
Fir spiny blues. Spruce Spruce - Blue-Green Barbed Beauty

Conifers in the garden design

Spiny spruce - Picea Pungens.

Grows in North America, grows in the mountains at an altitude of 2000-3300 m above sea level.

A large tree with a cone-shaped crown up to 25-30m. The branches form the right dense tiers, horizontal or hanging at different angles. The cooler is a tetrahedral, very sharp, barbed long up to 3 cm, coloring it varies from green to light blue, silver. The color depends on the thickness of the wax flyer on young couplers. By winter, the raid goes down and the color is changing on a dark green. For good conditions The cultivation of the needles lives 5-7 years, more often than 3-4 years. Flowers in May-early June. The cones are oblong, light brown, long 8-10 cm. Ripen by September. Life expectancy up to 100 years. This species is considered sufficiently sustainable to the conditions of the city - to dust and smoke, but it must be used for at least 5 times a month with water. Svetigubiv. Demanding of the fertility and humidity of the soil, but it does not endure too fertile soil and oveurgement, begins to live. Well tolerate trimming. Frost-resistant, drought resistant, wind resistant multiplies with seeds, vaccine, winter cuttings.

It is recommended to plant in some distance from roads and industrial enterprises, against the background of lawn, preferably on the illuminated places. Usually, single instances or small groups are planted at the garden front places. Especially good in conjunction with Serbian fir, lsytesuga, fir monochromic, etc.

It has the following varieties:

Spraying Argenta (Silver) - Picea. pungens. Argentea.

Straightening wood 30 - 40 m of heights with a cone-shaped crown and clearly fluttered with horizontal branches. Silver-white needles, young needles has a gentle-green with a whitish tint of color, the old needle has a greenish - blue shade. Has high growth rate. Annual increase of 12-15 cm. Resistant to air pollution. Winter hardy and drought resistant. Resistant to Navalna Snow. We conclude seeds and cuttings. Widely applied in single and group landings, effectively in the alleys. You can land on the ground near administrative buildings, in parks, squares, in the gardens.

Spruce barbed glauca Globes (Singa Character) - Picea. pungens. Glauca. Globosa.

Dwarf form up to 1.5-2 m high and up to 2-3 m diameter of the crown. Krone is rounded multiple, dense only to old age. First form thick straight shoots of yellowish-brown color, then short strong slow-growing branches appear, thickly covered with a silver cheese radially sticking in all directions. The needles are thick, slightly sickle, white-blue, about 1 cm long and 1 mm thick, on each side there are 3-4 all sides. The shoots are led annually on 10 cm, and the diameter of the bush increases 15cm per year. Resistant to smoke and soot. It takes a haircut well. Spank cuttings. Recommended for rocky gardens, for growing in containers, on balconies. Saluing single or groups on the floor lawn in the park, near the houses.

Spruce barbed Hopsi - Picea Pungens Hoopsi

Very beautiful, slim tree.

The height of the tree is 12-15 m, the crown diameter is 3 - 4.5 m. Crown is uniform, very thick. The branches are horizontally removed from the trunk. Sleeps of light red-brown, the top kidneys are egg-shaped, 1 cm long. Scales short bent. The bark is red-brown, then becomes gray. Needle needles, rigid, sharp, bluish-white, 2 -3 cm long, forward directional, thick, radial, lasts 4-6 years. Powerful roots, well branched, develop in the upper horizon, thanks to this, the tree is very stable and unpretentious. Annual increase of 7-10 cm. It is used in single and group landings in the most responsible places.

Spruce bonfire - Picea. pungens. Koster.

Tree 10 - 15 m high, with a wide-bridal form of the crown (the diameter of the crown - up to 4m). Krone is uniformly developed, conical. Branches lowered downwards, curved. The needles slightly sickle, very fluffy, bluish-green with a light wax, thin, short, 20 - 25 mm long. Silver-blue painting needles is saved in winter. Young shoots orange-brown. Stems twisted. Resistant in urban conditions. Annual increase to 15 cm. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, vaccine. It is used as a solitator or group landings in the parks, near the houses, to decorate the front places.

Spruce Collectiveisel Fastigiat - Picea Pungens Iseli Fastigiata

In Europe is widely used for landscaping. In Russia, this is a new grade, so there is still no accurate information on the sustainability of it. It has a narrow-color shape.

Fir spiny Montgomery - Picea. pungens. Montgomery.

