
Mattiola counya. Growing from Mattiol seeds


Mattiola is considered one of the few colors that are grown exclusively due to the charming fragrance. Not too catchy appearance and blossom only in the evening-night time is absolutely not considered its disadvantages.

After all, Mattioh, as the most exquisite miracle, is still often planted separately from other colors next to the walking paths, shops, in Kashpo on terraces and balconies, under the open in summer time windows. You can sow around Spring flowering plants, the above-ground part of which kills - tulips, daffodils, etc. by summer, etc.

Rank mattiola (Matthiola) There are more than 20 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants. Of these in flower growing most common mattiol counya Matthiola Bicornis). Within the kind, she is the closest relative of Levko, who is more correctly called Mattiola gray (Matthiola Incana)Although outwardly very little reminds him.

The plant forms highly branched bushes with straight stems with a height of 40-50 cm, covered with modest purple, less often - pinkish, lilac or white flowers with a diameter of about 1 cm, which are collected in private inflorescences. Mattiol flowers are closed during the day.

Growing and reproduction

Mattiola is very unpretentious. It grows on any types of soil, cold-resistant and drought-resistant, although it prefers a soup, cumulative, well-drained soil. She loves a light location, but can carry a light half, in the shadow the plant is drawn and blooms reluctantly. Mattiola cold-resistant, it is withstanding freezing to -7 ° C.

But, despite its modest appearance, Mattiola has long been cultivated in the gardens, because its flowers have a strong and very pleasant fragrance. It is especially well felt in the evening, at night and in cloudy weather, because of which this plant is called "night violet".

That is why Mattioh is usually planted near the terraces, arbors, garden meat, tracks. It is also possible to grow it in mixlers, rockers, Moorish lawns and balconies.

The most popular varieties of Mattioli coughogo, most often used for landing in the country: Evening fragrance and Lilac (purple), night violet (pale lite), star color (mixture of varieties with different shades).

Matthiol seed seeds in open ground in early May, pre-mixed with sand. It is necessary to sow seeds of mattiols, you can even scatter on the moistened area of \u200b\u200bthe earth and impose a slightly 0.5 cm on top of the earth.

And in order for longer to enjoy the beautiful and clean odor, which calms down and pacifies, you can sit in 12-15 days to sow seeds of mattiols for the second time, and a little later in the third. It will give the opportunity to extend the period of flowering plants and saturate the garden with fragrance, from June to October.

Growing through seedlings for mattioles is not recommended, since its rod root system after dive and transplant is very bad. Young shoots with 2-3 leaves should be carefully conserved at a distance of 15-20 cm. The bloom of mattiols in the early sowing of seeds begins in early July and continues within a month.

IN special care Mattiola does not need. Watering must be carried out regularly, but not good.

The plant does not tolerate the introduction into the soil either fresh, nor enough overwhelming manure, so we use only for feeding mineral fertilizers For flowering plants. Break them in water intended for watering in accordance with the instructions.

On the nutrient soil per season, 4-5 feeding are carried out, and on the depleted - 6-8 feeding. Fertilizer must be made during the bootonization period, as it contributes to the formation of more flowers.

The "night violet" needs a periodic weeding of weeds and regular soil looser. Such procedures must be performed very carefully, so as not to damage quite fragile stems of colors.

Mattioles collected after flowering, seeds in dry flat pods can be successfully used for sowing under the winter (in November), but only on light suesham soil.

For proper care Mattiola Curry remains healthy throughout the growing season. For the prevention of diseases of the plant is not placed in areas where the cultures of the cross-color family were grown, to which the "night violet" belongs. Also, they are not placed where the humus was made earlier in the soil.

Attention! With regular soil moisure, the roots may occur, which often leads to the death of the plant. When some lesions appear on the leaves, patients with copies immediately burst and destroy to prevent the spread of infection on.

