
Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse rituals. Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Leo Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse


The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon on August 7 will affect all life. This is the time when a special energy wave will noticeably affect not only emotions, but also physical activity.

Tips collected by the site's experts will help to protect yourself in this difficult period. During the Full Moon period, there is always a peak in the accumulation of energy, which must be realized. This Full Moon is also distinguished by a lunar eclipse. The energy of a night luminary located in the constellation of Aquarius will be ambiguous, therefore, a strategy of behavior must be developed in advance.

What is dangerous on August 7 and how to avoid problems

A lunar eclipse is fraught with negative thoughts and desires. During this period, all feelings are exacerbated, therefore astrologers recommend taking all measures so as not to go on about momentary whims. On Monday, there is a high probability of complications in relations, so diplomacy and benevolence will be important. Solitude will also help to avoid serious disagreements. However, when you are alone with yourself, you will be more susceptible to negative thoughts. Positive affirmations and a favorite hobby will help to cope with this, which will add optimism and cheer up.

Vigorous activity at work is encouraged, but only the one in which you are confident. This means that nothing new should be started during the Full Moon period. Astrologers recommend using this time to complete current affairs and conduct measured and already familiar activities. Carefulness and thoughtfulness will help to avoid mistakes, and the attitude to success will give an opportunity to maintain performance at the proper level.

In terms of health, the day promises to be stable. Fear will be caused only by an emotional state. To avoid health problems, it is important to pay attention to medications and exercises that calm an agitated nervous system. For insomnia and anxiety, herbal pillows are perfect. Their mild effect will allow you to calmly fall asleep and get rid of negative thoughts.

During the eclipse, special attention should be paid to irritability, vulnerability and moodiness. These moods do not reflect in the best way on life in general. Selfishness can negatively affect business and personal spheres of life, so the need to make concessions on this day will be especially acute.

In order to avoid a deterioration in the emotional and physical state, astrologers urge to give up alcohol and other destructive substances, revise the diet, exclude fatty and hard-to-digest foods, giving preference to fresh fruits and vegetables.

On Monday, strong-willed people will have the opportunity to get rid of addictions and addictions. To make it easier to quit a bad habit, it is important to direct energy to active physical exercise, outdoor recreation and communication with trusted people who are ready to help.

These recommendations will help you avoid temptations and stay in the ranks in such a difficult period. To exclude the possibility of injury, be careful when handling traumatic objects, watch your step and try to avoid driving. We wish you the best of luck and do not forget to press the buttons and

06.08.2017 07:10

Each thing has its own "soul", and also absorbs the energy of the owner. Some items are dangerous ...

The question of what a lunar eclipse is, how and what it affects, and whether it is worth to be afraid of, interests many.

In astrology, the moon is very important, because it symbolizes the soul, emotions, the ability to adapt to external circumstances and your unconscious. That is why it is important to know what should and should not be done during a lunar eclipse.

An eclipse is the moment when the Moon hides in the shadow of the Earth, and we do not see it. In this case, the Earth is located on the line between the center of the moon and the center of the sun.

Depending on how much the Moon has gone into the shadow, eclipses are total, partial and penumbra. The latter concern periods when the Moon does not even go into the shadow itself, but into the area around it - partial shade.

Every year, on average, there are two lunar eclipses, with a maximum of three. However, in some years, not a single lunar eclipse occurs.

Periods of lunar eclipses

Lunar eclipses in 2019:

  • January 21, 2019- total lunar eclipse in the sign of Leo. The beginning is at 2:34:45 UT, the maximum is 5:12:12 UT, and the end is at 7:49:37 UT.
  • July 16-17, 2019- a partial lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. The beginning is at 18:41:45 UT on July 16, the maximum is 21:30:36 UT, and the end is at 0:19:34 UT.

Lunar eclipses in 2020:

  • January 10, 2020- penumbra lunar eclipse in the sign of Cancer. The beginning is at 17:05:02 UT, the maximum is 19:09:59 UT, and the end is at 21:14:34 UT.
  • June 5, 2020- penumbra lunar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. The beginning is at 17:43:02 UT, the maximum is 19:24:51 UT, and the end is at 21:06:42 UT.
  • July 5, 2020- penumbra lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. The beginning is at 3:03:48 UT, the maximum is 4:29:47 UT, and the end is at 5:55:46 UT.
  • November 30, 2020- penumbra lunar eclipse in the sign of Gemini. The beginning is at 7:29:33 UT, the maximum is 9:42:47 UT, and the end is at 11:55:58 UT.

influence of lunar eclipses

Why are eclipses and, in particular, lunar eclipses given such attention? The fact is that the Sun and the Moon are the most significant points not only of the firmament, but also of your horoscope.

A lunar eclipse raises important internal issues. In addition, eclipses always occur on the axis of the Lunar nodes, which are also called the axis of Destiny.

That is why the influence of eclipses is considered deep and karmic.

