
New Year's salads and other dishes. Light Salads for the New Year

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It so happened that the festive table, in our understanding, should break away from all sorts of dishes, drinks and decorations. This is especially true of the New Year's feast. On the eve of the celebration of the hostess, they think about a list of dishes that prepare for the long-awaited fabulous night.

The symbol of the coming year will be a fire cock, which means dishes on the festival must fit this beautiful and proud bird. If talking pro salads for the New Year 2017This article contains the most interesting recipe, which will allow you to create real cooking masterpieces without prior training.

"Santa Claus"

Required ingredients:

  • Canned tuna - 1 bank
  • Chicken Egg - 3 pieces
  • Solid cheese - 150 grams
  • Tomato - 200 grams
  • Salt, mayonnaise

Cooking process:

Step 1.Drain from the jar with canned jushia and remember the tuna forks.

Step 2.Boil the eggs, one of them is finely shook, and in the rest separate yolks from the protein. We will need yolks in the salad, the proteins will go to the decoration.

Step 3.Cut half the tomatoes, leaving a little bit for the decor of lettuce.

Step 4.Clean the cheese on the grater and add it to the cooked mixture.

Step 5.Mix everything with mayonnaise, salt and lay out in the shape of a slide so that it looks like a cap.

Step 6.To give a realistic salad, decorate the edges by the remaining protein, which is pre-soda in a small grater. Top do something on the like "Booker". Tomato cut finely and decorate the sides of your salad, approximately as in the photo.

Step 7.So that the salad does not crumble, it should be consolidated by a mesh from mayonnaise before you will lay out tomatoes. Canned tuna can be replaced with tongue.

"Fir-tree" with tongue

Required ingredients:

  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Beef Language
  • Onions - 1 head
  • Canned corn
  • Cucumber Salted - 2 pieces
  • Salt, mayonnaise
  • Sunflower oil
  • Dill

Cooking process:

Step 1.Boil the beef tongue, then cut into small cubes. To the skin from the language is well cleaned, it should be cleaned.

Step 2.Potatoes and carrots also need to boil, clean and cut into cubes.

Step 3.In the same way, the principle is worth cutting the cucumbers.

Step 4.Take the onions and cut it with half rings, after which it fry in a frying pan until a golden crust.

Step 5.All ingredients should be mixed, salt and pour mayonnaise. Now lay out a salad in the shape of a Christmas tree, up declaring greens (dill or parsley).

Step 6.As decorations, you can sprinkle not greens a little canned corn and grenade.


Required ingredients:

  • Solid cheese - 200 grams
  • Sprots - 1 bank
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Canned peas - 1 bank
  • Green Luc
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking process:

Step 1.First, lean chicken eggs, clean and separate the yolks from the protein. Check them separately.

Step 2.Cut onions finely by half rings.

Step 3.Drain from canned juice and put the fishery separately.

Step 4.On a shallow grater, soda is solid cheese.

Step 5.After that, you need to post all the ingredients with layers: 1 layer - onions onions; 2 layer - sprats; 3 layer - peas; 4 layer - crushed protein; 5 layer - crushed yolk.

Step 6.All layers Many mayonnaise.

"Santa Claus"

Required ingredients:

  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Crab sticks - 200 grams
  • Chicken Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Boiled long rice - 1 cup
  • Sweet pepper
  • Dill
  • Paprika
  • Mayonnaise
  • Pepper peas.

Cooking process:

Step 1.Wash carrots, remove the skin and soda on a small grater.

Step 2.Cook the eggs and soda on the grater, except for one protein. He will go to the decoration.

Step 3.Cut red edges from the crab sticks, and the remaining white pulp cough in small cubes.

Step 4.Cut a bit of dill and mix all the ingredients.

Step 5.Put the mixture in the form resembling the figure of Santa Claus. For clarity, download the drawing of the grandfather on the Internet.

Step 6.Up our decorate with red edges from crab sticks. Edges "coat" and beard egg protein, grated on a shallow grater. You can also sprinkle boiled rice.

Step 7.Red bulgarian pepper You can use to create a nose and rosy cheeks. Make eyes from black peas.


Required ingredients:

  • Tuna canned in its own juice - 2 banks
  • Green beans - 500 grams
  • Potatoes - 250 grams
  • Salad leaves - 200 grams
  • Fresh Tomato - 2 pieces
  • Bulgarian pepper (red) - 1 piece
  • Chicken Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Olives without bones - 7 pieces
  • Anchovov fillet - 8 pieces
  • Vegetable oil

Ingredients for salad refilling:

  • Olive oil - 100 grams
  • Garlic - 1 teeth
  • White wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • Black pepper hammer

Cooking process:

Step 1.Wash the potatoes under running water and scold "in the uniform". Cooking time is 25 minutes. Throw ready potatoes in cold waterso that he cooled. Remove the peel from potatoes and cut into small cubes.

Step 2.Cut the beans with the tips, lower in boiling water, pre-spilling. Boil 2-3 minutes so that the vegetables are ready half. Catch off the beans through a colander and fill with cold water - it can save bright green.

Step 3.Take the Bulgarian pepper and bake it in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. As soon as brown is populated on a vegetable, get it out and put it in a plastic bag for 10 minutes, closing tightly. Remove the skin and remove all seeds. Packed the flesh of peppers, and tomato rings.

Step 4.Pulk eggs into cold water, wait until it boils and cook for 10 minutes. Place in cold water and clean. Cut into 4 parts.

Step 5.Open the jar with a canned tuna and remove the extra oil with paper towels.

Step 6.To make refueling, you need to take garlic, clean and cut into small pieces. In the metal bowl, mix garlic, vinegar, pepper and salt. Pour the shading olive oil, while whipping the mixture with a wedge of smooth movements. You must have an emulsion to form.

Step 7.Spread the leaves of salad on the plate and lay out potatoes on them, green beans, tomatoes, peppers, eggs and canned tuna. Top of the fillet of the Anchovs and Olives. Fill all the sauce.


Required ingredients:

  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces
  • Apple Sweet-Sweet - 1 piece
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Chicken Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Korean carrot - 100 grams
  • Solid cheese - 150 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 200 ml
  • Apple vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil
  • Walnuts for decoration

Cooking process:

Step 1.Cut chicken fillet Cubes and fry it in a frying pan until a golden crust. Turn off and leave cool.

Step 2.Cook potatoes "in uniform" and eggs. As soon as the products are cooled, they should be cleaned from the peel. Onions cut down by half rings and pick up in vinegar, adding sugar and salt to the marinade.

Step 3.After all the ingredients are prepared, start forming a salad. Put them in the form of horns on a big dish. The first layer will be potatoes that you pre-soda on a large grater. Lubricate the mayonnaise layer.

Step 4.The second layer should be pickled onions, onions from above, you should lay out a sour-sweet apple.

Step 5.Put boiled eggs, put it with mayonnaise. Take the Korean carrot and put it on top of the eggs.

Step 6.The last layer will be boiled potatoes, and be sure to mark it with mayonnaise.

Step 7.Sprinkle salad with cheese and decorate with walnuts.

Apple Salad, Mandarin and Carrots

Required ingredients:

  • Mandarins large - 2 pieces
  • Carrot medium - 1 piece
  • Middle Size Apples (preferably sweet) - 3 pieces
  • Nuts (you can take cashews, walnuts, peanuts, almonds) - 10-15 pieces
  • Raisin - Third Gracing
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1 pinch
  • Salt - at will
  • Cinnamon (not necessarily)

Cooking process:

Step 1.Sattail carrots on a special grater, which is used for Korean carrots. Try that the bands are not too long.

Step 2.Rinse the raisins and steal on the water bath. You can also lower them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Step 3.Put nuts into small pieces. If you are using walnuts, then dry them slightly in the oven or on a dry frying pan. If they stopped on almond or hazelnut, then remove the skin with nuts.