Mattiola Curry may be amazed by a mushroom disease, characteristic of all cruciferous - kyila (root disease). In this case, the affected instances are immediately destroyed (burned), and the soil is treated with special preparations and lime.

"Ural Gardener", №1, 2016

New is well forgotten old. So it is possible to say about Mattiol or night violet. How may not harden the extraordinary fragrance in the evening.

So you can meet more and more cultural varieties In the garden and on the balcony. Breeders made their contribution to the development of new varieties of mattiols, which are not only fragrant, but also with new terry buds who are pleasing to the eyes.

Description and Features Mattiol

In horticulture, two types of annual and many years of appearance are most common. mattiola: Curry and left (gray). Both species grow in the form of half-workers and herbaceous plants. Combines two types of extraordinary fragrance colors Mattiolawhich can be learned in the evening. In the daytime, buds are closed.

Mattiola Curry

Mattiols have dirty and very small. Gardeners remove the varieties of this type solely for aromatherapy. Sit them near the tracks, near the benches, so that you can enjoy the fragrance.

The method of reproduction is only seed. The germination of their own to 3 years. Frost-resistant - strong cooling up to minus 5 degrees by can't destroy the plant. Therefore, perfectly carries out in the northern regions.

Mattiola left differs from the previous species with flowers. They not only have a fragrance, but also beautifully look at the flower beds, distillations. Although in the smell, they are strongly inferior to the cough species. Compensate this lack of buds.

Flower petals can be terry and simple. Reach up to 8 cm in diameter. Bushes may have a length in the range from 20 cm to 80. Therefore, they can be divided into some growth groups. When growth is up to 20 cm, they are related to dwarf varieties, the average - 45 cm, high - 80.

Singles single-way or branched. Color depending on the variety can be different: white, golden, lilac, reddish, lavender.

It can be grown by a seed and ever. And the seeds can only give varieties with simple petals. Terry varieties are grown for decorativeness.

Left can bloom depending on the variety in three different periods. In the garden grown bushes, blooming only in summer. Love outdoor solar places, but do not tolerate fresh organic matter as feeding. She is used for half a year before landing, then, only mineral.

Landing and reproduction Mattiol

Predecessors for landing Mattiola Cruciferous representatives should not be: hell, mustard ,. This is considered to be the main condition. growing Mattioli.. Otherwise doomed to diseases.

Place a landing to choose the sunny, although they can grow in a half. The land is admissible non-acid, loamy, fertile and well moistened.

Mattiola is grown by seeds in spring:

    Before how to plant Matthioli. Prepare the soil from the fall. For this, the soil resistance is carried out with the addition of organic.

    April - time, when they sow Matthioliin open ground.

    The wells are prepared in increments of 20 cm. Each hole is evyted by 5 seeds Mattiola.

    The planting material is stirred with sand, sprinkled with a layer of soil. One week, one and a half, you can expect germs.

    Define seedlings, leaving the most stronger.

    Blossom is expected in 30 days.

    Experienced flowerflowers to extend aroma Mattiola In the garden, seeds are planted in several techniques, with a break of 10-14 days.

A seaside method of reproduction for this type is not used, since the root system suffers when dive. As a result, it takes good, but for mattiols, gray reproduction is acceptable:

    In February, planting seeds in peathed glass begins.

    The planting material is maintained several hours in a weak solution of manganese.

    The composition of the substrate is a narrow land, a substrate (3: 1).

    Boxes with cups withstand in a cool place with a temperature of the medium 13-15 degrees by S.

    As soon as germs appear, the temperature of the medium is reduced to 8-10 degrees with C and bring to a light place. The decrease in the temperature will have a positive effect on flowering, which will happen one month earlier.

    Picking is carried out in the presence of two real leaves. The roots are a little bit under the transplantation. Then they will go better.

    The landing in the open ground falls on May. Root system Flowers will not suffer if seedlings landed together with cups.

    A seaside way will allow to see the bloom much earlier than with a seed method.

