
Korean carrot recipe without. Korean carrots with seasoning


Supplement to any dish will be korean carrots. It can be purchased as in the store (already in the finished form), and to make at home. The classic Korean Carrot Recipe has long launched its popularity, on the outcome of some time he began to change, now the recipe has begun additional ingredients, such as soy vinegar, sesame and others. But all, the classic recipe will be the base for any addition.

Korean carrots are quite saturated with taste and useful. Korean carrot is useful in that it strengthens the walls of the vessels and improves digestion. This kind of snack is perfect for those who are afraid to gain extra weight, but at the same time loves to eat tasty to eat because the calorie of Korean carrots is only 110 calories per 100 grams of snacks. The dish is preparing completely not long and very simple. Consider several options for cooking Korean carrots and choose the best recipe for yourself.

Classic Korean Carrot Recipe

In order to prepare Korean carrots you will need:

  1. Carrot - 500 grams;
  2. Vinegar - 2 tbsp.;
  3. Vegetable oil - 100 ml.;
  4. Sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  5. Salt - 1 tsp;
  6. Black pepper- 1 ch. L.;
  7. Coriander - 1/3,;
  8. Garlic - 4 pots.

Cooking the carrot in Korean:

  • Carrot wash, clean;
  • We rub the carrots on a special grater with oblong stripes;
  • Carrot salted, add sugar;
  • The flavored carrot costs to pierce well, whatever it will let a little juice;
  • In a bowl of carrot, put the black pepper, coriander and pour vinegar;
  • Garlic is worth cleaning from husks and smash on a garberody or grate on a shallow grater;
  • In a plate with carrots it is worth making a deepening and put there chopped garlic;
  • Vegetable oil is worth pouring in a cup and warm up at prite;
  • Carrots with all spices should be topped with a plate (so to speak under the press);
  • Put in the refrigerator for 9 hours, and better until the next morning, let a plate with carrots, under the press, just give up in the refrigerator.

Coriander is better to buy in grains and then grind on their own in a mortar or mill for pepper. Vinegar can be used as an ordinary six percentage and wine or apple. Oil can be pouring both sunflower and corn.

Korean Cooking Recipe Using Finished Seasonings

At the moment, the development of the recipe for Korean carrots, which has loved so everyone, can be purchased in the store ready to season for carrots.

You will need for cooking:

  1. Carrot - 1 kg;
  2. Ready seasoning - 1 package (in taste);
  3. Vinegar - 3 tbsp.;
  4. Garlic - 6 teeth;
  5. Vegetable oil - 150 milliliters.

Cooking method:

  • Carrots are worthwhile and clean;
  • Sattail carrots on a special grater, trying to make strips longer;
  • Pour in carrots ready to season and mix thoroughly all;
  • Leave the mixed carrot with seasoning for 15 minutes;
  • in the iron plate, mix vegetable oil and vinegar and put on fire, bring to a boil;
  • Pour the resulting hot mixture to carrot and mix;
  • Cover the carrot with a lid or a plate and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours or at night.

If you wish, you can add sesame grains, on the above recipe you can add 1 pack of sesame grains.

Korean carrot recipe with onion flavor

To prepare dishes you need:

  1. Carrot - 500 grams;
  2. Onions - 500 grams;
  3. Vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  4. Vinegar - 2 ch. L.;
  5. Sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  6. Garlic - 5 teeth;
  7. Red (washed) pepper - 1 tsp;
  8. Salt - 1 tsp.

For the preparation of eight portions of Korean carrots, you should follow the following instructions:

  • Cut onions on the quarter (set aside);
  • Sattail carrots on a special grater with long strips;
  • Sweep carrots and mix;
  • Leave the salted carrots for half an hour;
  • Add sugar and red peppers, mix thoroughly;
  • Pour vegetable oil in the pan and put all the onions into it;
  • Onions should fry to dark golden color;
  • After the bow roars, remove it from the oil (you no longer need it);
  • Give oil cool, and then pour in it vinegar;
  • On the garlic catcher grind garlic and add to carrots;
  • Mix thoroughly and cover the carrot on top of the lid and put in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
  1. In order to give a variety of carrot taste, you can use the following tips:
  • It is worth adding 3-4 cloves of garlic, before pouring the oil in carrots, it is worth getting garlic (it will not need it anymore);
  • To vegetable oil, when it will warm up, you can add black or red ground pepper (you can add peas, but before you wake up the oil in the carrot it is worth removing);
  • You can also put a coriander or sesame.

