
How to calculate the square meter of the wall calculator. How to calculate the square of the walls: simple examples

Garden do it yourself

Check the work of builders, determine the volume of work and materials is easy, knowing how to calculate square meters of gender or walls of the room with simple geometric formulas, simple calculations and non-hard techniques.

Square meter called unit of measurement areaadopted in the international system of units, si. 1m² is equal to square square with a side of 1 m.

Knowledge simple rules and several geometric formulas for counting the number of square meters of walls, floors, the ceiling will avoid errors in calculations and correctly determine the desired values.

Tools for calculation

For measurement and calculation you will need the following items and tools:

  • measuring roulette, the required roulette length of 3-5 m;
  • pencil;
  • paper sheet for records;
  • calculator;
  • construction solo.

The carbon is placed perpendiculars - lines intersecting at right angles.

Room Square

Knowledge of the room in the room is useful for the definition cost of flooring, ceiling finishes, quantity and capacity of lighting. Measuring the quadrature of the room, check the compliance of the area declared on the project.

Measurements of walls are more convenient to produce below, at the plunth level. Doubts in the correct form of the room are eliminated by measuring diagonals. If the diagonals are the rooms are equal, then the corners are straight, and the room is rectangular.

Square or rectangle

The most common shape of the room in terms of - Square or rectangular. Counting quadratures by the floor at the same time will not be much difficulty:

  • measured with a roulette length and width of the room;
  • move numbers with each other, recording the result on paper;
  • the protrusions, the columns measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe elements consider the same principles, multiplying two sizes;
  • the resulting figures are subtracted from the square of the room.

At the same time, the ceiling area is considered to be the same principle, that is, they multiply the length of the width over the deduction of technological openings, if any.

Considering square meters of premises and folding them, you can find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe whole house.

Placement of irregular shape

Erkers, attic and houses of houses with complex architecture in terms of often have an irregular shape. The metrar of a non-standard room with semicircles, protrusions, a plurality of angles are complicated more difficult. Facilitate the task using the principle of dividing complex figures on simple.

Gender, representing as a composite figure mentally or displaying on paper, divided into standard geometric elements. Then they calculate the area of \u200b\u200belements one by one and fold the obtained values.

Mr., T-shaped forms of the room in terms of split on rectangles and squares. Semicircular surfaces are taken as part of a circle.

The number of square meters of floor of the room, which is based on a trapezium, can be calculated in two ways:

  • representing a trapezium like combination of a square with two triangles. Having obtained the value of the figures, the numbers are folded;
  • by Formula Square of trapezium.

For the calculation according to the formula, the two opposite long walls are measured, these sizes will give the base values. The height value is determined by measuring the perpendicular conducted from one of the corners of a smaller base to more.

Formula Square trapezium S \u003d 1/2 (a + c) * nWhere:

  • S is the desired value, the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezium;
  • A - the base of the trapezium;
  • In - the base of the trapezium;
  • H is the height of the trapezium.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoid room is half the sum of the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the bases multiplied by height.

Room volume

Cubature of the room, or the volume in construction is used when calculating required power Heating, ventilation, air conditioning room.

The volume is measured in cubic meters. The unit is written as 1 m³.

From the point of view of geometry, the room as a figure is hexagon.

Measuring the length, width and height of the rectangular room, moving the measurements obtained, get volume of simple room.

The size of the complex form is calculated by the following way:

  • the floor of the room is broken into simple geometric shapes;
  • calculate the square of each figure;
  • the obtained values \u200b\u200bare folded and multiplied to the height to the ceiling.

How to calculate the square of the walls?

Wall size B. square meters Need for calculating the number of finishing materials, placing shelves, mirrors or attached cabinets.

Solid Wall

The quadrature of the wall is calculated similar to the floor area - length, the height of the wall after the measure is variable between themselves. Take into account all the depressions and protrusions, if there are such. The walls of mansard premises under the roof often broken shape, segments are in different planes.

In this case, the walls of the walls are measured separately, tolerated on paper. Calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach individual geometric shape and summarize the numbers.

With a window

Determining the number of square meters of the wall, windows are usually exclude.

The end faces of the walls near the window are discovered, their dimensions are also not included in the Wall Metage and are considered separately, for example, when calculating plastering or putty.

With door

The square of the doorway from the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall when calculating remove. The slopes are measured separately if necessary.

Measure the area of \u200b\u200bincorrect shape

Calculating the metraright of decorative arched openings or stroke windows, according to the same principle, breaking the complex figure on a few simple elements.

Squares and rectangles combine parts of the circle and triangles.


A whole circle in the interior is rare enough. Fully round can be a window, columns, central part of a multi-level ceiling. Basically, it is necessary to have with parts of the circle: half or segments.

Roulette remove the size between two opposite points of the circle. This segment will be called diameter. The radius of the circle is equal to half the diameter.

Counting Circle Square is produced by the formula S \u003d π * R²Where:

  • R - radius;
  • S - Circle Square;
  • π is a constant mathematical value, rounded to a value of 3.14.

The numeric value of the semicircle area is obtained by dividing the result obtained by 2.

The quadrature of the circle sector is equal to the product of half the length of the sector arc to the circle radius, is calculated by the formula S \u003d 1/2 L * R.


The formula of the area of \u200b\u200bthe triangle S \u003d 1/2 * n * aWhere:

  • S - the triangle area;
  • H - height;
  • A - side of the triangle.

The height of the triangle is obtained by measuring the roulette perpendicular from the angle opposite to the side.

Look at the video below useful advice For the rapid and correct count of the square of the walls and the floor:

Using simple formulas from the geometry school year, you can calculate any desired value for construction or repair.

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Someone will probably seem funny such "children's" question - "How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room." But let's agree with the fact that, first of all, many of us have completed a school for a very long time. Secondly, not everything in everyday life is constantly faced with the need for geometric calculations, and something could already be forgotten. And, thirdly, the rooms and walls are not always and not everywhere they have a rectangular shape, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is easy to calculate and simply. It means that sometimes you have to show intelligence and apply more complex calculation methods.

