
Finishing technology base in private house-building and materials used for this. High-quality finish of the private house of the private house with their own hands

Decorative Cultures for Garden

The base is the part of the foundation towers above the ground level. Consequently, the same requirements are presented to its decoration as the basis. It consists of a whole complex of events - the arrangement of the scene, preliminary plastering (not always), waterproofing and a number of others. The nuances are determined by the peculiarities of each structure and local conditions.

But when all the work is completed, the question arises - how to properly separate the base? It is desirable that both beautiful and not too expensive and difficult. Materials for finishing the base is more than enough. But the price for some products is such that not everyone is able to "lay out" such money. In addition, the installation of certain products requires experience, special equipment, which is also associated with additional costs. And from this point of view of options inexpensive finishing, not so much.

This design is suitable for the buildings erected from almost any material (cellular concrete, brick and so on), with the exception of the wood, as it is unlikely that the plastered foundation will be harmonized with it.



  • Insufficient strength and, as a result, a small operating period.
  • The need for frequent renewal of the paint coating (in the case of surface application).
  • Completeness of care. Mix the slices of the dirt fell pretty problematic - mostly, only "dry" cleaning. In terms of service, it is preferable to decorative plaster mixes, but they cost quite expensive.

Features of finishing

There is another opinion - to paint "on top", since such a processing is brused all the pores and prevent moisture penetration. But the question arises - what about steam permeability? If there is a basement, and even intensively used, the question is important.

Sidding panels

Naturally, it is not in mind not all commercially available, but only those that are intended for the base. By the way, they can be frozen and walls.


  • The strength and reliability of the facing. She protects the foundation well.
  • Care of difficulties does not represent - panels are easily clean.
  • The ability to quickly replace the damaged product.


Features of finishing

  1. Pre-installed the lamp. Since the decoration of the base is made outside the structure, it is desirable to use metal-plastic as a ridge, and not wood - it is susceptible to rotting.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the sealing of all places of compounds, as well as correctly calculate and withstand the necessary gaps (in case of temperature deformation of products).

Stone (artificial)

In principle, the method is also relatively inexpensive and effective, if you correctly choose the type of product (use, strength and so on).


  • Artificial stone is easy to make at home -. This will slightly increase the work time, but will significantly reduce their total cost.
  • The variety of facing options (appearance).
  • Strength, long service life.
  • Good maintainability.
  • Small weight and simplicity of attachment. Artificial stone can be simply laid on the basis.


Features of finishing

Much depends on what material is based on the imitation of natural stone. Practice shows that they independently fulfill such work - finishing - not everyone will be able. Most likely, you will have to pay someone's services.

It makes no sense to compare the materials at prices, they depend on so many factors that everything is simply impossible to take into account. You need not to forget the simple truth - you can not always put a sign of equality between the concepts of "cheap" and "quality".


Walking the base - the most economical optionwhich does not require the involvement of professionals. But if you allow financial opportunities, it is better to stay on the 2nd or 3rd versions.

  • If the house is erected on the pile foundation, then the carrier frame is pre-mounted, which is trimmed with any material. The main requirement for it is moisture resistance.
  • When counting the cost of work, it is necessary to watch not only the price of the material, but also take into account, in which the cost of installation costs will cost. In addition, an important factor is the service life. It is more reasonable to buy a product for finishing more expensive and durable than regularly to repair the cladding of the base and at the same time spending money again.
  • Date: 23-05-2014
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High-quality finish of the private house of the private house with their own hands

The base is called the lower part of the facade, the house sling along the entire perimeter. Its main function is the protection of the building from the effects of moisture, pollution and mechanical damage to the walls. Also, do not forget about appearance The base of the house, as it can become an excellent designer element in the general decoration of the house. Based on all its tasks, it becomes clear that the material for the base must differ in durability, resistance to many manifestations of the external environment and pleasant to the eye design.

The decoration of the base with their own hands requires an attentive attitude to the choice of material, calculations and to work itself, but at the same time it is quite accessible to even inexperienced builders.

