
Rose diseases Methods and treatments for treatment and prevention. Common rose diseases - methods of struggle and symptoms of diseases of the disease of roses Sadovaya and the fight against them

Billets for winter from tomatoes

Growing garden roses is associated with a lot of trouble, the only reward for which is rich bloom. It is not surprising that by finding the blackened buds on the bushes, the rosishes are experiencing a strong annoyance. About why the buds of roses can be black and how to cope with it, it is described in this article.

Determination of reasons for references in symptoms

Rose buds can black for different reasons. Fortunately, they are not so much, and it is easy to determine the problem (read also an article ⇒). You can do this in symptoms that complement the blackening of buds:

Additional symptoms Reason for blaming buds
Sporing Mucus on petals Writing skelters Spots on the leaves Presence of insects
+ + Measurement of air and soil
+ + + Peronosporosis (false puffy dew)
+ + + + Gray Gnil
+ Tribes defeat

It should also be paid to the nature of the blazing of the buds themselves:

  • Black only exterior petals, which is accompanied by general softening, eased and fading the bud, yellowing and fading of the leaves - a sign of the conjunction of the rosary.
  • Black and dedication of outdoor petals, a variety of spots on the leaves with a climb from the bottom side - a sign of perico.
  • Black ulceration with mucous formations on buds, passing petals, dark gray raft raids - gray rot.
  • Spots blaracing on external and internal petals, detection when fermented black small insects - defeat by trips.

Depending on the identified problem, they are planning further actions.

Tip # 1. Buds blaracing is observed most often on thickened roses with poor ventilating shoots, high humidity inside the bush. One of the most important prevention measures is compliance with the landing scheme and timely pruning of the plant.

Normalization of humidity of bushes with blackened buton

The easiest way to normalize humidity, if roses are grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Here it is enough to organize the ventilation, to remove the mulch on the time, stop the watering and dry the top layer of the soil.

It is much more difficult to influence the humidity in open rosas. Most often, it occurs because of the protracted rains, and in this situation you can only reduce the consequences by the following manipulations:

  • trim blackened buds together with blooms;
  • as it is possible to proper a krona of the bush as possible, ensuring maximum ventilation;
  • w. plenty roses Location with fan, so that they do not intertwine and come into contact with each other;
  • screenshots of soil roses raise from the ground and put on stakes-rhotheins;
  • remove the mulch, prone to mold and disgusting, replace it with a mulching nonwoven material;
  • if possible, establish a film canopy over bushes;
  • treat roses with Siliplant preparation.

Siliplant is a microfertrinate containing silicon and potassium. In stressful conditions, it acts not only as feeding, but also as an immunomodulator and adaptogen.

Elimination of fungal infections on roses

When blackening buds caused by peronosporosis or gray rot, it is necessary to pruning patients with flowers, leaves and shoots. The cut material is burned, and the bushes are treated with fungicidal drugs:

Processing from peronospose Gray rot
A drug Application A drug Application
"Explosur Energy" 25 ml dilute in 5 liters of water and spray roses

15 ml of dilute in 10 liters of water and shed a rolling circle

"Telfor" 10 g divoring in 10 liters of water and spray roses
"Ridomil Gold" 25 g Divide in 5 liters of water and spray roses "Svitch" 2 g divoring in 10 liters of water and spray roses

Spraying from fungal infections need to be produced in the morning or in the evening, in the absence of wind and direct sun. A day after antifungal treatment, perform feeding the preparation of "Siliplant".

Board # 2. To increase the immunity of roses to various infections, including the blackening of buds, the plants must be checked in a timely manner. For emergency assistance you can use liquid potash fertilizers In the form of humate, spraying with them roses on the sheet.

Fungal infections are developing in conditions of high humidity, so its normalization is the necessary part of the treatment.

Fighting trips on roses

The defeat of the trips is one of the most serious troubles that lifting rosewood. These small insects settle right inside the buds, feeding them with their juices. This state of affairs provokes the drying and further blackening of petals, and then the full flower death.