The left is planted at home for pastures. Vases with mattiole on the balcony, terrace.

The inflorescences of this species are terry and simple. An interesting detail - you can distinguish them when leaflets appear. Machion grades have large leaflets of rich green, simple - small leaves of a dark green shade. What makes it possible to grow decorative varieties with terry leaves, purposefully.

Mattiola care

The plant is considered unpretentious, so it's even a newcomer to grow even. Performing minor requirements, bushes will bloom and fierce:

    Mattiola winter-hardy plant, but heat does not tolerate. Therefore, watering flowers should be abundantly. The procedure is carried out in the mornings in two receptions (gap 10 minutes) to enable the flowers to be saturated with moisture. Evening watering is unwanted, as it provokes diseases. Well suited for bushes drip irrigation, just do not forget about the oversupply.

    IN care of mattiole Use - it will protect the bushes from the weed, keep moisture in dry weather.

    Seeds are obtained only from Mattioli left with simple inflorescences. Therefore, terry sworded buds are immediately cut off for greater decorativeness.

    Flowers are suitable for cutting and creating various compositions. For these purposes, the plant is pulled out of the soils with roots. Free from the ground under the water jet. Then, the bouquet will laugh for 30 days.

    The shrub speaks very well to feeding. The organic flower loves only before planting. It is brought from autumn, and plant plant in spring. Fertile soil needs mineral to 5 times a season. Then, poor soils feed more often - 8.

    Loose soil, but very careful not to injure the stems.

    Delete the weeds on time, do not leave on the field.

Types and varieties of Mattiol

In the wild, there are 50 species of mattiols. The most popular in flower growing two types: mattiola Curry, mattiola Levka (gray). Each species is a source of many varieties.

Dwarf varieties of mattioles The left is achieved in a height only up to 20 cm. Flowers are small, as well as leaves up to 2.5 cm in gripping. Used to land along borders, planted in pots on terraces and balconies, have a different color.

Among dwarf varieties There are large-flowered specimens, diameter 8 cm. Inflorescences with terry petals and divine smell.

Mattiola Snezhinka

In the photo of Mattiola. "Snowflake" with incredible white-colored buds.

Mattiola inch

"Thumbelina". Buds with a raspberry tint will delight not only the garden, but also a balcony, terrace.

Mattiola Rubin

"Ruby". The name speaks of the beauty of the "precious" flower of a reddish shade sitting in the form of a sweater on the tops of the shoots.

Mattiola Sapphire

"Sapphire". Coloros clearly hold a colonial sweater with gentle blue petals.

Mattiola pure golden

"Pure Golden". Buds are in the form of candles of yellow-orange shade.

Mattiola Rita Blosta

"Rita Bosta." Includes a variety of coloring blue and yellowish white buds.Semi high varieties of mattioles left are pulled up to 34-40 cm. They have terry buds. The shoots are collected in a compact pyramid-shaped bush.

Mattiola North

"Northern". Pink White Buds

Mattiola Stammer

"Stammer". Strengthening stems, at the end of which lilac buds are banging.

Mattiola Golyanskaya

"Gigantic". Sort fascinates various colonel gamut

Mattiola repairing

"Remontant". Flowers are collected in a spike with lilac, pink, white shades.

Mattiola summer

"Summer". Like a bride in a white outfit flanser on a bluer.

Mattiola Loorflower

"Large-flowered." Unusually large buds look perfectly in bouquets.Mattioli varieties are distinguished by small and unbroken flowers of various colors. Flowers grown them exclusively for fragrance in the evening. The height of the bushes is up to 50 cm.

Mattiola Star Color

"Star Light". The colors of buds plays various paints.

Mattiola Evening Aroma

"Mattiola Evening Aroma - Mattiola Lilovaya."A pleasant and strong fragrance does not leave indifferent people who passed by a flower bed with humble miniature flower.

Mattiola Night Filieca

"Night violet Mattiola. "Compact bush of small size, perfectly will look in living songs.