Dwarf, slow-growing shape height and crown diameter up to 1.8 m. Crown is very dense, with well-pronounced tiers. The shoots are yellow-brown, kidney egg-shaped, yellow-brown, flakes bent. Needle 18 - 20 mm long, gray-blue, sharp. Annual increase about b cm.

Spruce barbed fat Albert. - Picea Pungens Fat Albert

Cone-shaped form. It has high growth rate. Annual increase - 30cm.

Spruce spiny glaucose Picea. pungens. Glauca. Prostrata.

Throwing shape. It is used in landscaping stony gardens, slopes, stony walls.

Fir spiny Engelman - Picea. pungens. ENGELMANN.

Tree tall up to 20-50m. It has a narrow composimal shape of the crown. The bunches are assembled into dense duties, branches slightly hung. Needles needle, blue, straight, length up to 15-25mm.

Spruce spruce(Picea Pungens.), undoubtedly, the most famous and, probably, favorite plant For each gardener. Walked synonym ate spiny - spruce blueAlthough not all copies of this species have a blue color of needles. Surprisingly beautiful silhouettes of these firings decorate central parks and streets, as well as significant territories of urban buildings. For these beauties did not regret the place and planted on small dumart sites At six acres, wanting to see in his yard "New Year's Christmas tree", which later took half of the territory. At the end of the XX century. Spiny fir has become a symbol of success and prosperity. Therefore, today, many owners of large areas seek to fall on the maximum blue Frees.

Love for them is definitely deserved, it is a very spectacular and rather trouble-free plant. One of the advantages of this fir is high dust and gas resistance, which is why it grows well on lively car tracks, where all other coniferous trees do not survive. Blue ate is not as much as, for example, pines are damaged by pests. And they hurt much less often than the same spruce, especially when proper landing and care.

The natural range of growing spruce Blue is in the west of North America and extends from the southeast of the Idaho state south through the states of Utah and Colorado to Arizona and New Mexico. It grows most often in the mountain valleys at an altitude of about 2000-3000 m, located along rivers and streams, on moistened soil. The tree is very high, grows up to 35-40 m and reaches the age of 600-800, especially if it is in his homeland. It is better grows on a sublinous or sampling, enough fertile soil. Despite the fact that fir spiny enough shades, trees grown in the shadows look less decorative due to the loss of brightness of the needles and long distances between the branches of the branches. It grows at a young age slowly, and after 10 years the growth rate increases significantly. The plant moves very well a haircut and the molding of the crown that makes the spruce more lush.

Spruce barbed Glauca. - Picea Pungens Glauca

Like any popular view, a spiny fir tree has a variety of forms differing in height, crown structure, the length of the needles, the intensity of its coloring and other indicators. We will briefly focus on the most common decorative varieties and, of course, let us touch the possible problems of their cultivation.

Decorative varieties

The most widely used in landscaping is the form'Glauca.. Under this name there are almost all high non-removal trees with a blue tint of needles. Krone is beautiful, symmetrical, conical. A spruce grows up to 15-20 m in height and usually has more than 30 cm of growth per year. The needles on the branches holds more than 3-5 years. Breeding both seeds and stalling. Very resistant to urban conditions. It has high winter hardiness and frost resistance. It is better to plant in large areas, since the little sections of spruce looks cumbersome.
Glauer Globoz'Sisaya spherical, 'Glauca Globosa'. Very widely used in landscaping and loved by landscape designers, land owners. Compact, neat, blue dwarf shape spruce, which grows usually to 1 m high and up to 1.5 m diameter. It looks very decorative both when grown solitary and in a group with other plants. It looks original in the Glaude Globes', grafted on the strains of different heights.

'Hopsi.'Hoopsii' . One of the most beautiful and blue forms of spruce spiny. Amazing silver-blue color is preserved and does not fade even in winter. Despite the greater value of this form, compared with the form 'Glauca', fir 'Hoopsii' It takes high demand, which is due not only to the beauty of this form, longer cheese, but also more moderate growth. Hopsi is growing slower, and it is more often used in areas as a "New Year's Eve." At the age of over 20 years, it grows up to 8-10 m in height. In young years, so that the curvature of the trunk of the fir, it is worth

it is aligned with a stick fixing the top of the plant.
Montgomery ' Montgomery ' . Dwarf, the slow-growing form of the spin, the annual increase of which is no more than 5-6 cm per year. Even after 30 years, the height of this form and the diameter of the crown 1.8 m. The needles are very beautiful, silver-blue, up to 20 mm in length, long saved on the branches. Beautiful fir tree for landscaping.
For sitting on the site as a "New Year's Christmas tree" I would recommend 'Fat Albert', with a dense, cone-shaped crown, but not growing more than 3-4 m in height.

