
Radish with honey Cooking recipe. Radish with cough honey: Simple recipes from the sick throat

Vegetable crops

Radish with honey - "Classic" among the recipes of traditional medicine. From all infections, colds, cough, bronchitis This means is very effective. Black or other types of radish in combination with honey give all benefit and healing force. The main thing is to know all the secrets of making radish with honey and the correct treatment of such a drug.

What is raking?

In the cold season, there are many infections - ORVI and flu. The human immune system becomes weak due to the lack of vitamins, reduce the solar time of day, permanent hypoints and drafts. It is the radish that will perfectly serve as adults and children during this period:

  • Satisfied with the body
  • Strengthen immunity
  • Increase nonspecific resistance to infections
  • Protects from diseases due to the presence of phytoncides and lysozyme

Radish is a unique vegetable. The composition is rich in important substances for the body, while it is available almost at any time of the year. The vegetable is well kept until the end of the spring, and the new crop of radish can already be obtained from the middle of the summer, if you are soaring her summer varieties.

How does radish help health?

The delicious product contains many vitamins that are immunomodulators and antioxidants. This is an ascorbic acid, carotene, alpha-tocopherol, as well as almost the entire vitamin group B. Health is important and minerals of root (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and a number of others), but against infections and from cough is especially valuable sulfur. Lizozyme is a natural immunomodulator and an antiviral agent, and phytoncides protect against bacteria. In the complex all the components make black, green, white, pink radish with a real medicine.

What else is the product useful? If you take juice or make salads with vegetable, it will have a comprehensive effect on the body:

  1. Improve appetite, restore the production of gastric juice.
  2. Increase the intestinal peristalsis, cure constipation, bring out stagnant slags.
  3. Reduce and sugar in the blood.
  4. Will help improve blood composition at.
  5. Liquets bile, remove inflammation from the gallbladder and ducts.

Radish with honey - what kind of tool?

The radish itself has a rather bitter taste. Her juice is also sharp and bitter, it is quite problematic to take it without additives. But when connecting to honey, radish becomes a real delicacy - sweet, fragrant. But the main goal of adding honey, of course, is not in taste, but in the enrichment of additional benefits.

You can use for the manufacture of medication any kind of root plant, but it is in black radish that contains the largest number of biologically active substances. If it is possible, it is better to take black winter radish to treat cough.

Radish efficiency with cough honey

Radish is a magnificent antiseptic. In addition to phytoncides, Rafanol and mustard oil work from any kind of microbes and viruses. After entering inside, the radish juice disinfects the throat, pairs and essential oils penetrate into the upper respiratory tract. As juice suction, therapeutic substances fall into the blood and begin to fight infectious particles.

In addition, the radish juice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. After reception, it will reduce the temperature, reduce the production of inflammatory and pain developing. Also radish carries anti-ease properties, as a result of the treatment of nasal swelling, throat, larynx and bronchi, the likelihood of bronchopulation decreases. It is important to mention and sulfur - this substance has long been recognized as thinning wet and expectorant. Cough after receiving radish with honey becomes of dry wet, productive. Man recovers an order of magnitude faster.

Bactericidal qualities of honey are no less high than radish, the antiviral action is also noted. Honey consists of a huge number of active ingredients, many of which are not even fully studied. As part of drugs with radish juice, it stimulates immunity, relieves inflammation and intoxication, anesthetics, eliminates swelling, speeds up the removal of the exchange products. When coughing honey suppresses this reflex, allowing you to quietly sleep, eliminates the voices and dryness in the throat, helps as an excellent flour.

Radish and honey are useful against diseases accompanied by cough:

  • Bronchitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Tracheitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Whooping cough

Of course, with serious infectious diseases of the bronchi and the lungs, the reception of antibiotics is required. But radish with honey will replace anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs to the full, therefore it is shown in any kind of cough. In severe cases and when treating the child, the consultation of the doctor before applying folk therapy is required!

Contraindications for the treatment of root

If there is an allergy to honey, a severe degree of obesity, diabetes, the intolerance to other bee products, from the treatment of radish with honey will have to be abandoned. In some cases, it is possible to replace honey sugar, but the effectiveness of such a fund will be lower.

The radish itself also has a number of contraindications. With the exacerbation of pancreatitis, inflammation of the intestine or stomach, it is impossible to consume the root. A particularly unpleasant reaction may occur when gastritis with increased acidity, ulcerative disease, duodenitis - it is possible to enhance pain, an increase in body temperature. With serious heart disease, radiant is also impossible.

Children therapy with such a powerful and active means is possible only with the approval of the doctor. The child is possible the appearance of intestinal colic due to the ability of the vegetable to increase gas formation. In general, before the 3-year-old age rootpode with honey take it undesirable. Pregnant and nursing radish can also cause unpleasant consequences. So, it increases the tone of the uterus and can cause a miscarriage, therefore abuse and long-term treatment is unacceptable.

Radish recipes with honey

There are several recipes for the preparation of this healing agent. The result will be approximately the same, but with a long standing of the juice, the drink will be softer, pleasant to taste.

Main recipe

According to this recipe, you need to make a vegetable pot. To do this, you need to take a few small radish, rinse carefully. Considerate the root crops (they must be neglected, juicy). Next, cut the bottom of the radish so that it is conveniently stood on the plate.

The top of the radish is also cut off like a cover, not to throw it away. From above of each root, make a deepening so that the wall thickness remains about 1.5 cm. You can cut the flesh with a knife or spoon, or another convenient device. In each radish, put honey in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons (the larger the rooteplood, the more honey can be placed in it).

Radies should be covered with lids, after putting them in a warm place. It is desirable to preserve the roots from the action of direct sunlight, which are harmful to biologically active components and essential oils. After a few hours (from 5 to 12) juice will appear inside. It must be well mixed with honey, merge into a glass. Next, juice can be treated from cough. One radish can be applied three times by adding honey to it, then merging the juice.

Accelerated recipe

When to wait for the selection of juice in the "pot" once, more will come to the rescue fast recipe Radies with honey. The effectiveness of the juice will be the same, but its sharpness will increase. Procedure Next:

  1. Cut the vegetable, pre-washed and purified, 1 * 1 cm cubes.
  2. Place cubes in a glass jar.
  3. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to one radish.
  4. Close the jar of gauze, rolled in 3 layers.
  5. Leave the tool without sun access in heat for 2-3 hours.
  6. Merge the finished medicine.

After the plum of juice, you can add to the radiated cubes the same portion of honey and again put the means for insistence. Thus, radiate can be used twice.

Express recipe

A small radish is thoroughly rinsed, grate on a large grater directly with the skin (presence of rot, dirt, damage or mold sections can not be allowed). Leave a grated vegetable on the table in a plate for 10 minutes. Then put the mass into the gauze, carefully squeeze the juice. Ready juice to connect with honey in proportion 1: 1. Such a means you can begin to treat cough immediately, without waiting for a long time.

Radish, honey and carrots

How to make medicines from radish from cough even more efficient? If you connect with radish juice with honey and juice, then the resulting elixir will have a powerful antioxidant, antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. All the properties described above are preserved and multiplied.

The recipe is:

  1. Press the juice juice from radish.
  2. Do the same with carrots, having received juice.
  3. Mix 100 juice, add a tablespoon of honey to them.
  4. Shake, take to recovery on a tablespoon of drink every 2 hours.

Radish treatment with honey

The procedure for the treatment of radar juice and the norms of its reception will depend on the age of the patient. If the cough is present in an adult, the reception must be carried out on a complete tablespoon 6 times / day 30 minutes after meals. The course of treatment is to stop symptoms, but not more than 2 weeks. Changing the dose of up to 3 spoons per day, you can be treated longer - up to 3 weeks. This may be needed in chronic cough forms.

For children, radish with honey is prepared in the same way. For the first time, the baby gives a means in the volume ½ teaspoon to check the body's reaction. If there are no allergic reactions, the treatment continues on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day before recovery. More than 7-10 days, radar therapy in children can not be continued. About the treatment of a child radish is written in detail.

Features of the storage of drug

Since the juice in the radiated pots is preparing for quite a long time, the question arises about it indeed, it will be more convenient to prepare more medicine. It can be stored in the refrigerator without loss of valuable substances and basic properties. Within 12 hours it is allowed to drink juice with honey, without placing in the cold, and later it is better to cool it.

The duration of radiation storage with honey is 2-3 days. For storage, the juice is placed in a clean, dried jar, closed marks, tied with thread. You can also cover the jar of a loose lid. In the refrigerator it is worth keeping the juice on the shelf for vegetables - there is the most suitable temperature for it. As the drink is taking, it is necessary to warm, but not on the plate or in the microwave. You should pour the portion of the juice into the glass, put it in warm water, then accept as he warmed.

IN folk medicine Radish from cough used long ago. Ancient Greeks knew about the healing properties of this product. Now the rootpode is also actively used in the treatment of respiratory tract, it is recognized as an effective natural antibiotic. Often, the tool gives children, because it is completely natural and safe for the body. There are several recipes of healing mixtures with radish, it is consumed inside and externally.

Test: Why do you have a cough?

How long have you cough?

Your cough is combined with a runny nose and most noticeing in the morning (after sleep) and in the evening (already bed)?

Cough can be described as:

You characterize cough like:

Can you say that the cough is deep (in order to understand this, dial more air into the lungs and plow)?

During an attack of cough, you feel pain in the stomach and / or chest (pain in intercostal muscles and abdominal press)?

Do you smoke?

Pay attention to the character of the mucus, which stands out during the cough (no matter how much it is: little, or a lot). She is:

Do you feel blunt pain in the chest, which does not depend on movements and wears the "incommete" character (as if the hearth is in the easiest of pain)?

Do you have a shortness of breath (during exercise, you quickly "fierce" and tired, breathing becomes more often, after which the air shortage comes)?

Beneficial features

Science is known many varieties of radish, but most often black is used for treatment. This root is rich natural elementsthat help get rid of cough. The most valuable of them is lysozyme, it is a natural antibiotic. In addition, there are substances in the product:

Due to the presence of enzymes in the composition, the rootpode stimulates digestion and metabolic processes, which means that the body is weakened by the disease begins to actively absorb nutrients From food and quickly absorbs them.

What cough treat product?

You can use radish when coughing of different origin. It contains no less phytoncides than in Luke and garlic. These active ingredients adversely affect the pathogenic viruses and bacteria, because the rooteplood will be useful both under banal ARVI and in the diseases of the throat causeing bronchospasm. To cure with the help of the product, such impaired respiratory activities can be

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • ORVI and ORZ;
  • whooping cough;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

Recipes of funds

You can use radish with children and adults. Korneflood combined with many useful additives that enhance its properties. To extract the most valuable substance from the product - its juice - you need to mix the core with sugar, honey or salt. These components are capable of attracting moisture, each of their molecule joins 400 water molecules. However, the salt is not worth added to radish, because it makes the medicine bitter and tart.

Consider how to prepare a pleasant and efficient tool.

Features of the use of funds

Osually, the drugs from radish are used 2-4 times a day depending on the severity of the disease. However, it is worth considering that for adults and children the dosage will be different.

The body of the kids requires a smaller number of biologically active substances for recovery, so you need to be guided by such a scheme:

  • one-time dose for adults - 1 tablespoon;
  • one-time dose for schoolchildren - 1 teaspoon;
  • one-time dose for preschoolers - 0.5 teaspoons;
  • one-time dose for infants - 3 drops.

It has been scientifically proven that the long-term use of radish can adversely affect the psyche and even cause depression. If you use the root plant as prevention with various dishes, then do it no more than 2 times a week.

The treatment should not be delayed for more than 3 weeks for adults and more than 1 week for kids. Due to the fact that the product is able to influence psychological health, it is never mixed with alcohol.

If you find the recipe of the radish tincture on alcohol, boldly pass by: such a tool is unlikely to be useful.

Contraindications for use

Use radish to treat cough not to all patients. It should be borne in mind that the tool stimulates the production of gastric juice, reinforces blood flow and has diuretic properties. The use of root is contraindicated with such diseases:

  • gout;
  • pancreatitis;
  • impairment of kidney function;
  • hepatitis;
  • aggravation of gastritis and ulcerative disease;
  • increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • fragile vessels;
  • recently suffered heart attack or stroke.

Some people also have individual intolerance to the product, therefore it is necessary to carefully and gradually introduce into the diet of allergies.

Pregnant women can use the rootpode, only if the attending physician allowed to do it. Essential oils that contain radish juice can stimulate the cutting of the uterus and increase its tone, and this in some cases leads to miscarriage. Future mothers are treated with this means not more than 5 days under the close observation of specialists.

In conclusion

Summing up, it can be said that radish has a high biological value and helps cure cough of various origin. However, this product must be used with caution and only after consulting a doctor.It is also not necessary to hope that the funds of traditional medicine can fully replace drug therapy. Medications, inhalation and compresses will be a good addition to the main treatment scheme.

Radish with cough honey - enjoyable popularity people's recipe For the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract. This tool helps in facilitating dry and wet cough, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Another advantage is that such a homemade medicine can be used both for the treatment of adults and for children without harm to health. What is important, especially for children, the final product has a pleasant taste.

The principle of antitussive action of the radish juice with honey

The tool is a combination of two powerful natural dishes from cough - radish and honey. Due to this composition, it is suitable for the treatment of almost any colds. The radish contains a large number of Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant (eliminates toxic products of metabolic reactions), enhances immunity, increases the natural resistance of the body. In addition, radish contains natural antibiotics and other healing substances, thanks to which there is an anti-inflammatory and even some antipyretic effect.

The second component, honey, is no less useful. Like other beekeeping products, it contains a large number of trace elements that improve metabolic processes in the body. It also strengthens the resistance of the body to aggressive factors, contributes to a full-fledged immune response. Honey has a local action - relieves irritation of the mucous membrane, has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Radish contains natural antibiotics and other healing substances, thanks to which there is an anti-inflammatory and even some antipyretic effect.

Based on the reviews, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky, radish juice with honey - effective and reliable meansnot inferior to many pharmacy drugs.

How to make radish from cough with honey

Make radish with honey is quite simple, there are several recipes - classic, upgraded, simplified, etc. What kind of radish recipe with cough for children is best suited? Any of these is suitable for approval by the attending physician and the absence of individual intolerance. In the case of allergic on beekeeping products, honey is replaced with sugar - on the therapeutic action of the drug, such a substitution affects slightly.

Below the recipes are shown step by step.

Black radish

Recipe 1.. Prepare the black radish root root fairly large. The product must be fresh, solid, without cracks, evenly painted (there should be no spots). The old radish will not work, because there is little juice in it, the same applies to the unripe, green. Kornemploda should be thoroughly wash and cut the top - the so-called "cover". Just cut a horizontally small piece of vegetable peel at the top of the top. After that, they begin to prepare the "bowls". In the pulp of root, it is necessary to cut a knife or spoon to a spoon, without damaging the wall. The juice will be gathered here. As for the size of the deepening, then calculate so that the tablespoon of honey plus the same amount of juice obtained is placed. Honey is desirable to take not candied, but the main thing is that it is natural. Having placed a spoonful of honey inside, cover with a cap and leave it for the night (8-10 hours will be enough). Neutro in niche inside the radish is formed by therapeutic juice - it is he who benefits when treating cough. The photo below shows the final stage of preparation of the drug.

Recipe 2.. Take the washed root root, clean it from the peel, cut into small cubes. Slices of radish should be folded into a clean glass jar, moving honey. No need to twist the can with a lid, just one layer of bandage or gauze. Insist the tool in a dark place two-three days, honey at the same time can darken, gradually it becomes much more liquid due to the fact that the rootpode gives a lot of juice.

Based on the reviews, including the famous Dr. Komarovsky, radish juice with honey is an efficient and reliable means, not inferior to many pharmacy drugs.

Recipe 3.. This method allows you to quickly get a medicine, when there is no time to wait until the juice is standing out. The small root roof is clean and rubbed on a shallow grater. The resulting cleaner wrapped in gauze and carefully pressed to get as much juice as possible. A tablespoon of honey is added to the bowl with pressed juice and stirred. As soon as honey is completely dissolved, and the syrup will take a homogeneous consistency, medicine Ready to receive.

Recipe 4.. For the treatment of bronchitis, a refrigeration compress is applied with adding honey, which can also be used as a product for rubbing. For its preparation, you need 2 large or 3 medium rains to grate on a large grater, which turned the crawl into a clean glass jar. Then several spoons of honey, 50 ml of vodka are added to it and mix thoroughly. It is worth the mixture at least 1 day, better 2-3. Since the funds contains ethanol, before applying children it is better to lubricate the skin with protective moisturizing cream. It is possible to wet the gauze in the resulting solution, or apply directly on the skin and get drunk strongly until reddening and feeling the heat, after which it is to kill a patient in a towel or blanket.

Green radish

You can take not only black radish with cough honey, but also green. It is somewhat different with its composition and taste, sometimes it has even a large number of vitamins, she has a more dense pulp. But this root plant is also widely used in folk medicine, and from it you can prepare a means of cough with different methods.

Recipe 1.. The tool is prepared in the same way as from black radish. The algorithm is simple, the top is cut off, the cavity is created, a spoon of honey is added, after which it insists (the green radish insists longer, 12 hours). After that, the medicine is ready to use.

Radish contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant (eliminates toxic products of metabolic reactions), enhances immunity, increases the natural resistance of the body.

Recipe 2.. A variant of the healing juice of green radish with the addition of milk. The green radish sliced \u200b\u200binto small cubes is poured with honey and insisters for several days. After that, it is pressed, the resulting juice is stored in the refrigerator and is used as an additive to milk. For this, milk is heated until it is warm (but not hot), a teaspoon is added to it. Take a drink for half an hour before meals. However, the children such milk can replace one of the meals, for example, afternoon personnel.

How to take radish from cough with honey

You can use radish juice with honey with a dry and wet cough, inflammatory diseases of the upper, lower respiratory tract, with pneumonia, throat pain. High temperature does not exclude the possibility of using this tool.

Contraindications for use are allergic reactions to radon juice components or honey, increased sensitivity to them, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcer of the stomach or duodenum. Is it possible to take medical-raid syrup pregnant women? The answer is unequivocal - it is impossible to do this, because radish increases the tone of the uterus and can cause premature contractions and provoke miscarriages.

Drink a medicine prepared by any of the methods, you need three times a day - before meals for 20-30 minutes, or 2 hours after meals, drinking a large amount of liquid, it will provide an additional musolitic effect.


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A walk in a lightweight sweater often ends with ailment: despite the hot sun, in the evening the head is spinning, fading in the throat, flowing from the nose.

Radish with honey will easily help remove the symptoms of the cold and cure a strong cough. In order for the disease does not gain momentum, you do not need to postpone treatment on "then" - it is better to take a means as soon as possible.

How to treat sore throat radish with honey

At the first signs of Orz, our grandmothers resorted to people's methods Treatment and prepared warm milk with soda or honey, ginger tea, a solution for rinsing the throat - even before buying the necessary medicines, any of the recipes facilitated the state and instantly put on his feet.

Why are we coughing? The answer is simple: to get rid of infection, the body pushes out the outward bacteria and a copied sputum in the lower respiratory tract.

The cough cause special "bristles" on the mucous membrane, bronchi is compressed, pushing pathogenic microbes. If the wet is poorly moving, expectorant drugs are prescribed.

Not all medicines can cure a tearing cough, but radish is truly a unique vegetable.

To calm the sad throat, it is best to use black radish juice (it contains more vitamins), green grade will have a softer action.

The composition of radish

The juice and pulp of vegetable contain extractive substances, saponin, essential oils, phosphorus, sulfur, iodine, zinc, potassium, iron, pantothenic (vitamin B5) and folic acid necessary for pregnant women.

The antibacterial agent Lizozyme destroys the cell walls of bacteria, dilutes the mucus and improves its exhaustion.

As part of the black radish there are vitamins: riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol (E), vitamin A, philloxinone, protein, fiber, starch, fats, carbohydrates, water.

Radish with honey is a natural antibiotic, which has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and general fascination.

The radish not only treats the sore throat, but also removes bad cholesterol and excess fluid from the body, stimulates the work of the bronchi, strengthens the immune system, increases the production of gastric juice and reduces internal inflammation.

What is useful honey? Honey accelerates the release of juice from vegetable, softens the walls of the throat, reduces irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane, removes heat and quickly reduces the temperature.

Drinking juice of radish with honey with a wet cough is not worth it, the people's recipe is suitable for the treatment of dry, frequent cough with difficult emotion of sputum and chest pain. Preparation of medicine is not complicated, and you will like the children for sweetness.

Radish with honey: Recipes from dry cough

Do not buy too large vegetable. The benefits of radish depends on not on its size. Select the medium-sized root, without damage, cracks or riv.

Wash the radish thoroughly and cut the tail along with the pulp part - about a quarter of the fetus (2-3 cm). Remove the hat aside, it will still come in handy. Cut the knife with a solid core in a circle, score the remaining flesh with a spoon.

Make small cuts on the walls and wake them with honey (40-50 g). You can simply put on the bottom of 1 tsp. Honey. Return the tail in place, put radish into a deep tank and wait when the juice is accumulated (it will take no more than 10 hours).

As you fill, the juice with honey merge, make new cuts that are again lubricated with honey.

Sometimes radish turn over the bottom to the bottom so that the tail is left in place, and the liquid flows into the dishes. The vegetable is thrown when it starts to pinch and dry.

The second option: the radish is cleaned of the skin, cut into a middleweed cube, mixed with honey and leave in a deep bowl for the night.

By morning there will be a lot of sweet juice. The medicine is drained into a glass, cubes are mixed again with honey or sugar, you can add a bit lemon juice. So you can do several times (no more than three).

Third option: Just soda the radish, put the vegetable cleaner into a gauze fabric and exit the closure into the jar. Juice Mix with a tablespoon of honey. Medicine is ready.

In any of the options, fresh berries can be added, for example, a flip of raspberry, sea buckthorn berries or currants. Important! Choose only a natural and fresh honey product. Cracked honey will not give a healing effect.

How to take medicine

Eat 1 tbsp. A spoon of infused juice in the morning, in the afternoon and evening before each meal. An adult dose can be increased to six techniques. Little children give 1 tsp. juice twice a day.

The duration of reception is no more than three weeks for adults and 7 days for children. Radish with honey is not the main treatment. If the cough does not pass within 3-4 days, a doctor consultation is required.

If the baby is small, then the means you need to give 1-2 drops. Beekeeping products often cause allergies, before use it is better to do a reaction test.

If there is an allergic reaction, you can make radish with sugar: cut the tail in the vegetable, pull out the whole pulp, sprink the walls with sugar (2 tbsp.).


Stop strong cough without using antibiotics will help proven folk remedy. Recipes with a combination of black radish and honey are suitable for treating both adults and children.

The birthplace of black radish is asia. From here this rootpode spread across Europe, and then hit North America. Healing properties Vegetable were known in antiquity. The myth of Apollo appeared before us reads: "The radish costs so much gold as it weighs." Many ancient healers agreed with these words. Hippocratic noted high, which is able to save a person not only from a strong cough, but also smash the kidney stones. Dioscorid recommended drinking plant juice as a medication for coughing, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as to restore vision and removal of fatigue.

Radish with honey

In Russia, black radish was read no less. Our ancestors are highly valued beneficial features root, applying it for the treatment of gout, purulent wounds, muscular pain and colds. The radish juice was an integral part of the Great Post, saturating the body with vitamins and microelements. Now this vegetable is quite rarely used in food due to special taste, but successfully applied in treatment.

Such a natural cough medicine as radish with honey does not contain chemical impurities and, subject to the correct dosage, is absolutely safe for both adults and children. When choosing a type of radish to prepare the healing agents, it is black radish that contains the maximum essential oils. It is they who possess bactericidal properties, acting as a natural antibiotic. In addition to the essential oils of radish rich in vitamins A and C, which help strengthen and restore the body after illness.

The second component is honey. The spectrum of its useful action is very extensive. It includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and immunostimulating properties. To prepare the healing mix, you can take any honey, the main thing is that the bee product is natural. However, experts still recommend Maysky. The interaction of two components means complemented medical properties each other, increasing them repeatedly.

With this recipe for black radish with honey, they used to treat cough our grandmothers and grandparents. In order to make radish with honey, prepare a large root root without dents and damage, rinse it under running water and cut the top by retreating one centimeter. It is important to choose a large root roof, as in the process of interaction with honey it is such a vegetable that will be distinguished the maximum amount of therapeutic juice. Next, step up from the edge of about 5 cm and cut the flesh from radish, making a deep recess.

Radish Barrel with Honey

The middle fill in half liquid honey, and leave the second empty to highlight the juice. Top to cover the radish cut with the top, leave it all night (or at 12 o'clock) to appease. In order to evaporate as much moisture from the root, and it served as the basis for making medicine more than once, put it on a jar with water. In the morning, syrup will be ready for use, ideal for the cough for children and adults.

To reuse the root, add a new batch of honey to it for the night, and in the morning get ready-made syrup. After about 3 days, the old radish will need to change to the new one. Such a means will effectively cope not only with a cough, but also with a flip of throat, cold, bronchitis, influenza and general ailment. Treatment of fresh black radish juice with honey contributes to the rapid wet saline and clean the respiratory tract.

You can get in other ways. For the first option, we cut the pulp of the root of the root cubes, put it in the jar and add honey in layers. After the packaging is completely filled, covering it with gauze and leave for a couple of days so that a sufficient amount of juice has been separated. If you need to prepare therapeutic syrup as soon as possible, use the following way. Wash the black radish, clean it from the peel and soda the flesh on the grater. Place Cashitz in gauze and press all the juice from it. Add 2 tsp for cooked juice. Liquid honey and mix everything thoroughly. Syrup is ready for use.

Black radish

In addition to intake, black radish juice is applied externally as rubry. The middle of the root is filled with high honey, add the table salt and vodka on one tablespoon. After a sufficient amount of juice is formed, we use the composition for rubbing the chest and back. Such a means is no inferior to mustard pieces and allowed for the use of children.

If you used to get the radish juice with a waste pulled, after pressing do not throw out the cake, and make a warming compress from it. Turn the raking cake into several layers of gauze, attach it to the chest and back, wrap it with a warm handkerchief and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Another interesting recipe. If you are tormented by a strong dry or wet cough, it will help a mixture of black radish, honey and a grinding raspberry. Sutitate one root on the grater, add two teaspoons of natural honey and a tablespoon of the raspberry to the resulting casket, allow the mixture to strengthen 6 hours. Apply such a healing composition three times a day on one teaspoon.

To treat the child, any recipe from the above syrups is quite suitable, as well as another option. Prepare the middle radish, rinse it thoroughly, clean the peel and cut into cubes. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bflesh in the pan, pour everything with sugar or add honey. Send a mixture into the oven and bake it at a temperature of 120 degrees 2 hours. After complete cooling, press all juice from the pulp, and use the cake for the compress.

The dose of adults and children is different. In the first case, experts recommend taking radish with honey three or four times a day, and with strong cough and severe bronchitis, increase the intensity of admission to six times a day. The average dose of adult adult is one tablespoon after meals. Full course Treatment is 7 days, intense - 10 days. Even if the alarming symptoms retreated before this period, do not stop the treatment, bring the course to the end.

Black radish juice

In the treatment of a child, black radish with natural honey should be extremely careful and gradually increasing the dose. Start with 1-2 drops. If there are no allergic reactions, increase the dosage. On average, the recommended dose for the child should be 1-2 tsp. three times a day 20 minutes before meals. If your baby has allergies to bee products, replace honey sugar. For a two-year-old child, a dose of reception is 0.5 tsp. And for very small patients, younger than two years, treatment must begin with a pair of juice drops. For adolescents, an adult dose of reception is suitable for adolescents. The average dosage for children from three to fourteen years is one or two teaspoons.

First of all, beware of the reception in the presence of allergies to one of the healing components - honey or black radish. It is forbidden to apply juice of this root to people with gastritis, increased acidity, duodenal ulcer and other inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases. Radish with cough honey is also contraindicated with pancreatitis and patients after a heart attack. Be careful with the dosage and do not neglect it. Scientists have proven that, despite the huge benefits of black radish, it has enhanced in central nervous system and can cause depressive states.

Black radish with buckwheat honey

During pregnancy radish with honey is also quite dangerous treatment. The radish is characterized by an elevated content of essential oils, which accumulate in the body and are slowly output. In these cases, the uterus is often driven into a tone, which serves as a big threat of miscarriage. Therefore, to once again reinstate yourself, do not risk applying a tower from cough during pregnancy. Better use the means externally as a compression using a mixture of radish and sugar juice. If you still decided to use a means for internal use, be sure to consult with your doctor. Remember, the cough for a pregnant woman is always dangerous, but it needs to be treated by gentle means. Do inhalation, using for them instead of black radish juice, Mint, Mirty, Pine, Aira or Rose Oil.