
AutoCAD fast learning. AutoCad Courses


If you rummaged through a bunch of sites for teaching this program, reviewed a lot of AutoCAD video tutorials, but still did not get the desired result, then this article will certainly help you !!
All videos AutoCAD tutorials, training courses, all articles and publications chew on every command and function, which becomes boring and uninteresting. I propose a fundamentally new approach to teaching AutoCAD. After reading this article, you can get to work and do whatever you want!

This program is intended primarily for the execution of drawings, because its development started back in 1982, and the first version was an ordinary electronic drawing board. Further, with the development of CAD (computer-aided design) technologies and 3D modeling, 3D functions were also added. And many features that have eradicated routine operations. But, as in life, before we can learn to run, we need to learn to walk, and even earlier to stand on our feet.
If you decide create a drawing in autocad with your own hands, then you should have at least a small idea of ​​space and geometry, at least a school level. To draw a line, you need two points. To draw a circle, you need a center and a radius. Did you know this? Then everything else will not be difficult!
You can read how to download and install AutoCAD here.
And so this miracle beast is on your computer. Let's run it. We will work in AutoCAD 2014, practically keeping up with the times. Because at this moment there is already AutoCAD 2015. But I will tell you that since the version of AutoCAD 2010 there are no special differences. Therefore, having any version from 10 to 14, except for LT versions (reduced edition), we continue.

The loading window looks nice and modern.

The first thing we see after launch is the AutoCAD wizard. We see the extension training blocks and the ones that sometimes I use - the latest files, create and open, but we don't need that yet. We close this window. Top right. All windows have the standard structure of the windows window at the top right there are three buttons - close, minimize, and maximize. Sometimes they are not there, if it makes no sense to execute them for a given window. After closing the helper, we see:

This is what the main AutoCAD window looks like. Above is a ribbon interface that makes it easier to work with than standard panel interfaces. If yours is not so, then in the lower right corner, click on the gear icon and select "Draw and Annotate".

And so, now the fun part! Now you can draw !!
Decades of development of this program have made it alive in the literal sense of the word. If you are attentive, he will answer all your questions himself.

To create a drawing of any complexity, about 15-25 teams are enough, which are located in three blocks in the most conspicuous place.

Click on the labels under the tape blocks and get the expanded functions.

Under most of the buttons, there are triangles that also trigger a context menu.
We know that the world is made of molecules. So any drawing can be created from primitives. As soon as you click on any icon. At the bottom of the command line, a dialog with the program will appear. Read carefully and everything will come out !!

For example, the command line segment. Select the first point then the second point all on the command line.
The program is intuitive, if you hover the cursor over the button and wait a couple of seconds, a hint will be displayed how it works.
Esc- remove selection, cancel action,
Del-delete selection,
Ctrl + Z- go back one step,
Turn the wheel to zoom in, zoom out,
Click on the wheel + move the mouse to move the drawing.

Read the command line, use these three panels and it will work! If you have drawn a segment that does not fit in the allocated space, in the command line write the command - REGEN and press Enter.
You can draw everything with these commands. I have not deceived if YOU think so now. It will be long, difficult, tedious, but possible. If there is a desire,

So, ? Have you read this phrase? Excellent! So it's time for us to say hello! Good day! We are very glad to welcome you to our website. A separate section of which is devoted to one of the most demanded programs in the construction industry around the world. In Russia, including from Autodesk.

A huge number of articles / notes / textbooks and other literature have been written about this software product. Our site will not be the first to teach you how to get started with AutoCAD.

Our articles and educational materials are designed in such a way that the final result aimed at mastering all the necessary functions of CAD AutoCAD was achieved as soon as possible.

With an effective system for introducing theoretical knowledge into practical significance for each of you.

And most importantly, training on our website is absolutely FREE!

There are always people who ask: "?". Or they don't know how to ask and where to start.

So it's time to start our work. As we promised, there won't be a lot of unnecessary chatter and abstruse phrases from textbooks or other literature. Only "Question-Answer". And anticipating your first question: “ Where to get AutoCAD? ", - we answer:" We go to the site "and register there to get a full-featured version of AutoCAD for educational purposes absolutely free.

If you have any problems with registering or installing the program, be sure to read our article "Registering with the Autodesk Education Community" and "". In the meantime, we believe that AutoCAD version 2018 or lower is installed on your computer. But not lower than 2013.

How do I get started in AutoCAD? Getting started!

And so, look for a shortcut on the desktop and launch it!

Quite a complex and powerful program, but despite this, it can work on not quite new computers. However, this depends on the complexity and size of the files you are working with.

In other words, if you have a large complex drawing, then it will require more computing power from the computer.

But launching a program is always a slow process. So get ready to wait a bit.

Installing the program on a modern high-speed solid-state SSD drive can speed up the launch of AutoCAD.

After starting the program, you will see the program window:

We have specially highlighted the most significant elements of the interface of the AutoCAD window with different colors. And now we will tell you about each of them. Up / down, left / right and in order! J Let's Go!

A red rectangle outlines the button for calling the main menu of the program, with which you can "Create a file", Open an existing one, Save, Print or Export a drawing file to another format.

For example, in PDF format, for viewing on a computer where AutoCAD is not installed. Or for demonstration to the customer. Also, here is a list of the last files you worked with, for quick and easy opening.

The "Quick Access Toolbar" is highlighted in green, which contains commands from the "Main Menu", as well as other useful commands.

The contents of the panel can be customized by clicking on the button with a small triangle at the end of the panel, pointed downward.

The adaptation menu of the panel will open and by installing or removing the necessary "checkmarks" we add or remove command buttons from the panel.

The program name, license type and file name are displayed in the center of the window title bar. "Drawing 1.dwg" is the "default" AutoCAD file name and will change when we save the file under our own name. ".Dwg" is the AutoCAD file extension. Because of this abbreviation, Russian-speaking users also call AutoCAD files "devgeshkas".

On the right side of the title window is the "Cloud Menu" which allows you to access reference information and "cloud services" from Autodesk.

Below, in blue, "Command Ribbon" is highlighted. AutoCAD, like many programs, has a modern "Ribbon interface", which allows you to optimize the workspace of the window.

Providing the user with access to the desired commands in a minimum number of mouse clicks.

The name of the "active" ribbon in the figure is underlined with a blue dashed line "Home". Clicking on other tabs activates the transition to them.

Each command strip is divided into "Areas". For example, in the figure blue the area of ​​commands "Draw" is highlighted in color.

The names of the areas were not chosen by chance; they tell the user which command buttons are collected on this area.

For example, the buttons in the "Draw" command area are responsible for creating 2D primitives and other elements (circle, rectangle, arc ...).

Buttons interface element

Separately, I would like to note the element of the command buttons interface, which is found in different areas of different buttons - this is a "small triangle" pointing downward.

He tells us that this button is responsible for several, logically combined commands. Simply put, this button can execute more than one command, but several.

For example, clicking on the triangle / arrow next to the button with the "Rectangle" construction command opens access to the "Polygon" construction button, or as it is now called in AutoCAD - "Polygon".

The number of additional command buttons may be small (a couple / three of new commands). Or, as in the case of the "Circle" command, a rather impressive list of new commands will open before you.

This is the same small triangle / arrow that we saw earlier on the Quick Access Toolbar. To open the customization panel menu, it is also found next to the names of command areas.

Clicking on it will open access to additional buttons, the commands of which are used less often than those that are always present in the area.

Yes, I would like to point out the fact that not all commands are present on the command ribbons and panels. Some commands can be run from the command line, but we'll talk about that later.

And so, we remind you that we are considering the "Interface of the AutoCAD program" using the example of version 2018. Having studied the main elements of the upper part of the program window, we pass to the main workspace of the AutoCAD program.

The workspace begins immediately after the ribbon. It is titled by shortcuts or tabs. open files... They are highlighted with an orange rectangle in our picture.

How many files can i use in AutoCAD at the same time?

AutoCAD can work with several files at the same time. And instead of the tabs "Drawing1", "Drawing2" you will have the names of these files.

The working area is represented by "infinite space" or "model space" divided into cells. It is here in model space that we will create 2D primitives, circles and rectangles. Use the "Polyline" tool and, by editing all this - get a finished drawing!

There is a "compass" in the upper right corner of the working area. Or it is also called "species cube". It is surrounded by a purple circle.

His job is to help us. To navigate in model space, since in AutoCAD you can not only create 2D elements, but also model in 3D, but about everything in order.

Also, below the view cube, there is an additional panel that allows you to control the view of the workspace.

At the bottom of the window is one of the most important elements interface - "Command line" or "Command line".

She is highlighted yellow rectangle in our picture. Here you can "manually", using the keyboard, give AutoCAD commands to perform various actions, whether it is creating elements or editing them, and indeed, system commands.

Same, yellow the rectangle marks the tabs for switching between "model space" and "paper space".

We will look at them in our next articles. As well as the panel highlighted in red, where there are buttons to enable or disable additional modeling modes.

This concludes our article. We examined the interface of the AutoCAD program, got acquainted with the basic concepts of the program window.

And now we already know where and what to "press"! Now you can try to click the mouse on your own by choosing different commands for constructing elements.

And in the next article we will take a closer look at the commands for creating 2D drawing elements.

We are glad to invite you to AutoCad courses. Our offer is relevant for those who plan to become a sought-after specialist by mastering interesting direction... You can always choose a program that meets all your wishes and skills.

Why take AutoCad training?

Computer-aided design systems are becoming more and more popular. They are used by designers, planners, engineers, artists. Modern programs allow you to reduce the time spent on performing the usual actions and improve the results of work.

Do you want to expand the possibilities? Come to us!

1. AutoCad courses for beginners (from scratch) in Moscow, which are held at a low price, will be of interest to those who are taking their first steps in the profession.
2. Professional development is relevant for professionals planning to expand opportunities.
3. Advanced courses AutoCad (AutoCAD) + 3D attract those who are constantly improving and actively mastering three-dimensional modeling.

Training will allow:

Expand capabilities.
to save time,
get all the necessary skills and knowledge, increase income by getting a new position or starting your own business.

Why is it interesting and profitable to take AutoCad courses with us?

1. Training Autocad (AutoCad) is carried out using current programs. Classes are built on the basis of the areas in demand.

2. Courses are taught by experienced teachers who are practicing specialists. They are able to present any material in an interesting way and reveal all the subtleties of the activity. From our teachers, you will learn professional secrets of craftsmanship and real secrets of computer-aided design, which are not written about in standard manuals.

3. AutoCad training for beginners from scratch in Moscow is carried out at a bargain price. You do not overpay for classes, but you get the result you expect.

4. We provide training in as soon as possible... You can attend classes without interrupting your main activity.

Come! We will name the exact prices of AutoCad training for beginners from scratch in Moscow, we will tell you about all its features. You can easily select an interesting program and start your studies as soon as possible.

Autocad video tutorials

Getting Started in AutoCad
Part 1

Part 2

The lesson will be useful for novice users who are just starting to get acquainted with Autocad or have a zero level of knowledge about this program. Thanks to this lesson, you will learn how to navigate the program and take the first steps in mastering.

After watching this video lesson you:
- get to know the program
- learn the purpose of the main panels
- familiarize yourself with the main drop-down menus
- learn how to open and create drawings, as well as save drawings in different versions of AutoCAD
- learn to customize your screen background
- see the comparison of the interface of AutoCad 2007 and 2009, and also learn how to configure Autocad 2009 so that it looks like all previous versions of the program.

Basic commands
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

In the lesson, we will look at the basic commands and how to enter them. Consider a straight line, distance input, polyline, point, rectangle, polygon, arc, circle, oval, spline, etc. Converting an object into a block. Scaling, rotation, shading. We will learn how to recognize the area of ​​an object, the perimeter, write text, make tables.

Selecting Objects and Managing Window and Space in AutoCAD

Different ways discharge. Removing, zooming in, moving the image. Turning panels on and off.

Modifying and Editing Objects and Drawings

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Thanks to this lesson, you will learn:

Delete drawing elements
- make mirror reflections
- undo wrong actions
- use offset functions, selectively copy, copy with base point, copy, circular and rectangular pattern, move, flip, stretch, crop, lengthen, break at a point, break an object, connect objects, explode
scale objects,
- chamfer and round corners
edit objects with just one mouse
Lesson duration 30 minutes

Download for viewing on your computer:

To download the file, register on the site.

We put the dimensions in the drawing
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

In this lesson, we will study all the commands used for dimensioning. We will learn how to put down the coordinates of points, measure various geometric shapes, manage sizes, change the font and size of text in size, change arrows to dashes, and more.

Printing drawings from AutoCad

In the video tutorial, the issues of printing from AutoCad are discussed in detail. Different ways of printing drawings, the secrets of scaling.
Thanks to the lesson, you:

The duration of the lesson is 10 minutes. The video lesson discusses in detail the issues of printing from AutoCad. Different ways of printing drawings, the secrets of scaling.
Thanks to the lesson, you:
- will be able to correctly print drawings from the model and sheets tabs
- change formats and orientation of sheets
- learn to edit the scale of the drawing
- master bulk printing through dwf publishing
Lesson duration 10 minutes

Download for viewing on your computer:

To download the file, register on the site.

Lessons for the site were provided free of charge by Dmitry Rodin, you canread additional lessons by clicking on the picture with the box.

Video tutorials on autocad, the fastest and easiest system for teaching basic capabilities on video examples for making drawings, building images. Video tutorials demonstrate the basic functions of AutoCAD, and also contain examples of creating real drawings for architecture and mechanical engineering. I hope these video tutorials will make your learning and daily work easier.

The author perfectly teaches how to work in the program, everything is told in an accessible and understandable language using live examples. These video tutorials are the most effective and quick way master AutoCad. The lessons will be useful for both beginners and professionals, who will be able to adopt methodically correct working techniques, which will greatly facilitate their life and speed up their work.