
Can GSG. Hysterosalpingography of uterine pipes

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This method of studying the state of the appendage of pipes and the mother liquor in the medical language is called hysterosalpingography (from Hystera - Matika (Greek) and Salpinx - uterine tube (Greek)).

The entire survey process is that the body of the uterus and the intelligence of the uterine pipes is filled with a contrast solution, which is delivered to the body by means of a catheter through a vaginal stroke.

After that, by operating such devices as: X-ray or, the gynecologist examines the state of the reproductive sphere (the contrast solution makes it possible to determine all sorts of tumors, adhesions, local pathological phenomena, etc.), in addition, the method allows you to install whether the contrast of the tubes in the region peritoneum.

If it passes, then the passability of the process of uterus without pathologies, their lumen is unhindered.

In medical practice there are two types of GSG - by means of an X-ray of the apparatus and echo-grade alpingoscopy (Echo GSG of the uterine pipes):

  1. When operating an instrument x-ray The contrast is introduced gradually, small volumes, and the gynecologist one after another carries out some pictures.
  2. With ultrasound examination in the uterus, saline is introducedwhich carries out auxiliary therapeutic effect, for example, revealing minor spikes. In many ways, due to this, after the GSG ultrasound, the desired conception and pregnancy often occurs, in the case when the complexity consisted only in the presence of simple pathologies.

Hysterosalpingography - This is a medical manipulation that is performed in order to study the structure and content of uterine and uterine pipes and the presence of a lumen in the pipes.

Basically, gynecologists are used by hysterosalpingography to monitor the state of childbearing organs in such representatives of the female population who cannot become pregnant or who have previously been subjected to several episodes of involuntary abortion (miscarriages).

Indications for holding

The most important destination of the procedure of hysterosalpingography is the formulation of an accurate diagnosis and getting rid of the infertility of a woman.

At the time of the GHG, it is established:

  • Permeability of pipes and determining the lumen, their structure is the main task of the study;
  • Identify any deviations in the uterine body, including the anomalies of its structure (twin, saddot uterus, the presence of the partition);
  • Noviodine, cysts, urogenital and reproductive organs.

In circumstances when the married couple for one year, or with much larger periods does not occur, hysterosalpingography - becomes the most initial examination that every gynecologist recommends.

The lack of a lumen of the uterine pipes arises due to previously suffered venereal diseases, inflammation, congenital deviation. Hysterosalpingography also helps a gynecologist to obtain an estimate of the physical state of the uterine body.


Verification of patency of uterine pipes

There are three methods for which it is performed.

The main is hysterosalpingography. This study is X-ray - the study of uterine pipes.

In the beginning, the rubberized tip is introduced inside the uterine neck, and when it is a thin rod, which is called cannula. Through the cannula inside the cavity inject the coloring solution (blue).

After that, by operating the X-ray radiation, a snapshot is taken. Which displays the overall state of the uterine body and pipes.

Other ways to study the reproductive sphere include:

  • Sono-Siberianosalpingography (similar methods - echiberianosalpingography, sono-, echo, hydrosono-graphic). This is a way with not so pronounced pain as in the GSG of the uterus pipes. The method is carried out by administering with the help of a catheter to the cavity of the uterine neck of a warm physiological solution, and after which the solution penetration through the ultrasonic apparatus is visually investigated.
  • . As for the diagnostic laparoscopy, this is the method of the most spinner and traumatic to study problems in the fallopian tubes. It is almost always associated with delighted sucks, and for this reason is not performed only for verification. It is carried out by performing a puncture of abdominal fabrics in order to introduce a special tool that gives the possibility of visual study of organs and tissues of the reproductive system. Conducting laparoscopy or blowing pipes of the uterus. It is used if a woman has an allergic perception to a contrast component. It is carried out by the method of artificially creating air pressure in the uterus, through a soft tube and pressure gauge.
  • Ultrasound diagnostics, which makes it possible to accurately determine the state of the body of the uterus and the permeability of the uterine pipes. Today, this method often becomes the initial stage in the establishment of tube root cause of infertility, since the ultrasound hysterosalpingography is quite a good percentage of informativeness, along with GHG with X-ray radiation (80-91%), and moreover is acceptable by painful sensations and less Invasive event. The echisterosalpingography is carried out in stationary conditions, in the initial phase of the menstrual cycle (when monthly). The gynecological catheter is introduced inside the uterine cavity, after which the contrast solution is made of about 10 to 20 ml. (saline, liquid glucose, furacilin, echovist, levvist, etc.). The substance is in the cavity ensures the visual inspection of the uterine body and makes it possible to significantly more definitely give the characteristics of its structure. The subsequent contribution of contrast involves its penetration into the pipes, and then in the abdominal location, which can speak about the availability of the lumen and pipeness of the pipes. If the impenetrability of the uterine pipes, the fluid has not been able to permeate the abdominal cavity, or accumulates in the pipes. A distinctive feature of ultrasonic GSG becomes its auxiliary therapeutic effect. The injection of fluid formed during the procedure destroys minor spikes in the pipes, thereby ensuring their permeability. Due to this, conception after the GSG of the uterine pipes becomes very often the result.
  • X-rayThe peculiarity of this method of study is that the woman through the finest tube injected the contrast to the uterine cavity. In the current realities, such components that are dissolved in water are used exclusively for GSGs that dissolve in water: vertery, urobist, cardiotrast. They do not have a side effect and are absolutely harmless to the mucous membranes of all organs of the reproductive system. After that, 3 X-ray photographs are carried out:

GHM of uterine pipes under X-ray fixation lasts about 40 minutes. In general, during this time, there are 10-20 ml of contrasting fluid.

Through x-ray radiation or GSG, the uterine pipes are studying solely in women who are not in a state of pregnancy, since irradiation is always malicious for embryos. In such circumstances, other possible ways are used. Echography.

X-ray examination can give more information, and evaluate the existing picture of the state of the child consideration organs is much easier.

However, the analysis has some minuses. They are expressed in: irradiation, albeit in a very low dose; probable allergic manifestations on contrasting liquid; Physical disorders of the integrity of the surface of the fabrics, injection of bloodstand.

How do the patency of the uterine pipes check?

At the time of the GSG, the patient has a couch. When the procedure is carried out using X-ray, the instrument is located above it.

When the ultrasound is carried out, the specialist applies a vaginal sensor.

Until the introduction of the catheter, the doctor inflicts the vulva, the vagina and the uterine neck an antiseptic.

As usual, GHG is performed without pain, but minor inconvenience to a woman after all will have to feel: during the introduction of the tube into the vaginal cavity and during the reaches of the fluid pressure.

The painful feeling is very similar with pulling manifestations in the initial days of menstruation. It is more difficult for the examination tolerant patients, since the uterine neck they still dense, possibly the imperative embedding of the catheter.

Analyzes for GSG

Previously until the study is required for the analysis of biomaterials (blood, urine) and besides. If pathogenic microorganisms are present, the implementation of the GSG may be dangerous, since the disease can "rise" inside the uterine body.

Preparation for GSG

Hysterosalpingography is best carried out on the first part of the cycle, preferably in the initial several days, immediately following the completion of menstruation.

At this time, the uterus is still very thin, the uterine neck is more appropriate, for this reason the gynecologist has a greater review and the introduction of a liquid supply device is not difficult.

For this procedure, vaginal allocations must be completed, otherwise the blood clot can change the image visible to the specialist.

Preparatory actions to the GHM of the uterine pipes are associated with the method that will be checked.

GSG with x-ray

This survey is performed in the first part of the cycle of critical days, while the endometrium is quite thin and does not change the visual image. The most suitable time the interval between the first "clean" days is immediately followed over the monthly and ovulation. With a 28-day cycle it is 6-12 days.

When the direction on the GHG is issued in advance, the woman informs that since the first bloodstands until the day of the study requires restrictions on sexual contacts (their exception).

For the patient's procedure, it is necessary to prepare and pass the following tests:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood on diseases like AIDS, jaundice, gonorrhea.
  • In addition, overall urine analysis is provided and identifying the purity of the vaginal cavity.

On the eve before the morning, when the study is performed, it is necessary to make an enema and release the intestine by formtrans.

On the day of the implementation of the GHG, it is necessary to go very clean, shave the pubic hair. The survey is carried out in the morning. There is nothing, it is impossible, it is allowed to drink no more than 1 glasses of water 1.5 hours before analysis.

Preparations for the GSG of the uterine pipes right before the procedure is that the woman frees the bladder and removes all metal objects and clothing that falls into the region of the X-ray image.

Consequences and complications

The exacerbation of the state when performing the GSG of the uterine pipes appear very rarely.

The most basic of which are:

So, we can say that the side manifestations from the GSG of the uterine pipes are connected first with careful preparations for the procedure - the establishment of all negative indications.

Even the harmlessness of the GHG procedure cannot promise the failure of difficulties and consequences:

  1. The initial string in this list may be an allergic manifestation of contrasting components. This appearance is peculiar to women who have previously already observed similar "answers" on other analyzes. Allergic reaction may also appear in women, patients with severe diseases of the respiratory system (asthma, tuberculosis).
  2. Belets, diseases or damage to the uterus are often observed.