The height of the base must be at least 20 cm, only in this case it can cover the walls from water droplets and dirt bouncing from the ground. The base of the house, allocated to the finishing, must be pre-prepared, for this it is necessary to thoroughly align the surface, remove all the protrusions and fill all the recesses. After that, the surface is covered with water-repellent emulsion to prevent moisture absorbing from plaster and glue.

There should be a small overview of the available finishing materials for the base, and the installation tips will help you correctly make the facing of your home.

Varieties and features of the trim

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Clinker tile

One of the simple embodiments of the base of the base is its cladding with clinker tiles. Externally, such a base will resemble a part of the wall built of clinker bricks, but it is only visibility. Clinker tile, having a similar brick length and width, in thickness does not exceed 1-2 cm. To simplify the finish, you can also purchase special angular sections in advance. The material itself can be very diverse, made both manually and with the help of industrial molding.

This material requires the correct calculation of the number of necessary rows. For this, the height of the base is divided into the width of the tile, taking into account the thickness of the seam (6 mm). I submit that the height will be 40 cm, and the width of the selected variety is 6.5 cm, in this case it will be necessary to lay out 6 rows - (6.5 + 0.6) × 6 \u003d 42.6 cm. Extra 2.6 cm can "Hide" under the line of the future soil. The upper seam is worth filing with polyurethane or acrylic.

The plate is pasted on a special glue that can not only secure all the elements, but also to resist the temperatures, withstand frosts and resist moisture. Glue for better clutch and more dense stem are applied onto the wall and on the surface of the tile. When applying glue on the wall, remember that due to its rapid drying (less than half an hour), you will not be able to coat with tiles more than 1-1.5 m² of surface. Therefore, prepare for lining not more than 1 m at a time. The seam between the tiles needs additional treatment with adhesive mortar in a couple of days.

Since the clinker tile does not absorb moisture, it does not need additional treatment with water-repellent compositions. If the trim of the base does not protrude for the wall plane, there will be no need to make cornice for its protection.

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Stone tile finish

If you decide to separate your siding siding with your own hands, but thought about choosing a material, one of the most beautiful options There will be a trim with stone tiles. Such a base looks rich and beautiful. Only here is its value above many other finishing materials. The plates under such a finish are cut from various wild stones: sandstone, limestone, marble, granite, etc. The size also fluctuates very much: from the size of a small brick and to the panels, which once overlap the entire height of the base. In terms of its texture, the tile may be smooth or grainy, polished or polished.

Installation is not much different from the installation of the previous variety of finishing material. The tile is glued to the wall with a special glue for the stone, and the seams are processed by a frost-resistant composition for fugging.

Such materials like sandstone and limestone, due to their porosity, need additional special water repellent processing. In addition, such a base needs to protect with the help of a special cornix, if it appears for the wall of the wall.

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Polymer Materials

In the Russian market building materials The polymer tiles appeared relatively recently, but already gained a lot of fans due to their excellent properties. Such a stove is used mainly to finish the walls of various buildings, but also for the base, this material is suitable just fine, and it looks at the house it is very good in both options. The polymer tile is a composite material having a low weight, so it can be used to finish any surfaces, even having an extremely weak carrier structure. The surface, as a rule, simulates a convex brickwork or protrusions of wild stone, and with a variety of colors and textures it is extremely convenient for finding an interesting designer thought in the plan of home decoration.

Due to its plasticity, such tiles practically do not crack, and therefore differ in solid durability. This material is characterized by high resistance to moisture and insensitive to any precipitation, which is well affected on its use in a wide variety of climatic zones. The color and drawing on the tile can be the most diverse, up to the specially specified by the customer.

Installation of polymer materials differs from previous options. Polymerpessic cladding is fastened with screws or directly to the walls, or to a wooden crate (in this case, additional thermal insulation of the walls can be carried out).

Such a coating is characterized by excellent performance and ease of service.

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Polymer resin tiles

Usually finishing elements from the resins imitate clinker brick or some of the stones. The color gamut and the surface structure of this finishing material is quite wide. The sizes of the tile range from 24 to 36 cm of length and from 5.2 to 7.1 cm. Width. The thickness of the plate from the resin does not exceed 3 mm and it has excellent flexibility, so high that it can be frozen angles, bending as it is pleased. In addition, it can not only bend, but also cut with scissors, which improves its assembly properties, especially this is important for beginners. The elements made of polymer resins are easily glued to any material, even to the insulation.