And why do you need to be able to determine the floor area, walls, the ceiling of the room?

  • These data are necessary for planning repair in the apartment - you can calculate the number of required building materials.
  • If hired masters perform work, then they most often require payment from a square meter. In order not to become a victim of deception, to be able to control the good faith of workers and not pay extra, it is necessary to be able to correctly determine the amount of work performed.
  • The ability to count the construction schemes and determine the area may be needed when viewing the options for residential premises submitted for sale or rental. By the way, the amount of payment of some communal services It also depends on the size of the useful and total area.
  • The correct selection of lighting devices directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - there are special light standards on this.
  • Knowing the area is easy to calculate the size of the room. BUT this is the main Pr and selection of heating devices, climatic equipment, ventilation systems.

In a word, such a skill will never be superfluous. And if the reader came to this page, it means it was necessary to learn or refresh in the memory of the algorithm of the calculation of the area. Therefore, we begin to consider, according to the principle of "from a simple to complex".

Preparation for calculations

This stage, in essence, includes two main points. It is required to prepare a place to perform the measuring work necessary for this tool and accessories, and in fact, carry out the promresses, moved the results on the scheme or drawing.

  • Ideally, it is best to spend all the measurements in fully liberated from furniture and other items. When repairing, this usually happens. But if measurements are carried out for other purposes, then to carry out everything out of the room, of course, no one will take.

Measuring the lengths of the sides of the room usually spend along the walls. Therefore, it is necessary to try to free these areas, so that it is possible to completely, from the wall to the wall, stretch the tape tape.

  • Checking rectangles of the room is easiest to perform with diagonals with diagonals. Therefore, there may be needed space and in the center of the room. Or it should be provided for the possibility of movement of items that may be a hindrance for measurements.

Surely, ironic notes will follow - did the author really, giving such advice, have never heard of modern electronic laser roulettes? Of course, these modern devices help not only quickly and efficiently perform measurements of linear and angular quantities - many of them have built-in functions of carrying out the necessary calculations.

Laser tape measure - convenient, but there is a few such a tool

However, let's "fall on the ground" - such a tool is still not many. Professionals, yes, without it, it is currently difficult to do. However B. living conditions Most people rely on traditional methods Measurements. By the way, for measurements with a laser tape measure free space, one way or another still will have to create - for the unimpeded passage of the beam.

Basic set - ordinary roulette, notepad, pencil or marker

  • So, we proceed from the fact that measurements are carried out by the usual roulette. In addition, in addition to notepad for entries, you may need:

- a long line for the belling of straight lines (for example, a rule or long construction level may approach);

Rule will help repel straight lines

- the biggest as possible (the more - the better) the construction kit;

Construction Salves - Normal and Foldable

- the improvised circulation is a piece of a durable cord attached to some sharp pin, which will play the role of the center;

- To measure the angle - need a special tool, or calculations using trigonometric functions. However, in those techniques that will be offered, the measurement of the angle will not be an obligatory procedure - we will bypass linear values.

- Perhaps on the floor will need to carry out some kind of auxiliary markup. In order not to pack the floor with a chalk or marker, you can use fine greater tape.

Malyary Scotch of Bright Color - Good Satibility when performing auxiliary markup

  • All measurements are better to spend twice - it will be less likely to allow any annoyless error by inattention.
  • Retament tape during measurements should not be saved, on the measured plot should be a straight line, to stretch.

  • Attention on the scale! Do not confuse the system metric and "inch - foot", since both scales are applied on many measuring instruments.
  • It will be much easier to work if it is in advance to draw an exemplary plan of the room on paper. Not necessarily It to draw it in this case super-neat, on scale, in compliance with the requirements of drawing standards.

Even such a scheme "by hand" will be a good assistant

It is simply much more convenient to immediately transfer the results of measurements on paper to carry out further calculations.

When measuring distances, it will be necessary to record them in meters, with rounding to a centimeter, for example, 0.82 m or 5.38 m. Then all the results will immediately get in the desired square meters.

  • Some formulas for calculating are sufficiently bulky, contains rigonometric functions or calculations square rootsThat is, "in the column" will not be calculated. Excellent if there is a skill to conduct calculations in Excel - everything is clearly, plus the whole process can be saved in the file. If not, it means it is started into the course of the calculator. It is convenient to use what is embedded in Windows- only do not forget to transfer it from the "usual" to "engineering" through the "View" menu or simultaneously pressing the "Alt + 2" keys.

Transfer of a calculator to engineering mode

Now we go to consideration of possible room configuration options.

Determine the floor area of \u200b\u200bthe room


1. Probably the most common Room configuration, especially in urban multi-storey buildings. And, accordingly, the most uncomplicated way of calculating the area.

The sides of the rectangle can be denoted as a and v. Thus, the area will be equal to:

S. \u003d A × in

Easier not invent - the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle

The opposite directions of the rectangle are equal to each other, pairwise, that is, in fact, you can only measure two values.

But it is impossible to forget about the inspection - and is it a rectangle? It can be applied in each of the corners of the construction kit, but it does not always give a clear picture. It will be easier to make the diagonals and compare the results. If they match or the difference is very small, then we can assume that this is really a rectangle.

In the proposed example, the room is equal to:

S. \u003d A × B \u003d 5.82 × 3.77 \u003d 21.94 m²

2. The room may have protrusions, niches, passages and t.P.. rectangular shape. Nothing terrible - you can smash the total area into several rectangles on the scheme. It is clear that after the calculations of the area in the plots, all values \u200b\u200bare summed up.

A little complicating task - room with niche

The diagram shows an example of an extensive room with a protruding area. The diagram of the red dotted line shows the separation of the room into two rectangular plots. It remains only to find the area of \u200b\u200beach and summarize it:

Σ s. = S.1 + S.2 \u003d 8.26 × 3.73 + 2.63 × 1.50 \u003d 30.81 + 3.95 \u003d 34.75 m²

3. Sometimes it happens that the ledge on the contrary, is directed towards the premises and therefore "eats" part of the area.

