
The harm and benefits of radon baths. Radon baths benefit and harm

Tomato blanks for the winter

Radon It is an inert gas with unique properties: its weight is 7 times greater than the mass of air, it is 4 times heavier than iron, however, in a gaseous state, radon can freely move in the air. The gas is formed when a radioactive element called radium decays. In the process, powerful alpha radiation is generated, which in moderate amounts produces a healing effect on the human body.

The principle of the technique is to immerse a person in mineral water enriched with radon. There are two types of such baths:

  1. Strong radon
  2. Low-radon

For effective treatment and delicate effects on the body, use waters with a minimum concentration of radon gas (5.40 nCi per liter of water). Useful gas enters the body through the epidermis, respiratory tract and is excreted after 2 hours. The therapeutic effect of radon therapy appears after 25.30 days from the beginning of the course and lasts for six months.


Radon baths: contraindications

Before appointment radon baths the patient is obliged to undergo a complete examination of the body. Despite the effectiveness and uniqueness of the method, radon is a radioactive gas and, if certain pathologies are detected, it can harm the body.

Contraindications for radon baths apply to patients who have been diagnosed with:

  • Heart disease (acute)
  • Inflammatory processes in the body
  • Radiation sickness
  • Epilepsy
  • Pregnancy
  • Hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism)
  • Tumors of various etymologies
  • Leukopenia (a disease accompanied by a low white blood cell count)
  • Individual intolerance to radon gas

Baths are also contraindicated:

  • Heavy smokers
  • With alcoholic intoxication
  • Children under 5 years old
  • For persons whose activities are associated with ionizing radiation

Radon therapy procedures are prescribed by a specialist and carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Contraindications of radon baths should be known to each patient and monitor the reaction of his body during the procedure. In case of dizziness, shortness of breath, sweating during radon therapy, we can talk about individual intolerance to radon.


Radon baths: indications

In radon therapy, fresh waters artificially saturated with radon are used. In some cases, mineral waters from natural sources are used, but in pure form they are very rare. Their deposits are in the Crimea, Altai, Pyatigorsk and Primorye, Italy, France, Germany, Georgia and Austria are famous for medicinal radon sources.

Radon baths have analgesic, sedative and rejuvenating effects. They are used in cosmetology and medicine. These baths improve performance internal organs, stabilize the course of metabolism and fight excess weight.

The indications for radon baths are as follows:

  • Angina pectoris, heart disease, ischemia
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Musculoskeletal system pathologies
  • Phlebeurysm
  • Respiratory tract diseases
  • Digestion and kidney problems
  • Atherosclerosis, gout
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, lichen, ulcers, neurodermatitis)
  • Pathologies of the female reproductive system (endometriosis, fibroids, fibroids)
  • Obesity
  • Prostatitis
  • Neurological diseases

Indications of radon baths are advisable in case of sleep problems, they are prescribed for diseases of the joints and lungs. Healing baths with radon for weight loss and as a rejuvenating therapy have proven themselves well.

During the procedure, the blood flow to the external integument increases, painful sensations and spasms are relieved, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened. Within an hour after the healing bath, a persistent effect of radon is observed: the activity of the heart muscles progresses, the blood flow in the tissues is stimulated, and the activity of small capillaries improves.

How to take radon baths

The rules for taking healing baths must be strictly followed by the patient, and the procedure itself is carried out under the vigilant supervision of a specialist. All contraindications for radon baths and the time of their intake must be taken into account.

Baths enriched with radon are taken in the following order:

  1. The patient should not smoke or overeat before the procedure.
  2. Before immersion in water, it must be cleaned Bladder and intestines.
  3. The recommended water level in such a bathroom is not above the chest.
  4. If the patient suffers from heart disease, the water should be below the solar plexus.
  5. The first procedure is carried out within 10 minutes, the subsequent ones - within 15 minutes.
  6. The most comfortable water temperature is 36.38 ° C.
  7. During the bath, the patient should be calm and relaxed.
  8. Entry and exit to the bath should be smooth, without strong excitement of the water surface.
  9. The course of radon therapy is 5.10 baths.

