
How maternity is accrued if mom. Maternity leave

Vegetable crops

With the advent of a child, each family not only has new pleasant chores, but also significantly increase costs, especially since the entire burden of material support for the family falls, as a rule, on the shoulders of the father.

The state in support of families with children is taking a number of measures, including the payment of special benefits and the provision of working women who are expecting a child.

For example, all of them, regardless of their length of service, receive payments and benefits on maternity leave. The USSR became the first state in the world in which, since 1917, they began to provide women with this form. The right to it and the payment of insurance coverage to all pregnant women is reflected in Articles 225 and 226 of the Labor Code of our country.

The introduction of such leave is due to the fact that in the late stages of pregnancy it is already difficult for women for health reasons, and with a complex course it is impossible to fulfill their duties, in addition, the expectant mother needs time to prepare for the appearance of the baby.

Types of financial assistance

Maternity leave, popularly referred to as "maternity", implies release from work with the preservation of seniority and place of service and the receipt of social benefits produced by the employer or local branches of the FSS.

Maternity leave divided into two parts, its duration depends on some conditions and may be different:

  • 70 days for the pre- and postnatal part (total 140 calendar days);
  • if it is assumed that childbirth will be complicated, the postpartum part is increased by 16 days (156 days in total);
  • if several babies are expected to be born at once, then two weeks are added to the first part and forty days to the second (only 194 days).

Going on vacation, a woman receives by pregnancy and childbirth, the basis for calculating it is her income, the average for the last two years.

If a woman works not in one but several labor collectives at once, then maternity leave is granted at each place of work.

Parents can also expect to receive such compensatory payments:

If a woman, while on maternity leave, expecting the birth of the second baby, then all the pay, and also provided to her again in the same way.

Who can get

All working women, including those liable for military service, students, employees of military organizations, but who are not military personnel, as well as those registered at the labor exchange, can exercise the right to receive maternity leave.

Financial security the state pays women:

If the length of service before going on maternity leave is no more than 6 months, benefits and compensation in this case will be calculated based on the size.

Calculation rules and sizes

The level depends on the length of service and the earned income of the last two years. The quantity maternity benefits calculated by multiplying vacation days by average daily earnings.

It is defined as follows: from the sum of the average monthly salaries of the expectant mother for the two years worked prior to going on vacation, all periods of disability are excluded, this also includes past maternity leaves. Further, the resulting number is divided by 730 days (or 731 if one year turned out to be a leap year).

If a woman worked in two places, then her salaries at both enterprises are added up in the calculation. If she also continues to work in two collectives, then the allowance is paid in one at the choice of the employee herself.

If the average wage as a result turns out to be less than the level of the minimum wage or the length of service is no more than 6 months, all calculations will be made on the basis of the minimum wage rate (in 2019 it is equal to 11 280 rubles).

In order to calculate how much you can count on as monthly childcare allowance, the value of the average daily income must be multiplied by 30.4 (the average number of days in a month) and the percentage of income (0.4).

Minimum and maximum amounts

Since the minimum wage level approved in 2019 is taken for the calculation, the very small amount the allowance will be equal to:

  • for uncomplicated childbirth - 51 9019 rubles;
  • for difficult - 57 852 rubles;
  • for the birth of several children at once - 71,944 rubles.

The largest amount is limited by the size of the average earnings from which social security deductions are levied. The size of the insurance base in 2018 is 815,000 rubles, and in 2017 - 755,000 rubles. For the calculation, the level of wages of the last two years is taken, the values ​​of insurance bases of that period are used, that is, 815,000 and 755,000 rubles.

Therefore, in 2019 the maximum you can get depending on the length of the vacation is:

  • 301,095.2 rubles;
  • 335,506.08 rubles;
  • 417,231.92 rubles.

Allowance for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old must be at least 4512 rubles for the first and 6554.89 rubles for the second and subsequent children.

If several babies are born at once, then the allowance is paid separately for each.

Payment terms

After all the documents have been submitted to the personnel department or accounting department, the organization prepares an order for a vacation and payment of all the required funds. The calculation must be completed within 10 days, and the payment can be made on the next date of the transfer of wages. The entire amount is issued at a time for the entire vacation period.

Approximately according to the same scheme, the issuance of funds for an additional one-time early pregnancy registration and birth benefits... Upon receipt of the application and documents, the employer or other payment authority must pay them to the woman within ten days. This can be done on the day of receipt of the salary or on any other no later than the 26th day of the month following the one on which the documents were submitted.

Required documents

In order to go on vacation and prepare for the birth of a baby, as well as receive all due payments, a woman must collect and submit the necessary documents on time.

For vacation for pregnancy and childbirth the personnel department is represented by:

To count on funds every month childcare benefits , you need to prepare:

  • identity document;
  • original and copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • statement.

To receive a one-time maternity allowance, the father takes a certificate from his employer stating that it was not paid to him. Documents are handed over before the child turns six months old.

Non-working women

Women who do not have a permanent job also receive maternity and pregnancy allowance if they are or are full-time students. You need to apply for a receipt to the local authorities of the FSS or to the administration of the educational institution - for female students.

To do this, a sick leave, a certificate from the antenatal clinic, a document from the place of previous work or work book, a certificate that the woman is registered as unemployed at the Employment Service is attached to the application. The father can receive benefits from his employer.

For information on what payments are due during the decree, see the following video:

During pregnancy and postpartum recovery, a woman, like no one else, needs support. Therefore, at work, women are provided with maternity benefits.

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Nowadays, giving birth and raising a child is a rather expensive "pleasure".

In Russia, the state is loyal to expectant mothers, both in terms of material benefits and in terms of maternity leave, no country that is more economically developed is given such a leave, although being a mother and raising a child is also not easy work.

Therefore, when going on maternity leave, mothers should know when they must pay maternity benefits at work.

basic information

The size of the one-time amount is fixed, it is 15 512.65 rubles. In addition to this payment, parents will still receive a payment of up to six months.

Its size is not fixed, and depends directly on the official salary of one of the parents. There will be as many as:

  • for officially employed persons, the amount is about 40% of the average wage. Payment once a month passes;
  • for informally employed persons, the amount of the payment corresponds to one minimum wage.

Unofficially employed parents receive payments from the local social security agency.

