
Pisces and Aquarius compatibility. Zodiac signs by literary characters Typical Sagittarius in literature is Winnie the Pooh


Pisces and Aquarius are strikingly different from each other in character, outlook on life, interests, however, this does not prevent them from creating quite successful alliances. Such couples are often found in life, perhaps because these signs are located side by side on the horoscope belt. Their elements - water and air, respectively - are considered unfriendly in the astrological world. Pisces are endowed with all the qualities of their natural strength: their inner world is deep, like an ocean, they are emotionally unstable and amenable to excitement, like ripples appear on the water surface from a light breeze. As a large body of water lets in any objects, so Pisces feels everything very keenly. The liquids take any shape of the vessel in which they are placed. In the same way, the sign of water adapts to external changes, adapts to life situations and the people around it.

Aquarius also has all the features of its element: first of all, he values ​​freedom, because it is impossible to squeeze the wind in his fist. If you do not ventilate the room for a long time, then the air in it becomes stinking and heavy. Likewise, Aquarius will fall into despondency and melancholy if you restrict his external or internal freedom. He moves spontaneously, sometimes chaotically, but this allows him to learn a lot of new things. Its leading motive is self-improvement, constant development. Aquarius dreams of performing a heroic deed, leaving a mark on history. The difference between him and Pisces is obvious: the former thinks about no one in particular and about all of humanity at once, the latter strive to establish emotional ties with specific people. But both are driven by selfishness: Aquarius is driven by vanity, Pisces is the need for security.

Compatibility horoscope for Pisces and Aquarius

Compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius can be successful if their relationship is built on the basis of complementarity. The air sign has a developed intellect - this sphere is the strongest for them. The main advantage of Pisces is a deep emotional world. Both signs represent creative personalities, but the former is more often based on logic and rationality, the latter appreciates imagination and fantasy more. Being engaged in a common cause, they could develop it simultaneously from two approaches. At the same time, partners have a chance to grow personally: Pisces will need more confidence, firmness under their feet, and it will be useful for Aquarius to learn to show interest, compassion and empathy.

Each of them is patronized by two planets at once. In Pisces, it is Jupiter, endowing them with a philosophical mindset, luck and a desire for everything new, and Neptune, giving the sign a dreaminess, broad imagination and a tendency to build illusions. Aquarius is led by Saturn, who is responsible for discipline, firmness and hard work, and Uranus, with the help of which his ward can think unconventionally, creates innovative ideas. These planets successfully interact, exchanging energies with each other, therefore the horoscope of compatibility of Pisces with Aquarius has every chance of being beneficial. The representative of the air element seems strange to many because of his non-standard thinking, a person not of this world. But Pisces, who know how to penetrate deeply into the inner world of another, take his place and understand the motives, easily accept the partner as he is.

Pisces and Aquarius business compatibility

The compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius in work is satisfactory, provided that their interests coincide. The practical and rational Aquarius, together with the intuition and imagination of Pisces, is able to create a strong team that will come to good results for both. The air sign belongs to the fixed, that is, it knows how to fully focus on one project and completes it to the end. In his decisions, he is often stubborn, but this will not hurt partners, since Pisces have variability and are ready to follow others, if, of course, they trust him.

Pisces and Aquarius compatibility in friendship can also be good. To do this, the signs need to have common hobbies and interests - this is necessary for the representative of Saturn, because he does not know how to make friends just like that. Pisces can do without general activities. For them, an important point is the presence of closeness with a person: Pisces behave very sacrificially in friendship, they are always ready to help, constantly try to please and expect the same reciprocity in return.

Pisces and Aquarius love compatibility

Compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius in love will delight them, but only at the very beginning of the relationship. Acquaintance, getting to know each other, romantic courtship - all this fascinates both. Mutual passion obscures the eyes and does not allow lovers to see other people's shortcomings. Pisces sincerely admire a partner, because he is smart, and his fantastic stories are really impressive. Aquarius, in turn, is impressed by the good nature and gentleness of Pisces: a warm, unselfish attitude and ability to listen. Their meetings are interesting, reverent and inspiring, but, unfortunately, this will not always be so. Over time, they get to know each other better: they will get acquainted not only with the merits of their beloved, but also with their shortcomings.