The resins from which the plates consist do not need water-repellent coating and easily carry any manifestations of our climate.

Mounting begins with accurate determination of the upper border of the finish. The adhesive mass is applied using a toothed spatula. The corners of the base are first removed and the elements are usually glued by the batches of 4 rows. Thanks to the sputtering glue, which is truded with a wet brush for aesthetics, the base does not need a fuggy. The wall should dry at least 2-3 days, all this time it will need to protect against atmospheric moisture.

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Fake diamond

One of the interesting materials in terms of design is fake diamond. It is made of concrete mix, into which various chemicals add, which not only make the material similar to natural stone, but also give it high resistance to temperature and humidity drops. Such a fake under a natural stone may be the most different shape and degree of imitation. You can choose smooth river boulders or ripped wild stone, imitation of granite slabs or sandstone slices. Elements have different sizes, due to which the total pattern of cladding can not be almost repeated.

Before installation, you must carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations and select a suitable adhesive mixture. The seams need additional processing with a special composition. The surface of the artificial stone is not too resistant to atmospheric moisture and needs water-repellent coating, in this case it will serve much longer.

Artificial stone looks almost like natural, while its price is an order of magnitude lower, which is one of the reasons for its popularity.

Whatever house is either the whole design is always based on on thea degree foundation of a type of one or another. The value of this constructive element is simply impossible to overestimate - it is it that takes on itself and distributes all the main weight loads. As a rule, the foundation is somewhat somewhat over the surface of the Earth, forming the so-called basement. And before the owner of the house inevitably the question arises - how to separate the base?

Options for solving such a problem. But first of all it is necessary to figure it out - and is it necessary to finish the base?

Many household owners consider the termination of the base only as a special design barcode in the overall exterior design of the house. The desire to make its accommodation as beautifully as possible is quite explained and justified, but it turns out that decorativeness in this case, although it is important, but still - secondary. The main purpose of cladding the base is still in the other:

  • Even such, it would seem an unbreakable element of health, as a foundation, needs to be protected from external influences. Facing minimizes the effect on the material of the base of atmospheric precipitation, high humidity, temperature drops, direct sunlight.
  • The walls of the house at the level of the base is maximally exposed to pollution. In their liquid mud, there are always a lot of chemically aggressive substances that can cause erosion processes even in a monolithic concrete.
  • It should be protected by the base and on the development of the forms of biological life - places of mold, colonies fungus, insect nests.
  • If there is an opportunity, it is necessary to envisage and buildings. At first glance, the paradox, why insulate it if all residential premises are located above. However, such an opinion is erroneously:

- By itself, the array of the base becomes a very capacious cold battery, forms not even "bridge", but a whole "highway" of the penetration of low temperatures in the room, from which it may not even be saved in a conscientious floor of the first floor. A significant part of the energy spent on heating will simply be wasted.

- The material from which the foundation is made, be it concrete, a brick or a stone, under the influence of low winter temperatures can divert through, which activates erosion processes and reduce its strength.

So, the conclusion is categorical - the base needs high-quality finish and on operational, and on decorative considerations. What is the type of finish choose? It will depend on the characteristics of the building structure, and from the preferences of the owner of the housing, and from financial capabilities.

Types of materials used for trim

Walking and painting

One of the most simple methods of finishing is the applixation of the base of the base of the stratum plaster.

One of the easiest options - plastering the base

Such a finish will create a good stitching layer, characterized by high vapor permeability. The main advantage of this method is its cheapness and availability of materials. Perform such work yourself or find wizards-plaster is usually not a big problem. And options fit Decorativeness is such a basement - quite a few.

  • First, it can be simply painted with special resistant facade paints. A wide range of shades are available on sale, and there is always the opportunity to choose the most suitable to the planned exterior design of the building.
  • Secondly, excellent solution There will be a finish layer. The wide palette of coloring and "rich" textures should satisfy any requests of the homeowner.

  • But that's not all. If you show a fantasy, then even just a plastered surface can be given a very original look.

