
Interior in a naked room. Mansard - Divine Bedroom Place

Onions, beets, carrots

How to make a design of attic original, stylish and not similar to typical projects? This question is worried about many owners, first decided to equip under the roof own house Or dacha cozy residential room. Meanwhile, the design of the room on the attic is much more complicated than to furnish the standard room with vertical walls and a horizontal ceiling. Non-standard dimensions convert the attic of the attic into a fascinating creative process. And we will try to help you cope with this task. After reading our small essay, you will learn what style you can make an attic room, and what kind of purpose it can have; See more than twenty colorful photo examples. successful interior And get competent recommendations for the choice of curtains, furniture, finishes for walls and ceilings on the attic.

Dersighted floor design in a wooden house and in the country

Almost anyone modern project country house Or cottages implies the presence of a small room under the roof, which can be disposed of differently. Someone prefers to store unnecessary things there, and someone decides to turn a cold attic into a cozy and warm living room. Dersightened floor interior design in wooden house Most often it is built precisely on a unique flavor of a natural tree. For the walls of the walls and the Ceiling of the attic, if such, of course, there is, use the lining or imitation of the bar. However, not necessarily follow this tradition. We suggest you admire how diverse the mansard design can be, the photo gallery below shows it clearly.

The classic design of a wooden attic implies wood staining in warm, pleasant shades from beige to golden brown. You can also cover wood with a transparent varnish, or painted in a snow-white color, due to which the room will visually expand. In addition, the interior design of the attic, made in white, allows to focus on the subjects of the interior, furniture, bedspreads and curtains, which will look very bright and expressive on this background.

It is not necessary to design the design of mansard premises in a wooden house or in the country in one color. If you have on the ceiling of your attic wooden beams, You can use a very interesting stylistic reception:

Idea Color the beams in a dark or contrast color, and repeat it in the details of the interior, the objects of the situation or textile decorations, and make the rest of the ceiling surface with a white or very light harmonious shade.

If you want to make the design of the bedroom in the attic very soft, gentle and romantic, you can resort to everyone known, simple method Finishing walls and ceilings - pasting wallpaper. Choose a very light shade cloth with elegant, light pattern, and completely flash the entire room. This will make it possible to achieve the effect of the "Box" when the interior looks like a room from a fabulous palace.

To learn more about how to develop beautiful design Dersighted bedroom, you can from our article "Design and style of the attic room." And now we suggest you talk about the competent space layout, with which you can equip under the roof of the house not only a living room, but even a bathroom or an office.

Stylish Dersighted Room Design: Bedrooms, Children's, Bathroom

Most often a secret corner under the roof itself is used for relaxation and sleep. Come up interesting design The bedrooms with the attic roof are not so difficult, the main thing is that the room in the end was not only beautiful, but also comfortable. And for this you need to position the bed and equip places for storage of things. Probably, you paid attention to the fact that the overwhelming majority of the design of the attic of the attic suggests us to place the bed in the middle of the room, that is, under the highest point of the ceiling, and the boxes or shelves are usually recommended on the sides. The reason is not only in ergonomics. The fact is that if the bed is moved to the wall, you will wake up under the boss of the ceiling, and this, according to psychologists, negatively affects the mood and well-being. Therefore, it is better to put the bed in the center.

The creation of a beautiful and stylish children's design on the attic floor is the cherished dream of many parents. I want the child to be calm and cozy in his room, in addition, it is very important to provide the baby, and the adolescent the opportunity to engage in their hobbies and study, while maintaining the order. The task at first glance seems almost not fulfilled, however, even very modest square is enough to equip workplace, Corner for games and convenient clothing storage lockers.