Pisces look closely at a person for a long time, and, having chosen him as their chosen one, they are firmly attached to him. They want to take care of their beloved, to be near him everywhere, but in the case of Aquarius this is impossible. At the candy-bouquet stage, he will still try to pay enough attention to the partner, but as soon as the relationship acquires constancy, the air sign returns to his usual life and will not change it for the sake of another. A vulnerable representative of Neptune will plunge into experiences because of a cold attitude from a loved one, and Aquarius's wide social circle and his increased need for communication will cause Pisces to feel jealous and resentful. Therefore, at this stage, the compatibility of Pisces with Aquarius in relations will sharply go down, and in order to increase its level again, the signs will have to make a lot of personal and joint efforts.

Pisces and Aquarius sexual compatibility

The compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius in bed is ambiguous. Both love sex and strive to diversify it with the help of various experiments, romantic tricks and things from a sex shop. But their relationship to each other does not coincide: Pisces sees a person in front of them, they want to please him, they are anxious about the good for their partner. Aquarius thinks about himself, namely about his feelings and emotions. The bed for him is the stage on which he realizes his creative talent. Due to this, the watermark lacks the soulfulness that means so much to it.

Pisces' demands will cause Aquarius to feel depressed and pressured. This contributes to the fact that he will begin to move away even further, first morally, and then physically. In order for an intimate life to satisfy both, the signs need to understand each other's needs and seek a compromise.

Pisces and Aquarius family compatibility

The compatibility of Pisces with Aquarius in marriage is low, and the prospects for living happily ever after are minimized. Aquarius will never give up their freedom or prioritize family. This fact will bring a lot of suffering to the spouse. But as long as Pisces, inclined to fantasies, idealize their beloved and hope for a bright future, their union will exist. It will collapse exactly at the moment when the water sign realizes the illusory nature of its ideas about a happy life together.

In order for the compatibility of Pisces and Aquarius in family life to be, if not ideal, then at least satisfactory, the spouses need to change a lot in themselves: the first must abandon claims for spiritual intimacy, and the second from freedom. In fact, this means a complete restructuring of the personality, which, in principle, is impossible. In this regard, it can be concluded that their marriage is doomed to failure.

Horoscope stars advise Taurus escape from the hustle and bustle in order to be alone with his thoughts - the day inclines him to listen to his heart. A philosophically-minded Taurus can boldly ask any questions - there is a high probability that, having looked into himself, he will receive an answer. There is no need to be afraid even of such global questions as “What do I want from life?”, “Where am I going?”, “What to do next?”. The answers to them exist, and in the depths of their souls Taurus is already known, it remains to admit this to yourself.

Recipe for success Gemini in business - this is the ability to objectively assess your strength. During the day, a situation may arise when they need a specialist consultation. Perhaps Gemini will not have enough information for work, or maybe we are talking about a cold and going to the doctor. One way or another, Gemini should remember that one head is good, but two are better. If everyone counted only on himself, we would still live in damp primitive caves.

Cancer may be tempted to have a good discussion! They say that any woman can make three things out of nothing: a hat, a salad and a scandal. Cancer will ignore the first two, focusing on the last. His fighting spirit threatens to spill over into disputes - Cancer's desire to prove to others that he is right will be irresistible. The only way out for others is to agree with Cancer's arguments: if his intellectual superiority is recognized, Cancer will be completely satisfied.

a lion is able to feel uncertainty in everything he undertakes, and this will not be reflected in the best way in his affairs. Even if everything goes smoothly, Leo is capable of experiencing a lot of hesitation! Because of this, delays and slippage are possible. To avoid problems, Leo needs to tune in to an active, businesslike mood from the very morning, starting the day with exercises and a contrast shower. Uncertainty will be removed as if by hand, and life will sparkle with new colors!

Have Virgins there will be a chance to take on some new obligations that will bring her new perspectives. We can talk about a marriage proposal, a new job site, a new round of a career, etc. However, even if this does not happen, Virgo may be faced with an idea or a situation that will eventually take her life to new heights. The stars of the horoscope advise Virgo not to be afraid of new responsibilities and obligations: the game is worth the candle. Moreover, if this game is a whole golden fleece.

Libra will be able, if they want, to show off their knowledge in any conversation! The stars of the horoscope endow them with sociability and the ability to naturally demonstrate their erudition to the interlocutor. This will allow them to show themselves favorably, for example, to pass an exam, to conquer their interlocutor with their erudition, to negotiate, to present a new project. Libra will have no equal in intellectual communication, but erudition will be relevant in everything, even in love.

There is a good chance that Scorpio wants to start arranging his home or other personal space: a car, a summer residence, a workplace. Moreover, the thriftiness that awakens in him will immediately require others to be involved in this - today, Scorpio's ideas about the arrangement of everyday life can be distinguished by globalism, so he cannot do it on his own. Those close to Scorpio will be lucky if he confines himself only to general cleaning - today, with his scope, he is quite capable of starting a major overhaul.

Soul Sagittarius will require intellectual and philosophical conversations, so the main goal for him will be to find a worthy interlocutor. However, even if Sagittarius does not find one, the stars of the horoscope promise that he will still fulfill his need for interesting communication. Even a simple friendly conversation Sagittarius can lead to an intellectual argument or a gamble in erudition! Sagittarius is determined to argue to the point of hoarseness, but the important thing is not so much the result as the process of emotional exchange of thoughts itself.

Capricorn a day should be devoted to developing plans, especially those that pleasantly warm his soul or his wallet. In any projects related to money and wise ways to spend it, the stars of the horoscope portend success for Capricorn, whether it be financial investments, decisions to expand a business or plans about where to go on vacation. The Capricorn brain promises to work clearly and constructively, generating ideas whose main advantage is practicality.

Day when Aquarius can, if he wants, clarify any issue. His brain will work clearly, allowing him to analyze and solve logical problems. So if Aquarius wants to get to the bottom of something, it is enough for him to collect the necessary amount of facts - he, like Sherlock Holmes, will be able to draw the correct conclusions himself. Insight will give Aquarius a special charm in the eyes of others, and this is understandable: nothing adorns a person like friendship with his own head.

Horoscope stars advise Pisces look inside yourself and think about whether they are at an impasse in some issue. Perhaps this is so, but Pisces are afraid to admit it to themselves. It doesn't matter what area the question concerns: friendship, work, money or love. The time for self-deception is over, it's time to face the facts. If, after analyzing the events, Pisces realizes that they have gone in the wrong place, it is not scary. Today is a good day to get rid of illusions and choose the right path from all possible options.

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Reading a book, we often find a lot in common with any literary hero. Sometimes the plot of the book corresponds so precisely to our situations in life that one wants to exclaim: "Yes, this is written about me!" With the help of astrology, we can recognize our literary hero, who fully corresponds to the nature of our zodiac sign and, perhaps, has the same habits, mindset and a similar lifestyle.

“And strong in the spirit of her people, irreconcilable with defeat even when it was obvious, Scarlett looked up. She will bring Rhett back. She knows what she will return. There is no such person whom she could not conquer if she wanted to ... "The prototype of Aries is Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine from the novel" Gone with the Wind. " The fate of the heroine Scarlett was full of hard trials and upheavals. However, she cracked down on them with the grip of a typical Aries. She never lost her optimistic attitude and confidently walked towards her goal.

"The wolf did not return, but the villagers still lived in fear - they knew no other life." The reflection of the Taurus character in literature is Little Red Riding Hood. Taurus are firmly on their feet. They do not look for easy ways and achieve everything themselves. Like Little Red Riding Hood, they wander through the dark forest, although they are afraid. But for the well-being of family and friends, they will overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious from any situation.

