
How to build something from Lego yourself. Unusual use of detail Lego

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What can be done from Lego?

The multicolored designer of Lego, which is produced for more than 60 years, conquered the hearts of millions of children around the world. He did not leave indifferent and adults. The set of designers includes not only bricks, but also figures of people, animals, wheels, etc., and in some - even electric motors, sensors and microcontrollers. Therefore, you can make a million things from Lego!

Figures from Lego

From Lego you can create a model of auto, airplane, helicopter, ship, facilities, trains, robot and more. Thanks to numerous models and series, you can make from Lego with your own hands not only what is indicated on the box and in the instructions, but also to realize your fantasies into life. However, that's painstaking work, Therefore, before proceeding, you need to explore the instructions and stock patience and time.

Build house

In most constructor series there are various buildings. And, accordingly, you need to decide how to make a lego house so that it turns out beautiful and natural. You can select the following basic steps in building a building:

  1. First you need to build a platform by laying out various lines until the desired size is reached.
  2. Then you should lay out the deaf wall of the house. It is necessary to predetermine the location of windows, doors, balconies and other openings.
  3. Next is the construction of walls with windows and outputs.
  4. Then make the roof. To do this, you can use the finished model of the roof, if it is present in the design, or lay out it from ordinary bricks, gradually building one step after another from all sides of the construction.

Creating a safe

So, what can you collect from Lego yet? Safe! To do this, you need to buy a special set with the necessary parts, because in addition to ordinary bricks, from which the safe walls are made, you will need curved parts for the opening mechanism, latches for doors and a wheel with numbering. To assemble the opening mechanism, you need round bricks that will perform the role of the castle. Around each of them, curved parts are installed so that the gap for the groove between them is. From above the assembled design is plated, then again a spherical part, again the plate and at the end is installed a small round brick for the safe valve. Code lock cipher depends on the place of its installation.

The following conclusion suggests: from the lego designer, you can do almost everything, ranging from whole cities with many buildings and ending with the construction for the launch of spacecraft. It all depends on your imagination.

When the child is small, he collects "Lego" as he wants. I don't need to serve ideas, a small engineer knows what the project should be. But growing, children lose their share of enthusiasm and creativity. Therefore, they sometimes need to suggest that to build from "Lego."


What to build from "Lego"? Boys love to design various techniques. Moreover, the form may be the most primitive, the main thing is that the result is similar to the actual object.

We will tell how to build a ship from LEGO. First you need to collect the basis. It will be a trapezium. Of the three small rectangles we collect the base. The second tier should perform a little over the first. This can be done by attaching parts not along, as on the first layer, and across. And the final third tier must be attached to 2 parts more than to the previous one. The result is a steady trapezium.

Now we collect the mast. It can consist of one long vertical part. It is advisable to make different colors each piece of the ship. To the mast attach a sail. It will have a triangle shape. It is quite simple to fold it. To the mast attach 3 square parts, the next layer will consist of two, and the third, too, from two parts, but slightly smaller. The final stage is the attachment of one part that will complete the sail, and one that will be wary and the sail, and the mast.


By thinking about to build from Lego, you immediately remember the city. But to make such a big composition, you need to start with something smaller. For example, from building a house. It can be a multi-storey or residential cottage. For the construction of such objects, a special "lego" will be required, which includes semicircular parts, as well as details, one part of which is cut.

How to build a house from "Lego"? First you need to make a flat base. Often in the designers it is already there, and it is not necessary to collect it. But if there is no such plane in your "Lego", it must be folded from flat parts.

We are proceeding for construction. We collect three columns that will be the supporting structure of the building. After approximately representing what the width is at the house, on the opposite part of the beams build the wall. Between the finished two structures we erect filling in chaotic order. The basis is ready.

Now you can move to the construction of balconies. They will be manufactured from rounded parts. Attach them to the bearing wall with a uniform indentation from each other. On the opposite part of the building we build flat balconies. They may differ in length. For example, in the lower tier they will be large, and the upper small. Above the balconies, we build a roof, and the building itself can be finished with small turrets.


What to build from "Lego"? Sometimes I want to build something not only beautiful, but also functional. For example, a beautiful steam locomotive toy. How to assemble it? This will require "Lego", similar to puzzles. If there is no such thing in the farm, it can be replaced with a standard constructor. We collect two walls of the fervor. They must resemble rectangles. We fasten them with each other. To do this, you need to collect the nose of our vehicle. We will do it from contrasting details so that the form is better read. We collect a rectangle and attach billets to it.