Step 4.Cut the apples to 4 equal parts and paint them with lemon juice. Then you need to choke them with thin long lumps.

Step 5.Now come across the cooking sauce to salad from honey and sugar. Permane all the ingredients, and pour sauce sauce. Send salad to the refrigerator and give it a break for a while.

Step 6.While the dish is insistant to clean the tangerines and gently cut them with rings.

Step 7.Lay out the salad as shown in the photo slide. Optionally, you can pour out a small portion of sesame.

Salad with chicken liver

Required ingredients:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Chicken liver - 400 grams
  • Carrot - 1 piece
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Apple - 1 piece
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Canned peas
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1.Wash the liver, cut it into pieces and fry on fine fire, with the addition of a small amount of oil.

Step 1.Carrot Stit on the grater and also fry slightly in the pan.

Step 2.Apple and grate apple and cheese.

Step 3.Clean the onions and lie half rings.

Step 4.Mix all the components, add canned peas, season with mayonnaise, spray and put on a salad leaf.


Required ingredients:

  • Mayonnaise - 150 grams
  • Solid cheese - 150 grams
  • Green Salad - 1 Bunch
  • Chicken fillet - 1 piece
  • Canned corn - 1 bank
  • Garlic - 2 teeth
  • Canned pineapples - 1 bank
  • Cedar nuts - 3 tablespoons
  • Dill - 1 beam
  • basil, nutmeg
  • Pepper, salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1.Boil chicken fillet, wait until it cools and cut into small cubes.

Step 2.Salad leaves wash and break into small pieces or cut into small pieces.

Step 3.Make refueling for salad based on mayonnaise, dill and cedar nuts.

Step 4.Sutitate the cheese on a large grater, put it in the refueling and add to the chicken and greens.

Step 5.Mix everything well and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that it is fill.

Layered salad "Tenderness"

Required ingredients:

  • Canned pineapple - 300 grams
  • Champignons - 250 grams
  • Walnut - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 100 grams
  • Solid cheese - 150 grams
  • Chicken Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Chicken fillet - 3 pieces
  • Carrots (boiled) - 1 piece
  • Onions - 1 piece

Cooking process:

Step 1.Wash all mushrooms and make them not a large straw. Preheat frying pan, add there not a large number of Water and pour mushrooms. Stew 20 minutes.

Step 2.After the installed, add onions, sliced \u200b\u200bby semirings to the mushrooms, and pour some sunflower oil. As soon as the bow acquires a golden color, the mushroom layer can be read ready.

Step 3.Take a special form (metal or cardboard) and lay out the first layer of salad - chicken. Abundantly lubricate it with mayonnaise.

Step 4.Cut the pineapples, just not too finely so that the layers can be distinguished. Put them with the following layer.

Step 5.Over the pineapples, pour solid cheese to be pre-grated on top of the grater.

Step 6.After that, put mushrooms and boiled carrots (also fluttered on the grater).

Step 7.Stit eggs and sprinkle the previous layer with them, richly wake the mayonnaise. Add crushed nuts. By desire, you can jamp each layer of lettuce.

Salad of prunes and beets

Required ingredients:

  • Beets - 3 pieces
  • Walnuts - Paul Glakana
  • Breakfast prunes - Paul Glakana
  • Garlic (optional) - 2 teeth
  • Raisin - tablespoon
  • Solid cheese - 50 grams
  • Salt to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1.Boil the beets, clean the peel and soda on a large grater.

Step 2.Pour boiling water prunes and raisins. Leave for 15 minutes.

Step 3.Cut prunes in small pieces.

Step 4.Grind nuts on a grater or with a blender. Also enter the cheese garlic.

Step 5.All products are mixed and fought mayonnaise.

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Festive salads

Salad with soils "Royal"

Guests will be satisfied. And most importantly - this salad is very quickly done. The recipe is very useful as a birthday salad. And in the New Year's menu for the new year 2016.

Eggs, crab sticks, cheese solid, crackers, garlic, lemon, mayonnaise

Salad "My Lovely Lady"

Gentle, lightweight, delicious - salad "My beautiful lady" has all the advantages! This recipe is the Lady Salad - was borrowed by me in the mother-in-law, for which I am very grateful to her. Since then, the salad "my beautiful lady" has repeatedly squeezed me when guests suddenly came. Great getting a New Year's salad! I recommend everyone who is looking for salads on new Year 2016 and other holidays.

Cabbage, ham, canned corn, mayonnaise, crackers, salt

Salad "Club" with chicken

Pick delicious salads for the new year? Simple, delicious and satisfying the "club" with a chicken, I recommend hard to taste. There are several types of this salad, it is the easiest and most democratic :) suitable as a dish for the New Year's table 2016 - recipes for the New Year's table can be prepared from simple products, and the Salads New Year love everything.

Chicken, Carrot, Onions, Cucumbers Marinated, Garlic, Plant Oil, Salt, Pepper, Mayonnaise

Salad puff with prunes "Overture"

A very tasty meat salad is able to surprise your guests.

Mushrooms, chicken fillet, cheese, prune, bow, walnut, mayonnaise

Salad "Chamomile"

Wonderful salad that will suit any holiday. I made a chamomile salad for March 8, but it is perfect for both salads for the new year 2016 - after all, salads for the New Year's table decorate from the whole soul.

Chicken liver, champignons, boiled eggs, cheese solid, mayonnaise

Salad "Owning"

I recommend a chic salad, especially if you pick up dishes for the new year 2016. This recipe - good alternative Salad "Selenka under a fur coat". Tasty and beautiful. And the look at the festive salad - it is possible for the new year, and for a birthday. So in New Year's Salads 2016 Recipes with photos of this option "fur coats" will fit perfectly.

Herring, Potatoes, Onions, Beets, Carrots, Cheese, Mayonnaise, Salt, Garlic, Greens

Salad "Red Sea"

Guests on the threshold. What to do? Salad "Red Sea" is prepared in just 10 minutes, and guests will be surprised and delighted :) Quickly, tasty and beautiful.

Crab sticks, tomatoes, cheese, garlic, salt, mayonnaise

Salad "Tenderness"

Salad "Tenderness" will decorate any holiday, and make it easy. I recommend in salads for the new year 2016.

Chicken meat, eggs, prunes, cucumbers fresh, kernel of walnuts, mayonnaise, parsley greens

Salad "Hedgehog" with chicken, mushrooms and korean carrots

Layered salad in the form of a hedgehog. Quickly, simple and tasty!

Chicken breast, mushrooms, onions, eggs, cheese, carrot Korean, mayonnaise, olives, greens

Salad "merchant" with pork

Well, very delicious salad With boiled meat, vegetables and mayonnaise. Rich and some kind of special. And you can serve for dinner, and to the festive table. For example, it will fit well into Salads for the New Year 2016, recipes with photos are a great help in cooking!

Pork, carrot, onions, sugar, vinegar, green peas canned, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

Salad with cod liver

This is the most delicious of all salads with cod liver, which I ate. Recommend. Unusual. Handsomely. Simply. Gently. Wonderful option of salad for birthday or snacks for the new year.

Cod livers, carrots, boiled eggs, cheese, onions, mayonnaise

Snack "Tomato Tulip"

Wonderful idea of \u200b\u200bspectacular design of simple snacks. "Flowers" in a bright bouquet is tomatoes with a filling of cheese, crab sticks, mayonnaise and garlic.

Tomatoes, green onions, mayonnaise, cheese, crab sticks, garlic, cucumbers Fresh

Salad "Snacking" from ham, eggs and tomatoes

Excellent salad from the series "quickly and tasty." And for dinner you can apply, and guests will be surprised that you are such a cool mistress. :)

Ham, eggs, tomatoes, Peking cabbage, Canned corn, Olive oil, Mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper

Salad roll

If you want a favorite puff salad to sue in a new original form, then use my recipe. Make a salad in the shape of a roll.