“I never use women. I give them pleasure if they want it. " The hero-lover Don Juan is a true Gemini. This heartthrob is always ready for any turn in his life. He will find an approach to each person, adapt to any situation. Don Juan, as a typical Gemini, is subject to constant internal dialogue with himself, but his fragmented personality does not prevent him from achieving success, both in work and in love.

"I'd rather die than suffer like that!" - famous words from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. These are the words of Romeo, who is a typical representative of the constellation of Cancer. People of this constellation are very sentimental and romantic. Due to the discrepancy between what they want and reality, they can make many mistakes. Cancers live with feelings and sensations, which is why they are often disappointed in the real world.

“I'm a small ghost with a motor. Wild but cute! " This is a quote from the book "Kid and Carlson". People born under the constellation Leo are fully consistent in character with "a man in the prime of life" - Carlson. Optimism, inexhaustible energy, vitality and friendliness - this is all about Lviv. They, like Carlson, never lose heart, they try to help everyone and create a feeling of celebration. Leos are adorable and attractive, this helps them to achieve their goal in life.

"Just because you have a teaspoon of emotional range doesn't mean we have the same." These are the words of the heroine of the novel "Harry Potter", Hermione Granger. She is a typical representative of the Virgo zodiac sign. She is also pragmatic, attentive and rational. Business acumen, a down-to-earth approach and a focus on results - these characteristics of Virgo are fully consistent with Hermione. Virgos live by their own plans and ideas, but when it comes to the well-being of people close to them, they are ready to throw themselves into any recklessness.

"I play for the sake of the game itself" - a quote from the great detective Sherlock Holmes. His personality reflects the true nature of Libra. They love to analyze, reflect, connect one with another and find cause and effect relationships. Libra is cunning, sociable and intelligent. Even when they are silent, they radiate the energy of their thoughts and reason.

"What would your good do if there were no evil, and what would the earth look like if the shadows disappeared from it?" - The words of Woland from the work "The Master and Margarita". Say what you like, but in Scorpios there is still some kind of devilry and mysticism. People of this constellation, like Woland, are always mysterious and deep. Their gaze can be confusing and fearful. They can be ruthless towards their opponent. All this is hidden under the guise of charm and external attraction.

“I am a cloud, a cloud, a cloud. I'm not a bear at all ... "- sang Winnie the Pooh, flying on a balloon near the bee hive. This funny teddy bear reflects the full spectrum of qualities of the people of the constellation Sagittarius. They are prone to adventures and love to find adventure on their head. Like Winnie the Pooh, they value friendship. They are distinguished by inexhaustible optimism and determination.

“Ladies don’t answer such questions because gentlemen don’t ask them,” said Merry Poppins from the novel of the same name. She is the prototype of the typical Capricorn, just as persistent, stubborn and serious. Capricorns do not want to make concessions, their decisions are not negotiable. Everything they do is thought out and planned in advance. People of this sign strive for recognition and respect: "Oh, what bliss, to know that I am perfection, to know that I am the ideal!"

"The first move is E2-E4, and there ... And then we'll see!" Typical Aquarius - Ostap Bender. People of this constellation, just like him, are active, full of ideas and always ready for adventures. They know how to enjoy life and, as a rule, take everything from it. For them, every day is like a holiday, and all life is a carnival!

"It is given to God alone to know the times and dates, and for him there is neither past nor future, for him everything is present" - Don Quixote often repeated to his faithful squire. This literary hero is a representative of the sign of Pisces: the same mysterious and extraordinary. He lives in his imaginary world, makes grandiose plans, and looks at people through rose-colored glasses.



Why not?

Even a whole field of Dutch tulips swaying in the wind, if you will.

These two can imagine, and in the end, create whatever comes into their heads.

Uranus, the planet that rules Aquarius, is called the Alchemist in astrology, and most Aquarius are truly inventive and in the mood for miracles.

Only occasionally, the immutability of this sign of Air prevents the Uranian outbursts of the miraculous and makes some Aquarius live like all other people, not thinking about the wonderful madness of a genius who is trying to break through their constant habits and views, through their monotonous lifestyle.

Mind you, I'm talking about a minority right now.