The X-ray examination does not have any threat to the patient, since its dose is 0.4-5.5 mg, which is more significant than that that can entail a violation of the epithelium.

Results of research

On X-ray images, if there is no adhesion, the outlines of the uterus filled with a solution, thin ducts of the pipes and the contrast flowing into the abdominal location are clearly visible. With a similar picture, a specialist can talk about the permeability of the uterine pipes.

However, when the fluid stops on any fragment of the pipe - there is respectively the assumption of its impermeability.

According to the results of GHG, it becomes possible to establish not only the presence of a lumen in the uterine pipes, but also identifying such pathologies as: Polyps in the uterine television, uterine, hydrosalpinx, which have discharge from the outside to the pipe, or spikes in the uterus itself.

Even successfully completed procedure can sometimes be misleading specialists. Studies that were carried out in order to identify the ability to qualitatively detect deviations in a state of uterus and uterine pipes are equal to 65%, and the specificity of 80%, which means identifying a certain disease from the likely. To examine the state of the uterine body, hysteroscopy is assigned to additional diagnostics.

Pregnancy after research

Currently, the available medical information indicates that the implementation of hysterosalpingography is actually able to increase the chances of a woman in the long-awaited conception, concern and those episodes when a contrast liquid with an oil content is applied to perform the procedure.

For certain reasons for such an impact of GHG, no one can say to the possibility of pregnancy.

If you believe the existing assumptions of the gynecologists, the interaction of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ with a contrast solution with an oil content increases its property of maintaining the formation of the embryo on the initial trimesters of the fetus.

A certain scientific assumption, for what reason the conception comes after the GHG, doctors do not. Medical information confirms that this manipulation in fact increases the percentage of the possibility of a woman to get pregnant. In particular, it is often carried out in those situations when the procedure is performed with the inclusion of oils into a contrast liquid.

Therefore, any after the GHM may testify not only about the stress who was subjected to a woman, but also for a probable pregnancy, which is necessarily necessary to make sure.

Cost of procedure

Regarding the price of analyzing the GSG of the uterine pipes, it is always associated with the method being carried out. In each institution on the balance sheet of the state, any event of this kind will be completely unpaid.

In private clinics and medical centers, the cost of X-ray - the survey may be in the area from 1500 to 5000 rubles. , and on Echo-GSG - from 5000 to 8000 rubles . There is also a variation of prices depending on the classification of this analysis.

The maximum cost implies other services:

  • consultation of a specialist;
  • implementation of research with anesthetic (anesthesia);
  • participation of the spouse to conduct an analysis.

The reasons why some women do not get pregnant for a long time, find a lot. One of them lies in the obstruction of the uterine pipes. To identify such pathology, special research is prescribed. Learn how to check the passability of uterine pipes. Understand this diagnostic procedure, preparation and consequences.

What is hysterosalpingography

Under this difficult pronounced concept implies a special medical procedure or x-ray. It is carried out in order to verify the state of the uterus and uterine pipes, as well as assessing their passability. The testimony for hysterosalpingography are cases when women cannot conceive a child for a long time or they already had a somewhat miscarriage.

Verification of patency of uterine pipes

3 methods are distinguished, which is conducted by checking the patency of the uterine pipes. The main is hysterosalpingography. The procedure is an x-ray of uterine pipes. First, the tip of the rubber is introduced into the cervix, and through it - a thin tube called the cannula. Through the latter, the dyeing substance is income, more often blue. Then, with the help of the radiation of the X-ray apparatus take pictures. It displays the structure of the uterine cavity and pipes departing from it. Other methods of studying these organs include:


Assessment of the state of the uterine pipes and uterus by the Ultrasound method is carried out on the monitor, and not in the picture, as in the GHG. The advantage of it is the lack of radiation load. In addition, the echography is also carried out without hospitalization of the patient. The time recommended for the procedure is the eve of ovulation. Plus the valuable period - the cervix relaxed. As a preparation for echosity, a woman needs only not 2-3 hours before the procedure. With enhanced gas formation, the gynecologist can register Espumizan, which drink 2 days before the study.

For echography, a woman should pass the following tests: for hepatitis, HIV, syphilis and vaginal microflora. This is necessary to eliminate the presence of viruses in the body. In the process, the procedure for patency says the fact that the contrast agent is fluent in the uterine pipes and falls inside the abdominal cavity. According to women's reviews, we can conclude that after the Echo-GSG there are small pains passing throughout the day.

X-ray on patency

X-ray or GSG examine the fallopian tubes only in non-remote women, because for embryo, irradiation is harmful. In such cases, the previous method is used, i.e. Echography. X-ray is more informative, to estimate the state of the abdominal organs is easier. The procedure has some drawbacks. Among them are:

  1. irradiation, albeit in a slight dose;
  2. possible allergic reactions to a contrast agent;
  3. mechanical damage to epithelium with subsequent bloody secretions.