If the father receives money, then he must provide that the wife did not receive any other payments.

Up to what age can children be given funds?

You can take maternity leave to care for a child up to 3 years old. A working woman retains a job at the enterprise for up to 3 years. But maternity payments are made only up to one and a half years.

After a year and a half, the employer pays compensation in the amount of 50 rubles a month, since 1994 there has never been an indexation of this amount, the amount is ridiculous, and sometimes it may not even be enough for travel.

How much are required to pay (monthly amount)

By all the established rules, the decree lasts 140 days, 70 days before delivery, and 70 days after childbirth, with the exception of multiple pregnancies, so payments are made depending on the duration of the decree.

The accrual of maternity benefits occurs according to a certain order of accrual and in the amount provided by law:

The amounts of maternity payments are based on, and are paid at 100%, regardless of the length of service.

Is it possible to register an allowance at the husband's place of work

If both parents work officially, and, on maternity leave, decided that the payment of benefits will be carried out at the husband's place of work, then the wife needs to take a certificate from the accounting department of her organization that there were no payments.

The payments are made for each child separately. A one-time payment in the amount of 16 350 rubles is made for one baby.

In order for the father to be able to receive payments at his place of work, it is necessary to submit a special application to the accounting department, and attach some documents to it:

  • passports of both parents;
  • registration of marriage;
  • a certificate from the wife's place of work stating that she did not receive any payments;
  • baby's birth certificate.

If the question is about monthly child benefits, then the parents come from the one who has a higher official salary, since such benefits will be in the amount of 40% of the salary.

Actions in case of violation of the contract

Failure to pay maternity benefits entails a violation of the mother's rights and a violation of the law.

If the management of the organization refuses to pay all due payments to a pregnant woman, then you can safely write a complaint to the Labor Inspectorate.

In case of violation by the employer of the payment of benefits, and the appeal to the labor inspectorate also did not give results, the woman has the right to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office and.

But usually employers do not violate this payment, and is paid on time, and after the employee says that she can apply to the relevant authorities, they agree to pay everything on time.

Maternity calculator

Maternity calculator online calculates the size of three maternity benefits: by average earnings, minimum and maximum. The result changes automatically as you enter data.

All rules, limits, regional allowances and situations are taken into account in the online calculator. Will help increase the allowance due to explanations, replacement of years, exceptions of "zero" days.

Your experience (for life)

It is necessary to indicate lifetime experience... It doesn't matter if it was interrupted or not.

Full calculation of maternity is possible only if the length of service for a lifetime is more than six months. Otherwise, the calculation is based on the minimum wage.

The unemployed will be able to receive only 2861.32 ₽ from RUSZN (SOBES). At the same time, it does not matter whether the experience was. Even if before that there was a very long experience. Women who quit less than 30 days ago can receive "full maternity benefits", but only if they quit for special reasons.

If a experience less than six months or the woman is currently out of work, then salary certificates are not needed.

Full calculation / Minimum / Maximum.

Length of maternity leave

How long does maternity leave last?
Depending on how the pregnancy progresses, the length of the sick leave may vary.
Also, a woman has the right, immediately after childbirth, to interrupt maternity leave and go on parental leave (therefore, the numbers are indicated before + after).

  • 156 days (70 + 86),;
  • 156 days (0 + 156) -.
  • 194 days (70 + 124),;
  • 160 or 176 days -;

Date of issue on maternity leave

From 01.07.2017 to 31.12.2017 from 01.01.2018 to 31.04.2018 from 01.05.2018 to 31.12.2018 from 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2019 from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020
Minimum wage: 12 130 ₽

The date you go on maternity leave determines which minimum wage will be used for the minimum maternity calculation, as well as which two years you can take. After all, you cannot take the current year.

The date of going on maternity leave is determined exclusively by the sick leave. It cannot be changed by statements.

Salary and income

Sickness, maternity and child benefits are never included in this calculation.

These amounts are included in the maternity calculator. Income cannot be higher than this amount (you cannot enter), because it does not pay contributions to the FSS. For example, for 2018, such income cannot exceed 815,000 rubles.

Estimated years

They take two years preceding the year of issue on maternity leave (in 2018 - this is from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017). At the same time, the date of the beginning of the sick leave is important for the choice of years, and when the birth is not important. You can borrow only a full year from January 1 to December 31. You cannot select two identical years in the online calculator. It is impossible to take into account the year of issue of the decree.

for a child or on maternity leave (at least one day), then, if desired, in the maternity calculator, you can replace the years (one year) with the previous years (year) (). You cannot change the year for other reasons (for example, if you have not worked). In this case, it can only be replaced for the previous year. You cannot take any years for replacement.

For example, a woman goes on maternity leave in 2018. Prior to that, she was on parental leave for 3 years 2015-2018. Then you can take any 3 years from 2013 to 2017. For example: 2014 and 2016.

If you are on vacation all year?

Excluded days

Average earnings are calculated by day. The fewer days the better... If you do not exclude take 730-732 days (amount for 2 years). It is not advisable to completely exclude days. In the absence of days, the calculation is "Minimum".

When calculating maternity and child benefits, the number of days can be reduced. You can exclude:
regular sick leave parental leave;
downtime due to the fault of the employer etc.).

No other cases can reduce the number of days in the calculator. And if, for example, a woman out of two calculated years worked for only a year (a month, a year and a half - it does not matter), and the rest of the time she was simply unemployed, then they still divide by 730. And this reduces the calculation.

Excluded days:

From 0 to 730 (365 + 365). Integer.
Number of days to calculate: 730


If there was no income or no days for calculation, then the calculation will be minimal.

If the calculation is less than the minimum amount. Get the minimum. Then you do not need to provide salary certificates.

You cannot get above the maximum either. There is a maximum for each selected year.