But when the changeable Pisces join Aquarius in all this gibberish, even the constancy of these rare Aquarius is significantly softened by the Water element of Pisces, and their Uranian essence can freely break through.

Of course, for the average Aquarius, no outside help is needed for its mystery to become apparent.

Pisces just adds another dimension to the madness and magic.

In nature, water softens the air, creating a humid mist - the most suitable atmosphere for a mysterious alchemy, capable of embodying desires and dreams into a rainbow reality.

Simply put, Pisces and Aquarius have a good influence on each other and on this tired, old world.

There is no end to the miracles they can create and create together.

These two would make an amazing detective team: Aquarius as Sherlock Holmes with a full set of detectives (magnifier, stupid hat and extravagant habits) looking for hard facts, and Pisces as Dr. Watson, much more sensitive, shrewd and intelligent than himself Sir Arthur Copan Doyle's character.

By the way, the humid fog of London is just a sample of the just mentioned combination of Water and Air, so it was a perfect place for the mysteries that Holmes was investigating.

When alien to convention, but super-methodical Aquarius follows the Neptunian intuition of Pisces, the solution to the "Great Train Robbery" or "The Great Jewelry Theft" seems elementary.

It doesn't matter who is a man and who is a woman.

In this pair, neither age nor gender affects their ability to penetrate into the unknown.

When Pisces and Aquarius collide with each other in a combination of boy-boy, girl-girl, boy-girl (in any Aquarius - the astrological sign of equality of the sexes), in their behavior with each other they will deviate slightly from the norm, not to mention their behavior both of them in relation to other people.

Wherever they "flutter" and "float" - in an office, in a church, in a museum, at home or in a classroom - these two are really worth seeing.

Since they are marked with a solar sign diagram, Aquarius should feel like he (or she) can learn a thing or two from Pisces, but you see, Aquarius usually thinks they know pretty much everything already.

However, Aquarius would only benefit from imitating the patience inherent in most Pisces, since he himself is endowed with this quality purely symbolically.

Pisces must respond to their union with a sympathetic tolerance for the whims, weaknesses, and quirks of Aquarius, and most Pisces do just that.

By nature, Pisces are inclined to crawl out of their skin to please people, while Aquarius does not care at all that they do not please absolutely anyone.

An obstacle to achieving harmony may be the Neptunian tendency to stealth, to constantly adhere to some little things.

This can drive the average Aquarius to white heat.


Aquarius is not interested in the personal life of other people, because of all the Sun signs, he is the least inclined to gossip, if we exclude the flawed Mercury in his horoscope.

Under normal circumstances, these people do not pry into other people's business.

But this man or this woman is seduced and teased by deliberate evasion, and if they encounter it, a magnifying glass is immediately taken out into the light of God and the pursuit of a secret begins.

Aquarians simply cannot stand Pandora's box being locked.

When it comes to riddles or puzzles of life in general (or people in particular), Pisces and Aquarius will be delighted to guess the answers together.

Aquarius will stick his head directly into the window of the people he is interested in and ask.

Pisces will keep a few steps away (typical Pisces would never dare to creep into strangers like that), consumed by curiosity and a desire to find out what Aquarius managed to find out in his Uranian laid-back but direct manner.

Aquarians can walk right up to a person and ask him the most overwhelming question.

They are not intentionally rude, they just want to know.

Quite often they recognize, because most of them are so surprised when they hear something like: "When you were little, did you pour water into balloons to throw them out of the window?" thinking.

Only Sagittarius has more curiosity than Aquarius.

(Leo and Scorpio are curious too, but this curiosity is better controlled.)

There is a difference between gossiping or sniffing and Uranian curiosity.

Aquarius will not give a broken penny for finding out why his neighbor was married six times or what his bank balance is, but he or she suddenly suddenly asks why this neighbor painted the house pink, kept a peony at home with a tame snake, what he thinks about vegetative propagation or whether he ever earned a free ticket to the circus by carrying water for elephants.

Most Pisces don't ask direct questions.

Their guesses and psychic perceptions reveal so much to them that they do not need to find out about everything.