Fish canned in oil, boiled carrots, cheese solid, boiled eggs, onion, onion green, mayonnaise

Salad "White Night"

Prepare a very tasty festive salad "White Night". Decoration of puff salad roses from tomatoes and parsley branches will give the dish an excellent look. And the combination of products - meat, vegetables, cheese - will please you and your guests. Pleasant appetite and Happy Easter!

Marinated shampignons, onions, potatoes, carrots, boiled meat, solid cheese, sauce, vegetable oil

Snack (salad) "Mushroom Polyana"

Very fast snack salad made of mushrooms, cucumbers, cheese, eggs. Just and tasty!

Champignons Marinated, Cucumbers Fresh, Curly Cheese, Boiled Eggs, Mayonnaise, Olives, Salt, Pepper

Salad S. crab chopsticks "Rainbow"

Very easy and tasty salad with crabs, vegetables, cheese and crab chopsticks! Adore!!

Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, corn canned, cheese solid, crab sticks, crackers, mayonnaise

Salad "Sunflower"

If you are looking for original and easy-to-cook salads for a birthday, "sunflower" is what you need! The salad recipe "Sunflower" is very simple, and the taste and design of lettuce will delight you and your guests.

Chicken Breast, Champignons, Eggs, Cheese, Black Soft Oils, Chips

Salad "Emerald Bracelet"

Festive salad with chicken breast and kiwi. This chicken salad is good and tasteful, and an attractive feed.

Chicken fillet, kiwi, boiled potatoes, salty cucumbers, boiled eggs, garlic, mayonnaise, walnut, salt, chorny pepper

Salad "Herring under a fur coat"

I adore this salad!) There are many recipes) But my option) - It is suitable for both salads for the new 2016 year. Recipes with photos, like me, will tell original decoration By the holiday.

Eggs, beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, herring, mayonnaise

Salad "Fox"

Useful and tasty salad with apples, carrots, nuts, dried, for a festive table.

Carrots, Apple, Kuraga, Walnut Walnut, Garlic, Mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper, Greens

Salad with red caviar "Tsarsky"

Oh, what a beautiful, delicious salad! For holidays - the first thing. An elegant and rich salad with squid for the new year. I strongly recommend Salad "Tsarsky" with red caviar and squid - it diversifies salad recipes for the new year and will make New Year's snacks 2016 royal treats.

Caviar red, eggs, potatoes, cheese solid, squid meat, crab sticks, mayonnaise, dill greens

Salad "Cheerful Pond"

Very tasty salad with sprats and cheese.

Canned sprats, boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, onions, cheese, mayonnaise

Salad with salmon "ministerial"

Such a salad salad with red fish is not delayed. Delicious, original, beautiful. And this is all about him :) Salad with salmon "ministerial" - I recommend. For example, as a snack for the new year 2016!

Salmon Malosol, Potatoes, Eggs, Carrot, Cucumbers Marinated, Fresh Cucumbers, Onion Green, Mayonnaise, Salt, Black Pepper

Salad with shrimps "Arrows Amur"

A very tasty, light salad with shrimps and crab chopsticks, which has become mandatory on our festive table.

Peking cabbage, shrimp, crab sticks, canned pineapple, garnet, mayonnaise, salt

Chicken salad with prunes "Dame Caprice"

Simple, but very tasty puff salad for a festive table. The duet of "chicken and prunes" give an excellent result. I recommend in salads for the new year. So, if you are looking for New Year's salads 2016 with photos, recipes Simple salads for the new year or unusual salads for the holiday, prepare the Salad "Lady Caprice"!

Chicken Breast, Eggs, Cucumbers Fresh, Print, Walnut Walnut, Greens, Pepper, Salt, Mayonnaise

Salad "Birthday"

What to cook for your birthday? On this recipe with photos Prepare a delicious festive salad from chicken meat. Recipe for Birthday Salad is simple, easy, inexpensive and original. And this dish is preparing quickly. And it is quite suitable as a children's salad for the birthday of a child. And adults will be appreciated for the taste, beauty and originality ... treat!

Chicken Fillet, Eggs, Apple, Cucumbers Fresh, Mayonnaise, Lemon Juice, Tomatoes, Greens

Salad "For Love"

Delicious salad. Just, tasty and satisfying. And most importantly - the husband is satisfied :)

Such, beans, corn canned, pickled cucumbers, garlic, champignons, onions onion, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, mayonnaise, cherry tomatoes ...

Tiffany salad with chicken and grapes

What is a holiday without salad? And even more, the new year, or the new year of life (birthday :))? Tasty puff salad "Tiffany" from chicken, with cheese and nuts, decorate and diversifies a festive table. Come on the list "What to prepare for the new year 2016, year of the monkey"? This salad be sure to use both salads for the new year. With photo decorate it will not be problems)

Chicken breast, eggs, cheese solid, mayonnaise, grapes, curry, salt, almonds, walnut walnut, vegetable oil, parsley greens

Salad "Unusual Tenderness"

Beautiful and delicious Salad "Unusual Tenderness". But it will have to tinker ... An unusual salad for a birthday will be especially good! Yes, and for the new year 2016 too. It is delicious salads for the New Year enjoy the greatest demand.

Chicken fillet, rice, eggs, carrots, cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, parsley greens

7 more popular recipes:

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Best thanks - adding an entry to the quote machine :)

Light salads for the New Year will suit those hostesses who are followed by their figure, and do not want to lose it for the new year. Lightweight salads on the New Year's table are the most in demand of course in the New Year. First, such dishes will help the digestive tract easier to "survive" the New Year holidays. Secondly, they are not inferior in their taste quality to high-calorie salads. Thirdly, the composition of many light salads includes fruits and vegetables, which are rich in the vitamins necessary in the winter season.

In order for the festive table to have the most spelled look can be resorted to a small trick.

To the New Year's table, the most "light", for cooking, should be used exclusively degreased mayonnaise. If it is possible, mayonnaise should be replaced with sour cream, and even better olive oil.

How to cook light salads for the new year - 15 varieties

The persimmon is very beloved by many fruit, the presence of whom says that winter has come and the New Year holidays come. It seems that this fruit is simply created for New Year's dishes.


  • Chicken breast - 1/2 part
  • Persimmon - 1 pc.
  • Onion Red - 1 pc.
  • Apple vinegar - 30 ml.
  • Walnut kernels - 1/4 cup
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, curry - to taste


My chicken breast, we rub to the taste of salt and the seasoning of curry and bake in the oven at a temperature of 210 degrees within 40 to 50 minutes.

In order for the breast to be juicy and more fragrant, it should be baked in a polyethylene package. The package must have several cuts so that it does not explode in the oven.

The finished meat is compatible and cut by large slices.

Onions clean, my, finely shining, poured with vinegar and leave marinated for 20 minutes. Grinding the kernel of walnut. Hurmum is mine and cut thin slices. When all ingredients are prepared, proceed to the formation of salad. To do this, put products in such a sequence in a small dish:

  1. The first layer is onions;
  2. Second layer - chicken meat;
  3. The third layer is persimmon;
  4. Fourth layer - nuts.

Sour cream placed on the edge of the plates. The dish can be served on the table.

"Valeria" is a kind of classic salad with crab chopsticks. The only difference between these dishes is such an ingredient as Korean carrots.


  • Korean carrots - 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Crab sticks - 200 gr.
  • Sour cream, garlic, greens, salt - to taste


Crab chopsticks cut into cubes. I drown eggs, cool, clean and cut into cubes. Corn drain the liquid. Garlic clean and crushed.

In a beautiful salad bowl, you mix the carrots in Korean, corn, eggs and crab sticks. Salad refuel sour cream and salt. There, add clean and finely chopped greens and chopped garlic. Everyone is thoroughly mixed and taking to the table. Salad can be decorated with black olives.

At first glance it seems that such a salad is very simple and will not be able to surprise, however, it is not quite so. Feature of this dish in his refueling.