At high temperatures in the vegetable oil, the above components more reveal their taste and transmit flavor to vegetable oil.

  1. Sodium glutomatic. Korean carrots can be prepared with the addition of sodium glutaat, simply sprinkled with a grated carrot with crystals. This method of cooking Korean carrots is used in stores. But it is better not to use such a seasoning for improving the taste of snacks, because it brings harm the body;
  2. If the taste of carrots is quite sweet by itself, then from adding sugar you can refuse;
  3. For lovers of fragrant smell of black pepper, it is worth pouring hot vegetable oil to pepper, then he will reveal his fragrance, but, unfortunately, when using such a method, pepper will lose its bitter properties;
  4. For a variety in the finished salad, you can cut and add fresh kaynes, you can also add chopped walnuts.

Delicious salad with the use of Korean carrot number 1

To prepare salad you will need:

  1. Korean carrot - 250 grams;
  2. Solid cheese - 150 grams;
  3. Chicken fillet - 2 pcs;
  4. Fresh tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  5. Sweet yellow pepper - 1 pc.;
  6. Fresh cucumber - 1 piece;
  7. Green onion - 1 beam;
  8. Mayonnaise - to taste.

Tasty salad cooking:

  • Chicken fillet should be booked until prepared (let cool);
  • Fillar cut straw;
  • Currency cucumbers on half and cut straw;
  • Cut tomatoes with slices;
  • Circles or semirings worth chop pepper;
  • Put all the ingredients in a plate;
  • Add Korean carrot;
  • Soda cheese on a large grater;
  • Onions are finely cut and add to the salad;
  • Salad is worth refueling with mayonnaise and salt (if necessary), mix thoroughly.

Interesting and tasty salad with the addition of Korean carrot №2

The caloric content of such salad will be 310 calories.

You will need for cooking:

  1. Liver - 500 grams;
  2. Korean carrots - 300 grams;
  3. Onions - 150 grams;
  4. Fresh mushrooms (champignons) - 400 grams;
  5. Olive oil - to taste;
  6. Salt to taste;
  7. Mayonnaise - to taste;
  8. Dill - to taste;
  9. Milk - to taste.

You will leave for 20 minutes.

The method of cooking salad with liver and Korean carrots:

  • The onions should be cut into semirings;
  • Clean the raw liver from the films, cut the straw and soak in milk;
  • Onions fry in olive oil to half-preparation;
  • In the bow, it is worth adding a liver with milk, salt and extinguish 10 minutes (until complete readiness);
  • Fry mushrooms as well as olive oil, to gold color;
  • Give to cool liver, onions and mushrooms;
  • Mix all the ingredients, add Korean carrot and finely cut the parsley (separating it from sticks);
  • Salad mayonnaise salad.

The history of the appearance of a snack from Korean carrots

Such a popular snack appeared on our tables for quite a long time. This dish does not have any attitude towards Korea, most likely he did not even hear about him. This recipe appeared from Korean immigrants, which lived in the USSR, while the Koreans replaced the Beijing cabbage to the carrot at that time at that time.

Such a domestic salad will become an excellent addition to any home or purchased food. Eat with benefit!

Call this dish "Korean salad" is not really correct. Well, they do not prepare it in South, nor in North Korea. "Korean carrots" from the Soviet Union.

The dish is popular in the Kori-Sarah environment (Soviet Koreans), immigrants from North Korea moved to Russia before the revolution, and deported under Stalin (like unfinished) in Central Asia from Primorye. As well as Sakhalin Koreans exported by Japanese colonists as a labor force from South Korea to the Karafuto Prefecture (the southern part of Sakhalin Island, owned by Japanese from 1905 to the very surrender of Japan in World War II 1945). Part of the Japanese Koreans did not have time to return to their homeland and still live in Russia.

In the traditional Korean cuisine, it is customary to marinate fresh meat or fish with radish or radish and vinegar, with the addition of sharp spices. But since in the USSR, carrots were more affordable than radishes - then she gradually pushed out the usual vegetable.

And since with fresh fish and especially with fresh meat in the Soviet years there was tension, then one carrot was left gradually from the components of the salad of HE (or HVE).

Among the Russian carrots prepared in this way became very popular.

There is no absolutely correct recipe for the preparation of this salad. There are some rules and technological features. But in general - it all depends on the individual tastes and your attachments. It's like a cabbage salting. How accurately you did not follow the recipe, you still have your own taste. And as when sickling the cabbage, preparing carrots-chi you can pick up the spices to your taste.