By salary

No income ₽

0 (salary for 2016 + 2017) ÷ 731 (calendar days) = 0 ₽ (average daily earnings)

0 (average daily earnings) × 140 (maternity leave duration) = If there are no days for calculation, then they will pay at least ₽

If there was no income, then they will pay a minimum

Minimum amount calculation:
12130 (minimum wage from 01.01.2020 to 31.12.2020) × 24 (months) ÷ 730 (calendar days in 2 years) × 140 (maternity leave) × 1 (rate at work) + 0% (regional coefficient) = 55831.23 ₽

Maximum amount calculation:
815,000 (maximum amount for FSS in 2018) + 865,000 (maximum amount for FSS in 2019) = 168,000 (maximum earnings in 2 years)
1680000 (maximum earnings in 2 years) ÷ 730 (calendar days in two years) = 2301.37 ₽ (average daily earnings)
2301.37 (average daily earnings) × 140 (duration of maternity leave) = 322191.8 ₽

site / kz / dekretnie.php? stj = 1 & dnid = 140 & data = 191 & zan = 1 & zanst = 1 & rk = 2 & rkpr ​​= 30 & zp1 = 0 & god1 = 2017 & zp2 = 0 & god2 = 2018 & dnir = 0 & dnid2 = 1

What is maternity leave?

Maternity- This is a one-time maternity allowance (at least 51,380 rubles in 2018). Maternity leave is issued by the FSS on sick leave for a period of 140 to 194 days. For the calculation, take the average earnings for two calendar years. Only the mother can receive maternity benefits.
Such sick leave is given immediately (and paid in one amount) for the entire period and is not divided into parts.
Minimum (according to the minimum wage) - 55,830.6 rubles (from January 1, 2020); 51,918.9 (from January 1, 2019); Maximum - 322,191.80 (in 2020); 301,095.20 (in 2019).


  • 140 days (70 days before the expected due date and 70 days after) with uncomplicated pregnancy;
  • 156 days (70 + 86), if the birth was complicated or the baby;
  • 156 days (0 + 156) premature birth (between 22 and 30 obstetric weeks).
  • 194 days (70 + 124), if several children are expected to be born;
  • 194 days (84 days before the birth of the child and 110 after), if several children suddenly appear;
  • 160 or 176 days maternity in the Chernobyl zone or in another pollution zone;
Mothers who are eligible for a pregnancy and childbirth allowance in the period after childbirth have the right from the date of birth of a child to receive either a pregnancy and childbirth allowance or a monthly childcare allowance (255-FZ Article 11.1).

Date of issue on maternity leave

Most often, mothers go to sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth at 30 weeks. At 28 weeks go away if multiple babies are predicted.

The allowance is considered by the date of issue on maternity leave. It is especially important if the sick leave opens in late December or early January.
The exact date of going on maternity leave is determined exclusively by the doctor on the sick leave. No statements will be able to correct this date.

Calculation of maternity

  1. Minimum
  2. Calculation based on average earnings for 2 years (calculated)
  3. Maximum

Minimum> Salary> Maximum

The maternity pay will pay you according to the average earnings, but not less than the minimum and not more than the maximum.

Minimum calculation

The minimum amount for maternity is calculated very simply.
Here's an example of the minimum for standard conditions in 2018:

Minimum wage on the day of opening sick leave (11163) × 24 (months) ÷ 730 (calendar days in 2 years) × 140 (maternity leave duration) × 1 (rate at work) × 0% (regional coefficient) = 51,380.38 ₽

The regional coefficient can be viewed.
To calculate the minimum, 730 days are always taken

Minimum maternity (duration 140 days)
Sick leave opening dateMinimum maternity *
Full rateHalf-time
From 01.07.2017 to 31.12.201735901.37 ₽17950.68 ₽
From 01.01.2018 to 31.04.201843675.40 ₽21837.70 ₽
From 01.05.2018 to 31.12.201851380.38 ₽25 690.19 ₽
Since 201951918.90 ₽25959.45 ₽
From 202055 830.6 ₽27,915.3 ₽
Unemployed2861.32 ₽

* They cannot pay less than the minimum amount.
If the experience is less than 6 months, then only the minimum amount will be paid.

Calculation of average earnings

Here is an example of calculating average earnings
Uncomplicated singleton pregnancy (140 days) | Income for 2 years 480,000 rubles | 6 days of illness (725 days):

480,000 (salary for 2 years) ÷ 725 (calendar days) = 662.07 ₽ (average daily earnings)
662.07 (average daily earnings) × 140 (sick leave) = 92689.8 ₽

The length of service does not affect the calculation. There is only one rule - work experience must be more than 6 months, otherwise at least.

Salary and income

The full salary is taken (with personal income tax). Income also includes: vacation pay, official bonuses, travel expenses (excluding sick leave).

The amounts of sick leave, maternity and child allowances are never included in the maternity calculation.

For the income of each year, maximum limits... Income cannot be higher than this amount (you cannot enter), because it does not pay contributions to the FSS. For example, for 2018 such income cannot exceed 815,000 rubles.

Years to calculate
They take two years preceding the year of issue on maternity leave (in 2018 - this is from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017). At the same time, the date of the beginning of the sick leave is important for the choice of years, and when the birth is not important. You can borrow only a full year from January 1 to December 31. You cannot choose two identical years. It is impossible to take into account the year of issue of the decree.

For example, if a woman goes on maternity leave in 2018, then she will not be able to take 2018 into account under any circumstances.

If you were on parental leave in the design year (s) for a child or on maternity leave (at least one day), then, if desired, you can replace the years (one year) with the previous years (year) () You cannot replace the years for other reasons (for example, if you did not work). In this case, it can only be replaced for the previous year. You cannot take any years for replacement.

For example, a woman goes on maternity leave in 2018. Prior to that, she was on parental leave for 3 years 2015-2018. Then you can take any 3 years from 2013 to 2017. For example: 2014 and 2016.

If you are on vacation all year? If a woman has been on parental leave all year, then you can safely take this year, because he does not affect the calculation (all his days are excluded). But you can't take two such years. One must have a salary and income. Otherwise, the minimum.

Can I only take one year? In the case described just above, one year is actually taken, since maternity days are completely excluded. But the calculation always takes two years.

Days to calculate

The fewer days the better... But you cannot take zero. In the absence of days, the calculation is "minimum."

Take 730 or 731 (the number of calendar days in two years). But there are exceptions ...

When calculating maternity and child benefits, the number of 731 days can be reduced. When calculating, you need to exclude:
1) periods of temporary disability ( regular sick leave), maternity leave (maternity leave), parental leave;
2) the period of the employee's release from work with full or partial retention of wages in accordance with the law, if insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation were not charged for the retained wages for this period ( downtime due to the fault of the employer etc.).