Feed example - the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is reduced due to the protrusion

Then, when calculating, it is possible to go differently - find the area of \u200b\u200bthis "stolen" space and subtract it from the area of \u200b\u200ba large rectangle.


This situation often happens in angular premises.

Characteristic feature quadrangle, referred to as a trapezium - two sides are parallel to each other, while the other two can be located at an arbitrary angle.

Square of the trapezium - you need to know three parameters

In this case, to determine the area you need to know the three parameters - the length of the two parallel sides and the height of the trapezium, that is, the distance to the perpendicular between them.

S. = ½ (A. + B.) × h.

This formula is universal - nothing changes from the corners of the side of the side of the side, and we should not know their meaning. But the height is better to measure in several places - there will be confidence that the two parties are truly parallel to each other.

Consider an example:

Typical trapezoidal room. We make measurements and apply the formula:

S. = ½ (A. + B.) × h. \u003d 0.5 × (6.27 + 7.00) × 2.73 \u003d 15,83 m²

Sometimes knowledge of the formula of the trapezium area is useful and with complex, polygonal places of the room. For example, a pentagonal room is shown on the drawing. It is most convenient to divide into two sections - a rectangle and a trapezium (separated by a conditioned red line).

Rectangle Square:

S 1 \u003d 6.33 × 3.95 \u003d 25 m²

One of the sides of the rectangle is the base of the trapezium. And the height of the trapezium is the difference in the lengths of the opposite sides of the room:

h \u003d 7.71 - 6.33 \u003d 1.38 m.

Find an area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezoid:

S 2 \u003d 0.5 × (3.95 + 2.55) × 1.38 \u003d 4,49

Total area of \u200b\u200bthe entire premises is:

Σs. = S.1 + S.2 = 25.0 + 5.71 = 29,49

Calculator for calculating the area of \u200b\u200brectangular or trapezoidal premises

The calculator below allows you to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bboth rectangular and trapezoid rooms - the only difference is that rectangular lengths A1. and A2. will be the same.

If necessary, you can immediately make amendments to existing niches or protrusions.

Consistently fill in the requested values \u200b\u200b(in centimeters) and click the "Calculate" button.

side length "A 1" (in centimeters)

face length "A 2" (in centimeters)


side Length "B (H)" (in centimeters)

Availability, quantity and size of niches or passes that increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room


length of Niche "A" (in centimeters)

niche width "B" (in centimeters)

Availability, quantity and size of protrusions or columns that reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

Number of protrusions or columns

length of the protrusion "A" (in centimeters)

speaker width "B" (in centimeters)


So far, in all examples, some "correctness" - premises or rectangular, or at least have parallel walls. And what if the complex shape of the room does not allow it to be divided into such "correct" figures?

There is nothing to do, you will have to break into the triangles of a completely derivative form, and then alternately calculate their area and summarize.

The triangle area actually fully calculate - it is necessary to multiply the length of its base on the height conducted from the opposite corner perpendicular to this base, and divide into two.

S \u003d ½ × A × h.

The complexity is to precisely repel the perpendicular height in the conditions of measurements on the floor, on big Distances, and even without special tools - not just. You can easily make a purely geometric error, which will pull the wrong result of the calculated area.

In this case, it is better to use Geron's formula for triangles. She, however, is somewhat cumbersome, but it allows you to accurately determine the area coming exclusively from the lengths of the sides of the triangle. It looks like this way:

S \u003d √ p. × (P - a) × ( p. b) × ( p.c.)

but, b. and from - the length of the side of the triangle;

r - Half of the perimeter of the triangle, that is p \u003d ½ (a +b. + C)

We understand using the example of a triangular room (these are also sometimes - in the utility rooms, under the staircases, etc.)

So, the magnitude of the corners is absolutely not interested - measure only the lengths of all sides.

a \u003d 6.90. m.

b \u003d 3. 45 M.

c \u003d 6. 69 M.

p \u003d 0.5 × (6.90 + 3.45 + 6.69) \u003d 8.52

S \u003d √p. × (P - a) × ( p. b) × ( p. - C) \u003d

\u003d √ 8.52 × (8.52 - 6.90) × (8.52 - 3.45) × (8.52 - 6.69) \u003d

\u003d √ 8.52 × 1.62 × 5.07 × 1.83 \u003d √ 128.06 \u003d 11.32 m²

If you know how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200ban arbitrary triangle on its parties, it will not submit to ore to determine the area of \u200b\u200balmost any room with rectilinear walls, regardless of the location of the parties. Example below shows quadrigonal The room is absolutely "wrong" form. To split it on rectangles with the "imagination" of triangles - no sense. It is better to immediately diagonally in the diagonal - we get two triangles.

A red-based diagonal is shown in red for both triangles.

Armed with Geron's formula, we calculate both areas and summarize them.

r1 \u003d 0.5 × (5.96 + 5.19 + 2.61) \u003d 6.88

S.1 \u003d √ 6.88 × (6.88 5.96) × (6.88 5.19) × (6.88 2.61) = √45.67 = 6.76

r2 \u003d 0.5 × (5.96 + 6.63 + 4.34) \u003d 8.47

S. 2 \u003d √ 8.47 × (8.47 5.96) × (8.47 6.63) × (8.47 4.34) = √ 161.56 = 12.7

Σs. = S. 1 + S. 2 \u003d 6.76 + 12.7 \u003d 19.46 m²

At first glance, it may seem complicated and bulky, but in fact - everything is simple. The main thing is to make careful promresses and not get confused.

And so that the reader was even easier, the calculator is placed below, instantly calculating the triangle area along the lengths of the three sides. Please note that the length values \u200b\u200bmust be entered in centimeters.

Calculator for calculating the area of \u200b\u200btriangular room

Enter the simulated lengths of all three sides of the triangle (in centimeters) and click "Calculate"

The length of the parties "A", (in centimeters)

Side length "B", (centimeters)

The length of the side "C", (in centimeters)


Curvilinear figures

It happens that there are sites in the room having rounded shapes. So you need to consider options how to approach computations in this case. In addition, the skills of such calculations will be necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, on which there are arched door or window openings.

