
Horoscope for the week Sagittarius woman amorous. Sagittarius weekly horoscope


Sagittarius horoscope March 16, 2020, Monday

Try to refrain from any negativity today, concentrate your attention on positive thoughts. Otherwise, negative thinking can prevent you from realizing your plans. Now is the best time to devote time to your loved one. Unleash your charisma and enjoy the effect. With the right approach, you can achieve any goal you set. But the horoscope warns that obstacles and all kinds of difficulties will "grow" on your way.

Sagittarius Monday Love Horoscope: Attractiveness is akin to beautiful packaging that can hide a mediocre product. Do not judge a person solely by their appearance.

Work - daily horoscope: On this day, the stars predict success for you in business communication. You will be able to interest influential people with your ideas. Among them there may be sponsors willing to cooperate.

Family Forecast for Monday for Sagittarius: You need to rest, put yourself and your thoughts in order. Spend the evening with a loved one, family or friends who can find a way to energize you. Nowadays, you must use every opportunity to realize your long-held dream. It seems that the stars have decided to fulfill your most cherished wish! If you wanted to update your wardrobe, then plan a full-fledged shopping.

Sagittarius financial horoscope for Monday: An acquaintance may find yourself in a difficult situation, and you will have the opportunity to lend a helping hand to him. But is it really worth doing? Do you feel that your work is not always paid in proportion to the effort expended? In this case, try changing your occupation.

Health horoscope: You will have the opportunity to do the correction of your figure. If you want to reduce your hips, waist or arm volume, then get down to business! Now go on a diet, the weight will go away quickly. Now the main thing is to give up sweet and starchy foods. This will be easy for you.

Color of the day Jazz jam

lucky number 595

Magical affirmation of the day: For health promotion: Wellness is the natural state of my body. I'm in perfect health. I live without pain and completely in sync with life!

Sagittarius horoscope March 17, 2020, Tuesday

It's time to put your thoughts in order. With the help of organization and purposefulness, things left for later will be resolved. A white streak will begin for those who are looking for a soul mate. You will want to stand out from the crowd with beautiful clothes and looks. Today you will succeed. In your personal life, you should show more activity and self-confidence. Do not be discouraged if a lot of things have fallen on you lately. The horoscope shows that you can easily cope with them.

Sagittarius Tuesday love horoscope: Astrologers warn that it will be difficult for you to avoid some individual mistakes, and your fervor may be the main reason for this.

Work - daily horoscope: Today will help develop your creative potential, which will help you build relationships with new partners, get promoted at work, or show hidden talents and abilities.

Sagittarius family forecast for Tuesday: It will not be easy for you to cope with your emotions. Both words and actions will have to be controlled, otherwise there is a risk of losing friends. For the sake of peace in the family, you will have to make concessions. There is no need to defend your innocence now, even if it seems that only your opinion is the only correct one.

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius Tuesday: The stars advise you to be more careful with money, many of today's spending will be useless. Your financial situation will remain stable, there should not be any special worries about this. Your expenses, of course, may decrease due to family problems, but this will not affect your income in any way.

Health horoscope: Potential deterioration in health and injury. At the end of the day, depression may worsen in some of your sign. You need to take care of your inner world, meditation will help you best of all.

Color of the day Copper brown

lucky number 15562

Magical affirmation of the day: To attract money: all the benefits of this world are pouring on me in an endless stream, I can afford not to deny myself anything. My wallet is a magnet for money.

Sagittarius horoscope March 18, 2020, Wednesday

Luck will hold out for a while and will be on your side, which will positively affect your mood. Questions regarding love and romance will be successfully resolved today. You will find that love comes to you when you least expect it. On this day, difficulties may arise in relations with partners, especially with representatives of the opposite sex. Single people will get acquainted, which, unfortunately, will not last long. To be successful on the personal front, you will need to change your tactics.

Sagittarius Wednesday love horoscope: Listen to your intuition, it will tell you the right solution! The opinion of others is now secondary and should not influence your actions.