Mattiola Lilak

"Mattiola Lilak". Gentle light-lilac color buds are perfectly harmonized with bright neighbors in flowerbed. Annolete plant. Refers to the discharge of cold-resistant varieties.

Mattiol diseases and pests

The disease of the roots or keel is a disease. A favorable medium for infection is a warm, wet environment, soil scum. Symptoms: The color of the leaves acquires a light shade, in hot weather droop.

Plants are infected through the hairs of the root. To exclude the contamination of the contamination of Kila, if the predecessors will not be representatives of the sacrive family. Powerful microorganisms can be in the soil up to 15 years. Fight: pull out, burn. The soil is treated with chemicals, make lime.

Flea. Insects attack in dry weather. Leaves are covered by holes. Fighting: Watering and sprinkled with ash, tobacco dust, soil. You can also spray colors:

    A tincture of ash. It is necessary to prepare the remedy from the evening, and in the morning sprayed the bushes.

    A tincture of the root of horse sorrel.

    Tomatoes dry dry.

    Shampoo for dogs (flea).

    Insecticides to use, as a last resort. Since they are harmful to human microclimate human health.

Capping Belyanka. There is no harm to the butterfly flower, but her caterpillars are very harmful. In the spring butterflies lay eggs on the opposite direction of the sheet. If you look at the appearance, they have a yellowish tint.

Symptoms: The caterpillars are embarrassed by the leaves along the edges. Why losing decorativeness. Fight: Before planting colors, the landing area is to free from weeds.

If there are caterpillars, you can collect them from the sheets mechanically. If they are too much to process infectious insecticide bushes, for example, Kinmins, Fury.

Mattiola (Matthiola) or left, night violet, evening aroma - a flowering grassy plant related to the family of anticipated. Motherland - Mediterranean. In appearance, modest, but is valued due to the incredible aroma of colors. With the onset of the summer evening, the flowers bloom, giving their fragrance, therefore it is also called the night violet. The place in the flower bed is highlighted most often near the terraces, arbors, windows at home.

Mattiola (left) - one- or perennial. The stem is a height of 30-90 cm, dense, reprehensive, branch. The stem is covered with thin skin: bare or pubescent. Lancing leaves with gear or solid edges, soft, pubescent, in large quantities Collected in the root zone.

On the tops of the shoots in the end of the spring there are creeps-shaped inflorescences. They are thick, consist of terry or simple colors. Petals Rounded, painted in white, pink, lilac, purple or yellow. Sweetish fragrance attracts insect pollinators. At the scene of the inflorescence there is a fruit - a small flattened pod containing many small seeds.

Growing mattioles from seed when planting

Sowing seeds in the ground

There are high (50-70 cm), medium (30-50) and dwarf (15-30) plants, on the structure of colors are divided into simple and terry.

Duration of development allocate:

  • mattioju Autumn (sow in spring, bloom falls at the end of the summer-beginning of autumn, and seeds are affected by the next year);
  • mattioju Winter (sow in June-July, and bloom will come next spring);

Two previous varieties are not winter in the open soil, but apply for "distillation".

  • mattioju Summer (the most common variety is grown everywhere).

Consider the most popular views of Mattiol.

Mattiola Curry Matthiola Bicornis

Annual plant height up to half a meter. Soothes and oblong leaves have a gray-green color. Flowers all summer. Flowers are simple, consist of 4 petals, painted in a lilac, light pink color, they are going to thick blurred inflorescences.

Mattiola gray Matthiola Incana

The annual height is 20-80 cm. The stalks are decorated, they are thickly covered with oblong leaves with a short fluff. On the tops of the shoots appear dense inflorescences. Flowers are simple or terry, painted in white, blue, pink, purple or dark purple shade. Blossom begins in June and lasts until the first frosts. In the southern regions there may be bloom even in winter. The fruit with many seeds ripens only in forms with simple colors.