Due to the rapid adaptation of the TRIPS to the chemical effects and high reproduction speed, the fight against them on roses is sometimes delayed for a long time. The following insecticides demonstrate the greatest efficiency:

  • "Phytoverm" - 20 ml of dilute in 10 liters of water and process infectious bushes. Being a biological preparation, "Phytoverm" does not cause development in insects.
  • "Vestimen" - 5 ml of dilute in 10 liters of water and handle bushes. The drug shows maximum efficiency at the initial stages of infection of roses by trips.
  • "Intavir" - 1 tablet breed in 10 liters of water and spray roses. When processing, it is necessary to take into account that the drug is easily washed away, so it is ineffective in rainy weather.

Before processing insecticides, infect-free flowers will have to cut with roses. The fact is that drugs will not be able to "get" insects inside the bud. Also, the rovel must be ready for not one, but a whole series of spraying with an interval of 10-15 days.

In addition to spraying on the leaves and shoots, they will have to process and rolling colors, where the eggs of the trips can be. To do this, you need to move the mulch, explode the soil and shed it with the same insecticide as the vegetative mass of roses.

The fight against tryps will be more successful if they are rotating drugs, and to apply new to each subsequent processing.

Current questions about the blackening of roses buds

Question number 1. Can buds be handled due to antifungal treatment with iron vigor?

If roses were sprayed iron Municipality In the spring, and even more so in the phase of bootonization, - of course, the blackens and the motion of the buds is inevitable. This drug is extremely aggressive in relation to the young soft tissues of plants. Treatment of roses with iron vigor is possible only in the fall, according to the ridden wood of shoots. If the error was still done, and the roses are burned with the drug, it remains only to crop dead buds.

Question number 2. Can black spottedness on the leaves go to roses buds?

Different types of spots are fungal diseases, affecting leafy plates and green rose shoots. On the petals, these fungi, as a rule, do not live. However, spotting strongly weaken plants, oppress all their functions, including reproductive. The process of formation of buds slows down or stops at all. Already formed buds turn out to be weak, can dry and fall, not expanded.

Question number 3. Can buds blame from the sun?

Can not. Sometimes the damage of buds is caused by the action of the sun, but it looks somewhat different. From sun burns The petals do not black, but drain, become parchment, and then drill.

All diseases and pests of roses are well known to avid flowerflowers. And for the novice dachank, the information on this page will present colossal value. After all, the diseases of roses and the struggle with them relate to everyone without exception, since culture to them is very susceptible. The most common diseases of roses are infectious burn, spottedness, gray rot and mildew. And the most important pests of roses are Tly, leafpers, and caterpillars. You can find everything you need to fight roses on this page.

Here it is proposed to start viewing the main diseases and pests of roses in the photo by which you can easily recognize the problem.

Then, using the description of roses disease, you can identify the accuracy of the comparison of symptoms. Well, after all, it will only be left to choose suitable means of combating that can be treated by plants.

Diseases of garden roses and struggle with them (with video)

Pathogens of infectious diseases of garden roses are pathogenic mushrooms, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Infectious burn - Disease affecting roses after lining withdrawal. A bright red ring appears on the shoots, which then becomes black, and the escape itself gradually dies. Promotes the disease Damage to the bark by frost with untimely shelter roses for the winter.

Fight measures. Sick shoots need to trim below the rings, until healthy wood. If the ring is not closed, then scrape the damaged bore to healthy wood and smell the drug "Ranne".

Look at these roses diseases in the photo, where the main symptoms are shown.

Various spottedness (Black, phillostic, septorized spottedness) appear, as a rule, in the middle of summer. Spots are different colors and shapes, the leaves are yellow and fall. Spottedness develops with high humidity of soil and air, laptop potassium, excess nitrogen.

Fight measures. In the spring, when digging roses, it is necessary to spray all the roses of phytosporin in a medicinal dose (7 ml / l of water). In May, repeat the treatment with a phytoosporin solution, but in a smaller concentration (3.5 ml / l), then a week later, if the temperature is above 12 ° C, to spray with Hamiir (1 tab. / 10 l), after another week - alirin (1 Tab. / 10 l). Just follow in June and July. If it still happened, all the affected leaves collect and burn. Continue the treatment of phytoosporin, but already a healing dose, alternating with the treatment with a joint solution of alin and gamiir (one tablet of each drug by 1.5 liters of water).