Recipe 1: Korean carrots

The main components of this salad are carrots, sugar, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil and red burning pepper. Moreover, Koreans use poly grinding pepper.

The main proportions of Korean carrot products. For 1 kilogram of carrots - one tablespoon of sugar, two tablespoons of 9% vinegar, a teaspoon of salt without top and 50 grams of vegetable oil.

Carrots clean. Carrot in no way rub on an ordinary grater. For cutting in Korean, a special device is used, which cuts carrots for long thin shelters. After the carrot is sliced, add salt, sugar and vinegar. These are the components of the marinade - it is these products that allow the salad for a long time is stored, and give the main taste. We mix, trituing carrots with marinates a little. Send salad aside for 20-30 minutes - during this time, carrots should give juice. Then spices. The main seasoning to carrots is a red burning pepper. We add it very carefully. In addition to pepper, based on its taste preferences, you can add several coriander grains (although this seasoning is not peculiar to Korean cuisine). But it is best to fry sesame seeds to light brown in a dry pan. Or pour a few drops of sesame oil. Then mix the salad again. Finally, add butter. Salad oil is made to heat up to high temperature, but not to a boil. We pour oil to dry pan, warm and immediately pour into the salad. Mix.

Recipe 2: Korean carrots with finished seasoning

Today, to cook Carrots in Korean at home you can buy the finished seasoning and use it according to the instructions on the package, or add to your taste. \

  • carrot - 1 kg;

  • the seasoning is ready - to taste;

  • vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons;

  • garlic - 5 teeth;

  • vegetable oil - 120 ml.

Carrot washed, clean and grate on a grater long straw. Finished seasoning stirred with carrots and let it stand. Garlic squeeze and mix with carrots. Mix oil and vinegar, bring to boil in a frying pan or other dishes and pour carrots. Cook with finished carrots in Korean cover with a lid and send a few hours to the refrigerator. At the exit, a delicious carrot in Korean should be.

Recipe 3: Korean carrots from Anastasia Violin

  • 500 g of carrots

  • 500 g Luka.

  • 100 ml of vegetable oil

  • 1 tsp. vinegar 70%

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

  • 3-4 cloves garlic

  • red sharp pepper

Popular snack! Sharp and very fragrant.

From the specified number of ingredients, 6-8 servings are obtained.

Onions closely cut.

Carrots grate on a special grater or cut into a long thin straw.

Salt, mix and give to stand 20-30 minutes.

Add sugar, red pepper in carrots (I add 0.5 tsp.).

Mix well.

Fry onions on vegetable oil to dark golden color.

Then the bow is removed, it will not need it.

Remove the oil from the fire, cool a little, add vinegar.

Hot oil pour carrots, mix.

Add garlic squeezed through garlic.

Mix everything well. Before use, let it stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

If you are going to add chopped garlic to salad - then do it at the very end, after the oil in the salad cools. Otherwise, your garlic will become bright green, and spoil the entire appearance of carrots. Personally, I prefer Korean carrots without garlic.

Finished salad leave at room temperature overnight, and then remove in the refrigerator. You can store carrots in Korean to two weeks in the main refrigerator department, preferably in tanks with a dense lid.

If the raw crisp carrots are not to your taste or you do not have several hours so that the salad is imagined, you can slightly hit it in the oven or in a frying pan under the lid. But only a little bit, until the moment when the carrot changes the color, and will be softer. In no case are not roasting.

In such a salad, you can put fresh fish (and it grills overnight along with carrots), squid, boiled meat, asparagus, onions. It turns out traditional hehe. The bow for salad should be chopped with semirings and be sure to scream with boiling water.

On the basis of Korean carrots, many other salads are prepared.

Korean carrots - a sharp and tasty salad - an excellent snack for a festive table. The pleasant taste of this dish instantly excites appetite. And thanks to the bright orange color, the carrot will be an excellent decoration of the table.

Lovers of this sharp dish can independently prepare it at home, and enjoy the spicy taste at any time. Below you will find the most popular recipes.

Korean carrot: real classic recipe


  • carrots - one kilogram;
  • vinegar (9%) - two tablespoons;
  • sugar - tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - sixty milliliters;
  • salt, red pepper.

Cooking time is thirteen hours.

Calorie at one hundred grams - 130 kilocalories.