Work - daily horoscope: Do not be lazy to check everything thoroughly before embarking on a new project. Today is an auspicious day for mastering a new specialty or studying technically complex materials.

Family forecast for Wednesday for Sagittarius: Today is a critical day, but despite this, you are implementing your plans. The possibility of making new friends who will always come to your aid is not excluded. Take a closer look at the behavior of your loved one, for sure she has changed for the better. Maybe it's time to think about registering a marriage?

Financial horoscope for Wednesday Sagittarius: The stars advise you to make purchases on this day that you have been planning for a long time. A friend will need financial help and advice. If you can be supportive, don't leave your companion in trouble.

Health horoscope: Be careful when working with electrical appliances. Reduce physical activity. Swimming, yoga, and Pilates are beneficial. Currently, you are not threatened with illness. You are now in great physical shape.

Color of the day Dark gray brown

lucky number 685

Magical affirmation of the day: Cupid's mantra: I am very grateful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere! I feel love wherever I go. I am ready to change if the Universe wants it!

Sagittarius horoscope March 19, 2020, Thursday

To be successful, you need to not only demonstrate your professional skills, but also learn how to work in a team. Intuition will help you understand what others want from you at this very moment. Calmness and peace of mind will become your main dominants. The stars say that there is a good chance that soon you will find a way to consolidate your financial well-being. Today it will be possible to take on an unscheduled task - for a side job. This is a good time for group gatherings, and over the coming weekend, revisit your wardrobe.

Sagittarius Thursday love horoscope: Look around carefully - perhaps your significant other is somewhere nearby. Even if you don't meet the right person, you won't be bored.

Work - daily horoscope: Soberly assess your strengths and do not refuse the help of colleagues. You want to highlight your individuality, but teamwork is the key to success.

Sagittarius family forecast for Thursday: Old friends will remind of themselves, if possible arrange a meeting with them. You can discuss any issues: from family and work to the moments that disturb you. Family ties should not be used for personal gain. Anyway, if you do not want to spoil your reputation as a decent person.

Sagittarius Thursday financial horoscope: The horoscope shows that significant changes are possible related to work, unexpected business trips and even receiving unpleasant news, which will be unsettled. Trying to calculate everything from the point of view of your own benefit every time will not do you any good. Forget mercantile impulses! Financial well-being is important, but love and communication with those who value you is priceless.

Health horoscope: If you have a tendency to hypertension, then try to prevent pressure surges. If you are planning to spend your vacation in an exotic country, then take care of all the necessary vaccinations in advance.

Color of the day Light red-brown

lucky number 18458

Magical affirmation of the day: From depression: my world plays with bright colors, every day life fascinates me more and more! I radiate joy and positivity!

Sagittarius horoscope March 20, 2020, Friday

There are people around you who are trying to convince you that you are wrong about something. Don't think that you are acting wrong just because you disagree! Share a joyful event with your immediate surroundings, your friends will support you. But beware of envious spiteful critics! Perhaps someone is intriguing you behind your back. The horoscope claims that a surprise is possible: a person who has liked you for a long time wants to propose to you.

Sagittarius Friday Love Horoscope: You are very pleased with yourself, and this explains the increased interest of the opposite sex in your person.

Work - daily horoscope: You need to be prepared for heavy workloads. Feel free to delegate some of your responsibilities, if possible.

Sagittarius family forecast for Friday: Try to "turn off" the criticism within yourself, and do not look for flaws and inconsistencies in everything. Let your feelings prevail over the voice of reason and control, let your other half express themselves. Do your best to avoid boredom and monotony! Otherwise, your relationship will turn into a routine.

Financial horoscope for Friday Sagittarius: Auspicious day for transactions related to money and currency, especially aimed at acquiring financial independence. Avoid expensive purchases and financial investments. Risks may turn out to be unjustified, and you will have to blame yourself for mistakes.

