
How easy it is to open a jar with a spinning lid

To help hostess

If the glass can was closed correctly, then the tin cover is not so easy to twist. There will have to make considerable physical efforts and showing skill, because the hands will slide and the metal, and the glass. Fortunately, there is clear waysHow to open a jar with a swirling lid. It is enough just to remember the school course of physics.

Why banks do not open

Tin twisting covers for cans are called twist-off. They are popular due to reusable. But they are held on the bank not only at the expense of the thread. During the workpiece, the product is blown by steam or boiling water, because of which the polymer coating inside the cover softens, and the bank closes tightly. When the lid cools, its top is drawn into the inside, and the strength of such mounting is also supported by the vacuum effect. The hermetic environment is an obstacle to microbes from the outside and the guarantee that the contents for a long time will remain suitable for food.

Other circumstances interfere in everyday life. So, for example, if you do it with wet hands, the bank and the cover will slip. If the container has sweet content (jam, honey or jam), then the lid can and stick. And if the pressure in the bank is below the atmospheric, then the lid is drawn more than necessary.

Wrench for covers

The key for screwing caps is valid on the principle of the lever. This device is inexpensive and universal, that is, suitable for different over the diameter of the covers.

Easy to use the key. Just locate the suitable hole under the diameter of the cover, put on the key to the jar, hold down the handles and turn.

Dumping the lid, make sure you do it in the right direction. Clockwise, the product is spinning, and opens in the opposite direction.

Methods without tools

If you do not have a special key for covers, increase the clutch. Declaring and dry the jar and lid, wipe the palms: friction force will increase and will play your hand. You can also put on rubber or silicone shopping glove or cover the cover with a kitchen towel, polyethylene film or emery paper. You will have to make a torque effort, but now it will be easier to do it.

Metal expands when heated. Therefore, if the cover hold under the jet of hot water or put the bank to the bottom up into a bowl of boiling water for 10 minutes, then unscrew twist-off will be much easier. Make sure that the water does not get on the glass, because the bank can burst.

If the vacuum attracts the cover to the bank too much, you can try to depress the vessel. To do this, insert the knife or tip of a spoon or fork between the neck and the lid, then turn slightly. The edge of the lid will move away from the glass, and during the gap, only 0.5 mm of the bank is unloaded with light cotton.

Opening a jar with a swirling lid, act carefully to not break it.

Use lubrication for sticky content. If in the jar honey or jam, turn it upside down and drop a little oil between the neck and the lid. After 15-20 minutes, the fat will penetrate into the gap, lubricates the surface, and you will be much easier to open the vessel. The lubricated thread will no longer stick, but if the oil falls into the product itself, then not the best way will affect his quality. So be careful.

Another famous way to open a twist-off is to knock on the bank. You can either turn the packaging and clap the palm on the bottom, or take the bottom and slap on the lid. The method helps well in cases where Vacuum is the only obstacle. Try to act carefully, otherwise the bank will simply break.

You can not open a jar with a spinning lid, and there are no men near? Do not want to spoil the lid with a knife, but physical forces to unscrew missing?

Banks with a swirling lid are very helpful in preservation, but when opening, they behave extremely unpredictable. Theoretically, with a slight effort, the lid should be loose free. But this is not always happening. Any hostess has its own stock of secrets and wisdom to solve this task, however, and we will tell you a couple of tips.

How to open a twisting cover

To begin with, try to degrease as much as possible not only the jar and cover, but also own hands. You can try to increase the friction, putting on the cover of the rubber band or wrapped it with its food film.

Also help you can rubber gloves - they will reduce the glide of hands on the bank. With the same success, you can apply the usual kitchen towel.

Then apply in practice the knowledge of physics - try to twist not the cover, but the jar. In this case, rotate the cover counterclockwise, and the jar is clockwise.

Another reliable method is the heating of the lid - place it for a while in hot water (Holding a jar upside down), and then try to open.

You can try to scroll through the cover with a sheet of large sandpaper. Put the sandpaper on the lid, abrasive down and unscrew.

Wooden or plastic knife handle Misly cut down the lid around the circumference - after that it should calmly open.

An interesting male way to open the screw cap sent our permanent reader and commentator Serov Yegor:

You can try the following option - putting the jar with a lid down, pour a few drops vegetable oil Between the lid and the neck of the can. After waiting for the oil evenly spread (about 15 minutes) and get into the most smallest slits, open the jar.

There is another way - to roll the lid along the edge of the table, pressing on it. The bank must be out of the table, and the lid on the edge of the table. The lid at the same time bend a little, the characteristic cotton is heard and everything! The lid can be used !!!

Some owners have a wonderful way to open such covers - turn over the jar, lightly hit the bottom of the bottom and open.

