
Radon baths - the benefits and harm of the chemical element Radon. Radon baths: testimony and contraindications, benefits, reviews

Ponds in the garden

Their benefits and harm. We will also talk about such an efficient, and gaining popularity in recent treatment and prevention of diseases as Radonotherapy.

Radon is a semi-life of a radioactive element of radium, isotope 222 Rn, the main actant factor of which alpha radiation. This radiation is absorbed by water molecules, thereby quenching the harmful effects of irradiation on the body. On the body of a person, only an active layer is formed, which provides therapeutic effects.

Radon - The hardest gas and the most expensive. In nature, it is quite rare, because such resort places like Baden-Baden (Germany), Gastein (Austria), Misasa (Japan) are world pearls of radon waters. In Russia, there is also a sufficient number of radon sources and recognized sanatoriums using radonotherapy.

Than pleased radonotherapy

Radonotherapy - The traditional medical method of hydrotherapy, which is based on the penetration of radon into the body through the skin and lungs.

Radonotherapy is presented mainly in the form of baths, Inhalation Methods, Irrigation and Applicators. IN last years Natural radon waters began to be applied For drinking treatment. However, it is especially important to observe and control the concentration of gas, so the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) radon for drinking water - 120 BK / l.

The drinking practice is shown in kidney diseases and urinary tract, gastrointestinal diseases, allergic. Under the influence of low radon radiation in a patient hosting the bath, and the water-taking water, there is an increase in the level of redox reactions throughout the body, which contributes to recovery.

Radon baths

For radon baths, either natural water of radon sources or fresh water, artificially saturated with radon. It is recognized that the action on the organism of natural and artificially cooked water is no different. However, it is worth noting that natural water is the most favorable for the impact on a person, since it has the necessary complex system of Radon's relations and its subsidiaries with other minerals belonging to water. Approximately the same as with salts dissolved in it and natural mineral or. I think the difference is obvious! All that created by nature itself is no doubt harmonious!

The concentration of radon in natural sources ranges from 1 to 300 nki / l. Break along the concentration of radon:

    water with a low concentration - from 5 to 40 nki / l (0.2-1.5 kbq / l); (Currently, on the international system (C) per unit of activity adopted Becquer (BC), i.e. 1 NKI \u003d 37 BK);

    water with an average concentration - from 40 to 200 nki / l (1.5-7.5 kbq / l);

    water with high concentration - above 200 nki / l (\u003e 7.5 kbq / l).

Princess in blood, when using baths, Radon has an anti-slip, anti-inflammatory, generating effect, localizing foci of inflammation. At the same time, the percentage of gas penetration into blood is about 1% of radon dissolved in the bath, and most of it is removed within 2-3 hours. In small doses radon Improves the work of individual organs and the whole organism as a whole.

What diseases treat radon baths

Radon baths are particularly well helped with such diseases as:

  1. thyroid disease and endocrine system,
  2. under a number of gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis, fibromatosis, ovarian polycystosis, fibromomy, adhesive processes in the uterus; When dysfunction of ovarian, causing failure hormonal systemwhen infertility;
  3. beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system for all sorts of arthritis and arthritis of joints;
  4. heals the diseases of the spine and neuralgia, saturated with inert gas, relieves inflammation in the vertebrae, eliminates pain, restoring the balance of water and salts in the body, purifies the body, withdrawing harmful toxins;
  5. have a positive effect on the respiratory system, especially when treatment of asthma;
  6. sedatively affecting the nervous system, relaxes it, relieve pain, narrow the capillaries of the skin, which leads to the expansion of the capillaries of the internal organs;
  7. skin diseases.

Radon dissolves well in water, saturating it with his ions. Weak stimulation of human organs causes intake, rejuvenating effects on the body. The effect of accepted procedures is usually manifested immediately, and 2-3 weeks before 1 month.

Depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the organism itself, the diseases of the disease are possible, deterioration of the state. If such manifestations are small, it is worth continuing the adoption of radon water, everyone must solve the doctor. Over time, you will notice the improvement of your condition.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths is saved from 3 - 6 months to a year, sometimes healing is completely occurring.

Rules of reception of radon baths

In order for the reception of radon baths to be effective and the results I had to wait long, as well as experience comfort from their impact, it is important to strictly comply with medical recommendations:

  • Before the procedure you need to clean bladder;
  • Do not take baths with a full stomach and intestines, for an hour and a half and baths do not eat anything;
  • Do not smoke and not take alcohol during the procedures and an hour - one and a half before and after them;
  • With fatigue and ailment, it is better to abandon receiving baths;
  • When immersed, it is important that the head and the chest are above the water. In case of heart problems, it is recommended to be immersed in water only to the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel;
  • In the water should not do sharp movements, turn over, it is better to relax and feel all the beneficial effects of water;
  • After the procedure should not be watched by a towel, let Radon continues his action slightly;
  • After taking the baths, rest is needed at least an hour.
  • Strictly perform the appointments of doctors, follow all instructions, not exceed the time of staying in the bath and their number. This is fraught with health!

Want even more effect from radon treatment, then take care of your proper nutrition, exclude bad habitsClean the body by unconventional methods of purification and recovery, then the treatment will benefit.

And the non-traditional advice: Believe in your recovery, set up a positive way, change consciousness for the better, answer the good world, and then you will notice how to improve your physical body body.

Contraindications of radon baths

It is important to comply with the permissible useful concentration of radon in water, when it increases, the effects of radon on the body can cause an inhibitory, overwhelming and negative impact.

Take inside the water with the content of radon unknown concentration is unacceptable!

There are contraindications of the use of radon baths for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • with exacerbation of all forms of diseases, radon baths are strictly prohibited;
  • oncology and all forms of benign neoplasms, as Radon can stimulate the process of their growth;
  • various kinds of allergic diseases, and individual intolerance to the radical waters.
  • skin in a state of remission
  • angina; (with other forms of heart disease, like myocardiodystrophy, vices, cardiosclerosis is useful)
  • some forms nerve diseases and especially with epilepsy;
  • pregnant women and in the lactation period should be left extreme caution;
  • mastopathy;
  • hard forms of hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • tuberculosis.

In any case, to decide on the reception of both radon baths and water intake, you must consult a specialist.

About the benefits of radon. Opinions of doctors and scientists

It may be just insufficient compliance with the permissible concentration of the substance in water and develops even disputes even in the medical environment about the benefits and danger of radonotherapy. There are opinions of European and American physicians, which in any, even the most insignificant concentration of radon is dangerous. Nevertheless, radon-based hospitals are only in Europe for more than 100 years, which has accumulated extensive experience of getting rid of various diseases.

In this, I want to add an opinion by Academician Ramna, Professor V.M. Bogolyubova:

"Radon is necessary for the normal life of the body, stimulating its protective-adaptive reactions, leads to an increase in the life expectancy, fertility and stability of the organism to various diseases, including on-cancer." (Internet resources)

Professor S. BubnovskyThe joints and challenge of hundreds of thousands of patients, which healed by his methodology, "Kinesitherapy", not so positively assesses the influence of radon baths. That's what he says:

"With a long stay in a warm mud or radon bath, the pump hemodynamic function of the muscles decreases .... with patients with vessels coated with plaques, thrombus can form ... to increase blood pressure, arrhythmia, ethony of patient joints."

(S.Bubnovsky "1000 answers to questions, how to return health")

The professor does not approve of thermal treatment, arguing that the cold is more saving for us. It is difficult to argue here with the "Light". But only a little add: first, still in radon baths the main thing is not the temperature, but the effect of water dissolved in it. Secondly, baths are not so warm) are close to body temperature 34-37 degrees, the duration of their reception is relatively small 10-20 minutes, overall rate 12-15 days.

But the opinion of Bubnovsky cannot completely discharge. How to be? Here is his advice, how to avoid side effects from warm radon baths:

Before receiving baths, make two procedures:

  • Gymnastics up to sweat from 20-60 minutes, which will help to make the body, open the pores, intensify the exchange in the body.
  • Contrasting souls finish cold water. And it is better if the bath will be completely cool, for example +28.

Dr. rank below in different ways refer to this type of treatment. There are those who are bright his supporter, there are neutral opinions, but in general, most of the medical community approves radon treatment.

So, if you are shown to apply this type of therapy, it is not necessary to doubt this.