Puffy dew More often appears with high humidity, with sharp fluctuations in daytime and night temperatures, with overparks with nitrogen, potassium deficiency in the soil. The leaves and young shoots are affected. First, the white flare appears, and then gray spots. Leaves twist, buds are not disclosed.

Fight measures. Affected shoots cut, collect leaves and burn everything. Can be copper-soapy. But it is better to handle the infusion of a cowhouse (1:10), or a five-day infusion of ash (1 cup / 10 l of water) or Nasty nettle.

Gray rot, or Botritis. The causative agent of the gray rot is the Mushroom Botrytis Cinerea, which amazes about 200 different species Plants. Roses from gray rotes suffer mainly buds with flowers, ends of young stems and leaves; In crude weather they are covered with a gray fluffy bloom. The disease of the gray rot is primarily susceptible to weakened roses and most often varieties with blond flowers. Buds on the ragged Botritis roses are not disclosed, revealed and fall. Small brown spots appear on the petals, the leaves are yellow and fall yellow.

The young roots of Chernkov amazed and the gray rot. Foci of infection is preserved in plant residues. Then the spores of the fungus will spread insects and wind. Therefore, an undesirable neighbor for roses is, for example, garden strawberry, often sick-sulfur gnill. The disease appears on roses during thickened landings or if the rosary watering is produced late in the evening and high humidity air.

For the prevention of root rot and improving the soil in May to each plant, put the glyocladine tablet, try to repeat this procedure and in August. Chemicals as a way to combat pests use only in case of extreme need.

See all these diseases of roses on the video, where the algorithm is shown to combat them.

Pests of garden roses leaves and protection against them

Most frequent pests sad rose are:




Rosal piloter




Rosal cycardes

You need to carefully watch your roses and prevent the spread of pests of roses leaves, because it is not difficult to collect emerging caterpillars or beetles while they are in single copies. Noticing in the garden god's cow, transfer it to roses, let him fight with a tool.

Protection of roses from pests can be carried out using biological techniques. Use also protectors plants. So, the rosary can be swept, such as velvets or nasturtium, - they scare away nematomas and effective against the trips. You can add decorative onions in the landing of roses, which will scare harmful insects and help cope with diseases. Drug nails are grown among vegetables and flower crops to combat nematodes, ticks, fusariasis, butterflies, trips. The border from parsley is used as a means of scaring snails.

Look at the pests of roses in the photo, where they are shown in different angles.

Modern funds from diseases and pests of roses

Phytosporin is a modern bacterial antifungal, anti-naile drug. Effectively remedy for diseases of roses as phytoofluorosis, fusariosis, root rot, black leg, malicious dew. It also helps against brushes, rust, risocontoniosis, bacterial cancer, drone spottedness, alternariasis, peridosponosis. The preparation of phytoosporin is a highlighted and multiplied mass of useful microorganisms, which fall into the soil, destroy malicious bacteria. Produced in briquettes, in bulk and liquid form. It is better to use the drug in liquid form. Therapeutic dose is 7 ml per 1 liter of water, prophylactic - 3.5 ml per 1 liter of water. Phytosporin has an alkaline environment, so it can not be interfered with anything. Starting from May, they spray plants regularly once every two weeks.

Most often suffer relaxed or incorrectly planted plants. In addition, the dismissive attitude towards care will inevitably entail the emergence of diseases and problems in development.

For good growth, beautiful flowering roses requires constant attention from gardener. Preventive inspections, the ability to immediately determine the first alarming features make it possible to quickly prevent almost any ailment.

Quite often, the "queen of the flower garden" is sick due to:

  • weather conditions (for example, high humidity or long-term heat);
  • poor illumination, insufficient air access;
  • cramped in rosary;
  • mechanical damage to the trolics, root cervical.