No other cases can reduce the number of days. And if, for example, a woman out of two calculated years worked for only a year (a month, a year and a half - it does not matter), and the rest of the time she was simply unemployed, then they still divide by 730. And this reduces the calculation.


The amount of the maximum depends solely on the two years chosen and the length of the maternity leave
An example of calculating the maximum for the selected years 2018 + 2019. Duration 140 days.:

815,000 (maximum amount for FSS in 2018) + 865,000 (maximum amount for FSS in 2019) = 1,680,000 (maximum earnings in 2 years)
1,680,000 (maximum earnings in 2 years) ÷ 730 (calendar days in two years) = 2,301.37 rubles (average daily earnings)
2,301.37 (average daily earnings) × 140 (duration of maternity leave) = 322,191.80 rubles. ₽

This maximum can only be applied by those who go on maternity leave in 2020, because 2018 + 2019 can be chosen only in 2020.
Maximum maternity (duration 140 days)
Selected yearsMaximum
2020 + 2019 (from 2021)RUR 340,328.80
2019 + 2018 (from 2020)322,191.80 ₽
2018+2017 301,095.20 ₽
2017+2016 282,493.40 ₽
2016+2015 266,191.80 ₽
2015+2014 248,164.00 ₽
2014+2013 RUB 228,603.20
2013+2012 207 123,00 ₽
2012+2011 186 986.80 ₽
2011+2010 167,808.20 ₽
2010 + 2009 and earlier159,178.60 ₽

All payments for pregnant women and mothers (list)

Help typeAmount
One-time (+ calculator)from 51380.38 ₽
for medical care11 000 ₽
One-off childbirth allowance18,004.12 ₽
One-time allowance for women registered with medical institutions in the early stages of pregnancy675.15 ₽ + 600 ₽ in Moscow
Requesting financial assistance from the employer (voluntary)up to RUB 50,000 personal income tax is not assessed
Providing a free land plot for large families (from 3 children)Plot
Sick leave to care for a sick child under 15 (+ calculator)from 150 ₽ per day
Monthly (+ calculator)from 4 512 ₽ to 26 152.27 ₽
Monthly payments from 2018 per child from the statefrom 10 532 ₽
Monthly payments from 2020 for a child from one and a half to three years from the statefrom 10 532 ₽
Third child allowance from 2019 (list of regions)about 10 500 ₽
Monthly allowance for a child from one and a half to three years50 ₽ and retention of experience
Alimony: how to collect and the amountfrom 2 750 ₽ per month
For some categories
Lump-sum allowance for the pregnant wife of a conscript₽25 892.45
Monthly allowance for the child of a conscript11,096.77 ₽ per month
Lump-sum allowance when transferring a child to a family for upbringing18,004.12 ₽

Appointment documents

For the appointment and payment of maternity benefits (maternity), you need documents:

  • certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave);
  • if the calculation of the BI allowance will be made at one of the last places of work of the woman's choice, a certificate from another insured that the appointment and payment of this benefit by this insured is not carried out;
  • if you want to replace the estimated years (or one year) with earlier ones, then you also need;
  • (if during the billing period the woman worked for other employers). This reference is optional. You should first calculate and understand whether you need to provide it. After all, if you worked a little in the billing period and / or you had a small salary, then the calculation (for example, 20,000 rubles) will come out less than the minimum (35,901.37 rubles at full time) and then there is no point in spending time on inquiries;
  • sometimes they ask for an application: Sample application for maternity leave for benefits. Although a sick leave is usually sufficient.
If the employee was on maternity or child leave for the two years that are included in the calculation, one or both years of the calculation period can be replaced with the previous ones (255-FZ article 14). Of course, if it is more profitable for the employee. To do this, she must write a special statement. But keep in mind that real payments are taken into account, which are not indexed in any way.

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Who pays?

Vacation for all these days, including weekends and holidays, is paid by the FSS. And it doesn't matter what tax regime the company is in. Payments are made by the employer, and the FSS (social insurance) then reimburses him.

a pilot project of the FSS (now there are more than 20 of them), benefits will be reimbursed directly to employees from the FSS. At the same time, the employer helps the employee to collect all the documents.

When I get?

The maternity allowance must be calculated and accrued no later than 10 calendar days from the moment the employee applied for it. The basis is the original sick leave. The allowance is paid on the very next day when the company issues wages, and in full. That is, there is no need to "split" it by months.


Terms of application

The maternity allowance is awarded if the application was followed no later than six months from the date of the end of the maternity leave (255-FZ article 12, clause 2).

Recalculation to increase

If you have new documents or you decide to calculate in a different way (,,), you have the right to apply for a recalculation of benefits within three years to increase the amount of maternity benefits.

The application is written in free form.

Can I choose a date or postpone?

The issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth is carried out at 30 weeks of pregnancy (clause 46 of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011, No. 624n).

If a woman, when contacting a medical organization, within the prescribed period, refuses to receive a certificate of incapacity for work according to BIR for the period of maternity leave, her refusal is recorded in the medical documentation. When a woman repeatedly applies for a certificate of disability due to pregnancy and childbirth for registration of maternity leave, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued for all 140 (156 or 194) calendar days from the date of initial application for the specified document, but not earlier than the period established by the first paragraphs or the second of this paragraph.

Those. theoretically, the term can be postponed to a later one (for example, to January, so that the current year is included in the calculation). You can't go to an earlier one.

Pension (seniority)

The period of sick leave (it is exactly a sick leave, not a vacation) for pregnancy and childbirth (in the common people "maternity leave") is always included in the retirement experience, like any period of incapacity for work (paragraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ "On labor pensions in the Russian Federation").

Vacation experience

The period of maternity leave is included in the leave period, and the period of parental leave up to one and a half (three) years is not included.


Annual vacation is due!

According to Art. 260 TC. "Before maternity leave or immediately after it, or at the end of parental leave, a woman, at her request, is given an annual paid leave (28 days), regardless of the length of service with this employer." ...

Moreover, if a woman has less than 28 days of vacation leave, vacation pay is given to her in advance. These vacation pay are either included in the vacation period or returned upon dismissal.

Where to go if the maternity was incorrectly credited?

