of the ceilings and the furniture itself will not always allow it as high as possible.
  2. Access to the upper shelves will be difficult, especially at the ceilings from 2.5 m.
  3. Cost. With increasing area of \u200b\u200bfacades, the total cost of the kitchen will increase.

But more benefits are more. First of all, all hostesses value the practicality of the use of any space. Why do dust accumulate on lockers if you can store something at this place? In any kitchen arsenal there are objects that are used quite rarely or simply do not like, but thread sorry. Just they can be stored on hard-to-reach shelves. Also popularity is gaining minimalism of the interior, so many tend to remove everything more unnecessary with visible space, close and hide. Just using lockers to the ceiling itself makes it easily done.

Vertical patterns on wallpaper, eaves under the ceiling and other tricks are used by designers with one goal - visually enlarge the walls and height of the ceilings. The same principle works with hinged kitchen cabinets, the main thing is to use light or neutral colors for facades. In addition, placing under the ceiling can get rid of the search for the ideal solution for design and wall decor - they will simply be closed.

In the case of low ceilings, all these moments also work. And even more advantages. After all, getting to the shelves, which are located under the ceiling, but lower than at the level of 2.5-3 meters, much easier.

Important! It is necessary to remember the ventilation systems - the cabinets should not close them.

The height of the placement of cabinets depending on the growth

The growth of family members is one of the fundamental criteria for choosing the height of kitchen cabinets. The convenience of using the kitchen affects not only the feeling of comfort in the cooking process, but also on the quality of cooked food. The desire to prepare as much as possible and better also directly depends on the convenience of operation. If in the process of cooking the hostess will have to be constantly tilted or, on the contrary, climb on a stool, constantly shy away from the door opening, so as not to get injured, most likely, it will be pretty cooking at all. Therefore, to the choice of the kitchen itself, and especially the height of mounted cabinets it is worth paying special attention. Experts recommend adhere to the following algorithm:

It is also necessary to take into account the height of the cabinet itself. The optimal option is the growth of the hostess plus 20-25 cm is the height of the upper shelf. The lower shelf stores most often the most used elements of utensils, so it is advisable to place at eye level.

Non-standard accommodation

Non-standard cabinets usually do for non-standard kitchens. It can be a ceiling under the slope, niches, tipping pipes and boilers. Such cabinets are produced by individual measurements. One of the most trend and non-standard options to hang is the attachment not to the wall, but to the ceiling. With this option, the kitchen cabinets seem to soar in the air. Most often, such accommodation is used on kitchen islands.

Also the trend of the upcoming season is the multi-level placement of the kitchen headset. Such a location refers to both stands and mounted cabinets. The main advantage of such a kitchen is the rational distribution of the load on the spine. As for the cabinets, their different levels are determined primarily ease of operation and aesthetic preferences of owners and family members. The multi-level kitchen set is able to revive and diversify the standard interior.

Important nuances

When choosing at what height to hang kitchen lockers also do not forget about the stove used. The standards provide that the distance from the electric stove to the bottom limit of the cabinet should be 65 cm. If the depth of the plate is 75 cm. But in most cases, a full-fledged cabinet is not installed above the slab, or a full-fledged or built-in exhaust. The exhaust cabinet is most often used fully due to the small number of space or the absence of it at all. But the benefits of using the drawing in addition to obvious, are that the wall from heating, steam and other nuances of the cooking process quickly and irreversibly deteriorates, which affects operation and external characteristics.

Each person who at least once climbed repairs in the kitchen or simply hung the shelves, faced with a difficult question. What is the height of the lockers? How will it be more convenient? Is there an accurate answer to this question? Let's deal with!

The main parameters for determining the height of the attachment

What is the height of the kitchen cabinets? This question is complex and even delicate, the masters and consultants of furniture salons can not always answer it correctly. Meanwhile, there are quite precise figures described in GOSTs. But they should be based on something, but I want the kitchen not only right, but also convenient.

Usually, bearing in mind the height of the kitchen headset, implies two points:

  • Height from the floor to the lower edge (shelf) of the mounted cabinet;
  • The upper border of the placement of the cabinet itself.

Meanwhile, construction rates at different times were very different: someone has a kitchen with high ceilings, And someone has a son-in-law lamp hurt. Yes, and the canopies themselves are different. Such nuances will help correctly determine the height of the cabinet:

  1. Standard these cabinets or custom, as well as their purpose;
  2. They will be located above floor cabinets or over free space;
  3. The growth of the hostess or all family members.

Standard cabinets set a bit simpler: they obey the placement of the rest of the furniture, creating a single line and general design. Non-standard are often manufactured to order and therefore can pursue other goals.

With the position of the locker above the bottom, there is also a height of the lower couch and the width of the apron, which protects the wall from splashing and a fatty. If the cabinet turns out to be above the table or on the wall, where there will be no lower row of furniture, then the main parameters are the height of the cabinet itself from the bottom to the top, the ceilings height and the growth of the hosts. It is trying to place it so that the lower shelf was at the level of human eye. Then it will be possible to get items from the shelf without using a stool or a stepladder, as well as see what is in high shelves.

Since the convenience of mounted furniture is strongly associated with the growth of a person, experienced masters are focused on the desired one who will mainly use the furniture or the average growth of adult hosts (if there are several such culins). Popular is such a scale:

  1. When heighting below178 cm, the distance from the floor to the Niza must be 155 cm;
  2. With a height of 178-185 cm, hang lockers at a height from the floor of 160 cm;
  3. If height is over 185 cm, the recommended level of the lower edge is 160-175 cm.