Too sophisticated curvilinear figures, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich can be defined only by integral calculus, we will not be considered - these options are extremely rare, and there is nothing to do here without any tools. But the figures are based on a circle, it is quite possible to calculate. Most often in practice there are semicircles, a quarter of a circle or segment.

Circle and sector

The area of \u200b\u200bthe circle itself is easy - you need to know only its radius (R).

S \u003d π × R²

Circle Square - only the radius is needed.

Now - several examples of determining the area with sector fragments of the circle (half and quarter):

To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe semicircular hall (or arches on the wall). Figure is fashionable to smash into two - rectangle (S 1) and semicircle (S 2).

S 2 \u003d ½ × 3.14 × 2.50² \u003d 9.8 m²

Σs \u003d 10.00 + 9.8 \u003d 19.8 m²

Another example is when the arc connects two perpendicular walls, thus forming a quarter of a circle.

This room can be divided into three sections: two rectangles (their sides are highlighted by blue and yellow arrows), and a quarter of a circle with a radius selected by a green arrow.

Lower rectangle (blue):

S 1 \u003d 3.67 × (3.0 - 1.5) \u003d 5.51 m²

Upper rectangle (yellow):

S 2 \u003d (3.67 - 1.5) × 1.5 \u003d 3.25 m²


S 3 \u003d ¼ × 3.14 × 1.5² \u003d 1.76 m²

TOTAL Total area:

Σs \u003d 5.51 + 3.25 + 1.76 \u003d 10.52 m²


And now - the problem somewhat more complicated. Sometimes roundness of the arches or rooms take the form not the sector, but the segment, that is, parts of the circle, limited by the arc and the humor arc forming (segment connecting two points on the circle).

There are special formulas that allow you to determine the area of \u200b\u200bthis figure on the basis of it are not angular, but only linear dimensions.

Basic values \u200b\u200bwill serve as a radius ( R.) and the length of the chord ( C.) or height ( H.).

Formula through the length of chord:

S \u003d R² × arcsin (C / 2R) - 0.25 × C × √ (4r² - C²)

And if you repel from the height of the segment, you can first determine the value L.:

L \u003d R - H

And the formula takes such a type:

S \u003d R² × arccos (L / R) - L × √ (R² - L²)

We understand the example.

It is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthis room:

First, in this case, it is necessary to find the center of the circle to determine its radius. This can be done experimentally by moving the homemade circulation (for example, from the cord) along the axial line until the point is detected, the distance from which to the edges of the arc will be detected, and it will become equal to its center. This distance is a radius.

Now it is easy to measure all other parameters. R \u003d 2.91 m, H \u003d 1.41 m, L \u003d 1.5 m.

As a result, we get two figures - a rectangle and segment.

Rectangle Square:

S 1 \u003d 5.00 × 2.00 \u003d 10.00 m²

We find the segment area on the basis of radius and the length of the chord (in our case the length of the chord is quite obvious, equal to the width of the room).

S 2 \u003d 2.91² × arcsin (5 / (2 × 2.91)) - 0.25 × 5.0 × √ (4 × 2.91² - 5.0 ²) \u003d

= 5.0 1

(When calculating on the calculator, be sure to set the unit of the angular measurement - radians. When calculating in Excel radians installed by default)

Just for the sake of interest - the same area, but through the height of the segment:

S 2 \u003d 2.91² × arccos (1.5 / 2.91) - 1.5 × √ (2.91² - 1.5 ²) \u003d 4.99 m²

The resulting difference of 0.02 m² is simply the result of rounding long fractional numbers. Obviously, it is quite possible to take the average value of 5.0 m²

Total, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room:

Σs \u003d 10.00 + 5.00 \u003d 15.00 m²

Definition of walls of walls and ceiling

The floor in the room is not the only plane whose area needs to know. Often, to calculate the number of necessary construction or finishing materials, it is necessary to find the walls of the walls and the ceiling to determine the volume of work.

The laws of geometry are the same for all two-dimensional figures, so that there will be no new new mathematics area. There are only some nuances:


It would seem that it is simpler: the wall area is its length multiplied by height. Therefore, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the walls in the room can be found by the work of the perimeter of the room to height.

Yes, this is true, but only for rooms, which have the height of the ceiling at the walls of the same anywhere. And, for example, in the attic space of the wall can be a trapezoidal or even triangular. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to it. How to find a triangle or trapezium area - we will not repeat.

Next - from the total area of \u200b\u200bthe wall it is necessary to subtract window or doorways. Nothing complicated - measurements external surface Boxes and frames, and the corresponding calculation is performed, depending on the geometric shape.

By the way, if the wall area is calculated in order to determine the number of standard wallpaper rolls for repair, then you can offer attention a sign that will immediately tell this number, based on the perimeter of the room and the ceiling height:

The number of standard wallpaper rolls is 10.5 × 0.52 m (the perimeter of the room includes all door and window pastes).

Ceiling height (m)Perimeter room (m)
9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 30
2,15 ÷ 2.304 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13
2.30 ÷ 2.455 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 14
2.45 ÷ 2,60.5 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15
2.60 ÷ 2.755 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15
2.75 ÷ 2.906 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 16
2.90 ÷ 3.056 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 16 16 17
3,05 ÷ 3.20.6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19


In the overwhelming number with the ceiling, there should be no problem at all. If it is horizontal, then this is an accurate projection of the floor whose area is already defined.

Chosen mansard premises May be exceptions, since the ceiling plane is at an angle to the floor, and sometimes even a broken, consisting of several surfaces intersecting between themselves.

No need to be afraid of complex surfaces - they are easily divided into ordinary flat figures

Nothing wrong. No need to deepen into trigonometry and calculate the angles between the floor, walls and ceiling. It is just necessary to "virtually" to smash such complex surfaces into several flat figures, measure their linear values. And everything else we already know how to calculate the formulas will be exactly the same.

And finally, at the end of the article - a video telling about how the assistant can become a laser range finder (roulette).