Health horoscope: You may feel sore joints or muscle soreness. Physical activity is contraindicated for you now, but a short walk will do you good. To relieve nervous stress and physical tension, sign up for the pool.

Color of the day Very deep red

lucky number 15335

Magical affirmation of the day: For spiritual development: I feel a unity with this world, my heart chakra is open to new impressions! I feel the love of the Universe and pour it out on others!

Sagittarius horoscope March 21, 2020, Saturday

On this day, everything will fall out of hand. Do not worry - soon this state will pass, the problems will cease to bother you. You should not retell the content of what you saw on the eve of a dream to anyone, this can lead to unexpected consequences. An important, but at the same time pleasant day is expected today. The stars advise you to be optimistic and look at everything that happens only from the positive side. In the evening, you can take a break from everyday worries.

Sagittarius Saturday love horoscope: In love affairs, it is better to listen to the voice of your heart, and not to the advice of strangers - friends or girlfriends. Indeed, among them there may be those who envy you, and do not want personal happiness at all.

Work - daily horoscope: You are now in a position that makes you nervous. You are like a diver on a high platform looking over the edge. It will be scary to jump, of course, but deep down you know that after you take the plunge, everything will be fine.

Family Prediction for Saturday for Sagittarius: The older generation will certainly want to take part in your personal life. To save time and nerves, turn the conversation into a neutral channel. It's time for the family representative of your zodiac sign to think about a joint vacation with your spouse.

Sagittarius Saturday financial horoscope: The stars are advised not to embark on dubious adventures, especially if an unfamiliar person tries to draw you into them. Not only your reputation can be at stake, but also money and, possibly, freedom. The dishonest behavior of one of your partners or colleagues can create some obstacles. Therefore, you will have to come up with some creative ways to get around them.

Health horoscope: It is dangerous to indulge in gluttony or indulge in alcoholic beverages. This will damage your figure. In the evening, release emotional stress at the gym or pool.

Color of the day Shiny green

lucky number 12988

Magical affirmation of the day: For financial well-being: money flows to me like a river, I can not deny myself anything. I have many opportunities for earning money, a large number of promising ideas.

Sagittarius horoscope for March 22, 2020, Sunday

People expect good deeds and wise advice from you! Listen to your intuition, it is possible that you will learn useful classified information. This day is not suitable for arranging personal affairs. The stars guarantee recognition and success in any endeavor only to those representatives of the sign, whose decisions or actions will be based on deep feelings and belief in their own righteousness. At work and at home, everything is fine, but there will be confusion with personal relationships. Again, you will say or do something wrong (according to the other half).

Sagittarius Sunday Love Horoscope: Be careful - someone can take advantage of your good mood for personal purposes! Do not fall into the net of deceivers of hearts!

Work - daily horoscope: Organize your business documents. Confusion can lead to serious errors if not cleared up in a timely manner.

Family Forecast for Sunday for Sagittarius: You will feel support from loved ones, which will literally motivate you to move mountains! It's so nice to know that like-minded people are waiting for you at home. Petty quarrels, misunderstandings, and resentments increasingly cloud your relationship. It's time to get rid of the annoying interference.

Sagittarius Sunday financial horoscope: Your rationality and pragmatism will contribute to obtaining a solid cash income. Has money caused problems in your life lately? In this case, the horoscope can please you - financial receipts are planned in the near future!

Health horoscope: In terms of health, you should engage in muscle-building exercises. But do not allow sudden loads - for a start, you just need to get in good shape! A tingling sensation in the side, which some representatives of the sign will experience today, indicates the need to change the diet.

Color of the day Mustard

lucky number 2385

Magical affirmation of the day: For luck: Fortune favors me, I am always in the right place at the right time. Luck never turns away from me!

On Monday, the stars advise Sagittarius to take care of themselves first. Even if usually alone with a loved one he is a model of patience and care, it is worthwhile to change your rules for a while. Sagittarius should do everything on Monday that will give him pleasure: buy something beautiful and unnecessary, soak in the bath longer, be capricious, in the end. Sometimes you have to be selfish in love! Otherwise, all the daily sacrifices will be taken for granted by the partner.