Teens are usually more demanding on the arrangement of their bedrooms. The child is developing, he has hobbies and hobbies, some of which require additional space. In addition, the younger generation wants to independently dispose of the interior, or even create the design of the attic of their own hands, to his taste. If you want to contribute to the creative development of your Chad, and provide him with freedom of choice, tell him an interesting idea:

Idea Teenage bedroom can be issued in fashionable style loft. Such a design implies almost complete absence of finishing and similarity of the residential room with an industrial room, a basement, hangar, a garage or a rehearsal studio.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to equip a secluded place to work in the house, where silence would always be and good lighting. For these purposes, it is impossible to suitably suitable attic, especially if it competently carried out work on insulation and waterproofing. After all, materials used for such purposes possess excellent soundproof properties. And if there are inclined attic windows in the roof designs, the sunlight will be perfectly penetrated into such an office. The design of the Cabinet in the attic does not have to be strict and official. Still, this room is at your home, and not in the office. Male Cabinet can be issued using coarse, elevated or aged wood, massive furniture, skins, hammocks and other attributes that give it similarity with a hunting house or traveler cells.

If you need to develop stylish design Mansards for the lady, then it is recommended to follow tastes and habits of the future hostess so that she felt comfortable in such a office. Many modern girls prefer the design in the style of minimalism, when there is nothing superfluous in the workplace, and the space is organized as rationally as possible.

We discussed how to develop the design of the attic, if it is planned to equip a living room, but the free space under the roof of the house can also be used to organize other rooms, such as bathroom. IN big House An extra bathroom or shower will never be superfluous, especially if there are many people in the family, or the owners are used to coming often. And if we are talking about design mansard apartment, without careful impact of the interior, the bathroom in any case can not do. You can learn about all the features of the arrangement of such a premises from a separate conversation about the attic bathroom and toilet. And below you see an example successful design Bathroom in the attic.

Beautiful design of mansard ceilings and windows in the photo

The attic ceiling is the defining part of the interior, because if it is unrelated, it will hopelessly spoil the impression of the whole room. Its form depends on the shape and slope of the roof, and you can find out in more detail by reading our article about children's roofs. Most often, the development of the design of the attic begins with attempts to correctly assess the features of the planning and determine which finish will most effectively harmonize the interior. The light ceiling, in combination with darker walls and floors, visually lifts the room. And the roof, fully sewn from the inside with wooden clap, makes the room with a holistic and cozy, but does not add space. Highly original solution - Installing the stretch ceiling with backlight.

Idea With the help of a stretch ceiling with the image of the perspective, that is, floating in the distance of clouds, the starry sky or extending over the head of the landscape, you can radically improve the impression of low and cramped attic.

The windows in such a room almost always have an unusual form. Therefore, they also need a special approach when designing. Develop the design of the curtains for attic windows is needed, taking into account their size, shape and tilt. And, of course, the drawing of the fabric should be well harmonized with a common interior. It is difficult to give specific recommendations for the selection of material, coloring and design for the curtains, because this is a purely individual question. Let's just say that when decorating windows on the attic floor, you should not use heavy, pompous and bulky curtains, because they look appropriate only in spacious rooms.

The attic floor of the private house is an excellent architectural decision. The idea itself arose in the 17th century, when Architect Francois Mansar decided to make a cozy residential premises from an abandoned attic. To date, this design is considered very popular in construction.

Countless photos of the attic floor, presented on the network, will tell you what kind of architectural and designer solution Take on the construction of your own home. However, to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe features of design and construction, as well as the finishes of such a structure still worth it.

Arrangement of attic and his nuances

Mansards today are located above all the construction, or above it. The peculiarities of modern design allow you to create houses with an attic floor in almost any architectural directions.

A wish rational use The residential space is associated with the cost of funds and useful areas of the site make an extremely attractive object.

Its arrangement has its own characteristics: the additional floor is influenced as outside, where natural forces act and inside the warm air from the vital activity of a person seeks up.

Therefore, all structures are thoroughly checked from the point of view of hydro, vapor and thermal insulation. The roof must be competently chosen according to the set of nuances.

Mansard design

Before taking for construction, it is necessary to analyze the plan of the built home. If the construction of the building is only planned, about his constructive features It is worth thinking in advance because the attic device has certain requirements.

Construction necessarily implies accounting of the following parameters:

  • analysis of foundation;
  • clear interrelation of the attic floor and communications;
  • messages of all rooms at home among themselves;
  • forms and size of an equipped object.

The main requirement for the attic attitudes of the attic is the ease of materials used in the design elements, the optimal load per foundation.