More about the impact of lunar eclipses on your life

A lunar eclipse can symbolically mark the completion of something important in your life.

How do lunar eclipses manifest themselves:

  • What has been hidden for months or even years is revealed. A lunar eclipse is the time when the secret becomes apparent.
  • During the period of a lunar eclipse, including several days before and after it, you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. It can be a person who can help you with something, a good idea or even a thing.
  • There may be changes in relationships. If the eclipse occurs at a point that coincides with a significant one in your horoscope, it becomes possible to arrange your personal life or to find freedom from outdated relationships. For example, your Moon is in the sign of Taurus, and the eclipse occurs in the sign of Taurus, therefore, this eclipse will be more significant for you than for others.
  • You should be more polite and more careful, since lunar eclipses can cause open conflicts, legal proceedings.

Precisely because the Moon is in charge of important issues, and also because the eclipse is associated with karmic programs, it is important to observe precautions.

Important: this will help to avoid failure.

There are several common mistakes that are made during an eclipse. For example, ignoring warnings that an eclipse is an emotionally unstable period, and at any time, a quarrel can arise literally from scratch.

During the period of a lunar eclipse, there can be serious mistakes and confusion in business and relationships, so you should not schedule important meetings and negotiations for this period. Also, during the eclipse, it is better to spend less time outdoors, as it is believed that this takes your luck.

Eight ways to avoid mishaps during a lunar eclipse:

  1. Don't start anything new and important. Negotiations, meetings, new projects and tasks should be postponed for another period.
  2. Do not plan relocations, long term trips and trips. In general, try not to be outside for long periods of time during an eclipse.
  3. Postpone the wedding, you should not play a wedding on this day.
  4. You should not quit your job or go to a new one, as well as discuss any significant issues with management.
  5. Do not lend money, do not take loans. Also, there is no need to accept or give gifts on this day, especially large ones.
  6. It is better to postpone planned operations, scheduled visits to the dentist.
  7. Don't make big financial deals.
  8. Carefully check all documents that need to be sent or signed, there is a high probability of making a serious mistake.

During the lunar eclipse, try to postpone important matters as much as possible. Better to focus on your day to day activities, your hobbies and planning.

What is auspicious to do during a lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipses have their own special character. Therefore, knowing him, you can spend this time with the benefit of yourself and your future.

During the lunar eclipse, you can do the following:

  • Bring long-term projects and tasks to the final. The period of the lunar eclipse can give a good kick to those who are used to postponing everything until the last moment. In general, it is good to complete any business.
  • This period is very good in order to end an obsolete relationship.
  • It is favorable to complete something unnecessary, give up bad habits. For example, it is good to quit drinking, smoking, overeating, and junk food.
  • It is good to look for something lost, there is a great chance to find it. It doesn't matter if you were looking for a person, thing or information.
  • Complete reorganization, relocation, renovation, rearrangement of furniture.
  • Take stock, rethink your experience, complete training.
  • Make plans for the future, prepare a list of goals and desires. For example, preparation practice is very good.

Do not forget that the energy of the lunar eclipse period is conflicting, so it is better to spend this time in solitude.

features of lunar eclipses in the signs of the zodiac

The moon controls the subconscious and daily affairs, the daily behavior of each person.

A lunar eclipse provokes changes in the collective mood that it is better to foresee and take into account during this period.

Depending on what sign the Moon is in at the time of the eclipse, the manifestations of general moods will be different.

How will a lunar eclipse affect different signs of the zodiac:

  • In signs Aries and Libra the issues of the sphere of relations, both personal and public, come to the fore. Mergers and acquisitions, marriages and divorces will all be in the spotlight. With an eclipse in the sign of Libra, there is a high probability of the occurrence or completion of court cases, legal issues.
  • In signs Cancer and Capricorn issues of real estate and job changes, the emphasis on family affairs are becoming topical. There is also a high probability of occurrence of topics related to elderly relatives or children.
  • In signs Taurus and Scorpio the emphasis is shifting to money issues. The hot question will be "How to make money", there may be disputes about property, problems with loans, investments and mortgages. Another theme of a lunar eclipse in one of these signs is birth and death, large cash receipts or large losses.
  • In signs Gemini and Sagittarius on the agenda - the topics of travel and vehicles. It may be possible or necessary to purchase a vehicle. This is the time of learning something new, exchange of information, broadening one's horizons. In a negative aspect, it brings problems in all of the above issues.
  • In signs Virgo and Pisces a lunar eclipse raises questions of focus on a specific task or work of people, including routine homework. Also, this period can exacerbate health issues and stimulate medical attention. Another significant topic is the topic of bad habits and harmful behavior that can manifest itself under the influence of the negative aspects of an eclipse.

The most important thing that will help you go through the period of the lunar eclipse without loss is attentiveness and caution, especially if you yourself were born during the eclipse, or it affects important points of your horoscope. For example, a lunar eclipse in Aquarius and you were born under the sign of Aquarius.