Korean carrot at ambulance hand at home


  • carrots - one kilogram;
  • sugar - pair of spoons;
  • vegetable oil - four spoons;
  • sea salt - tablespoon;
  • chile - one pod;
  • wine vinegar - a pair of tablespoons;
  • garlic - five teeth.

Cooking time is forty minutes.

Calorie - 130 kilocalories.

Korean carrots with cabbage


  • cabbage - three hundred grams;
  • carrot - three hundred grams;
  • onions - one hundred grams;
  • garlic - two teeth;
  • vegetable oil - a pair of tablespoons;
  • vinegar - tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper, coriander.

Cooking time is thirteen hours.

Calorie at one hundred grams - 113 kilocalories.

Korean cucumber recipe with carrots


  • carrot - one thing;
  • cucumber - five pieces;
  • onions - one thing;
  • garlic - six teeth;
  • sugar - a pair of tea spoons;
  • soy sauce - a pair of tablespoons;
  • sugar - two teaspoons;
  • sunflower oil - a pair of tablespoons;
  • vinegar - a pair of tablespoons;
  • pepper, coriander.

Cooking time - two hours.

Calorie at one hundred grams - 56 kilocalories.

Acute Korean Carrot for Winter

Recipe number 1.


  • carrots - two kilograms;
  • garlic - one hundred fifty grams;
  • onions - one thing;
  • vinegar (70%) - fifteen milliliters;
  • vegetable oil - fifty milliliters;
  • salt - tea spoon;
  • sugar - two teaspoons;
  • dried kinza - a pair of tablespoons;
  • red, black ground pepper.

Cooking time - two hours thirty minutes.

Calorie at one hundred grams - 128 kilocalories.

Recipe number 2.


  • carrot - one kilogram;
  • garlic - eight teeth;
  • chile - one thing;
  • water - half liters;
  • sugar - seven tablespoons;
  • salt - five tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - two hundred fifty milliliters;
  • apple vinegar - three tablespoons.

Cooking time is one hour of thirty minutes.

Calorie at one hundred grams - 127 kilocalories.

Recipe number 3.


  • carrots - two kilograms;
  • onions - three pieces;
  • garlic - two heads;
  • water - half liters;
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - two bags;
  • vegetable oil - one glass;
  • sugar - tablespoon;
  • sugar - four tablespoons;
  • salt - tablespoon;
  • acetic essence - a pair of tablespoons.

Cooking time - three hours thirty minutes.

Calorie at one hundred grams - 125 kilocalories.

The secret of Korean carrots in its special cutting and spices. Therefore, to prepare Korean salad you need to purchase a special grater. Such a grater has a square cross section, and the carrot is obtained in the form of a fine neat straw.

So that the straw turned out as long as possible, it is necessary to shine smoothly, spending carrots through knives from beginning to end.

Mix the carrot is best for all hands in gloves, not squeezing it so that the straw can be broken.

Spices are of great importance, as in any dish of Asian cuisine. Therefore, they must be used, mainly for Korean carrots, use red and black peppers, coriander.

A simple and visual example of cooking in Korean is in the next video.

Hello, dear readers! Homemade billets for the winter are in full swing. Prepare the carrot itself in Korean is not a lot of work. It will correctly close it in banks - this is a sure way to keep the vegetable almost to the next harvest. And not just save, but to make a real ready-to-eat salad. Opened a jar and enjoy. Moreover, I know one very tasty recipe for sharp snacks from carrots and today I will tell you about this yummy.

At home, Korean carrots are also called - Carromb. It can be used as an independent dish, and on the basis of vegetable treats to do. It is not necessary to immediately harvest a large number of snacks, only if you want to go to the winter. And so if you want to constantly bother, rub each time and prepare a small portion of fresh carrots. But, in my opinion, the most delicious Korean salad is canned. During your stay in the banks, carrots are impregnated and saturated with aromas of specially cooked seasonings.

Presentation of Korean seasonings

As regards directly the seasonings itself for Korean carrots, I used to do it yourself. Although on sale a lot of suggestions for this product. For example, Chim Chim Sauce. I always prefer the seasoning prepared with your own hands. So tastier and I am not limited in your capabilities. I add, we reduce those or other ingredients if necessary.

With time, I developed the perfect composition of the recipe for carrots in Korean, where the most important ingredient, of course, seasoning. With a certain skill, working with a grater is preparing very quickly. And step-by-step photos are just only for beauty. I am sure you would cope without them.

I will prepare Korean carrot quickly, deftly. It will be delicious salad - in winter everyone is happy!