Construction of the attic over the finished building

The attic floor should be erected only after technical expertise is carried out. Thanks to the examination, the forces affecting the walls and the foundation of the building are determined.

Before starting design, it should be decided whether the future room will be residential. If it is, the erected floor may well become a zone of high-quality rest. If not, the use of it as a storage facility will require a different approach to construction.

It is also necessary to consider the height of the roof; As a rule, the parameter ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Experts recommend not to deviate from this parameter.

The windows used in the attic floor can be large, occupying up to 20% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and roofs, or small. Specialists do not violate these parameters.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a plan of the attic floor, approve it with the customer. You also need to get the appropriate permits.

Variety of sizes and shapes

The construction of the attic opens up huge opportunities in order to embody differently architectural solutions. An additional floor, which according to the standards is not considered a full-fledged second floor, can be executed in various geometric shapes.

The simplest to design, calculations and execution The solution is provided with a bartal roof, the system of which consists of rafting legs based on the walls and located in parallel and in one plane of the runs.

In the case of the choice of a broken roof of the attic floor, parts (two two) are folded out of the rafter feet, which form a broken line. Thanks to this solution, the integration space increases, the house acquires the original appearance.

Another interesting embodiment of the roof is remote consoles that increase the space from the inside.

Constructive features

An attic room is a compound of walls with a ceiling. If the roof slopes make cool, then you can achieve a high ceiling and spaciousness. However, its construction must be guided by the construction norms, according to which the height of the ceilings must be made at least 2.3 m.

The premises where the ceiling height is less than 1.5 m, recognized unsuitable for living. Special attention should be paid to such a constructive moment as the tightening of the rafter, if it is made poorly, the gain of the whole roof will be minimized, and this entails large risks of the collar of the rafter system.

Stages of construction

During construction, even a minor discrepancy with initially specified parameters often leads to the fact that the design of the attic floor will receive serious disorders, the safety of the building will be at risk.

Materials used for the construction of walls must have special properties: be non-combustible and non-toxic.

The roofing device is one of the most responsible stages, since the roof is influenced by aggressive natural factors, passing the load on the foundation. Huge importance is insulation, while it is necessary to use qualitative materials and technology.

The insulation of all rooms from the inside is performed using drywall or OSB-plates, steam, heat and waterproofing materials.

The main requirement for windows is their tightness. In any case, the construction of the attic - the case is responsible, it is better to trust his professionals.

Registration of the interior of the mansard

Internal design depends on the purpose of using the room. When construction from wood, logical will use the same material in the design. As a plus - additional thermal insulation, which will give a tree, and a good microclimate inside the rooms.

Sometimes finishing material is a lining capable of giving the equipped bedroom on the attic floor the original look. If the room becomes a cabinet, it makes sense to use MDF.

The brightness of the interior can be achieved with plasterboard sheets. For example, to issue all sorts of partitions and arches, or make suspended multi-level ceilings.

Undoubtedly, the attic is an excellent addition to the private house, it is functional and is able to decoratively supplement the appearance of the building. For the safe and most comfortable use of the attic floor, it is necessary to seriously treat the choice of all building and finishing materials.

Evalnamed preliminary and correctly produced calculations, taking into account both the total area of \u200b\u200bthe structure and its geometrical features.

Photo of the attic floor

The design of the attic bedroom, as a rule, looks unusual and original, and first of all it is obliged to this non-standard form of the roof. When making the interior of the attic bedroom, you need to adhere to some rules so that the situation is original and cozy. The device of the bedroom "under the roof" has its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of attic Spalien

Of the advantages you can select the following:

  • the use of the "rear" space increases the available living area in the house;
  • the dimensions of the attic, as a rule, are significantly, which allows you to arrange a bathroom with a bedroom, a toilet, a dressing room, an office;
  • the roof shapes will help to carry out visual zoning;
  • wide selection of styles and directions;
  • ability to use for finishing various materials different price categories;
  • you can provide daylight lighting almost all functional areas in the room, including bathroom and toilet, due to the insertion of special attic windows in the right places of roof.