Video: Definition of the area indirectant Wall

Why do you need to know the floor area
Definition of the area of \u200b\u200brectangular premises
Calculation of the Room Square of the Incorrect Planning
Learning the area of \u200b\u200btriangular room

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room
Proportions between floor and windows

It is impossible to repair an outdoor surface, not knowing the exact floor area in private household or apartment. The fact is that today the cost of building materials is high enough, and each property owner is trying to save maximize their purchase. Therefore, information, how to calculate the floor area will not be superfluous for someone who prefers to make repairs personally.

Before you begin work, you should decide on the amount of activities, plan the costs and calculate the number of building materials. For this, the source data will be needed. For this reason, it is important to know how to calculate the floor area unmistakably. This is especially true of uneven surfaces and premises with non-standard layout.

There are other reasons when there is a need to accurately determine the size of the floor surface:

  • checking the quality of construction work;
  • the need to redevelop the premises.

Definition of the area of \u200b\u200brectangular premises

Before calculating the floor area, it should be stocking calculator and measuring tape measure. Most often there are rooms in the form of a rectangle. To calculate their area, they use the formula known to all from school: S \u003d A x b, where a and b is the length and width. For example, the premises parameters 3 and 4 meters, then the desired value will be 12 square meters. m.

In the case when the room has a fireplace or built-in furniture items, then you need to know their area and deduct out of the total area. In the case of overhaul Floor, all the excess indoors will have to be dismantled.

Calculation of the Room Square of the Incorrect Planning

It is much more difficult to calculate the room with a polygonal shape. Often B. brick houses In the layout there are niches, triangular recesses and rounded elements, as in the photo.

In this case, before calculating the square of the floor, the room scheme should be divided into separate zones. For example, if the room has a M-shaped layout, it should be divided into 2 rectangles, after which it is to calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach of them and the results obtained are folded.

Learning the area of \u200b\u200btriangular room

When another part of the room is not perpendicular to the main area, it means that there is also a triangle between two rectangles, which has a straight angle.

In this case, the triangle area is calculated by the formula: S \u003d (a x b): 2 and add to the total result. For example, a \u003d 2, b \u003d 3, then S \u003d (2x3): 2 \u003d 3 m².

You can otherwise determine the area:

  1. Previously calculate the square of the rectangle.
  2. Determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe beveled triangular corner.
  3. From the square of the rectangle, the triangle area is deducted.

In the event that the triangle does not have direct corner, then the GEONO formula s \u003d √p is used (p - a) (p - b) (p - c).

For example, its parties are equal to 5, 6 and 7 meters, then the calculations are made as follows:

  1. Learn the half-versioner of the triangle P \u003d (5 + 6 + 7): 2 \u003d 9.
  2. In the formula of Geron, digital values \u200b\u200bare substituted and the result is obtained: √ (9 x (9-7) x (9-6) x (9-5) \u003d 14.7 m².

Quadrature Rooms Rooms

Often, such a form is present at the windows in the houses old buildings Or on balconies that are combined with rooms. First, 1/2 of the protruding part of the circle is calculated and added to the rectangle area, applying the formula S \u003d πr²: 2, in which:

R² - the radius of the circle, erected into the square.

For example, in the room there is a semicircular shape balcony with a radius of 1.5 meters. Substation this number In the formula, we obtain the result: S \u003d 3.14x (1.5) ²: 2 \u003d 3.5 m². Read also: "How to calculate the square meters of the floor with different shapes of the rooms."

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room

The order for calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and the floor is different. The fact is that before calculating the square of the floor, you should find out the length and width of the room, and to calculate the walls it will be necessary to measure its height. Therefore, first recognize the perimeter of the room and multiply to the height of the ceilings.

For example, floor parameters 3 and 4 meters, and the height of the room is 3 meters. In this case, the perimeter of the walls will be equal to (3 + 4) x2 \u003d 14 m., And their area S \u003d 14x3 \u003d 42 m².
It should not forget about the square of windows and doors. Their area is subtracted after the completion of wall calculations. But on the other hand, they can not take into account and thereby ensure some stock of materials.

Proportions between floor and windows

According to SNiP 31-01-2003, windows parameters and their number should depend on the floor quadrature. So for residential apartment buildings, the ratio between the areas of window openings and the floor surface will be, ranging from 1: 5.5 to 1: 8. As for the upper floors, the minimum proportion of 1:10 is allowed there.

For private households, this rate regulates SNiP 31-02-2001. According to this documentation, for every 8 "squares" of the surface of the floor should have at least one "square" of the source of the natural light flux. On the mansard floors This proportion can not be less than 1:10.

To ensure high-quality repair, you need to find out in advance how to calculate the floor area and other necessary rooms. Preparatory stage Also provides for the acquisition of building materials and then in the process of repairing the costs will be minimized, because they will not work out large balances and the shipping cost will be cheap.

A manual method of computing how to find out the floor area will take longer than when calculating the already existing building calculator, but it allows you to learn more accurate results.

Web instruments

We calculate the surface of the walls and floors in the room

Web Calculator Wall and Paul

The web calculator processes the periphery, the floor and the wall in rectangular shape. It is necessary to enter the length, width and height of the space. Add windows and doors size. Windows and doors can be added and deleted.

Dimensions are entered in meters, you can use partial values. Results are obtained in linear and square meters.

Why do you need to calculate the surface of the walls and gender?

The venues of walls and floors are necessary for calculating the material and the total cost of finishing works.

Price for laying tiles, plaster, tie, wallpaper for gluing and dyeing is determined in the hryvnia per square meter. It is assumed that the consumption of the material is multiplied by multiplying the coating on the thickness of the layer. Calculators of material consumption.

Perimeter - the total length of the walls of the room - we use to find out how much installation and finishing for boils and gaskets will cost.

What sizes are needed for calculations?

For calculations, the measuring band or the laser range seeker is measured:

  • length room
  • width of the room
  • height of wall
  • height and width of door and window openings

What instruments are used to calculate areas?