So, let's summarize what should and should not be done during the lunar eclipse:

  • A few days before and after the start date of the eclipse, you should be more careful and careful, since the energy of the eclipse affects a long time.
  • Check if the eclipse point coincides with a significant point in your horoscope (the position of the Sun, Moon, etc.). If so, you should be especially careful.
  • During the day and hours of the eclipse, it is less to be outdoors, as it is believed that this can take away your luck.
  • Use recommendations on eight ways to avoid failures during the lunar eclipse, not to start important and significant affairs, meetings and projects during this period.
  • Spend the period of the lunar eclipse, doing tasks and activities that correspond to the energy of this period. For recommendations and a list of such cases, see above.
  • Take into account the peculiarities of collective behavior during the eclipse, based on what sign of the zodiac the moon is in at the time of the eclipse
  • Be more attentive and careful during the lunar eclipse.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation at a consultation, read more about which you can.

Have questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your feedback.

Best regards and best wishes,


The most mysterious and mystical nocturnal natural phenomenon is the Full Moon, because it is this, for more than one generation of people, that makes people flutter just by looking at it. And this is not strange, since this phase of the moon, with the help of simple rituals, can change the whole life.

The full moon this month will be special, as its duration will be the longest in the entire century and will be equal to 4 hours. That is why, the Full Moon this month will provide an opportunity to carry out rituals at a leisurely pace and spend more time preparing.

Full moon rituals and eclipse on July 27: divination and rituals

Fortune telling in a lunar eclipse

In an eclipse, it is good to tell fortunes. To do this, on the eve of the moment the Moon disappears into the shadow of the Earth, take a deck of cards and interfere with it. Determine for yourself the most acute problem at the moment - money debts, troubles at work or in love, complexes. Lay out the cards one at a time. Wait for the appearance of a queen, king or ace. A black king or queen means that you will meet a man or woman who will help solve the problem.

The red king or lady promises the imminent appearance of a man or woman who can give you the strength to solve the problem. Aces will tell you about the causes of the problem. Black is a curse, evil eye, revenge of the enemy. Red - you yourself are to blame for the circumstances, and your fate is only in your hands. Each lunar eclipse is a time of secrets and signs from above. Sometimes everything seems to be turned upside down. Take advantage of this to transform your life and make it more enjoyable.

Rite of passage for beauty on the day of the eclipse of the moon

Prepare new items: a mirror (of any size and shape), a hairbrush, and a towel. You will also need an essential oil (clove, mint, or jasmine). After filling the bath with warm water, in which a few drops of the selected oil are dissolved, climb into it, lie down and try to completely relax. Tune in to the ritual. While looking at your face in the mirror, comb your hair and say:

“Beauty moon, your name will be famous. Give me external beauty, but not simple, but golden. So that my body is thin and sonorous, and my skin is fresh and white, like that of a small child. "

This conspiracy should be pronounced as many times as days have passed since the beginning of the current month. For example, if you perform the ceremony on the 11th, then you need to speak the conspiracy 11 times. After bathing, wipe your face and body with a new towel.

Good luck ritual

Within 15 minutes before the peak of the eclipse, one should "erase the negatives" of the material plane. Imagine how the disease went away, the lack of money - too. Etc. For the next 15 minutes after the peak of the eclipse, a positive should be created. For example, “I am strong”, “obstacles are gone”, “things are working out”, “successful roads”, “iron health”, “long life” and so on. Then you can drink water from the glass that is on your left, then from the one on the right, and at the end - from the one in the middle. The mirror can be washed with water.

After the lunar eclipse ritual, you can do any meditation. But the main thing is that they are not aimed at harm, but for the good. Wish everyone happiness, health, love, prosperity, growth, big harvest, new discoveries and so on, and treat the world with maximum love, with maximum positive.

Rituals for the full moon and eclipse on July 27: during a lunar eclipse, made wishes come true, and the rituals and love spells performed have special power

There is a belief that during a lunar eclipse, wishes come true, and the rituals and love spells performed have special power. Also, during a lunar eclipse, you can get rid of diseases, bad habits, complexes, evil eye and damage, cleanse your energy.


An hour or half an hour before the eclipse, drink a glass of mineral or spring water in small sips, then take a contrast shower (at least 5-7 times). Men start and finish with cold water, women with hot water. Wear green clothes.

Light a candle, sit in front of it, reflecting on your life. Look in the mirror and remember your image, lie with your head to the North. Relax, try to mentally see your reflection, as in a mirror. And imagine that this reflection - your double - is sick, drinks, smokes, worries - it is he who has problems and complexes.

The reflection will begin to change, shrink, darken. Bring the compression of the reflection to the size of a point and, with an exhalation, send it away from you. If after that there is no running dot in front of your eyes, then your ritual was a success. Lie still for a while, then stand up, put out the candle, but don't blow out!

Take another contrast shower. Drink a second glass of water. After the ritual, joy is felt, place it in the depths of your heart so that it illuminates your path. However, there is no need to tell other people about your joy.