At the end of the procedure, the patient should wrap himself in a soft towel without rubbing the skin (so as not to disturb the radon layer on the body), and then rest for an hour.

Radon baths for children

Radon baths are carefully and carefully prescribed for children. For a child under 5 years of age, these procedures are absolutely contraindicated. Children of senior preschool and school age radon baths are shown at:

  • Skin rashes, eczema
  • Digestive system diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Bronchial asthma

For carrying out radon baths in childhood, the standards for the concentration of radon must be observed. It is preferable to use waters from natural radon sources with a radon level of no more than 1.5 kBq / l.

With cerebral palsy in children, radon baths are prescribed in courses, the duration of which must strictly correspond to the age of the child:

  • At 5.6 years old - 5.8 minutes
  • 7-14 years old - within 8.12 minutes

The full course of treatment is from 8.12 baths, which are carried out strictly every other day. The concentration of radon in waters should not exceed the limits of 740.1480 Bq / l.

Many ways have been invented for the successful treatment of the human body. Some methods are considered more effective, others do not inspire confidence at all. Now, for the treatment of many diseases, radon baths are used, during which radon isotopes penetrate the cells of the human skin, then through the blood they affect problem areas. Let's see how safe such procedures are, and under what circumstances they are prescribed.

The benefits and harms of radon baths

Radon is a colorless and tasteless gas that can glow. It is rare in nature chemical element, and its amount in water and atmosphere is minimal. But radon is often formed together with radium, so there is enough substance to serve the good of mankind. Radon water has long been used for raising livestock and for searching for radioactive elements, but gas isotopes have found the greatest application in medicine.

Gas baths are prescribed, depending on the diseases, when the overall beneficial effect on the body far exceeds the risks of complications from negative γ-radiation that occurs during the decay of radon atoms. Although the products of alpha decay (-particles) cannot penetrate the human skin, harm can occur from the air that has entered the lungs, therefore, there are some contraindications for the appointment of gas baths.

The water in the baths, which has been enriched with radon, penetrates into the body, providing a healing effect on all its systems by increasing blood flow. In addition, a small amount of radon gas is excreted very quickly without harming the organs. With the help of baths with water enriched with this chemical element, doctors treat a large number of modern diseases. Radon therapy has the following effect on the body:

  • normalizes heart rate, revitalizing the heart muscle;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system, acting as a sedative;
  • promote better blood clotting.

However, do not forget that radon is a radioactive substance that can emit strong radiation, therefore, in large doses, it can cause the development of oncology. You should not do radon baths yourself. A course of radon hydrotherapy can only be prescribed by a doctor who is familiar with the technique and is able to predict the effect of the gas for each patient individually. The specialist must warn the person about possible contraindications.


What are the benefits of radon baths? Radon water is widely used for the treatment of diseases. First of all, it is the strengthening of the immune system, the removal of various inflammations, release from stressful situations and excellent stimulation of metabolic processes during weight loss. Baths with radon have shown themselves remarkably in gynecology: with uterine fibroids, with endometriosis and with the treatment of adhesions. Radon therapy is often used for the following diseases:

  1. With psoriasis and other skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, scleroderma).
  2. Chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The initial stage of diabetes mellitus.
  4. Inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  5. Bronchial asthma.
  6. Vascular pathology.
  7. Thyroid dysfunction.


Radon treatment is absolutely contraindicated in pregnancy, some types of infertility, testicular hyperfunction and suspected malignant tumors. Also contraindications include any stage of radiation sickness, pronounced leukopenia, hypothyroidism. In a note on the use of radon baths, it is said that high concentrations of radon cannot be used with too pronounced nervous diseases and people who are constantly in the zone of radioactive radiation.

Sanatoriums with radon baths

A natural question arises: where are the radon lakes in Russia? There are about 30 of them, but not all are used with therapeutic purposes... The most famous radon sanatoriums are located in the Crimea, Siberia, the Far East, and the Republic of Bashkiria. The largest Russian hydropathic complex is located in Pyatigorsk. Up to 2.5 thousand gas baths are held here daily according to seventeen programs.

