
Flowers that grow on the street. Garden plants for shadow and half


  • Shadow and half is not the same
  • Flowers preferring dry shadow
  • Fans of shadow and moisture
  • Secto Garden Design Features

In any gardening manual, traditional recommendations are given that it is necessary to choose for landings only the solar square. However, the place that is almost always in the shade, too, I also want to somehow reflect the green plantings.

For those who have a plot located in a shaded area, you need to choose the shadowable flowers for landing.

The problem is solved quite simply - pick up, growing in the shade.

If you ask such a goal, you can find that there are many varieties quite.

Shadow and half is not the same

For each flower, it is still necessary solar light, even for some small quantities it will be enough.

Choosing the necessary varieties for flower beds shady garden, It is necessary to take into account many factors affecting the development of flower, the abundance of colors, the duration of flowering and the brightness of the color of the inflorescence. Therefore, you need to look attentively to the expected landing site to determine how long there is a straight sun rays there.

The longitude of the daylight and the presence of direct sunlight is different concepts, although it also affects flowering. Some plants are less than 12 hours of daylight for full growth and development, and others need more. But it is more important to establish the duration of direct midday glow, as:

  • shadow - this is when the plant gets only 3 hours of direct daylight in the middle of the day, and everything else is the illumination is extremely limited;
  • halfing implies 3-hour illumination or in the morning or in the evening, and in the most peak of solstice shadow. This also includes good illumination of flower beds throughout the day, but without direct sunlight.
  • a rarellic shadow is when the sun penetrates all day to garden plantings, but it meets on its way of obstacles in the form of a tree crown with rather rare foliage.

It would seem, relying on the aforementioned concepts, you can start studying vegetation, which will respond positively on the shadow conditions. But it was not there. The shaded area can be characterized by even excessive aridness or humidity, which also significantly affects the plants.

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Flowers preferring dry shadow

Drought can be promoted by a large tree that not only closes the sun, but also takes all the mighty root system nutrients From the soil. Although the shadow hinders the evaporation of moisture, but the thick crown of the tree and does not give her to penetrate during the rain. Nevertheless, there are flowers that are satisfied with such a medium. First of all, these are shadow bulbous representatives, blooming in early spring or late autumn. As a rule, in the spring there is still enough moisture to stock it for full growth and flowering. And in the fall of foliage from the tree already pops up, again creating favorable conditions that they love.

Of the spring representatives, it is necessary to pay tribute to the varieties of primroses that feel comfortable immediately after the snow from the trees and shrubs, as this is their natural environment. Snowdrop, hyacinth, daffodil, crocus or arrogant successfully fit into the design of the shady dry garden. During the winter and spring, these flowers are drinking in the desired moisture, which is enough for flowering. In the summer, on the contrary, they are at rest.

Yellow and crimped autumn landscape will discard bright autumn crocuses, kolkhikum, lycirice. Although the Kolychikum is confused with crocus, blooming in autumn, but this is the most common lack. Perfect the autumn cyclamen. At the foot of the tree on it is beneficially affected by sheet humus. Liliopa or peat lily is also ready to come up with a half-day and even shadow surrounded by high trees and shrubs. From the herbby liana of aconite, which will fit into a secluded corner of a dry shady garden, you can organize a real flowering wall. The drought-resistant can be attributed to the hardy Badan, but if he gives a little moisture, he will feel better.

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Fans of shadow and moisture

Telebobile flowers, preferring shadow and moisture are presented in a wide range, and fill them with such a plot will not be difficult. For such places is characterized by free penetration of precipitation and the structure of the soil, which delays moisture for a long time. There are, of course, there are disadvantages in a wet shadow and a half, since such a medium contributes to the propagation of the slug.

Garden flowers, loving wet shadow, these are varieties of Lilynikov, Badan, Boundary, Aquille, Astilba and others with large foliage, like blooming, and not. Astille cannot be said separately, the variety of paintings is in the range from milk-white to purple. Unpretentious, in the shadow of a wet garden, she is pleasing to his color for a long time, which I want to transfer to the vase. But in the cut, it is short-lived, but a bouquet cut at the end of the vegetation is good and in a dried state. If Astilba and Geranium, preferring the shadow, can grow and in the sun with proper moisture, then other plants need only in the fellow and the dense shadow of the trees. The dotentre, called the magnificent, the birthplace of which is the United States, with the sunlight it can "load" and fall into the hibernation state, so that, with the arrival of autumn coolness and sufficient humidity, please be unusual blossom.