Uranian presentiments and Natural intuition should have allowed Aquarius to guess everything silently too, but Aquarius wants to know everything for sure.

There are many properties and quirks common to Aquarius and Pisces.

However, there are also a few distinct differences.

For example, people ruled by Neptune are dreamers.

Those ruled by Uranus also dream, but in a wilder, convoluted way.

Pisces love art, music, poetry - at least most of them.

Aquarius loves it all too, but he may suddenly prefer the monkey organ over the classical piano.

These two will probably lose their temper in different ways.

When Pisces is angry, they either pour out a stream of irritated words, or measure out a couple of quiet, but clearly disapproving phrases, and then become silent, which leads to despair of Aquarius, who does not accept this method of dealing with troubles.

The Uranian way of dealing with disagreements is to instantly (and unpredictably) burst into thunder and lightning, hoping that the storm will clear the air and quickly subside and be forgotten.

But Pisces remember unpleasant emotions for a little longer, and they need time to think alone before they are ready for normal communication.

In terms of money, they are more or less similar.

Some Aquarians accurately count every penny earned or spent, and then instantly forget the total.

Pisces also get entangled with money.

They often calculate the bank balance in their head, on the back of an envelope, or on the wall near the phone.

However, if both have a Widow Moon or Ascendant, they will be true walking calculators.

Of course, we study average or typical Aquarius and Pisces, like all other signs, but I suppose I should constantly remind you of exceptions, when the positions of other planets slightly or significantly weaken certain qualities.

Yet, when you look more closely, you will find the basic properties inherent in their signs, imprinted in the subconscious.

In helping Aquarius understand how to understand and communicate with Pisces, astrology would recommend a lot of gentleness, peace, and serenity.

And images.

Those ruled by Neptune are unnerved by the lack of peace, they need constant stimulation in the field of abstract thinking.

In helping Pisces understand how to understand and communicate with Aquarius, I would personally recommend learning the saying of Aquarius Abraham Lincoln: "They do what they do because they are what they are."

No one could have defined more succinctly the nature of Uranus.

To understand it, you need to own it yourself.

Optimistic ARIES (21.03 - 20.04)

Scarlett O'Hara from "Gone with the Wind" Margaret Mitchell is a true ARIES

Quote:"You will see, I will still marry, even if I stop shuddering, squealing and fainting."

Aries' optimism is simply inexhaustible, and his seething energy always accompanies him. Undoubtedly, these qualities are the reason for the endless series of adventures, twists and turns, various kinds of alterations, awkward situations and collisions in his fate. An interesting fact is that these very qualities of character can not only give Aries a lot of trouble, but also bring him to the right place at the right time. And then, when Aries feels at the epicenter of a whirlwind of events, then all his best personal qualities are manifested. This makes Aries feel like a full-fledged "inhabitant" of the planet, when he feels that life does not flow through his fingers, but rages around him and in himself. The lot of the heroine of "Gone with the Wind" Scarlett O'Hara fell many ordeals, although she dealt with them with the grip of a true Aries - stubborn, strong and courageous. And, something tells us that if there were no hurricane in Scarlett's life, she would still have organized it on her own.

Dodgy Taurus in a red cap (21.04 - 20.05)

Reflection of Taurus in Literature - Charles Perrault.

Quote:“It's me, your granddaughter. I brought you a pie and a pot of butter. "

Taurus stand firmly on the ground, resting on all four legs. Taurus never look for easy ways, they are used to fighting for their well-being, and therefore they know how to do it very well. Rarely they are visited by impulsive desires - they are pragmatic and rational. Taurus are able to find a way out of any situation, even if they are in a deep forest with Little Red Riding Hood on their head, and around - impenetrable darkness and a pack of wolves. Zodiac sign Taurus has an extraordinary ingenuity, which allows him to find a way out of any, even the most insoluble at first glance, situation. In addition, do not underestimate Taurus, because he has an enviable resourcefulness, which, alas, is not given to everyone. However, the outcome of events when only Taurus is satisfied with the outcome of events is completely unsuitable for these Little Red Riding Hoods. Little Red Riding Hood is overflowing with the idea that everyone around her is happy. And he diligently achieves the fulfillment of his desires!