  • Chicken breast - 400 gr.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Sheet salad - 1 beam
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Mustard - 1 tsp.
  • Balzamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black ground pepper, olive oil - to taste


Chicken breasts are drunk in salty water until complete readiness and cut the plates. Then the chicken is placed on the pan grill and dried slightly on both sides. Then the meat should be cut into a large straw.

Cherry tomatoes are mine, dried and cut into two parts. My salad, we succeed in the hands of the river on small pieces.

Now proceed to cooking. To do this, in a small pile mix the mustard with honey, salt, pepper, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

Tomatoes, salad and chicken meat mix in a deep bowl, refuel refueling and mix it thoroughly.

Such a dish can be attributed to the category of New Year's light salads. First, it has a very elegant appearance. Secondly, despite the presence of meat in it, it is quite easy for the stomach.


  • Canned beans - 1 bank
  • Ham - 200 gr.
  • Marinated cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, crackers, garlic, greens, salt, pepper - to taste


At the beans we merge an extra liquid. Ham cut straw. Cucumber is mine and cut into cubes. I drown eggs, cool, clean and cut into cubes. Garlic clean and crushed. My greenery, dry and finely shinku.

All ingredients connect in one salad bowl, salt, pepper and refuel mayonnaise. Delicious and light salad ready!

For the preparation of salad with shrimps and tangerines, only 15 minutes is enough. At the same time, he will definitely pleasantly surprise everyone with his taste.


  • Boiled shrimps - 200 gr.
  • Celery - 4 stems
  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Mandarin - 6 pcs.
  • The kernel of walnuts - 50 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black ground pepper, greens - to taste


Prepare salad begin with refueling. For this, of two tangerines, squeeze the juice and mix it with mayonnaise.

My and thinly cut celery by half rings. Apple clean from the peel and cut into small cubes. Four mandarin purify from peel and bones and divided into slices. Clean shrimp. Grinding the kernel of walnut.

To make it quickly and easily, the kernels of the nut put into a plastic bag, tie, put on a solid smooth surface, and then rolling around the roller.

All ingredients connect, refuel the refueling, mix thoroughly and submit to the festive table.

Such a kushan has a sufficiently specific taste, while its preparation requires a few minutes.


  • Pineapple canned - 4 rings
  • Cheese hard - 100 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth
  • Sour cream, salt - to taste


Pineapples cut into cubes. I boil eggs, cool, clean and three on a large grater. Three cheese on a major grater. Garlic clean and crushed. In a bowl we put pineapples, eggs, cheese and garlic. Mix everything, salt and refuel sour cream. When applying salad, you can decorate greens.

New Year - time of wonders and gifts. Salad from cheese and oranges will become a real festive gift for all those present at the table.


  • Cheese hard - 100 gr.
  • Orange - 2 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Green apple - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 6 tbsp. l.


Three cheese on a fine grater. My apples and cut into cubes.

So that the salad was gentle, apples should be cleaned from the peel.

Onions clean, mine and finely shining. I drown eggs, cool, clean and three on a cereal grater. Oranges clean, we remove the skin from them and, if necessary, cut into several parts.

In a small plate prepare sauce. To do this, mix sour cream and mayonnaise.

When everything is prepared, you can proceed to the formation of salad. To do this, put the ingredients in such a sequence to the small dish:

  1. The first layer is apples;
  2. Second layer - onions;
  3. The third layer - eggs;
  4. Fourth layer - pineapples;
  5. Fifth layer - cheese.

Each salad layer is missing sour cream and mayonnaise sauce. Before serving the finished salad on the festive table, it should stand at about an hour in the refrigerator.

Salad with pineapples and shrimps is distinguished by its unusual feed. After all, not every day you have to eat salads not from ordinary dishes, but from peel of natural fruit!


  • Pineapple fresh - 1 pc.
  • Jarny shrimps - 300 gr.
  • GREEN - 1 bundle
  • Canned corn - 1 bank
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Orange juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar, salt, pepper - to taste


Pineapple is mine and dry. Then it should be cut longitudinally into two parts. Then cut the flesh from these parts. As a result, it turns out like two bowls. Capacity for salad is ready.

Shrimps clean and rinse. Finely cut the flesh of pineapple. My greenery, dry and finely shinku. Corn drain the liquid.

Olive oil mix with lemon and orange juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Sauce is ready.

In the bowl mix corn, pineapple and shrimp. Let's refuel sauce sauce. Now the finished dish should be postponed in the bowls of pineapple.

From the very name of this salad, it becomes clear that it is very easy and fresh. Consuming it regularly during the New Year holidays, you can be sure that the digestive bodies will not receive additional loads and will be in full harmony.


  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Onion Red - 1 pc.
  • Cheese hard - 150 gr.
  • Black Olives - 1 Bank
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Greens (Basil, Parsley) - 1 beam
  • Salt to taste


My tomatoes and cut the slices. Onions clean, mine and bold half rings. Cheese cut into cubes. Olives drag the liquid. My basil and parsley, we dry and cut in large.

We combine all the ingredients in one container, salt, pour with lemon juice, fuel with vegetable oil and mix thoroughly. Light salad for the New Year's table is ready.

"New Year's Surprise" refers to those dishes that are not submitted in the usual dishes A are a salad who stuffed fruit with a dense skin. In this case, the role of such a fruit performs avocado.


  • Chicken fillet - 200 gr.
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1/2 PC.
  • Olive oil - 50 gr.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Chicken fillet are drunk in salty water until complete readiness. Cool and cut into cubes.

So that the meat is more fragrant, during cooking to meat you can add bay leaf And several pepper peppers.

I boil, cool, clean and cut the eggs with cubes.

My cucumbers, clean and cut into cubes.

Cucumbers, eggs and chicken meat we connect, salt, pepper, refuel mayonnaise, add the juice of half of the lemon and mix.

The fruit of Avocado is mine, cut the longitudinally into two parts and carefully remove the bone out of it. With a spoon, carefully remove the pulp of the fetus, and the vacant place fill with a salad. The flesh of avocado decorate the foam fell fetal.

"Tropicanka" is a dish that will be remarkably contrasted at the New Year's table with well-known Olivier, crab salad and herring under the fur coat.


  • Boiled shrimps- 300 gr.
  • Pears - 3 pcs.
  • Avocado - 2 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Shrimp clean. My tomatoes and cut the quarter. Pears cleanse from the peel, cut the core and cut into their cubes. Avocado mine, cut in half and remove the bone. Then, with the help of a spoon, we separate the pulp of the fetus from the peel and cut the pulp with small cubes.

All ingredients connect in a common container, refuel olive oil and soy sauce and mix carefully everything. Tropicanka is ready for the presentation on the table.

Such a kushan can be safely attributed to delicacy dishes. It has an unsurpassed taste, spectacular appearance.


  • Squids - 300 gr.
  • Sour apples - 20 gr.
  • Dill - 1 beam
  • Mayonnaise, salt, pepper - to taste
  • Fresh cucumber - 1/2 PC.


My squid and boil in salty water within 2 minutes. Then we throw them on the colander, cool, we clean from the skin and cut the straw. My apples, clean and cut straw. Dill my, we dry and finely shinku.

Dill, squid and apples lay out in a salad bowl, refuel mayonnaise, salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Decorating a salad with fresh cucumber slides.

Seafood salad

As it is known for seafood - one of the lowest-calorie ingredients that can be used for the preparation of salads. In addition, their taste is perfectly combined with low alcohol spirits.

Bright, fresh and unexpected ideas and solutions - that's what you have to do and be sure to please you and your expensive guests! What is important: we did not use exotic, expensive or problem ingredients and chose those salads that you can cook quickly and easily.

Beet chips

Photo: Site Light snack and original New Year's table decoration. Beetroot Christmas trees will take a decent place next to rolls, rolls, canapes and sandwiches. A stuffing of gentle cheese with an unusual lemon tint and useful avocado - in a word, a win-win version. And, notice, no mayonnaise!