It is interesting to look at the dwarf shapes, which can be planted in rocaria, make a composition with other conifers, these are relatively recently derived forms as 'MRS. Cesarini ' (1981, USA), 'Lucky Strike' (1983, Holland), etc.
When landscaping the site should also pay attention to a fir with an unusual form of crowns, such as Glauca Pendula ' , 'Glauca Procumbens'. We began to enjoy the deserved attention of the form with a narrow pyramidal crown and branches directed upwards: ' Aizeli Fastigiata '( 'Iseli Fastigiata' ), as well as ISELI FOXTAIL. (1965, USA) and Blue Totem..

Thus, now there are many interesting decorative forms in the market, but by landing them on the plot, do not forget that, like any plant, they can suffer from non-oscillation or firing roots, bad soils, shrimp root, and landing, and The effects of disease and pests.

New grade blue fir Picea Pungens. 'Blue Diamant. (Blue Daimond - Blue diamond).
This variety, like most of the varieties of Eli Kolyaci led in America, in 1990, and quite recently appeared in European and in our nurseries. The variety is distinguished by very thin gentle checkeeper-blue chowlings and a smooth birefront shape and slow growth. For the year, the plant grows only 10 cm in height, a 10-year-old plant has a height of only 1 meter and a width of 0.6-0.8 m, so adult plants are very expensive. An adult plant reaches a height of 5-7 meters. The branches form the right dense tiers around the trunk from the earth itself to the top of the top, the plant is very dense and fluffy, has a natural beautiful form and does not need special molding. Prefers a sunny place draned and weakly acidic soil.

The most popular varieties of blue firings Picea Pungens

Variety The form Size in meters Color painting
Blue Diamant. Broadcast At 8-10sh 6-8 Blue
Edith. Conical In 7sh 2.5-3. Silver-blue
Erich Frahm. Conical At 10-15sh Blue
Fat Albert. Pyramidal 10-15Ш 3-3,5 Silver-blue
glauca. conical At 10-20sh 6-8 Blue, gray-blue
Glauca Globosa. Initially round, then a centerful conical form In 2-3sh 2-3. Silver-blue
Hoopsii. Asymmetric conical In 10-12 (15) sh 3-4 The biggest blue color
Iseli Fastigiata. Narrow-monical, shoot vertical In 8-10 (12) sh 2-3 Blue-green
Koster. Conical loose crown In 10-15 (20) sh 3-4 Silver-blue
Oldenburg. Conical At 10-15sh 3-4 Silver-green

Svetlana Gamayunova, Cand. biol. Science

The material on the site does not carry a commercial nature and is provided to users exclusively for informational purposes.

A spruce glauca, or on Latin Picea Glauka, - another name of the spruce Sizai, which is also known as Canadian and white. it conifer tree Refers to the family of pine, fir tree. The most common in North America.

Description Fir glasses and its varieties

Spruce Siza, or glaucos, - evergreen coniferous tree. Its average height is no more than 20 m, and individual copies can grow up to 40 m. Each year the fir grows up 15-25 cm. The diameter of the adult tree trunk can reach 1 m.

Source: Depositphotos.

Description Fir glasses: Singa and Green varieties

Wood glauca has the following external signs:

  • She has a thin, scaly gray-brown bark.
  • The length of the needle can vary from 12 to 20 mm. In cross section, it has a rhombic form.
  • The needle has an unusual graduated color: it is a more dark - blue-green, and the bottom is blue-white.
  • For young trees, a narrow-monical shape of the crown is characteristic, and the old firs it acquires a cylindrical shape.
  • The bumps have a weakly central shape, their length varies from 3 to 7 cm, and the width does not exceed 2.5 cm.
  • Young cones are usually painted in a green or reddish tint, and ripened - in brown.
  • Seeds have a fir-colored fir, a length of 2-3 mm, with a light brown wing with a length of 5 to 8 mm.

There are many varieties ate glaucing. We list the most remarkable species.

Dwarf decorative spruce spruce. Its average height does not exceed 1 m, and by age for 5 years it grows up to 20 cm. The foliage is painted from green to dark green.

Alberta Globe variety is a dwarf tree with a spherical crown, "younger sister" Cries, her mutation. The height of the adult tree is no more than 90 cm. The needles of the green color. Prefers to grow on acidic and neutral soils.

Blue Wonder variety - another mutation of the conic. An adult plant can reach a height of almost 2 m. The needles are painted in a blue-green color.

In the photo depicted 2 varieties of spruce glaucos.

Planting ate glauing and care for her

This kind of ate prefers shaded places. For vital activity, she does not require a rich land. It can survive on poor sandy soils. Optimal for growth is considered soil mixtureconsisting of a delicate land, peat and sand in the 2: 1: 1 proportion. Before planted fir, in landing pit You need to lay out drainage, for example, from clay, broken brick.

Fir, which grows on fertile soil a more pronounced root system.

Caring for fir glauco is easy. It must be more likely to water hot summer, as well as trim dry and sick branches in a timely manner. Young seedlings for the winter are desirable to mulch a layer of peat or sawdust with a thickness of 6-8 cm.

This fir is well tolerating the cold winter and in general is unpretentious. It is perfectly mastered in any terrain: it can feel great in the arid region, and in a wet maritime climate.

Welcome glaucoma can not only decorative tree On New Year's holidays. Due to good wind resistance, it is specially planted as a natural protective barrier.

Spiny Wheel 'Wheel' Movement pine. Motherland - North America where it grows in the rocky mountains at an altitude of 2000-3000 m above sea level. Spiny Wheel 'Wheel' The most decorative of the firings.

Tree, up to 15 - 30 m high, with a cone-shaped crown. The bark is gray-brown thick furred. Young shoots of yellowish brown or orange-brown, naked, tough.
Men's brown-brown brown cones, female - red, when ripening green, and then raging. Flowering in May - early June.

Mature cylindrical cones, light brown, 5-10 cm long ripen by September of the same year. Until autumn next year Typically hang on the tree even after the seed rash. Seeds with a length of 2 mm with a short yellowish-brown wing.

The needles are green or bluish, a length of 2-3 cm. From other firs, it has a long protruding four-step very sharp cheese, the color of which can vary from green, blue, or a sizogo to almost white. The color depends on the wax plaque on the young needle, the thickness of which is different in different forms of ate. By winter, the flaw gradually goes away, and Krona changes its color on the dark green, and the needle becomes more rigid.

Spiny Wheel 'Wheel' grows slowly. It has phytoncide, ionizing air properties.

It is to this kind that only the most decorative forms of, so-called blue or silver ate.

Life form: Conifer tree

Crown: Conical, dense.

Growth rate:Fast. Annual increase is 30 cm. Height and 15 cm. In width.

Height 15 m., Crown diameter 8 m.

Durability: 600 years

Fruits: cones, oval-cylindrical, brown, from 5 to 10 cm.

The needles: needle, tough, sharp, blue-steel.

Decorativeness:Spiny Wheel 'Wheel'decorative primarily due to the beautiful shape of the crown and painting of the needles.

Using: Spiny Wheel 'Wheel' Single landings, decorative groups, live hedges.


to the light: light-head

to moisture: demanding

to the soil: not demanding

to temperature: frost resistant

Motherland: North America.

Growing conditions, care

Landing and care: spruce

barbed 'glaucoma' 'Glauer Globes' 'Chiberiana' 'Silver'

ordinary 'Nidformis' 'Echinforis'

serbian 'Nana'

Features landing: Spiny Wheel 'Wheel' It is better grown on shaded places. On fertile soil, ate forms deeper roots.

When transplanting should be avoided with roots. It is afraid of pulling and soil seals. Does not make close groundwater. If the groundwater is close, a drainage consisting of a rubble layer is 10-20 cm. Root neck at ground level.

Ew ordinary prefers drum and samp soils.

Soil mixture: Cherry Earth, Peat, Sand - 2: 1: 1.

Optimal acidity - pH 4 - 5.5

Feeding: When landing, nitroammophos is introduced (100 g).

Watering: Demanding of soil moisture, poorly tolerate drought.

It is obligatory watering young plants into a hot dry summer (once a week 1-1.5 buckets for each plant).

Spiny spruce makes soil dryness longer than sprinkling spruce.

Young plants in the arid period require more frequent and abundant irrigation.

Swimming: Shallow, 5-7 cm. Under young landing.

Mulching: Peat layer 5-6 cm. Subsequently, peat is not removed, but stirred from the ground.

Pruning: When using firings in the living hedge, a radical trimming is possible. Typically, only dry and sick branches are removed.


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Fir Leaded Laptop


Preparation for winter:

Adult plants are quite winter-hardy. However, the need for young seedlings some decorative forms of ate should be protected from early and late-seated frosts.

Adults fir protection for the winter do not require.

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