As for the central part of Russia, artificial radon sources are located near the village of Lopukhinka near St. Petersburg and in the Zagorskiye Dali sanatorium (Moscow region). Notable foreign countries with sources radon waters- this is Abkhazia, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia. The Ukrainian sanatorium "Khmelnik" and the hydropathic establishment "Tskhaltubo", located not far from the Georgian capital, are especially popular among Russians.

Video: treatment with radon baths

Radon baths are prepared under strict laboratory conditions, subject to all safety measures. Dissolved radon concentrate is delivered to the site, hermetically sealed, and then saturated carbon dioxide and dissolve in a bathtub with water, the right temperature... Watch in the video how the radon treatment is carried out in the Belarusian sanatorium "Radon":

Radon baths (radon therapy) have a therapeutic effect on a person immersed in mineral radon water. Radon baths began to be used more than 100 years ago, and the procedure is still popular now, especially as an option for balneological treatment.

Most often, treatment is prescribed for patients with joint and spinal problems. Like other physiotherapeutic procedures, radon baths have indications and contraindications that should be considered individually.

A few words about radon and its action

Radon is a heavy, expensive inert gas discovered in the 20th century, found in its pure form in about 300 natural sources: in Altai, Crimea, Primorye, Pyatigorsk, Molokovka (Russia - about 30 in total), Khmelnik (Ukraine), Bad Nauheim and Bad Brambach (Germany), Tskhaltubo (Georgia), etc.

Natural sources are considered the most valuable. Therefore, sanatoriums with radon baths built in their immediate vicinity are highly popular.

Radon waters are classified into weak (from 1 to 10 nCi / l) and strong radon, with a gas concentration of 120-200 nCi / l.

Artificial baths prepared from an aqueous concentrated gas solution, which is obtained in a bubbler with a saline solution of radon in a container made of lead. Due to the high radioactivity of the concentrate, it is diluted according to special methods, observing safety rules and sanitary standards.

The decay of the gas is accompanied by the release of a-radiation. When radon molecules settle on the skin, which is called active plaque, alpha radiation leads to the ionization of water molecules and proteins in the dermis, during which toxic metabolites of hydroperoxides and oxygen are formed.

Autoantigens, which are products of the radiolysis of protein molecules, are transported by Langerhans cells and, like the products of photodegradation of proteins, come into contact with sensitized T-helper lymphocytes. As a result, cytokines are released and the formation of neutral proteases, immunoglobulins and substances with biological activity is accelerated.

Also, the activity of immune processes in the dermis is enhanced by lipid oxidation products: the differentiation and proliferation of T- and B-lymphocytes is activated with the production of immunoglobulins. The alpha radiation of radon enhances the differentiation of the cells of the prickly and basal layers of the epidermis of the skin. As a result of a-irradiation of melanocyte cells, DOPA, DOPA-amines and DOPA-quinones are formed, which stimulate the synthesis of melanin. In addition, radon accelerates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans in the scar tissue, which consists of connective fibers, which leads to the formation of structurally ordered fibers of the granulation tissue.

History and popularization

At the beginning of the 20th century. the healing effect of the waters was explained by a mysterious emanation, which is essentially alpha radiation.

Over 100 years of development, the medical technique has gone through several periods from triumph after the discovery of the healing effect of gas to absolute oblivion and fear after radiation accidents. In some American publications, radon therapy is called absolute stupidity. Today, the technique is mainly regarded as an auxiliary therapeutic method that should be used only with the prescription of a doctor, and the benefits and harms are considered by different specialists in different ways. The fact is that people have an individual response to radon - the procedures help someone a lot, and someone does not notice any improvements.

The first Russian radon resort Belokurikha was opened in 1867 at hot springs. The gases and waters of the Belokurikhinsky springs were studied in 1907-1908 by scientists of the Tomsk Technological Institute - they belong to low-radon waters.