It is also good to give up bad habits during a lunar eclipse. If you quit, for example, smoking, then the craving for a bad habit will be minimal, the body will quickly adapt to a new lifestyle.

You can stop overeating or try to stop bulimia attacks. All this on the eve of an eclipse is easier to do, and it will be for a long time, at least for six months. During this time, the body will recover, and you do not want to go back to the old one.

Making a wish

In order for the eclipse to have a positive effect on your life and everything conceived during this period to come true, try using a special technique for fulfilling desires, which is based on meditation.

Take a shower, complete all preparations for meditation. It will last 20 minutes. 10 minutes before the exact time of the eclipse and 10 minutes after. During this time, you can imagine a vivid picture of your plans, or simply ask for help from the Higher Forces.

It is important to combine the power of imagination and the power of intention. You do not need to be specific in details and in persons to imagine the path of movement to the desired. The path does not depend on you. You will be led there. It is enough just to feel the state when you already have it, to visualize, hear, feel - as you are used to.

Feel what you want with your heart. And let go. It is not your concern how this will be done. To thank the Universal Executive Forces for the connection with the necessary and favorable circumstances for you.
It is also very important to avoid negative thoughts or doubts. It is useful to train several times before the eclipse, to clearly imagine the subject of meditation, its course.

If you do not know how to meditate or, for some reason, do not have a place or time for meditation, then at this time you can simply repeat to yourself the words that would express your desire: “I am rich (a), handsome (a) , love (a), happy (a)! I enjoy success and authority with others! Money is looking for a way to my wallet! "

You can also do this: look at a picture or photograph that depicts your dream. Look at a picture of a prestigious house, at a picture of a beautiful couple, look at an auto magazine and choose a car you like or a women's magazine and choose your image, figure, clothes from advertisements, lifestyle, etc.

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The full moon is the most appropriate and effective time for many important rituals. And if it coincides with a lunar eclipse, then the effect of such rituals is multiplied. Don't miss this magical time!

The full moon night is known for its beauty, healing powers, and fantastic energy for magic.

Full moon energy is a very powerful magical energy. In various cultures and beliefs, there are many rituals for the days of the full moon.

The full moon is a time that you can use for healing and beauty, fortune telling, attracting love, good luck and strengthening all your desires. Full moon magical rituals can be performed on the night of full moons and lunar eclipses, as well as during the day before the exact phase and the day after it, i.e. they can be done within three days.

The full moon is an auspicious time of the month for cleansing rituals. Since the light of the moon illuminates everything that hinders progress on the spiritual path. A moment to release limiting beliefs about money, relationships, your path ...
The energies of the full moon begin to be felt in three days and their influence lasts three days after, and this is a good time for the Ritual of harmonizing opposites.

How to do it?
Imagine above you a round, shining disc of the full moon, pouring out light and energy of protection and support on you.
Your energy field responds to the flow of lunar energy, begins to vibrate, the space around you is transformed and filled with purity of spirit.
Stand up and raise your arms above your head. Your palms are opposite each other, facing Mother The moon.
Imagine that you are a sacred chalice, drawing on the power of the Mother of the Moon, which penetrates into every cell of your physical body - from the feet, knees, abdomen, chest, face, eyes ...
Feel the vibration of power within you. The power to give, receive, receive, support and care, manifest everything that you need at the moment.
Now put your hands on your heart. Massage this area.
Imagine that you have become a Full Moon Goddess, able to balance the earth and harmonize opposing forces. At the moment, you are in tune with the energies of those zodiac signs that are active on this full moon.
Usually these are opposite signs, but together they create balance, because it is on the Full Moon that it provides an opportunity to balance and harmonize opposite signs.
As the ritual continues, imagine that the powers of these signs appear in their archetypal form - the Warrior and the Goddess.
Take a deep breath, breathing in the weakness of each archetype. Exhale - and you exhale the healing power of the sign. In this way, you balance these energies within yourself and throughout the planet. You have this power. Trust in her!
Find your comfortable inhalation-exhalation rhythm and say the following phrases until you feel that transformation is taking place:

Inhale - The Warrior raises his sword. The goddess swears at the warrior.
Exhale - The Goddess smiles as the Warrior lowers his sword and they hug.
Inhale - The warrior is angry, lonely and betrayed.
Exhale - The Gentle Goddess soothes the Warrior with her touch.
Inhale - The Goddess feels ineffective, indecisive, weary.
Exhale - The Warrior protects and guides her.

Imagine the world bathed in the cleansing light of your gift: sleepy babies, debating politicians, starving children , liars and thieves. Imagine that the world is transformed under the influence of this light, acquires peace and tranquility.
When you're ready, place your arms alongside your body, palms facing the ground. Send divine light to the earth. Imagine this energy forming a ball at the center of the planet.
Now slowly return to your body. Sit in silence for a few minutes until you are ready to return to the reality of your life.