Minuses of mansard spalien

Disadvantages, as a rule, continuation of the merits, and the design of the bedroom in the attic in this sense is no exception, he has its own cons:

  • so that in the bedroom it was warm, cozy, comfortable, the roof must additionally be insulated, as well as ensure reliable waterproofing, which requires significant costs;
  • the location of the functional zones, and the interior as a whole is determined by the form of the roof, and cannot be arbitrarily changed;
  • the form of the room imposes restrictions on the choice of furniture, which, as a rule, should be made according to the sketches of designers and placing at specific points, for example, to move the cabinet from place to place will not work.

Bedroom layout depending on the type of roof

How to plan the attic where the furniture is located - the answers to these questions give the shape of the roof. It can be any: a double or flat, multi-sking broken or tent, combine various structural elements.

In accordance with this, the attic may be a direct and even ceiling, which, however, is a big rarity, or the ceiling may not be at all. The walls can be located at different angles of inclination to the floor, and eliminate the possibility of using a significant part of the room in standard mode. However, in the bedroom in these "uncomfortable" places you can arrange additional storage systems.

Depending on the type of roof, choose a method for designing a bedroom interior on attic.

Single car

This is the easiest case that allows a multivariate design of space. Usually the window is arranged in the roof, the bed is installed near the inclined wall, and the cabinets or other storage systems have a straight wall.

You can proceed and vice versa - move the bed to a straight wall, separating the place near the dressing room. Around the bed you can arrange a storage system in the form of a rack with open and closed shelves. It is convenient if the balcony is located in this place, and it is necessary to have a way out.


One of the disadvantages of this type of roof from the point of view of the bedroom arrangement under it - the inability to put a high, bulk cabinet. However, this disadvantage can be compensated for by the storage system device along the walls, if the area allows.

With such a type of roof, it is convenient to carry out zoning, if the roofs have been done in both rods, the bed can be placed on the one hand, and on the other hand, the study with the desktop.

Another good example The use of the bartal form of the roof is a nursery for two. If in the family two children, then this is the most convenient option that allows each individual zone to be isolated. At the same time, the beds, as a rule, are located in the "low" parts of the room, and the high center of the room remains free for children's games.

Such children's easily, if necessary, divide: enough to put a screen or hang a speed, and with a significant sizes of the attic, the role of the separator can play a rack for books and toys. The only minus is not enough space for things.


The design of the attic bedroom in the event that it is located under a multicate roof, imposes certain restrictions, but at the same time and pays large decorator opportunities. With a competent bearing of all fesoms and height drops, you will receive a really exclusive interior.

The ceiling beams can become a highlight of the situation, if you choose a suitable style. The installation of furniture in such premises seems to be a problem, but in fact everything is solved. If the room has significant sizes, it can be built in it plasterboard wallsIf it is small, from large-sized furniture it is better to abandon quite in favor of low chest of drawers, spacious chests, shelves, console storage systems.

In addition, some of the things can be stored in drawers and baskets. Baskets are an integral part of some styles, and not only serve for storage, but will also decorate your interior.


The roof-tent allows us to divide the attic in half into two equivalent premises. They can be arranged, for example, two bedrooms are a parent and children's or a bedroom with a dressing room or a working cab. Plus such a solution: one of the walls of the room will be high, and the large storage system can be placed near it.

Dersighted bedroom finish

In the mansard premises, the ceiling acquires particular importance during decoration. Depends on his type general form Rooms. It is very important to choose correctly. stylistic direction, and select finishing materials according to it. Applicable: paint, painting with panels, clapboard, pasting wallpaper.

As a rule, beams that support the roof, try to leave in sight and turn into the main decorative element of the interior, which looks good in styles such as Loft, Country or Eco.

If the interior of the attic bedroom is planned to be issued in modern or classic style, the unevenness of the ceiling can be removed using drywall, followed by the beams, and "extra" volumes.

Often when finishing and walls, and the ceiling in the attic use one material, for example, lining, panels or wallpaper. Thus, the feeling of a large area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is created, which visually increases the space. If you do not like sharp corners, you can visually "soften" them can be used with tissue panels or upholstered ceiling.