TWO-FACED GEMINI (21.05 - 21.06)

Don Juan- 100% GEMINI


“My hand is quite heavy, although I may seem to be quiet.
Wherever the game takes us, I'm not afraid of my offenders,
And those who offend my appearance, I will teach both honor and decency! " (J. Gordon Byron, Don Juan.)

Twins every minute and hourly unsuccessfully try to cope with the struggle of two personalities in themselves. While one of the personalities is in the process of making a deliberate decision, the second prepares thousands of reasons in spite of the latter. It is noteworthy that this approach works for Gemini in any situation in any area of ​​life. Especially love. Therefore, Gemini is sometimes called don Juan - in honor of the famous hero-lover. The problem of Gemini lies not in their ability to win the heart of any beauty or any handsome man, but in the fact that a Gemini Man or Woman simply cannot refuse any of them!

Romantic and touching CANCER (22.06 - 22.07)

A full-fledged representative of the Cancer zodiac sign in literature - Romeo from William Shakespeare's poem "Romeo and Juliet"

Quote:"Love is a wise madness: it is full of bitterness and sweetness."

Cancer-Romeo is romantic, vulnerable, sincere, unquestioningly believes in eternal love and strives for it with all his heart. Despite the tenderness and timidity of character, Cancer is able to fend for itself. He loves silence, loneliness and peace, is prone to long reflections and deep thoughts, but he will not miss the chance to spend time in good company and the prospect of having fun to the fullest. Cancer is one of those zodiac signs who tend to perceive the injustice of life as a personal slap in the face. Due to excessive sensitivity, Cancer-Romeo repeatedly finds itself in tragic situations, committing one after another a series of rash acts!

The LEO that lives on the roof (23.07 - 23.08)

The brightest representative of the zodiac sign Leo - Carlson who lives on the roof: handsome, damn smart and moderately well-fed, and, of course, in the prime of his life.

(Astrid Lindgren, The Kid and Who Lives on the Roof.)

Leo is a zodiac sign full of optimism, love of life and friendship. He wins hearts, collects sincere smiles and eaten cakes, never loses heart, always glows with cheerfulness and love. The best toastmaster, organizer of mass events, unexpected reincarnations. Lions are made for fun, they just don't know how to be sad and longing for more than 5 minutes.

Carlson is real: moderately well-fed, charms any creature, always in the prime of life. He is in constant delight with every day and with himself. We should thank Lviv - they are trying their best to infect others with the same positive emotions. And we must give them their due - they always do it wonderfully well!

VIRGO wisely (08.24 - 09.23)

Hardly anyone would argue that the best literary reflection of the Virgo zodiac sign is Anna Karenina.

Quote:"Respect was invented to hide the empty space where love should be." (Leo Tolstoy, "Anna Karenina".)

And who would have thought that a Virgo so rich in tenderness and gentleness is capable of such harsh actions that can be condemned by society. But for Virgos, when the question becomes an edge and concerns happiness, no framework of decency and social laws exist. "Anna Karenins" are capable of a desperate struggle for happiness, love and their interests. But, no matter how reckless the actions of Virgos may look, do not underestimate the thoughtfulness of each step of such recklessness, since Virgo is the last sign of the Zodiac who is able to rush into the pool headlong without having a well-thought-out plan!

The LIBRA with whom they don’t joke (24.09 - 23.10)

The most prominent representative of Libra in literature, perhaps, Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Quote:"I put myself in the place of the character, first of all, having understood for myself his mental level, I try to imagine how I myself would have acted under similar circumstances."

It is typical for Libra to think a little about the question, be silent a little, weigh, analyze. Libra just wants to compare with Sherlock Holmes, as if they came to Earth to judge and give conclusions on various topics. It is Libra's silence that is much more verbose than any chatter of other signs of the Zodiac, and their inspector's gaze, like an X-ray, shines through the interlocutor, noting small details and inconsistencies. Libra representatives are cunning, attentive and intelligent people. And, often, like Sherlock Holmes himself, they direct their forces in the fight against evil.