Price hysterosalpingography

As for the value of the GSG of the uterine pipes, it depends on the selected method. In the state clinic, any such procedure will be free. In private institutions, the price of X-ray varies from 1500 to 5000 rubles, and on Echo-GSG - from 5,000 to 8000 p. There is a scatter due to a variety of procedures. Upper Planck assumes other services:

  • consultation of the gynecologist;
  • examination under anesthesia;
  • presence at the event of a husband.

How to check pipe patency

With any method of studying the patency of the uterine pipes, everything begins with an inspection of the gynecologist and appointing them to pass the necessary analyzes. In addition, the doctor must pick up the time when the patient is better to go through the procedure. In order to avoid inaccuracies, the specialist must be sure that on the day of the study of the uterus, women will be in a relaxed state, then the risk of spasms is much less. After the commissioning of mandatory analyzes and proper preparation, the procedure is carried out to establish the patency of the uterine pipes.

What tests are needed for GSG

The first in the list of necessary analyzes are general studies of urine, blood and its biochemistry. Mandatory are checks on syphilis, HIV, hepatitis. You need to hand over and smear from the vagina on the study of its microflora. When prescribing X-ray of the uterine pipes, it is necessary to make a pregnancy test or pass the blood test on the hCG. This study is the difference in the preparation process for GSG and Echo GSG, because the latter can be applied to pregnant women.

Preparation for GHG pipes

Such a procedure requires a woman of special behavior a few days before the study date. The latter falls exclusively for 5-9 days of the menstrual cycle. Preparations of the GSG of the uterine pipes include the following rules:

  1. 1-2 days before GSG, you need to abandon sexual contacts.
  2. During the week, the examination does not recommend how to scroll and the use of special personal hygiene products, i.e. Tampons.
  3. Save a week before the examination, the use of vaginal candles, sprays or pills in the absence of their coordination with the doctor.
  4. On the day of the survey, it is better to remove excess hair on the outdoor genital organs.
  5. Before GHG, be sure to empty the bladder and intestines. If the chair was not, then you need to have a cleansing enema.


Even the safety of the GHG procedure does not guarantee the lack of negative consequences. The first list is allergic reaction to a contrasting composition. This phenomenon is characteristic of women who have previously noted such "answers" for other surveys. Allergies may occur in patients suffering from bronchial asthma. Even less often bleeding, infection or uterine perforation.

X-ray radiation does not at all carry no danger to the woman, because its dose in the amount of 0.4-5.5 MGR is much lower than that that could cause tissue damage. In most cases, pain and small blood discharges pass in a few days. The main thing is to limit yourself from tampons, dying, bath visits, saunas or baths. If the blood does not pass during a couple of days, while still accompanied by an unpleasant smell, contact your doctor.

Pregnancy after checking pipes

Accurate scientific justification, why pregnancy develops after GHG, do not have the doctors. Statistics also notes that this procedure does increase the percentage of the ability of a woman to conceive a child. Especially often this happens when the analysis on the passability of the uterine pipes is carried out using oil contrast agents. For this reason, some monthly delay after GSG may indicate not only the stress transferred to the woman, but also for a possible pregnancy, which is necessary to make sure.

The task of hysterosalpingography in gynecology is to determine the state of female reproductive organs. Non-invasive procedure. In rare cases, complications arise after.

Features of the procedure

You can make hysterosalpingography in a medical clinic. Diagnostic Rules:

    Woman falls on his back, knees bends.

    A mirror is inserted into the vagina to split the walls so that everything is viewed inside.

    Then the cervix is \u200b\u200bcleared and local anesthesia is introduced.

    The vagina introduces a catheter with a cylinder at the end, which is inflated during hysterosalpingography. The catheter transfers the dye into the uterus, the uterine tube and the abdominal cavity. If the paulopiev pipes are blocked, the liquid will try to stretch the pipe.

    After that, the mirror is removed. A woman is placed under the X-ray apparatus. Images are made by means of radioscopy chamber.

    If there are deviations and anomalies, you have to wait about 30 minutes to obtain an image with a delay. They give prompts about the presence of pathologies.

    Once the images do, the catheter is removed.

    To check the presence of scars on the ovaries the next day, the procedures are made by x-ray.

Watch the video on how to make hysterosalpingography:

When identifying a potential anomaly during hysterosalpingography of the uterus, treatment immediately begins.

GSG uterine pipe

Alarming symptoms and complications after hysterosalpingography

Women who pass hysterosalpingography may experience minor inconvenience after the procedure. Unpleasant symptoms include:

    small vaginal bleeding;

    weak abdominal pain;

  • dizziness, in rare cases fainting.