Rituals that are especially effective on the Full Moon.

Here is some of them:

Removes the evil eye and cleanses of negative energies accumulated due to someone else's envy.

2-4 days before the full moon, place four bay leaves on a windowsill so that the sun illuminates them during the day. On a full moon, light a wax candle, preferably red, and, crushing bay leaves in a mortar by candlelight, repeat 36 times: “From the envious glance, from the evil, unkind thoughts, protect, send back envy. My word is strong! " Pour the chopped leaves into a small red cloth bag and sew it with red thread from a new spool. Hide the bag in the bedroom. Wash your hands well under running water.

To eliminate the negative energy that has accumulated as a result of human envy.

For the ritual, you will need one purple candle, 30 centimeters of blue cotton (or other natural) thread, and a metal tray.

Take a candle in both palms and hold it for a minute, charging with positive energy. You can use the spell:

“I charge you with the forces of fire, water, air and earth, I charge you with the forces of the East, South, West and North, I charge you with the forces of law, love, wisdom and constancy, Cleanse me from all evil and protect me from all evil. May it be so!"

Then place the candle on the tray. Now take the thread with both hands and feel the energy flow between your hands. Wrap the thread around the candle at about half its height, tying it tightly so that the thread does not move in three knots. When tying each knot, say: “The thread is tied, a change is coming. May it be so!" Now light the candle and let it burn until the knotted thread burns out. While the candle is burning, imagine how the black threads that previously tied you are falling off your body. Bury the candle stub and ash in an unsociable place, preferably in the forest, away from home. Repeat the ritual on the next full moon with another candle.

For the case when you know who wants to harm you or wishes evil.

For the ritual, you will need a pink or blue candle, olive oil, one black olive. The ritual is best performed not only on the day of the New Moon, but precisely at the hour of the New Moon.

So, exactly at the hour of New Moon, lubricate the candle with olive oil, visualizing at the same time the person in question. Send only positive thoughts in the direction of this person. Light a candle, next to which place a plate of olive. The candle should burn for about 30 minutes. Themselves, try to find as many good, positive qualities from your ill-wisher as possible. After 30 minutes, the candle should be extinguished (remember, it cannot be blown out). You can save the candle for the ritual again, if it will be related to the same person. The olive should be eaten. However, the magical part of the ritual does not end there.

Important: the next day you need to treat this person with something.

Nine Node Money Ritual:

  • Waxing moon, full moon.
    Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long.
    Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially for each knot saying:
    The first knot begins witchcraft.
    With the second node, the job is done.
    With the third node, the money goes to me.
    With the fourth knot, new possibilities are knocking at my door.
    With the fifth node, my business is booming.
    The sixth knot fixes witchcraft.
    With the seventh node, I have been given success.
    With the eighth node, income is multiplied.
    With the ninth node, it's all mine now!
    Keep the tape with you as a talisman

Good Trade Conspiracy:

  • They say salt, sprinkle with the right hand
    over the left shoulder at the "workplace":
    Hikers, travelers, come here, here is a place for you, food and water.
    Money for me, goods for you.

Conspiracy for good luck in trading:

When they wash before trading, they read, wiping themselves with a handkerchief, they take a handkerchief with them to trade:

  • You can't count the stars, you can't knead the plowing with your hands,
    my word cannot be removed from me.
    I am a merchant, my crown is with me.
    As bees fly to honey, so everything to my goods
    looking. They want to take it away. Amen.

So that money is found:

Go to the forest on the Full Moon, find an ant heap, throw a little change there, as the ants start running for money, read immediately:

As there are a lot of ants in this heap, so that the money I have found is not transferred. Amen.

  • Every full moon, lay out a completely empty open wallet on the window (it is desirable that the moonlight falls into it) all three nights of the full moon (the first day, the climax - what is actually called the full moon in the calendars, and the day following the climax). The wallet should be the one in which you carry your money every day. At three nights of the new moon, on the contrary, put a wallet with money on the window.
  • On the full moon, there is one proven way of dealing with close vampires: it is clear to imagine instead of blood flowing through the vessels, a very bright white-violet light (imagine electric welding), and as soon as a relative vampire appears behind your blood, let him try the “updated version light “...
  • The traditional love drink served on the full moon consisted of wine, tea or water and was seasoned with herbs or potions (razmarine, nutmeg, white acacia, lily ..). For best results, according to the sources, the love potion should only be prepared by the Master.
  • For example, Chinese monks prepared medicines from 13 substances of plant, animal and mineral origin, which could restore health, evoke love, hatred, and passion.

Soap bubbles in the full moon

Feng Shui ritual to attract love into your life.

It is believed that the God of Love lives on the Moon. And it is on the full moon that you can establish contact with him. On the night of the full moon, you need to blow bubbles, which will inform the Universe about your desire. The best time to perform this ritual is in the early evening, before the sunlight has faded. It is very good if a light breeze blows at this time: you need it in order to deliver your desires to the moon. You need to visualize a little and imagine yourself with the person you want to be. If there is no such thing at the moment, then let it be the image of an ideal partner.