First, try to solve this issue with an accountant. If it does not work, then contact the labor inspectorate or the FSS. The recalculation can be requested within 3 years.

Absenteeism and dismissal

A pregnant woman from an existing organization (and individual entrepreneur) cannot be dismissed (Article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) at the initiative of the employer. Also, it is impossible for such a woman to write off absenteeism, because pregnancy is always a good reason for not showing up for work.

If the maiden was fired during the liquidation of the organization

It is necessary to take certificates and go to the social welfare authorities (RUSZN) - they will continue to pay the allowance in full, as before the dismissal.

Employees of organizations in which the bankruptcy procedure began can apply directly to the FSS in order to receive sick leave or maternity benefits (Federal Law of March 9, 2016 No. 55-FZ).

Can I go to work early?

An employee has the right to go to work before the end of the maternity leave. However, you cannot receive benefits and salaries at the same time (there may be claims from the FSS). Therefore, you can only go unofficially.

Fixed-term employment contract (contract)

If an employee finds herself in a position and at the same time a fixed-term employment contract was concluded with her, then its validity is extended until the employee leaves the hospital for pregnancy and childbirth (maternity). Such an employee cannot be dismissed earlier.

If a student is on maternity leave

Women enrolled in maternity allowance are entitled to maternity benefits. full-time education in educational institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational and higher vocational education (universities), in institutions of postgraduate vocational education. This allowance is paid to mothers-students in the amount of the scholarship established by the educational institution (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 865 of December 30, 2006).


If there are two jobs?

I. 1 employer has more than two years and 2 employers have more than two years. If an employee at the time of issuing a maternity hospital worked in several places, and in the previous two years she worked all the time in the same place, then maternity payments are made at all places of work. The monthly maternity allowance is paid only at one place of work of the employee's choice and is calculated from the employee's average earnings.

II. 1 employer has less than two years and 2 employers have less than two years. If an employee at the time of issuing a maternity hospital worked for several policyholders, and in the previous two worked for other policyholders, then all payments are assigned to her by the employer for one of the last jobs chosen by the maternity.

III. 1 employer has more than two years, and 2 employers have less than two years If an employee at the time of issuing a maternity hospital worked for several policyholders (employers), and in the previous two years she worked for both those and other policyholders, then maternity payments can be made both at one place of work, from the average earnings for all employers, so for all current employers, from the average earnings at the current place.

Although, in the opinion of the judges of the Moscow District, the decree of May 11, 2016 No. F05-5284 / 2016 states that the maiden in any case should receive two benefits (clause 2 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ ).

If the experience for a lifetime is less than six months

If your total insurance experience is less than 6 months, then you will receive maternity leave - 1 minimum wage rubles per month. Also, if in the calculations the amount turned out to be less than the calculation for the minimum wage, then the calculation for the minimum wage is taken (see above in the table).

The minimum wage in all regions is taken at the federal level. No surcharges. The minimum wage from July 1, 2016 - 7,500 rubles.

If I work part-time?

If an employee works part-time, the minimum wage for the minimum maternity wage needs to be recalculated. For example, for a part-time employee, the minimum wage will be 2165 rubles. (4330 rub.: 2).

If the maternity is unemployed?

Unemployed women should apply to the local department of RUSZN (district department of social protection of the population, aka RUSZN, aka Rai SOBES). The payment is made by the territorial body of the FSS that has appointed the allowance. You can also register at an employment center and receive unemployment benefits.

If twins are unexpectedly born or adopted

If the maternity leave was originally discharged for 140 days, but she unexpectedly had twins, the sick leave (maternity leave) should be extended by 54 days. Not only pregnant women can count on maternity. This right is also given to women who decide to adopt a baby under the age of three months. They receive benefits for the period from the date of adoption until 70 days after the birth of the child. If the family takes two or more children, then the following period is paid: from adoption to 110 days from the birth of the kids.

If before the decree, go on vacation will it affect maternity benefits?

It will affect, but not significantly - vacation pay is included in the calculation, but usually they are almost equal to salary.

If the maternity worker had no earnings in the billing period

The calculation includes all payments for all jobs for the last two calendar years for which contributions to the FSS of the Russian Federation were charged. But in practice, it is quite possible that the employee did not have any earnings for the estimated two years. In this case, you need to calculate the benefit based on the minimum wage.

If the employee has been on maternity or child leave for the two years that are included in the calculation

If the employee was on maternity or child leave for the two years that are included in the calculation, one or both years of the calculation period can be replaced with the previous ones (255-FZ article 14). Of course, if it is more profitable for the employee. To do this, she must write a special statement. But keep in mind: real payments are taken into account, which are not indexed in any way.

If you recently got a job and there was no earnings in the previous two years, you cannot replace the year on this basis alone.

In this case, it can only be replaced for the previous year. You cannot take any years for replacement.

Accountant (Reporting)

Maternity taxes

Income tax (personal income tax 13%) is not withheld from maternity taxes. Contributions to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund from these payments are also not made (In accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 9 of the Federal Law of 24.07.2009, No. 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund of Compulsory Health Insurance and Territorial Compulsory Health Insurance Funds ").


The company receives funds for maternity leave within 10 calendar days after it submits all the necessary documents. In the FSS of the Russian Federation you need to submit a written application, a calculation in the form 4-FSS of the Russian Federation for the period confirming the accrual of expenses for the payment of insurance coverage, it is possible that they will also require another calculation of benefits. Individual entrepreneurs (unlike organizations) can receive these funds to any account (even personal) or savings account.

First, the organization (individual entrepreneur) pays this benefit (or part of it), then the FSS reimburses it. If the FSS refused to reimburse this benefit, then it must either be returned, or additional insurance premiums must be charged and personal income tax withheld, because then this amount is essentially a regular premium. Or you can spend it as material assistance.

If the FSS has reimbursed, then the reporting is as follows:

Amounts that are not subject to insurance premiums (maternity, childcare benefits, and other benefits) are displayed in the calculation of RSV-1 section 2 on lines 210, 211, 212.

In those regions where the FSS pilot project is in place, it is not necessary to reflect maternity in the reporting. After all, the FSS pays them directly.