Effects during the procedure

During the procedure, about 0.3-6.4% of the radon contained in the water enters the body through the respiratory organs and skin, which causes α-irradiation of the tissues of the internal organs. After radon baths, the main depot of absorbed gas is the skin, about 3% is deposited in the basal cell layer of the subsegmental and segmental bronchi.

By increasing the affinity of α- and β-adrenergic receptors of tissues for the produced substances with biological activity and mediators, radon causes biphasic changes in the limited blood flow in them.

The primary short-term spasm of the vessels of the external dermal plexus (1-3 min) is replaced by a prolonged expansion of the arterioles and a slight slowdown of the venular outflow. This causes flushing of the skin and an increase in the volume of circulating blood. The conductivity of nerve conductors (not myelinated) against the background of radon stimulation significantly decreases, which leads to a decrease in pain. The tone of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic NS also increases, and the sympathetic, on the contrary, increases.

Due to the modulation of ligand-receptor bonds in the adrenergic receptors of the lungs and heart, radon leads to an increase in cardiac output and stroke volume, causes lengthening of diastole and shortening of systole, without changing the frequency of heart contractions. Breathing slows down and becomes deep.

By activating the adrenal cortex, the gas stimulates the synthesis of corticosteroid hormones and the production of insulin by the pancreas. As a result, the processes of glycolysis and lipolysis are enhanced in the body, which leads to a decrease in basal metabolism, weight loss and a decrease in low-density lipoproteins and free fats in the blood. On the other hand, radon slows down the function of the thyroid gland and ovaries.

Healing effects

Radon bath treatment has the following therapeutic effects:

  • anesthetic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • reparative-regenerative;
  • metabolic;
  • vasodilator;
  • epithelializing.

The benefit of radon baths is to speed up all metabolic processes. Damaged tissues are much faster and more efficiently restored from all kinds of damage, and inflammation is leveled.

Indications for radon baths

Diseases of the CVS: myocardial dystrophy, mitral heart defects, postinfarction period (1 month), myocarditis and atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis in initial stage, 1 and 2 stages of hypertension, varicose veins.

Diseases of the National Assembly: pathologies and consequences of injuries of the peripheral (, neuralgia, plexitis, radiculitis) and central (sleep disturbances, consequences of closed craniocerebral injuries) of the nervous system.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: degenerative and inflammatory pathologies: osteitis, and polyarthritis, poorly healing bone fractures, osteoarthritis, spondylitis.

Respiratory diseases: chronic lung disease, rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, nonspecific inflammation, bronchial asthma.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: pathologies with a chronic course, incl. biliary tract, liver.

Skin diseases: lichen planus, scleroderma, keloid scars, trophic ulcers and long non-healing wounds.

Metabolic diseases:, toxic diffuse goiter 1-3 degrees, obesity 2 and 3 degrees.

Contraindications for radon baths

Radon baths have strict contraindications:

  • radiation sickness;
  • hyperthermia;
  • severe neurosis;
  • unstable angina;
  • angina pectoris 4 FC;
  • polytopic extrasystole;
  • acute inflammatory diseases and exacerbations of chronic;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • purulent skin diseases;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • hypoestrogenism;
  • leukopenia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • vegetative-vascular dysfunction;
  • individual intolerance to radon mineral water, which manifests itself in sweating, dizziness, shortness of breath, etc.
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • professional activities related to ionizing radiation.

Many are interested in whether children can take radon baths? Childhood is a contraindication to this procedure.

The harm of radon baths for patients with the listed contraindications is obvious - the procedures will aggravate their condition.

Radon bath therapy technique

Mineral baths with a radon volumetric activity of 1.5 kBq / dm3 create a biological dose of short irradiation with small doses of the most insensitive organ - the skin - more than 15 times less than the MPC. This proves the radiation safety of the treatment.

Bath preparation: 200 l of fresh water t 34-36 ° C is mixed with 100 ml of concentrated radon mineral solution in accordance with the instructions.

Procedure: a person is immersed to the level of the nipples in the bath for 12-15 minutes. People with heart problems are advised to immerse themselves in the bath only up to the navel level. After the bath, the skin is gently dried without rubbing with a towel.