Well, in the conditions of the shadow and humidity, most of the varieties of bells feel, the fern grows: Pureness, Ostrichnik, Male Shield. The fern is not accepted to disembark in groups, but who is present near the Red College Geichera, is good with him, diluting the green shades of flower beds.

If the discharge plants differ in most of their small flowers, but their feature is a fractional form of inflorescences and leaves, which has a decorative meaning. So, the hosts, although they do not have a bright colorful colors, but they attract attention in a half-way foliage.

Plants prefering well-moist soils and shadows, this is a branched, host, clock, clockon. It must be said that the choice of the moisture-loving representatives is much more. Therefore, asking how to plant what flowers in the shadows, it can be found that they are not one hundred. A flower garden in which there will be a place of the teothelobile species may be no less attractive place in the garden design, which lit by the sun flower bed.

It gives the desired coolness; Having no legs, moves around the garden, giving it a depth and mystery. The mysterious lady of sewers by name happens completely different - it is full of contrasts and halftone, which indirectly affect our emotional state and directly - to choose suitable plants In the beloved garden. Let's get more about her habits and whims!

Halftime, or scattered light, Starting in places that are clusted to the rays of the Sun more than 4-5 hours a day. Characteristic permanent game glare, coolness and higher humidity have a beneficial effect on many green tenants, such as, or. And even among the sollide herbal, there are a lot of those who have a well tolerate openwork shadow, for example highlander sparkum or vasilisnik doing. But in the complete shadow, say, from the northern side of a high building or under trees and shrubs with a large and dense crown, sunlight Chronically lack. Here are able to survive only the most persistent, for example (Vinca) or. What design is optimally suitable for your shady garden?

2. Similar to airfoot pink inflorescences Astilba Astilb (Astilbe × Arendsii) 'Bressing Beauty' very spectacular look at a contrasting dark background. This is one of the few plants that can abundantly and longly bloom in the shade. However, the complete absence of the Sun is contraindicated, the openwork shadow is suitable for it. This perennial perfectly winters in middle lane Russia is not successful in insects.

3. C, thick braided and, pronted distant corner in the garden turned into cozy, reserved from prying eyes Place for leisure.

4. Stylish solution:a flower garden with (Heuchera) and a bell (Campanula) is enough to add suitable, such as a clay statuette, and the composition will take place!

5. Magnificent herbian perennials, such as Honeola's Honeola ', decorate the winding path from the clinker. 6. White-pink flowers (Astrantia Major) Looks like openwork buttons. This filigree grassy perennial bribes the charm of naturalness. The plant is perfectly multiplied by self-sowing.

: Two lush fern - (1) Female Kochesky (Athyrium Filix-Femina) - spread out her openwork leaves, as if under his hands picking up (2) Kirengycheshy Dlanoid (Kirengeeshoma Palmata), which decorate delicate yellow flowers and leaves, similar to maples. On the right brings bright colors in the composition (3) Adenofora hybrid (Adenophora Hybride) 'Amethyst' with blue-purple bells. In the foreground attracts look (4) Liriope Muskarevoid (Liriope Muscari) with thin cereal leaves. In August-September she has remarkable spurious inflorescences. Liriopoe complements orange-yellow (5) mekonopsis Cambrius (MeConopsis Cambrica) 'Aurantiaca', which appears in all its glory only in a cool shadow.

8. Shadowish tall representatives of flora, eg volzhanka dwalleman (Aruncus Dioicus), great and solo. Tenderness of white lush inflorescences of the plant emphasizes the bright red structure background. 9. Stages organically look in the arms of thickets Mekonopsis Cambrius (Meconopsis Cambrica), Crested and Peppercut 'Golden Tiara'.

Plants for, located in a half, deliberately chose tone to the tone: This is a classic option that always looks harmonious. In all its glory, Pets appear at the peak of the summer. At this time, compact pink inflorescences appear (1) Glowing Highland (Polygonum amplexicaule) 'Anna'. Next to every blow of the breeze pegs (2) Osokov Haw (Carex Pendula) with picturesque diligent beautiful leaves. In July, the composition support purple-red heads (3) astrants large (Astrantia Major) 'Abbey Road'. Paints in a flaming floral bonfire adds and (4) Hybrid Geichera HEUCHERA HYBRIDE) 'OBSIDIAN' 'with dark red leaves and charming pink inflorescences. Between the gamers are sprinkling soil (5) geranium hybrid (Geranium Hybride) 'Sue Crug', which from July to September fascinates pink-purple flowers.