Flower Side Diaphrous Bedroom

Choosing colors for finishing the room under the roof should be guided by the same principles as when choosing a tone for finishing the rest of the premises. However, there is also its own specificity to be considered.

  • Downtown windows create specific lighting - directed from above under some angle light stream. This must be taken into account when planning the interior.
  • With small windows in little room Use light tones, white, pastel shades of pink, elephant bone. Decorative accents can be placed with the help of bright accessories, an unusual chairs or expressive textiles.
  • The design of the bedroom in the attic of significant sizes and with large windows can be set aside in dark colors, have a dark floor.
  • For big windows It looks well a combination of contrast tones, however, dark shades should not dominate. Classic black and white option will also admit.
  • Choosing wallpaper with a pattern Try to avoid large. Small pattern visually increase the room.
  • The comfort and calm will provide warm shades - beige, pink, olive.
  • For big attic with good lighting good decision It can be the use of natural materials in decoration, such as wood, brickwork, decorative plaster.
  • If the finish is performed in saturated colors, furniture and textiles should be bright shades.

Lighting in the mansard bedroom

Non-standard lighting dictates and non-standard approach to the organization of the interior of the bedroom on the attic. Depending on where the windows are watching, what is their size, whether natural lighting is enough plan for furniture alignment and additional lighting.

As a rule, attic rooms are not illuminated too well. If there are few windows, or they are small, correct the situation will help the correct placement of additional light sources, as well as thoughtful use in the interior of the lighting game. There are several designer secretshelping to improve lighting and give the room a special color.

  1. Use mirrors. They can be placed in such a way that they reflect the windows or chandeliers. Such a mirror will increase the illumination and at the same time visually increase the room.
  2. In addition to the central lamp, use lamps, sconces, table lamps.
  3. The design of the attic bedrooms often use highlighting with point sources. They are placed on a special barn meak, and sent to the desired side. At the same time, the boundaries of the room are "blurred", and it seems more.
  4. If there is no possibility to make an additional window, you can hang onto the wall of the False window: the frame decorated with curtains is highlighted using LEDs. In such a frame, you can insert tinted glasses, and you can and the mirror canvas.
  5. Another interesting reception - decorating the headboard with the bed point lamps. For this, the headboard is placed in decorative nicheIn which point light sources are built on the perimeter.

Choosing style for mansard bedroom

To fill the room decorative elementsIt is necessary to start to determine the interior style of the attic bedroom. It is chosen, based on, first of all, from personal preferences, but at the same time, by the time considering the size of the room, its illumination and design features.


This style is distinguished by restraint and simplicity. Strict, clear lines, small number of furniture, minimum decor, use in the interior no more than three colors - all this makes minimalism attractive for finishing the premises of any destination.


The "Northern" bedroom design in the attic will allow you to create a cozy, relaxed room with a homely atmosphere, using at least a minimum of funds. Wall decoration, ceiling, floor can be completely simple - wood, plaster, brickwork, painted in white color - All this looks natural and homely.

Light tones characteristic of scandinavian styleIt will help to increase a small attic. Curtains in this case are optional.


Pretty popular lately style when making attic spaces. The combination of white with blue, turquoise, green and hues of beige gives rise to a feeling of open space, fresh breeze, lightness and vacation mood. The strip pattern allows you to visually adjust the disadvantages of the room.


This style is suitable for both large and very small attic. Ceiling beams, brickworkMetal is all characteristic features of the style, and it can be interesting to be originally friendly in the design of the bedroom. Since Loft loves open spaces, various areas in the room do not need to shout.


Classic style implies large spaces, massive furniture, strict geometry and large chandeliers, descending from the ceiling in the center of the room. All this is achievable in mansard premises, but only if they have a significant area and large windows.

English style

The English village is a symbol of calm, comfort, simplicity and comfort. Ancient, possibly family wooden furniture, bright textiles, many accessories - all this will help move to the old Good England.


This style exists in different options: American Country, french Provence, Russian rustic style. Especially well suited for attic spaces French option.