Practice blowing pretty bubbles. When you feel that you have turned out not a ball, but a masterpiece, mentally place yourself and the image of your beloved in this shiny ball. Release the balloon with the happy couple. Let the wind and the forces of nature do their job and transfer your desire directly to the moon. To be sure, you can make several of these “filled” soap bubbles. At the moment when the iridescent ball flies, send your most beautiful thoughts about happy love and fulfilled hopes after him.

Purse and Moon.

Follow the lunar calendar. Every full moon, lay out a completely empty open wallet on the window (it is desirable that the moonlight falls into it) all three nights of the full moon are the first day, the climax is what is actually called the full moon in the calendars, and the day following the climax). The wallet should be the one in which you carry your money every day. At three nights of the new moon, on the contrary, put a wallet with money on the window. That's all, too.

Cash shower.

On a full moon, collect all the little things around the house. I mean, coins. After taking a shower, diligently “shower” yourself with a rain of coins. Works best for a one-time receipt of money when you really need it. However, it also slightly increases the permanent income, if done regularly. It even affects children - there is a known case of “washing” a child, who the very next day found a five-hundredth bill on the street.

  • The simplest methods do not even deserve separate paragraphs: to juggle a trifle in your pocket for a new month; all for the same young month (the first day of the appearance of a thin sickle is needed in clear weather)
    throw a handful of kopecks (collect kopecks) over the left shoulder in the direction where the month is, with the words “ take and return“And leave without looking back;
    pour a pinch of mustard seeds (sold in the seasoning departments) into the wallet.

But there is one more very important point:

  • show respect for money!
    Split money into branches in your wallet (well, buy a wallet with multiple branches!),
    so that bills of different denominations are not mixed,
    but the little thing was generally lying separately,
    and never let yourself put money in there anyhow.
    We always have time in the store,
    to put bills in the right pockets,
    if we stop twitching, that we are detaining someone.
    You don't detain anyone,
    and if you do, it’s not your business, not your problem.
    Never put bills in a lump in your pocket - money has a house, your wallet. There they should be, in comfort and order.
    Smooth the pieces of paper that have been carefully crumpled by someone.
    Believe me, if you start treating money this way, they will love it!

Taoist ritual to attract money

On a full moon night, go outside or onto a balcony. It is better to face the moon or, if it is not visible, then to the south.

  • Looking at the full moon, imagine
    that its light enters your head and fills it.
    Feel the clear glow of the moon in your head
    and then shine back on the moon.
    Imagine your head is a miniature moon
    and you send light back to the big moon.
    Then fill your heart with the light of the moon,
    hold her light in your heart,
    and then let that light fly back to the source.
    Repeat this 3 times.
    Then take a silver (or just five-ruble) coin and say: “ Silver coin, silver moon
    bring me riches, bring me in full ”,
    Lucky coin, lucky moon, bring me good luck, bring me in full. This is how I want and this is how it is
    Repeat this 3 times.
    At the end, kiss a coin and thank the moon for her help and beauty.

Full moon fundraising ritual

There are many magical means and rituals among the people to attract monetary luck.
One of the famous rituals is attracting money. To do this, we need three candles that are green, because green symbolizes prosperity and well-being. In addition, we need any banknote. The ritual is performed only at midnight on the full moon or on the waxing moon. This is due to the need to increase the money supply. Remember, if you spend the same thing on a new moon or a waning moon, then there will be a reverse process - money will be washed out of the house.
Place green candles in your living room at midnight. You need to arrange them in the form of a triangle, and put a banknote in the middle. Place a mirror behind each candle. Turn the mirrors slightly towards the center, you should get a mirror triangle with a number of reflections. Look in the mirror opposite you and say three times: "I tie and tie, fasten and fasten, from one to three, from three to nine. Do not take out, do not take away, you do not get to a bad person. Be in the darkness, attract everything. to me. Not away from me, not up or down, neither by the enemy, nor by the court. Teeth are the lock, the word is the tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. " After pronouncing the conspiracy, the bill must be attached to the inner surface of the table using the wax of a green candle that participated in the ceremony.

Another popular rite of passage for money: on a full moon, you should pour the change from hand to hand several times or shake the wallet with the change to ring. The same can be done during the first spring thunderstorm. They say that after such actions, the whole year should be monetary.

Ritual with talismans

Fill a bowl with water and set it on the full moon overnight. The next day, use this water to cleanse your talismans and revive them with the energy of the moon. This water not only cleanses talismans, you can wash your face with it so that the moon water will refresh and charge you with its magical magical energy.

If you want to enhance the energy of your talismans, you can put them on a windowsill under the light of the moon overnight, or place them in a crystal bowl of water so that they are charged with the energy of the full moon.