In this example, high and low plants are planted in a multi-level composition as they usually grow in nature: in the background - the highest, on the front - the lowest. To the right proudly stretches the upset (1) (ACONITUM NAPELLUS), which blooms from July to August. Next to the wave of my unusual huge leaves (2) Konskokashtanova Rodgersia Aesculifolia. It contrasts beautifully with her (3) Vasilisnik doing (Thalicrum Delanavayi) 'Album' is a gentle herbal perennial with airfolded inflorescences that are perfectly suitable for cutting. Left flower garden decorates one of the most beautiful summer flowering plants - (4) hydrangea hydrangea (Hydrangea Macrophyll), whose snow-white balls-inflorescences attract the look with incredible sizes. In the center there is an unusually hardy (5) Male Shield (Dryopteris Filix-Mas). The edge of the flower bed lighten the wide oval leaves of the spell (6) Highbrid hosts (Hosta Hybride) 'Patriot'.

12. Jungle in mini-format: in one container together adjacent ivy, guards (Gillenia), schistoponous multi-square (Polystichum Setiferum) 'Dahlem', bell Split (Campanula Punctata) 'Sarastro' and derbian (Blechnum).

You can clearly structure the plot by laying strict geometric shapes. Or, on the contrary, make your green oasis more intriguing, with the predominance of smooth lines and transitions, that is, close to nature. The choice of the stylistic strategy depends largely on the specific conditions: so, under a colorful large tree, the imitation of the forest cleaner will look better, and the formal "straight" style is more appropriate in the inside courtyard in the inside courtyard. Scattered deciduous trees "Half-line" pacifies, but a sharp thick shadow from home can catch melancholy and depress. However, each case is individual: for example, a corner from the eastern side of the building lit by the morning sun is quite suitable for where you can have breakfast and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Alas, adapted to the shadow of floral plants are significantly less than the solmeylum. But among the shadowless abuse of decorative tight handsome men with a different structure, shape and color of the leaves - on them, it is worth betting, drawing up a shady corner, because these modest characters set the tone in such places. For example, burning (epimedium), Rogersia (Rodgersia) and hosta (Hosta), although occurring from East Asia, grow perfectly in our latitudes.

Flower beds from (Darmera) and Rogers are very dynamic (Rodgersia) with large leaves in combination with filigree decorative herbs and fern. For colorful, they can be diluted with floral grassy perennials, such as astrantia (Astrantia), Cimicifuge (Cimicifuga) and Astilbe (Astilbe).

Choosing for landings in the shade, give preference to plants with motley white-green leaves and white flowers - in dark corners they will serve as so-called illuminators. Pastel blue, pink and lilac tones Also most effectively look at the muted light. Finally, it is impossible not to remember the couple of indisputable advantages of shady flower beds: thick landings with endless herbian perennials bypass, and the moisture from the soil evaporates not as fast as in the sun.

Who said the shady corners of the garden should led me a longing?

There is no dispute, most of the most beautiful blooming perennials prefers sunny sections. And yet, among them, there are a lot of such that they themselves wonder the dark places.

These plants do not need a lot of light, they love shadow and half.

They themselves are lighten from the inside, reviving the dark sections of the garden. And with the right selection bloom almost round year.

Relatively thin wide leaves of perennial plants of the teothelubs are well adapted to the meager lighting. Like sun-billed plants, they prefer loose, fertile soils.

The intensity of watering perennials depends on specific place their growing. In a constant shadow of the crowns of trees, shrubs or from buildings with evenly high humidity, watering should be relatively rare. But the more sunny rays penetrate the shady space, especially at noon time, the more water is required by plants.

Flowers for shadow

Of course, among teotelubil plants Pretty blooming perennials prevail are prevalent. However, now you will make sure that beautiful flowers for shadow - It is also quite real.

Catchment, digitalis and avensThe optimal for which is halftime, feel well and on the open sun places, provided that the soil will be constantly wet.

Epimedium, klopogon. (cuminicifuga) and mentenia (MERTENSIA), on the contrary, are best developed in full shadow, so at least half a day must be protected from sunlight.

Attractiveness of many colors loving shadow - fuckey, cuff, badan. and geihans - It is primarily explained by their wonderful deciduous outfit.


But these paints shaded places give such large-scale decorative perennials as astilba, buzotof, volzhanka Diocus (Aruncus Diocus).

Especially elegant inhabitants of the "kingdom of shadows" are such flowers as gorgeous dotcentre (DICENTRA SPECTABILIS) and bought, on long arcuate stems of which, like pearls on the necklace thread, ride tender flowers.