Wooden beams on the ceiling from the structural element will turn into the main admission of the style and the main decoration of the bedroom. Finishing the atmosphere of summer France bright furniture, textiles in fine flower, furniture with thread elements.

Thinking the interior of the bedroom on the attic, follow the following recommendations:

  • The arrangement of the attic, start with insulation not only the floor and walls, but also the roof - in mandatory, otherwise the bedroom will be cold.
  • Avoid cluttering the room with furniture: the room will be similar to the attic crashed by unnecessary things.
  • Choosing mansard windows, Note that they must be opened to ensure the influx of fresh air. In addition, opening windows is easier to wash.
  • If you like the curtains in the bedroom, do not refuse the installation of attic windows, you can also choose suitable textiles, such as plize curtains with fixation.
  • Too large on the size of the room under the roof is better divided into several, otherwise it will be difficult to create a cozy atmosphere.

Tip: Dupported roofs form a sharp angle that can be "rounded" using the arched window framing. Strengthens the effect of smooth furniture lines and accessories.

In the conditions when land for construction in the city and the nearest suburbs is very expensive, you need to use every meter of free space for life. A little expand the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house allows a competently equipped attic room in which you can place an additional bedroom, a nursery or an office.

With a competent approach, a room under the roof of a private house turns into cozy space, it is not inferior to the comfort of the rest of the premises. In this article we will talk about simple rules Designing residential premises on the attic floor, options for its design and ways to use.

Mansard is a room equipped under the roof in a house that is operated as a residential basis. Its inventor is the French architect Francois Mansar, who gave a name to his invention.

In the 17th century in France, students and the poor were often settled in the attacks under the roofs of houses, whose income lacked on the room with windows. Such low-income citizens also belonged to the novice architect of the Mansar.

However, settling under the roof, a young designer did not fell despair, but invented a way, like from a cramped, dark attic, chosen by rodents of all kinds and pigeons, make a comfortable space for life.

He created several typical projects of houses with roofs of an attic type, convenient for the arrangement of the residential room in the underpants space, which became very popular. Now the planns of the attic are used as an additional area for the equipment of the children's room, a cabinet, a guest bedroom or a wardrobe.

Note! Experienced designers believe that even now the equipment of the attic floor is the cheapest way to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house without a large-scale reconstruction, strengthening the foundation and serious financial costs.

Design features

Planning and interior of the attic room - important moments, on which the comfort and ease of use of this room depends. Thinking up a lot of aspects: the device of the rafter frame, the angle of inclination of the roofing, ventilation and room lighting. There are several main features of the attic:

  1. Roof design. The roof under which the living room will be equipped should be related to the attic type. Its feature in the modified coal of the slope, which has a smaller bias in the rainer and coolest in the lower one. The variety of forms of roofs suitable for the equipment of the attic is not so great. Most optimal option - broken two-tie design.
  2. Ceiling height. The ceiling in the room, if it is used as a residential must have a height of at least 2.2 meters. In places with less height, it is advisable to organize storage locations.
  3. Lighting. Getting Started with the room under the roof, you must take care of natural lighting. To do this, it is necessary to establish attic or ordinary frontal windows that allow you to maximize the use of natural light.
  4. Heating and thermal insulation. So that there is no cold on the attic floor, it is necessary to reduce heat loss, which occur through the large surface of the skates. For this, the roofing races are insulated, and heating is organized indoors.
  5. Ventilation. To ensure the inflow of fresh air, reducing excessive humidity and creating a comfortable microclimate in the attic to be equipped with forced inflow ventilation.

Remember! In order for the room on the attic floor to be considered a residential, three conditions must be completed: it must have at least one window, that is, the source natural lighting, the height of the ceiling in this room should exceed 2.2 meters, in winter The heating system must function.

Use options

Attic is a small space that, however, can be effectively used to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. It is not necessary to use exclusively in summer periodbecause if installing the heating devices in this room required power, as well as organize the insulation of the skates, even in winter there will be warm and comfortable. If you competently develop a layout and come up with suitable designThe attic floor can be used for the following purposes:

Interesting! Many homeowners come up with more original finishing options and ways to use the undercase. Some manage to place a large home theater on the attic on the attic, avid athletes equip a small gym, books can get their own library. Attic is a premises that we are always lacking for the incarnation of your dreams. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desires.