Course: appoint 10-15 baths. Repeatedly - after 6-12 months. the same course. Accordingly, the effect of radon therapy lasts about six months.

Radon baths can be combined with sodium chloride, carbonic baths to enhance the healing effect.

Another application of radon waters is intestinal rinses, rectal and vaginal irrigations, mouth rinses, inhalations and applications, dry radon baths and drinking cures.

Irrigation vaginal and rectal

The procedures are carried out for 15-20 minutes: for vaginal irrigation, 35-40 ° C and microclysters, 37-40 ° C, 2-3 days in a row, and then 1 day break. The course includes 18-20 procedures. The concentration of water is the same as for baths.

Air-radon baths

They are characterized by the same properties as conventional baths, but they are easier to tolerate due to the absence of the stress effect of water on the heart, therefore they can be prescribed in a more severe condition (for example, after a heart attack).

A special, automated air-radon bath has been developed for the procedure: the patient is inside a box with a sealed door and an open throat - the head is outside the box and sealed with a neck cuff. The patient is exposed to an air enriched with radon.

Drinking cure

When drinking radon water in patients with gout, the metabolism of uric acid improves due to the normalization of liver function. According to clinical and experimental studies, drinking water stimulates the secretory, motor functions of the intestines, the excretory function of the pancreas and liver and their blood supply. There is an acceleration of reparative reactions in the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

Patient memo

  • Before treatment, you should undergo a medical examination;
  • Before the procedure, the bowels and bladder should be emptied;
  • You can not take a bath on an empty stomach, as well as immediately after eating. Optimally - 30-60 minutes after eating;
  • During the procedure, you should lie still and not move;
  • You can not take a bath after intense physical exertion, stress;
  • During treatment, it is important to give up smoking and alcohol;
  • After the procedure, rest is organized for 30-60 minutes.

Side effects

Probably, every person at least once in his life has heard such expressions as "radon treatment", "radon therapy", "radon baths". However, not everyone knows what it is. Many do not even know what the benefits and harms of radon baths are, how the treatment takes place, where it can be found, and how to use it correctly so that the body does not suffer. Let's see what it is.

The benefits of radon baths

V modern medicine for the treatment of all kinds of diseases, the benefits and harms of which are not known to everyone have long been used. During the procedure, the patient's body is completely submerged in water. First, the gas gradually penetrates the skin, and only then into the subcutaneous layers, adipose tissue and human organs. Under the influence of such a substance, all metabolic processes are accelerated. As a result, all internal tissues are much more efficient and quicker to recover from all kinds of damage. In this case, there is a decrease in inflammatory processes. The condition of the skin after the procedure is significantly improved.

Radon therapy and blood vessels

Experts say with confidence that the benefits and harms of radon baths are a proven fact. Of course, such procedures most often give a positive effect. After all, radon therapy allows you to put in order both small and large vessels. Similar procedures:

  • Normalize the work of the heart muscles. As a result, it bounces back
  • Normal blood circulation is getting better.
  • The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic.

Radon therapy and the nervous system

Radon baths also have a positive effect on it. It should be noted that this gas has a safe sedative effect. As a result, the person completely relaxes. Very often, radon water and radon therapy (which, in principle, are the same) are used to reduce painful sensations. As a result, the patient feels much better. This also affects the quality of sleep.

Treatment of diseases with radon

Per last years radon baths have become the most popular treatment method various diseases lungs and joints. Among the features of such therapy, it is worth highlighting the fact that after the first procedure, painful sensations almost completely disappear. Naturally, the patient's condition improves significantly.

Radon baths and weight loss

First of all, it is worth mentioning that radon baths have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body and contribute to weight loss. Alas, not everyone is able to withstand heavy physical activity or strict diets. But radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been known to specialists and many patients for a long time, allow you to painlessly lose those extra pounds. Moreover, such procedures are pleasant enough. It is worth noting that many modern health and beauty centers began to offer their customers just such a means for losing weight.