Recipe for beet christmas trees

What do you need:
(for 6 servings)
6 beets of small size
150 g soft cheese
1 tsp. lemon zest.
2 cloves garlic
1 avocado
1 tsp. thick sour cream
1 tsp. Lemon juice
Salt, freshly ground pepper - to taste
GREEN - for decoration

6 wooden swipes

How to prepare beet chips:

Rice salad with liver

Photo: Site This recipe for those who do not at all represent their festive feast without all sorts of puff salads with mayonnaise. But this is the same New Year, it means that any desires should be executed immediately!

If you cook with mayonnaise, then only with homemade. A portion of salad feed will not allow you to eat too much.

Recipe rice salad with liver

What do you need:
(on 5-6 servings)
1 tbsp. Parished rice
500 g of beef liver (for more tender flavor beef liver can be replaced by calf or chicken)
4 boiled eggs
200 g of solid cheese
200 g of canned corn
flour - for breading

Home mayonnaise:
3 yolk
150 ml of vegetable oil
30 ml of lemon juice (1/4 lemon)
1 tsp. Russian Mustard
1 tsp. Sahara
a pinch of salt

How to prepare a rice salad with a liver:

Salad "Shrimps on a snowy pillow"

Photo: Site If you think that during the New Year holidays on the figure you can smear your hand, and already mentally prepare to sit on the diet after the winter holidays, then this shrimp salad is exactly what will save you from the need for hungry unloading days. In it, such a shock dose of protein, which, even combining salad with sauce, you can safely afford a portion of gastronomic pleasure, without thinking about the consequences.

Salad dream from the series "What to eat to lose weight."

Salad Recipe "Shrimps on a Snow Pillow"

What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
200 g of solid cheese
4 boiled eggs
400 g of shrimp
1 Pot Salada

7 quail eggs
150 ml of vegetable oil
1 tsp. Mustard
1 tsp. Sahara
a pinch of salt
juice 1 Lyme.
Kinza and dill - to taste
freshly ground pepper
Zestra Lime

How to cook shrimp salad on a snow pillow:

Warm chicken salad

Photo: Site How do you like the idea of \u200b\u200ba hot salad? Yes, yes, satisfying salad with familiar potatoes and chicken, but in combination with fresh greens and lightly non-calorie sauce. And most importantly for the hostess of the house on New Year's Eve: in order not to stand at the slab when everything is having fun, products can be prepared in advance, it will only be able to heat the salad in a couple of minutes!

By the way, a warm salad with chickens like men very much, they will not even notice the absence of harmful and fat mayonnaise.

Recipe for warm salad with chicken

What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
400 g chicken breast fillet
1 Lukovitsa
4 boiled potatoes in uniform
2 green apples
2-3 cloves garlic
Mix of salad leaves
Vegetable oil - for frying
Salt to taste

300 g of thick natural yogurt
1 bunch of kinse
1 bundle of dill
2 tsp Honey
2 tbsp. Lemon juice
Salt to taste
Fresh-hearted mixture of peppers - to taste

For this dish, it is better to use deep plates to keep the salad longer heat. Before serving the salad, the plates can be slightly warm in the microwave.

How to cook a warm chicken salad:

New Year's piquant salad with a highlight

Photo: Salad snack site or even dessert salad - this dish is fundamentally different from many familiar salads. Piquant cheese with mold is incredibly combined with fried walnuts in caramel, barely underwhelmed pear notes and balsam. Gourmet, your choice!

Recipe for New Year's spicy salad with a highlight

What do you need:
(for 4 servings)
2 packs of fresh spinach (can be replaced with any sheet salad or salad mix)
150 g of cheese with mold (we used the most democratic inexpensive option)
2 pears
1 tbsp. Walnuts
2 tbsp. Honey
0.5 ppm vegetable oil

200 g of natural yogurt
3 ppm Grain mustard
1 tbsp. Balsamic vinegar

Pears for this snack better choose sufficiently solid, but mature and moderately sweet.

But nuts in caramel should not be replaced by raw chopped, since they are the second most important component after cheese with mold.

How to cook a New Year's spicy salad with a highlight:

Merry holidays, peace, good and prosperity!

Salads for the new year is our all! We prepare them to remember, I have fun for the ringing of the chimes, drinking champagne, and continue to appear on January 1st.

Here we have collected the top 30 best on all tastes: meat and fish, vegetarian and vegan, popular and exclusive. All recipes are described in detail, step by step and in different versions. Want a vegetarian Olivier? You are welcome! And "fur coat" without a herring or mousse?

All this we have! Come on, we will prepare together for the holiday.

Salads are refilled by various sauces:

  1. mayonnaise, sour cream - the most common Russian sauces;
  2. vegetable oil - to give easy bidity of the snack;
  3. specially cooked fill - it enhances taste shades.

Refueling New Year's dishes, be sure to use our recipes from the headings of sauces and seasonings.

Popular New Year's salads

Each hostess should be able to prepare these dishes. It is difficult to imagine a New Year's table without 3-4 of them.

Olivier classic

Olivier is the most popular New Year's salad of our country. The holiday is not a holiday if it is not on the table. This recipe knows everything, and here the question is already the question, how beautiful to file your favorite dishes and what sauce it is to fix it. In stores now there are so many kinds of mayonnaise, choose yourself, but better cook yourself. Your home mayonnaise will add soft taste and natural fatty New Year's dish №1.


  1. Beef boiled - 300 g
  2. Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  3. Carrot - 3 pcs.
  4. Egg - 4 pcs.
  5. Onions - 0.5 pcs.
  6. Green peas - 150 g
  7. Salted cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  8. Mayonnaise - to taste.
  9. Greens - to taste.

Be sure to choose a beautiful dishes and think about what you will be decorated with the main Salad of the New Year's Table. Feed options See at the end of the article.

Olivier with chicken

Olivier with chicken - a simple delicious recipe and advice hostess

Greeting the readers of the magazine! Well, where we are without Olivier! Holiday is not ...

In restaurants and cafes this option is called metropolitan. He is preparing with a boiled chicken, everything else on the classic recipe Olivier. Fry chicken cubes on cream oil to bright crust, it will be tastier.


  1. Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  2. Carrot - 1 pc.
  3. Onion - 1 pc.
  4. Egg - 4 pcs.
  5. Salted cucumber - 2 pcs.
  6. Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  7. Chicken - 300 g
  8. Green peas - 150 g
  9. Greens - to taste.
  10. Salt to taste.
  11. Mayonnaise - to taste.

We are accustomed that Olivier is preparing for the new year by "basins", and we are no longer thinking how to decorate it. Here it is necessary to show fantasy and apply the favorite Kushan.


Mimosa salad - classic recipe Preparations of simple and tasty dishes

Welcome to the pages of our magazine! Today I will prepare very tasty, ...

Our favorite mimosa salad is always decorated with a festive table. The bright spring of the sun, he gives us hope for the rapid arrival of spring. it budget dishbecause it is preparing with canned fish. Make it easy, just soda on a large grater all the ingredients and lay out them with layers.


  1. Fish canned food - 200 g.
  2. Potatoes - 300 g
  3. Carrot - 200 g
  4. Bow - 100 g
  5. Cheese - 150 g
  6. Mayonnaise - 150 g.
  7. Egg - 4 pcs.
  8. Salt to taste.

Mimozu is the most convenient to prepare in the detachable culinary ring, so that the rainbow layers is visible. Be sure to prepare this option, it will decorate the festive table and diversifies the menu.

Herring under a Fur Coat

Seddle under the fur coat - classic step-by-step recipe tasty and simple salad

We will pick up a delicious herring in the store, check that all the bones will be removed, we apply to small pieces and send under warm and beautiful mayonnaise-beet fur coat. Well, where are we in the new year without a herring under a fur coat! Properly laid grated boiled vegetables, we beautifully decorate and enjoy the result.


  1. Herring - 1 pc.
  2. Beets - 3 pcs.
  3. Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  4. Onions - 1 pc.
  5. Carrot - 3 pcs.
  6. Egg - 3 pcs.
  7. Mayonnaise - 400 g
  8. Wine vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

Show a fantasy when you prepare a "fur coat" this time, for example, decorate it with robes from pancakes.

Salad with chicken and pineapples

Salad with chicken and pineapples - simple and tasty recipe

Greetings, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to cook salad ...

Beautiful crispy pineapple slices make salad juicy and easy. Exotic fruit is perfectly combined with all other ingredients. And if it adds some more fruit or berries in it, it may turn out a real exclusive.


  1. Chicken breast - 400 g
  2. Canned pineapples - 7 slices.
  3. Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  4. Solid grades cheese - 200 g
  5. Mayonnaise - to taste.
  6. Salt to taste.
  7. Spices - to taste.
  8. Greens - to taste.

There is a wonderful version of the feed in the form of a pineapple with a characteristic tilt of green onions, but you can not "bears", but lay out the portion. Decorate every cream with a piece of pineapple or chips. It turns out unusually and very beautiful!

Simple salads

Salads are preparing very quickly. They can be made immediately before the festive dinner.

I know for sure - the more simpler the dish, the more tastier it is. Of course, subject to choice proper products. Take tomatoes for more expensive so that they are not "glass", the beans can be welded or use canned, pre-draining liquid, and be sure to add boiled egg For softness and saturation. I advise you to reflect snack with light mayonnaise, so it will appetite.


  1. Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  2. Red Bean Canned - 150 g
  3. Egg - 3 pcs.
  4. Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.

The easiest salad requires the most thorough upgrade. We post it into a transparent deep bowl, decorate the greens. Perfect arugula. Before serving with dry crackers. Just, fast, tasty!

That's what you just can't do for your beloved husband, so that he was healthy, satisfied and happy! And it is necessary to prepare a delicious, cool salad. Of course, everything in the male version - that is, the meat is more, well, and everything else is also more and better.


  1. Sausage smoked - 150 g.
  2. Solid cheese - 150 g
  3. Raw carrots - 150 g
  4. Garlic - 1 zb.
  5. Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.

That is he and a male salad to be simple and rude. Intrinate a medium cube cheese and squeeze on a large grater raw carrots. Decorating a dish, add an egg and a tomato, well, let it be very beautiful!

"Red sea"

The chip is to push everything straw, twisted by mayonnaise and lay out a slide on a roller plate, not comic. This simplest dish looks amazingly due to the red color of the main components.


  1. Crab meat or wand - 150 g
  2. Pepper Bulgarian Red - 150 g.
  3. Tomatoes - 200 g.
  4. Solid cheese - 150 g
  5. Garlic - 1 zb.
  6. Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.

If you consider that for the New Year's salad, this option is too simple, decorate it along the edge of a red grainy caviar plate on green leaves. Like everyone!

Low-calorie salads

Consider popular low-calorie salads. They are ideal for those who sit on a diet, or simply wants to gain extra pounds.


Vitamin salad: step-by-step technology Cooking and composition

Greetings to you, dear readers! Today I will share with you recipe ...

All ingenious just! We mix vegetables with an apple and make fragrant vegetable oil. Such a light dish is perfect for breakfast, but does not hurt on the holiday table. Pour the vitamin dishes with lemon juice instead of vinegar to add citrus fragrances.


  1. Carrot - 1 pc.
  2. Cabbage - 200 g.
  3. Apples - 1 pc.
  4. Parsley - 15 g.
  5. Dill - 15 g
  6. Vinegar - 1 tsp.
  7. Salt to taste.
  8. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

We decorate the leaves of the basil and walnuts. It will give simple vegetable Snack Original notch.

From weakly salted salmon and grapefruit

Anyway, after all, you will guilty red fish for the new year. So make a rich and at the same time a small-calorie salad. Connect the gentle slices of salmon with a chopped grapefruit flesh and sprinkle with green pepper. It's tasty!


  1. Salmon is weakly salted - 150 g
  2. Grapefruit red large - 1 pc.
  3. Olives - 150 ml.
  4. Sheet salad - 1 pc.
  5. Leek Shalot - 2 pcs.
  6. Schuput - 1 tbsp. l.
  7. Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  8. Pepper green ground - to taste.

Spread the dispenser on a large canopy plate on top of a sheet salad. The combination of gently green with red will make a New Year's table brighter. It turns out easy and at the same time a solid dish.

From avocado with seafood

Tandem avocado with seafood can be called one of particularly successful, because the seafood is non-fat, and avocado is a rather oily fruit. He will give Salad softness, make it more saturated.


  1. Seafood - 100 g.
  2. Casket small - 1 pc.
  3. Pepper Bulgarian green - 1 pc.
  4. Avocado - 1 pc.
  5. Cherry tomatoes - 7 pcs.
  6. Spinach (you can any greens) - 50 g.
  7. Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Please make your guests a new-fashioned dish with an exotic fruit. This salad do not need to decorate, he himself is a solid decoration!

With apple and chicken

For this salad, a separate refueling based on natural yogurt and honey is made. Kushan itself is very simple. It turns out a dietary soft, but saturated dish with a chicken. Chinese cabbage And the apple will give freshness.


  1. Chicken fillet - 200 g
  2. Beijing cabbage - 300 g
  3. Apple Average - 2 pcs.
  4. Pepper sweet - 1 pc.
  5. Garlic - 2 zb.
  6. Salt to taste.
  7. Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Salad do not need to decorate, but be sure to put culinary tongs on a plate, it will be more convenient to lay it.

Salads with meat

We will prepare these dishes with chicken or beef meat.

With egg pancakes and chicken

Salad with egg pancakes and chicken - a simple and tasty recipe

Greetings you, dear friends! Today I will tell you how to cook salad ...

Be sure to prepare an unusual snack with egg pancakes. Here is the main thing - cutting. Try to stripes to come out as thinner. Instead of chicken, you can use smoked sausage or sneaker.


  1. Chicken fillet - 300 g
  2. Eggs - 5 pcs.
  3. Onion - 1 pc.
  4. Polka dot green - 200 g
  5. Corn starch - 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Garlic - 2 zb.
  7. Pepper - to taste.
  8. Salt to taste.
  9. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Salad refills with low-fat yogurt or sour cream. Decorates onion and green peas. It turns out soft, gentle and very satisfying eats.

"Men's tears"

Salad "Men's Tears" - a classic recipe for cooking with chicken and Korean carrots

Greetings you, dear friends! Today I will tell you how to cook a classic ...

Of course, the male salad is distinguished by saturation at the expense of its components. Top layer make from grated cheese, bilching dill to hide a large amount on Lukawhich can punch in a tear of any man.


  1. Smoked chicken breast - 300 g
  2. Fresh champignons - 250 g
  3. Onion - 2 pcs.
  4. Vegetable oil - 15 ml.
  5. Korean carrots - 250 g
  6. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  7. Solid cheese - 150 g
  8. Table vinegar - 60 ml.
  9. Mayonnaise - 250 g
  10. Sugar - to taste.
  11. Salt to taste.

To form snacks, use a culinary ring, because all the components are laid out by layers. But you can be folded and just a slide. The main thing is to fit the soul particle in the preparation of a dish for your favorite men.


To quickly assemble the "Turtle", bake the chicken steerlels in advance, lean the eggs and clean the walnuts. If all the ingredients are ready, make this unusual dish is absolutely difficult.


  1. Chicken fillet - 250 g
  2. Solid cheese - 150 g
  3. Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  4. Onion - 1 pc.
  5. Apples - 2 pcs.
  6. Walnuts - 150 g.
  7. Prunes - 100 g
  8. GREEN - 100 g.
  9. Mayonnaise - 150 ml.
  10. Salt to taste.