It is impossible to use tampon after a survey. It is better to take a shower and exclude sexual contacts within two days.

GSG uterus is considered a non-invasive study method with a small amount of risks. In some women, an infection may appear or an allergic reaction to a contrast agent that is used during the procedure. You should immediately consult a doctor if you appear:

  • severe abdominal pains or spasms;

  • smelling discharge from the vagina;

    fever or chills

    strong vaginal bleeding;

    itching, rash or urticaria;

    difficult breathing or swallowing.

Benefits of research

Advantages of hysterosalpingography:

    the procedure is less invasive, in most cases passes without any complications;

    takes 30-45 minutes;

    helps to diagnose the anomalies of the uterus and the cause of infertility;

    opens blocked phallopyes pipes;

    no side effects.


The procedure has limitations:

    It does not detect anomalies of the walls of the uterus, the ovaries and the structure of the pelvis.

    It defines not all the causes of infertility, such as the inability of the fertilized egg, attached to the wall of the uterus or an abnormal amount of spermatozoa.

Alternative methods

Alternatives GHG is considered:

    Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure conducted under general anesthesia.

    Hysteroscopy - gives a detailed view of the inside of the uterus, but does not reveal the blockage in the fallopian tubes.

    Sonogisterography uses ultrasound to inspect the inside of the uterus, but does not see any deviations in the uterine tube.

GSG (hysterosalpingography) of uterine pipes - one of the types of gynecological diagnostic research. The technique gives the doctor a reliable data on the state of reproductive organs.

By the method of holding research is divided into X-ray and ultrasound. Modern ultrasound GSG is considered to be more efficient and safe for women's health procedure than standard X-ray research type.

What is GSG in gynecology?

The procedure is X-ray of uterus and uterine pipes. The purpose of the study is to determine their passability and diagnosis of the physiological state of the uterus in women. In most cases, the procedure is prescribed with a diagnosis of infertility and the usual unbearable.

Ultrasonic hysterosalpingography

Modern medical equipment allows you to study without the use of X-ray irradiation. Ultrasonic hydraulic angry is carried out using sterile saline, which is introduced into the uterine cavity using a soft catheter for hysterosalpingography.

The physiological solution enters the uterus cavity and fills the phallopis pipes. The doctor assesses this process and controls it using a transvaginal ultrasound sensor. Ultrasound helps to determine whether the liquid spreads freely in the pipes. In the presence of obstacles and impaired passability, the fluid will be propagated incorrectly.

Pros ultrasound GSG:

  • painlessness and physiological science;
  • lack of harmful effects of X-ray irradiation on ovarian follicles;
  • it lasts about half an hour, which makes it possible to best assess what state the pipes are located;
  • does not cause individual reactions and allergies.

Indications and Contraindications for diagnostics

The following pathologies are indications of the procedure:

  • suspicion of infertility;
  • endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia;
  • physiological defects of the vagina development, cervix, uterus itself and appendages;
  • easticCurvical insufficiency.


  • the presence of an acute infectious process;
  • heart failure;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • hyperthyroidism disturbed by the function of the thyroid gland;
  • inflammatory process in the uterus and appendages;
  • acute inflammation of the vagina and vulva (colpit, vulvovaginitis);
  • adverse blood test (increased leukocytosis, increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate);
  • unfavorable urine analysis;
  • individual intolerance to iodine;

Absolute contraindication is a period of pregnancy and lactation.

On what day of the cycle is conducted by hysterospyography?

The exact period of time for the procedure depends on the purpose of the study. To confirm the diagnosis of endometriosis, the procedure is assigned to 7-8 days of the cycle. To determine the degree of pavement of phallopy pipes, the examination is prescribed to the second phase of the cycle. In any phase of the cycle, GSG can be carried out in order to identify the presence of uterine.

The most optimal time for the study is the first two weeks after menstruation. During this period, endometries are still thin to provide free access to the mouth of the uterine pipes.

Preparations for the GSG of Martial Pipes

The GHG method is safe and small-acting, but refers to invasive procedures, therefore requires special training. Preparation for hysterosalpingography includes the following steps:

  • it is necessary to undergo a common gynecological examination and pass tests for hysterosalpingography: bacteriological strokes from the mucous membrane need to make sure in the absence of genital infections;
  • to diagnose other infectious diseases, it is necessary to pass blood tests;
  • during the week, before the examination, it is impossible to use vaginal suppositories and candles, sprays, solutions for sinking and intimate hygiene tools;
  • within two days, the study should refrain from sexual contacts;
  • sometimes the doctor prescribes allergeros for a contrast agent used in the X-ray form of the study;
  • if the procedure is carried out in the second phase of the cycle, a pregnancy test is carried out.

Methods of diagnostic

Before the procedure, a woman necessarily passes the usual gynecological examination with mirrors.

The procedure takes not too much time. After inspection in the cervix, a special tube (soft catheter) is introduced. Through this tube, the doctor with a syringe introduces a contrast agent for an x-ray study into the uterine cavity. After a while, when the contrast liquid penetrates into the pipes, the doctor makes X-ray shots showing the condition of phallopy tubes.

Liquid for research is absolutely safe for health. It is without a trace output from the body of the patient, sucking into the blood, without requiring any additional procedures for purifying the uterus.

Is it painful to do the procedure of GSG of the uterine pipes?

Many women are interested in whether there will be a study. The procedure is considered a painless minimally invasive diagnostic method, so the procedure does not require anesthesia or local anesthesia. In some cases, local anesthesia is used with lidocaine, if the patient has no individual intolerance to anesthetics.

During the procedure, there may be unpleasant sensations resembling menstrual pain at the bottom of the abdomen. An hour after the end of the survey, they disappear.

Video: "How do hysterosalpingography and what are the benefits of diagnosis?"

Results of the procedure

On X-rays, it can be seen how a contrast substance passes through the uterine pipes. If the liquid filled the pipes and fell into the abdominal cavity, the doctor is certified in the patency of the uterine pipes. In the event that the fluid has not completely penetrated the pipe and stopped at a certain level, the specialist confirms the presence of obstruction and prescribes further treatment.

If the study was carried out correctly, it is quite informative and allows not only to confirm or refute the presence of obstruction, but also identify various intrauterine pathologies.

Consequences and complications of GSG uterine pipes

Complications and consequences after the procedure are rare. One of the types of possible complications is an individual allergic reaction to a contrasting fluid, with which the procedure is carried out. In violation of the survey technology, inflammation of the appendages may begin.

As for X-ray irradiation, his doses during the examination are so small that they do not harm female health.

Some experts note that pregnancy after the GSG of the uterine pipes occurs easier, and the procedure increases female fertility, contributing to the rapid conception of the child.

Restoration after GSG

During a couple of days after the procedure, patients may have minor bleeding from the vagina. Options are associated with the injury of the cervix and most often observed in women suffering from the erosy of the cervix.

Minor pain at the bottom of the abdomen passes fairly quickly, without requiring additional anesthesia.

The estimated cost of hysterosalpingography

How much is the GSG of the uterine pipes, it is best to learn directly in a medical institution, where they make hysterosalpingography. On average, the cost of the procedure varies within 4000-8000 rubles (150-250 dollars), depending on the clinic.

Today, the radiological GSG of the uterine pipes is considered an outdated technique, which is increasingly replaced by a high-tech ultrasonic and computer. In combination with other diagnostic methods, the procedure allows you to quickly and effectively diagnose and determine the physiological state of the reproductive organs of a woman.

The uterine pipes connect the ovary with the uterus, and the ripe egg cell, moving from the ovary, fertilizes the spermatozoa in the tube. After that, the pipe pushes an egg to the uterus. The obstruction of the uterine pipes is one of the causes of female infertility.

Neprivability can be a consequence:

  • operations on the organs of the small pelvis (including the removal of appendicitis);
  • suffered inflammation (most often chlamydia).

The obstruction can occur not only in the pipe itself, but also between the ovary and the pipe as spike (sticking the walls of the uterine pipes and the ovaries).

Spike royal pipe

Does the removal of uterine pipes required in case of obstruction?

  • Conservative treatment (without operations)used in cases where obstruction is caused by inflammatory processes. At the same time, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, physiotherapy, but in the case of adhesions, such treatment is ineffective.
  • Operational treatment - surgical intervention. Usually, operational treatment is carried out by the method of laparoscopy - it practically does not give complications. But 100% of the probability of infertility cure associated with impaired uterine pipes, no one can give. Removal of uterine pipes - extreme measure, and applied in exceptional cases.

How to check the passability of uterine pipes?

Checking the patency of the uterine pipes can be carried out in several ways:

  • diagnostic laparoscopy (checking the patency of the uterine pipes is carried out, as a rule, during an operation to remove adhesions - laparoscopy is not usually prescribed only in order to check the pipes);
  • GSG (hysterosalpingography, IGS, metrosalpingography - other names);
  • hydrosonography (ultrasound);
  • fertiloskopy (method similar to laparoscopy; often combined with it). The difference between fertiloskopy from laparoscopy is that the tools are not injected through the abdominal wall, but through the vagina.

How to check the passability of uterine pipes, what to choose a way?

Given the fact that laparoscopy, and fertiloskopia are traumatic methods, and the ultrasound does not give a clear "picture of what is happening", GSG in most cases is the optimal method.

GSG, or hysterosalpingography

Hysterosalpingography (GSG) is a radiographic check of the fallopian pipes on the passability. Hysterosalpingography is an important stage in the examination of a woman with a diagnosis of infertility. The accuracy of the study is at least 80%.

Hysterosalpingography allows you to diagnose:

  • patency of uterine pipes;
  • state of the uterine cavity and the presence of endometrial pathology - endometrial polyp;
  • the presence of deformations for the development of internal organs and uterus, for example, a saddot uterus, an intrauterine partition, a twin-furry uterus, etc.

How is the verification of the patency of the uterine pipes using GSG?

A contrast substance is introduced into the cervix - a sink solution. It fills the uterus cavity and enters the pipes, it flows into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, an x-ray is made, which shows the condition of the uterus and uterine pipes.

In most cases, the procedure helps not only to assess the passability of uterine pipes, but also makes it possible to see the presence of the pipe deformation:

  • expansion;
  • convulsion;
  • towers, etc.

Hysterosalpingography can be carried out only in the absence of inflammation. Before the start of the survey, tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, as well as a common smear on the flora. GSG general anesthesia does not require.

As a rule, women who are trying to get pregnant, hysterosalpingography is held on the 5-9th day of the menstrual cycle, if its duration is 28 days. If a woman is protected from pregnancy, conducting a survey is possible on any day of the cycle, except for menstruation.

Disadvantages of hysterosalpingography

  • The procedure is quite unpleasant.
  • The bodies of the small pelvis are irradiated.
  • After the GSG during one menstrual cycle, it is necessary to be protected.


Ultrasound patency uterine pipes

Check on the passability of ultrasonic ultrasonic tubes (hydraulic angry) - alternative to hysterosalpingography. Ultrasound has a number of advantages over the GSG:

  • less unpleasant procedure;
  • unlike GHG, irradiation is not used, which can have a negative impact on the reproductive health of a woman;
  • while after GHG, it is necessary to carefully protect the ultrasound of the uterine pipes safely.

The main disadvantage of the procedure is lower, compared with GSG, the accuracy of the results.

When checking the passability of pipes ultrasound?

Check on the passability of pipes Ultrasound is usually carried out on the eve of ovulation: at this time, the probability of spasm is reduced and the cervical channel is expanded. Unlike hysterosalpingography, in this case, it is not very significant, on what day of the cycle there is a check of pipes on the passability using the ultrasound scanner. Before checking the passability of the uterine pipes, it is necessary to pass the tests to eliminate the presence of inflammatory diseases.

How is the test of ultrasonic ultrasonic piping?

Determination by the method of ultrasound patency of the uterine pipes is almost painless. A special catheter is introduced through the cervix to the uterine cavity, in it under the control of ultrasound, the warm salmon is slowly poured. If it proceeds into the uterine pipes, it means that the pipes are passable. If not - their obstinability is likely.

Disadvantages of verification of patency ultrasonic pipes ultrasound method:

  • comparatively large amounts of liquid, as well as spasms of uterine and uterine pipes, unpleasant sensations may be caused;
  • if the ultrasound showed that the physical does not pass, it may not always mean the obstruction of the pipes. The reason for this may be a strong spasm.

Laparoscopy. How to check the passability of uterine pipes with its help?

Laparoscopy is a surgical method for assessing the patency of the uterine pipes. Through puncturing in the abdominal wall using optical devices, inspection of internal organs is carried out. If a laparoscopy is assigned to you, the forum can help choose a clinic or even a surgeon.

Laparoscopy in gynecology is a method of treating and diagnosing various pathologies of small pelvis organs. Operation Laparoscopy is one of the modern methods of surgery with minimal intervention and skin damage. Laparoscopy are carried out with both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Laparoscopy can be carried out to clarify various diagnoses. If you feel pain after laparoscopy, contact the clinic where you have been operating.

Diagnostic laparoscopy - operational technology of the study, in which the doctor examines the abdominal organs, without making large cuts on the abdominal wall. Most often two small cuts are made. To increase the field of view, a small amount of gas is introduced into the abdominal cavity.

In one section, the device under the name laparoscope is inserted - the thin tube at one end with the lens, and on the other - with the eyepiece (the second end can also be connected to the video camera unit, which transmits the image to the screen). A manipulator is inserted into another incision, with which the doctor displays the abdominal organs, carefully examines them and makes a diagnosis.