With this placement, the upper border of the canopy should be at the level of 20-25 cm above the growth value of the hostess. Consider that with the usual growth of the shelf above 2.1 m becomes non-functional. This option is uncomfortable due to the height of the ceilings in many apartments, and it will be difficult to get it from this level. The cabinets below the level of 155 cm are not installed, otherwise a lot of space disappears: there can not be placed any outdoor furniture, chairs. The kitchen metrah usually does not allow you to spend the space.

Important nuances

  1. If the wardrobe needs to be mounted over the floor lockers, then the GOSTs offer to use a height of 135-150 cm. Where does this figure come from? The fact is that the lower cabinets are selected so that their height is at one level (85-95 cm), and the distance between the lower and upper cabinets The wall is closed by apron, the width of which is usually 45-60 cm. The height from the table top to the mounted locker should be at least 45 cm so that you can put any technique (combine, microwave, multicooker), wash the dishes without hitting your head Too low cabinets. For people of high growth, the height from the working surface to the cabinet can reach 65 cm.
  2. If the cabinets serve to decorate the exhaust, they can be placed on a different level. So, the recommended hood height over electric stove - It is 65-70, and above the gas - 75-80 cm. Such sections are toilets, or very little storage space, or it is not at all.
  3. Sometimes when ordering mounted cabinets, it is proposed to choose the distance between the shelves (20, 30, 40 cm). Nizhny open shelf It may be low - 20 cm to put small items there (spices, napkins), which the hostess often uses. The height of the remaining shelves depends on what will be kept (technique, dishes, grocery reserves). The less often the subject is used, the higher it can be put.

Non-standard sizes

Non-standard cabinets are ordered for rooms that are very different in parameters, or are created under a unique design and taking into account the characteristics of the lifestyle of the owners. Usually place them according to the basic rules, making alignment in height with a light-up to the rest of the furniture (along the top or bottom line of the canopy, depending on the idea).

Of course, the appointment of such lockers will have an important role. Now it has become popular to design a fridge in one group with a kitchen head with a hinged box-mezzanine: it is placed above the refrigerator. In this case, the box is in the top with the rest of the cabinets. But the sections with the shelves for the built-in oven, the microwave oven or microwaves are installed so that the technique is located at the level of the mistress - away from the playful children and some pets, but comfortable for adults.

In such attachments, the height of the wall mount may differ, but the possession itself is used normal. A special case is a headset with hinged cabinets consisting of sections of different lengths. They are good for beveled ceilings, allow you to maximize the use of space, make it bright and unusual. Their installation becomes an individual question, which takes into account everything, and an important role is played by the designer.


In addition to the level of hinged cabinets, the lockers are correctly hung - it means reliably fasten them on the wall. Fastenings should withstand the weight of furniture and items that will be stored in them, otherwise one fine moment all this design will simply fall on household heads. Therefore, the installation of mounted furniture should be treated seriously. An important role in the installation of the kitchen headset plays the technology - such a sequence of actions in which you not only spend little effort and time, but also be able to check the functionality and adjust it to direct use. It is not easy correct, but reliably and safely.

Any installation is better to start with an angular locker by adding adjacent elements. Fixing the mounting bar, you will not be able to establish them in a different order. If you ignore this rule for the looping method, it will have to redo it - either the height will "dance", or the distance between the cabinets will be adjusted incorrectly. Gaps may appear between them or, on the contrary, there are no places for all lockers.

Mounting Planck

This is one of modern methods Fastening suspended cabinets. At the same time, the load will fall uniformly, which is especially important for heavy structures and lockers under the dishes. This option is good for the pre-installed apron, the cornice or border is not needed. You can cope with the installation alone without possessing extensive experience. Another advantage of the method is the ability to adjust the height canopy.

The bar is installed for all mounted cabinets. Next, it will be necessary to simply put the elements of the kitchen headset. They can be moved along the wall and height. At the same time, a small gap remains between the wall and furniture, and such invisible systems are more expensive than the usual looping. If the wall is uneven, then the installation will be difficult.

How to make a fastener mounting plank Or racks?

  1. Make the markup position of the cabinet - lower and upper border;
  2. Now note the placement of the plank;
  3. We make holes and fix accessories for the plank, after checking that there are no electrical wiring in fasteners;
  4. Install the bar itself;
  5. Turn the base (without doors and internal shelves);
  6. We carry out the adjustment of the cabinets. If you need to place the cabinets closely, then we fasten them between themselves: first we make narrow holes in the side boards of the cabinet, and then expand to the desired size so as not to burst the coating. Now you can install fixes and tighten it.
  7. Complete the assembly of the kitchen headset, installing the shelves first, then the facades;
  8. Check how the doors are attached - even if they sat down and closed tightly. If necessary, adjust the bolts.


You can hang on the loop, you can wardrobe any size - standard and unusual. This option is especially convenient to accommodate single attachments. Here, the suspended cabinets are attached each separately, so it is necessary to use the level if the placement is assumed to be several lockers, then it will be more difficult to align. It is better to attract an assistant to work so that someone can tell, whether the cabinets hang exactly, and sometimes it helped hold a heavy box.