Lighting and color solutions

The attic floor - the room is small in the area, as a rule, the ceilings in it are slightly lower than standard, and the lighting is always insufficient. All these factors lead to the fact that the space seems darker and less than it really is. Color in the interior of the attic is key, it can level all negative factors, smooth the corners. Experienced designers at the design of this room are recommended to adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. For the design of the attic, the most different colors are used, but bright, pastel shades, pure tones are better fit. The use of light color range helps to make the space visually more spacious.
  2. If you want to use dark or bright colors, one wall can be assigned to it. The remaining surfaces should be brighter, but suitable for tone shades.
  3. To obtain a more voluminous interesting space, you can place a room with 2-3 several pastel colors, only slightly different from each other. This technique gives the effect of a single space, visually making room more.
  4. It is recommended not to close the light sources with curtains, blinds or heavy porter. This will lead to the fact that the room will always be dark, closely, gloomy. Light tulle on one side will hide originating from prying eyes, and on the other will make the space light, light, air.
  5. Furniture, especially if it takes large squareThere must be bright shades, otherwise it will also visually reduce the attic room.

Note that the light and color in the interior always go hand in hand. There is a simple rule that needs to be observed that the room looks visually brighter and spacious: the darker the room and the less of its area, the brighter there should be a color range of finishes and furniture.

Finishing options

Choosing the interior styles, colors and ways to finish need to take into account the ideas of your designer, which will offer the best option for the rational use of the attic floor.

Modern construction Materials For lining of walls and floors, it is allowed to embody even the most bold plans, including the reconstruction of the private rustic house with their own hands. The decoration of the attic room is performed in two stages: first the black sides of the frame, and then finishing.

  • When choosing a style in the decoration, you should choose the most natural, rustic, rustic design directions. They allow us to most fully beat the charm of the attic, make it a truly cozy.
  • During finishing work It is recommended to use the most natural building materials that emphasize the proximity to nature, and will also "breathe", creating a comfortable microclimate indoor.
  • Storage locations should be built-in to use zones with a lower ceiling level, where the person is inconvenient.

Remember that the wallpaper in the nuclear room interior, covered with wood, is not always a good move. If the selected style allows, it is better to leave the walls without facing to emphasize the natural beauty of the wood.

Stroke work

If you are going to re-equip the attic in the residential premises with your own hands, then step-by-step instruction You will not hurt. It pleases that it is possible to equip a room for a room under the roof during the construction of the house and with the help of partial reconstruction.

To do this, you must perform the following works:

  1. First you need to warm the roofing rods. Since the roof is already blocked at this point, it comes from the inside.
  2. Using a falling material, the attic of the attic to avoid heat loss.
  3. Window openings on the frontions of the house increase or cut forward to improve natural lighting.
  4. The staircase required to lift the attic floor is mounted.
  5. Equipped ventilation, heating and wiring.

Important! Sometimes to equip a living room under the roof, you have to transfer the elements of the rafter frame. This work is better to entrust professionals in order not to disrupt the integrity of the system.

Video instruction

Did you dreamed in a childhood about a house on a tree, where could you get away from people and equip the nest?

Girls were dreaming about a homemother's daughter house. Boys - about the dwelling of the Viking, Mowgli, a pirated hut.

But only now you have a house of your dream. Here is the luck! It has an attic room. We remove all the garbage from there, add it and work out.

With our advice, photographic method and video on its arrangement (I will post a link to the video at the end of the article) it will do quite easily.

Features of attic under the duplex roof

We have already described many options for the transformation of attic in a private house. Therefore, we will not repeat. We only note that most often the owners of this multifaceted premises are thinking about how to use the corners between the roof (it is the ceiling and wall) and the floor.

But we also told about it - you can put at least a small dressing room.

In a house with two slopes in different directions more opportunities. Especially if the roof is high. That is, it relies not to the overlap, which is for the placement of the floor, but on the walls. Then the room will seem spacious and spacious.