A rock? No, it is a plastered base ...

In the photo, the base, it would seem to be broken by a stone. In fact, each "cobblestone" is nothing but a slide of a conventional concrete solution, molded by hand directly on the surface of the base.

For the modeling of such "stones" there is no special skill - the main thing is to make a high-quality dense solution. Everything else - fantasy and effort homemade Masters. After the frost, it will remain decoking with the help of dyes - and the plastered base will be indistinguishable from the stone.

... and toned paint

The disadvantages of the technologies for finishing the base of the plaster include the comparative short-life of the coating - you will have to constantly monitor the condition of the applied layer and to repair or update the damaged, cracked plots.

Natural stone trim

This type of finish will certainly be called "elitial". The building with such a base always looks very advantageous, and has excellent performance and will serve for a very long time.

Socal with natural stone facing - Looks very rich

For cladding, specially prepared stone slabs are used - slab, usually with a thickness of 20 ÷ 30 mm, which may have either the correct geometric shape, or uneven edges, which gives a special decorative effect.

The surface of the stone can also be chosen on its taste - from mirror glitter to coarse chips.

With all the beauty and practicality of this type of trim, there is a lot of flaws:

  • Such cladding has a very significant weight, therefore gives an additional burden on the foundation of health, especially in cases where the base has large square Surfaces. If it is planned to finish with natural stone, then this is usually calculated at the stage of design of the building.
  • Big mass stone slabov Predetermines and increased complexity of their installation. So, very often even the highest quality adhesive solution is not enough, therefore there is a need for additional reinforcement and to use special stops.
  • Another significant drawback is, of course, the price of the material and the cost of installation work, which are not always available to independent execution.

Even the most inexpensive views of the natural stone - a seven or limestone, they are priced exceeding 1200 - 1500 rubles per m². There are a more expensive type of granite and marble, with a polished or brushing surface.

Well, if there is a desire to achieve full exclusivity, then wealthy homeowners are sometimes resorted to cladding such materials as a gabbro or even a labradorite, the price of which is generally "translated".

Video: Sandstone concrete

Facing with artificial stone

In the case when it really wants to use the stone cladding of the base, but material capabilities or constructive features Buildings make it impossible, you can resort to another option - get an artificial stone.

The cost of an artificial analogue is significantly less, the mass of the material is not so significant, but the illusion of naturalness is almost complete.

Such material is made on the basis of cement-containing Mixes are often with the addition of light fractions (for example, clay crushed stone), special polymer plasticizers and micronmaking components. Tiles are produced using vibration technology in special silicone forms, exactly repeating the natural texture of the stone, or the method of hyperpress.

Laying hyperpressed tiles "under the stone"

The release form may be different. So, piece tiles with standardized correct dimensions are widely applied. No less popular kits that are compiled by a unit area, separate tiles of which can have different linear dimensions. Such a decoration of the base is carried out in the usual way - laying on the construction tile glue for external work.

Panels from artificial stone type "Canyon"

To facilitate the installation of the cladding of the base, you can purchase the finished panels of artificial stone, for example, the "Canyon" type. At the stage of production in their concrete structure, metal mounting brackets that have a verified geometric location are made. These parts allow you to mount the finished panels on the surface of the base is not for the solution, and on the fastening elements is an indisputable advantage, especially when cladding on the guide subsystems.

Learn how to spend with detailed instructions, from our new article.

If desired, such panels can be installed on the adhesive solution - the brackets are bent inside only increase the reliability of the clutch with the surface.

Another option - artificial stone tiles are attached to reliable polyurethane glue to a rigid basis, with a heater or without it - it can be a plate of OSB, fiber cement or glassAgnesitis. A similar substrate and extremely simplifies the installation of the facing, and gives it additional thermal insulation qualities.

The thoughtful lock of the panels completely hides the joints between them, creating the effect of natural masonry. The texture of the same external surface You can choose to your taste - rock rocks, bold stone, tuff, slate, and the like. Popular and mosaic decisions, with the inclusion of artificial mini Slabov other texture or coloring.