On Tuesday, Sagittarius can be very hurt by some words or actions of a loved one. However, this does not mean at all that he has real reasons for dissatisfaction: misunderstandings on Tuesday can flare up literally out of nothing. If a Sagittarius starts to sort things out, it can take an entire day, so the best thing he can do is ignore the hurt. After waiting for the time, he will soon be surprised to find that not a trace remains of her.

On Wednesday, Sagittarius will have an adventurous approach in love and relationships. Of course, cities take courage, but not always: on Wednesday, despite all the efforts, the result is by no means guaranteed. The stars advise Sagittarius to recall all past love experiences so as not to repeat the mistakes that he has already made once. Only by looking back does he have a chance to move forward.

On Thursday, the stars advise Sagittarius to change something in their relationship with a loved one, or to add a touch of novelty to them. There is no need to change too much - just a few touches are enough for both Sagittarius and his chosen one to be able to feel the difference. The result of such small changes in personal life, started on Thursday, can pleasantly surprise both, making the connection much more harmonious and stronger.

On Friday, Sagittarius has a great opportunity to spend time next to a person who appeared on his horizon for a reason and, quite possibly, will play an important role in his future destiny. If he already has a loved one, it is worth spending the evening together - this will strengthen the relationship and allow you to get to know each other better. Well, for a lonely Sagittarius, fate on Friday provides a chance for a romantic acquaintance, which over time can develop into something more.

If a Sagittarius is looking for a loved one, Saturday is a great day to meet someone or a first date! However, sitting in a corner and smiling on Saturday is not enough to impress the person you like. Sagittarius will have to declare themselves in full voice. His clothes should be stylish and bold, and it is just necessary to show character in the conversation. Laugh heartily, argue until hoarse, in a word, be a bright star, not a gray mouse!

On Sunday, the stars advise Sagittarius to be careful with their words, so as not to offend a loved one. Even if a partner does something that Sagittarius does not approve of at all, it is worth telling him about your disagreement in the language of diplomacy, not emotion. His lack of restraint on Sunday can lead to resentment and even a quarrel. So Sagittarius needs to control himself and try to make his criticism cautious and, most importantly, to the point.

Sagittarius this week can feel an increase in energy potential. This is a good time to exercise in gyms. Thanks to this, you can strengthen your physical condition, lose weight, making your figure more slim and beautiful. This is a good time to combine physical activity with water treatments such as a contrast shower, bath or sauna. Spiritual practices are successful, meditation will restore mental balance. This is a very productive and positive time when you can handle many family and household issues relatively easily and freely. Schedule a general cleaning at the end of the week, or have your home appliances repaired. You can free the apartment from old necessary things, update your wardrobe, put the things and objects you have on the shelves and drawers. This is a great time to clean up your house.

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope

It is better for Sagittarius in love this week to wait for the weekend, since on weekdays they may have a reduced tone. The weekend will give you creative energy, but not wiggle room. Cheer up and take a closer look at new circumstances: in the long term, they rather help your personal life than interfere.

Sagittarius weekly financial horoscope

Sagittarius has a good time to generate income from the use of real estate. You can sign lease and sublease agreements, carry out construction and repair work. Investing in real estate will also be beneficial. Those who are engaged in the repair and maintenance of equipment will work successfully. If you want to be confident in the results of your work, then do everything yourself. This is a good time to look for an additional part-time job, including part-time or part-time jobs. The work on the preparation of reporting documentation is progressing well. Office workers have a good chance of improving working conditions in the workplace. Analysis of the state of your budget will help you to correctly orientate yourself regarding further expenses.

Sagittarius are idealists by nature, this also affects their love relationship, in which admiration and innocence reigns.

Love horoscope Sagittarius woman and man

The Sagittarius man always in his soul always remains an enthusiastic boy. Life for him is an eternal holiday, consisting of adventures and adventures.

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A Sagittarius woman is frank to the point of innocence, which requires a partner. She needs a man who, like her, strives to reach the ideal level in the relationship.

Sagittarius zodiac sign love horoscope - bull, tiger, cat (rabbit), snake, monkey, rooster

Sagittarius bull is loyal, gentle and sensitive, but not at all romantic. He will take care of the relationship and support the marriage, but will not understand romantic impulses.

Take two red strings from identical spools.

Twist them and not wrap them too tightly around the ring finger of your right hand, reading the plot:

“I do not twist threads, but I twist destinies. There were the Servant of God (name) and the Servant of God (name) separately, but will become together. One soul, one blood, one flesh. Amen!"

Carefully remove the resulting ring from your finger and hide it under your bed.

If the desired union with the chosen young man is not hindered by any external circumstances, your most cherished dream will soon be fulfilled. It is possible that the matter will quickly reach the crown.

- Divination with two threads

Sagittarius-tiger, on the contrary, is playful and interesting, stable relationships are important to him, but only if they are accompanied by intimacy.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what hidden magical possibilities you have.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the absence of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm and no one knows how devastating the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and the support of higher powers, you can develop the gift of knowing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, breaks in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications - a medium. It's about being able to connect with spirits and even control the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is disturbed, then the darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and strength that could serve for the good, I will transfer to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts - witchcraft. You can study and induce damage, the evil eye, you can make love spells and divination will not be an impossible task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer with their innocence from your superpowers, granted from above.

It takes at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor to develop inner strength.

Telekinesis most of all is peculiar to you. With the right concentration and efforts, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small, and over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that can be overshadowed by going to the dark side if you don’t have the strength to resist the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with this are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by a higher mind and this is not just that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision, like a prophetic dream that you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

Sagittarius-rabbit is constantly ready to fall in love and participate in romantic courtship, but when the first, brightest feelings cool down, he is lost and does not know how to keep love.

Sagittarius, born in the year of the Monkey, is constantly looking for an ideal partner, which, of course, cannot be found, so often a relationship for him is a series of hopes and disappointments.

General weekly horoscope for Sagittarius:

A great time to be creative, it will allow many of your ideas to come true. Be attentive to the requests of loved ones. By helping others, you will increase your self-esteem. In order for you to control the situation, it is necessary to show determination and initiative at work. The experience gained will open up new opportunities. Weekends are a good time for friendly meetings.

Sagittarius weekly love horoscope:

Thirst for thrills threatens to complicate mutual understanding with a loved one. Don't demand to be constantly entertained. Take care of your good mood yourself.

Weekly career horoscope for Sagittarius:

Success in finding additional sources of income is likely. Tuesday and Wednesday are financially successful, cash receipts are possible on these days. Your qualifications are growing, so you will be in demand.

Weekly health horoscope for Sagittarius:

At the present time, for the representatives of your sign, the threat of problems with the heart and blood vessels is increased. The stars recommend that you carefully dose the load; if you have already experienced disturbing symptoms or have a bad inheritance, it is better to consult a specialist - a cardiologist. Smokers of the sign should give up tobacco or significantly reduce its consumption - if not forever, then at least for the next few days.