The greatest damage is caused by infectious diseases, the pathogens of which are fungi, viruses, as well as bacteria. But there are also functional diseases: they appear with a lack of any element in the soil.

What do roses sick?

Puffy dew

In the summer, mildery spots of white-gray plates are often found on roses, which later acquire a grayish-brown color. Buds and shoots die, leaves twist. So manifests a tormental dew: its pathogen - SPHAEROTHECA Pannosa.. Mushroom winter on stems, plant residues. The appearance of plaque is the right sign that the flower is reconciled by nitric fertilizers, but the potassium deficiency is experiencing.

In addition, it is not recommended to carry out sprinkling in the evening: such procedures are more useful in the morning or during the day. The bushes planted in a dense scheme, and even in a poorly illuminated place, are more susceptible to the attacks of pathogenic organisms. Tormentous dew is easier to warnAfter all, then it will have to fight with her for several seasons.

So what to do:

  1. in order to prevent the rosary, including the Earth around, pollinated ash, and also spray once a week with infusion of a cowboy in the usual proportion of 1:10;
  2. affected twigs, buds cut to a healthy place and burn. Three times every ten days are treated landing, the soil of the Bordeaux liquid (usually 1%);
  3. from system fungicides for spraying will be suitable Topaz, soon, Vectra.

Gray Gnil

Spore fungus Botrytis Cinerea. Inhibit the growth point of young shoots, the kidneys and buds are striking, which are not up, not even exposed. On the petals you can see the characteristic brown ulcers, the leaves are yellow. Crude weather contributes to the development of a gray fluffy plaque on the stems.

The fungus is activated with thickened landings, high humidity, as well as due to lack of potassium and phosphorus in the ground. Gray rot is greatly affected by multi-skinned varieties, mainly white, creamy, yellow color.

What to do:

  1. the pink solution of manganese is the best prophylactic agent: they can be sprayed or watering bushes;
  2. cut contaminated parts and remove from the site;
  3. try to create the highest possible dryness in the rosary, feed the phosphorus and calcium 2: 1;
  4. effectively spraying drugs Vectra, Fundazoll, iron vigor.

Black spotty

Infection Mush. Marssonina Rosae. It occurs in the late spring, and the first symptoms manifest themselves only closer to August. Brown or black spots are formed on leaves, they quickly increase, racing over the surface. The relaxed bush resets the foliage, it blooms very badly. Black spotting begins to progress with high humidity.

It is quite difficult to get rid of the disease, since the fungus is perfectly preserved on false foliage. Therefore, intense spring trimming, the cleaning of last year's plant residues and mulching are extraordinary methods of treatment. By the way, yellow varieties are more prone to black spot.

Methods of struggle:

  1. definitely break sick leaves;
  2. in sunny weather, chops are poured by a soda solution (half a cup of 3.5 liters of pure water);
  3. following people's way - a glass of milk to dilute in 12 liters of water and arrange a "victim" shower;
  4. treatment landing Zinab, Blessing, Topaz, Sorrow, Fundazole. Bordeaux liquid can also help, as well as copper sulfate.


Especially strongly rust fungus Phragmidium. The repair, park varieties, rosehip are affected. In the spring on the root neck, shoots, the bottom of the leaf plate appears bright redhead pustulas with disputes. Already since July they are black, fond of foliage, deform and dry shoots. Fighting with rust is very difficult, especially in a rainy summer. If the rose is badly damaged, it is not subject to treatment: such copies are destroyed.

Methods of treatment:

  1. for prevention do extra-green subcords Superphosphate exhaust (0.3%), potash nitrate (0.3%);
  2. the affected parts need to be cut, shit the rest and burn. After each trimming, the tool is treated in denaturate;
  3. landing, the land around is sprayed with copper-containing drugs as well Topaz, profit.

Viral Mosaic.

Characteristic signs of viral mosaic - appearance on sheet plates Yellow divorces. In addition to the marble pattern, the leaves often become wrinkled, very narrow, curly. Plants weaken, slow down their growth, they quickly die. The reason for the spread of viral mosaic often becomes the wave, ticks, as well as the vaccination of roses.