Finishing the base brick or "under the brick"

The rigor always gives the building a special respectability and perfectly harmonizes with any possible type of finishing of the rest of the facade area. To achieve such an effect, you can use one of the existing options:

  • Facing the base with natural bricks. Such an approach has the advantage of the fact that you can create a ventilated gap between the basement itself and cladding, or fill this space under the insulation material. In addition, the brick itself will also serve as additional thermal insulation, especially if the hollow varieties are applied. However, it must be remembered that the brickwork itself will need to need ribbon foundation - This is a question to be foreseen when planning construction. Although they come and otherwise, they create their own support for masonry, which will later be combined with concrete breakdown around the foundation.

For cladding base, various types of bricks are used.

- the hardest - hyper-adjressed, characterized by very high strength and extremely low water absorption - what is particularly necessary for the base. You can buy bricks of various sizes - from the "Russian" standard 250 × 120 × 60 mm to an extended "American".

- The most economical option is silicate brick, but it does not use much popular for such finishing works.

- Ceramic brick, including clinker, usually has a hollow inner structure, which significantly reduces the weight of the lining itself and gives a pronounced thermal insulation effect.

  • However, it is not always possible to carry out real brickwork and, to be honest, it is not always appropriate, because this decorative effect can be quite achieved by the use of facing.

More simple I. affordable option - clinker tile

The material of its manufacture is not inferior in its operational characteristics of the brick, and the properly laid tile gives absolutely reliable visibility of full-fledged brick masonry. A variety of sizes, colors, external textures, special ways to decorate the surface (using artificial aging technologies, uneven firing, including additional fragments) allows the establishment of a building absolutely unique view.

As a rule, the clinker facing tile collections include and corner elementsallowing you to simplify the masonry without a violation of the general picture.

  • It will also be easier to bind the protruding part of the "under the brick" foundation, if you use the base panels.

They can be produced on a thermal insulating polyurethane foam or polystyrene basis. Tile (clinker or artificial stone) is located and fixed on it with accurate observance of the "brickwork" series, castle pazo.comb The connections will not be mistaken when installing. Places for placing fasteners for mounting panels to the wall or guide subsystem are provided. Be sure to make elements for registration external corners Without impaired linearity and "dispersion" of rows.

Sugal thermopanels - and decorative finish, and reliable insulation

In this case, it is preferable - the panels are highly durable, the tile is inserted into them especially reliably, they have imprinuing thermal insulation qualities. If you have to acquire polystyrene foam panels, then preference should be given to extrusion PPS of high density.

Video: Installation of base thermopadals

  • If there is no need for the insulation of the base, then it is necessary to purchase such panels without a thermal insulating layer. In this case, the basis for rows of clinker tiles can serve glass champions, OSB or fibro-cement panels.

- Fibro cement - durable, eco-friendly, high-strength to shock load. However, they are sufficiently heavy, which predetermines the complexity of the installation. In addition, such panels do not like loading loads, that is, they require special caution during transportation and temporary storage.

- The panels based on the OSB disadvantages are practically no - they are easy, environmentally friendly, are not afraid of external influences, of course, with proper quality base.

- glass turbinesite - the most modern solution, since the material does not burn, withstands the heating to very large temperatures, it is not afraid of frosts, resistant to ultraviolet. A special advantage is flexibility that allows do work On the walls, even having a minor curvature, which could not be eliminated by other methods.

Normal thickness glass turbines Basics - 8 mm, and it does not reduce the strength of products and does not waste the overall design of the facing

Finish base siding

Features of the construction of the basement or the entire facade cladding system do not always allow the use of natural or artificial stone (brick). Nothing terrible, very high-quality finish can also be carried out using baseline siding, which will give the complete visibility of natural material.

Polymer panels, siding

Under the concept of "base siding" lies a huge variety of finishes. The panels can be seriously different and sizes, and design, and material materials.

Complete compatible siding from polyvinyl chloride, polymerpessic Mixtures, fibrocement, others composite materials. As a rule, the panels are attached to on the right-hand subsystems (in rare cases - directly on the wall), which makes it possible to place the layer of insulation required by the thickness.

The size of the panels and their form can also be the most diverse. Most often panels have a lock part and specially provided areas for fastening them to the guides.

Options for surface textures, imitation of a particular material, colors are so much that it is difficult to describe them even quite approximately.

In addition to the traditional structure, the base siding panels can also have a view of a wooden rounded timber (block house), a shipboard or a rough duncaste.

Original solution - Baseline siding, imitating wooden dranco

The main advantage of this approach to the decoration of the base is the low weight of the material, simplicity of installation, the relative durability of the resulting cladding and simplicity of care.

Video: Polymer base siding "under the stone"

The required element of the termination of the base is low

The base part of the building may have a different location. So, it can be slightly "recessed" relative to the surface of the walls. It happens the slope to the rest with the rest of the facade, although this version of the SC is the most unsuccessful - not ensured due protection of the basis of precipitation. Most often, the base protrudes in the form of a kind of stage. It is in this case that his finish will lose its meaning if it is not accompanied by the installation of sings.

The mandatory element with the protruding base is low

These constructive elements Finishes reliably protect the protruding part of the foundation from direct sediments to get away from the surface of the base, will not allow moisture to penetrate the slots between the wall and the facing materials

Salves can be performed from different materials.

  • In most cases, metal flows are used, which produce their sheet galvanized steel with a polymer coating, which becomes both additional protection against corrosion, and give a tready decorativeness.

The most common - steel with polymer coating

You can find fetches from aluminum, and as the most expensive option - even from sheet copper: they will be especially good to harmonize with the copper roof of the building.

Exclusive option - Salves from sheet copper

Video: Installation of metal tips on the base

  • Flames from plastic will cost somewhat cheaper, but this material is not characterized by the same durability as a sheet metal, just for considerations of less mechanical strength. To protect the base, such a variant of the PR is inflamed infrequently. Although, if the walls of the house are finished PVC siding, then the polymer tump will look very advantageous.
  • If the ledge of the base is quite large, and it is made of brick or clinker tiles, then an excellent option becomes a display of sings from profile ceramic (clinker) blocks.

They can be in the form of bricks with beveled in one direction faces, or in the form of rectangular tiles with a plane inclined to the horizon to ensure water flow. The surface is the usual or with an applied glazed layer (smalt tiles).

Profile clinker panels with smalt coating - beautiful, but expensive

It looks like a felt belt very effectively. But, however, its arrangement will require large material costs and labor-intensive Stacking process, which can only be performed by a very high qualification master.

So, options than to separate the base, a great set. It is necessary to evaluate your financial resources in advance, the principled possibility, feasibility, decorativeness and operational qualities of the selected cladding, the availability of its independent conduct. Ideally, all these questions need to be thought out at the stage of compiling the project of the future structure.

Are you interested in how to separate the base of the house? In this case, this article will be useful for you.

Currently there are many ways to external trim. For example, this part of construction objects can be lined with ceramic facade tiles, natural stone, facing brick, cement plaster, vinyl or metal siding, etc.

Despite the abundance different waysThe most popular are the following methods:

  • finishing cement plaster;
  • tile cladding;
  • finishing vinyl siding.

Each is listed methods It has its own characteristic advantages and some disadvantages to which special attention needs to be paid.

Watching cement-sandy mixture

The advantages of plastering include:

  • low cost;
  • ease of execution;
  • sliding deadlines for the implementation of the entire complex of work;
  • the widespread availability of materials required for plastering.

Among the shortcomings, we note only the briefness of the result. As a result, after 5 years it may be necessary to conduct.

Watching the base is performed as follows:

  • The surface is prepared on which facing will be conducted. During the preparatory work, the base is cleared of pollution and is dustd. If the surface being processed is not sufficiently dense and stable, the reinforcing metal or fiberglass mesh is attached.
  • At the next stage, a solution of 4 parts of the M400 grade cement and 6 parts of the seeded sand is prepared. First we mix dry ingredients to a homogeneous consistency. Then add water and knead up to obtain a homogeneous thick mass.
  • The surface on which plastering will be carried out is wetted by water from the sprayer. The solution is attacked by a medium-sized trimmer. As it dry, the surface is again wetted to ensure optimal adhesion.
  • The plaster solution is smoothed by the rule down until the perfectly smooth surface is obtained..
  • As drying, the plaster is rubbed by a foam grater. Thus, the slightest irregularities are eliminated.

Important: To give the optimal aesthetic effect, on a predetermined stencil on the non-protected plaster, you can draw the imitation of brickwork.

Facing tiles

This method is good because the porcelain tiles or the facade tile is moisture-proof, and therefore will serve as an additional waterproofing of the base.

Additional advantages of this type of facing is:

  • acceptable price;
  • attractive view of the result obtained;
  • the possibility of fulfilling the entire list of works with your own hands using the tools available in the household;
  • strength and durability of cladding;

Are there any deficiencies? This type of cladding requires the performer of a responsible approach and compliance with technological requirements. If the work is performed with deviations from technological regulations, the likelihood that cladding will be short-lived and frequent rehabilitation repairs will be required.

What should pay attention to the cladding?

  • First, a special tile glue for external works is used to finish outdoor surfaces. Laying on a conventional cement and sand is invalid.
  • Secondly, it is important how you are preparing glue to use.

Remember, not water is poured into the glue, and the glue falls asleep input! That is why it is so important from the very beginning to observe the dosage indicated by the manufacturer.

  • Moreover, laying the tile must be remembered about the compensation gap. If the clearance does not leave, when changing temperature modes Tile can fall off.
  • The gaps between adjacent tiles are advisable to fill with epoxy grout. This grout is not inferior to a cement analogue, but it is characterized by greater elasticity.

Facing siding

If there is a question how to separate the base with your own hands quickly and relatively inexpensive, siding is what you will probably interest you.

What is siding, what is it good and what are the features of its installation?

Vinyl siding is a panel of a certain length and widths that are mounted on one or another part of the house, imitating brick or stone masonry. However, there are varieties of panels with a surface that imitating sawn texture.

Among the advantages, we note:

  • low weight, in comparison with other materials;
  • a wide range of color versions;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of operational service;
  • durability (up to 30 years, provided that the proper installation).

Siding installation instructions are not as complicated as it may seem. But to achieve an optimal result, it is important to get acquainted with the technology and to carry out mounting work.

Technology of installation work

The following materials will be required to finish the base:

  • vinyl siding;
  • corner elements;
  • J-profile;
  • starting Plank;
  • galvanized steel, made of galvanized steel.

From the tools you will need:

  • circular saw with a small-scale disk;
  • scissors for metal;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • corolnic;
  • level;
  • screwdriver;
  • marking thread;

Siding installation is performed as follows:

  • At the first stage, coming preparatory workNamely, counting the number of materials and their acquisition, as well as an assessment of the state of the surface on which the installation will be carried out.
    In order to calculate the number of building materials, it is necessary to measure and divide on siding sizes that currently is on sale.
    In order to eliminate the error, you need to show the seller-consultant your measurements and you will pick up everything that is necessary for a full-fledged installation.
    Estimation of the state of the surface- also important momentSince the density and stability of the coating will depend on the features of the edge of the crate.
  • After the preparatory work is over, you can mount the crate. Regardless of the fact that you will be attached - wooden rails or metal profile, the root is located vertically at a distance and 60-80 cm.
    The mount is performed by screws with a plastic seal. If the surface of the base makes himself a dowel, the rails can be mounted on construction nails.
  • Mounting begins with the starting plank, which will be installed the remaining elements.

Important: You need to install the starting bar as soon as possible, and therefore it is used for its positioning a water level.

  • Installing vinyl panels is performed from top to bottom and left to right. Only in this case, siding is fixed at the required place without a special pressure.
  • If the height of the base does not coincide with one or another number of entire panels, the lower siding can be cut. Best plastics planks cut with a circular saw, since such a method guarantees smoothness accuracy and accuracy of the cut.
  • The lower edge of the panels will return to the J-shaped profile. This profile is an analogue of the starting strip, but is not placed on top, and below. If the mounting works were performed correctly, the profile, like the starting strip, will be located exactly the horizon.
    In order for the profile of the rainwater, it is advisable to cut small holes, through which water will flow.

What should pay attention to when working with siding?

First of all, leave the compensation gap between the nail and panel. The fact is that vinyl due to critical temperature drops is expanding and narrows. If you do not leave the compensation gap, the planks are deformed and the recovery will be required.

In addition, it must be remembered that the installation is performed only at the plus temperature. If the external temperature is below 10 degrees, the panels need to withstand in the warm room so that they become more elastic.


As you could make sure, the trim of the base is quite possible. To do this, it is enough to choose one of the proposed methods and perform everything in accordance with the recommendations given. In order to carry out finishing works to make a simpler and efficient, watch the video in this article.

The base is one of the most important parts of the private house: it is designed to protect the house from deformation, withsting temperature differences, as well as numerous climatic precipitation. Therefore, the foundation facing plays an important role in the construction of the house. In this article we will give instructions as the trim of the base is their own hands.

Material for finishing

For the design of the base is most often used:

  • Artificial or natural stone.
  • Siding.
  • Tile or panel for finishing facade.
  • Proflist.
  • Special coatings.

The choice of one or another finishing material is due to the preference of the owner of the house and its material situation.

Artificial or natural stone

It is made from a concrete solution using certain dyes, as well as additives that allow finishing material to withstand temperature differences. Facing the base with artificial stone has a number of benefits:

  • The effect of finishing with natural stone.
  • Inexpensive cost of finishing materials.
  • Long service life of artificial stone due to the increased strength of the material.

Natural stone is much more expensive than artificial, but he itself has a higher strength than artificial. Most often in the finish applies:

  • Granite.
  • River (marine) stone.
  • Sandstone.
  • Marble.

Finishing siding

Recently, such a finishing material like siding is becoming increasingly popular. It is made of pressed polymer composite The panel with the inclusion of various additives that attach the strength to the material. Siding has a number of indisputable advantages:

  • Increased strength.
  • Resistance to various climatic sediments: rain or snow, and temperature drops.
  • Not demanding of care.
  • Allows you to install in any weather on any type of base.

If necessary, you can conduct preliminary work on the insulation of the base.

Tile or panel

Tile or panels for exterior walls provide wide ability Not only finishes, but also decorating a private house. Such a finishing material is made of dense concrete with small pores, which significantly increases the strength characteristics of the tile. Wide selection color Gamma. Allows you to choose the desired shades suitable for this house.


Profiled sheets are often used in the finish. However, in no case should it be used if the house is erected from wooden Bruschev. Since the professionalist is subject to corrosion when moisture in it hits it, it can contribute to the rapid rotting of the wooden base of the house.

Finishing process

Depending on the type of foundation and the selected finishing material, the finishing technology can be varied.

The base made from natural stone does not need a finish. However, the foundation from concrete or brick requires finishing work. The pile foundation needs a reinforced frame to which the finishing material will be laid. Wooden house It is impossible to separate until his shrinkage occurs.

If a pile foundation was erected during the construction of the house, you first need to build a frame around the base. To do this, you can use both wooden rails and galvanized metal profiles.

Wooden rails are short-lived. Therefore, making a choice in their favor, you need to understand that in a few years you will have to re-repeat finishing work Together with the replacement of the frame.

The fastening of the frame is made on piles using self-tapping screws. At the frame attached heat insulation materialwhich is grounded with a special moisture-proof finishing material.

Concrete or brick foundation needs preparation: it must be cleaned of dust and dirt; Its surface should be aligned with a special solution. Only after that a moisture-proof primer is applied to which the selected finishing material is subsequently stacked.

Each finishing material for the foundation of a private house needs proper landing On the base of the building. For example, a tile or panel for the facade requires the use of a certain type of adhesive solution. Natural or artificial stone "sits" to concrete solution. Siding can be attached both with the help of glue and self-tapping screws. Some types of panels or tiles for finishing the facade have special grooves and ridges, with which elements are mounted with each other. In order for the finishing material to be kept on the base, it is necessary to maintain it using special rivers or linings.

If finishes are planned, it should be borne in mind that the base is desirable to make a darker color than the main color of the facade. Some materials - for example, natural stone, need additional processing by moisture-repellent means, which will extend the life of this finishing material.



From this video you will learn how to separate the base siding.