General characteristics of the sign Sagittarius

general characteristics

Jupiter is the patron saint of people born under the sign of Sagittarius throughout life. That is why his children walk through life arm in arm with happiness, luck and wealth. Archers are literally overwhelmingly attractive, but they will never use their advantage to the detriment of others. Such people are true noble fighters for justice, entering into a duel when they feel that someone has encroached on something sacred. They can easily take a leadership position, but at the same time remain the same simple in communication and peace-loving. Humanity and exceptional rationality are the distinctive qualities inherent in the representatives of this sign. Sagittarius are born conservatives who need to constantly follow generally accepted norms and laws, painfully extolling someone else's authority. It is the last feature of character that can serve as an obstacle for them in achieving their goals. Archers invariably set the standard for excellence, discretion and maturity. Many of the representatives of the sign adore long journeys, and if they do not have the opportunity to go beyond the distant lands, they will collect magazines with photographs of those places where they would dream to visit. Sagittarius refers to the Fire element, which gives them warmth, activity and energy. The hearts of these people are vulnerable and sensitive, and they themselves are idealists and romantics to the core. The weaker half of the Archers tend to want to be on an equal footing with the stronger sex, to be in no way inferior to men in their activity, activity and independence. Lady Sagittarius cannot stand the eternally aching weak friends who only dream of being protected and protected by someone.


By itself, the Archers' health is so strong that one could envy. But they too often get into various accidents, after which, fortunately, they quickly recover. The hospital regime and the vacation on the bed do nothing to seduce the energetic and restless Sagittarius - they are terribly afraid of being bedridden. They should take a closer look at the liver, respiratory system and intestines. Diabetes attacks or all kinds of dermatitis occur. It happens that among the Sagittarius there are obese people who are obese. Work for the representatives of this sign, most often, seems like a joy: they easily communicate with colleagues, but they can only conflict with their bosses if they decide to drive them into a certain framework. No, the Archer will not shout and sort things out - he will get up and leave, regardless of how much benefit this or that service could bring him. They can be great leaders themselves, although they hate sitting in one place and get bored. For them, such professions as: orator, priest, sportsman, hunter, cook or doctor are great. It is common for each of Jupiter's children to love luxury, but not all of them can earn enough to afford an exquisite interior or clothing. In this regard, if Sagittarius has enough impudence, he may well not hesitate to become a parasite with a wealthy nursing hand. In a love relationship, the Fiery nature manifests itself from the passive side. Archers either idealize their object of passion with a cold attitude towards physical needs, or perceive romantic adventure as a sport or hobby. The strong half of humanity under this sign is distinguished by economic efficiency, but extremely unreliable in terms of loyalty. It is typical for women to be jealous and lively, demanding from their beloved not only love, but also respect. For Sagittarius, it is of paramount importance that their life partner is unique and unlike anyone else. Young daughters of Jupiter may even get confused in their eccentricity and rush to marry foreigners or representatives of very exotic nationalities.

Sagittarius will not burn out from a storm of uncontrollable passions, as Aries and Leo are used to doing. The Archer's flame will be like embers, slowly but surely driving its owner to frenzy. In the end, the Sagittarius rushing from one extreme to another will deign to voice. Some of them will gravitate towards such a partner that is much higher than themselves in the spiritual plane - for this, the children of Jupiter will not be sorry to give all of themselves together with ideal love and passion. Other representatives of the sign will decide that they need to walk over the corpses, collecting their victories. If only the Archer did not play and ultimately pierce his heart with his own arrow. Men under the sign of Sagittarius adore a comfortable atmosphere, a feeling of luxury and lightness, choosing the passion that will certainly indulge their pride, simultaneously managing the house, and he could completely entrust her with all this. They make excellent fathers and defenders, only they tend to constantly test themselves for strength. The Archers' infidelity can border on insanity, and they were only guided by the fact that they, by their masculine nature, are supposed to have many mistresses. What is most surprising: the traitor himself will be extremely outraged if his wife repays him in kind. He will never be able to forgive betrayal, especially that which is known to others. However, he will never become a scandal either, rather, avoiding disassembly. It is typical for women of this sign to be Amazons, completely demanding love, worship and ascension to a pedestal. They also cannot forgive betrayal, but they will not start a noisy showdown. It is likely that such a girl may even decide that free love is much preferable for her. The only thing that is invariable in the character of Sagittarius is their craving for the choice of a completely original life partner: he must certainly stand out from the crowd and be conspicuous. Archers should pay attention to the representatives of such signs as: Aquarius, Gemini, Aries and Leo. With Virgos, it's better not to have any connections at all.