At the foot of the trees and shrubs, such large-scale and balloting cultures are very beautifully looking at dubravnaya anemone (Anemone Nemorosa) nurse Spring (Omphalodes Verna) or soborous liver. With its white and blue flowers, they already brightly paint the openwork half-night under their crowns.

In May, they come to change such wonderful soil perennials as epimedium, geranium Largeneuries (Geranium Macrorhizum) and hochlak.

It is not easy to choose perennials for shady places that bloom in the summer months. At this time, the flower bed is determined astrance, mekonopsis, bell milky-leak (Campanula Lactiflora).

In the fall, the garden is also not deprived of the paints. Up to October here bloom fuchsia, fighter (aconite) and hybrid japanese anemone (Anemone Japonica).

And with the slightest retreat of winter, we are admirable for the freshness of flowers (Helleborus Niger) under the trees and shrubs. Slight later, in April, reveal the charming cups of flowers selection varieties of spring oriental cloth (Helleborus orientalis).

So, with the skillful combination of perennial cultures, it is quite possible to make "bloom" shadow corners of the garden almost all year round.

An excellent addition to flower outfits serve fern. Their filigree leaves-wiy in any composition bring the fragrance of naturalness and romanticism.

The shape of its white or pinkish bell flowers on long stems, densely crossed bright green leaves, Polygonatum reminds Lily of Lily. And as well as he loves the shadow.

Colorful ensemble

Beautiful high perennials - a buczoite, a labaznik, an astilba and a derbennik, and literally poured dark zones with their light near shrubs and trees with thick green foliage.

(Ajuga REPTANS) - Soil Pumplings, Flowers in May.

Digitalis (Digitalis) - Wild-growing perennial, deprived of self-sowing.

Flowers for your flower beds in the shade

Epimedium - Flower metels of this wonderful soil plants hang over thick foliage. Small, similar to flowers; Autumn beautifully painted foliage; dense bushes. Place planting plants - semolot and shadow; Under the trees or on the edge of shrubs.

Catchment () - His delightful flowers always attract attention. Filigined flowers on straight bluetic flowers; Often two-color. A varieties with a new coloring constantly appear on sale. Severated by self-sowing. Place of landing for this flower - semolot or in the sun; Rabatka, blooming lawn, along the edge of shrubs.

Klopogon - High flowerons perfectly decorate the shady garden zones. Attractive and its pubescent leaves. Perennial with large inflorescences on slim straight bluers; It is not recommended to replant. For this plant will suit half-day and shadow; Under the trees or on the edge of shrubs.

From dense bunch of funk-shaped flowers, gradually blooming upwards, it is impossible to tear out. High spurious inflorescences; The short-lived wilderness of the perennial energizing by self-sowing. Choose a place in a half or sun; You can also on dry soils along the edge of shrubs.

Fighter (Athonite) - This perennial owes is owned by the helmet form of flowers. Also, its dense slightly drooping foliage. Wonderful major perennial for romantic and natural and peasant farms; It has poisonous juice. Planting place plants - semolot or in the sun; wet soils; Rabatka or on the edge of shrubs.

Avens - among shadowish perennials Gravilate is highlighted in a special juicy paint. Excellent soil flower with evergreen foliage; Repeated bloom after trimming. In winter it should be protected from frosts. Place of planting this flower is a half or sun; wet soils; Rabata or on the edge of shrubs.

Anemone (Anemone) is one of the lowest cultures for shady seats. In the spring covers huge areas. This dense carpet from small radious flowers; In winter, there needs to be protected from frosts. Place of landing of these colors is a half or shadow; Dry soils are possible; on the edge of shrubs.

Doccentra - juicy red heart-shaped flowers on elegantly curved long stems are unusually elegant. Published foliage; The transplant is not recommended. Put a mecenter in a half or shadow; Under the trees or on the edge of shrubs.

Small tubular flowers on long arcoid stems. Place of landing - a half or shadow; wet soils; on the edge of shrubs.

Astilba - peristreetwist floral bulbs over thick deciduous cover; In winter, it is recommended to protect against frost. Place of landing for the Astilba - Halfing or Shadow; On the Rabatka or on the edge of shrubs.

Plant name Height, see Color coloring Picture

What flowers to put in the shadows? This question interests many people who have their homes and are little represented, where and what plants will plant. Especially in almost any garden there are places where the rays of the sun do not fall, and they are often considered unfavorable for planting cultures. However, at such a place with a shaded surface, you can place many plants, trees and colors. It is the tepeless plants that make their eyes with relief, bright, beautiful leaves, which sometimes more attractive than the colors themselves. Plants are very different from light-affiliated not only with their preferences, but also appearance.