Mattiola siny or left fragrant Matthiola Odratissima

Perennial herbaceous plant. It reaches a height of 20-50 cm. Stems and leaflets are painted in dark green, covered with a long pile of silver shade. Sitting leaves of the oblong shape are collected in a root rosette. Blossom begins in May-June. Yellow-brown flowers are collected in loose-shaped inflorescences.

The best varieties of mattiols with photos and names

Mattiola Vintage Matthiola Incana Vintage

Mattiola gray vintage is an indispensable attribute of garden design in an old style. The charm of the variety cannot be compared with any other colors. This is gentle pastel shades, lightness, special purity and ease. The terry flowers are very decorative, entering the garden design of almost any style.

Mattiola Cinderella Matthiola Cinderella

Schorello series is characterized by major terry colors collected in thick high inflorescences. Shades are the most diverse, especially spectacularly look at the planting mix.

Mattiola Budget Cap Matthiola Incana Katz

A series of Katz - amazing beauty bakery flowers with large terry inflorescences at high blonds. Shades are varied: from white, beige, peach and cream to pink, lilac, purple, purple and purple.

Mattiola Harmoni Matthiola Harmony

No less charming Harmony series, it looks great in mixed landings, playing paints from white and cream pastel shades to saturated pink-purple. Inflorescences are large, thick, with massive terry flowers.

Mattiola Rich Aroma Matthiola Incana Rich Aroma

Large terry flowers of all shades with thick spicy aroma are a series of rich aroma. Mixed landings next to the recreation area will give aesthetic pleasure and fill everything around a pleasant aroma.

Mattiola Two Lilap Lilac Matthiola Bicornis Lilac

Mattiola Curry Lilap Lilac Matthiola Bicornis Lilac Photo

The grade fell in love with its unprecedented endurance: frost0- and drought-resistant, not demanding to soils, beautifully blooms even in the absence of care. But the most important advantage of the variety of Lilak is nothing comparable to a strong aroma, literally filling the space with a whole cloud of a pleasant smell.

Mattiola AppleBloss Matthiola Appleblossom

Another vintage variety with gentle terry flowers of pastel tones and a pleasant aroma. Flowers are really like a blossom of an apple tree.

Mattiola in Landscape Design

Decorative varieties with terry colors will decorate the flower leaf, about 2 weeks will delight in cut form.

Thanks to the beautiful aroma, Mattioh is planted near the windows of houses to enjoy the summer evenings.

For landscaping the terraces, balconies are planted into containers.

Good incendants on the flower bed will be nyondicaria, thyme, chamber, rosemary, chapel, lavender ,.

Some plants are inclined to reveal only at certain times of the day or in some suitable weather. This makes them especially interesting for nerds and for some flower flowers. So, excellent plant To grow in the garden, Mattiola, who came to us from Southern Europe can be. This decorative culture Opens his petals closer in the late afternoon, saturating everything around amazingly fragrant aroma. Thanks to this feature, it was also called a night laid. So, the theme of our today's conversation will be the flower of Mattiol Evening fragrance, we will discuss its cultivation from seeds, clarify how landing and care for such a pet is carried out, and we also give a photo of Mattiol.

Mattiola is an excellent garden pet. It is not capricious, so it can grow almost in any conditions. Readers "Popular about health" are recommended to grow it at sunny areas. It is believed that such a flower loves sufficient humidity of soil and air. And waters and excessive drought can harm him. Mattiola is not much demanding to the soil, but it is best grows on ferrous and low acidity soils. With the rescue to the ground, you should not add the organic.
In the photo Flower Mattiol

It is not worth landing by Mattiol in those areas where cruciferous cultures have grown up to this, because in this case the flower may suffer from fungal and other ailments that are found in other plant species of this family.

Growing Mattiol Evening fragrance from seeds

Mattiola Evening fragrance can be grown from seed by sowing directly to the ground. The planting material retains the germination for two years. Sowing is carried out after the blowjob is the threat of return freezers - in May.