Using a 3D editor

On the computer, we set the editing program, such as ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, Sketchup.

Draw space in size, find the data and mark the necessary fragments.

advantage: Do not count manually. It is appropriate to use to determine areas in spaces with irregular and complex geometry.

failure: You need to spend some time studying programs. And without a computer or tablet, you will not be able to do this.

We believe that it is manually

Dimensions are listed, smartphone, drywall or wall. For calculations, we use the calculator, the table editor (exel) or consider it a column.

How to calculate square meters

advantage: You can directly count on the object, set the sizes as needed. It is enough to have a pencil and a smart head.

failure: It is easy to make a mistake, skip the size, calculate something twice.

How to calculate the surface of walls and floors in a rectangular room?

For example, consider the room in the figure below.

Dimensions are measured in meters.

Then multiplication gives square or linear counters.

To calculate the cost of labor, sufficient accuracy is up to 1 cm (two decimal sign). For example, the length of the room is 5.62 m.

The information obtained is in the appropriate format. Who is more convenient than a sheet of paper to which a computer belongs.

If we have information about the size, we calculate with your fingers, paper or Microsoft Excel.

The result of the calculation gives us the length of the walls in meters (in meters). Around the perimeter length of bags in the room.

P \u003d (Length + Width) × 2

How to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall

S \u003d P × H - SD - SO

  • P - volume of wall walls
  • H - the height of the walls of the space
  • SD - area of \u200b\u200ball doors in the room
  • Also the surface of all windows

The obtained data can be used in the price of an apartment repair at Kiev on the Internet.

If you consider it in the column - boring and long, enter the data into the Wall and Paul Web Calculator, click "Enter" and immediately get the result.

When the space is incorrect, divide it into a plurality of rectangles, find the area of \u200b\u200beach of them and then add it.

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Home → Legal Advice → Terminology → Square Units

Units of measuring land area

The system of measuring land plots taken in Russia

  • 1 weaving \u003d 10 meters x 10 meters \u003d 100 sq.m
  • 1 hectare \u003d 1 ha \u003d 100 meters x 100 meters \u003d 10000 sq. M \u003d 100 acres
  • 1 square kilometer \u003d 1 sqm \u003d 1000 meters x 1000 meters \u003d 1 million.

    sq.m \u003d 100 hectare \u003d 10 000 acres

Reverse units

  • 1 sq. M \u003d 0.01 weave \u003d 0.0001 ha \u003d 0.000001 sq. Cm
  • 1 weaving \u003d 0.01 ha \u003d 0.0001 sq. Cm

Square Measurement Units Translation Table

Units of measuring Square 1 square km. 1 hectare 1 acre 1 weaving 1 sq.m.
1 square 1 100 247.1 10.000 1.000.000
1 hectare 0.01 1 2.47 100 10.000
1 acre 0.004 0.405 1 40.47 4046.9
1 weaving 0.0001 0.01 0.025 1 100
1 sq.m. 0.000001 0.0001 0.00025 0.01 1

unit of Square in the metric system of measures used to measure land plots.

Abbreviated designation: Russian ha, international HA.

1 hectare is equal to square square with a side of 100 m.

The name "hectare" is formed by adding the prefix "Hekto ..." to the name of the unit of the "A" Square:

1 ha \u003d 100 AR \u003d 100 m x 100 m \u003d 10 000 m2

the unit of the square in the metric system of measures is equal to the square of the square with a side of 10 m, that is:

  1. 1 AR \u003d 10 m x 10 m \u003d 100 m2.
  2. 1 tire \u003d 1,09254 hectares.

land Measure, used in a number of countries using english system Measures (United Kingdom, USA, Canada, Australia, etc.).

1 acre \u003d 4840 sq. Jards \u003d 4046.86 m2

The most common in practice of the land measure hectare is the abbreviated designation of hectares:

1 ha \u003d 100 AR \u003d 10 000 m2

In Russia, hectares is the main unit of measuring the land area, especially agricultural.

In Russia, the hectare unit was introduced into practice after the October Revolution, instead of the tithe.

Vintage Russian Square Units

  • 1 square

    verst \u003d 250,000 square meters. Sedna \u003d 1,1381 km²

  • 1 tenth \u003d 2400 square meters. Sedna \u003d 10 925.4 m² \u003d 1,0925 hectares
  • 1 Check \u003d 1/2 tithing \u003d 1200 square meters.

    Repair Formula: How to calculate the Room Square in Square meters

    sedna \u003d 5462.7 m² \u003d 0.54627 hectares

  • 1 Octrinik \u003d 1/8 decimen \u003d 300 sq. Sounded \u003d 1365.675 m² ≈ 0.137 hectares.

The area of \u200b\u200bland for ILS, LPH usually indicate in weave

One weaving - This is a plot area of \u200b\u200b10 x 10 meters, which is 100 square meters, and therefore called weaving.

Here are some characteristic examples of the sizes that the land plot of 15 acres can have a land plot:

In the future, if you suddenly forget how to find the area of \u200b\u200ba rectangular land plot, then remember a very old anecdote when the grandfather asks in a five-grader how to find Lenin Square, and he answers: "You need a width of Lenin to multiply on Lenin's length")))

Useful to familiarize yourself with this

  • For those who are interested in the possibility of increasing area areas for ILS, LPH, gardening, debris, which are owned, is useful to familiarize themselves with the procedure for making clouds.
  • From January 1, 2018, the exact boundaries of the site should be recorded in the cadastral passport, since it is impossible to buy, sell, lay, or donate land without an accurate description of the boundaries.

    This is as regulated by the amendments to the Land Code. And the total audit of the borders on the initiative of municipalities began from June 1, 2015.

  • From March 1, 2015, the new Federal Law "On Amendments to the Land Code of the Russian Federation and individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation" (N 171-FZ "dated 23.06.2014, in accordance with which, particular, simplified the procedure for the repurchase of land in municipalities & familiarizing themselves The main provisions of the law can be here.
  • Regarding the registration of houses, baths, garages and other buildings on land plotsSupported by citizens will improve the situation a new country amnesty.