Material liability with maternity

The employer is not entitled to deduct anything from maternity benefits, as well as childcare benefits. Even if a liability agreement is signed and you have caused damage to the property, the benefits are always paid in full.

Reimbursement of benefits and expenses 2017

Since 2017, all benefits and expenses must be reimbursed from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. To do this, for the periods up to 2017, it is necessary to provide 4-FSS, and after 2017 a certificate-calculation (its Form has not yet been approved).

In those regions where a pilot FSS project is in place (now there are more than 20 of them), benefits will be reimbursed directly to employees from the FSS. In 2020, all regions will join such a project.

Woman Entrepreneur (IE)

Benefit amount

If SP voluntarily paid contributions to the Social Insurance Fund - then the allowance will be minimal. From May 1, 2018 - 51,380.38 rubles.

There are 2 options in total: either the minimum wage from the FSS or nothing.

Required condition!

Contributions must be paid for the previous calendar year (Article 4.5. Clause 6 255-FZ).

Those. if you open a maternity leave in 18, then contributions must be paid for the entire 17 year.


All women pay (voluntarily) a fixed amount to the Social Insurance Fund based on one minimum wage. An entrepreneur cannot pay more or less than on the basis of the minimum wage.

7,500 minimum wages * 2.9% rate = 217.50 rubles / month or 2,610 rubles. for the whole 2017,
9489 * 2.9% = 275.18 rubles / month or 3133.43 rubles. for the whole of 2018.

Individual entrepreneur payment to the Pension Fund

An individual entrepreneur on maternity leave may not pay contributions to the Pension Fund (letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated March 22, 2011 No. 19-5 / 10 / 2-2767). This is a controversial issue, but the courts are on the side of the individual entrepreneur. Since 2013, in 212-FZ, part 6-7, article 14, changes have been made: it is possible not to pay fixed contributions during the period when one of the parents cares for each child until they reach the age of one and a half years, but no more than three years in total in case of submission documents confirming the absence of activity during the indicated periods.


A business woman in the FSS must provide the following documents:

  • Application of an individual entrepreneur to the FSS of Russia on the appointment of maternity benefits; (Word, 37 kb.)
  • sick leave;



If the individual entrepreneur also works under an employment contract

There are various options for obtaining maternity benefits:

  • at the time of the occurrence of the insured event, the individual entrepreneur in the previous two calendar years did not change work under an employment contract and at the same time conducted activities as an individual entrepreneur. At the same time, the entrepreneur voluntarily entered into a legal relationship on compulsory social insurance and paid contributions to the FSS of Russia during the two previous calendar years. In this case, he receives benefits in two places: in the territorial department of the FSS of Russia at the place of residence and from the employer with whom an employment contract has been concluded;
  • at the time of the occurrence of the insured event, the individual entrepreneur in the previous two calendar years worked for other employers and was not registered as an entrepreneur (voluntary policyholder). Then the benefits are paid to him in one place - from the last employer with whom an employment contract has been concluded;
  • at the time of the occurrence of the insured event, the individual entrepreneur in the previous two calendar years worked both for the current employer and for other employers, and at the same time conducted activities as an entrepreneur. At the same time, the entrepreneur voluntarily entered into a legal relationship on compulsory social insurance and paid contributions to the FSS of Russia during the two previous calendar years. In this case, he has the right to choose where to receive benefits - at all places of work (both in the territorial department of the FSS of Russia and at the last employer) or at one of them (only at the territorial department of the FSS of Russia or only at the last employer).
If a female individual entrepreneur worked at the same time or got a job later, then she cannot provide any certificates of wages from her individual entrepreneur. After all, the income of an individual entrepreneur is not a salary. The income of an individual entrepreneur for the FSS is always zero (even if the individual entrepreneur is voluntarily there (yal)), because the individual entrepreneur does not charge his own salary.

The size of payments for workers depends on the average daily earnings and the minimum wage.

In 2020, the values ​​are:

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With the increase in the minimum wage, and this happens annually, the indicated amounts also increase. This year it is planned to increase the minimum size by 17,6% ... The maximum limit limits the amount of average earnings ("insurance base") from which social insurance contributions are deducted.

The size of other payments in the decree:

Registered in medical institutions up to 12 weeks. pregnancy They can count on additional one-time assistance in RUB 628.47 To do this, it is necessary to present to the employer or to the social security authorities a certificate from the consultation, confirming this fact.
One of the parents receives a one-time allowance for the birth of children at the place of employment In 2020, its size was RUB 16,759.09
Childcare allowance up to 1.5 years (monthly) You can get it only after the end of the decree, going on vacation for the specified reason. Its volume is 40% from the average salary, but it cannot be less than the minimum established by the state, namely - RUB3,788.33 for one and RUB 6,284.65 for the second and subsequent babies, leaving the minimum wage in RUB 9489 in 2020.

If several children were born, then these payments are transferred for each of them: a woman has the right to receive funds for the first and second child at the same time.

For the unemployed

They will be able to receive only a minimum of funds, since they are not eligible for BIR benefits. There is an exception to this rule: these funds can be received by women who quit their jobs in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise or in the presence of certain circumstances.

Category Payments for BiR (rub.) Once upon registration up to 12 weeks. (rub.) One-time assistance (rub.) Monthly maintenance for caring for children under 1.5 years old (in rubles)
The status of unemployed was obtained within a year by the time of application and after leaving work due to the liquidation of the employer or after the termination of the individual entrepreneur, including the self-employed population. 628.47 per month for 140, 156, 194 days depending on the complexity of childbirth. 628,47 16759,09 3788,33 for one and 6284,65 for the care of the second child, and the same amount for subsequent children
If the dismissal occurred in such cases:
  • during parental leave (including maternity leave);
  • in connection with the bankruptcy of the enterprise;
  • when transferring a husband from military structures in a foreign territory.
100% average salary for 2 years or at least the minimum wage. 628,47 16759,09 40% from salary, but not less than the minimum wage in 3788,33 for one and 6284,65 on the second and subsequent babies.

Non-working women who are not subject to compulsory social insurance, who do not have unemployment status, that is, they are not registered with the employment service, including full-time students, can count on the following:

These payments are transferred to mothers by local social welfare authorities or an educational institution for female students.

If a young mother is on maternity leave, does not work and does not have unemployed status, that is, she is not registered with the employment service, then she will receive only maternity capital from the state, as well as one-time assistance ( 16759,09 ) and the social minimum in connection with caring for children before 1.5 years.

Special cases for one-time assistance regardless of the fact of employment:

Special cases for monthly assistance:

Differences from other types of benefits

It is necessary to distinguish between several options for payments related to the birth and care of children, namely:

View Characteristic
Maternity allowance (according to BiR) They are given to workers, individual entrepreneurs who voluntarily pay insurance payments, as well as non-working people who received the status of unemployed after being laid off due to the liquidation of the enterprise.

It should not be paid to other unemployed, except for full-time students who receive this assistance in the amount of a scholarship.

Care products for a child up to 1.5 years old Intended for everyone, but non-workers will receive the minimum paid by the social security authorities.
One-time assistance: in connection with the birth of a child and for early registration The first is paid to everyone.

The second is intended for women registered with antenatal clinics before 12 weeks regardless of whether the recipient is employed or not.

Maternity leave is not the same as parental leave up to 1.5 or up to 3 years... Often these two periods are called "decree", but this is wrong, since they differ, and in terms of payments as well. The childcare period can be taken before 3 year old age, but assistance is paid only up to 1.5 years.

Already working with 30th week pregnancy can take a sick leave from the supervising doctor and show it to the employer. They will be credited with BI assistance in the amount of 100% of the average monthly salary for 2 years for the entire period of incapacity for work specified in this document (standard 70 days. before and 70 days after childbirth).

The allowance is paid once for the entire period. Also, along with this, you can issue a small one-time assistance for those who registered in the early stages ( up to 12 weeks) and the amount due to the birth of the child.

How to calculate payouts

The maternity allowance depends on the size of the salary, all other types of assistance have a fixed amount, so the calculation is necessary for it.

To start the calculation, you need to determine the following values:

  • wages for 2 years;
  • number of days in the previous two years;
  • from the number of days, periods of unpaid leave and maternity leave, sick leave are subtracted;
  • the size of the minimum wage;
  • the boundaries of the maximum social payments in 2020;
  • the value of the total length of service.

The calculation is as follows:

  1. Divide total income by days per 2 years minus excluded periods - receive average daily income.
  2. The result is multiplied by the number of vacation days in the BiR. It is indicated on the sick leave.
  3. An adjustment is made, if necessary, taking into account the rules of accrual.

The last stage follows the following rules:

  1. If the monthly size is less than the minimum wage, then it increases to this level.
  2. With little experience, they immediately take the minimum amount.
  3. If the salary is extremely high, then it is necessary to make a reconciliation with the established maximum possible level of payments (last year it was 755 thousand rubles. per year.).

The FSS website has an online calculator that uses the described principle of calculation. The same data must be entered in its fields.

Calculation example:


Funds for BiR are accrued after presentation of a sick leave issued by medical institutions at the place of employment. It should be taken when the pregnancy reaches its due date. 30 weeks... For a one-time payment, if a woman has issued an early registration (before 12 weeks), submit certificates from the antenatal clinic. The second necessary document submitted with a sick leave is an application for vacation.

Important to remember!

For other payments after the birth of a child, it is necessary to provide his birth documents from the registry office, as well as applications for the payment of appropriate social assistance. You also need to provide a certificate from the place of work of the second parent stating that he does not receive a one-time and monthly allowance.

Required documentation at each stage in the standard case:

Stage Paper
Registration at the very beginning of pregnancy Get help if done before 12 weeks It gives the right to a one-time tranche in RUB 628.47
For 30 weeks(you can in advance on 27th or 28th) Take a sick leave and accompanying documents from the attending physician (certificates of the complexity of pregnancy and the like).
Open a bank account for the benefit Get a certificate from a financial institution with an account number.
Preparing the rest of the documentation and submitting it to the employer Collected documents are submitted, as well as copies of the passport. The woman also writes a statement with a request to grant her leave with the payment of benefits for the BiR. At the same time, its duration is indicated (start and end dates).

Going on vacation The employer issues an order with which he 3-day the term should inform the employee.

After childbirth The woman in labor must provide a copy of the certificate to the company.

When complications arise If childbirth has become more difficult, then the woman provides the company with an additional sick leave to continue the rest.
After vacation After a period of rest in BiR, you can choose from two options.

First: apply for parental leave before 3 years old.

Second: refuse it, in which case another family member (father, grandmother, close relatives) will be able to arrange this period. In these cases, a statement, identification documents and a child's certificate will be required.


Maternity payments are assigned throughout 10 days after submitting all documents and applications. Payment is made on the usual dates of the transfer of salaries at the enterprise where the woman is listed or at the beginning of the month, if the funds are paid by the social security authorities.

Maternity leave is granted according to the following rules:

Difficulty in childbirth Total (days) Before / after childbirth (days)
Conventional without complications 140 70/70
Complicated 156 70/86
More than 1 child 194 84/110
Multiple pregnancies detected during childbirth 194 70/124
For those living in the eviction zones after the Chernobyl accident 160 90/70
For the same with complicated childbirth 176 90/86
For identical twins at birth 200 90/110

The rules for calculating maternity and child benefits are of interest to both accountants and expectant mothers. We will tell you about the changes in 2020 and teach you how to use an online calculator to calculate the amounts of these payments.

How to use the calculator for calculating maternity and child benefits?

The calculator of maternity and child allowances from the Kontur.Accounting service will help you easily calculate the amount of payments. The calculator is available free of charge and without registration. The calculation is very simple:

  • On the "Initial data" tab, select the desired benefit, enter the data from the sick leave or information about the child and the duration of the leave.
  • On the "Pivot Table" tab, enter information about the employee's earnings for the last 2 years (or previous years if changing years). If a regional coefficient is applied, check the box in the required field. If the employee is part-time, designate it.
  • On the tab "Results" you will find out the amount of sick leave.

Calculations take a couple of minutes. If you are an employee, add our calculator to Bookmarks to calculate your benefit if needed. If you are an accountant, appreciate the convenience of using the calculator. There are many other convenient tools for accounting and payroll in Kontur.Accounting.