Form the "Turtle" in an oval dish and necessarily on the green leaves. It can be lettuce leaves, spinach or just parsley. We are good to add grapes, pineapples or kiwi. Sliced \u200b\u200bfruits make salad juicy. Prepare the original "turtle", confident, she will like all guests!


Tiffany salad - a classic preparation recipe with grapes and chicken

Welcome followers of our online magazine! Today, together with the readers of the culinary blog ...

It is said that he encouraged the showcase of the jeweler, the girl tried to recreate the beauty of jewels with a transparent grape. And indeed, it turns out very beautiful. And most importantly - it is interesting that inside, because under the grape-emerald coating nothing can be seen.


  1. Chicken fillet - 500 g
  2. Curry - 1 tsp.
  3. Chicken egg - 4 pcs.
  4. Cheese - 300 g
  5. Walnuts crushed - 150 g
  6. Grapes without bones - 400 g.
  7. Mayonnaise - 100 g.
  8. Sour cream 15% - 100 g
  9. Greens - 1 bundle.

Cut the grapes in half along and decorate the lettuce from above. This is how the chandeliers are transfusing in the rays, a very beautiful and tasty dish. It will not be afraid of your New Year's table for a short time, because guests will quickly disappear with him, telling you culinary compliments.


Salad Sunflower - Classic Cooking Recipe With Chips

Hello, dear our subscribers and readers culinary recipes! Today we...

Charming sunflower will bloom on your winter holiday table. It is preparing easily, but you need to be sure to bribe large chips and olives without bones. And of course, take care of the quality of the remaining components.


  1. Boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  2. Chicken fillet - 300 g
  3. Solid cheese - 100 g.
  4. Champignons fried - 150 g
  5. Olives without bones - 150 g.
  6. Potato chips - 40 g
  7. Sour cream - 50 g
  8. Mayonnaise - 50 g.
  9. Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  10. Salt to taste.

Prepare "Sunflower" in advance and put in the refrigerator, but without a petal. He is imagining and becomes even tastier. But the petals in the form of chips add directly before serving so that they do not have time to wet or break. It turns out "Beauty written", everyone!


Salad "Club" - Classic Cooking Recipe

Greetings, you are expensive readers of the culinary heading. Probably agree that neither ...

The name itself suggests that it is very tasty and cannot be stopped. It is wonderful that in this dish so much meat. Cold boiled beef in combination with salty cucumbers - this is something! Salad is refilled by olive oil, which makes the taste of all components.


  1. Boiled beef - 400 g
  2. Onion Large - 1 pc.
  3. Carrot large - 1 pc.
  4. Salted cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  5. Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  6. Salt, pepper - to taste.
  7. Suchariki - optional.
  8. Mayonnaise - optional.
  9. Greens - for decoration.

"Luxury" can be folded by layers in a culinary ring, but in the simplest and fast version It will be good just mix and serve in a regular salad bowl. The main thing is that the "lighters" was more, because well, very tasty!


Caesar Salad: Classic Homemade Cooking Recipe

Welcome to you, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to cook ...

Gorgeous Caesar is served on a dish, rubbed garlic. Green lettuce leaves are straight with hands, the remaining components are added and everything is poured by a famous fill with the addition.


  1. Salad - 1 pc.
  2. Chicken breast - 1 pc.
  3. Solid cheese - 150 g
  4. Olive oil - 200 g.
  5. Lemon - ½ PC.
  6. White bread - 200 g.
  7. Worcester sauce - 25 g
  8. Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  9. Garlic - 2 zb.
  10. Salt to taste.
  11. Pepper - to taste.

Topped on the dish are laid out crunchy, just roasted crackers from white bread. To give a piquant taste, you can add anchovies and decorate cherry tomatoes around the edges. Salad light, unusual and very tasty!

Salads with fish

In salads below the main ingredient there will be popular varieties of fish: herring, tuna, washing and others.

Hee from fish

Hee from fish: how to cook at home on a classic recipe and how much can be stored

Greetings you, dear friends! Today I will tell you how to cook delicious ...

It turns out a lightweight, appetizing and acute snack for bold people. In conscientiously reinstate the recipe for everyone to do everything correctly and give the fish well to wake. Once by ourselves to the holiday, the snack will "delay" you, and you will cook it and on weekdays.


  1. File Herring - 1 kg.
  2. Acetic essence 70% - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Onions - 4-5 pcs.
  4. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Garlic - 1 pc.
  6. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Seasoning for fish - 1 tsp.
  8. Sweet paprika - 1 tsp.
  9. Salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  10. Ground coriander - 1 tbsp. l.
  11. Red hot peppers - taste.

He is not at all necessary to cook only from herring, the cod, pelengas, kefal, trout and even simple mixtures are perfectly suitable. Observing all the rules of preparation, get an excellent snack and gratitude to men.

With avocado and tuna

Variations of this salad so much - well, everyone "dances" in its own way. Although you can make a layer output or mix the components. If you lay out layers, be sure to put a tuna from above and decorate the dish of greens, and if mixed, do it carefully to exclusive delicious dish did not turn into porridge.


  1. Tuna - 150 g
  2. Avocado - 1 pc.
  3. Lime - 1 pc.
  4. Onion red - 1 pc.
  5. Cedar nuts - 50 g.
  6. Aruk or Kinza - 20-30
  7. Tomatoes (optional) - 2 pcs.
  8. Salt to taste.
  9. Pepper - to taste.

The saturated version without tomatoes acquires a bright green color and shaves the fish. Add olive oil to snack so that it picks up and becomes softer. And in the version with tomatoes, do not add oil at all, disarm avocado fork, mix with nuts and lime - here you are refueling. It is amazingly tasty, try it!


In the "royal" salad, you can add everything that your heart, but mandatory components are latch, lemon juice and quail eggs. Show fantasy when preparing a royal dish, replace beef with chicken, fish - seafood or add fruit.


  1. Latuke - 1 pc.
  2. Quail eggs - 7 pcs.
  3. Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  4. Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  5. Cheese - 150 g
  6. Crab sticks - 200 g
  7. Shrimp - 150 g
  8. Icra washing - 180 g.
  9. Mayonnaise - 100 g.
  10. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  11. Mustard - 1 tsp.

To get it is the "royal" option, it needs to be beautifully lay out and decorate. After all, it is absolutely easy to cut the crown of eggs, cucumber or boiled carrots. You can still submit a salad portion in the creams, then the "crown" will get to everyone.


Crab Salad - The easiest and most tasty classic preparation recipe

Greetings to you, dear readers! Today I will share with you step by step ...

All the favorite salad with crab chopsticks and corn is always done for the holiday table, because it is simple, tasty, budget and very satisfying. We remind you that the crab meat is more convenient to cut frozen, so it is less declaring.


  1. Crab chopsticks or meat - 250 g
  2. Corn - 200 g
  3. Eggs - 4 pcs.
  4. Fig - 100 g.
  5. Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  6. Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.

We decorate as usual as greens, you can sprinkle on top of corn. Bright yellow salad pleasantly revive the New Year's table.

Vegetarian salads

We will analyze the most popular salads for vegetarians.

Carrot with cheese

Carrot salad with cheese - simple preparation recipe and how to fix

Welcome to you, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to cook carrot ...

This simple salad of raw carrots love all! Simple carrots, finely unroven, shade with soft fused cheese and garlic. Such a salad is not a sin to eat or, putting on a black bread, make a juicy sandwich.


  1. Carrots - 300 g
  2. Melted cheese - 200 g.
  3. Garlic - 3 zb.
  4. Sour cream - 50 g
  5. Fresh dill - 50 g
  6. Salt to taste.

The bright orange color of the carrot is already decorated with a festive dish. Just take care of the beautiful dishes for the layout and stick a few twigs of parsley from above.