It is very important that the procedures are carried out correctly and in compliance with all the recommendations of specialists. Naturally, in order to obtain the desired effect, it is necessary to complete a whole course, since one radon bath will not give a result.

An excellent addition is the fact that after the procedures there is an improvement in general well-being, appearance and the health of the patient. The effect after radon baths lasts for about 6 months.

Beauty or Treatment?

In recent years, radon baths have been used as a cosmetic procedure. After all, they are able to improve the condition of the skin. However, do not forget that they also have healing qualities. Treatment of diseases in radon baths does not lose its relevance. At the same time, some ailments can be cured by such procedures much faster than taking various medications. Of course, radon baths are not prescribed as the main therapy. Most often they serve as a complement. In order to achieve a positive result, you must pass full course, do not skip procedures.

How is radon bath treatment carried out?

The benefits and harms of radon baths will be known to you after reading this article. However, not everyone understands how to carry out the procedures. For wellness purposes, it is necessary to undergo at least 10 procedures, visiting the center daily. The patient must immerse himself in warm water and stays there for 10 to 12 minutes. It should be noted that after taking a radon bath, the patient may feel discomfort and pain in the problem area. But this condition quickly passes. Often after the procedure, there is a feeling of drowsiness, as well as a strong desire to eat.

Treatment of fibroids with radon baths

With this disease, any physiotherapy is simply prohibited. Naturally, this significantly prolongs and complicates the treatment of fibroids. However, radon baths can be taken. The required number of procedures is prescribed by the doctor.


Any medicine has a number of contraindications. Radon is no exception in this case. It is strictly forbidden to take baths with this component for pregnant women, people with diseases such as severe leukemia, hypoestrogenism, hypothyroidism, as well as with reduced ovarian function, a certain form of infertility. Such procedures are prohibited for those who have malignant tumors.

Also, do not take radon baths if you have radiation sickness of any stage. If you work in an area where various radiation very often occur, for example, microwave, UHF and others, then you should also refuse such procedures.

The benefits and harms of radon baths have been studied for a long time. That is why their use is prohibited during an exacerbation. skin diseases... Such therapy will not be beneficial for those who have a febrile state or severe neurosis.

Radon baths are also prohibited for children under five years of age.

How is radon useful?

This substance was discovered in the twentieth century (as a chemical element). For a long time, scientists have carefully studied radon. The benefits and harms of this gas gradually became known to the whole world. As a result, it began to be used for medical purposes.

It was found that the substance in small doses has a beneficial effect on the human body. Thanks to radon baths, the disease can be cured much faster. It should be noted that radon was widely used to treat various diseases of the spine, immune and joint diseases, as well as varicose veins. Gas perfectly relieves tension, calms the nervous system and relaxes. With the help of radon, you can solve problems associated with pressure and excess weight.

The main feature of radon is that it is able to relieve pain for a long time and help the fairer sex with menopause. It may seem to many that this gas is a panacea for all diseases. But, as you know, there is a reverse side of the coin. Scientists have found that radon can cause lung cancer. In the human body, harmful substances remain, which arise as a result of the decomposition of gas.


Despite this, people use radon baths, as they still help with some diseases. That is why special institutions have been created. You can easily find radon baths in sanatoriums, rest homes and health centers. It is not worth taking a course of such procedures on your own. Only a doctor can prescribe a radon bath. He also determines the number of procedures. After all, each organism is individual.

Most people know radon as a colorless and odorless inert gas. In addition, it belongs to the group of radioactive substances, which means that the substance is not safe for human health. However, low concentrations of radon can be used for treatment, but only if a doctor has prescribed therapy.

The benefits and harms of using radon

As soon as the element was discovered in the early twentieth century, it immediately attracted interest from scientists from various industries. Its effect on the body has been studied repeatedly, therefore, doctors managed to find the most optimal doses of the substance, the benefits of which are maximum, and the harm is minimal.