Still, the best trouble-free method is to pick up the lid with a cans. However, if you do not want to spoil the lid, then this method will not suit you - after all, the main advantage of the twisting cover in repeated use, and in this case it will be irretrievably lost.

If these ways do not help you, and every opening of the bank turns into real torment, the benefits of civilization will help you. For many years all over the world, people have been using a special canning key to open the cans with a swirling lid. There is a relatively low price and simplicity of operation of this universal key (suitable on different diameters of the covers) will make rid of you from this problem forever.

Do not forget about the main tool for solving such problems - strong men's hands will always help in a similar situation and will feel like a weak and gentle woman.

On the video - how to unscrew the tightly tightened cover of canned foods without much effort (proven method):

In the life of everyone, the situation can occur when there is a need to open a jar, but there is no opener at hand. Then some items can come to the rescue, the main thing is to use them correctly.

There are several options for how to open a jar. Simple decision will be the usual knife using it can be opened and glass, and tin jar. But this method is not safe, therefore certain precautions should be observed.

How to open a glass jar

Most often the question arises how to open the lid of the jar of glass. To do this, it must be placed on a flat not slippery surface. Next, you should define the center of the lid and hit it hard on it. It must be done with caution to avoid possible injuries. If it was not immediately formed in the vpina, then you need to be repeated again. As a result, the edge of the lid should be lifted and the can can be opened with hands. The lid is recommended to raise using a towel, it will protect his hands from sharp edges.

The following method uses a small stone. With it, you should also hit the center before the formation of dents. Bending edges need to pose some sharp object.

In addition, you can pose the edges of the cover with a knife and run inside the air. To do this, make some hooks in a circle and then the cover is easily removed. This process should be carried out with great accuracy, trying not to hurt and not damage the glass. The knife can slip, so all actions should be carried out towards yourself.

How to open a cans

Often there are difficulties with how to open a jar without a opener. Canning bank consists of bottom, walls and, directly, covers. The latter is attached by compressing the edges of the vessel. To open such a container, you need to bend the side with the help of pliers.

Canning can be discovered using a regular knife. For this, the container should be rinsed from dust and put on a flat and not slippery surface. Next, it is necessary to attach a knife to the edge of the can, and, holding with one hand, to hit it another. When a hole is formed in the bank, produce smooth movements with a knife, cutting the lid in a circle. Recommended to leave small plot Not cut, and just beaten to the top.

There is a non-standard method for opening a canning can. It takes a stone with a rough surface that will help create the necessary friction. Capacity should be turned over and press to stone. Next, you should rub the jar until the fluid appears. This will be a signal that the lid has thinned and it is easy to pry a sharp object. It is not recommended to wash the lid completely, as it will spoil the contents of the jar.

How to open a jar with a swirling lid

Spinning lid does not always open with ease. In the event of difficulties, it is necessary to degrease the jar, cover and hands. Next, it is necessary to wind the cover of the food film. To reduce slip, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves on the hands. After that try, tightly holding the cover, turn the jar.

In addition, you can put the jar under the hot water upside down. The heated cover will easily open.

Another way is the use of sandpaper, with which you need to scroll through the lid. No less effective method It is to neatly knock on the lid, trying to pass throughout the circumference. After that, the lid should open with ease.

The jar is sometimes open with vegetable oil. To do this, turn the jar and scream a few drops between the neck and the lid. The oil will be spread over 15 minutes. After that, you should scroll the lid until the full opening.

You can also try the following method. Install the jar so that the lid touches the edge of the table, and the container itself was out of the table. Next, you should ride the lid, not strongly pressed. The lid will begin to bend and the characteristic cotton should be opened.

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Every year, less and less hosters rush vegetables and fruits, boiled jams, confitures and make one home preservation, because today it can be bought at any store.

But many consumers complain that purchased banks with twisting lids are - namely, they sell the entire range of salty-jams - it is impossible to open manually, for this you need, it seems, inhuman power. We will tell you several proven ways to cope with a swirling lid on a capricious bank.

The root of the problem

The thing is that canned food and workpieces made in production are more thorough treatment. As a result, they are much safer than home, but at the same time clocked such banks in specially screw caps that allow you to eliminate the inward of air, fit perfectly and enable the product for a long time.

Important! In canned products, especially home ordering, there may be causative agents of dangerous toxicoin intake called botulism. They develop without oxygen, multiplying, allocate very dangerous botulinumsin. Spores are preserved in conventional sterilization of boiling, die only at a temperature of 120 degrees in the case of holding out this temperature for half an hour. The presence of preservatives (salts, vinegar) does not prevent the development of these microorganisms. However, it is interesting that in tomato juice The presence of botulism is almost impossible due to the low level of the pH, but in the mushrooms it is quite likely.

The twisting container can be used many times, so the launder is trying to open the bank carefully, so as not to damage the glass or the lid, but in the future it is used in their kitchen needs.