Search region

As part of the preparation for repairing a house or cottage, he must correctly calculate the size of the space, which is important when buying materials, and in fact for most repairs. It will not be a mistake in quantity essential materials (tiles, wallpapers, etc.).

To determine the aircraft size, a special square calculator is useful on the Internet, which helps to find size in square meters. You can quickly and quickly cope with this task.

The question of "how to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room", causes many owners of apartments and houses that have a square meter area. However, this is not a problem at all, especially if the measuring tape and the calculator helps to quickly and correctly find the result.

How to calculate square square: Square formula, web calculation of square meters of surface

The loyalty of the calculation of the area is necessary not only to know how much you need to buy repair materials.

It is also possible to follow the work of experts who will carry out repair work.

Methods for calculating square meters of space

First, to measure the surface, you must prepare a measuring tape.

With it, the width and length are measured. The results are multiplied. S - width in length. Using the note and pencil, the data must be recorded.

Calculator gives accurate results. If you have fully calculated the area, you can reduce errors during repairs. This must be taken into account with the standard measuring device. Means for calculating the correct size - ensure a guarantee of obtaining the required amount of materials such as finite and main.

The rules that should be guided by:

  1. If you want to measure the area, it is important that the data is recorded in meters, the calculator helps prevent problems and correctly calculate.
  2. When the width and length are multiplied if you want to calculate the size with an accuracy of 100%, you will need to add bows around radiators.
  3. It is important to understand how to determine the size of the space.

    There is no need to simultaneously count holes and windows windows. To calculate correctly, you should always use a calculator. The calculation of the area is thus much more convenient.

  4. Sometimes the problem is to measure all types of convexities occurring in space. In this case, you can calculate the space area if you separately measure these structures and determine their overall size.

    The counter is the same as for the entire surface. If you want to calculate the space area, you will need to add all the obtained values. For convenience, you need to consider with a calculator at hand.

  5. Before calculating the surface of the room you need to read this method: calculate the total number of objects and connect to the addition.

    Calculator helps you add and prevent errors.

  6. There are cases when it is impossible to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room with incorrect form. Then you need to consider the following: Calculate the space area and divide it to rectangular surfaces. If you take a calculator in your hand, you can calculate the area and add all the resulting areas.
  7. It happens that it calculates the surface of the space that divides on the rectangles, it does not go out.

    Calculate the area of \u200b\u200bspace, while this is true, divide it into other figures, such as a circle or triangle sector. Calculator helps to count.

  8. The correspondence of the chiron formula can be calculated in the space, conditionally divided into sectors or triangles: S (total area) is multiplied by multiplication (P-b) multiplied by (R-C).
  9. To understand how to calculate the square of the space, if it is divided into triangles, the sequence of the resulting triangle must be recorded as follows: "P" is the same (plus B plus c) for dividing "2".

    In this case, the length of the side of the triangle is equal to A, B, C.

  10. If you want to calculate the space area, if it is defined as a circle when calculating, you need to take into account the following formula: Surface S (total area) \u003d πr2. It should be said that "PI" has a constant value-3.14.

    R is a radius equal to half the diameter of the circle. It is easier to calculate, is there a calculator. You must exclude any errors.

    Once all the results are combined, you can get the right result - the actual total area area.

Having obtained accurate information, you can safely resume work on the acquisition of materials and repair.

In the room you will find interesting design And use the lighting that will decorate the room and provide high-quality lighting. It is important to use the most effective methods organization of housing and houses.

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According to Sanpin 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03, regulating the hygienic requirements for the organization of work, the area of \u200b\u200bthe area per person in the office is at least 4.5 m. In practice, this figure does not adhere to most employers - their employees have to use 2-3 sq. m. Where does office standards come from, how are their non-compliance dangerous for the company, and how to make it possible to calculate the office area?

Existing regulations of the area for 1 person

The old All-Union standards of living space per person installed a conditional minimum - 5 square meters.

m. It was believed that citizens who lived in a room in which each of them had more of this importance, in improving housing conditions did not need.

Later, the standards of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises per person changed to the biggest side - to 9, and then up to 12 square meters. m. But not only housing - any human habitat must provide normal conditions for its livelihoods.

Modern legal acts established several sanitary and epidemiological requirements for office space that prevent the occurrence of a threat to the health and life of employees:

    mentioned standards of the area per person of 4.5 square meters.

    m. It concerns the workplace that uses a flat-liquid-crystalline computer (LCD) screen;

    the same area is provided for each employee of the design bureau, regardless of whether it works on Kulman or a computer;

    in SNiP 2.09.04-87, the standard of the area in the office per person from a small-car group (disabled) is refined and moving on the wheelchair - 5.65 and 7.65 square meters.

    the presence of auxiliary devices common use - Printer, Big Monitor, Scanner, Fax, etc.

    How to calculate square meters. How to calculate square meters?

    - This is another reason for increasing the area.

If the duration of human work does not exceed 4 hours, it is allowed to reduce the area relying to 4.5 square meters. m or equip the so-called Hot Desk (desktop not fixed by a specific employee).

Why the employer should adhere to the rules

Employees, unsatisfied working working conditions, have the right to initiate an inspection from an independent organization, labor inspection or trade union.

If you confirm the complaints of the violator obliges to pay compensation and / or provide an enlarged vacation.

The thoughtless desire to save or buy an office space due to the cutting of the area's standard per person - a direct path to the appearance of critical moments for doing business:

    increasing discontent in the team;

    gradual decrease in motivation and performance;

    imposing penalties and penalties possible during certification.

    Assess the number of employees and office equipment and on the standards to calculate the relying area.

    2. Determine the number of passes between the tables of a width of at least 2 m.

    3. To find out the amount and dimensions of the auxiliary furniture and equipment.

    4. take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe table corner, the reception areas of visitors, security post, etc.

By summing the data obtained, you can lead to the norm of the office area and thereby avoid violation of the law.

The area is an important value that land owners often operate. It also use farmers, builders and many others. What is this value and how is it calculated? How many square takes the square meter and how to calculate it?


The area is a two-dimensional characteristic of the space, which determines the size of the geometric shapes. It is used in medicine, mathematics, agriculture, engineering. In geography, the magnitude is used to determine the size of the lakes and countries, as well as for comparative characteristics Cities and various locations. Also, with the help of the area, the population density is determined on a certain territory. How many square meters in 1 hectare? To find out, you should deal with units of measurement.

Units Square

There are several basic units that are measured area. They allow the scale of the measured territories. One of the most common values \u200b\u200bis square meter (m 2). It is often used to assess the areas of residential, office and industrial premises. So, 1 square. M is equal to the segment of the plane, each side of which has a length of 1 m. To understand how many square centimeters in a square meter, it is worth introducing units of measurements.

There are such values:

  • Single square. Such a unit is a square in which the parties are equal to a certain unit. Unit is equal to its area.
  • Ar. Also called Smell. Used to measure sufficiently large objects. One AR equals 100 square meters. m.
  • Hectare. Usually hectares are used when evaluating real estate. If you translate into square meters, one hectare contains 10 thousand. sq. m.
  • Acre. Its value is 4046.86 square meters. m. There was such a value as a result of non-good measurements. Previously, it was designated by the square, which the peasant per day is able to attend. At the same time, 2 oxes should have been in its sledding.
  • Barne. This magnitude uses nuclear physicists. With its help, the cross-section of atoms is measured. So, 1 Barne equals 10⁻² q. m. You can ask - how much? If after the comma insert 28 nozzles, and only then the unit will be a visual answer.

Square meter is particularly popular for solving everyday tasks. Such a magnitude is worth considering more. It will also be useful to learn how to determine the size of the territory using non-hard computations.

Definition of Square

Most often, with the help of a square meter, the floor area is calculated, as well as fields various destination. For example, you can measure a football field or room for accommodation. You can do this with the help of a conventional roulette or measuring tape. The size of the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is calculated simply - it is necessary to multiply the valley of the measured territory on its width.

Square measurement

To measure the area of \u200b\u200ba certain territory, it is worth choosing a measuring tape. Its use will make it possible to make the measurement process simpler and rapid. In the presence of a roulette or tape, which measures in inches. It is worth first to carry out all the necessary calculations, and then translate inches into square meters.

Features of measuring space in square. M:

  • Determining the length of the measured area. A procedure is performed by laying a measuring tape from one square angle or rectangle to another. Length is a big out of the parties.
  • With a length of greater than 1 m, it is worth calculating and centimeters.
  • If the object is not a square and not a rectangle, it is necessary to either split it into these figures, or use the method of calculating complex figures.
  • If it is impossible to measure the length 1 time it is worth doing this in stages. It is necessary to decompose the roulette to make the necessary marks where it ends. You must repeat until the entire length is measured.
  • After that, you begin to measure the width. For this, the roulette is placed at an angle of 90 degrees to the length of the object. The resulting number, as in the case of length, should be recorded.

After the measurements are carried out, you must translate centimeters to meters. It is worth remembering that 1 cm is equal to 0.1 m. This means that if the number of 4 m 35 cm was obtained as a result of the measurements, 4.35 m will be translated into meters.

Almost every person necessarily heard the expression "Ramating Meter". For many, this definition remains quite complicated, as it is absolutely not clear what the difference between the sq. m. from ordinary. What is the conversation?

One running meter is equal to the usual length of one meter.It is used to measure goods having a certain width, for example, linoleum. Make the calculation of the cost of the goods, taking the route meters, much easier than calculating the cost of square.

For example, you need to purchase a carpet coating, 2.5 and a certain length in the store. Make a calculation of 1 m2, such a segment is not very convenient. To do this, it is necessary to determine the area of \u200b\u200bgoods. Then divide it into squares. In other words, it is necessary to perform difficult mathematical calculations.

It is much easier to take the calculations based on the robust. To determine the cost of goods, it will be necessary to multiply the length of the carpet segment by the number of meters.

There is a sufficiently large list of goods in which the calculation of the cost is conducted by the number of route meters. These include.

  • Fabrics.
  • Linoleum.
  • Carpet.
  • Finishing film.
  • Rolled polyethylene.
  • Electric wires.
  • All sorts of pipes.
  • Various fences.
  • Fences.

Furniture calculation

A lot of consumers believe that the calculation of the route meters only applies to rolled materials. However, this opinion is not entirely true. Buying goods, we often encounter a certain roll width. Rays very often determine the cost of furniture.

To be clear, turn to the next example.

Furniture manufacturer made approximate calculation. To fully fill the three-meter kitchen, considering all the details of the furniture, it will need 30000 rubles. Consequently, the cost of 1 m of furniture will be 10,000 rubles. In other words, this cost will correspond to the price of one route meter. Based on such, fairly simple mathematical calculations, the manufacturer of furniture can inform the customer which costs of the furniture set of the corresponding sample will be.

However, it is necessary to consider one an important nuance. When calculating the price price m, only the cost of cheap fittings and material was taken into account. Sometimes the cost of accessories is not included in the calculation.

Therefore, if you have done a very tempting proposal, you must know what material the goods are made which accessories are installed on it. In this way, quite often attract new buyers.

How many mm in the route meter

As already mentioned one mongrel meter is equal to one standard meter. From here it turns out that in the 1store meter 1000 mm.

Square table

So, to make it easier to deal with units of measurement, they can be reduced into one table, in which their relationship will be seen, and it will be quite easy to translate some units to others.

What does the term "square meter" mean

This unit is intended for calculating the square of the square, which each side will be 1 meter. To determine the size of the area, it is necessary to multiply the height and the length of the goods. A brief form is used to designate. m.

Today, this unit is found in our lives almost everywhere. The most illustrative example can be called dimensional dimensions. In other words, if we are talking about an apartment in 16 m2, it means that the area of \u200b\u200bthe floor is equal to this value.

The square meter is most often found in the construction industry. To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, 6 m long and a height 4, you just need to multiply six to four. It turns out that the wall area is equal to 24 m2.