Choose a landing place

Before boarding, it is necessary to estimate the place, namely:

  1. 1 The density of the shade on the site, since there are plants that love a solid shadow, and there are those that watch in the sun will not hurt.
  2. 2 The presence of trees is an important factor, since many plants are better to plant under the trees, bushes, thickets.
  3. 3 soil quality. There are plants that survive in any soil, others need a special substrate.
  4. 4 intimacy of groundwater. Many teen-bog plants love moisture, and some can do without it.
  5. 5 The probability of flooding. It is very important that in places with possible flooding were planted cultures that can transfer a large number of water.

After selecting the site, you can proceed to plant disembarking.

Types of flowers

In the shady area, trees and shrubs are more often planted, but also blooming cultures here can delight the eyes.

Garden shaded places are traditionally considered unsuitable for creating flower beds, a beautiful green lawn here will not grow here either. But it's not at all!

There are many shadowish plant, quite suitable for landscaping the shadow zone of the garden. With any garden there are places where the sun rarely looks. Shaded places under the trees, the sections near the northern side of the buildings are considered a problem zone. Ordinary garden colors and decorative shrubs The light is not enough for normal development. But with some experience, it is always possible to choose the plants that will feel very comfortable here. Read more than to do the landscaping of the shady garden zone, it is necessary to decide on such parameters:

  • Illumination of the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe Sun at the time of the year-selling or dry soil here

The degree of illumination of the Sun.

The shady of this or that garden zone is determined by the duration and intensity of the sunlight, which it gets. If the plot is lit by the Sun 1-2 hours a day, then the light is not enough for most colors, especially if the sun looks here early in the morning or at sunset.

Plants for shady garden sections

Some places may not be covered with straight sunshine at all, getting only dissipated light. Usually it is zones in walls of buildings from the north. The degree of illumination of the same site varies depending on the season.

Early spring under the crown of deciduous trees is light, and when leaves appear - light is not enough for flowers. Factors such as the height of the sun over the horizon, the duration of the light day, which are created by the crowns of trees, can be thick or rarefied.

In a bright, rarefied shadow, under the canopy of trees and shrubs with small or coded leaves, such as gray walnut, acacia, rowan, sea buckthorn, herbate plants Feel good. Large trees with a wide crown, with low branches, creating a thick shadow.

Types of colors for shady sections

All herbaceous plants that are suitable for the shaded garden can be divided into two categories:

  • Teleboy. These plants prefer shady zones, on the bright sun they grow worse than in the shade (host, valley, parquinine). Shadowish plants. This includes species capable of growing both in the sun and in the shade (Doronikum, Akvilia, Astilba).

For the landscaping of shaded zones in the garden, those and others are suitable for gardening.

Bulbous plants for shaded garden zones

All wounds of bulbous are well suited for landing in the shade. Snowdrops (Galanatus, Szillus, Muscari are often planted in the rolling circles of fruit trees, under shrubs. The time of their flowering is an early spring, when the trees are still standing without leaves.

At this time, there are enough light, and the growing season of these plants is short. Narcissus and tulips can also grow in shaded places, but they are more frequently, therefore, they use some tricks of growing bulbous. Himself feeling in the shadow of a white studio and ornithogallum (bird championship), you can grow crocosmium.

Shadowish perennials

Perennial plants are the most common on flower beds. It does not require annual sowing and especially difficult care. Among them there are many species capable of growing in weakly lit plases. Queen shadow can be called the host.

This amazing plant is well evolving and blooms in any shadow, creating large curtains of green or motley leaves. Together with the host, you can plant and buy.

Ferns are also changing plants, even though they do not bloom, but their beautiful leaves are very decorative and combined well with any other plants. Anemones, primriors have proven themselves. You can land anstilbs, Badan, Badwin, Lily of the Lily, Akvilia, dicentro, yellow chamomile (Doronikum), forget-me-not, Aruncus (Volzhanka).

If the sun looks at at least an hour at some corner of the garden, especially if it happens during the day, you can safely plant irises, loyal, flocks, aconite, peonies. Attent, where the shadow is so thick, which does not grow anything, put soil workers: hoofed or Ayugu (luggage). Another good soil plant for the shadow is the usual forest strawberry.

Indoor Plants for Garden Gardening

Not so long ago, new items have appeared on the market, immediately gained popularity as beautiful plants for the shadow zone of the garden. This is Begonia Emerctive and Balzam Waller. These plants used to be grown as indoor plants.