Already in 1920, it was known that radon is very effective for the treatment of many diseases that are difficult to treat by others, enough effective methods... These are immune diseases, varicose veins, problems with nervous system and musculoskeletal system... Another benefit of radon for a person is that it can act as a calming, relaxing and helps to get rid of extra pounds. An equally important positive effect of radon is the removal of more, including women, during menopause.

You might think that this is a universal remedy for all diseases, however, it can also be harmful. As it turned out, this "useful" gas, if used frequently and in excess of the dose, can contribute to the development of lung cancer. Once in the body, radon begins to decompose and settle in the lungs, thereby irradiating them with various types of radiation.

In addition, harm from radon radiation can be obtained not only in the course of therapy, but also in the process of working with building materials, or will be irradiated in natural conditions, if a residential building is built in a risk zone.

Radon treatment methods

Today, many methods of radon treatment are used in medicine, however, the most popular among them are radon baths. This procedure allows you to fully affect the body and fight several diseases at once. The benefits of such baths are undeniable. As a rule, doctors prescribe a whole course, which is complemented by other procedures, such as mud therapy, massage, and much more. As a rule, the number of procedures ranges from 12 to 15, depending on the type and nature of the disease. The bath temperature is about 36 degrees, the duration is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Such procedures are prescribed for people who have problems with blood pressure, as other methods can harm the cardiovascular system. Elderly people with joint pain can easily use radon baths for treatment and not worry about the fact that later they will also have to treat pressure. Radon therapy is an excellent alternative to medication.

In addition to radon baths, other methods of treatment are known, the benefits of which are also very great. It:

  • drinking cures used to combat digestive and "female" diseases;
  • air baths, for the treatment of the respiratory tract;
  • radon-enriched oils used for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system;
  • radon boxes are a unique treatment method used, as a rule, in health resorts. Such therapy can only be prescribed to persons who have reached the age of 18 under the close supervision of a physician.

Regardless of the variety of methods, radon baths are the most common and effective.

Types of radon baths

To carry out radon baths, specialists use the water of their natural radon sources, or ordinary fresh water, which is artificially saturated with an element. These two types of procedures have the same positive effect on the human body.

Baths of natural origin include mineral waters, which contain short-lived radon substances. We are talking about radon and its derivatives, the decay products of the element. That is why this type of procedure is also called alpha therapy. The composition of natural radon waters contains a small amount of minerals and a complex gas composition, which practically do not harm the body, and the benefits from them are maximum.

Depending on the concentration of radon in the water, the following types of baths are distinguished:

  • weakly concentrated, which contain from 5 to 40 nCi / l (0.2-1.5 kBq / l) of radon;
  • medium concentrated - from 40 to 200 nCi / l (1.5-7.5 kBq / l) radon;
  • baths with a high concentration of radon - above 200 nCi / l (> 7.5 kBq / l).

The first type of bath is the most common. High concentrations of radon in water, as a rule, are prescribed in other procedures, for example, radon drinking.

The effectiveness of radon baths

These procedures are highly effective and are used to treat the following diseases:

  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • disruption of the musculoskeletal system;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • neurological diseases;
  • inflammatory processes in the female genital organs and hormonal disorders;
  • prostatitis;
  • skin diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • being overweight;
  • senile diseases.

In addition, radon has a calming effect, can be used as a pain reliever, and helps to normalize blood pressure. Equally important is the positive effect of radon on the nervous and muscular system.

Contraindications to the use of radon baths

Radon baths are much more beneficial for the body than mud baths. They are much easier to carry and more effective. However, it is best to consult your doctor before starting the procedure.

  • blood diseases, including leukemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • the presence of tumors, both malignant and benign.

It is also worth remembering that although radon is useful, it is still a radioactive element, therefore, women should not get carried away with radon baths.
As you can see, radon baths are new and sufficient effective method fight against diseases of all kinds. With their help, you can normalize blood pressure, treat problems of the reproductive system, both in men and women, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and cope with many other problems. However, like any other procedure, they must be carried out under close medical supervision and in compliance with the rules and regulations. You should not self-heal with radon baths.

Video about the benefits and dangers of radon baths: