
How to get to the Small Canyon of Crimea. Grand Canyon of Crimea: one-day hike with elements of rock climbing

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On the territory of the entire Crimean peninsula, the Grand Canyon is the wildest and most majestic gorge. That is why this area attracts a huge number of tourists every year.

If you want to get closer to nature and see incredibly picturesque panoramas with your own eyes, you should go to the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon photo:

Useful information

To begin with, we offer a brief educational program on the main features of this territory.

  • Geographically, this object is located in the north of the main Crimean ridge. The territory of the Grand Canyon is a few kilometers from the village of Sokolinoye. The most popular tourist routes run from there.
  • The height of the rocks that rise above the rivers and the gorge reaches three hundred meters.
  • A canyon formed in the space of a tectonic crack. The beginning of creation dates back 1.5 million years to the present day.
  • The river Auzun-Uzen flows along the bottom, which grinds these limestone rocks for more than one thousand years. Due to this, along the course there are many rapids, waterfalls and so-called boilers.
  • The water temperature in the river is almost always 11 degrees.
  • The total area covers about 300 hectares, the length is about 3.5 kilometers, there are narrow sections, where from wall to wall no more than three meters.

Now let's do brief digression into history.

History of the Grand Canyon

As mentioned earlier, the history of the canyon goes back over a million years. Water erosion gradually carved out its patterns, thanks to which the canyon has now become what it has become.

The population that lived here always knew about the deep crevice. There were even legends about strange sounds that come from the bottom of Auzun-Uzen during the dark period of the day. Some considered the canyon to be the abode of spirits.

The first documented evidence dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when researchers began to actively study the region. Moreover, in 1925 they even shot a movie dedicated to the gorge, and five years later, an excursion to the Grand Canyon became part of the program of some tourist centers.

In the second half of the 20th century, the territory first acquired the status of a natural monument, and then a landscape reserve.

Terrain Features

The space of the canyon appeared thanks to the river, which gradually carved and continues to carve limestone. Now there is a deep depression, which has rather smooth walls and many boulders and waterfalls along the bottom.

The unique microclimate allowed many plants to survive here during the Ice Age. Still high humidity and the lower temperature compared to the adjacent lands are factors that determine the unique composition of the flora.

According to the composition of plants, the Grand Canyon is a unique space; a considerable number of endangered plants grow here, in particular, there are:

  • yew grove, where ancient relic berry yews grow, having up to one and a half meters in girth;
  • unique ferns;
  • Crimean orchids, in particular the incredibly rare variety of the lady's slipper.

Of the representatives of the fauna, the composition here is not much different from the rest of the lands in the middle and south of the country. Separately, it should be noted numerous lizards and brook trout that live in these waters.

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What is the Grand Canyon today?

Now the territory is completely developed by tourists, but since they do not put up tents here and do not stay for a long period, the space is still clean and pleasant for hiking. At the same time, the canyon is interesting at any time of the year:

  • spring - from March to April, mountain snows begin to melt, many waterfalls and the majestic rumble of mighty rivers appear in the gorge;
  • summer - in the midst of the heat, many rivers dry up, where there is even no water, but the tourist route only becomes more picturesque from this;
  • autumn - the walls of the canyon, which were full of green earlier, turn yellow-red and such saturation can turn your head;
  • winter - it is cold in the canyon, but this fact does not scare many tourists, there is still something to do here.

The most popular attractions are the Blue Lakes, the Youth Bath and the Pania Spring.

  • Blue Lake. As a rule, it is the first stop on the way of the tourist route. The water here really has a slightly bluish tint, and the water here is also the warmest in the entire canyon. Therefore, in the summer they often swim here.
  • The Bath of Youth is one of the main attractions, most often the tourist route ends here. According to legend, every visitor to the canyon should take a dip here. In fact, this name hides a small erosive cauldron that is filled with spring waters.
  • Source of Pania. It is located half a kilometer from the bath of youth. This source has been known since ancient times. Previously, there was a Byzantine temple here, then it was just a space for worship. Until now, the source is considered miraculous. Here you can see the stones of the ancient temple and feel spiritual uplift.

The walk through the canyon takes about 2-3 hours, the route is easy and suitable even for hiking with children. There are a number of explored hiking trails and each trail is marked so it's hard to get lost.

How to get to the Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon runs almost under the Ai-Petri mountain from the side of the city of Bakhchisarai. In order to get there, you can use the Bakhchisaray-Yalta highway. When you eat from Yalta, you climb AiPetri, cross the plateau and go down to the foot.

On the track you can see many signs to the Grand Canyon stop. There are almost always a lot of cars at the bus stop itself; in summer, tourist buses also park there. By the way, you can also go there from different cities by bus.

Regarding buses, flights from three cities should be noted: Bakhchisaray, Sevastopol, Simferopol. Every day 3-4 buses depart from each city, usually in the morning, afternoon and evening. These buses reach the village of Sokolinoe, from there it will take about an hour to walk, the route will be indicated to you by almost every inhabitant of the village.

When you reach the beginning of the canyon from Sokolinoye, you can see the ticket office there, where they charge for a walk. Therefore, you should take some finances with you, especially in summer. In winter and off-season, the ticket office is usually closed, and you can enjoy this tourist route freely.

Grand Canyon on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: N 44.527778 E 34.016667 Latitude/Longitude

Today, the Grand Canyon of Crimea has become one of the main attractions of the peninsula. 300-meter sheer cliffs, formed under the influence of erosion over 2 million years, hang over the channel, the width of which in some places narrows to three meters.

The length of the canyon is about 3.5 km, the most popular among tourists is its first half upstream to the "Bath of Youth". Most of the sights are concentrated on this segment of the route, the inspection of which takes no more than two hours.

Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the canyon itself in the usual sense begins a little further and it is more difficult to get there. The paths traveled by tourists end, and on the way there are often obstacles from fallen trees, stones and dams, which in spring and early summer can only be overcome by swimming.

lovers active rest this, however, does not stop them, there is a special route for them, which includes a passage through the entire canyon and the way back along the capes hanging over the abyss.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - Postal Oak stop

The first point of the route is Post Oak. This tree is known, perhaps, to every visitor to the canyon since the middle of the 20th century. Travelers have long left wishes and messages for other tourists in the hollow of a huge old oak tree. The good tradition continued until the 1980s, when lightning struck the tree. Although some argue that the tree caught fire due to arson.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - Blue Lake stop

The well-trodden path then leads to blue lake- the largest reservoir filled with transparent, mirror clean water. Its depth does not exceed one and a half meters, but on hot summer days there are many who want to swim.

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Source Pania"

The next stop is one of the largest karst springs in the Crimea, Paniya. Every second, 370 liters of water escapes from the rocks. This source has been known since the Middle Ages. There used to be a chapel dedicated to the Mother of God nearby. It was called "Panagia", which in Greek means "All Saints".

Grand Canyon of Crimea - stop "Bath of Youth"

Upstream from the source, the most picturesque section of the route begins, running along the stone bottom of the Auzun-Uzen stream, which cuts through the canyon. The trail ends at the final point of the route - "Bath of Youth" - a reservoir created by nature in the channel of the canyon and remarkable for a constant water temperature of 9-11 degrees even on the hottest days.

You can get to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by regular buses or minibuses, which regularly run from the railway station of Bakhchisarai to the village of Sokolinoe. By car, you can get much closer, almost to the entrance to the mouth of the Grand Canyon of Crimea. Another road to the Grand Canyon of Crimea goes from Yalta through the Ai-Petri plateau.

The Grand Canyon of Crimea - this popular route is somewhat akin to a Russian classic novel, in which some see just a curious everyday story, while others see a deep philosophical subtext, finding, behind the interweaving of phrases, a second, third and even fourth meaning. The Grand Canyon of Crimea is a seemingly canonical place, worn almost “to holes” by the feet of a whole stream of tourists, while most of them do not even realize that they see only a fraction of its breathtaking beauties.

In order to fully enjoy the impressive views of the most famous Crimean gorge, you need a certain physical, and ideally, climbing, preparation, comfortable trekking shoes, and, most importantly, the willingness to spend the whole day traveling along the bottom, shores and capes of the Grand Canyon of Crimea . And only then, convinced of the seriousness of your intentions, he will open all his hidden corners before you.

Grand opening of the Grand Canyon of Crimea

Until the 20s of the last century, this giant crevasse was known only to scientists, and there was not a word about it in guidebooks around the Crimea. He told the world about this unique canyon in his books, and, in fact, gave him the name Professor Puzanov. But the real popularity of the Grand Canyon of Crimea was brought by a documentary made about it in 1925 and today, alas, lost.

After the picture was released, the Grand Canyon of Crimea, a hitherto unknown route, became a place of pilgrimage for tourists.

Its length is 3.5 km, the height of the walls is 320 m. Usually the canyon goes upstream. The most popular section is from Postal Oak to the Bath of Youth, which is located approximately in the center of the gorge. What goes beyond its borders usually escapes the sight of organized tourists.

The hard-to-reach Grand Canyon of Crimea, the Bath of Youth, as it were, cuts off from inexperienced tourists. This section of the path almost always passes through the dry bottom of the gorge. Its length of 2 km, trained hikers pass in the summer for 3-4 hours. Such a low speed is due to the large number of obstacles that you mainly have to climb around.

During the spring flood and after heavy rains, this area is almost impossible to overcome.

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Grand Canyon of Crimea: route "Great Around the World"

The ring route, when travelers go along the channel of the Grand Canyon of Crimea upstream of the Auzun-Uzen River, and then return along the upper path, admiring the gorge from numerous capes, is called the "Big Around the World".

It starts from the Yew Cascade, which is located a little further downstream than the “classic path” that starts from the Postal Oak (or rather, the remains of a tree where tourists leave notes) leads out.

Along this route, there are many interesting objects that you should definitely pay attention to.

Yew cascade. A waterfall under old yews, which flows to huge stones, overgrown with moss and braided with plants. If you walk from it along the right bank, then on the way you will meet a narrow gap between huge boulders. An old tourist tale says that unfaithful spouses get stuck in it.

Blue Lake. It is an extension of the channel. Its emerald water, but only in early spring. In summer there are many bathers, so it becomes cloudy and turns greenish.

Apple Ford (near the descent of the path leading from the Postal Oak). This is the name of the place opposite the mouth of the first left tributary of the Auzun-Uzen River - Almachuk (translated from Tatar as Apple). In autumn, it brings many wild apples into the mainstream, which fall into its waters from apple trees growing upstream. Here the fruits accumulate, and this gave the place its name.

Source Pania (from "Panagia" - "All Saint"). He was one of the holy springs that were worshiped here in the Middle Ages. Today it is included in the TOP-20 Crimean springs, spewing 370 liters of water every second.

Bath of youth.
This is one of the eurosive cauldrons, "drilled" in the bottom of the canyon by stones rotated by a turbulent spring stream. Decorating the Grand Canyon of Crimea, the Bath of Youth or Kara-Gol attracts hordes of tourists who take its name too literally. But it appeared quite recently - in the 60s. The people who plunged into it jumped out of this black lake too fast, because the water temperature here, even in the heat, is about + 9 degrees.

The depth of this “trough”, as the Crimean Tatars simply called the baths, is no more than 5 meters. It is fed by an ever-living spring located 150 m upstream.

Yohagan-su tributary (missing water), right, flows upstream. In summer it dries up, exposing a steep slope with a suite of smooth-walled baths. It is chosen by canyoning fans who climb up it to get to the right wall of the canyon.

If immediately after the Bath of Youth the Grand Canyon of Crimea is still full of water, then, literally, after a few hundred meters, its channel completely dries up. Nature has prepared natural barriers for travelers here in the form of heaps of huge boulders and smooth-walled baths, narrow corridors where you can barely stand up with your arms outstretched.

There are only four such restrictions. The largest corridor is the first, 200 m long, the smallest is the last. But even between them, the channel does not expand to more than 6 m.

Having conquered the extreme Grand Canyon of Crimea, the route can be laid in two directions - either continue it, returning to the starting point along the upper trails, or go to Ai-Petri.

Grand Canyon of Crimea: how to get to observation points

Capes from which you can view the Grand Canyon of Crimea from above are located on both sides of it. They are numbered, marked with numbers, although there are also "nominal" ones.

It is not difficult to reach them - numerous paths lead to them, they are marked on the map.

A particularly impressive view opens from Watchtower Cape, aka the First, which literally reigns over the canyon.

An excellent observation point is the Fourth Cape, next to which the Cow Grotto (Taur-Koba) blackens. According to the stories of tourists who had to stop here for the night, the wind extracts absolutely incredible sounds from the grotto, turning it into an Aeolian harp, all the rustles here are amplified many times over. It got its name cow because the shepherds hid their cattle here in bad weather.

A breathtaking panorama also opens from Cape Trapis (from the Greek "trapezus" - table), but only in spring and autumn, because in summer it is covered with green thickets.

A hike through the Grand Canyon of Crimea in the summer will take only one day and will be a wonderful family adventure. And those who are ready for more severe tests can try to overcome the canyon in the off-season or become a pioneer of their own climbing route.

The cleft is located next to the Bakhchisarai-Yalta highway. Therefore, the answer to the question: “The Grand Canyon of Crimea, how to get there on your own?” uncomplicated. There are many buses and minibuses running between these settlements.

Regular buses run from Bakhchisaray to the village. Falcon, from there to the entrance to the Grand Canyon 5 km towards Yalta. It is impossible to pass by - a landmark parking lot and an abundance of sightseeing buses.

Crimea, one of the stunning corners of our wonderful planet. Crimean peninsula, just a storehouse of attractions created both by man and by mother herself - nature. Among the most famous sights of Crimea, known throughout the world, are: Livadia Palace, Swallow's Nest, Artek, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Kerch Bridge and so on. But among the attractions that nature has created, the most popular are the Crimean mountains, waterfalls, caves and canyons. In this article I want to talk in detail about the best and most famous canyons of the Crimean peninsula.

In total, there are about 17 canyons on the Crimean peninsula, practically, all were formed several tens of thousands of years ago, under the influence of mountain rivers. Today, most of the canyons continue to form and develop. Almost all canyons have mountain rivers, water cascades and waterfalls, but most of the mountain rivers have a pronounced seasonal character. Peaks of activity of mountain rivers fall on March - April. V summer time, in places where spring rivers flow, tourists walk. The beds of many rivers are turning into tourist routes. The activity of the rivers is associated with the melting of snow on the peaks of the Crimean mountains. It is in the springtime that the architects of the Crimean canyons - the rivers - do their routine work on the construction and erection - new cascades, baths of youth and grinding of mountain stones. Of course, among all the canyons of the Crimean peninsula, the most recognizable and most visited is Grand Canyon of Crimea.

Grand Canyon of Crimea

Grand Canyon of Crimea, as the name emphasizes, is, indeed, the largest in the entire Crimean peninsula. The canyon is located on Mount Ai-Petri, from the side of the Bakhchisarai region. You can get to it through Mount Ai-Petri, along the Yalta-Bakhchisaray highway. 5-6 km before the end of the descent, the entrance to the Grand Canyon begins. In fact, there are several entrances. The most famous two: at the bridge over the mountain river Kokozka and 2 km higher, near a small market. There are no big differences between the inputs. A walk along the canyon, on average, lasts 2-3 hours and, practically all the time, passes along the bottom of the canyon, neatly squeezed by rocks, with a height of 100 to 350 meters.

Chernorechensky Canyon

Chernorechensky Canyon located near Balaklava, near the village of Chernorechenskoye and ends in the Baidarskaya Valley, practically, near the village of Shirokoye or Ozernoye. A walk through the canyon is designed for 3-4 hours, but taking into account the measured pace and small breaks, on average, it can take about 4-5 hours. The route usually starts from the side of Balaklava, but, in principle, you can start from the side of the village of Ozernoye. If you start the hike from the side of Balaklava, then after a walk through the canyon, you will still admire

Arpat Canyon

Arpat Canyon is located in one of the most picturesque corners of the Crimea - the Panagia tract, not far from the village New World and Malorechenskoye. The length of the canyon is about 7 km, the average walking time is 2-3 hours. The canyon is known for the Arpatsik waterfall, the Bath of Love - a stone bowl in the shape of a heart, and a large number large and small cascades, with overflows of water. The tourist route is marked, practically at any time of the year, you will meet tourists. The most beautiful time to visit the canyon is March - April.

Canyon Uzundzha

Canyon Uzundzha, by the standards of the Crimea, is quite small, but the walk will be very entertaining, because. at the entrance to the canyon is one of the oldest artifacts of the Crimea - Skelsky menhirs, whose age is about 4-6 thousand years. They were erected, most likely, for pagan cults. An analogue of such a place can be called the English Stonehenge. Skelsky menhirs are located in the village of Rodnikovoe. From Rodnikovo we head to the canyon itself and find ourselves in front of the entrance to one of the most amazing caves in Crimea - the Skelskaya cave. Unlike most caves, it does not lead down the mountain and not along the mountain, but up, to the height of a 4-story building.

Canyon Kok-Asan

Canyon Kok-Asan, one of the most hidden corners of the Crimean peninsula. This happened due to its remoteness from the sea coast and major attractions of the Crimea. The canyon originates in the Belogorsky district, in the village of Povorotnoye. From the village we head towards the New World. Highways there is no. Due to the greater remoteness from civilization, this canyon retained its pristine nature and was not so strongly influenced by man. Like most of the canons in the Crimea, it has a bath of Love, a bath of Youth and Health, several waterfalls and a mountain stream. Only all this is in its original state, combined with magnificent air and wild forest.

Belbek Canyon

For lovers of mountain holidays or hiking trails, the canyons of Crimea one of my favorite places. You choose routes according to the level of difficulty and physical capabilities and combine mountain walks with visits to castles, palaces, waterfalls, fortresses and caves lost in the mountains, overcoming mountain rivers and impenetrable thickets. The Crimean peninsula is rich in history and over the thousands of years of human presence in these places, it has accumulated a huge baggage for study, research and new discoveries.

Canyons of Crimea on the map

Of course, everyone who goes to rest in the Crimea hopes to see something interesting and unforgettable there. Fortunately, the nature of the peninsula is rich in beautiful and fascinating sights. Along with the sea, caves and mountain slopes, the Crimean canyons can make an indelible impression. These are unique objects of wild nature, the history of which dates back thousands of years. Today we will get acquainted with the three most famous Crimean canyons.

grand canyon

For tourists who have been here, the gorge, overgrown with forests, with blocks of rocks, clean springs and deep baths, remains one of the favorite places for life. Coming here, people are immersed in an atmosphere of peace and quiet. Nature fascinates with its beauty and inspires philosophical reflection. Here you want to be silent and calmly look around, and there is something eternal in this silence.

It was formed at the site of a giant split of the Ai-Petrinsky mountain range, when Mount Boyka separated from it. The edges of the slopes practically did not crumble, and the shape of the canyon is similar to a partially split log. The depth of the Grand Canyon at different points is 250-300 meters. At the same time, its width in some places allows two people holding hands to touch opposite walls. It is thanks to this steepness, narrowness, coolness on hot July days, twilight, silence and a feeling of complete domination of nature that people come here again and again. Assessing the scale of this beauty, one can realize the insignificance of our daily problems and be inspired to conquer new heights.

Canyon visit

The main disadvantage of the canyon during the holiday season is an overabundance of visitors. Excursion buses come here from all over the world in a constant stream. Therefore, from 11 am to 3 pm, along the stream along the only path, there is an uninterrupted two-way string of people. Because of this oversaturation, it is difficult to enjoy the true natural beauty.

Organized visits usually follow a short route - to the Bath of Youth and back. But the main beauty begins further. There the trail is more difficult, but it's worth it. Therefore, having passed 100 meters above the Bath of Youth, you can be alone with nature. Here you will find transparent pools with warm, sun-warmed water, banks overgrown with euonymus and yew, and that very silence. A little more up - and you will open the canyon itself. Seeing it, you will definitely look at the Crimea in a new way.

Grand Canyon: how to get there?

Although this place is popular among tourists, the path to it can cause some problems. Without your own transport, it is quite difficult to come to the Grand Canyon of Crimea. The tour is the most comfortable way to visit this attraction. Its disadvantage is that you will have little free time to explore the natural beauties on your own. But you will not worry that you will safely return to the right place. For those who nevertheless decided not to be led by the exclamations: “The Grand Canyon of Crimea: an excursion”, coming from all sides of the beach, and to drive on their own, we will tell you the route. First you need to get to the village of Sokolinoe. From it, along the Bakhchisaray-Yalta highway, you need to walk / drive 5 kilometers towards Yalta. The entrance to the canyon will be near the highway.

For those who travel by car, there is no problem. You can at any time (within the schedule of visits, of course) come to the canyon and take your time to see all the interesting places. It is unrealistic to get lost in the canyon, as the paths here are more than noticeably trodden. By the way, many tourists, having entered the gorge, put on helmets in order to protect themselves from falling stones. The stones themselves rarely fall, but when crowds of tourists pass over the top, the likelihood of injury increases. If you are going to the Grand Canyon of Crimea by car, it is better to put something in the trunk to protect your head.

Chernorechensky Canyon

Speaking about the canyons of the Crimea, it is impossible not to mention the Chernorechensky canyon. It flows into the Inkerman area. This place is located. Its water mirror covers an area of ​​\u200b\u200b6 square kilometers. This is the largest reservoir in the Crimea, which supplies the entire Sevastopol with clean water.

Below the reservoir, the Crimea begins. Its second name is the Small Canyon. Its length is as much as 16 kilometers. Stormy foamy water here alternates with calm backwaters, rapids, waterfalls and ledges turn into overflows, in which there are even islands. Under the canopy of trees it is always humid and cool, and the rocks are hot in the sun. River spray shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow from time to time. Beautiful place! There are baths in the canyon, the water in which is even warmer than in the Grand Canyon. Only now it flows with pressure, so in some places it is dangerous to swim. Along the banks of the river you can find a lot of mushrooms, campfires for tourists and benches for rest.

Closer to the village of Morozovka, a wide and deep gutter begins with a strong flow of water. Passing through it, tourists are insured with a rope. Walking along the canyon, you can meet huge boulders cutting through the water, large beech trees, old juniper, ferns, euonymus and others. interesting plants. The fast mountain river gives the impression that we are somewhere in the Carpathians, and not in the Crimea.

The Small Canyon of Crimea includes many ascents and descents, so it is difficult for inexperienced tourists here. It is advisable to walk along it with guides, as there are a lot of different paths, roads and sheer cliffs. At the beginning of September in Chernorechensky Canyon it is unlikely to be able to meet tourists.

How to get to the Chernorechensky canyon

You can get to the lower part of the canyon from the village of Chernorechye (1 km). On the way, you can stop by to look at the Chorgun tower. You can go to the middle part from the villages of Morozovka (2 km) and Rodnoe (5 km). To the top - from the road between the villages of Shirokoye and Peredovoye (0.5 km).

Canyon Kuchuk-Karasu

5 kilometers south of the Simferopol-Feodosiya road, just outside the village of Povorotnoe, the Kuchuk-Karasu River formed a canyon. It is distinguished by an abundance of waterfalls. Emerald waterfalls, "erosion cauldrons" and stone baths - that's what the canyon is famous for.

For three kilometers of the river there are five waterfalls. Each of them has its own characteristics. The first waterfall forms the bath of youth, or, as it is also called, Diana's Font. The water temperature here does not rise above 10 degrees. Bathing in a font allows you to bring the body into tone and harden.

The second waterfall was named Gorgeous. There is another bath with cold water. By the way, they are all over the place. From here you can see the waterfall of love. It consists of two small streams, which, after the waterfall, are combined into one powerful stream.

A little further you can admire the graceful stream of the Kosichka waterfall. In the season of rains and snowmelt, it turns into a huge spit. The last waterfall has no name, but it has more than 10 meters in height. It consists of alternating waterfalls, plums and waterfalls that follow each other without intervals. As a result, powerful streams of water fall in zigzags, which makes an incredible impression.


Today we examined the main and most interesting canyons of Crimea. In general, there are many more canyons on the peninsula, less exciting, but also quite interesting. Walking along them allows you to escape from the monotonous beach holiday and see Crimea from the other side. We recommend that you visit the canyons of Crimea, which charge you with incredible energy of centuries-old forests and ancient majestic mountains.