With Funchoz and Vegetables in Soy Sauce

Funchoz salad and vegetables in soya sauce: A simple and delicious recipe for cooking at home

Wonderful oriental dish. The highlight of this salad is a glass noodle from bean starch - Funchoza. It is very popular in Asian countries and slowly moves to Europe. For us, the dish is unusual, although it is very tasty. We eat noodles with a plug and help a spoon, and Asians eat with chopsticks.


  1. Glass noodles - 200 g.
  2. Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  3. Sweet pepper - 2 pcs.
  4. White bow - 1 pc.
  5. Carrot - 1 pc.
  6. Garlic - 2 zb.
  7. Sesame oil - 1 tsp.
  8. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  9. Spices - to taste.

Asian salad to properly serve on a special square plate, and sprinkle with sesame top on top. Such a dish will undoubtedly diversify the New Year's table, will make it more beautiful.

Fruit with yogurt

Simple fruit salad recipe with yogurt - the best combination of fruits

Everyone has long known and love fruit salads, but often forget about them in favor of vegetable and meat. In vain! Tastier only chocolate, although he will surely lose the rainbow fruit flavors and nuts. Be sure to prepare the fruit salad, it is beautiful and bring pleasure to your guests.

Classic Greek Salad Recipe - The easiest and most delicious way of cooking

Welcome to you, dear readers! Today I will show you how to cook ...

Exclusive and at the same time a simple and useful dish. Traditionally laid out on green leaves and sprinkled with delicious fill. From above added feta cheese, sliced \u200b\u200bby a large cube. Vegans and vegetarians can separate Tofu. To say what happens delicious - it means nothing to say. Will be wonderful!


  1. Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  2. Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  3. Feta Cheese - 150
  4. Blue bow - 1 pc.
  5. Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.
  6. Olives without seeds - 25 pcs.
  7. Orego - 0.5 h. L.
  8. Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
  9. Salt to taste.
  10. Pepper black ground - to taste.

Multicolored Greek salad is very beautiful, here and green, and black, and red, and even white color. Be sure to prepare it and put in the center of the table. Do not forget to apply culinary tongs to Salat so that it was convenient to lay out.


  1. Beets - 2 pcs.
  2. Salted cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  3. Carrot - 1 pc.
  4. Onions - 1 pc.
  5. Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  6. Canned peas - 4 tbsp. l.
  7. Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
  8. Salt to taste.

Vinaigret itself is so beautiful that it does not need the decoration. We simply lay it out into a large transparent salad bowl - and carry the festive table to them.

Portion salads

These dishes need to be prepared not in one common container, but in separate containers - portion.

"Mimosa" with Saira

Mimosa with Saira is a delicious, gentle displacement. We will put it in the refrigerator and give directly before the arrival of guests so that the creamy oil does not melt and the feeling of the air fiber-vegetable mousse disappeared.

  1. Sair - 200 g
  2. Egg - 5 pcs.
  3. Carrot - 3 pcs
  4. Potatoes - 100 g
  5. Onion - 1 pc.
  6. Creamy butter - 50 g.
  7. Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  8. Salt to taste.
  9. Pepper - to taste.

The easiest, but very tasty salad is better to submit a portion. Prepare in advance of creamy or wine glasses with a thick bottom, count to have enough guests, and make a few extra serving, because someone will definitely go on a holiday without an invitation, and the additive does not prevent anyone. Sprinkle with egg yolks or grated butter on top, let the yellow color placed on the table reminds us of the sunny spring.

Amazing and at the same time, a very simple shrimp salad and avocado is served or on green leaves, or portion in the cream. It is wonderful combination of fried in oil and white wine shrimp with soft and gentle avocado.


  1. Tiger shrimps - 6-8 pcs.
  2. Avocado - 1 pc.
  3. Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Green salad - 20 g
  6. Wine white - 25 ml.
  7. Soy sauce - 1 tsp.
  8. Olive oil - 1 tsp.
  9. Mustard - 1 tsp.
  10. Honey - 1 tsp.
  11. Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.

We will decompose our unusual New Year's salad in beautiful glasses with thick bottom and plenty with original sauce each portion separately.

From crab meat with oranges

It is much more convenient to eat salads, filed portion, so I advise you to prepare at least one in the Sladian women for each guest. For example, from crab meat with oranges. If you fail to buy crab meat, you can do the crab sticks.


  1. Crab meat - 200 g.
  2. Oranges - 2 pcs.
  3. Egg - 4 pcs.
  4. Corn - 100 g
  5. Garlic - 1 zb.
  6. Lyme juice or mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Salt to taste.
  8. Pepper - to taste.

If you are not too lazy, serve a salad in orange peel. Cut the orange in half, carefully get the flesh and lay out the salad into the orange "bowl". Put it on the plate to everyone, having pre-cut off the bottom to the stability. It is interesting and very tasty!

Original salads

These dishes on the festive tables can be found not so often. Read carefully to know what to surprise guests.

"Exotic" in pineapple

Now Pineapple on the fruit shelf of the store is a common thing, so we choose a large ripe copy or somewhat very small and prepare a citrus salad in pineapple. His crust with a beautiful exotic green tail will serve us with a plate. Pineapple flesh itself with cubes and add all the fruits as we find in the refrigerator.


  1. Pineapple - 1 pc.
  2. Mandarins - 4 pcs.
  3. Apples - 2 pcs.
  4. Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  5. Bunch of grapes - 1 pc.
  6. Yogurt - 1 pc.

Such a salad is optional to refuel yogurt, you can simply sprinkle with lemon juice. Or suggest a new fill: Mix the unrefined sunflower oil with a spoonful of honey and a little spoil. It's really tasty!


Every new year has a symbol of chinese horoscope. This time we meet the year of the white metal rat, so the decorations on the New Year's table are connected with it. The usual winter salad placed slide on a large dish, and then, showing fantasy, start adding ears from a simple boiled boiled sausage, the paws are all so that the dish becomes like a rooftop. It is absolutely not difficult, but creatively and fun.


  1. Potatoes - 8-10 pcs.
  2. Mayonnaise - 450
  3. Carrots - 4 pcs.
  4. Boiled sausage - 600 g
  5. Egg - 6 pcs.
  6. Canned peas - 350 g.
  7. Salted cucumbers - 5 pcs.
  8. Dill - to taste.
  9. Green onions - to taste.
  10. Pepper - to taste.
  11. Salt to taste.

Learn more about how to decorate salads per year rat, read in our next article.

"New Year's gift"

Any salad can be issued as a New Year's gift. Fold in a rectangular shape all ingredients - layers or mixed. A shallow mesh, pick it up with mayonnaise from all sides and from above, so that the top layer of boiled egg squirrel or grated solid cheese is better. Bow for a gift make a thinly sliced \u200b\u200bred fish, bacon or boiled carrots. Such a bow immediately wants to unleash and eat!

Ingredients for upgrades:

  1. Egg (protein) - 5 pcs.
  2. Carrot - 3-4 pcs.
  3. Fish Low-salted Red - 150 g

If you go to visit the New Year, be sure to prepare such a gift for the owners. They will probably get ready to be an unusual dish delivered right to the festive table.

  1. Prepare some salads in advance to do not spend the whole day on December 31 in the kitchen.
  2. If the time presses and you need to quickly cook a snack, you can use canned ingredients instead of boiled.
  3. Grinding greens put in a dish in front of the feed on the table.
  4. Always well cool vegetables before cutting. If they cut them with hot, the salad risks turning into porridge.
  5. Try to chop vegetables with the same small cube or straw, so more beautiful and more convenient. The smaller the cubes, the more different ingredients simultaneously fall into the plug. It is believed that the correct cutting cube should be the size of the pea.
  6. Some salads are better to salt and refuel immediately before serving so that they do not let juice and not rascist.


Today we told how to cook festive salads According to the principle - upgrade any salad and get a New Year's option. So let's try to surprise our loved ones and guests a variety and unusual forms of delicious salads.

And remember, in the new year the table is sitting several times. Therefore, prepare delicious, bright, original salads more!

So, all happy new year!