
What is wood-polymer composites (DPK). Polymer composite (DPK): Composition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages, Application, Mounting Rules

Works in the country, in the spring garden

In this article we will tell how to make a popular construction material entitled liquid tree Do with your own hands, as well as describe all his advantages.

Any homework knows that wood products are afraid of negative impacts of a variety of operational factors, which reduces their service life. At the same time, the tree is loved by many people and professional builders. It is environmentally friendly, looks great, charging a person with positive energy, has many other advantages.

Liquid wood product

For these reasons, experts tried quite a long time to come up with a substitute for natural wood, which would be visually and in physical properties did not differ from the tree, surpassing the latter in quality and resistance to the effects of natural phenomena. Studies ended with success. Modern chemical industry was able to create a unique material - a liquid artificial tree. It literally broke into the construction markets of the whole world. Now such a tree is sold under the DPK abbreviation (wood-polymer composite). The material you are interested in is made of the following components:

  1. Crushed wood base - in fact, natural wood processing waste. In one or another composite, they can be contained from 40 to 80%.
  2. Thermoplastic chemical polymers - polyvinyl chlorides, polypropylene and so on. With their help, the wood base is collected into a single composition.
  3. Additives, called additives. These include colorants (staining the material into the required shade), lubricators (increase the resistance to moisture), biocides (protect products from mold and insect pests), modifiers (preserve the form of the composite and provide its high strength), foaming (allow you to reduce the mass of the DPK ).

These components are mixed in certain proportions, heated is strongly heated (as long as the composition does not become liquid), the polymerization of the mixture is made, and then it is fed into special forms under high pressure and cooled. As a result of all these actions, a composition is obtained that has flexibility and excellent corrosion resistance, elasticity and impact resistance. And the main thing - the DPK has the magic aroma of natural wood, as well as the color and texture, identical to the present tree.

We hope that from our short review you understood how the liquid tree is produced, and figured out what it is. Described wood and polymeric products are characterized by a number of operational advantages. We present the main of them further:

  • increased resistance to the damage to the mechanical plan;
  • resistance to temperature drops (operating products from the DPK can also be +150 ° C, and at -50 °);
  • high moisture resistance;
  • ease of self-processing and installation (for these purposes, use a tool to be operated with natural wood);
  • long service life (minimum 25-30 years);
  • large selection of color solutions;
  • resistance to fungus;
  • easy maintenance (composite is easy to clean, it can be cycled, vapor, painted in any color).

Decoration from woodoplastic

An important advantage of the voplastic is that it has a completely affordable cost. This is achieved by using when production of DPK. Recycling products (crushed plywood, sawdust, chips). Disadvantages in the material under consideration are difficult to find, but they are. And how without it? There are only two minuses at the vapoplastic. First, when used in residential rooms It is necessary to equip high-quality ventilation. Secondly, the DPK is not recommended to be applied in cases where in the room at the same time and is constantly present. high humidity and elevated air temperature.

Special characteristics of the composite of wood and plastic allow you to make various construction products from it. This material goes to the production of outdoor siding, smooth, hollow, corrugated and solid decong (in other words, a terraced board). From the DPK make gorgeous balustrades, coupling railing, reliable fences, luxurious arbors and many other designs. The trees will allow you to luxuriously equip interiors in a residential room and make your country plot truly beautiful.

The cost of the composite described depends on which polymer is used for its manufacture. If the manufacturer makes the DPK from polyethylene raw materials, the price of finished products will be minimal. But it is worth noting that such products do not have resistance to ultraviolet. But polyvinyl chloride polymers give the leafoplastic high resistance to fire and UV rays, and also make it very durable. Products from DPK (in particular, Decing) is customary to divide on seamless and seams. The first are mounted without curvatures, screws and other hardware. Such boards simply adhere to each other by forming a solid solid surface.

Wood-plastic material

But for the installation of products with seams, it is necessary to use plastic or metal fasteners (most often in the role of such a blessing). DPK-slabs or boards can be hollow and full. For arrangement, the veranda of private houses is better to use products with voids. They are light, work with them yourself very simple. Full-time vest plastic, which is able to withstand essential loads, is more suitable for laying in public places (embankments, summer restaurants and bars, ship decks), where there is a high passability of people.

When choosing boards from the DPK, pay attention to the thickness of their walls (it should be at least 4-5 mm), the height of the rigidity ribs (than they are higher, the more reliable in operation will be products) and their number (the more ribs, the stronger it turns out design).

It should also be reasonably choosing the width of composite panels and boards. Here you need to understand one moment. C.all wider products you buy, the easier it will work with them, because for mounting such boards will need less than the fasteners . A few more useful tips for you. Specify from the sellers, from which sawdust was manufactured by the DPK. If the manufacturer used coniferous wood for these purposes, better look for another material. Why? For the reason that composites on a conifer-based basis are considered fire hazard. Yes, and the strength characteristics of such products leave much to be desired. DPK on the basis of recycling waste deciduous trees deprived of these shortcomings.

In cases where the bright bodies or plots, the operational reliability of products will be well visible on the composite panels (boards, plates). Most likely, the manufacturer used the wood flour of low quality, and, moreover, badly grinding. Such panels tend to have a small waterproof rate. It is impossible to use them on the street. The presence of inhomogeneous color (divorces, well-visible shades transitions) on its insufficient quality of the DPK.

And now the most interesting. If you wish, you may well at home to make a decent analog of DPK. Homemade vest plastic is made from sawdust and conventional PVA-glue and is used to restore parquet boards, repairing laminate on the floor, restoration of other wooden coatings. It can also be used for the manufacture of coarse flooring for floors in the arbors and in the premises of the auxiliary.

CamPositic material from sawdust and glue

DPK is done with their own hands according to the following scheme:

  1. Grind wood sawdust in a coffee grinder or hand-made kitchen mill to dust condition.
  2. Add to crushed PVA glue (30% proportions - 30%) and mix these components until you get a mixture with pasta consistency.
  3. In the made composition pour dye (it is recommended to use additives used for ordinary water-emulsion paint). Mix everything again.

So you made homemade vestovers! Boldly fill in the composition of the hole in wooden polits. After soaring the DPK, the renovated plot will only be altered using emery with small grain. The composition made by their own hands can also be applied to arrange new floors. Collect, make homemade DPK in the desired quantities and pour them the formwork design. The thickness of homemade boards in this case should be equal to at least 5 cm. Dare!

From the article you will learn about a completely new material - a wood-polymer composite or DPK. We will talk about production technology, assortment of products and the benefits of each type in front of natural analogues. Also in the article are given useful advice On the selection of a terraced board of DPK.

The last 40 years of industry development can safely be called "era combined materials." Modern equipment and technologies allow you to connect, it would seem incompatible: wood, concrete, plastic, paper, metal. All of them are mixed, diffusively fused with one goal - get a new product combining best properties several source materials. So, among other things, we saw a "liquid tree".

What is a "liquid tree"

Speaking by technical language, this is an extruded wood-polymer composite (DPK). This means that the wood component is canned with plastic. In such a combination, the material takes the best properties:

  1. From wood - compressive strength, impact resistance, elasticity. At the same time, the wood component is almost free - any waste, crushed in flour, go into the course.
  2. From plastic - corrosion resistance, flexibility, processing accuracy. The polymer envelops wood particles and eliminates the main drawback of the tree - destructive reactions with water. The polymer in this technology is 90% secondary plastic, i.e. recycled waste.

The technological process is easy to understand, but quite complicated for execution. The polymer (plastic) is mixed in a certain proportion with wood flour and heated so that it melted. Then form in extruder, on rollers or in molds and cooled. At various stages, about 10 different additives are mixed into the mass - plasticizers, catalysts, hardensors and others. All the details of the manufacture - the grade of wood and plastic brand, the proportions of the mixture, additives, temperature modesAs a rule, make up a production secrecy. It is known that all ingredients can be purchased in a free sale, and for wood flour, the bamboo, larch and other robust breeds of the average price category are predominantly choose.

For the manufacture of DPK, special multi-stage production lines are created. They consist of a variety of devices and controllers. Collect such a machine with your own hands in the garage, unfortunately, will not work. But you can purchase a ready-made production line.

Products from DPK.

Currently, the product range is incomplete, since the material is relatively new and its properties to the end are not studied. However, several of the most sought-after positions can be mentioned now.

Terraced board or decong

It is up to 70% of all demanded products from DPK today. Most of the supplied production lines are focused on the release of this board, since this is the only alternative to the tree. The board consists of a perimeter frame, the rigid ride inside and has a puzzle fastening system. A variety of colors are offered.

Benefits Before the traditional material: From the tree, the DPK Board is beneficial to solid processes and the best physical indicators (strength, flexibility, processing accuracy). Many types of DPK boards are produced by bilateral - with the reliefs of the wood array and ribbed cutting.

Facing facade panels or plaquene

By and large, they can be correlated with vinyl siding - the principle of installation and the structure of the panel they are very similar. But the DPK panel is much thicker and tough, respectively, has a greater weight and the best physical properties.

Advantages over traditional material: a more durable and durable facade, sinuses in the panels and thick walls are better kept warm and absorb noise.

Fences, fences, perilla, balustrades

Molds of small architecture from the "Liquid Tree" for the decorative finish of the exterior and landscape. Have a good bearing capacity and suitable for intensive operation (in crowded places).

Such products were made to perform from wood (short-lived and requiring care) or concrete (heavy, cold and not always reliable). Wood-composite forms make national teams, and all the details are designing in advance. There remains on the spot only to assemble them with the help of a grinder and screwdriver. Such a fence does not require a powerful foundation, constant coloring. In case of damage to the site or structure element, it can be easily replaced by making an additional number of parts.

The overall advantage is the absolute insensitivity to atmospheric wear (moisture, frost, overheating in the sun), insect, fungi and abrasion.

The overall drawback is relatively large oscillations when heating and cooling. The expansion of the DPK terrace board can be up to 6 mm per 1 m (with gradual heating to +40 ° C).

Prices for facade panels from Liquid Tree

How to choose a terraced DPK board

Any kind of "liquid wood" is made of wood flour, the composition of which is not so important. But the composition of the polymer, which is added to it may be crucial:

  1. Polymer based on polyethylene. Easier and cheaper in production. Contains a greater amount of sawdust, due to which it is cheaper analogs. Prone to UV radiation (without additives).
  2. Polymer based on PVC. More resistant to temperature drops, ultraviolet, large fire safety. Durable 2 times compared with other compositions.

By the type of profile, terraced boards are divided into two types:

  1. Forty. Consider significant shock loads. It is well suited for places with a large passability - summer cafes and verandas, decks of ships, embankments and piers.
  2. Hollow. Have low weight. Suitable for terraces of private houses.

By type of connection board, DPK are divided into:

  1. Suture. Mounted with a gap of 3-5 mm and provide a good removal of water. Mashed metal or plastic cleans.
  2. Seamless. Create a solid durable surface by mutual clutch. Must with self-drawing, clemmers are not required. Suitable for summer sites of a cafe - small things, heels, etc. do not fall into the gaps, etc.

By type of anti-slip or processing:

  1. Treated with brushes ("Brashring" from English. Brush - brush, brush). The surface created by a metal brush (artificial aging).
  2. Grinded. The surface is processed by the emery web.
  3. Embossed. Typically, executed in the structure of the tree. Good decorative ViewBut in the passable places the drawing is grieving and it becomes noticeable.
  4. Co-extrusion. The upper layer is performed from high strength composition and is structured during the extrusion of the board itself.
  5. Co-extrusion with deep embossing (from English. EMBOSSING - embossing). Embossing on the upper layer imitates the valuable wood species.

To pay attention regardless of the type of board selected:

  1. Height Ryube. It depends on the strength of the board.
  2. The number of ribbiness. It affects the flexural strength - than them more, the higher the strength.
  3. Wall thickness. Thin walls (2-3 mm) do not keep loading loads.
  4. Width of the board. The wider the board or panel, the faster and simply mount And less required fasteners.

It is absolutely possible to accept these tips in relation to facade panels And other DPK products for plane cladding.

The industry provides an average opportunity to make its choice - use the new natural material to which natural resources (wood, stone) go or apply the products of recycling recycling. Today, people have learned to convert natural material processing waste into products, ahead of these materials by properties. However, the choice remains beyond a person - either dispose of garbage, acquiring DPK, or create it more and more, giving preference to natural materials.

The tree is perhaps the most sought-after building and finishing material. The wood is universal in processing, has high thermal insulation and aesthetic qualities, is indispensable when creating unusual architectural buildings, exquisite furniture, decoration of the interior and design of household sections. The only drawback of the tree - susceptibility to unfavorable external factors and the ability to rot.

In an effort to preserve all the advantages of the wood and to reduce all its drawbacks, the manufacturers have created an innovative building material - a wood-polymer composite. Consider what "Polywood" represents which properties, characteristics are inherent modern material, and what is the scope of its application.

Main types of wood composite materials

Wood composites are materials obtained as a result of combining different raw materials. The main component of the wood composite is a tree. The amount of wood waste, as well as the type of binder component, determine the main characteristics of the composite material.

The most common wood composites are:

Wood-polymer composite: photo base for a patio from a deco-board

Let us dwell in more detail on the composition of the innovative material, the technology of its production and technical and operational characteristics.

Wood-polymer composite: production and composition of material

In the composition of the DPK, intensify three main components:

  1. The chopped wood particles (some manufacturers for cheaper products are added rice husk particles or cake seeds).
  2. Thermoplastic polymer (polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene).
  3. A complex of modifiers - chemical additives (up to 5% in the composition of the material).

The production of wood-polymer composite occurs according to the scheme.

Grinding wood. The tree is processed on hammer and knife crushers to obtain particles of 0.7-1.5 mm. After crushing, wood is sieved and fractionated.

Of the smallest fractions make a profile without finishing the surface, from the average components - a profile under the trim with veneer, paint or film, and coarse fractions of wood are used to create technical profiles

Drying wood It is carried out if the humidity of the raw material exceeds 15%.

Dosing and mixing components. All components of the DPK are connected in the desired proportions and mixed with each other. Most often, such ratios of components of wood flour / polymer are used:

  • 70/30 - in the composite there is a property of wood fibers, as a humidity expansion; DPK is considered more fragile and has a life for about 5-7 years;
  • 50/50 - the optimal ratio of wood and polymer, in which the decorative properties of the wood and the strength of the polymer are preserved;
  • 40/60 - the aesthetic qualities of wood weaken, the material is felt and looks like plastic.

Pressing and formatting the product. The final stage in which the technical properties of the DPK are formed and the material acquires a commodity appearance.

Technical and operational characteristics of wood-polymer composite

The properties of the composite are determined by the amount of wood in the material, the type of wood used and the polymer. We note the general mechanical and physical indicators of the DPK:

  1. Density of material. The indicator depends on the base resin used, the amount of applied additives and the density of wood particles. The maximum DPK density is 1.4 kg / dm3 (true wood density).
  2. Extension during tension - 0.5-1%;
  3. Bending resistance - 25-60 MPa;
  4. Sharpy shock viscosity - 3-4 kJ / m2.

The wood part of the DPK gives the material such properties:

Polymer qualities of DPK are manifested as follows:

Comparative characteristic of wood and DPK

In order to more clearly characterize the wood-polymer composite, we will carry out a comparative analysis of the main qualitative and economic indicators of the tree and the DPK.

Scope of the DPK.

Thanks to its advantages, charming composite won wide popularity in the industrial sphere, construction and in everyday life:

Over 50% of the wood-polymer composite is used as "Decing" - wooden boards and tiles for the design of coastal and dissing architecture

Overview of the main manufacturers of DPK boards

Deoping boards from DPK are presented in the construction market by many manufacturers. When choosing a material, it is better to give preference to well-known companies - their product has already passed the test of time on quality and won a positive reputation around the world.

Terraced board Bruggan. (Belgium) is made of high-quality raw materials, products are focused on the international market. By textile sensations, the board is as close as possible to the wood.

Bruggan board has the following composition:

  • tree - 60%;
  • polymers - 30%;
  • additives - 10%.

The company produces a hollow and full-fledged terrace board, which is used to arrange the territories around the pools, the creation of terraces, summer sites of hotels, bars, restaurants, stairs buildings.

Bruggan Multicolor full-scale terrace board has wood texture for the thickness of the material, suitable for grinding and radius trim

Approximate price of Board Bruggan 1000-1200 rubles per profile

Terraced board MirradeX. (Malaysia) is made of tropical trees fibers, which increases the stability of the material to moisturization. The board does not require additional treatments. Board structure - Bilateral - This allows the use of material to create vertical structures (fences, fences).

Mirradex board composition:

  • wood - 50%;
  • polymer (polypropylene) - 40%;
  • additives and various additives - 10%.

The Mirradex terrace board refers to the category of premium class materials, but it has a relatively available cost (about 750 rubles per profile).

Terraced board Legro. (Hungary) has a special protective layer, which increases material wear resistance. The Legro board is suitable for the arrangement of terraces and platforms in public places with increased permeability.

Benefits of Legro Board:

  • does not fade;
  • on the surface there are no stains;
  • damage resistance (scratches, dents);
  • bilateral unstailed texture.

The composition of the DPK Legro:

  • chopped wood - 50%;
  • polypropylene - 45%;
  • additives - 5%.

You can buy a wood-polymer composite of Legro at a price of 3500 rubles for one profile of 150 * 25 * 5800 mm.

"Liquid Tree": manufacturer and use in everyday life

At home, you can create an analogue of the wood-polymer composite with your own hands. As a result of the work, it turns out the "Liquid Tree", which is suitable for the restoration of furniture from the chipboard, repairing a parquet board and laminate.

The whole process of manufacturing home-made "liquid wood" can be divided into the following steps:

  • Wood sawdust to grind with the help of a conventional coffee grinder.
  • The resulting flour is connected to PVA glue. The ratio of components: 70% - wood, 30% - glue. Liquid Tree should have a thick consistency.

The resulting paste is applied to the damaged area of \u200b\u200bfurniture or flooring, and is left to full frost (about 4-5 hours). After that, the excess "liquid wood" must be cleared with sandpaper.

To give a "liquid wood" of the desired shade into the mixture, you can add a dye intended for water-level paint

The appearance of wood-polymer composites allowed to combine the most significant advantages of wood and plastic in one material. Constructions and designs from DPK are convenient in the installation, have excellent performance and have aesthetically noble appearance inherent in natural wood products.

it has long been an integral part of almost any sphere of production and life due to higher strength indicators, low cost and other consumer qualities.

They are especially common in the construction of construction, where various mixtures, paints, insulation and is made of polymers. At the expense of its qualities, polymers gradually displace natural materialsBy purchasing wider distribution.

Wood-polymer composites became new high-tech materials, the use of which allowed to create boards, combining the best qualities of natural wood and ceramic tile . It is about these materials that it is worth talking in more detail.

Major varieties and composition

Wood-polymer composites are a number of artificially obtained materials consisting of a mixture of wood flour and monomers, which in the future pass polymerization, gain the necessary properties.

The material consists of four main components:

  • wood. The total share ranges from 30 to 80% depending on the material. Most often, hydrofins, seeds, crushed bark and bruises are used, as well as other woodworking waste;
  • composite polymer. PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene can be used;
  • chemical modifiers. The mass fraction in the substance is about 0.5%. Used to impart the necessary technological properties;
  • dyes. Entered the mixture at the initial stage to obtain the necessary color shade of finished products.

Special attention is paid thermoplastic wood and polymeric composites. They have increased resistance to chemically active substances and high mechanical strength, which allows to obtain from these materials not only the terraced board, but also elements of the roof, and facing panels for walls.

The terrace board of wood-polymer composite has three varieties depending on the percentage of chopped wood and polymer:

  • 30% polymer and 70% of wood are the cheapest option that prevails at the moment in the finishing materials market. Unfortunately, in addition to the low price, this board has almost no advantage. Due to the large content of crushed wood, the product has low mechanical strength, strongly susceptible to wear and swelling from moisture exposure. The average service life of such a board in our climatic belt is no more than 5-7 years;
  • 60% polymer and 40% of wood. The final material has a high mechanical strength, not exposed to water and active chemical environments and has a very long service life. The only drawback is practically completely lost natural look, and the board resembles a piece of plastic. The material is very often used to create berths and facing space near the pools in hotels, since it is designed for high loads;
  • 50% polymer and 50% of wood. The most optimal ratio of the main components. The board is distinguished by natural species and has all the advantages of synthetic materials - durability, durability and reliability. Has a high cost precisely due to external view.

Basic consumer characteristics

The terrace board of wood-polymer composite (DPK) has a number of useful consumer properties:

  • high mechanical strength. One of the main characteristics that allowed the widespread material when lining the pools, the creation of terraces and berths;
  • a wide range of operating temperatures from -50 to +180 degrees allows the use of material in almost any climatic belts;
  • moisture resistance and immunity to ultraviolet. Thanks to these properties, the material is used in the construction of the sauna, bath, ship decks, sadroom furniture, fences and altanoks, where the natural tree does not speed for a long time or maintaining its holistic structure or appearance will leave much time and money;
  • the material is not a habitat or propagation of bacteria, is not subject to rotting and does not change its physical properties With temperature drops.

In addition to these basic characteristics, high aesthetic indicators should be noted - articles made of DPK look like made of natural wood, thanks to dyes, they successfully mimic any breed, including the expensive red, teak or rosewood tree.

The material does not support combustion, and in production or use does not highlight harmful substances - formaldehydes and carcinogens.

Methods for mounting a terraced board of DPK

The main options for laying such a board are only two - seamless installation or using seams. Each of them has its own features when installing, as well as the advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into account before purchasing a specific terrace board.

In the first case, the elements have a special lock on the side of the side - a spike-groove, by means of which the boards of each other occurs. Details are fastened with self-pressing immediately on the supporting beam through special holes that are closed by a neighboring board. The coating looks holistic and monolithic, however, to ensure the drain, it is worth it to lay with an inclination of 2-3 degrees.

In the second case, boards with a small gap of about 1 centimeter are installed on the main lags with a kleimer (a special type of plastic or metal mounts). As the advantages of this method of installation, you can call high installation speed and excellent drainage through the seams.

As a disadvantage - in the seams can get the garbage, when installing the terraces in country areas, weeds can germinate through the seams. There is also a possibility of deformation of elements of flooring due to indirect attachment to the guide.


Wood-polymer composites are new, high-tech materials that have excellent consumer characteristics and lower price than natural wood. This allows the use of material in various facing works inside or outside the room, as well as creating finishing specific structures - Yachts, pier, pools, saunas and baths.

Due to the fact that the DPK appeared not more than 10 years ago, the demand for them is constantly growing at a fairly high cost, which is not affordable to most consumers. Over time, there is a tendency to a slight decrease in cost by opening and implementing more economical technologies.

It is no secret that natural wood has a fairly limited service life and is very exposed to all sorts of aggressive natural factors. This is exactly what the desire of people is explained to find a substitute for wood, similar to properties, but superior it in quality. The result of one of the attempts to create artificial wood was the so-called "Liquid Tree", which will be discussed in this article, in which, along with the site, we will study all its advantages and disadvantages in detail, we will deal with properties and determine the area of \u200b\u200bapplication of this material.

What is a wood polymer composite

Wood-polymer composite: what it is and for what is needed

DPK or, as elsewhere called this material, "Liquid Tree" is the latest development of the chemical industry, which combines all the best quality wood and polymers. If we understand with the composition of this material, it contains wood, grinding into dust and natural or artificial polymer, which is a binding element.

In some cases, chemical additives, which improve these or other properties of this material are included in the tree of the polymer composite. If the composition is in more detail with the composition, then the wood component in the "liquid tree" is contained up to 80% - this material is, in its essence, is made from waste recycling industry. Everything goes into the course - and sawdust, and knots, and non-thendition.

Terraced board from the historian photo

The most interesting thing in this material is that in processing it is completely identical to natural wood - it is sawing, plasted, grind, holes in it are drilled, they are clogged with nails, screw the screws and they can even chop the ax. In general, according to its basic qualities, the ancillast approaches the tree, though with some reservations, expressing in the advantages that composite materials give it.

Arbor from the Polymer Composite Photo

As for the field of applying wood polymer composite, it is used instead of a tree in almost all areas where it is applied. List the entire scope of use of this material is not the meaning, as it is quite extensive. As for construction, high-quality floors are made of it and are used as a material for plating walls.

In addition, along with the already finished products (boards, rails and other products), the "Liquid Tree" paint is also made from this material, which not only imitates the wood structure, but also makes any surface inaccessible to exposure to external factors.

Boards from the Polymer Composite Tree Photo

Advantages and disadvantages of wood-polymer composite

Let us go right away to the case immediately, and we will analyze all the advantages that we get when using ancientistry. They are not so little:

  • First, moisture resistance, which is several times the same indicator in natural wood.
  • Second, strength and wear resistance. The surface of the wood-polymer composite is not what is not erased, it does not even leave any traces of thin female heels with metal knobs. In addition, the DPK is a non-slip material, unlike the lacquered board.

Application sphere Woodoplasty: Terraced board

  • Thirdly, it is the stability of temperature drops. Manufacturers claim that the liquid tree can withstand the temperature from -50 ° C to + 180 ° C - it is not necessary to test, it is better to believe them for word. In addition, the polymer components, which are part of the anodol, are perfectly opposed to fungus, mold and are not food or housing for countless insects.
  • Fourth, the ease of installation, which is practically no different from working with wood.
  • Fifth, unpretentious care. Unlike natural wood, DPK does not require periodic painting or varnishing and even more so does not need to be squared and grinding.
  • Sixth, durability. If, again, talk about outdoor coatings From this material, according to the assertions of the manufacturers, a high-quality wood-polymer composite is capable of listening, without losing its primary species, for half a century. As a rule, the floor of natural wood after 3-5 years requires re-painting and minor repairs.

In general, it seems that the ideal material that has no shortcomings is found for humanity. In addition to one - value, which, as a rule, does not fall below $ 80 per one square meter. Although, if you compare it with wood and take into account all the above advantages, it is not very expensive.

Practical coating "under the tree" from the woods of the polymer composite photo

How to make a liquid tree with your own hands: features technology

Another important advantage of the wood-polymer composite is that it is enough to make it enough at home. Of course, this will not be the material that is produced at the factory, but its most simple analogue makes it quite real. Ask why you need it? Well, at least in order to repair the door of the locker, from which the root broke the canopy. It's just that in the dilapidated chipboard, do not spin self-sufficiency, and the liquid tree is completely able to restore its former strength.

How to make a liquid tree do it yourself photo

It makes a liquid tree with their own hands just enough - everything that will be needed for this, these are sawdust and pva. Yes, yes, almost all the masters are familiar with this material, the work of which, one way or another, is related to the tree. Saws are interrupted into dust using an ordinary coffee grinder and mixed with PVA to obtain a thick paste.

Subsequently, this paste is superimposed on the damaged area of \u200b\u200bwood and after it is frozen (3-4 hours) is inspired by sandpaper. In addition, if it is necessary to give a color to this material, the dye is added to the paste. If you choose the right color, then with the help of such homemade putty, it can easily be eliminated by defects even in or.

How to close the hole in the furniture using a liquid tree

Wood-polymer composite, no matter how approved manufacturers, is not a panacea and completely replace natural wood. In some cases, its qualitative characteristics, of course, will be indispensable, but in others, alas will not help. For example, for the manufacture, this material is suitable for the least.