New varieties, more cold-resistant and with a variety color gamutOffered for growing in the garden. These species, especially Begonia, ever-flowing, just a find for flower beds in the problem places of the garden. In addition, used for garden landscaping and such thermal-loving plants, like a begonia of tuber and grinding (Calla). They have tubers, they require wintering in the room (you can keep in the cellar), frosts are not kept, but in the gardens are able to blossom and in shaded corners. Requires the edges of their garden, where the sun is rarely peeking, and rejoice in beauty and variety of nature in all her manifestations. The sequence of the site is determined by the duration and intensity of sunlight. The illumination of the zone in turn depends on the duration of the daylight, the height of the sun and the presence of trees, the crowns of which create a shadow. Selecting the teothelubile plants for flowers, it is necessary to focus on the degree of sampling of the site and its soil composition

Plants densely shaded areas

Spending areas include zones that are illuminated by daylight for three hours, and the rest of the time have only limited illumination. In the rest of the time there are enough shading, created by the crowns of oldest colorful trees or the walls of the northern sides of the building, are able to maintain decorative such plants: European, tiarca Calcarized, bug and nine gorgeous shadow creates a dense crown of ate. Under her canopy, it will be comfortable to sit down the sepure or gentle Arisema, the flowers of which appeared externally resemble elegant glasses. With a dense shadow, a special microclimate is created, which is different high humidity Air and soil. Such conditions are favorable for the formation of flower beds in the shade, the basis of which is an astilba, geranium, a freezer, a volzhanka, aubravnaya anemone. The hosts, the species diversity of which are calculated by several thousands of thousands of thousands of people, is well humidized soils. amazing plants At first of all the beauty of foliage with a rich palette of colors, starting with gentle-green and blue shades and ending with rich-yellow with white splashing center of the telyo-brunt flower can perform extraordinary beautiful graceful ferns: the pureness of the Great, Ostrichnik and Male Piece. This is due to the challenges of conifers, The decorative varieties of juniper can be attributed to their number, Canadian Tsi and Eli Ordinary.

Armage arrangement on a plot with a light shadow

Lastly shadow creates trees with an openwork crown: cherry, acacia, cherry, aspen, pine ... Some trees, such as birch and cherry, creating a scattered shadow, significantly dried the soil within the crown radius. This should be taken into account, since most of the shadowable plants are moisturely loving by their nature. There is a lot of shadows prefer vision of broad-sized, Barwin, Forest, Forest Anemone.

At the plots with a dry shadow, it is best to plant a premuna spring, Badan, a socket, cereal. On sites where the sun comes from 3 to 5 hours a day, you can plant domesticated lupins and the lytered semi-indental sites comfortably feel medicinal herbs: peppermint, pink radiol, Estragon, Melissa Drug. Not demanding on solar lighting and: Spring Pad, Medicarus, Musarannik fragrant. Thanks to the fact that such sites get more sunlight, the choice of plants to fill them significantly expands.

For the formation of a flower garden, you can use species peonies: Maryn Root, Caucasian, Wittman. The croon of pine trees cozy the valley, Barwinka, the bonus and violets, which also prefer to grow on the sabe and sandy soil, the number of shadowish trees and shrubs can be attributed to the Cypress Fryer Fir Korean, Juniper Cossack, as well as Hydrangea tree, elderberry, black and turden white. Among the Lian for cultivation in the shade, the sodoggers of the round-head and actinide kolomykt are well suited.

Define the optimal composition of the soil

Many of them are attractive from the point of view. landscape design An unusual shape of sheet plates or the original shape of the bush. These plants include: Pahisandra, Host, Ivy, Barwin. The "highlight" of other shadowable plants are colorful berries, for example, at a haulteria or a kizilnik. In order for the plants to show their beauty to fully, it is necessary to take care of the relevant conditions for their cultivation.

Dense clay soil - far from the best way To arrange a flower garden. The entry plants do not differ in bright beauty. Their main advantage is colorful foliage, which retains decorativeness throughout the entire seasonight, plants on fertile, enriched mineral and organic fertilizers, loose and thin soils prevail on the site, it is possible to improve their composition by making peat and sand. To enrich sandy soils, you can additionally make humus or fertile clay soil.