The disease is easy to transfer through tools, hands, gloves. Sick instances are not used for breeding. Some gardeners are in no hurry to dig patients of bushes, if they are still quite strong: they are feeding with fertilizers with the full composition of trace elements. Too affected plants, of course, destroy.

For effective treatment of roses, it is important to notice the beginning of the disease in time and properly help the flower to cope with it. Without knowledge of signs of diseases and methods of treatment, this will not be possible.

Puffy dew

The disease appears in the early summer. Then, when it is activated after wintering the SPHAEROTECA Pannosa fungus, which causes it. He likes warm, rainy, with sharp drops of temperatures.

Recognize it easily by white bloom. The plant seems covered with flour. The field appears first on the lower leaves, then gradually rises to the top of the plant. In the running stage on the affected leaves, brown dots are formed, they twist and dry. Rose stops blossom.

For treatment it is necessary to use a systemic fungicide. For example, Fundazole. 10 grams of substance / 10 liters of water are bred. To obtain a homogeneous solution, first the substance is bred in a small amount of water, then fill.

Treatment is carried out three times at intervals of 10 days. After the last operation, in two weeks spray with a rose by any biofungicide, for example phosporin.


The delicious aroma of the room rose will not leave a single person indifferent, but that a resident of the pot is pleased with the eye for a long time, special attention should be paid to measures to combat all sorts of pests and diseases.

This truly royal flower easily conquers the heart, and as a shame when it dies as a result of improper care. In our article, we will consider not only means of combating already arising problems, such as pests, fungi and viruses, but also to prevent them. To do this, learn a little more about the peculiarities of the plant.

Room Rosa

Rose is the collective name of various representatives of the rich rosehip. In this case, the main part of the varieties was obtained by a selection path. Most of the types of thermal-loving, but there are also individual representatives who survive even in a rather harsh climate. Houseplants It is preferable to place on the windows from the south side, as they love the sun. If you settle this representative of the flora in the shade, then it may not bloom at all.

Preference should be given to neutral soils. But if you want a flower to have a more pronounced color, then you need to put it in the soil with an alkaline reaction. It is very important that the earth was well drained. It should not relocate just acquired a resident in another pot. It is necessary to give the plant to adapt to new conditions and only after that you can start a transplant.

Briefly about the variety of these beauties

Now about the most common types indoor roses. The most popular species can be called poliant and miniature plants. The first were derived by crossing the plenty and tea varieties. Such representatives of the flora bloom round yearAt the same time, their small terry flowers do not smell. But some miniature copies can fill the room with a stunning aroma. They found their name due to small sizes. But despite this compactness of the bushes are covered with thick foliage, and terry inflorescences are characterized by an elegant form. The birthplace of such roses is China.

More rare representatives can be called tea-hybrid varieties that were derived by crossing removable and tea roses. The main difference of this type is a thin exquisite aroma and rather large flowers.

Most varieties of indoor roses are subject to various diseases, and only with proper care Behind the inhabitants, pot can grow a strong plant with good immunity. Be sure to withstand the desired temperature mode. Despite the fact that the flower is thermal-loving, in the period of rest from October to February, it is better to be in a cool room. Do not forget to regularly air the room, even if outside the frost window, and in the summer and at all make the inhabitant pot on the balcony or garden.

It is impossible to dry up the earth, since after that the plant is poorly restored. Water the soil in a timely manner warm water And make fertilizers. The feeder is better to spend every two weeks. To maintain the desired moisture level, it is necessary not only to water the land, but also spray the leaves.

Rose trimming

Transplant best in spring and extremely careful not to disturb root system. Carefully take out the earthen com with the roots and put it in a new pot of a little more. At the same time, it is necessary to remove the upper layer of the Earth, it has a characteristic white flask - speaking salt.

Also importantly carry out timely trimming. In the spring, all weak and small twigs are removed. Enough to leave only 5 well-developed escapes. If their wood is ridden enough, these shoots are cut into 3-6 peaks, on moderate growth overgrowns, you can leave 4-5. But weak twigs are shortened in just 3 eyes. Then the representative of the flora immediately needs to be taken into a cool place, and as soon as the first green leaves appear, we put the flower on a well-lit window. It is worth noting that the cooler will be indoors, the longer the rest period will last.

Now we will talk to fungal diseases that are most often amazed by the bedroom varieties of roses. They are quite difficult to diagnose, contagious and treated only with certain drugs. Most often, the fungus is striking the weakest representatives of the flora. Increased humidity in combination with high temperature - optimal conditions For its development. Such diseases with earth, dust or just acquired by green residents are entered quite often.

If spots discovered on the leaf surface, then most likely we are talking about such a disease as spotting. I ignoring the danger, risk to say goodbye to the flower, as the stains will increase over time in size, and as a result, the green foliage just dries down and fall. Most often, yellow roses are susceptible to such a disease. Basically, the symptoms are manifested in the second half of the vegetation.

Spotted roses

Proliferates the spread of the fungus: thickening of the crown, excessive humidity and bad ventilability, too dense soil in the pot. Noticing the affected areas, immediately remove them and treat the plant with copper-containing or sulfuric preparations. In addition, to complete recovery, avoid spraying with simple water and pay special attention to watering. Non bad has proven itself and rose processing with special antifungal soap.

This most common fungal disease is most negatively affected by the general condition of the plant and leads to its complete death. It is possible to determine it on a white raid on the leaves, which gradually extends to the stems and even buds. The affected parts should be immediately removed until the fungus switched to healthy branches. But at the running stage and should be cut off the flower under the root. It is enough to leave small shoots with a height of about 5 cm. Next need to handle a rose, soil and even flower pot Fundazole or other special means. Spraying is repeated several times.

Puffy dew on the leaves

Promotes this fungal disease excess fertilizer and fresh air deficiency. The peak of his activity is a period when a significant temperature difference begins in the day and night.

There is another disease with similar symptoms - false torment dew. But only in this case, the flare is basically applied to the inside of the sheet and is primarily affecting the wet areas. From above, the leaves are covered with purple or blond stains. On the Internet you can find photos with symptoms. The struggle measures also have similarities with the previous disease. All affected parts are removed, and the plant is processed several times with fungicides. At the same time, it is recommended to change the drug to enhance the effect.

In addition to fungi, there are also. One of the most terrible ailments of roses can be called bacterial cancer. In this case, the stems and even the roots of the plant depending on the type of disease are covered with tuberculous growths or rounded depressed spots. The affected areas gradually die, but bacteria continue to live in the soil for several more years.

To avoid mass infection, it is not enough to remove the affected areas, they should be disinfected in solution copper Kaper within a few minutes. In no case, do not throw away the soil in which the infected plant grew into the garden or the garden, as they risks to remain without a crop over several years.

Infectious burn on rose

Danger represents and jaundice roses. Transfer the pathogen of this infection such pests as sheetoblocks and cycards. You can determine the disease in the yellowed lodging of young leaves. In addition, over time, the leaves themselves begin to be blighted and deformed, if you do not take action, then larger sections of yellow color appear, and the plant weakens. The affected areas are cut and burned. And if the flower can not be saved, it should also be burned.

But this is not all illnesses, it is worth paying attention to the fiction virus of roses. In this case, the buds are not tied, the leaflets become narrower and gradually dry, and young shoots do not grow up. As a result, the bushes completely dry out. The same measures are used to combat illness as in the previous case.

There is still an infectious burn. On the leaves appear spots with dry areas in the center. Their color can be like light brown, so darker. Characteristic raspberry edging. The affected areas are rapidly increasing in size with poor ventilating rooms. After the stains are surrounded by escape, it completely dies. It is best to cut the infected processes, but if the disease did not have time to develop, you can save the plant without such radical actions. It is necessary to completely consider the stain with a knife and already a healthy cloth to smell the rings.

Regardless of the disease, the tools that are triggered must necessarily need to be disinfected. They are treated either with a solution of manganese, or alcohol, otherwise there is a risk of transferring infection to other plants and lose them. In addition, you should not underestimate the danger that may be represented, because they are not only spoiled by the representative of the Flora, but also tolerate various viruses.

Let's start about the most dangerous pest, which is almost unable to avoid. The main reason for its appearance can be called insufficient moisture in the room. Therefore, for prevention, the plant should be regularly sprayed and even bathe under the shower. Basically, a mite appears in late autumn and in winter, because during this period many of the owners of indoor roses do not have enough attention to the current microclimate and allow soil drying.

Signs of a web tick

To reduce the likelihood of defeat to a minimum, even acquired plants should be treated with special non-toxic drugs. Perfectly cope with the task garlic infusion. For its preparation, a liter of water and 170 g will be required vegetable culture. The means for 5 days insist. You can use a tobacco infusion, with a small layer of mustard powder embroidered on the ground either wood ash. Prevention is repeated several times a year. Some of the most effective, with non-toxic chemicals - "Strela", "Aktellik", "Neon". Also well established "Akarin" and "Vestimek". The flower is completely sprayed with a solution, and for a better effect it is recommended to be treated and an earthen com. The procedure is repeated 3 times with an interval of 7 days.

Small pests are usually located on the underside of the leaves and look like small redheads, red or dark brown dots. A slightly wet flower can be seen as a tick begins to move. The larvae of this insect is bright and also on the green part of the plant. Over time, the foliage acquires a brown color and falls.

Of course, rose diseases are applied tremendous damage to rooms, but do not underestimate and insects. For example, small beetles make the flower inside the flower and tear off his leaves. But the caterpillars can not only make small holes in the green parts of the plant, but also to blame them completely. You can get rid of such unwanted guests with the help of carboofos drugs.

If the flower leaves are deformed, and the plant itself is lagging behind in development, then, most likely, a rosal saw film was struck. The females of this insect lay eggs under the crust of the world of Flora. But this is not the worst, such a pest is powered by young kidneys and shoots of roses, which causes incredible damage. To destroy the sawmaker, the plant should be treated with special carboofosocating preparations or fufanon. But insecticidal means are indispensable if the rose struck the shield. It is possible to recognize it on brown plaques, which will be covered with foliage and stem. In addition, the plant is lagging behind in development, drops the leaves, and if you ignore the symptoms and do not timely help, it will die at all.

Rosal piloter

To find out that the plant struck the risen TLL, in the following symptoms. First, young shoots and buds will kish the colonies of small pests. Secondly, the foliage of the flower will acquire an unnatural look, it will begin to twist, it is dried to deform and in the end. Overcoming the problem will help timely processing with tobacco infusion or soapy solution. Moreover, if you decide to give preference to the second tool, an insecticidal soap should be used.

Also well established himself and infusion from the yarrow. For its preparation, half a liter can be filled with dried grass and pour it with water. The means for 3-4 days is insist. To strengthen the effect, you can add a small piece of soap. There are chemical preparations that will help in the fight against this insect. These include pyrethrums, accomplishing and other carboofos basis. If the colonies are minor, then you can cope with them with the help of a biological method, settling several ladybugs on the plant.

The consequences of improper care

Pests and diseases can deprive you of a room pet, but sometimes we ourselves can cause such a loss by allowing mistakes during care. For example, change in habitat conditions can lead to flower drying. In this case, the former microclimate should be resumed and pruning. And excessive humidity and excess irrigation will lead to rotting. To reanimate such a plant is a rather difficult task. To do this, remove the rose from the pot and cut the rotten roots. Next, transplant the plant into a new land and do not allow overflow. It should be avoided and completely drying the soil.

But disadvantageous watering leads to a drying of the plant and without proper care Do not solve the problem. All dead shoots should be removed, but only so that several centimeters remain to the trunk. Then we water the inhabitant of the pot and put it under polyethylene cuck. So you can provide low humidity. As soon as young shoots appear, you need to start taking the "greenhouse" so that the plant is accustomed to dry air.