Today, twisting banks are used in conservation more and more often, as they are reusable

And yet before proceeding to the description of the ways to discharge the bank, we will give the Council about how it is better to immediately throw it away and do not attempt to open it. Send the bank to the garbage if:

  • the liquid inside it became muddy;
  • in the contents are visible air bubbles;
  • mold appeared;
  • the lid sank in the center.

In no case do not eat spoiled products! It is dangerous to health and your life!

How to easily open a glass jar with a twisting lid

To begin with, you need to prepare your hands. The bank will open faster if they are as low-fat and dry. It also applies to the bank itself, and the lid. You can try to hold the bank with my feet to make it easier to twist, but professionals offer another rationalization: unscrew not the cover from the can, but on the contrary. When opening the cover, hold in your left hand, and the can - on the right and twist more the bank than the lid.

The lid must be rotated counterclockwise, and the jar is clockwise.

Improve the coupling

Together to take up the jar and the lid - and your all useful effort will be directed into the right direction. It is still necessary to attach strength, but the discovery will be much faster and easier. In this physical fact, several popular methods of unscrewing covers are founded:

  1. You can use special devices designed to open this type of cans. They are inexpensive, and the strength and nerves save the mass.
  2. If you don't have a special opener yet, here is the classic method: open the jar, enhance the hitch between your hand and the lid due to the gasket. You can take a towel or fabric for this, tightly capture the lid and try to turn it. In half cases this happens enough.
  3. If it did not come out, try to wear rubber gloves and open in them.

    If you have not found gloves, maybe there is a small sandpaper? Put it on the cover with an abrasive side and clamp. And then twist.

  4. Retro option. Take a leather belt and grink. The loop, which turned out as a result, threw the can on the lid and tighten as much as possible. Pull the belt, turning the loop along with the lid so that the bank moves clockwise, and the lid is the opposite. This method even published in books on housekeeping!


The deformation of the lid also gives good results in the opening of canned food. Here are two options:

  1. Take the jar, put the side and ride the cap on the edge of the table, carefully pressed.Remember that the bank should be lower, out of the table. Continue until the lid is deformed a little, air will get under it, while you will hear the characteristic cotton. Return the bank to the vertical position and open.
  2. Try simply turn the jar with a lid on the palm and easily hit her bottom. Then turn over and attach the lid in the same way: it should be rushing. After that, there will be no significant effort to unscrewing.


Lower the top of the jar in the Capacity with hot water Lid down, hold 3-5 minutes and then open. Alternatively, you can simply put the jar under the flowing hot water. You can also take boiling water and pour a bit on the lid on top, and then open through the towel, because the lid is very hot. According to the laws of physics, the lid from exposure hot temperature Slightly expands, and after that it will be easy to unscrew.

Temperature method is effective, it always works. Just do not bother!


Use a table serving knife with a stupid rounded end, a teaspoon or another clean object with a sufficiently thin end. Carefully find them the lid and slightly check by placing between the lid and the can. The edge of the lid at this moment must move away from the bank. As a result, the tightness will be disturbed, a soft cotton will be heard, after which the lid will easily open. Part of the efficiency for opening hermetically clogged cans is one hundred percent.

Perhaps this is the most popular and fast way. But if you use kitchen knife With an acute end, remember that there is a risk of not only to lend the edge of the jar or hopelessly spoil the lid, but also seriously cut down.


Perhaps you had such a situation that the lid is not hermetically closed, but simply stuck to the bank because of the sweet content - honey or jam. Then the focuses with air intake will not work. Put the jar with a lid down and swell a few drops of any vegetable oil, trying to get between the lid and the neck of the can. Wait until the oil is uniformly, it will take about 10-15 minutes to do this. Then turn the jar, take a towel or wear rubber gloves and unscrew.

By the way, the oil will lubricate the thread along the cover, and it will not stick a few discoveries and closing.

Photo Gallery: Your best allies in the struggle for the lightness of the opening

For cans with screw lids there are special cans

Press the lid of the cans and run there air can be with a table knife or teaspoon tip

Rubber gloves will provide a good hitch with a can, and efforts will need less

If the lid just stuck, a few drops of oil, poured under it, can solve the problem

Hot water heats the lid - in most cases it is enough to facilitate opening

Video: The fastest and safest way to deploy the jar

Video: hot way to open a cover on preservation

Video: Impact way to open a jar with a rejected lid

You definitely do not need to fulfill all the ways we describe: if not immediately, then in the second or third step you will definitely open the bank. Another thing is that the lid is safe if it is necessary. Then, perhaps, it is worth highlighting a few minutes to hold the jar under the hot water. As you can see, even if you have no superhero at home at the right moment, in the opening screw covers Folk savings and elementary knowledge of physics quite replace it. Sweet you jam and crispy cucumbers!