Diagnostic laparoscopy is carried out to estimate the state of the outer surface of the uterine pipes and the organs of the small pelvis, as well as to identify their pathologies.

The most common operations:

  • laparoscopy of ovarian;
  • laparoscopy of uterine pipes;
  • laparoscopy of the abdominal organs.

After laparoscopy:

  • At the hospital, the patient is, as a rule, no more than a day: doctors monitor its condition, they have an ultrasound. After 2-3 days, you can return to work.
  • The use of alcohol and heavy food in the next 2-3 weeks after the operation is not recommended. - Sex should be postponed for 2-3 weeks to avoid infection.
  • Physical exertion need to be raised evenly. It is better to start with hiking and gradually increase their duration. Heavy after the operation should not be raised.

Laparoscopy ovarian

This procedure is carried out not only to remove the cyst. At the same time, this is the most effective method of treating the cyst of the ovaries of a different nature. It can also be an effective way to treat endometriosis - a disease, in which the cells of the inner layer of the uterus wall are growing outside of this layer. At the same time, an endometrioid cyst may form.

The laparoscopy of the ovaries allows you to remove the cyst and spikes, return the woman the opportunity to have children. Literally a couple of days after the laparoscopy of the ovary cysts was carried out, he returns to his normal borders and completely restores its functions.

Pains after laparoscopy are observed very rarely, the seams usually heal quickly, without delivering discomfort, - painkillers are taken in extreme cases, as prescribed by the doctor.

Laparoscopy of ovarian cysts is a difficult operation. Choose a good doctor, because often the appearance of a cyst continues from the accuracy of the operation, as well as the possibility of pregnancy.

Laparoscopy of the uterus

Laparoscopy of the uterus is an effective way to treat myoma. The operation is also appointed for the treatment of various malformations of the uterus.

Laparoscopy Moma Mike

Determining factors when choosing a method of treating the Moma of the uterus - intention to further have children, the size of the uterus, the size of myomatous nodes, their location. Laparoscopy is a good option to remove a small misa.

Laparoscopy Moma uterus is not carried out in such cases:

  • the size of the uterus is greater than the fruit on the 11-12th week of pregnancy;
  • multiple myomatous nodes developed;
  • nodes size large;
  • moma nodes are low.

In these cases, it is better to use other removal methods, such as laparotomy.

Treatment of uterine pipes with laparoscopy

Laparoscopy of pipes - a method at which anesthesia uses, and the emergence of spasms is excluded. Therefore, checking pipes with laparoscopy gives very accurate results. Laparoscopy of uterine pipes allows you to remove spikes. The laparoscopy operation is assigned if the treatment of uterine pipes and their pathologies is necessary.

Laparoscopy pipes can be assigned in cases:

  • formation of pupils;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • obstruction of uterine pipes;
  • diagnosis of female infertility;
  • endometriosis;

Monthly after laparoscopy

If menstruation proceeds painfully, the first monthly after laparoscopy usually pass with greater blood loss than usual, and greater duration. This is due to the fact that the internal organs are healing longer than cuts on the abdominal wall. In this regard, the first menstruation is usually more painful. But still with a strong menstrual pain must be consulted with a doctor.

Pregnancy after laparoscopy

After laparoscopy is made, you can get pregnant for several months, but immediately after the operation for 2-3 weeks you need to completely abandon sex contacts. After that, you can plan conception. Pregnancy after laparoscopy is quite possible soon.

Women who have pregnancy after laparoscopy came for several months, are observed in the gynecologist. Often, pregnancy is accompanied by drug treatment, the woman takes drugs to support the normal hormonal background of pregnancy. If pregnancy after laparoscopy has not come, this operation can be repeated several times.

Laparoscopy - Reviews

If a laparoscopy is assigned to you, the forum is not the best source of information. It can come in handy in one case: if you want to choose a clinic or a doctor: patients who have been conducted by Lavoroscopy, reviews are left very willing.

Is it worth restoring pipe patency?

You can get pregnant about a year after the restoration of pipe patency is the likelihood that they will soon become impassable again, very high. In addition, the pipe should not be just passable: it must move the fertilized egg to the uterus. If it does not make it, an ectopic pregnancy is formed.

Any operation on the restoration of pipe patency increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Thus, the restoration of passability is not a guarantee that you can get pregnant. In addition, any operation can launch the formation of adhesions.

If you are young, and there are no more factors that interfere with get pregnant, it makes sense to operate the pipes. If you are more than 35 years old, and you have long been unsuccessfully trying to have a child, think about artificial fertilization. With each ovulation "Quality" of eggs deteriorates, and you should not lose the months for pipe restoration - time plays against you. Based on all that we described above, consult with your doctor to find out - whether you should generally engage in the restoration of pipes.