For kids Radonotherapy is allowed in age from 5 years old And only in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Radon Sanatoriums of Russia

In Russia, a network of sanatoriums and health resorts using radonotherapy has long been developed. The most famous and recognized radon resorts has always been and remains Pyatigorsk, stanitsa Suvorovskaya In the Stavropol Territory, where diseases of the motion, peripheral and central nervous system, cardiovascular, gynecological and skin diseases.

In Altai "Belokurich" - The first in Russia and a leading sanatorium with a whole complex of healing procedures to cure paragraphs: diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.); endocrine, nervous system (central and peripheral, functional and organic diseases); Gynecological diseases, skin disease (chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, sclerodermia, etc.).

In Khakassia, 120 km from the capital of the Republic of Abakan, 15 km from the city of Sorsk are Radon Lake Wild and Sanatorium "Fog", which is a healing complex of radon baths.

A village Molokovka (18 km from Cheats.) - Balneological resort in the Chita region based on radon cold carbonated hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium sources. Treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. As well as waterproof "Nilova Desert" On the right bank of the Echo-Crane River (influx of Irkuta).

In the Khabarovsk Territory, in the village of Tumnin There is a wonderful radon source "hot key", several buildings of sanatoriums are constructed, where a number of diseases are successfully treated.

Recently, an increasingly popular sanatorium is becoming " .

Available radon sanatoriums in Primorsky Krai, in the village of fine;

On the Ural in the Chelyabinsk region, pos. Uvildy.

in North Ossetia, in Vladikavkaz Sanatorium "Pine Grove".

In the Republic of Tyva In the area of \u200b\u200bBai - Taiga there is a source Shilig., in the composition and saturation of radon close to Baden Baden.

One of the best regional sanatoriums of Russia is in the Voronezh region, where for more than 25 years have been successfully cured a number of diseases and return people to normal life. Natural radon water The sanatorium refers to medium-concentrated waters and is equal in its properties to the water of the European Baden-Baden.

In Crimea Offers radon baths Yalta Sanatorium "Kirov".

There are excellent radon sanatoriums in Belarus: in the Grodno region. Sanatorium "Radon" (state) and "Alpha Radon" (commercial, 4 * +)

Radon waters and sources

Worldwide today has more than 300 sources of radon waters, 30 of which are located in Russia and the CIS countries.

Radon Lakes are found in the Leningrad Region (Lomonosovsky district) near the village of Lopukhinka. In crater big Canyon Two lakes are located at once: top and bottom. Rainwater, rolling along the walls of the canyon, comes first on the layers of limestone and black radioactive slates, then flows into the lake. So Radon gets into the lake.

Lakes are located near the village belonging from the middle of the 18th century illegal wife Peter I - Evdokia Lopukhina. The village was renamed in honor of this person and the lake also received a similar name. Subsequently, the village has changed his owners many times.

The healing properties of these two lakes were noticed at their time the owner next to the estate Paul Gering. He built here in 1833 a small hydroelectric for seafarers, saving them from professional ailmental radiculitis. The resort existed for more than 50 years, then gradually abandoned and forgotten.

And although such radon lakes in Russia on the fingers count, and medical properties Radon baths are becoming increasingly popular, but to restore the former resort. Neither by local, nor the federal authorities do not reach.

Radon lakes by their nature are clean and transparent or in color turquoise-emeralds, as they were once Lopukhinsky, because it is known, the content of radon in water prevents the lives of plants and underwater plankton. Water in them does not green throughout the summer.

However, the uncontrolled human activity and the complete lack of culture of the population in part of the careful attitude towards nature did their job: these lakes, as almost everywhere in Russia, are polluted by household and industrial garbage.

There are radon sources in Altai, the so-called place Zhumaly Kosh Agachsky district, next to the plateau of Ukok, is in the Urals, Baikal, in Stavropol, place Jil-Su. In Kabardino-Balkaria in Northern Elbrusie, in the Primorsky Territory, in the Bakhchisarai district of Crimea and, as mentioned earlier, under Voronezh in the city. Small sources of radon can be found everywhere in Russia in places as the Pskov region on the territory of the Nicandar Desert.

It is important to remember that most natural waters in lakes with an unknown content of radioactive elements are suitable only for outdoor use and is strictly forbidden to use them inside!

All here, the described therapeutic properties relate to Ki has nothing to do with such a gas or its pair come from soil or low-quality building materials (Sand, Concrete, Gravel, Ceramzit) Buildings and, if the concentration of radon exceeds the permissible - it is fraught with harmful effects on the health of people. Read about the dangers of radon in the air in the article: (31 estimates, average: 4,71 out of 5)

Radon baths (radonotherapy) have a therapeutic effect on a person immersed in mineral radon water. Baths with radon began to use more than 100 years ago, the procedure is popular and now, especially as a variant of balneological treatment.

Most often, treatment is prescribed to patients with joint problems and spine. Like other physiotherapeutic procedures, radon baths have indications and contraindications that should be considered individually.

A few words about radon and his action

Radon is a heavy, expensive inert gas, open in the 20th century, in pure form found in about 300 natural sources: in Altai, in Crimea, Primorye, Pyatigorsk, Molokovka (Russia - only about 30), Khmelnik (Ukraine), Bad- Naugheim and Bad Bambach (Germany), Tskhal - Tube (Georgia), etc.

Natural sources are considered the most valuable.Therefore, a sanatorium with radon baths, built in close proximity to them, are highly popular.

Radon waters are classified on weakly- (from 1 to 10 nki / l) and strongly, with a gas concentration of 120-200 Nc / l.

Artificial baths Created from aqueous concentrated gas solution, which is obtained in a bubbler with a saline solution of radon, located in a container of lead. Due to the high radioactivity of the concentrate, it is bred by special techniques, compliance with the safety rules and sanitary standards.

The gas decay is accompanied by the release of A-radiation. When deposited by radon molecules on the skin, which is called an active flare, alpha radiation leads to ionization of water molecules and proteins in the dermis, during which the toxic metabolites of hydroperoxides and oxygen are formed.

Autoantigentes, which are products of radiolism of protein molecules, are transported by Langerhans cells and, like the products of photodegradation of proteins, communicate with sensitized T-lymphocytes-helpers. As a result, cytokines are distinguished and the formation of neutral proteases, immunoglobulins and substances with biological activity is accelerated.

Also, the activity of immune processes in the dermis is enhanced by lipid oxidation products: the differentiation and proliferation of T- and B-lymphocytes with immunoglobulin products occurs. The alpha radiation radon enhances the differentiation of the cells of the prickly and basal layers of the skin epidermis. Due to A-irradiation of melanocyte cells, dof, dof-amines and dof-quinones, stimulating the synthesis of melanin are formed. In addition, radon accelerates the synthesis of glycosocaminoglycans in the tissue of scarpets consisting of connecting fibers, which leads to the formation of structurally ordered granulation tissue fibers.

History and popularization

In the early 20th centuries. Therapeutic effect of water was explained by the mysterious emanation, which is essentially alpha radiation.

For 100 years of development, the medical technique survived several periods of triumph after the opening of the healing gas action to absolute oblivion and fear after radiation accidents. In some American publications, radonotherapy is called absolute nonsense. Today, the technique is mainly regarded as an auxiliary therapeutic method, which should be applied only from the appointment of a doctor, and benefits and harm are treated with different specialists in different ways. The fact is that people have an individual response to Radon - someone's procedures help themselves, and who does not notice any improvements.

The first Russian Radon Resort of Belokurikha was opened in 1867 on hot springs. Gaza and water of Belokurikhin Sources were studied in 1907-1908 by scientists of the Tomsk Technological Institute - they relate to weaklook.

Effects during the procedure

During the procedure, about 0.3-6.4% of radon contained in water, which causes the α-irradiation of the internal organs to the body to the body, is increasing through the respiration and skin. After radon baths, the main depot of the absorbed gas is the skin, about 3% settles in the basal cellular layer of subsegimentary and segmental bronchi.

By increasing the affinity of tissue α and β-adrenoreceptors to produced substances with biological activity and mediators, radon causes two-phase changes in limited blood flow in them.

The primary short-term spasm of the vessels of the outer dermal plexus (1-3 minutes) is replaced by a long expansion of the arteriole and a small slowdown of venular outflow. This causes hyperemia of skin and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. The conductivity of nerve conductors (nonyelinized) on the background of radon stimulation significantly decreases, which leads to a decrease in pain syndrome. The tone of the parasympathetic department of vegetative NA increases, and the sympathetic, on the contrary, increases.

Due to the modulation of ligand receptor bonds in the adrenoreceptors of the lungs and hearts, radon leads to an increase in the minute and impact volume of the heart, causes the lengthening of the diastole and the shortening of systole, without changing the frequency of heart cuts. Breathing slows down and becomes deep.

By activating the operation of the adrenal cortical substance, the gas leads to stimulation of the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones and indulgent products of the pancreas. As a result, the organism increases the processes of glycolysis and lipolysis, which leads to a decrease in the main exchange, weight reduction and a decrease in the p-lipoproteins of low density and free fats in the blood. The function of the thyroid gland and the ovarian radon, on the contrary, slows down.

Medical effects

Treatment by radon baths causes the following therapeutic effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • reparative regenerative;
  • metabolic;
  • vasodilator;
  • epitelizing.

The benefits of radon baths is to accelerate all metabolic processes. Damaged tissues are much faster and more efficiently restored from all sorts of damage, inflammatory phenomena are leveled.

Indications for radon baths

CSS diseases: myocardiodystrophy, mitral heart patterns, post-infarction period (1 month), cardiosclerosis myocardic and atherosclerotic, atherosclerosis in initial stage, 1 and 2 stage of hypertension, varicose disease.

Diseases of NA: pathology and consequences of peripheral injuries (, neuralgia, plexitis, radiculitis) and central (sleep disorders, the consequences of closed cranial and brain injuries) of the nervous system.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: Degenerative and inflammatory pathologies: Ostitis, and polyarthritis, poorly healing bone fractures, osteoarthritis, spondylitis.

Respiratory diseases: chronic lung diseases, rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, nonspecific inflammation, bronchial asthma.

Gastrointestinal diseases: Pathology with chronic current, incl. biliary tract, liver.

Skin diseases: Red flat deprived, sclerodermia, brackets keloid, trophic ulcers and long non-healing wounds.

Diseases of metabolism:, Toxic diffuse goiter 1-3 degrees, obesity 2 and 3 degrees.

Contraindications of radon baths

Radon baths have strict contraindications:

  • radiation sickness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • severe neurosis;
  • unstable angina;
  • sten sink of voltage 4 FC;
  • polytonian extrasystole;
  • acute inflammatory diseases and exacerbations of chronic;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • hypoestream;
  • leukopenia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vegeta dysfunction;
  • individual intolerance to radon mineral water, which is expressed in sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc.;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • professional activities related to ionizing radiation.

Many are interested, is it possible to take radon baths to children? Children's age is a contraindication to this procedure.

The harm of radon baths for patients with listed contraindications is obvious - the procedures will exacerbate their condition.

Technique therapy by radon baths

Mineral baths with the bulk activity of radon 1.5 KBK / DM3 create a biological dose of short irradiation with small doses of the very well-sensitive organ - leather more than 15 times less than MPC. This proves radiation safety of treatment.

Bath preparation: 200 liters of fresh water T 34-36 ° C are mixed with 100 ml of concentrated Mineral solution of radon in accordance with the instructions.

Procedure: A person is immersed before the nipples in the bath for 12-15 minutes. People with heart pathologies are recommended to be immersed in the bath only to the level of the navel. After the bath, the skin neatly, without rubbing, we dry with a towel.

Course: 10-15 baths are prescribed. Repeated - after 6-12 months. The same course. Accordingly, the effect of radonotherapy is preserved about six months.

Radon baths can be combined with sodium chloride, carbon dioxide To enhance the therapeutic effect.

Another application of radon waters is intestinal rinsing, rectal and vaginal irrigation, rinsing of the oral cavity, inhalation and appliqués, dry radon baths and drinking treatment.

Vaginal and rectal irrigation

Procedures are carried out for 15-20 minutes: for vaginal irrigation T 35-40 ° C and microclism T 37-40 ° C 2-3 days in a row, and then 1 day break. On the course - 18-20 procedures. The concentration of water is the same as for the baths.

Air-radon baths

Characterized by the same properties as ordinary baths, but are transferred easier due to the lack of loading influence of water on the heart, so they can be assigned to more severe condition (for example, after a heart attack).

For the procedure, a special, automated air-radon bath is developed: the patient is inside the boxing with a hermetic door and an open thorough part - the head is located outside the boxing and sealed with a cervical cuff. The patient affects the air medium enriched with radon.

Drinking treatment

When drinking radon water in patients with gout, the exchange of uric acid is improved due to the normalization of the liver function. According to clinical and experimental studies, the drinking water use stimulates the secretory, motor intestinal function, the excretory function of the pancreas and the liver and their blood supply. There is an acceleration of reparative reactions in the mucous membrane of the stomach and a 12-rosewoman.

Memo for the patient

  • Before treatment, a medical examination should be passed;
  • Before the procedure should free the intestines and the bladder;
  • You can not take a bath on an empty stomach, and then immediately after eating. Optimally - 30-60 minutes after meals;
  • During the procedure, you should safely lie and not move;
  • It is impossible to take a bath after severe physical exertion, stress;
  • At the time of treatment it is important to abandon smoking and alcohol;
  • After the procedure, there is a vacation of 30-60 minutes.

Side effects

The benefits of radon water for man was open not so long ago.

Yes, and this chemical element itself relative to "young" - it was discovered only at the beginning of the 20th century. The gas without smell and the color began to actively apply in traditional medicine, despite its danger.

Such a methodology of recovery, like radonotherapy, which was very quickly gained popularity throughout the world.

In nature, there are not many natural sources of water enriched with this gas, so in those places where they are still there, and expensive resorts appeared quickly.

What is the secret of success and for the treatment of what diseases is used radon water - read in a detailed article from Life Reactor.

Natural Radon Sources in Hungary

  1. Useful properties of radon water and therapy based on it
  2. Contraindications for radon procedures

The beneficial properties of radon water and therapeutic therapy based on it

Radon is the hardest and expensive gas founding in nature.

It is a half-life chemical element Radium (isotope 222RN) and has alpha radiation, which in itself is very dangerous for a person.

However, water molecules quit it, bringing the risk of irradiation to almost zero.

Moreover, a mixture of radon with water creates a thin film on the body, which has therapeutic properties.

Penetrating into the blood and lungs, particles of this inert gas have an anti-inflammatory and anti-oblastic effect.

It is not necessary to scare irradiation or toxic exposure to radon - only 1% dissolved substance falls into the body, which is excreted within 2-3 hours.

Such a dynamics of processes provides only a positive effect, and all negative factors are reduced to zero.

Thermal lake Heviz in Hungary

The basic principle of therapeutic effects of radon lies in a light, gentle stimulation of internal organs, which allows you to get rid of both separate ailments and strengthen the body as a whole.

Radonotherapy is shown in the treatment of diseases such as:

  1. Functional flaps of thyroid gland and endocrine system
  2. Fibromatosis, endometriosis, ovarian polycystosis, adhesive processes in the uterus and a number of other gynecological diseases
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  4. Neuralgia and spinal sickness
  5. Dysfunction of the respiratory system, especially with asthma
  6. Chronic stress and pain syndrome

By the nature of the impact of radonotherapy it is worth named universal.

With its help, you can carry out a complex cleaning of the body: remove slags and toxins, thereby unloading the liver, improve the composition of the blood.

Also, this substance dissolved in water has a pronounced sedative effect: removes the nervous voltage, the somatic manifestations of stress, treats insomnia, helps with neurosis and vegetative dystonia.

Most popular treatment technique radon water is the adoption of baths.

It is also possible to use inside, inhalation, irrigation and applicators.

Radon therapy can be both useful and harmful to the body

Each of these methods is effective in its own way and is more or less effective depending on the specific disease.

However, experts consider the bath universal and, which is very important, the safest way to treat with the help of radon.

Conducting procedures should occur under the strict supervision of the doctor, and the gas concentration in water - verified with jewelry accuracy.

Tip: Do not wait for the instant effect from radonotherapy. Most often, the results become tangible after 2-3 weeks, sometimes in a month.

Types and History of Radon Baths

The amazing healing force, which has water saturated with radon, is known since the ancient times.

Thanks to the written cultural monuments that came to us, we know that after visiting certain caves or bathing in sources, people were cured from diseases filled with vital energy and simply strengthened their health.

A more detailed study of the location where these wonderful treasures were located, led historians and geographers to the places where famous health resorts engaged in radonotherapy are located.

One of them is Baden-Baden - enjoyed extremely popular among the ancient Romans.

Entering military leaders built a bathing on them, where the soldiers rested and restored after the campaigns or, on the contrary, they gained strength before the battle.

Radon Baths of the Polish Resort

Later, the imperial bath appeared there, to attend which could only know.

Naturally, no inert gases then did not know: the radioactive nature of local waters was opened a lot of centuries later - in 1904.

For modern radon baths, either liquid from natural sources is used (it is considered the most valuable) or ordinary fresh water enriched with radon ions with an artificial way.

Despite the fact that the effectiveness of the action and the other species is recognized as equivalent, yet in natural conditions chemical composition Such water is richer on various useful trace elements.

In addition, in natural water there is a complex structure of ties between radon, its offal and minerals, which is also considered an important point In recreational therapy.

In modern radonotherapy, the baths are divided according to the principle of inert gas concentration in it:

  1. Radon baths with low concentration - ratio of 0.2-1.5 kbk / l
  2. Radon baths with medium concentration - ratio of 1.5-7.5 KBK / l
  3. High concentration water - ratio of over 7.5 kbq / l

This looks like natural radon sources in German Baden-Baden today

The first concentration type is the most common.

It is used to treat most diseases given in the list of the previous section.

Subsequent types are more often used for inhalations and other types of therapy.

The fact is that a person is in the bathroom a sufficiently long amount of time and, due to hydrostatic pressure, radon ions penetrate the body very actively.

If the norm is exceeded, poisoning this substance can not be avoided. However, in some cases, on the recommendation and under the supervision of a specialist, the ratio can be changed to higher indicators.

It depends primarily on the physiological characteristics of a particular person and the nature of the course of the disease.

There are also the so-called dry radon baths. This is a development patented by our domestic scientists.

The principle of operation consists in treating the body with air of a given temperature and saturated with ions of this chemical.

Thermal sources of Italy

Actively applies to the rehabilitation of people, transferring operations on the heart, myocardial infarction and other serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Rules of reception and contraindications for radon procedures

Achieving a positive effect from radonotherapy largely depends on the compliance with the rules.

They were derived due to the observations of doctors, physicists and chemists, as well as during the study of the characteristics of the properties of the chemical element.

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to completely clean the bladder. The use of light diuretic products on the natural and synthetic foundations is allowed
  2. It is also necessary to clean the stomach and intestines. An hour before the treatment procedure is prohibited
  3. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are prohibited before and after the procedure, as well as during her
  4. If strong fatigue or indisposition is felt, the procedure should be refused
  5. When immersing, the chest and the head should be above the water. If there are heart problems, then the maximum allowance should not exceed the navel area
  6. In the water you need to try to keep a fixed position of the body and be as relaxed as possible.
  7. Should not immediately wipe after the procedure
  8. After the bath should lie and relax within an hour

Radon baths

So, from all of the above it follows that the preparation in radon water procedures plays a not the last role.

It is necessary to tune in to therapy as much as possible, clean the body, and even better - and thoughts. Radonotherapy raises a greater effect, if a few days before the adoption of the bath, a soft diet will be observed.

No specific regulations, it is just worth focusing on vegetables and fruits, boiled, not fried, and lean, and not fat.

Also drink as much water as possible.

Despite the beneficial effect, which has water with the ions of this inert gas, there are a number of contraindications to conduct such procedures.

Here are those about which it is worth knowing:

  1. Exacerbations of any disease
  2. Oncology
  3. Benign tumors
  4. Allergic reactions
  5. Individual intolerance to radon
  6. Skin disease
  7. Epilepsy and some other damage to the nervous system
  8. Pregnancy
  9. Lactation
  10. Mastopathy
  11. Tuberculosis
  12. Phlebeurysm
  13. Hypertension in severe uniform

With the competent circulation, radon water will definitely benefit, but harm is also possible, if you consider an irresponsible procedure.

It is especially dangerous to take baths for cancer, with benign neoplasms.

Radon sources of Spain

The fact is that Radon is able to cause active growth of tumors.

In some cases, under his influence, the initial stage of oncology can grow rapidly to the next, and a benign tumor - become malignant.

It is completely unacceptable to take a bath with an unknown concentration of radon.

Such an uncertainty can exacerbate the pathogenic processes occurring in the body and cause new ones.

Even if immediately after the procedure there is no feeling of malaise, it will inevitably manifest a few weeks later.

The theme of today's conversation: radon sources and water, their benefits and harm. We will also talk about such an efficient, and gaining popularity in recent treatment and prevention of diseases as Radonotherapy.

Radon is a product of a half-life of the radioactive element of radium, isotope 222RN, the main acting factor of which alpha radiation. This radiation is absorbed by water molecules, thereby quenching the harmful effects of irradiation on the body. On the body of a person, only an active layer is formed, which provides therapeutic effects.

Radon - The hardest gas and the most expensive. In nature, it is quite rare, because such resort places like Baden-Baden (Germany), Gastein (Austria), Misasa (Japan) are world pearls of radon waters. In Russia, there is also a sufficient number of radon sources and recognized sanatoriums using radonotherapy.

Than pleased radonotherapy

Radonotherapy - The traditional medical method of hydrotherapy, which is based on the penetration of radon into the body through the skin and lungs.

Radonotherapy is presented mainly in the form of baths, Inhalation Methods, Irrigation and Applicators. In recent years, natural radon waters have been applied For drinking treatment. However, it is especially important to observe and control the concentration of gas, so the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) radon for drinking water - 120 Bq / l.

The drinking practice is shown in kidney diseases and urinary tract, gastrointestinal diseases, allergic. Under the influence of low radon radiation in a patient hosting the bath, and the water-taking water, there is an increase in the level of redox reactions throughout the body, which contributes to recovery.

Radon baths

For radon baths, either natural water of radon sources or fresh water, artificially saturated with radon. It is recognized that the action on the organism of natural and artificially cooked water is no different. However, it is worth noting that natural water is the most favorable for the impact on a person, since it has the necessary complex system of Radon's relations and its subsidiaries with other minerals belonging to water. Approximately the same as water from the water supply system with salts dissolved in it and natural mineral or marine water. I think the difference is obvious! All that created by nature itself is no doubt harmonious!

The concentration of radon in natural sources ranges from 1 to 300 nki / l. Break along the concentration of radon:

    water with a low concentration - from 5 to 40 nki / l (0.2-1.5 kbq / l); (Currently, on the international system (C) per unit of activity adopted Becquer (BC), i.e. 1 NKI \u003d 37 BK);

    water with an average concentration - from 40 to 200 nki / l (1.5-7.5 kbq / l);

    water with high concentration - above 200 nki / l (\u003e 7.5 kbq / l).

Princess in blood, when using baths, Radon has an anti-slip, anti-inflammatory, generating effect, localizing foci of inflammation. At the same time, the percentage of gas penetration into blood is about 1% of radon dissolved in the bath, and most of it is removed within 2-3 hours. In small doses radon Improves the work of individual organs and the whole organism as a whole. Radon baths are particularly well helped with such diseases as:

  1. thyroid disease and endocrine system,
  2. under a number of gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis, fibromatosis, ovarian polycystosis, fibromomy, adhesive processes in the uterus; in dysfunction of ovarian, causing a hormonal system failure, with infertility;
  3. beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system for all sorts of arthritis and arthritis of joints;
  4. heals the diseases of the spine and neuralgia, saturated with inert gas, relieves inflammation in the vertebrae, eliminates pain, restoring the balance of water and salts in the body, purifies the body, withdrawing harmful toxins;
  5. have a positive effect on the respiratory system, especially when treatment of asthma;
  6. sedatively affecting the nervous system, relax it, relieve stress, improve sleep, relieve pain, narrow the capillaries of the skin, which leads to the expansion of the capillaries of the internal organs;
  7. skin diseases.

Radon dissolves well in water, saturating it with his ions. Weak stimulation of human organs causes intake, rejuvenating effects on the body. The effect of accepted procedures is usually manifested immediately, and 2-3 weeks before 1 month.

Depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the organism itself, the diseases of the disease are possible, deterioration of the state. If such manifestations are small, it is worth continuing the adoption of radon water, everyone must solve the doctor. Over time, you will notice the improvement of your condition.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths is saved from 3 - 6 months to a year, sometimes healing is completely occurring.

Rules of reception of radon baths

In order for the reception of radon baths to be effective and the results I had to wait long, as well as experience comfort from their impact, it is important to strictly comply with medical recommendations:

  • Before the procedure it is necessary to clean the bladder;
  • Do not take baths with a full stomach and intestines, for an hour and a half and baths do not eat anything;
  • Do not smoke and not take alcohol during the procedures and an hour - one and a half before and after them;
  • With fatigue and ailment, it is better to abandon receiving baths;
  • When immersed, it is important that the head and the chest are above the water. In case of heart problems, it is recommended to be immersed in water only to the area of \u200b\u200bthe navel;
  • In the water should not do sharp movements, turn over, it is better to relax and feel all the beneficial effects of water;
  • After the procedure should not be watched by a towel, let Radon continues his action slightly;
  • After taking the baths, rest is needed at least an hour.

You want even more effect from Radon treatment, then take care of your proper nutrition, eliminate bad habits, clean the body on unconventional methods of purification and recovery, then the treatment will benefit.

And the non-traditional advice: Believe in your recovery, set up a positive way, change consciousness for the better, answer the good world, and then you will notice how to improve your physical body body.

Contraindications of radon baths

It is important to comply with the permissible useful concentration of radon in water, when it increases, the effects of radon on the body can cause an inhibitory, overwhelming and negative impact.

Take inside the water with the content of radon unknown concentration is unacceptable!

There are contraindications of the use of radon baths for people suffering from the following diseases:

  • with exacerbation of all forms of diseases, radon baths are strictly prohibited;
  • oncology and all forms of benign neoplasms, as Radon can stimulate the process of their growth;
  • various kinds of allergic diseases, and individual intolerance to the radical waters.
  • skin in a state of remission
  • angina; (with other forms of heart disease, like myocardiodystrophy, vices, cardiosclerosis is useful)
  • some forms of nervous diseases and especially with epilepsy;
  • pregnant women and in the lactation period should be left extreme caution;
  • mastopathy;
  • hard forms of hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • tuberculosis.

In any case, to decide on the reception of both radon baths and water intake, you must consult a specialist.

About the benefits of radon. Opinions of professionals

It may be just insufficient compliance with the permissible concentration of the substance in water and develops even disputes even in the medical environment about the benefits and danger of radonotherapy. There are opinions of European and American physicians, which in any, even the most insignificant concentration of radon is dangerous. Nevertheless, radon-based hospitals are only in Europe for more than 100 years, which has accumulated extensive experience of getting rid of various diseases.

In this, I want to add an opinion by Academician Ramna, Professor V.M. Bogolyubova:

"Radon is necessary for the normal life activity of the body, stimulating its protective-adaptive reactions, leads to an increase in the life expectancy, fertility and the sustainability of the body to various diseases, including on-cancer." (Internet resources)

Professor S. BubnovskyThe joints and challenge of hundreds of thousands of patients, which healed by its methodology, "Kinesitherapy", not so positively assesses the influence of radon baths. That's what he says:

"With long stay in a warm mud or radon bath, the pumping hemodynamic muscle function is reduced .... With patients with plaques coated with plaques, clocks can form ... to increase blood pressure, arrhythmia, edema of the sick joints. "

(S.Bubnovsky "1000 answers to questions, how to return health")

The professor does not approve of thermal treatment, arguing that the cold is more saving for us. It is difficult to argue with the "Light". But only a little add: first, still in radon baths the main thing is not the temperature, but the effect of water dissolved in it. Secondly, baths are not so warm) are close to body temperature 34-37 degrees, the duration of their reception is relatively small 10-20 minutes, overall rate 12-15 days.

But the opinion of Bubnovsky cannot completely discharge. How to be? Here is his advice, how to avoid side effects from warm radon baths:

Before receiving baths, make two procedures:

  • Gymnastics up to sweat from 20-60 minutes, which will help to make the body, open the pores, intensify the exchange in the body.
  • The contrasting souls finish with cold water. And it is better if the bath will be completely cool, for example +28.

Dr. rank below in different ways refer to this type of treatment. There are those who are bright his supporter, there are neutral opinions, but in general, most of the medical community approves radon treatment.

So, if you are shown to apply this type of therapy, it is not necessary to doubt this.

For kids Radonotherapy is allowed in age from 5 years old And only in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Radon Sanatoriums of Russia

In Russia, a network of sanatoriums and health resorts using radonotherapy has long been developed. The most famous and recognized radon resorts has always been and remains Pyatigorsk, stanitsa Suvorovskaya In the Stavropol Territory, where diseases of the organs of movement, peripheral and central nervous system, cardiovascular, gynecological and skin diseases are treated.

In Altai "Belokurich" - The first in Russia and a leading sanatorium with a whole complex of healing procedures to cure paragraphs: diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.); endocrine, nervous system (central and peripheral, functional and organic diseases); Gynecological diseases, skin disease (chronic eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, sclerodermia, etc.).

In Khakassia, 120 km from the capital of the Republic of Abakan, 15 km from the city of Sorsk are Radon Lake Wild and Sanatorium "Fog", which is a healing complex of radon baths.

A village Molokovka (18 km from Cheats.) - Balneological resort in the Chita region based on radon cold carbonated hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium sources. Treatment of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system. As well as waterproof "Nilova Desert" On the right bank of the Echo-Crane River (influx of Irkuta).

In the Khabarovsk Territory, in the village of Tumnin There is a wonderful radon source "Hot Key", several buildings of sanatoriums are built, where a number of diseases are successfully treated.

Recently, an increasingly popular sanatorium is becoming "Radon" inLisk, Voronezh region.

There are radon sanatoriums in Primorsky Krai, in the village of fine;

On the Ural in the Chelyabinsk region, pos. Uvildy.

in North Ossetia, in Vladikavkaz Sanatorium "Pine Grove«.

One of the best regional sanatoriums of Russia is Liskinsky "Rodon" in the Voronezh region, where for more than 25 years have been successfully cured a number of diseases and return people to normal life. Natural radon water The sanatorium refers to medium-concentrated waters and is equal in its properties to the water of the European Baden-Baden.

In Crimea Offers radon baths Yalta Sanatorium "Kirov«.

There are excellent radon sanatoriums in Belarus: in the Grodno region. Sanatorium "Radon" (state) and "Alpha Radon" (commercial, 4 * +)

Radon waters and sources

Worldwide today has more than 300 sources of radon waters, 30 of which are located in Russia and the CIS countries.

Radon Lakes are found in the Leningrad Region (Lomonosovsky district) near the village of Lopukhinka. Two lakes are located at a large corter of a large canyon: upper and lower. Rainwater, rolling along the walls of the canyon, comes first on the layers of limestone and black radioactive slates, then flows into the lake. So Radon gets into the lake.

Lakes are located near the village belonging from the middle of the 18th century illegal wife Peter I - Evdokia Lopukhina. The village was renamed in honor of this person and the lake also received a similar name. Subsequently, the village has changed his owners many times.

The healing properties of these two lakes were noticed at their time the owner next to the estate Paul Gering. He built here in 1833 a small hydroelectric for seafarers, saving them from professional ailmental radiculitis. The resort existed for more than 50 years, then gradually abandoned and forgotten.

And although such radon lakes in Russia, in the fingers, to count, and the therapeutic properties of radon baths are becoming increasingly popular, but to restore the former resort. Neither by local, nor the federal authorities reach hands.

Radon lakes by their nature are clean and transparent or in color turquoise-emeralds, as they were once Lopukhinsky, because it is known, the content of radon in water prevents the lives of plants and underwater plankton. Water in them does not green throughout the summer.

However, the uncontrolled human activity and the complete lack of culture of the population in part of the careful attitude towards nature did their job: these lakes, as almost everywhere in Russia, are polluted by household and industrial garbage.

There are radon sources in Altai, the so-called place Zhumaly Kosh Agachsky district, next to the plateau of Ukok, is in the Urals, Baikal, in Stavropol, place Jil-Su. In Kabardino-Balkaria in Northern Elbrus, in the Primorsky Territory, in the Bakhchisarai district of Crimea and, as mentioned earlier, under Voronezh in the city of Liski. Small sources of radon can be found everywhere in Russia in places as the Pskov region on the territory of the Nicandar Desert.

It is important to remember that most natural waters in lakes with an unknown content of radioactive elements are suitable only for outdoor use and is strictly forbidden to use them inside!

All here, the described therapeutic properties belong to Radon Waterand has nothing to do with radon contained in the air. Most often, such a gas or its pair comes from soil or low-quality building materials (sand, concrete, gravel, ceramzit) of the building and, if the concentration of radon exceeds the permissible - it is fraught with harmful effects on people's health. Read about the dangers of radon in the air in the article: "Radon in the air: harm to health and how to avoid its influence."

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The number of radon inserted into the body with water during drinking treatment

In order to get a healing effect from radiation, a sufficient amount of radon and subsidiary products of its decay must be introduced into the stomach.

Natural radon waters containing radon less than 100 units of Maha are provided when drinking therapeutic effects due to the salt and gas composition and general mineralization of water.

With higher concentrations of radon, A-radiation acquires an independent value. We should not forget that the therapeutic effect depends not so much from the concentration of radon, how much from the absolute amount falling into the organism with water. So, Vogt (1940) argued that the daily number of radon during drinking treatment should be at least 0.2 μCuri.

KREBS and LAMPERT (1948) in the treatment for 6-8 ammore patients with chronic articular diseases and neuralgia daily quantity were brought from 1.1 to 76 Gluton. Happel (1950) In the treatment of gout, accordingly increased the daily dose of radon from 1-2 to 110 μCuri, Z.N. Agapova (1961) When drinking patients with lumbling radiculitis, prescribed for a 3-week course 3-4 and 5 Radon's Iskuri per day and did not observe any unpleasant side effects with a pronounced therapeutic effect and good overall health of patients.

These data indicate good result Treatment with relatively large quantities of radon entered during drinking treatment.

However, it is unlikely to agree with the opinion of some experimenters and physicists that the natural radon waters with radon content are less than 100 units of Mahe are not a source of alpha-therapy, since the concentration of radon in them allegedly creates a completely insignificant, insufficient for obtaining the therapeutic effect of the patient .

This statement is a delusion, firstly, because in the clinic, and in the experiment, it was proved that natural radon waters in their healing effect differ significantly from the neradoactive water of the same salt and gas composition, and secondly, the physical and therapeutic effects Natural radon waters after removing Radon from her changes, water loses many of their qualities.

Unfortunately, the methodological techniques and tests used by experimenters are not sufficiently sensitive and they are forced to work with very high concentrations of radon.

Some experimental work, where control experiments with decisions were made, and clinical observations carried out with natural radon waters with a small content of radon in them showed that the therapeutic effect is observed when drinking radon water is a relatively low concentration.

V.M. Dreary and A.K. Pilagine (1966) In the experiments on dogs with the introduction of artificial radon water, it was concluded that the best medical effect in dogs with burn gastritis is obtained when drinking 250-500 ml of water with a concentration of radon 5000 units, which is 0.5-1 μcurie. The integrated absorbed dose for the course of treatment reached 8001000 Mr.

Conducting a comparative study of the action of natural radon waters with a concentration of 50 and 500 units of Maha, when the daily amount of radon entered was 0.01-0.1 MKKURI, P.Jl Bloch, A.G. Sahakyan, N.K. Vasilyeva et al. (1959) came to the conclusion that water with a concentration of 500 units Maha possess a more pronounced therapeutic effect and a longer period of thesis in gastrointestinal diseases.

If there are several radon sources at the resort, it should be recommended for drinking water treatment with a greater concentration of radon. Recall that in resorts with highly concentrated natural radon waters, for example, in Brahbach, water with a concentration of radon 800-1000-2000 models with a success is successfully used with success.

Number of natural radon water on reception

The intensity of irradiation during drinking treatment depends on the amount of radon entered into the organism, therefore, not only from the concentration of radon, but also on the amount of water drilled. Usually in the resorts are prescribed a triple reception of water on one glass.

However, when it is necessary to increase the amount of radon administered at low concentrations, the amount of water drinking can be increased to 2 glasses on the reception. Otherwise, it is the case with the waters prepared from radium preparations.

Radon water prepare with a concentration of 30000-50,000 units MAHE according to the E.S. technique Shopping and spill water into well-closed flasks of 100 ml. Patient prescribed water 50 ml for each reception. It protects water from Radon's loss and eliminates the patient from the need to drink a large number of water.

Radon water reception time

As studied studies of Yu.K. Vasilenko (1962), drink radon water is best immediately after eating or even during food. However, with reduced acidity A.A. Lozinsky (1956) recommended drinking water half an hour before meals, and even before N.A. Nevsky and N.A. Popova (1949) showed that radon water adopted after meals or with it, has a longer influence than an empty stomach. A.A. Lozinsky (1956) for metabolic diseases offered to drink radon water 2 hours after meals.

Water temperature

Natural radon waters are usually prescribed the same temperature with which they come out of the source. If water is used for diseases of the stomach, especially liver, cold water is better to warm up to 30-40 °. It is impossible to warm radon water in glasses or open dishes, as Radon quickly disappears, and the water is demoed.

Heating can be carried out in special countercurrent devices like "pipe in a pipe".

Artificial radon water is heated to a temperature of 30-40 ° in closed bottles, lowered in warm water.

In the treatment of patients with diseases of the joints, the metabolism does not need to warm the water.

E.A. Smirnov-Kamensky, S.M. Perezin

In medicine, radonotherapy is gaining popularity.

Radon is an inert gas without color and smell. This chemical element is pretty young and appeared at the beginning of the 20th century.

In many resort cities and even in Russia there are radon sources and water. In the sanatoriums you can meet such a course of treatment as radonotherapy.

When making a radon bath, radioactive air is used (water), which enriched with radon. The main thing in such a procedure is that a specialist advises you, and then it will not harm.

The benefits of radon water

The inert gas particles penetrate the blood and lungs, contributing to anti-inflammatory and anti-oblastic action. It is not necessary to be afraid of irradiation: only 1% dissolved substance is in the body, which is delayed by no more than 3 hours.

The impact of radon by internal organs Strengthens the body and protects against disease.

During the procedure, the gas enters through the respiratory system. For 3 minutes, the spasms of the vessels of the skin are formed, after which they are expanding. Because of this reaction, the volume of blood increases, restoration and nutrition occurs.

Radon affects not only the skin, but also on the central nervous system. Due to the decrease in the conductivity of nerve fibers decreases with pain syndrome.

The adoption of such baths improves the condition of the heart. Due to the exposure to gas, the pulse frequency does not increase, and the heart rhythm is normalized. Breathing becomes deep and calm. So you sat down with the whole organism with oxygen.

Another feature of radon is to reduce weight. This gas accelerates lipid exchange and displays unnecessary lipid organism.

Therapeutic effect when making a radon bath:

  • relieves pain;
  • he lies the wounds;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • extended vessels;
  • immunostimulating;
  • metabolic;
  • reparative regenerative.

Radonotherapy is prescribed for the disease:

  • sexual system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system and spine;
  • of cardio-vascular system;
  • breath organs.

It is also useful with a functional flavored thyroid gland and an endocrine system.

Such a procedure is integrated, as it removes toxins and slags from the body.

Damage to radon water

It is important to comply with the rules and rules when making a radon bath: if you exceed the Radon norm, the risk of developing lung cancer will appear.

  • aggravation of diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergic reaction;
  • angina;
  • pregnancy and feeding;
  • mastopathy, hypertension;
  • varicose extension veins.

There are rules for receiving radon baths. Before the procedure, you need to empty the bladder. Taking a bath should be on an empty stomach, it is advisable not to smoke. If you feel bad, refuse the procedure. You can not dive with your head, movements should be calm. After the adoption of the radon bath is not recommended to wipe with a towel. Next, it is desirable to relax.

Tune in to the best, because after the procedure you will really become easier. Observing all the rules, you find out the body and restore the strength.

A source

Drinking radon water - applied when gouging, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. When drinking radon water in patients with gout, there is an improvement in uric acid exchanging, which is associated with normalization under the action of radonic procedures of the liver function. According to the experimental and clinical studies The drinking use of radon waters stimulates the motor and secretory functions of the stomach and intestines, the excretory function of the liver and pancreas and their blood supply. Radon waters have an exploring effect, improve metabolic processes, enhance the motor function of the smooth muscles of the upper urinary tract, stomach, intestines. In patients, the metabolic processes, liver, stomach, intestine motorities are normalized, the regeneration of the mucous membrane is accelerated. In the digestive pathways, radon acts on its radiation on the mucous membranes, through which penetrates inside, forming an active flare on organs and tissues, as in penetration through the skin. Radon waters are effectively drinking with diseases of the digestive organs, liver.

Usually the doctor prescribes a fractional drink: 3-5 times a day. Prepare and pour radon water into well-clouded flasks of 100 ml. Patient prescribed water 50 ml for each reception. It protects water from Radon's loss and relieves the patient from the need to drink a large amount of water. Drinking radon water is best immediately after eating or even during meals, as Radon water, taken after meals or with it, has a longer influence than an empty stomach. However, with reduced acidity, it is recommended to drink water for half an hour before meals.

A source

What are radon baths? On the benefits and dangers of procedure, as well as testimony and contraindications, you will learn from our article. Read the patient reviews, they confirm the effectiveness of radon treatment.

People who disassemble in chemistry know what radon is. Brief description The fact that it is an inert gas that does not have color and smell is easy to find in encyclopedias. However, it is used in therapeutic purposes. In fact, this is a radioactive substance, but falling into the water in the right amount, the negative impact is neutralized, the main thing to calculate the correct proportions.

Radon baths are a mixture of mineral water with the addition of radon. Water can be initially saturated with gas or the solution is added later. There is no difference in two cases, the concentration and therapeutic effect is equal.

Such therapy is gaining popularity. Radon - expensive gas, but the procedure has its advantages. Radon baths, this is a convenient and most optimal way.

Indications for the use of radon baths

Purpose for Radon treatment can only do a doctor after a detailed examination, as radon baths have a number of indications and contraindications.

And what are radon baths treat? Practice shows that they can be used to treat cardiovascular diseases, ailments associated with the nervous system. Also, radon baths have indications and contraindications when used in gynecology. They are shown to women in the period of menopause, as well as during inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvis. Radon has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system and the immune system of the body.

There is an opinion that the procedure contributes to weight loss, so it is especially popular in women. During the session, the metabolism is accelerated. People suffering from problems with digestion and intestines will necessarily appreciate the effect of radon baths.

The benefits of radon

Simple man -ans will be interested in the question than random baths are useful. The substance was open at the beginning of the 20th century, the research began much later. But thanks to the study of Radon, it was possible to find out that his therapeutic effect is obvious. With the help of radon baths can be achieved complex effect on the body:

  • Relaxation;
  • Painful effect;
  • Wound healing;
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes.

Radon baths benefit only in case complete course procedures. Usually, 10-12 sessions are required to achieve effect. This figure may vary depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient.

Radon baths can not be called a means of cure and a "universal medicine", rather supporting and complementary treatment procedure.

The benefits of radon recognize cosmetologists. That is why women prefer radon baths. It is believed that they have a positive effect on the state of the skin, pull it up and rejuvenate. In the period of menopause, the baths will improve the overall state that worsens due to hormonal restructuring in the body.

Damage to radon baths

As Radon baths and their benefits and harm are taken, these are two main aspects that are interested in patients. The doctor must carefully examine the history of the disease before appointing the procedure. People suffering from cancer tumors and bleeding should be refrained from radon baths. Also, they can not be used in epilepsy and angina.

Bans extend to the elderly and young children, as well as pregnant women. The impact of radon on this category of patients was not investigated until the end.

Radon baths, like any procedure, have indications and contraindications, use is undoubtedly more. However, do not forget that Radon is a radioactive substance. If the procedure is abused, side effects may occur. There is an opinion that frequent use of radon can lead to the formation of cancer tumors, which is why treatment should proceed in close contact and under the supervision of doctors.

Fears concern and women who in pursuit of beauty are resorted to Radon too often, it is better to reduce the number of procedures to a minimum. Otherwise, together with beautiful and well-kept skin, you can get unpleasant consequences. In order for radon baths to bring only benefits to the body, and not harm it is necessary to listen to their own body and respond to all changes and report them to doctors.

How do radon baths take?

Speaking about the procedure, it is customary to discuss several important items:

  • Testimony and contraindications for receiving radon baths;

Influence on the body: Regulation of blood flow, increases blood circulated blood via system; getting rid of pain syndrome; normalization of the heart and respiratory system; Acceleration of weight loss.

Radon baths in the complex have the following effects: anesthetic; epithelision; Immunomodulatory. There is a slowdown and stopping of various inflammatory processes, the processes of regeneration at the cellular level are accelerated.

Indications for the procedure:diseases of cardiovascular, bone and articular systems; problems in a small pelvis, with metabolism; diseases of nervous, respiratory systems; Dermatological diseases of non-infectious nature. Sometimes patients with problems in gastrointestinal.

Contraindications: any diseases of the heart and blood vessels in the stage of exacerbation or in the acute form of the flow; disorders of the formula and blood disease; coronary artery disease; Benign neoplasms; heart failure; oncology; tuberculosis at any stage of development; purulent lesions of the skin; epilepsy; Increased body temperature for any reasons; neurosis in the severe form of the flow; epilepsy; radiation sickness.

Radon baths can not be taken Pregnant and lactating women, children under 12 years old. The doctor may refuse the procedure and to those people who for many years constantly smokes or engaged in labor activity associated with the constant impact of radiation.

Possible harm to the bodyno detected. Need to remember: after 1 - 3 procedures, the exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible. This is a normal response of the body, the state is stabilized by a maximum after 3 days, the process of recovery will begin.

How to make proper radon baths. Baths of 200 ml of warm water and 100 ml of concentrated radon solution are prepared. The patient is immersed in a prepared bath in such a way that his nipples are above the water. If the treatment of heart disease occurs, then it is enough to fall into the bath only on the belt. Spent time in Radonova - 12 - 15 minutes. Doctors recommend fully relaxing and breathing smoothly, deep and slow. After the bath, the body wipes with a towel (it's better to light the skin), rest for half an hour.

Before each procedure It will be necessary to undergo elementary training - empty the bladder and intestines. In addition, it is impossible to go to the procedure with an absolutely hungry stomach, but also immediately after meals, it is not worth doing this; During the reception of the radon bath, it is necessary to be in water motionless; should not be carried out after severe stress or psycho-emotional excitement; During the course of the course, you need to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Radone baths are very popular. Their advantage is that there is no effect of water to the body, such procedures are considered soft, gentle, therefore, they can be prescribed with severe patient condition. Held procedure In a special apparatus - a person is placed there completely, only the head remains open (outside). Impact lasts no more than 12 minutes.

Air radon bath

Classic radon baths are prescribed by course In 10 - 15 sessions, after which you need to take a break for 6 to 12 months. The effect of treatment will be preserved for half a year, in some cases and up to the year.

Read more in our article about all the options for using radon baths.

Read in this article

The benefits of radon for the body

Radon is an inert gas that has a comprehensive effect on the body. Of the most "outstanding" effects, it is worth noting the following:

  • Regulation of blood flow. When taking a radon bath, the spasm of small and large vessels, characterized by short-term, occurs. Then it is replaced by a long expansion and slowing down blood flow, which automatically increases the volume of circulated blood through the system.
  • Relief from pain syndrome. Radon is able to influence the vegetative nervous system, and in different ways: on some divisions from the relaxing effect, on the other, on the contrary, exciting. This ensures a decrease in the conductivity of nerve impulses, which causes the disposal of strong pain for a sufficiently long time.
  • Normalization of the heart and respiratory system. Inert gas is able to adjust blood pressure, and does not affect the heart rate. Light literally straighten and begin to absorb air fully, which causes the normal supply of organism cells with oxygen.
  • Acceleration of weight loss. The procedure has a positive effect on the bark of adrenal and the pancreas - they begin to produce hormones in the required quantity. Thanks to the stable level of blood sugar and the number of corticosteroid hormones, the fat (lipid) metabolism is normalized.

Interestingly, Radon acts on the organs of the endocrine system selectively - for example, it slows down the functionality of the ovary and the thyroid gland. Radon baths in the complex have the following effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • epithelision;
  • immunomodulatory.

In addition, there is a slowdown and stopping of various inflammatory processes, the regeneration processes at the cellular level are accelerated. The benefits of radon baths can be voiced by one phrase - all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated. And this also provides both the rapid restoration of damaged tissues, and the braking of aging processes at the cellular level, and weight loss, and the rapid end of inflammatory processes in the body.

Indications to Procedure

Despite the fact that the benefits of baths with radon are proved and they can be used in preventive purposes, there are a number of strict indications for the procedure. They can be appointed when diagnosing:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - angina region, recovery after a heart attack (no earlier than 1 month intensive therapy), atherosclerosis, hypertension, mitral heart disease, cardiosclerosis, varicose veins of the lower extremities and a small pelvic organs;
  • pathology of the bone and articular system - inflammatory diseases (arthritis, osteomyelitis, spondylitis), problem bone fractures that are too long a fighting process;
  • problems in the sexual system - progressive endometriosis, inflammation of the prostate gland, the menopacteric period in women and men;
  • diseases of the nervous system - various infringement of nerve endings, as well as insomnia, chronic fatigue, period of recovery after the injuries of the brain;
  • problems with metabolism - obesity of different degrees, diabetes, gout, goiter at the initial stage of development;
  • diseases of the respiratory system - any specific and nonspecific inflammatory processes of chronic nature;
  • dermatological diseases of non-infectious nature - psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, non-healing "pure" wounds, foci of ulcerative defeat.

Sometimes radon baths are prescribed to patients with problems in the gastrointestinal tract - in particular, such a procedure helps to normalize and stabilize the work of the liver and gallbladder.

Contraindications, or is it possible to take baths all

As far as Mala Dose Radon would not be in the bathroom, this gas remains radioactive. That is why only a specialist deal with the appointments of the procedures, because there is a list of contraindications to their conduct:

  • any diseases of the heart and vessels in the exacerbation stage or in the acute form of flow;
  • disorders of the formula and blood disease;
  • ischemic heart disease in history and even in the stage of long-term medication remission;
  • benign neoplasms located in any part of the body;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis at any stage of development;
  • purulent lesions of the skin;
  • epilepsy;
  • increased body temperature for any reasons;
  • neurosis in the severe form of the flow;
  • epilepsy;
  • radiation sickness.

Radon baths can not be taken pregnant and nursing women, as well as children under the age of 12. The doctor may refuse the procedure and to those people who for many years constantly smokes or engaged in labor activity associated with the constant impact of radiation.

Sometimes the individual intolerance of radon baths is revealed - unfortunately, this can only be determined empirically.

If the patient begins to complain about dizziness and difficult breathing, shorter breathing, then this testifies to the development of an allergic reaction - the procedure is interrupted, it is reported to the attending physician and the method of therapy is replaced by a more suitable.

Radon baths, testimony and contraindications to which are taken into account by the attending physician when choosing the therapeutic course, can be very useful or harm, worsen the state of health and exacerbate the disease. Therefore, there can be no speech about independent acceptance.

Possible harm to the body

If the procedure was appointed by a doctor and is carried out according to all the rules, then no harm to the radon baths of human health is not applied. The content of radioactive gas in the water is negligible, it almost all sends to the skin and is not able to have a negative or destructive effect on organs and systems.

A course of treatment

Classic radon baths are assigned to a course of 10 - 15 sessions, after which you need to take a break for 6 to 12 months. Repeated courses are not prohibited, they can be prescribed an unlimited number of times. The effect of treatment for sure will be preserved for half a year, in some cases up to the year. It is not forbidden to combine radon baths with carbon dioxide or chloride-sodium - such comprehensive therapy will only strengthen the therapeutic effect and will retain the results longer.

If vaginal irrigation or microclides are prescribed, the course of treatment is 20 procedures that are performed in the chart: 3 days in a row (1 time per day) and 1 day break. The concentration of radon in water is the same as for classic baths, and the temperature is somewhat higher and can reach 40 degrees.

Regarding drinking treatment with radon water, specifically designated deadlines, there is no duration of treatment. This is determined by the doctor, taking into account the general condition of the patient and the severity of the development of the current disease.

Radon baths are one of the safest and effective methods Physiotherapeutic impact on the human body. They are not prescribed as a means for weight loss, they are not carried out exclusively at the request of the patient, but if the doctor considers it necessary to undergo a course, it is not worth refusing. Gas radioactivity in water is negligible, but there will be many benefits.

Radon is a gaseous substance that does not have color and smell. In the process of the half-life, alpha particles are formed with a small radioactive radiation. The gentle effects of radiation on the human body causes a wellness effect.

Radon procedures in sanatoriums

In therapeutic purposes, the reception of baths with mineral radon water, which is natural source Gas. Preferably, the service is offered by sanatoriums located near Mineral Keys. The price of sanatorium treatment fluctuates from 2000 to 4000 thousand rubles. in a day. Sessions are repeated daily for one or two weeks depending on the testimony.

Total about 300 natural radon water sources were found. Basically, they are located in the territory:

  • Russia is predominantly Pyatigorsk, Belokurich, Altai Territory, Primorye, Crimea (total approximately 30 points);
  • Germany - cities (and eponymous resorts) Bad Brambach, Bad Nauheim;
  • Ukraine is the only Radon Resort of Khmelnik;
  • Georgia is the Balneological Resort of Tsxaltubo.

The volume of gas contained in water differ. Therapeutic water is:

  • Underdeveloped (1-10 nki / l);
  • Strongly) (120-200 nki / l).

There is a method for creating radon baths without immediate proximity to the source of water. Artificial baths are no less effective.

Indications of radon treatment

  1. Diseases of the heart and vessels, including angina, atherosclerosis, ischemia, states after a heart attack, stroke, varicose veins, cardiosclerosis.
  2. CNS problems and peripheral NS: neurasthenia, neuralgia, neuritis, closed injuries of the dorsal and brain.
  3. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, accompanied by inflammatory and degenerative processes: arthritis, osteomyelitis, osteoarthritis. Bone injuries obtained as a result of mechanical exposure.
  4. Chronic diseases associated with the activities of the intestines, stomach, lungs, kidneys.
  5. Skin disease, acne, psoriasis.
  6. Disorders of the integrity of the skin, scars, wounds, ulcers.
  7. Diabetes, obesity that is not associated with diabetes.
  8. Inflammation of the urinary organs of chronic character, neoplasms in women hormonally dependent type, prostatitis in men.

Contraindications of baths

  1. Individual intolerance, determined by tracking a person's response. There are dizziness, shortness of breath, severe sweating.
  2. Failures of cardiac rhythm, arrhythmia and extrasystolia. When treating treatment, keep track of the activities of the heart.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the acute phase. The immersion of the body in warm water leads to increased inflammation.
  4. Leukopenia, reduced number of leukocytes, radiation disease.
  5. Cardiovascular diseases in acute phase.
  6. Benign neoplasms. Tumors may begin to grow.
  7. Contacts of a patient with ionizing radiation. Refers to representatives of certain professions.

In addition to ordinary "water" baths, dry and sucho-hearted sessions are carried out. They help to establish the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the blood supply to the GM, the bodies of the whole body, to reduce the blood pressure after the course.

Useful properties for women

With mastopathy

Radon procedures are one of the components of complex treatment. Procedures are carried out under the constant control of the doctor following the level of irradiation. Long and excessively intensive effects of radon on the body causes side effects, the most dangerous of which is lung cancer.

Radon radiation is shown in incrying cases early stages Disease flows during the recovery period after the main treatment. Important contraindication - exacerbation of mastopathy. Therapeutic effects:

  • Accelerated rehabilitation;
  • Heavyness of pain;
  • Maintaining a stable emotional state;
  • Stabilization of sleep, elimination of insomnia.

The confusion makes a ban on the reception of baths, saunas and hot baths during mastopathy. Prolonged heating of the body is one of the reasons for accelerated growth of tumors. But to baths with radon, this contraindication does not apply, since therapeutic effects ensures non-heating, but radiation irradiation in small doses.

Radon in gynecology

The irrigation of the vagina by water saturated with radon is considered an effective way of treating diseases of the small pelvis organs. Radonotherapy is shown in case of diseases and states:

  • myoma uterus. When appropriate procedures, the size of the Mioma, the rate of development, the overall health and age and age of the patient, the exact location of the nodes, the intensity of symptoms are taken into account. Usually, the time of staying in the bath is limited in 12 minutes.
  • endometriosis. Radon water removes inflammation, swallows pain syndrome and allergic reactions. Blood coagulation increases, which is why bloodstures are becoming less pronounced and painful. Useful effect - prevention of iron deficiency appearing with abundant menstruation.
  • symptomtics accompanying menopause. The main useful effects are anesthetic and sedative. Impacting on the CNS, baths with radon improve the emotional state, eliminate insomnia and anxiety, eliminate pain. The procedures are shown at any age, including the elderly.
  • female infertility caused by hyperthonus uterine pipes and neuroendocrine pathologies. The therapeutic effect can be achieved at cysts, cystoms, mioma, endometritis, cervicitis, other inflammatory processes that interfere with get pregnant.

Use for men

Baths and microclides with radon water - a powerful means against prostatitis. Positive impact reduces to strengthen the blood supply to the prostate gland, eliminate inflammation, increase potency and libido.

The second important effect is sedative. Stresses and emotional loads beat both on the same sexual sphere, and on the cardiovascular system. Sessions reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, maintain high performance.