So that the nose in the locomotive looks pretty, we complement it by several more details, which will create a trapezium in front of the design. We collect the back wall. It will look like a simple rectangle.

We establish our workpiece on the pre-assembled wheels. For the stability of the design, they will also be rectangular. Now on the back of the locomotive, we build a high hollow rectangle. It is worth remembering about the windows and leave there empty space. The front of the steam locomotive is made in the form of half of the cylinder.

It remains to collect the pipe. It will look like a rectangle expanding up. Fresh pipe on the nose of the locomotive, and our vehicle is ready.


What can be built from "Lego" do it yourself? You can do something original, such as glasses. How to build them? With such a task even small child. We collect the contour of two squares. They must be the same. Then we make a small jumper and connect all the workpieces. It remains to make a handle. These details will be in the form of the letter "g". Fresh the handles to the already ready-made lenses with a jumper - and our glasses are ready.


With the help of a designer, a child can be explained how simple mechanisms work. For example, such as an elevator. Build from "Lego" such a design is very simple. It is necessary to collect a flat base. On him weaving a pillar. We make it from the details of the same size, simply attaching them to each other. The top of the pillar is crowned roof. On it welled a flat detail to which the wheel is khepim. Now you need to assemble the elevator cabin itself. It will be something like baskets. We make a flat base, raise all four walls up. Complete the basket with a jumper that is attached to the other opposite sides of our cabin. We take the rope that put the tower on the wheel. One end is tied to the lift cabin jumper. And now pull for a free tail of the rope, the basket will rise and descend.


What can be built from "Lego" girl? It is worth offering her to construct the castle. How to do it? First you need to build four towers. But they should not be just pillars. It will be designs with arches located at different heights. In this task, the child should help parents. Adult man can easily calculate, at what height you need to hoist the arch so that later through it it was possible to stretch the tube. We collect turrets and put them on the overall basis. I walked every of them the roof, and in the middle of the castle, you can put the roof in the middle of the castle. It remains to turn through the arches the tube. It turns out something like a castle-water park.

Christmas tree

From "Lego" you can assemble any designs. So, by the new year you can make a Christmas tree. How to do it? We prepare a flat base on which a low rectangle is collected from brown details of the designer. It must be filled. This is the carrier part of the design that will keep the weight of the Christmas tree. For beauty on the right and on the left they attach another detail. So, on the site of the leg will appear a kind of crosshair. Getting started making a Christmas tree. We will build it from the top of it. We begin with one piece and so on the increasing attachment to it the second row, consisting of two parts, the third of three and so on to the sixth row.

To the tree looked original, she needs to do some branches. To do this, in some rows, it is not far the part, but across. Branch can be uneven and have different lengths. Having reached the 6th row, the 7th we do a little less. It must be made of 5 parts. The following three rows increase again. The 11th row again make less. We do the last part of the Christmas tree: 4 rows increase, and the rest smoothly go to a narrowing. Attach the green blank to the leg - and our tree is ready.

The LEGO constructor has long ceased to be only a developing game for children. Of tens of millions of cubes, full-fledged amusement parks for kids and their parents are built. LEGO penetrated the cinema and gaming industry. Creative personalities use detail to create paintings and sculptures, and enthusiastic engineers make car body from them. Looks impressive! Indeed, the limits of applying the famous figures are limited only by human fantasy, and it does not know the boundaries. In this article, you will learn about the unusual applications of LEGO cubes in everyday life.

Coin Sorter

In the distant Soviet times, my mother worked as a seller, and every day dealt with kilograms of coins. I helped her sort them at par. On the one hand, it was very cool occasionally to find memorable specimens, on the other - the boring lesson rapidly bored. It is a pity that in those days was not like the designer LEGO and this interesting recipe Applications of its details. The mechanism can be adapted for any diameter of coins.


On a hot summer time, my computer loves to turn off overheating. Touching to the surface on which the laptop is worth it leads to a light ride. Therefore, you have to create an airbag under it to provide greater ventilation and better cooling. Several cubes are perfect as a stand.

The solution can also be used to save space in the kitchen. In the same way, the opponents can go to the dishwasher.

Organizer Melochkiy

Forget about the search for keys, wallets and other pocket smallers with the help of an original organiser. If you are too lazy to drill holes in the cubes, LEGO sells already reinforced key chains.

Educational game

Why not kill two hares? Align the development of fingers and thinking kids with learning reading and account. Apply a regular marker of words and numbers into cubes. The study of grammar and will become much more interesting.

Task Manager

No successful undertaking is done without planning and setting tasks. Design studio from Great Britain offered its original approach to monitoring the movement of projects. The basis of Lego detail was based.

But any concept is really good if it succeeds in reality. Lego calendar is successfully applied by some companies to plan work 20 employees.

Lens cover holder

Do you like a photo or video shooting? Then you know the "problem" of the spent or losing lens cover. Attach the Lego parts to the lid itself and the strap - a simple and practical solution.

Office Khaki.

Place the tiny magnets in the cubes, and your clips, brackets and holders will find their refuge. Bardak on the table is defeated!

No magnets? No problem! You can make stylish cups for handles and other office little things.


For any nonsense, usually lying where it fell, you can make an unusual stand. For example, for phone ...

... Joysticks, and even ...

... razor accessories!

Picture frame

Is it possible to surprise photos frame? Sure! Flying thoughts and detail lego on you to help.

Flower pot

Fans of home vegetation should come to taste the idea of \u200b\u200bpot from the designer. Usually the rapid growth of the flower is accompanied by care for buying and transplanting in a pot of larger volume. With Lego, you can modify any existing pot to the desired size.

Thematic house

What can be broken up with pots, if you can accelerate to a whole house! Perhaps it will be a game room for children, but also adults by anything will want to visit it.

And what unusual applications of Lego do you know?

With the help of Figurines, Lego can be created amazing world. It all starts with the construction of the house. To build a big and beautiful houseFirst you need to master its classical construction technique.

The construction of the house begins with the construction of the foundation. The foundation is superimposed by walls (figures from Lego). Then the construction of walls of rooms and their arrangement begins. The completion step is the roof and adding additional elements. Each of the stages has its own nuances, so now we will look at step-by-step instructions Building houses from Lego. Before embarking on the construction of the house, make sure you have all the appropriate parts. You can do without them, but with necessary elements The house will look much more aesthetic. You will need:
  • Lego plate minimum 10x20;
  • Figures of LEGO different sizes;
  • Windows, doors;
  • Roof figures;
  • Decorations and figures for home improvement.
Foundation. You can use a 10x20 plate. But if you can, take the detail more. Then you can place not only the house on it, but subsequently complete the garden, the garage, the fence and other elements. If you have taken a large plate, it is convenient to place a house at her corner. The design may have any size. Take the little details of Lego, and inserting them into the plate, start building the foundation. At this stage, it is important to place the doors immediately. Walls. Pick up any details and continue to finish the walls. In some collections, Lego has special walls, but we will look at the classic option. At the stage of building the walls, do not forget to place the windows in the places you like. Arrange the house walls to the end. Layers can be as you like - it all depends on how high you want to see your home. When everything is ready, proceed to building rooms. Rooms. You can make several rooms in the house. The construction occurs on the principle of building the house itself. Determine the borders of the rooms. Then take the details of Lego and start building the walls already inside the house. Out the figures on each other until the walls are filled completely. Do not forget to make the doors to each room. When everything is ready, arrange the room. Take a table - take the square figure of Lego and put a larger plate on it. Table ready. Put chairs, mugs, figures of people and other elements. On the principle of building a table, you can make a sofa. If there are other elements in your Lego collection, place them there. Roof. Now you can go to the construction of the roof. If you have large plates, you can use them. Place the plates on the walls and overlap them until the whole roof is covered. If you plan to make a two-storey or three-storey house, impose new walls on these plates and continue the construction of the next floor. If you plan to finish the construction, place the special figures of Lego, designed to build the roof on the plates. Additional elements. If you wish, you can attach the garage to the house, make a booth for a dog, put a table on the street, place flowers, mailbox, a small fence, etc. If you have few additional elements, you need to purchase a designer box called "Freestyle". It has many details that complement any of the sets. Instruction. If you have difficulty, find the instructions. It should be attached to every box of Lego toys. The instructions are available outlined options for assembling various parts. If the instruction suddenly lost, use the site Here collected the assembly schemes of all the details. Click on the link of your favorite instructions - it will open.

Remember that your home from Lego can have absolutely any design. As soon as you begin to build a house, we will immediately understand in the principles of construction. After that, it will be much easier for you to continue construction. Do not be afraid to experiment - with the help of Lego, you can embody any fantasy and create a house of your dreams!

Lego hollows appeared at our house when the son was a little more than a year and a half, at that time dad came up with what to build. We and my husband seemed that the child himself would put the cubes into certain figures, thus developing his fantasy and a small motorcy. But nothing like this did not happen, we decided to try to buy several thematic sets from the LEGO series. They also fascinated our son for a short time, and he himself did nothing.

Knowing children's psychology and how many children are different, I just decided to wait. But not a folded arms, and offering the child other constructors and watching his reaction to them. It turned out that the wooden designer likes Alexander more than Lego. Designer Wedgits Starter also fascinated the boy, he liked him less than wooden blocks, but more than the subject of our discussion. Breakthrough in the interest of the Son to the designer the hollow came after the details appeared order. I wrote about this in the article.

  1. What to build from the hollow
  2. Alphabet
  3. Numbers
  4. Cartoons
  5. Interesting Facts

What to build from Lego Hollow

From the moment of writing about children's design, some changes occurred. Alexander, who is now 4 years 10 months, began to get containers with detail and try to collect the composition.

- Mom, I built a forest for you!

The child was on the summer holidays, and I work at home, so it was possible to play my son alone in my room. To express your feelings, he often makes me surprises. It can be drawings, crafts, phrases written on a magnetic board. And this time there was a forest built from the hollow. The main thing is that everything is understandable in this composition: trees, mushrooms, flowers, bunny on the clearing, dodder in a pond and a house with people and animals on the outskirts of the forest.

All photos with our crafts can be increased by clicking on them.

After a couple of days, animals were presented to me. Deer and giraffe.

I naturally very rejoiced to gifts and expressed my sincere admiration. We left them before the arrival of Pope, who, in turn, also expressed his delight. Alexandra appeared motivation, but not everything turned out and the child called Mama to help. Then I noticed that if I join the assembly, the child is very carefully watching every cube I put and does the same thing. This level of copying was supposed to pass the year in two, but then Alexander was not interested in the construction of Lego Hollow. Now there are such birds, one, the second Alexander.

Then we built dogs.

Well, I thought, I need to try to build one design for two, then each of us would have to contribute to the fantasy. Since I have a boy, I chose the motive for his interests - the ship. At the end, he became a pirate, which was not at all expected, but the fantasy of Alexander was played out and they were offered such details as descending on the cable anchor, the rescue circle, looking at Jung and the staircase on which it is closed up.

That evening we played in the pirates and I felt the interest of a child who did not want to miss.

After returning from a seafood, I played with my son in railway. But just roll the train, I am not interested in me personally, and I suggested to bring our pets to this case minion. Of course, Alexander agreed, and with what joy! We built a fortress from Lego Hollow, through which the railway passed. The child again had a desire to make minion pirates and a little story was composed:

In the family the minion was an engineer. He told another minion how to build a fortress and they did it under his leadership. But since they did not have money for the purchase of land, they built it right on the railway canvase. Soon the minion was hungry, and there was nothing around, so that you could work and earn honestly. So they decided that they would be pirates! When the trains passed through the fortress, the minion of their robbed.

Well, if the train managed to slip, then the other minions jumped on it with specially built tips. Prey they brought to the fortress, where they divided it between everyone.

But here it began the most interesting. Alexander immediately chose the role of a train, and I was the villains minion. After a couple of robbery, "the train" decided to defend, and began to dump bombs (wooden cubes) into minion. As a result, the engineer had to repair the railway, fortress, towers, but the train was armed up to the teeth, he bombed and bombed until the enemies left the trace. That evening our dad was able to see only ruins ...

The next day, the child decided dinosaurs, I saw coffee at that moment and just threw the phrase about what it would be interesting to try to build dinosaurs from Lego Hollow. Alexander, apparently inspired by the game from the minion, immediately decomposed containers with detail. Five minutes later, Protocerateratops appeared before me, then the Brachiosaur came, the truth was originally he was very brushed at the giraffe.

And then Mom was called to the rescue. The fact is that Alexander really wanted to make Horn triceratops, but as he did not put them out of the details, they looked at them as in the picture. And who said that the craft is not supplemented? I got a hot gun, we found two kales, which are like a horns and quickly glued. By the way, the hot silicone is very easy to repeat from the details, so I advise you to use it.