Devilry and SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)

A real, notorious Scorpio - Woland Mikhail Bulgakov from The Master and Margarita.

Quote: "I like to sit low ... It is not so dangerous to fall from a low one."

Whatever one may say, but from any side in Scorpio some devilry shines through, mysticism and obscurity shines through. Every Scorpio is a mystery with an eerie appeal of the image, depth of sight and a hidden threat at the same time. Everyone knows that even a fleeting glance of a Scorpio can pierce to the very bones. And what to say if Scorpio "takes aim" ...? Scorpios are praised not for their ability to gracefully strike an opponent, but for the fact that they do it not as often as they can. Although some individuals will not miss the opportunity to sting more painfully. Some mysterious knowledge is attributed to Scorpios, which may be why Woland can be safely called the brightest representative of Scorpio in literature!

Sagittarius who likes to visit (23.11 - 21.12)

Typical Sagittarius in literature is Winnie the Pooh.

Quote:“The right company is a company where they will treat me with something and listen to my Grumpy with pleasure.” ("Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All," Alan Milne.)

Sagittarius is: the same open, charming to the point of impossibility, reliable in any respect, occasionally tactless, but very kind, sweet and constantly tipsy. If Sagittarius, in the event of such a misfortune, is visited by some crazy idea, he will certainly try to implement it in all possible and impossible ways, until it becomes clear to him that the reason for his failures lies in the "wrong bees". But the moment when Sagittarius realizes this comes too late ... However, Sagittarius has no time to be discouraged, because a new batch of amazing ideas is already swarming in his head!

Stubborn CAPRICORN (12.22 - 01.20)

The true representative of the Capricorn zodiac sign is Mary Poppins- the heroine of the fairy tales of the children's writer Pamela Travers. I think everyone remembers this fairy nanny from the feature film "Mary Poppins, Goodbye", directed by Leonid Kvinikhidze.

Quote:“Oh, what bliss, Oh, what bliss, To know that I am perfection. To know that I am the ideal. "

Capricorns are sedate, tenacious, serious and tenacious. This is exactly the heroine Mary Poppins, who will not allow children to play pranks for a moment, raising them to be exemplary citizens. Capricorn will not make concessions, indulging the slightest whims and whims of children, he will teach them strength and perseverance. Capricorn with all his being will set an example of good manners and behavior and strive to bring up adult feelings in kids. And, despite their seriousness and steadfastness, Capricorns know how to make their children's childhood the best in the world!

Life lover - AQUARIUS (21.01 - 20.02)

True Aquarius - Ostap Bender.

Quote:“We need to think. For example, ideas feed me. " ("The Golden Calf" by Ilf and Petrov.)

Aquarius is one of the most "mobile" signs of the Zodiac: there is always a multitude of ideas, words, forces, noise, din, body movements and, as a result, zero effect as a result. Although Aquarius himself is not upset at all, for he is full of courage, gaiety and optimism. Aquarians themselves suspect that the result of the work done is not so important to them as its process. Aquarians enthusiastically enjoy life itself every second, a breath of fresh wind, the look of an attractive brunette ... Aquarians do not need to learn to enjoy life - they know how to do this, and use their skill with or without it ... Such are they - Aquarians! And the brightest representative of Aquarius in literature is Ostap Bender, who has a holiday every day, and life itself is an inexhaustible carnival!

FISH (21.02 - 20.03)

As the brightest representative of the zodiac sign Pisces in literature can be called Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

Quote:"To become wise, you have to pretend to be mad."

Don Quixote of La Mancha is cunning and clever, mysterious, living in his transparent and spacious reservoir, understandable to him alone. Pisces are accustomed to swimming according to laws that are known only to representatives of their zodiac sign. They think of unknown, alluring distances, they are seduced by knightly battles. Pisces thinks about justice, about truth, about everything extremely important, worldly ... It is not for nothing that they are considered one of the most extraordinary and unusual signs. Pisces has some extremely noble mission, even if it is to fight windmills!