Flower Garden Design Variations in Shadow

The characteristic feature of flower beds formed from the shadowish plants is a contrast combination of shapes and coloring of the leaves. Therefore, choosing plants for a flower garden, you should pay attention to the form of their leaves, because with their help you can make a floral composition for truly unique and original. Like any vegetable compositions, formed taking into account the principles of multi-tier, when the foreground occupy little plants, and the middle and back plan - more tallest samples and largely for the flower beds are given a central place in the shaded plot, the highest plants are placed in the middle of the composition, and as the growth of colors are removed from it, the plant decreases such a way of arrangement of the plant, and The composition effectively looks from all sides. The originality of the flower bed is possible by alternating plants with foliage, decorated with horizontal and vertical lines. For example: a successful combination is created by a number of garden geraniums or aperture on the background of a volatile degree. It is always possible with the help of plants in pots in the vegetable composition. Capacities with plants are convenient to rearrange, changing the composition and achieving the desired effect. We offer you to watch the video selection of "all about plants for shady places":

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Therefore, all recommendations for planting vegetables and berries begin, as a rule, from one sentence "Choose a site well lit by the sun." But at any reason there are places where the sun's rays look infrequently. Under the crowns of fruit trees, the fence, behind the house or for the bath there is always an unlikely block of land, where and I would like to plant something useful, but the shadow.

And what to put in the shadows, if nothing is growing there? It is not true, some vegetables and shrubs relate to the shadow acceptable, grow well and give a crop, despite the scanty "light packs". The press will notify that the shadow in the southern regions, in the middle lane and in the north, are different concepts.

And if in the south in the half you can grow cucumbers, and zucchini, pumpkins and watermelons, then in the north you will have to do with greens and salads. We will consider cultures here that you can easily put on the pronted areas of the middle strip.

Vegetables growing in shadow


Universal vegetable, from the acidic stems of which you can cook anything: from soups to desserts. Revel bushes grow well in the shade, if not forget about timely irrigation.

Wanting to put rhubarb, it is better to ask the neighbors part of the root - then the bush will grow faster, gains strength and give juicy stalks. When landing, the seeds will have to wait a year or the other until the plant is strengthened.


Salad Latuke, Odessa Kuchecher and other types of sheet and cooked salads, sorrel, spinach, mangold, arugula, cress, salad, sheet mustard perfectly feel on the shaded bed. Perhaps they will not give such powerful leaves as in the sun, but for a long time will remain gentle, they will not be loaded, they will not be pattering and will not go into color for a long time.


Bluebird or bear onions, plant combining the taste of garlic and bow, is considered medicinal plant. By adding a pair of abrahe leaves in their spring salad, you will provide yourself and relative to the additional portion of vitamins. Since in nature, the abyme grows in the forest, under powerful crowns of trees, a thick shadow for her - the house is native.


Those who are not interested in preserving vegetables for the winter does not like sharp sauces, does not dry garlic for cooking powder, and it grows exclusively as a spicy seasoning, which is not much needed, it is easy to plant garlic in the shade under apple trees, plums or between currant bushes. The heads, maybe, will be smaller, but the whole bed is free to more frequent vegetables.

Green and spicy herbs

Some spicy herbs, for example, Basil without the Sun will not survive, but here is parsley, celery, kinza, mint, soul man, loving, etaragon, Melissa, Thymeyan will grow in the twilight and please you with their aroma. If you decide to dissolve the green garden under the apple trees, do not forget to close the planting by the film during the spraying of the apple tree by chemicals to prevent the poisons from entering the edible greens.


Growing targets are divided into two categories: Some believe that the beets should be powerful and large, others prefer small root roots, which are more gentle and more comfortable in preparation. If you are closer to the second position, then feel free to plant beets in the shade of trees.

Rare sunlight penetrating, through the crown it will be enough for her, and the root corrupts will not turn around. Also in the shade you can grow root parsley and Pasternak.

Perennial Luke

Schitt-bow and bow-slims flourish in a half, and their greens become more juicy. Schitt-bow speaks well and after a couple of years can fill all the space allotted under it without your participation. In addition to early greenery, Schitt-bow gives beautiful lilac flowers caps, which and people please and insects are attracted to the plot.

Beans and bush beans

Not all sorts of beans and bush beans grow well and fruit into the shadows, but it is possible to pick up the teothelubile varieties. Especially recommended to plant them under the apple tree and after harvesting leaves the tops as a green fertilizer for improving and enriching the soil.


Stren - King Shadow. Put it in the dark place of the garden, he will still grow up and give a shameful crop of gentle leaves for use when singing cucumbers.

Berry shrubs growing in the shade

The shadow of shrubs are well tolerated, which in nature grows under the woods of the forest: IRGA, KALINA, black-like rowan (aronym), blue honeysuckle. With them the shadow area to turn from a barren place in a real berry conveyor - just have time to collect.