Unique Korean Carrot Recipe

  • Carrots - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic one head;
  • coriander (partially ground) - 2 h.
  • black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • red pepper - 1 tsp;
  • kurkuma - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • daily oil - 1/3 cup;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Did you leave that there is no bow in the recipe ingredients? I will cook without him. For my taste, this vegetable is superfluous in this salad. I'll start with the fact that it is best to purchase a special grater to prepare carrot in Korean. Approximately such a device like on this photo.

Until recently, I rubbed a vegetable on an ordinary grater, but it is inconvenient, and the form is not the same as it should actually happen. We will assume that you have the desired kitchen tool in stock, which means then we proceed to the preparation of acute snacks.

How to grasp carrots

  1. I wash the carrots and purify. I also do it with garlic, I remove the husk.
  2. I rub the carrot on the grater, spending over the entire length of the vegetable blades. The longer the "straw", the correct recipe prepared. I forgot to say, carrots are recommended to take large sizes. And rub it comfortably, and long straw does not pump.
  3. Then salt and sugar shedding vegetable. The final classic taste of salad should be slightly sweet.
  4. I knew carrots with hand. It is necessary that the juice began to stand out.

How to make an acute carrot refueling

  1. Now I run through the press cloves of garlic. If there is no press, you can grate it on a simple grater. I add in turns all the seasonings, spices and vinegar products prepared for Korean carrots. I make a snack again.
  2. Next, an important point. I spawned vegetable oil in a pan. Due to this action, the winter workpiece will last longer and the carrots are better soaked with specific aromas. Immediately oil do not pour. I give time to cool.
  3. When it becomes such a temperature that the hand suffers, pour oil into the dishes with the rest of the products and mix them. Cover a tasik with a towel. Leave the salad on the closet of the watch for four. Let it be highlighted more juice, which then snap into cans with carrots.

In principle, who wants faster, can already eat a snack in Korean, bypassing this step. Well, I have one more stage ahead.

Sterilization and blockage in salad banks for the winter

Without sterilization, I did not take a risen to close the treat for the winter.

  1. I process banks and caps with boiling water, adding vinegar to it.
  2. I lay the taste of the glassware, tightly comic.
  3. The remaining brine will also fill in a tar with a snack.
  4. The covered capacitance covers put in a saucepan with water, at the bottom of which is such a thing. Specially photographed it for you.

Need it for that? So that when water boils, the bank with Korean carrots did not jump and marinade did not fall out of it. Sterilize 300 gram cans 10 minutes. It is best to store billets with salads in a small container. Opened and immediately all for both chems strengthened. If your jars are more in volume increase the sterilization time, but not more than 5 minutes.

Next, we carefully remove the jars, tighten the lid tightly, turn over and cover with a warm bedspread. As soon as the winter conservation cooled, I put it in a cool and dark place to wait for your o'clock. ! You just imagine, fry beef. Then the snow extinguish the meat with the addition of soy sauce and mix with the carrot jar just attenued. Here you have a second dish. Yummy!

Asian taste of carrots catch a trifle for us. We bought the Korean tricks - it is. He became a lot of salad, Harch in Russian do not want. Quasim Vegetable regularly and in winter it is possible.

Clicking the lid in the apartment will break the good news, the bank of the workpiece opened, I apologize to sit at the table.

For goodbye, I wish you a pleasant appetite and suggest watching a video about the preparation of a classic recipe for Carrock from the Master of Korean cuisine.

For a fast Korean marinated carrot, marinade is very important. Therefore, put all the spices that in the recipe - then the taste will be sharp, bright and saturated. Add sugar sand to vegetable oil. A little stirring.

I pour out the same black fresh-chased pepper and special seasoning for Korean carrots. I used acute seasoning.

Cleaning the carrot with a housekeeping, rubbed through a special Korean grater, from which remarkable long fibers of one thickness. If you cook the carrot for the first time, then the grater should be treated carefully. Straighten the roots not too fast to protect yourself from injury.

There I will squeeze all garlic through garlic. The fragrance instantly excites appetite. Mixing several times to get the garlic on all the carrot.

I pour out marinade from oil and spices. Also pretty stirring.

I water a snack with a table of 9% vinegar to give acid.

Carrot should be blocked in the cold at least 8 hours, and then I can already put it on the table to please all the guests.

Such a spicy appetizer pleases not only with its bright orange color, but also a wonderful taste.

Everyone who tried my sharp carrot in Korean, was necessarily interested in the recipe.

I hope that you also appreciate this way!