But be the roof of a holm, mansard or with frontions - you can benefit from the attic. And the projects are easier to draw not on Watman, but in one of the special applications or programs for interior design.

In general, we previously talked about materials, textiles, attic raisins, how to beat beams and skates. Now I would like to focus more in such variations mansard premises - Bedrooms and children.

It is assumed that preparatory work For noise and waterproofing, insulation and ventilation have already been carried out.

Make a bedroom from the attic

Bedroom - the most optimal solution For such a room. In it, you relax, that is, spend time in a horizontal position. Therefore, the pitched roof will not be a hindrance for a comfortable stay in the room.

It remains to bring the design of the attic with duscal roof to perfection.

  • Double bed can be put to the headboard window. Look at the photo. Depending on how the roof is worth, the bed is placed either to the vertical wall, or to the roof slope.

Lying in bed you can admire the stars

Wake up with the first rays of the sun

To the sun through the window did not blind eyes, curturn it with Roman or rolled curtains (We wrote about their choice).

  • Beds can be put on the exaltation, then a place to store books will appear, bedding And other things.
  • On the beds bed bedside tables.
  • The opposite side of the attic to remove under the beauty zone: dressing table, shirma for dressing, rack for clothes, chest of drawers, or make a folder with a TV.
  • And if the roof is based on the wall, then in this part of the attic to equip a wardrobe linear type.

If the bedroom is already there, then from the attic room you can make an extra guest room. The difference only in the placement of beds - they put them under the slopes along the whole roof.

Important! Remember O. color gamma and its influence on the room. It seems that a bedroom with white furniture - a good idea. Dilubbing snow white interior Bright accents, it turns out not boring - Once again, read the article on the use in the interior of white.

Bedroom with the bathroom

This option is good for oblong houses.

Part of the room is given under the bedroom. Since under the shelter only rest and relax, the places should be enough on the wardrobe, the bed itself, the dressing table, the bedside table.

In the second half it will be necessary to carry out water and sewer pipes. And the rest: the shower room or bath, sink, the toilet is already picking up according to the size of the resulting hygienic room.

In the same way, you can make a bedroom from the attic room or the library or the library. Only other communications will be required.

Children's on the attic from a duplex roof

Someone may seem to make a nursery on the attic - an aggregate and careless solution. But, if you took care of the safety of children, installed a good and reliable staircase, then everything is not so terrible.

Tip: On the attic you can make a children's room for two different children, applying zoning using different shades.

The advantage of the children's room on the attic is that the kids do not need the same height of the room, as well as adults. And the children will be happy, having received a separate room - because it is high, and the stars are visible through the attic window. In addition, they adore their own secluded floors, "halabuda", camorks - here they feel themselves with real owners.

  • Part of the room with the highest height is given under the game zone.
  • Where the roof goes down to the floor, equip various storage locations: racks, chests, dressers, cabinets.
  • On the wall around the window, you can hang shelves for books and collection of dolls or machines.
  • Near the window to put one or two tables for lessons or creativity.

Beds can be positioned in various ways:

  • opposite each other under the roofing rods;
  • one bed where there is a skew roof, the second at the end wall;
  • beds from opposite end walls;
  • put a bunk bed;
  • install a double bed where the second bed leaves from under the first one.

So that the room was bright, it is worth replacing the mansard windows of medium or small size to large. And use in the interior white, light tones. And bright details: textiles, facades of furniture, chairs, shelves, lamps, add contrast and make a room not so boring.

7 important nuances when developing the design of the attic

Mansard is a pretty specific room. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider each item.

  1. Much attention should be paid to insulating and engineering work. This depends on the level of comfort of stay in the room.
  2. Use in the finish preferably light tones - they add space.
  3. A bright or dark interior can "put pressure." However, the attic in eco-style or loft will look appropriate if using a light gamut and smooth texture.
  4. Standard furniture may not come across the dimensions, so you have to order it.
  5. Use multi-level lighting.
  6. Large panoramic windows are preferred small. And from the surplus of light can be hiding behind the blinds or Roman curtains.
  7. The room is more closed at the top than below - try not to use synthetic materials.