Such celestial phenomena as the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun have always been the subject of inexhaustible attention for mankind. In ancient times, they were credited with the harbinger of wars, cataclysms and all kinds of disasters. Not knowing the true nature of eclipses, the ancestors ranked them not only as mystical, but also fatal events.

In our civilized time, the level of knowledge allows us to understand cosmic processes much better and modern man treats eclipses more calmly. And representatives of esoteric sciences even advise using the opportunity presented at the moments of eclipses to influence fate.

And yet it is a mistake to believe that our ancestors' ideas about the fatal power of eclipses are exceptional fiction. Astrology has been studying the influence of eclipses on the fate of a person and entire countries for centuries. Numerous observations of astrologers of all times indicate that cardinal events in a person's life still occur near the dates of eclipses. However, they concern only those people whose horoscopes fall under their strongest influence.

Most often this happens when important points of the horoscope appear in the degree of the eclipse. In such cases, eclipses become a catalyst for the most important events in life, which, depending on the general picture of the horoscope, have a favorable or unfavorable character.
Each of us has our own natal (given from birth) horoscope, according to which you can learn a lot about the character of a person and his fate, guided by the date, time and place of birth.

What are the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun

There are two types of eclipses: solar and lunar. occurs only during the conjunction of the day and night luminaries - at the time of the new moon. At the same time, the lunar disk "overlaps" on the Sun, covering it with itself. (Photo on the left)

Moon eclipse happens only on a full moon, when the Earth is between both luminaries and the Earth's shadow is reflected on the lunar disk. (photo below)

The principal factor that distinguishes monthly new and full moons from eclipses is their proximity to the lunar nodes, which are considered karmic points. When both luminaries approach the conjunction with the nodes of the Moon, then the usual new and full moons turn into eclipses. Thus, full moons and new moons become eclipses only twice a year.
We can say that with this phenomenon there is a kind of "creeping" of the shadow of one planet to another. IN solar eclipse The Moon projects its disk onto the Sun, blocking the sunlight with it, and in a lunar eclipse, the three planets Earth, the Sun and the Moon are lined up in one row, and the Earth is located between both stars, immersing the Moon in its shadow.

Lunar eclipses are divided into:

  • Full, in which the Moon hides in the shadow of the Earth;
  • Partial, when only some part of the luminous disc of the moon is hidden by the earth's shadow;
  • Penumbra, when the Moon only touches the shadow of the Earth.
  • You can see lunar eclipses at those points of the planet where the lunar body is located above the horizon. The time span of this phenomenon can be different: from half an hour to several hours. If the Earth's satellite revolved around it along the ecliptic, then the phenomena of eclipses would occur at every full moon. But this does not happen, because the Moon's orbit has a 5-degree inclination to the plane of the Earth's ecliptic.
    In astrology, not only fatal events are associated with eclipses, but also the opportunity to move to a completely new stage in life. Esoteric practices associated with eclipses allow their power for dramatic changes. Thanks to them, you can influence personal life, business, place of residence and other circumstances. In a positive version, the time of the eclipse can become either a starting point for a new life, or getting rid of something unnecessary and oppressive.

    Astrological nature of solar and lunar eclipses

    Eclipse of the Sun. The sun in astrology is a symbol of human consciousness, while the moon is associated with subconscious processes. At the moment of a solar eclipse, when the lunar disk covers the Sun, subconscious processes intensify, allowing each person to realize their true desires and their motives, their fears and phobias, to hear the voice of intuition and use its prompts. At this time, you can radically change your worldview, get rid of negative habits and thoughts, take the path of spirituality, change your character.

    Eclipse of the Moon. During the period of a lunar eclipse, when the Moon becomes invisible and is hidden by the Earth from the sun's rays, we have less control over our emotional reactions, we poorly understand their causes and nature. At such hours, having made a choice in favor of consciousness, a person can influence his world around him. You can refuse something in life and vice versa attract what you want. The world of esotericism recommends, however, not to get carried away with heavenly processes and resort to their help only at critical moments. It is important to remember that first of all, you should influence yourself, and only then try to change your environment.

    Energy of solar and lunar eclipses

    During eclipses, both solar and lunar, unique cosmic energy is released. She has magical powers, but chaotic. However, when a specific person turns to her with a clearly expressed request, then the structure of energy is transformed under the desire itself. In other words, a “dream program” is being created. At the end of the celestial event, this algorithm begins to work. The result may not come immediately, but do not despair, it will definitely be.
    A solar eclipse carries the predominant energy of the Sun. What does it give? The sun is the source of life in all forms. This means that at this time it is advisable to start a new stage in life, plan, create large-scale projects, find a life partner, think about replenishment in the family, and the like.

    In lunar eclipses, processes take place that help complete something. For example, a loan taken long ago is worth repaying, tired of the old job - you need to pay off and start looking for a more suitable option. Perhaps the time has come to end non-binding relationships, get rid of diseases or gravitating problems, both material and spiritual. As you know, there will never be a beginning without completion. It must be said that a lunar eclipse, which is the opposition of two luminaries, often raises issues of relationship with an edge. There may be scandals, or, conversely, you can make up with an old friend.