Free calculators for sick, maternity, vacation pay - these are our widgets in the public domain. If you want to quickly calculate your salary, easily keep records and send reports via the Internet, register in the online service Kontur. Accounting. The first 14 days of operation are free for all new users.

Main changes in the calculation of benefits in 2020

New minimum wage. At the beginning of 2020, the minimum wage is 12,130 rubles. Now the minimum daily wage is 12,130 rubles × 24 months / 730 days = 398.79 rubles.

Settlement period. If the decree begins in 2020, then the previous two years are taken to calculate benefits - 2018-2019.

Replacement of years. An employee can write an application to replace two accounting years when it is beneficial for her. For example, in 2017-2018, the employee went on maternity leave and leave to care for the older child, and in 2020 she goes on maternity leave with the youngest. This means that in 2017-2018 she had no earnings, so it would be more profitable to calculate the benefit from 2015-2016. The Ministry of Labor explained that it is possible to calculate the allowance for the next two previous years - and not for any others: if the employee left on the previous decree in 2017-2018, then a replacement can be made only for 2015-2016.

Maximum earnings from which benefits can be calculated, in 2016 it was equal to 718,000 rubles, in 2017 - 755,000 rubles, in 2018 - 815,000 rubles, in 2019 - 865,000 rubles. Then the maximum daily earnings for calculating benefits in 2020 is: (815,000 rubles + 865,000) / 730 days = 2,301.37 rubles.

Maximum amount of maternity. In 2020, with a decree lasting 140 days, the amount of maternity leave cannot exceed 2,301.37 rubles × 140 days = 322,191.8 rubles. With a longer or shorter maternity leave, the amount changes proportionally.

Maximum monthly child allowance: 2,301.37 × 30.4 days × 40% = 27,984.66 rubles.

Minimum monthly child allowance. From January 1, 2020, the minimum wage is 12,130 rubles, so the minimum monthly child benefit for one child will be 4,852 rubles. You cannot pay less than this amount for childcare benefits for a child under 1.5 years old. The "minimum wage" for caring for the second and next children has changed since February this year - 6,554.89 rubles.

Minimum maternity leave allowance. The minimum allowance for 140 days of the decree will increase in 2020, as the minimum wage and average daily earnings have increased. The new minimum will be 398.79 × 140 = 55,830.6 rubles.

Maternity allowance 2020

In 2020, the old rules for calculating maternity leave work. The decree does not come before the beginning of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, but its first day is determined by the application of the expectant mother. An employee can go on maternity leave from the first day of sick leave, or she can do it later.

To calculate the benefit, we take the employee's income for the previous two years. The salary for the calculation is taken in full, with personal income tax. For example, if a woman goes on maternity leave on December 28, 2019, then the benefit will be formed according to the income of 2017-2018. If the decree starts in January 2020, then the allowance is calculated for the years 2018-2019.

Income for the year for calculating benefits should not exceed the maximum base size for paying contributions to the Social Insurance Fund:

  • for 2014 - 624 thousand rubles;
  • for 2015 - 670 thousand rubles;
  • for 2016 - 718 thousand rubles;
  • for 2017 - 755 thousand rubles;
  • for 2018 - 815 thousand rubles;
  • for 2019 - 865 thousand rubles;

The maximum daily earnings in 2020 is, as indicated above, 2,301.37 rubles.

The minimum daily wage when calculating maternity wages follows from the minimum wage, as we already wrote. At the beginning of 2020, the minimum wage is 12 130 rubles, and the minimum daily wage is 12 130 × 24/730 = 398.79 rubles.

The maternity allowance is received not only by blood parents, but also by adoptive parents who have adopted a baby up to 70 days old. And then the allowance is calculated from the first day of adoption until the child is 70 days old.

Example. An employee goes on maternity leave in early 2020

Orlova Maria Yurievna works at Rada LLC. At the beginning of December 2019, she was given a sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth for 140 days from December 12. She wrote an application for maternity leave from January 1, 2020 and continued to work until the end of December.

The expectant mother goes on maternity leave in 2020, which means that the income of 2018-2019 is taken to calculate maternity. During this period, the woman was ill for 33 days. Her earnings in 2018 amounted to 830,000 rubles, in 2019 - 870,000 rubles. Both of these amounts are more than the established limits, so the amount of daily earnings will be calculated as follows:

(830,000 + 870,000) / (730 - 33 days) = 2,439.02 rubles.

But this amount is also greater than the permissible daily limit, which means that the maximum permissible amount will be used in the calculations - 2,301.37 rubles. Maria went on maternity leave 20 days later than she could. So she uses 140 - 20 = 120 vacation days. And then the amount of maternity leave will be:

2,301.37 rubles × 120 days = 276,164.4 rubles.

For December 2019, Maria will receive her regular salary.

Monthly childcare allowance: calculating child allowance in 2020

The settlement period for child benefit is also the previous two years before the start of parental leave. Similarly, to calculate the benefit, income for the year must not exceed the permissible limits, and daily earnings must not exceed 2,301.37 rubles. The monthly allowance is calculated by multiplying the daily earnings by 30.4 days, then 40% of the amount received is taken for any length of service of the employee.

We mentioned the minimum monthly allowance above: it is 4,852 rubles for the first child and 6,554.89 for the next.

Example. An employee goes on parental leave in 2020.

Vorobyeva Anna Igorevna goes on parental leave from June 16, 2019. Before that, she was on maternity leave and parental leave from February 2017 to November 2018. According to the statement about replacing the years, the billing period was 2015-2016. At this time, Anna was ill for 28 days. In 2015, her earnings amounted to 520,000 rubles (this is less than the limit of 670,000 rubles), and in 2016 - 595,000 rubles (also less than the limit of 718,000 rubles). Let's calculate the average daily earnings:

(520,000 + 595,000 rubles) / (730 - 28 days) = 1,588.32 rubles.

The monthly allowance will be:

1,588.32 rubles × 30.4 days × 40% = 19,313.96 rubles.

If a woman works under an employment contract in several enterprises, then she can receive benefits at each workplace. And one more nuance: only the mother of the child is entitled to maternity allowance, but parental leave with a monthly allowance can also be used by the father, grandmother or other relative who will take care of the baby. This leave and allowance are received not only by biological parents, but also by the adoptive parents of a child under the age of 1.5 years.

Example: calculating maternity on video

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