Many breeding books. In the first half of the summer, they will delight their bright fragrant flowers and clutch of useful bumblebees, curly around, and in the fall they collect the harvest of vitamin berries for drying.

If you have an unoccupied dark block of land along the fence, put a fragrant raspberry - the raspberry berries in the shade will be larger and more. In the south, only in the shade you can plant red and black currants.

Currant swamps, accustomed to humidity, will not transfer southern drought if it will grow on the sun. In the middle currant strip (especially red), it can also grow in the shade, but the berries will ripen. Use the signed sections of its garden to the maximum, do not be mistaken if some of the recommended teothelubile vegetables you will fail - a lot of options, and one of They will definitely be yours. We eat success and large crops!

What flowers can be landed in the garden shadow

Traditionally, owners of country sites or houses in the private sector pay more attention to many years of fruit trees and shrubs. Often during the construction of the cottage leave coniferous breeds Trees who give a unique and healthy fragrance. However, on the receipt of the sector, I want to see in addition to the trees, more and flowers. The mining of magnificent blooming plants love good solar lighting and ventilated soil, but there are species of perennials that prefer to live in the shade.

What flowers to put in the shadowsIn order to competently break the flower bed on the shaded garden plot, you need to determine how thick the shadow in the place where the flowers will be planted. Moreover, an important factor For good growth and flowering plants is soil moisture. If there is a strong shading on the site due to old thick trees or the location of the flower bed on the northern side of the garden, then as decorative landing You can consider the following options: - Ninexille is great;

Gorgeous "Five" - \u200b\u200bTelebobile Plants for Garden

The shady corner can be made no less decorative than the one where the sun is enough, you just need to competently pick up plants. Flowers, well-carrying shadow or half, quite a lot, however, most of them have a short flowering period, upon completion of which they lose their decorativeness, as a rule, it is the primroses. Zhensky site "Noadless" picked up plants for you that have high decorativeness all season As during flowering and after it.

Among the proposed options there are such plants growing in the shade, which in these conditions are not just survived, and without direct sunlight feel much better. We will start with them.

What to put in the shadows? Of course, the host!

I first acquire the host, I landed it wrong. I was lucky that she did not die, but simply spent several years in the same condition - three pathetic leaves, one of whom in the middle of the summer was married to the same Cahli bloom.

The disappointment was full, besides, I was sure that the possible decorativeness of the host was enclosed in the leaves, but not in the colors. In that time, it was difficult to get any information about hosts, and in the shadow she moved only because it is necessary It was free to free, as the issue of growing roses arose on the agenda, and there are not so many sunny sites on the plot. After a year, I was able to divide the bush into three parts.

The leaves acquired a varietal color, and I realized that the colors at the host were very beautiful, and their smell is the dream of French perfumes. Host colors require minimal care. All they need is regular watering.

Soil should not save. The place for the host is chosen shady. They will feel great and in the shade of the house, and under the trees.

Under wide and thick leaves, the host is practically no weeds, so that they don't need to buy the soil with caution, since the roots have a property being closer to the surface (especially in plants that have not been transplanted for a long time). Host flowers perfectly tolerate winter, their roots do not swell in spring.

Slugs are the greatest danger. The host is breeding a bush. In the spring, just cut the bush and put in the prepared (wide) well.

Ferns - Plants growing in the shade

Ferns are widged plants on Earth. There are a huge number of species. For growing in the shade, fern are perfect plants. They are unpretentious and extremely decorative.

Regardless of what type of fern you choose, its thickets will become a wonderful background for other plants. In the shadow of the fern leaves all summer remains saturated green, their dimensions allow you to create a natural landscape on significant areas. If you make a list: "What plants like a shadow", then fern will take one of the first places. If you decide to get fern in the garden, do not buy many plants, since in a year you yourself can supply familiar planting material.

What other flowers to put in the shadows?

If hosts and ferns love the beauty of the leaves, then Akvilia, Amemon and Floxes are grown, first of all, due to the decorativeness of flowers. Despite the fact that the flowering period of the anemone is short, it is the inhabitant of almost any garden.

Compact bushes with sputter leaves will be decorated with a shady site Even after the flowering ends. If you put the Floxes and Akvilia (catchment) next to the anemone, then you will get the constantly flowering composition. First, the anemone will bloom, then the catchment, then - phlox.

Based on such a sequence of flowering and plant plants growing in the shade: You can arrange them with tiers or alternating with each other. You have made sure that you can land in the shade you can not only please you all season? So, our magnificent "five" of the teothelubil plants: host, ferns, anemone, catchment, phlox. We hope now on your site will not remain neglected by any, even the most shaded, corner.