    How to use the energy of eclipses

    After a lunar eclipse, a person feels like at the beginning of something new, like a white blank sheet. It is at such a moment that you can begin to create a new, desired reality. Not a drop of negative, only gratitude and positive. Yes, you should always be grateful for all the good things that happen in life. Believe that the human-created gratitude program does not disappear anywhere, it is transformed into good deeds and actions. This is where the "boomerang law" comes into play. Yes, even the “law of infinity” operates in the Universe, this is manifested in our spiritual life, and it, as you know, is immortal. The more heat we give from our inner fire, the more the Universe will thank us.

    What could it be? Everything is very simple, do not be afraid to say words of gratitude even for a small service or deed. Help the old woman cross the road by bringing her bags. List at least a small amount of money for the treatment of a seriously ill child. Just smile at the passer-by, every good deed is always a positive energy. Gratitude can come in any form, it can be winning the lottery, a good place of work, good luck in business, and so on.

    No wonder our ancestors attributed special changes to the coming eclipses. They could be wars, epidemics, devastation. Or vice versa, eclipses foreshadowed a bountiful harvest, prosperity and wealth. If you look at the ancient manuscripts, you can see that it was the days of eclipses that were chosen to perform the rituals. The choice depended on the strength of desire, on situations and circumstances.

    How eclipses affect humans

    Eclipses have a very strong effect on humanity. Based on what a person is like, what is his inner world, he will perceive cosmic energy individually and act accordingly. It is important to understand, however, that if the influence of the eclipse caused a correction in fate, then the consequences promise to last as long as 18 subsequent years. It is not difficult to understand how important it is at such a moment not to complicate your life with thoughtless actions.

    The nature of the events caused by the eclipse will depend on the astrological house and sign in which it occurs, in what aspects with the planets. For example, an intense eclipse in Aquarius can cause such natural phenomena as a hurricane or a tornado. In a harmonious version, we can witness the launch of the latest satellite, new discoveries and inventions.

    Eclipses in Pisces will bring spiritual harmony, humanity, hope for peace, higher energy. It is desirable for a person to observe what is happening with a sober mind, with pure thoughts, to be calm and observe everything with wide eyes. In the negative manifestation, you can become a victim of addictions such as alcohol or drugs, become a victim of deception, or become involved in theft and fraud yourself.

    If the eclipse occurs in Aries / Libra, then the changes may be legal. Everything that will relate to the conclusion of transactions, the signing of important agreements, the establishment of international relations will come to the fore and bring long-awaited results.

    And if a person was born on the day of the eclipse?

    What qualities will a person born in an eclipse be endowed with? It is reasonable to believe that the "program" of the phenomenon itself makes an imprint on a person. Also, if other people during periods of eclipses can make a correction of fate (events), then there is no such person. He carries his special mission, endowed with a gift, intuition, sees what many simply do not notice.

    People born in a solar eclipse have a task - to give rise to new projects in all spheres of human activity. Those years during which the eclipse falls will become key in the lives of such people.

    How to behave on days of eclipses

    The days of the eclipse are vibrational days in their structure. An ignorant person who mishandles their energy can attract not only something good, but also a lot of negativity. It is advisable, on such days, not to start something grandiose, not to plan important and responsible affairs, to refuse moving, not to make long trips, and the like.

    We can say that celestial processes help change point of view, prioritize, grab luck by the tail, and so on. In short, it can be described as providing an opportunity.
    A week before the eclipse and another week later, there may be vibrational fluctuations and associated exacerbation of relationships, scandals brewing, and rash actions. It is best at such moments to turn to the world of spirituality, engage in meditation, lead a measured lifestyle, exclude physical activity and overeating.

    Thinking about changing the events of life, it is necessary to analyze whether this is so fatal? After all, each of us has his own path on this Earth, it must be passed with dignity. Everything in the world is subject to a general harmonious balance, the slightest failure in this program can lead to unpredictable consequences. Should I interfere with the plans of fate? After all, there is always a price for everything, sooner or later you will have to pay for the changes.

    If, nevertheless, a person has prepared himself for cardinal changes, then you need to think carefully about each point of the conditions. Visualization works well, that is, to represent as accurately as possible what you want. You can write everything in words or draw, the meaning will be the same.

    If a person is susceptible to doubts, then you can turn to a knowledgeable astrologer. He will be able to accurately draw up a personal horoscope and suggest whether something needs to be changed during eclipses or not. Often, only drawing up a horoscope is enough to understand that events in the future will turn out as well as possible. By correctly interpreting the aspects of eclipses in the horoscope, one can foresee upcoming events or get an answer to a question of interest. But it is important to remember the main rule: "we ourselves create our own destiny and have the right to change it." Perhaps the moments of eclipses exist for this?