So, a new school year began, I made a plan of our lessons for a month. One of the points of the Plan is the repetition of the Russian alphabet. Alexander went to reading whole words, he had a natural interest in Spanish, English and French alphabets. It was through them that he went to read on each of these languages, but he did not interest him the Russian alphabet. An explanation of this simple, the child perfectly reads without his knowledge, the brain discards unnecessary information. But the education system is built differently, so knowing that my son is best assisted by information through music, I picked up a video with an alphabet in Russian.

Through the hearing knowledge received, now you need to touch it with your hands. Let's build a Russian alphabet!

By the evening, Alexander sowed the Russian alphabet for memory, he learned him not just like a rhyme, and skipping every letter through his hands.

Yesterday was Tuesday, and in our family it's an evening with dad. Usually, the boys play with superheroes, soldiers, but yesterday Alexander himself offered to build something from LEGO. Dad was already ready to collect something ambitious, but in time I noticed that the child himself sits and folds his craft. It turned out that for Alexander was logical after the alphabet to do figures and he collected from 1 to 10. There was no limit to the surprise, he was just sitting next to and watched. Well, not quite simple ... during the design of the son of 10 numbers, he collected a locomotive on the wheels.

Alexander is clearly not interesting to solve examples within a dozen. But if your kids are only included in the world of mathematics, I advise you to use the designer to study it. By skipping the numbers through the hands, the child will remember them better, and playing his own-built numbers more interesting than just write them in a notebook.

But what a dad built. In general, I want to express one thought that did not leave me for the last two weeks. I like many parents, follow the novelties of the sets:

  • Lego hollow train;
  • lock;
  • house;
  • pirates.

All these sets are purchased! But the child does not play with them. He was more interesting to build his pirate ship, his castle for his favorite minion, his house in which Mom, Dad and Alexander will live. And the most important thing is that all this is really built from separate parts of Lego Hollow, which are bought and giving.

Of course, if a child shows a great interest in a role-playing game with ready-made sets, that is, it makes sense to follow the novelties and buy them if possible. But if your son or daughter is lying about my child, then believe me - everything can be built, while you will have to use the smelting, fantasy and small motorcy. I mean that when several sets have already been bought to simple cubes of Lego, and there are doors, windows, arches, roof items, a hill - then you can already connect fantasy.

Oh, I almost forgot! The location of our dad.

Lego hollow cartoons

In order for the child an interest in the design of Lego Hollow, you can show him several cartoons. They are not so much released, but now I will now share with you only those who, in my opinion, will operate in a child desire or fantasy at an independent role-playing game.

Farmer Vanya. We are going to visit

This cartoon, if so it can be called, is suitable for children with two years. It involves Lego Hollow and Men to him.

Steep races and road rules

Very good video with Lego men. My son loves to read about the rules of the road and keep them. Yes, yes, he always quotes them moving across the road


If you have 5+ to your child and he speaks well english languagethen he will accurately appreciate this lego film. It lasts an hour, during which will be chase, love and American humor

Cartoons Pro Machinery, LEGO City

Well, there are a lot of cars here! Air, sea, road transport and all of him from Lego! A cartoon, more precisely, there are several of them, perfectly duplicated. This is just an endless drive, from which I will not hide my son was delighted. The benefit that American Happy Ending is present, criminals are arrested.

Frends First Series

Based on the Frends series, these Milktics are delivered. And although Lego Frends is considered for girls, Alexander gladly looks at these cartoons. By the way, they have a fairly good content, so if your children enjoy, look for the other series.

    1. Translated from Latin "LEGO" means "(I) collect".
    2. In September 2013, the first permanent exposition of models from LEGO Gamebrick cubes was opened in St. Petersburg.

    1. In 2012, a limited series was released written books Moleskine dedicated to LEGO.

    1. In May 2013, the T-65 X-Wing Square from Epopea "Star Wars", consisting of 5,335,3,200, was exhibited in New York on Times Square lEGO details And weighing about 23 tons.

    1. The world's most expensive LEGO brick costs $ 14,449.

    1. In September 2013, Norwezhec Jon Jessen got into the Guinness Book of Records for the largest LEGO series collection Star Wars" He collected about 300 sets and almost 750 thousand parts for the assembly.

  1. In December 2013, construction was completed and the full-size car was launched from the LEGO parts operating on the pistons driven by compressed air. Developers argue that about 500 thousand parts took to the construction of such a miracle. The car develops speed up to 30 km / h.