Since Mattiol seeds differ extremely small size (in one gram of planting material contains about one and a half thousand seeds), experienced flower flows mix them with sand to facilitate the process of sowing.

The land must be moistened, and the flower seeds should simply dispel from above. On top of them, it is worth imposing a small amount of land. Sowing can be held twice twice - with an interval in two weeks. So matthiol will be successfully blossoming on garden plot Before the middle of autumn.

There are methods of growing flower with a seaside method. But it is worth noting that such a plant is distinguished by increased fragility and can easily be injured in transplantation. Even in the absence of visible damage, the flower is not always caring.

Nevertheless, many gardeners have successfully practiced empty cultivation of mattiols to achieve earlier flowering. For this purpose, planting material is prepared in March. Seedling containers need to fill in a mixture of sand and a turf of the earth, they need to be connected in proportions 1: 3. Lower the seeds along the surface of the moistened soil, after sprinkling them on top of the sand or the ground (but the layer should be no more than half ancantimeter). Watering does not need to be needed until the appearance of seedlings. Next, irrigation is carried out using a pulverizer.

After the first seedlings, you need to send a box with a sediment to a well-lit place. The temperature is about it should be maintained in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Ten - twelve degrees.

Already two weeks later, young seedlings must be transferred to separate containers - to dive. Already at this stage, all weak plants will be dropped - as they will not transfer the transplanting process.

Landing Mattiola Evening Aroma in Open Ground

In the second half of April, small mattiols need to be transferred to open ground. They should be replant with the land of land so that stress is minimal. Such a grown seedling exhibits even some frost resistance, it can survive a decrease in temperature to minus five. Best of all when planting a flower to place young plants with an interval of twenty-five centimeters.

Mattiol care features Evening flavor

Mattiola, as we have already found out, not very capricious. Such a plant will not deliver special trouble to its owners.

Periodically, it is worth feeding the flower using a mineral fertilizer. But do not make them more often than two times a month. In order for the plant to not suffer from drought, he needs to provide additional moisturizing in a strong heat. Mattiola generally loves a sufficient amount of moisture, and may suffer from soil drying. Watering is best done in the morning.

Experienced flowers are advised to spend watering twice with a small time interval, it will help the plant to have a maximum of drinking water. But it is not worth moisturizing the soil more often than once a week. And after this procedure, it is worth conducting a neat loosening of the soil.

The lack of moisture may indicate lethargy of the leaves. Finding such a problem, you need to take care of sufficient moisture in a timely manner.

Folding Mattiol flowers need to constantly break.

Mattioles can not be used for feeding organic fertilizersOtherwise, with such a flower care, it may suffer from some diseases. Also, the plant can attack some pests, for example, those who like cabbage: whitening, cabbagers and cruciferous flew.

For the winter, Mattioh does not need to warm. Such a plant belongs to frost-resistant.

So, Mattiola can become an excellent garden decoration. This plant will delight you with a wonderful aroma in warm summer evenings and will not deliver special troubles.

Mattiola is a street plant that is presented in a wide variety of varieties. Among them, you can find both perennial and annual cultures. Flower is famous for its thin and gentle aroma. The peculiarity of the plant is that the disclosure of buds occurs in the evening. Landing and care for mattiole does not require much experience, so even a novice gardener will be able to grow it.

Description and variety

Mattiola includes about 50 different species flowers. But in domestic efforts they grown only the counya and gray mattiol.


The height of the plant reaches 50 cm. It is characterized by thin and fluttering stems and fluffy foliage. This view is able to withstand frosts, so that seeds can be planted directly into open soil without pre-cultivating seedlings. Plant landing near dense cultures. Most often, the twin mattiol is located along the path, summer arbors. It will also be interesting to look at what looks like. Thus, during the Walk in the garden, you can enjoy an incredible aroma.

Mattiola Curry

For this type of plant, the locality with scattered is perfect sunlight. In leaving unpretentious. Inflorescences have pink or light lilac color. Buds only bloom only in cloudy weather or in the evening. It is a time-friendly mattioxy called night violet. It has its own varieties, each of which has its own external differences.

Evening fragrance

This kind of coury matetiola has purple flowers. The height of the bush reaches 45 cm, the stem is strong. Evening aroma is characterized by abundant flowering and intense aroma. But what a tuberose looks like a fragrance, you can see

In the photo - Mattiola Evening fragrance:

Mattiola Evening Aroma

The plant has a reprehensive stem and loose inflorescences of a busy shape. This variety of Curourgie Mattiol is the most common among gardeners. And it is connected with a pleasant aroma, which makes gentle-lilac flowers.

star Light

This species of time, mattioles are presented in the form of flowers of various color. The height of the bush reaches 40-50 cm. When the buds are blown in the evening, the street is filled incredibly saturated aroma. Flowers in this culture do not differ beautiful external speciesBut appreciated for the fragrance.

star Light

Apply a variety when creating mixboraders, chains and borders. Seed seeds are preferable near the bench or under the windows to enjoy the aroma.

Night Filieca

For this plant is characterized by a carlike form of air inflorescences consisting of gentle colors. They can be used when decorating flower beds or balconies. The height of the bush is 30 cm.

Night Filieca

The aroma of the night violet is sweet and incredibly pleasant. But they can only enjoy in the evening, but during the day the flowers are folded and becoming sluggish.


This type of counnogo matthiol is a cold-resistant, light-affiliated plant. His feature in the gustwist stem. Leaves linear and coarse. The height of the bush reaches 50 cm. Small buds and are located in the loose inflorescences of a creeping form.

Flowers have a small size, during the day they are closed, but with the onset of the evening they bloom and give the surrounding flavoring flavor. This variety is used in the design of Mauritan lawn and combined slatakers.

But, and how to do it with your own hands, is indicated in this article.

What does gaylardi look like a large-flowered herbate plants for open soil, can be found on this

It will also be interesting to learn how to plant the seeds of the Koreopsis of many years:


This type of mattiols can have one or more stems. They are branching type. Blossom terry, bright and beautiful, compared to Mattioli counya. But only the fragrance is not so outstanding. The cultivation of the left occurs occasionally.

On video - Matthiol cultivation:


If you live in the southern regions, you can refuse eat Fashion Growing and send seeds right into open ground.

Preparatory activities

To get planting material, you need to select yellowed pods in winter.

They can be cut or pull out along with the root. Get bunches from them and spend in a thoroughly ventilated room.

Seeds get out of the pods only when they fully become dry. Before sowing them to clean and treat by manganese. This will prevent the development of disease.

Sowing time

Sowing method

Before sending seeds to the soil, it must be prepared. To make a plot to switch and easily. Dig holes, the depth of which is 3 cm.

Locate them at a distance of 10 cm. Do not make the organic to the ground before the sowing process, since Mattiola will not fully develop. Another plant is not planted on the place, de previously grown cruciferous. The seed selected area must be carefully illuminated.

Emergency method

If you wish to get blossom in June, it is necessary to use a seaside cultivation method. Seed seeds in containers are necessary at the end of March or April.

Preparation of soil and seed

Soil and containers need to be prepared for another 2 days before the upcoming fit. At the same time, the following uncomplicated rules must be followed:

  1. Landing box to be treated with a mortar solution. Then dry thoroughly. Such actions will allow to disinfect the capacity by eliminating all the harmful microorganisms.
  2. At the bottom of the box to lay a few pebbles that will act as a drainage.
  3. Dial the substrate in the box, which will consist of sand and a turf. Take them in a ratio of 1: 3.
  4. Pour the soil with a slight addition of mangartage.

To speed up the germination of seeds, you need to pre-dock them in boiled water. To withstand their day, and then put in a wet rag. For a day, put in the refrigerator.