
Types and varieties of Canadian ate. Spruce siza or canadian

Vegetable crops


Spruce Canadian Alberta Globa (Picea Glauca Alberta Globe)


Very very thick dense coniferous shrub, pillow shape, 0.5-0.8m height and diameter up to 1m. Slowly growing, annual increase 2-3cm. In 10 years, the diameter of the crown is 0.4 m. Young shoots short, thin, light brown, are destroyed in radial order. Short, soft, light green, thin, needle, radial, often located, very decorative 6-9mm long. It is recommended for landing on soils rich in nutrients, moisturized and water-permeable, slightly acidic, in a sunny place. Poor tolerates overvoltage and soil seal. It is suitable for growing in containers. A tight tight coniferous shrub, a pillowless shape, 0.5-0.8m height and a diameter to 1m. Slowly growing, annual increase 2-3cm. In 10 years, the diameter of the crown is 0.4 m. Young shoots short, thin, light brown, are destroyed in radial order. Short, soft, light green, thin, needle, radial, often located, very decorative 6-9mm long. It is recommended for landing on soils rich in nutrients, moisturized and water-permeable, slightly acidic, in a sunny place. Poor tolerates overvoltage and soil seal. Suitable for growing in containers.

Landing and care for fir canadian Alberta Gl

It is impossible to allow soil seals and moisture. A landing place should be away from groundwater. It is necessary to make a drainage layer, in the form of sand or broken bricks with a thickness of 15-20 cm. If ate is planted with groups, then the distance for high firings should be from 2 to 3 m. The depth of the landing pit is 50-70cm.

It is important that the root neck was at the ground level. You can prepare a special soil mixture: sheet and ferry land, peat, and sand in a 2: 2: 1 ratio. Immediately after landing, the tree must be abundantly pouring 40 - 50 liters of water. It is advisable to make fertilizer (100-150 g of nitroammofoski, Korniner 10 g per 10 l, and the like).

Fir do not like dry hot weather, so they need to water once a week in the hot season, about 10-12 liters. Cut out shallow loosening (5cm). To sprinkle 5-6 cm with a peat around the trunk with a thickness of 5-6 cm, after winter, the peat is simply stirred from the ground, do not remove. Fir can be planted in winter.

Approximately 2 times a season you can make fertilizer for coniferous plants.

Usually ate do not need trimming, but if they form live hedge Pruning is allowed. As a rule, the branches of patients and dry are removed. Best pruning to spend the end of May - early June, when the period of active inacciation is over.

To protect the decorative forms of ate from autumn and winter frosts, they can be littered.

it is a spherical evergreen bush of small sizes, which is highlighted by its saturated green color. Canadian fir years have long been used by gardeners around the world in landscape design. But each copy of the Canadian firings is unique and in its own way. Albert Globa is the object of mutation ate conic. The fir fits perfectly into the interior in oriental style, decorating with its surrender any environment. It can be perfectly placed in heather or rocky garden. Suitable even for growing in a pot, often used for planting in a container. A plant is valued with its interesting form and small size, as well as the lack of need for special care.


Alberta glue is covered with short and soft cheese, which does not exceed 1 centimeter in length. A spruce has a thick crown for a spherical surface of the plant. The Christmas tree grows very slowly, in length rangeing from 50 to 80 centimeters, and in the width reaching one meter. At the age of ten years, the plant is in diameter of only about 40 centimeters. Despite the fact that the culture is constant in size, it is still a change. At first, a small arm of the needles of yellowish color, but over time, it becomes bright green, determining the saturated color to its main advantage. The shoots are destroyed. Spruce does not require special fertilizers, but responds to them actively, responding to the attentive host by increasing the thickness and brightness of color. In the year, the plant grows only on one or two centimeters long. The Christmas tree pleases the unique smell of needles, creating an invisible feeling of finding in the untouched forest.

Spruce Alberta Globe (Alberta Globe) Landing and care.

Spruce is unpretentious in care. Light-friendly, however, can grow in the shade at proper supervision. It is necessary to monitor the penetration of light to the plant at least in the minimum quantities. In the spring, it is necessary to protect the gentle housing from direct sunlight. It is very important to regularly water Albert gloss, since this plant does not tolerate moisture. The root system of ate is on the surface, it should be paid to special attention when developing care. It is categorically impossible to bring the soil before drying, because the fir just will not worry the drought. Spruce is stable to frost, it grows perfectly on any soil, not necessarily soil.

Sale spruce ordinary Alberta Gloss (Alberta Globe)also carried out on our website.

Buy Spruce Siza Alberta Glob, a spherical beautiful form of ate (Picea Glauca Alberta Globe) in Voronezh with delivery in Russia Wholesale and retail in Nursery Florini.

Description of Eli Siza "Alberta Glob" - Picea Glauca "Alberta Globe"

The height of the plant is up to 0.7 m. The diameter is up to 1 m. The increase is about 2 cm in height and 3 cm width.
The dwarf variety of the kitty, has a very thick and beautiful cheva, length of 6-9 mm. Thin, short, soft, is soft, often-located, very decorative. Just blooming the needles yellowish-green, later becomes bright green. It grows well in the sun and in half. To the soil is not demanding

How to plant a fir. How to plant spruce aisoy "Alberta Glob"

For seedlings with a closed root system purchased in containers or simply with an earthen room, there is no strict framework for sitting. They can be planted all year round.

When landing coniferous plant From the container it is gently taken out of the tank.
If you have heavy black earth, or thin soils, it is better to damage it with the addition of sand and peat (or coniferous chips, small bark or podium). The soil must be made "light" and air and water-permeable. If there is no minimum slope on the site, a drainage system of plays of conifers should be made.
No need to dig large wells in heavy soils and put drainage on the bottom - they will serve water batteries from the site. It is better to arrange a small slope of the site, so that water in rainy days did not delay.
If you have samp soils - you are lucky. Nothing additionally should be done.
In prepared land, the hole is digging for the size of the pot (coma) and after the establishment of an earthen coma of a coniferous plant in landing pit Airbags fall asleep soil for filling, trying to fill all empties. It is very important not to burst the root neck of the plant, it should be slightly higher than the level of the Earth, otherwise the plant can perish. After landing, it is necessary to abundantly pour a plant.


The reproduction of ate can be vegetative (parts of the plant) and generative (with the help of seeds).
Vegetative reproduction of ate is carried out with cuttings or chains. For cuttings, sidelines are used for 1 or 2 years. On shoots, there must be sleeping apical (top) kidney. This is fundamentally, since all coniferous monopodial type of branching. Without this kidney, even the root seedling will not grow in height.
Shining is carried out in spring, before the start of the renal dissolve. The shoots on which there are second-order twigs are cut off by a secateur or sharp knife.
For better rooting, the end of the cutter is dipped into the root (growth stimulator), and then plant a substrate. Sand, fine perlite or a mixture of sand with peat (3: 1) are used as soil.
After landing, the cuttings are necessarily sprayed and covered with a film to save moisture. Air humidity should be about 85%. To maintain humidity, it is necessary to spray no seedlings, but preferably a film. In the evening, when the temperature decreases, the spray is stopped to avoid fungal infections.

Growing and care

Adult spruce normally transfers dry periods in a couple of weeks. But the cultivation of ate of dwarf varieties requires a more attentive approach to watering. The lowest varieties and varieties of ate, young plants and seedlings, especially transplanted in winter, poorly carry a long lack of watering, which can lead to their death. Airs of the winter landing are watered throughout the first season. They watered ate, avoiding water from falling on a cheva.
In order not to cause the rotation of the superficially located root system from excess water, the soil around the crust or pine bore, chips or sawdust of coniferous trees. This prevents the rapid loss of moisture and improves the soil characteristics. Another option to save moisture is to fall asleep the ground around the fir clamzite or others. decorative stones. If the mulching is not carried out, the soil around the young firs should be loosened and gone. Sometimes ate may need trimming. Then cut the dried twigs or affected by any disease. Strong trimming of ate, which can destroy the tree. Only spruile fir can be regularly cut, forming from it, for example, a form resembling narrow cypress.

Diseases and pests

Fir refers to stable plants, but it is susceptible to disease. Pathogenic fungi can affect various parts of the plant. One of the fungal diseases of the fir, which leads to the worship and falling on the needles, - Spit. Characteristic feature Diseases are dark transverse strips on yellowed needles.
Gray mold - Fungal Disease, which most often amazes young plants or plant dwarf forms. As a rule, the fungus occurs on the branches of plants, which are too tightly growing or growing in the shade at high humidity.
With fungal diseases, ate are treated with fungicide.

Synonyms:Spruce Alberta Glasses, Spruce Alberta Glob, Spruce White Alberta Globe, Picea Glauca "Alberta Globe", Dwarf Alberta Spruce

Spruce Canadian - Natural Mutation. The variety was found by the gardener Ts. Schrang in Boscope (Netherlands).

Represents evergreen shrub 0.7-1 m in height and 1 m in diameter. Crown dense, spherical. Young shoots short, thin, light brown, are destroyed in radial order. The shape is slowly growing. Annual increase of 10 cm in height and 2-4 cm in width. At 10 years reaches 0.4 m in diameter.

Needles Needle, radially located, thin (thinner than y), soft, 6-9 mm in length, very decorative, fragrant, bit barbed. When disrupting the needles, yellowish-green, later becomes bright green.

Shishki.small, located at the ends of the shoots, light brown. They rarely appear.

Frost resistance zone:3a.

Location: Sveta, but tolerates light half. Loves wet and fertile soil, easy- or medium medium-medium-medium. The top layer of the soil should be well permeable to the roots obtained the required amount of air power. Poor tolerates overvoltage and soil seal. By moisture is disposal.

Landing:when close landing loses decorativeness, as part of the crown can dry. Soil mixture: Cherry, Sheet Earth, Sand, Peat in a 2: 2: 1: 1 ratio.

Care: The nearby circle is recommended to periodically gour out and loosen, but do not flip. It is also advisable tooling the circle to mulch with peat or loose compost with subsequent sealing. In the arid periods, regular watering is recommended, not allowing the complete drying of the rooted layer of the soil, as well as the evening sprinkling of the crown. You can also hold up with manure or compost at the beginning of summer.

Pruning: It has a beautiful smooth and symmetrical crown, so it does not need trimming. Sometimes longer shoots can occur - they must be deleted. Applied also sanitary trim.

Diseases: Spit, snowy spider, fusarium, trunk and root rot, necrosis of the cortex, ulcerative (wounded) cancer, rust of cones, spruce spit. Less suffers from spring burns than other varieties of ate Canadian.

Pest: Red spider, spruce sawder.

Reproduction: breeding with a stalling, which is better to spend in early June. Winter cuttings without processing roofer do not take root. For drawing from the parent plant, it is necessary to take overwhelming lower twigs, which in size do not exceed 10-12 cm. The separated cutting of the mother plant should have a "heel", otherwise the plant will die quickly. The lower part of the harvested cuttings must be processed. Landing the cuttings is carried out at a depth of 2-2.5 cm. The substrate should not be sinking as the plants are rooted, but it is not recommended to overgrow the soil.

Using: Ideally complement the compositions in oriental style, heather and stony gardensand also suitable for growing in the container. Well combined S. decorative shrubs and perennials.

Spruce is good solution For landscaping plot. Throughout the year, such a tree will decorate the garden or the courtyard, making it bright and beautiful. Evergreen Beauty is a find for landscape designers. After all, it perfectly gives up the formation of the crown, especially decorative forms. And this allows you to create real masterpieces of design art on the site. In this article, we consider the most popular spruce - Canadian, which occupies a special position throughout the family due to its decorative properties.

Features and description Fir Canadian

Canadian spruce belongs to the family of pine and is one of its most common species. This fir has several more names. Often it is called spruce Canadian scene or spruce white, and also known such name as a fir glaasing. North America is considered homeland, namely Canada. Hence the name itself softwood. Eugene was brought to Europe in 1700, since then it has spread throughout the mainland, including it became cultivated in Russia.

This type of coniferous trees especially faced landscape designers, because Canadian spruce has many forms, including dwarf. And they are the ideal option To decorate the site.

Description Spruce Canadian:

  • This type of conifer is a tall tree, height can reach 25-30 meters. However, there are dwarf varieties that do not exceed the half-meter.
  • Canadian spruce features a proper conical frame of the crown, which is a decorative value.
  • Especially rapidly growing at younger age, in the first 10 years. And then the growth of fir slows down.
  • The young firings are raised and firmly adjacent to each other, the old one is slightly lowered down.
  • The color of the needles from the Canadian ate green with a gray tint. With these connected another name - a sisaya fir.
  • The needles are very short and barbed.
  • Fruit firing Canadian after 10 years of growth. The bumps have an oblong shape, very decorative.
  • Canadian spruce is a long-liver, the average age of it is 300-500 years.
  • Winter hardy and drought-resistant.
  • It is widely used in landscape design for landscaping, creating live elevations and garden compositions.
  • To date, it is known 20 decorative species Canadian ate.

Photo of Canadian ate in landscape design

Canadian spruce is valued for its decorativeness and is a special decoration of any site. On the presented photos, you can note the features of the use of ate in the design of the site.

Canadian spruce in the landscape composition

Growing Canadian ate in containers

Canadian fir in stony gardens

The main varieties of Canadian ate

In landscape design, both the natural form of Canadian ate and many decorative species derived specifically for landscaping plots are used. There are 20 decorative forms of Canadian ate, which are characterized by height, color of needles and their individual features.

Canadian Spruce Conica.

Canadian spruce spruce is the most common and popular fir. Such love for this coniferous tree is caused by its dimensions - this fir refers to dwarf forms and is an ideal solution for decorating the site. Height can reach 1.5-2 meters, rarely grows up to 2.5 m. Possible planting ate canadian conic In open soil in stone gardens or in containers.

A spruce has a dense cone-shaped crown, so the main care for the Canadian conic facility consists in forming the shape of the needles. It is its perfect needle form that is a special value for landscape design. Such spruce is planted on outdoor solar sites or in a half. Thanks to its properties and frost resistance, it is perfect for growing in middle lane, but with the condition of shelter for the winter. It grows slowly, which is perfect for many gardeners.

Canadian Spruce Alberta Globe

Canadian Spruce Albert is also a dwarf form, ideally suitable for landscaping. Different with a ball shape of the crown. The shoots of this tree are short with a short cheese on them. Red needles. This variety of Canadian ate is growing slowly, an annual increase in 2-4 cm. Great for growing in containers or for landing in mountaineering. The variety was led in the Netherlands.

Spruce Canadian Blue Planet

Such a Christmas tree is really a very small tree. For 10 years, the crown diameter reaches only 20 cm. Crown has a ball shape, the needles is very short. Differs silver-blue. Represents good option For disembarking in containers, as well as for registration alpine Gork. It is necessary to land on solar places, otherwise the bluish color can lose in the shade.

Canadian Spruce Daisy White

Canadian fir Daisy White His external species Very reminiscent of the conika, as it happens exactly from this variety ate. Krone has a cone-shaped form. By 10 years, height reaches 80 cm. Spruce Canadian Daisy has its own feature - the first shoots have yellow-white color, which then burns into the sun. Already in the second year, the branches become green.

Canadian Spruce Echiniformis

This is a low grade ate, which grows very slowly. An adult plant of Canadian ate echinforisis reaches only 50 cm high, in a width can grow to 1 meter. It has a spherical shape of a bluish-green crown. Suitable for alpinarias or containers.

Canadian Spruce Laurin.

Refers to dwarf varieties of needles. It grows very slowly, over the year it grows only by 2 cm. By 10 years, the height is about 40 cm. It has a narrow conical crown and bright green cheese.

Canadian Spruce Sanders Blue

Spruce Canadian Sanders Very similar to the most popular variety - conic. It has the same proper cone-shaped crown and is a dwarf variety. A distinctive feature This variety is considered a blue tint of needles. It looks wonderful in small gardens.

The above-mentioned varieties of Canadian ate are only part of species diversity that are used in garden landscaping.

Canadian fir breeding methods

There are two main methods of breeding ate Canadian - this is a reproduction of seeds and stalling. Any of these methods is a rather time-consuming and long-term process, as it is very difficult to grow a seedling of Canadian ate. It takes a lot of time and requires constant attention and care.

Reproduction of seeds

This method is very difficult to apply at home, as the result will have to wait for a very long time. First you need to prepare seeds. You need to take fresh - they will fit better. Seeds are collected from non-discovered cones. Then select the best and conduct stratification. For this, planting material can be placed in a mixture of sand with peat and put in a refrigerator for 4-6 weeks.

After hardening with a cold, the containers with seeds are placed in a warm and light place and abundantly watered. It is best to choose the end of winter or the beginning of spring for germination. Be sure to watch the sprouts to be flooded, otherwise they can start grew. In the open soil Spruce Canadian land just for the second year.

Silence reproduction

The cultivation of Canadian spruce from cuttings is also a long process, but more reliable and gives nice results. The best time to start rooting Cherenkov is June, since they still have time to strengthen until winter. At this time, calluses appear on cuttings, and the first roots appear from it only the next year.

  • For cuttings, it is necessary to choose the right twigs. Usually from the maternal tree, repeated sprigs in the very bottom. Their height should be about 10-12 cm.
  • It is necessary to separate the cuttings correctly - follow the twig to be with the "heel", with a part of the mother tree. Without it, a young plant does not fit.
  • Next, you can process the planting material of growth stimulants, such as "corneumine". For this, the solution is poured into a jar and lowered the cuttings there by 2 cm. To hold them in a solution of 2 hours. After that, this solution can be diluted in water and used for watering cuttings.
  • As a soil, you can use a mixture of peat and sand.
  • The cuttings are plugged into a prepared substrate by about 2-2.5 cm and covered with a film, having previously sprawling with water. This must be done to maintain the necessary humidity.
  • Be sure to follow the humidity of the soil, it should not displace.
  • To obtain a finished seedling, you may need 4-5 years.

Preparation before landing

To obtain a beautiful and healthy coniferous wood in the future, it is necessary to carefully prepare before planting. Special attention to pay the choice of high-quality seedlings and places you want to plant them.

Seat selection

Most often, the seedlings of Canadian ate are purchased in special nurseries or professional gardeners who are engaged in breeding. When buying the seedlings of Canadian ate, hold some rules:

  • The needles should be thick and shiny without dried needles.
  • Pay attention to the soil in the container - it must be wet.
  • From the pots should not write roots and the container itself should be quite large for the full growth of the seedlings.
  • If the seedling is digging out of the soil, pay attention to the roots. They must be integer and disadvantaged.
  • If you yourself grown seedlings, neatly dig them so as not to damage root system.

Choosing a place

All varieties of Canadian ate prefer to grow on solar and open places. However, it is perfect for both the half. Especially shaping is necessary for young firings that can get burns. The planted needles in the shade can grow slower and lose their natural color of the needles. The choice of place for landing directly depends on the selected variety and your idea. Dwarf varieties perfectly suitable for decoration garden tracks And for landing in containers. Higher trees will become an excellent element of the designer composition.

Choosing and preparation of soil

An excellent soil for planting Canadian ate will be loam and soils with a rich content of humus. Be sure to follow the earth to be too filled with lime. Wheel Canadian prefers to grow in well-wetted soils, so the earth is needed that will hold moisture. Drainage will contribute to this.

Food planting process Canadian

The landing time directly depends on the planting material. If you purchased a seedling in a container, then best time For its transplanting from spring to autumn. When digging seedlings in the nursery from the ground - from mid-April to mid-May. The main thing that young tree In a new place managed to let the roots before the onset of cold.

Planting process:

  • It is necessary to prepare the landing pit. Usually, the deepening is made one and a half times higher than the earthen com.
  • The root system must be abundantly pouring water.
  • Preparing special soil mixture Or you can buy it in a specialized store. For Canadian ate, a mixture of fertile land, compost and garden soil will fit.
  • At the bottom of the pit, be sure to place a layer of drainage from broken bricks or small stones.
  • Then the seedling is placed in the pit and the earth is gradually rewritten. You can pour part of the soil, compact it and pour it. Then pour land again.
  • If the Earth is covered in the landing pit, remember that the root neck should not be blown away.
  • Land around the plant can not be sealing, as the root system of Canadian spruce fit into the surface.
  • After planting a fir, you need to hide abundantly.
  • Then the rolling circle is mounted with a compost or peat.

People's Features of Canadian

With proper and constant care you will get to grow beautiful treewhich will decorate your site.


Canadian ate is considered drought-resistant trees, but this refers to adult plants with a strong root system. The young trees need an unclear, but abundant irrigation. Usually, one tree needs to use 10-12 liters of water. Watering special attention should be paid at the autumn time, since it depends on whether the tree will survive. Most often, the fir dries in winter not because of frosts, but because of the lack of moisture. Canadian spruce also loves when they watered the crown.


Mulching helps to hold moisture, and also contributes to the preservation of a certain temperature. In addition, with mulching, weed growth slows down. Usually, under the layer of mulch, rainworms multiply, and they help loosen the soil. Therefore, you should not neglect this stage of care. As a mulch, you can use a bark, sawdust, chip or peat. The mulch layer must be 4-5 cm.

Undercalinking Canadian ace

Canadian spruce does not require compulsory fertilizer, but if desired, you can feed. Fertilizers need to be made in spring or no later than July. As feeding, you can use compost or complex mineral fertilizers. However, make sure that fertilizers do not contain a large number of Nitrogen. He is a Canadian ate contraindicated.

Pruning ate and crown formation

Most of the varieties of Canadian ate are decorative forms, so they need trimming for the formation of the crown. The spruce itself has a dense and correct crown, but some correction is necessary. Such a trimming time in the season is carried out. Sanitary trimming is most often carried out, during which dry and damaged branches are removed.

Diseases of Canadian ate and pests

  • Tracheomecosis. This is one of the most serious diseases of the Canadian ate. It is a fungal disease that affects the root system. Because of this, the plant does not receive the necessary nutrients. Most often, young ate are amazed, with a blush and leaves. At the same time, it is impossible to help the wood, it is digging and burned.
  • Slace sick. With such fungal diseases of the needles, black and pops. Cerencing a tree with a solution of copper mood.
  • Rust. In this case, yellow growths and needles appear on the branches. Special preparations are used that are used for a month.


  • Coroede. This pest is powered by wood and lives under the bark of the tree. In the same place he postponing his larvae, which are later eaten by a tree. Damaged wood rarely can be saved.

Canadian fir dries with an excess or lack of moisture, as well as if the landing place is incorrect. Especially when planted in a sunny place without shade. Therefore, it is important to properly care for evergreens of beauty to get a beautiful and healthy tree.

Canadian spruce is an ideal representative of coniferous to landscaping. Due to the manifold of forms and varieties, it can be grown as in open soil In the form of a living hedge or joint fit and in containers for decorating the terraces. Having attached a little effort and patience, you will get a wonderful tree that will delight you all year round.